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Influence of the extraction solvent on antioxidant activity of Althaea officinalis L. root extracts

De Gruyter
Open Life Sciences
  • Faculty of Pharmacy Medical University of Sofia

Abstract and Figures

Althaea officinalis (Malvaceae) is a well-known plant that is widely distributed throughout the world. Aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts from A. officinalis root are used mainly because of their antitussive and expectorant activity. It is well known that these activities are based on the polysaccharide composition, but little is known about the possible antioxidant activity of root extract. The present study evaluated antioxidant activity of root extracts prepared with different extraction solvents applying ABTS·+ (2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid), hypochlorous acid scavenging assay and iron-induced lipid peroxidation. The results showed that the extract prepared with water as extraction solvent did not possess antioxidant activity, whereas the extracts obtained using ethanol:water as extraction agent showed well pronounced antioxidant activity. In particular, the extracts obtained at low concentration of ethanol in the mixed solvent (50:50 and 70:30, v/v) showed higher scavenging activity for ABTS·+ radicals and hypochlorite ions than the extract obtained with the higher ethanol concentration (90:10, v/v). These results correlated very well with phenolic and flavonoid content of the extracts. The extracts did not show cytotoxic effect on human BV-173 leukemic cells but may have immunomodulating effects due to their antioxidant properties.
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Central European Journal of Biology
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Research Article
1Department of Pharmacognosy,
Medical University of Soa, 1000 Soa, Bulgaria
2Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Medical University of Soa, 1000 Soa, Bulgaria
3Department of Physics and Biophysics, Medical Faculty,
Medical University of Soa, 1431 Soa, Bulgaria
4Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Medical University of Soa, 1000 Soa, Bulgaria
Niko Benbassat1, Krassimira Yoncheva2*, Vera Hadjimitova3, Nadia Hristova3,
Spiro Konstantinov4, Nikolai Lambov2
Inuence of the extraction solvent on antioxidant
activity of
Althaea ofcinalis
L. root extracts
1. Introduction
Althaea ofcinalis L. (genus Althaea) belongs to the
botanical family Malvaceae and is widely distributed
throughout the world. It is a perennial plant well-known
for its healing properties since ancient time. The activity
of various root extracts of A. ofcinalis against cough,
throat irritation and inammation of gastrointestinal
mucosa has been described [1,2]. Syrups prepared by
maceration of root (usually diluted with sucrose syrup)
are used in many countries for the treatment of cough
and inammation of the mouth and pharynx. Other
preparations of the plant include decoction and tea
preparation [3]. Decoction is mainly administered for
constipation [4], whereas infusion is used for bronchial
catarrh [5]. Infusions have been reported to be applied
orally for treatment of asthma and as expectorant [6,7].
Comminuted herbal substance for tea preparation
is applied to alleviate abdominal aches of digestive
origin. Antibacterial activity of root extract and its
incorporation in mouthwash for topical periodontal
prophylactics has been also reported [8]. Other studies
mentioned the potential use of root extract in topical
formulation due to its wound healing effects [7]. The
capacity of the A. ofcinalis extracts to soothe chapped
skin and to reduce the inammation is well established.
Some studies have evaluated antioxidant activity
of extracts prepared from dried plant and its owers
[9,10]. Although the above-ground parts displayed a
mild antioxidant activity [9,10], the antioxidant activity
Cent. Eur. J. Biol. • 9(2) • 2014 • 182-188
DOI: 10.2478/s11535-013-0245-2
Received 15 February 2013; Accepted 18 July 2013
Keywords: Althaea ofcinalis • ABTS•+ • Hypochlorous acid scavenging assay • Lipid peroxidation • Total phenolic content • Total avonoids
Abstract: Althaea ofcinalis (Malvaceae) is a well-known plant that is widely distributed throughout the world. Aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts
from A. ofcinalis root are used mainly because of their antitussive and expectorant activity. It is well known that these activities are based
on the polysaccharide composition, but little is known about the possible antioxidant activity of root extract. The present study evaluated
antioxidant activity of root extracts prepared with different extraction solvents applying ABTS•+ (2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-
sulphonic acid), hypochlorous acid scavenging assay and iron-induced lipid peroxidation. The results showed that the extract prepared
with water as extraction solvent did not possess antioxidant activity, whereas the extracts obtained using ethanol:water as extraction
agent showed well pronounced antioxidant activity. In particular, the extracts obtained at low concentration of ethanol in the mixed solvent
(50:50 and 70:30, v/v) showed higher scavenging activity for ABTS•+ radicals and hypochlorite ions than the extract obtained with the
higher ethanol concentration (90:10, v/v). These results correlated very well with phenolic and avonoid content of the extracts. The extracts
did not show cytotoxic effect on human BV-173 leukemic cells but may have immunomodulating effects due to their antioxidant properties.
© Versita Sp. z o.o.
N. Benbassat
et al.
of extracts from the root of A. ofcinalis remains to be
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
inuence of the extraction process on antioxidant
activity of the extracts prepared from A. ofcinalis root.
Extraction solvent, the ratio of the quantity of the herbal
substance to the quantity of the resulting extract and the
physical state of the herbal substance inuenced the
properties of the nal herbal preparation [11-14]. Since
the extraction solvent has a great inuence on the nal
phytochemical composition, this factor was evaluated in
the present study by using different extraction solvent.
2. Experimental Procedures
2.1 Plant material and chemicals
A. ofcinalis L. was cultivated and two years old
roots were obtained from Botanical Garden of Soa
University “St. Kl. Ohridski” (Soa, Bulgaria), where
voucher specimen is deposited. ABTS (2,2’-azino-
bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid), Trolox
acid), pyrogallol and quercetin were obtained from
Sigma-Aldrich. BV-173 cell line was obtained from the
German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
(DSMZ GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany).
2.2 Preparation of the extracts
The extracts were prepared using different solvents
as extraction media, in particular E1 (puried water),
E2 (50:50, v/v ethanol/water), E3 (70:30, v/v ethanol/
water) and E4 (90:10 v/v ethanol/water). The liquid
extracts were prepared at a ratio 1:10 giving a nal
concentration of 100 mg mL-1. The extraction process
included ultrasonic treatment of the soaked herbal drug
into the selected medium for 2 h. The extraction was
carried out at ultrasonic power of 300 W, frequency
of 45 kHz and temperature of 25oC (Sonica 4300,
Milano, Italy). The obtained extract was ltered trough
the cellulose membrane (3.5 kDa Roth, Karlsruhe,
Germany) and kept in dark glass bottles.
2.3 ABTS radical cation scavenging assay
The ABTS•+ scavenging test was used to determine
the antioxidant activity. ABTS•+ radical was obtained
by reaction between ABTS and potassium persulfate
[15]. Blank sample was prepared from the daily solution
by adding 1 mL PBS, which gives an absorbance of
0.7 ± 0.01 at 723 nm. The radical scavenging activity
was assessed by mixing 2 ml of ABTS•+ solution with
1 mL PBS solutions of the investigated plant extracts
with different concentrations. The reactive mixture was
allowed to stand at room temperature for 10 min and
the absorbance was recorded at 734 nm. The value of
IC-50 was dened as the concentration of substrate
that causes 50% loss of the ABTS•+ activity and was
calculated as mg L-1.
Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-
carboxylic acid) was used as a reference compound.
The Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) was
expressed as mol Trolox per g of sample.
2.4 Determination of total phenolic content
Phenolic content in the liquid extracts was studied using
the Folin-Ciocalteu method with some modications
[16]. The extracts (0.5 mL) were mixed with 0.5 mL Folin-
Ciocalteu reagent and incubated for 5 min. Then, 1 mL
20% solution of sodium carbonate was added and nally
the volume was diluted to 10 ml with puried water. The
mixtures were incubated for 2 h and the absorbance
was measured at 765 nm (Hewllet Packard 8452A).
Pyrogallol (2-15 µg mL-1) was used as a standard to
produce the calibration curve (r=0.9970). The mean of
three readings was used and the total phenolic content
was expressed as µg of pyrogallol equivalents (PE) per
ml of extracts.
2.5 Determination of total avonoid content
The total avonoid content was determined using the
method adapted from Arvouet-Grand et al. [17]. In
the present study, 5 mL of 2% solution of AlCl3•6H2O
in ethanol was mixed with the same volume of the
extracts. The samples were incubated for 15 min and the
absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 410 nm
(Hewllet Packard 8452A). The total avonoid content
was calculated using a standard curve of quercetin as
a standard (0–50 mg L-1, r=0.9986). The total avonoid
content was expressed as μg of quercetin equivalents
(QE)/ml of extracts.
2.6 Hypochlorous acid scavenging assay
The samples for the assay were prepared in 2 mL
PBS (pH=7.4) and each contained 15 mmol L-1 taurine,
20 mmol L-1 potassium iodide (KI), 0.06 mmol L-1
sodium hypochlorite and the investigated extracts in
different concentrations. Control sample did not contain
extract. The samples were incubated for 30 min at room
temperature and the absorbance was measured at
350 nm. The results were presented using antioxidant
activity (AOA) that was calculated applying the equation:
AOA = (Ao – A)/Ao, where Ao was the absorbance of the
control and A was the absorbance of the extract samples.
The values of IC-50 were dened as the concentration
of the extract that caused 50% loss of the AOA and were
calculated in mg mL-1.
Antioxidant activity of
Althaea ofcinalis
root extracts
2.7 Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
(TBARS) assay
The TBARS of lipid peroxidation was measured in
liposomal suspension obtained from phospholipids
extracted from egg yolk. The samples were prepared in
PBS and contained 1 mg lipid mL-1 and diluted extracts.
Control sample did not contain extract. After addition
of 0.1 mmol L-1 FeCl2 the samples were incubated at
37ºC for 30 min. Then, 0.5 mL of 2.8% trichloroacetic
acid and 0.5 ml of 0.5% TBA were added. The samples
were heated at 100ºC for 20 min and the absorbance
was measured at 532 nm. The results were presented
using antioxidant property (AOP) that was calculated
as AOP=(A/Ao)x100, where Ao was the absorbance of
the control and A was the absorbance of the samples
containing the extracts.
2.8 In vitro cytotoxicity
The cell viability after exposure to the extracts was
examined applying the MTT-dye reduction assay,
based on the biotransformation of the yellow dye
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium
bromide to a violet formazan product. Exponentially
growing cells were seeded in 96-well at-bottomed
microplates (100 μL/well) at a density of 1×105 cells per
mL and after a 24 h incubation at 37°C they were treated
with graded concentrations of the extracts. The incubation
after the treatment was for 72 h. After the exposure
period 10 μL MTT solution (10 mg mL-1 in PBS) aliquots
were added to each well. The microplates were further
incubated for 4 h at 37°C and the MTT-formazan crystals
formed were dissolved through addition of 100 μL/well
5% formic acid in 2-propanol. The MTT formazan
absorption was determined using a microprocessor
controlled microplate reader (Labexim LMR-1) at 580 nm.
3. Results and Discussion
Liquid formulations of A. ofcinalis (syrups, extracts,
infusions) are widely used mainly due to their antitussive
and anti-inammatory activity. It is well known that these
activities are based on the polysaccharide composition
[18,19]. The polysaccharides possessing bioadhesive
properties form a coating layer on the oral and pharyngeal
mucosa that reduce the irritation associated with the
dry cough [20,21]. This study evaluates the antioxidant
activity of A. ofcinalis root extracts and examines the
inuence of the extraction solvent on this activity.
3.1 ABTS radical cation scavenging assay
The study showed that the aqueous extract of
A. ofcinalis did not possess antioxidant activity. The
absence of antioxidant properties of aqueous extract
could be due to the extraction mainly of polysaccharides.
Some polysaccharides extracted from the leaves of
A. ofcinalis, in particular glucuronoxylans, showed high
antioxidant activity evaluated by their ability to inhibit
peroxidation of soyabean lecithin liposomes by OH
radicals [22]. Polysaccharides extracted from the root of
A. ofcinalis are mainly D-glucans, rhamnogalacturonan
and arabinans [23,24]. However, a previous study
reported the weak antioxidant activity of glucans [25].
Thus, the absence of antioxidant activity of the root
aqueous extract in the present study corresponded with
the weak activity of glucans.
The extracts obtained using ethanol:water
as the extracting agent showed well pronounced
antioxidant activity (AOA). The antioxidant properties
of the ethanol:water extracts were investigated by
concentration dependence of AOA (Figure 1). The slope
of the curve is proportional to antioxidant properties of
the extracts. IC-50 was calculated by using the data
from Figure 1. The values of IC-50 for E2, E3 and E4
extracts were 59.6 ± 0.8 mg L-1, 69.5 ± 3.9 mg L-1 and
313.3 ± 43.8 mg L-1, respectively. The extracts obtained
by low concentration ethanol solution manifested higher
antioxidant activity than the extract obtained with the
highest ethanol concentration (Figure 2). These results
led to the suggestion that the antioxidant components
were extracted more efcient at low concentration of
Total phenolic and total avonoid contents were
determined to investigate their relation with the different
antioxidant activity of the three extracts. According to
literature, the root extract contains phenolic acids, in
particular caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic, p-hydroxybenzoic,
salicylic, syringic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic and vanillic
Figure 1.
Relationship between concentration of the extracts
(E2, E3 and E4) and their antioxidant activity (AOA). Data
expressed as the mean ± SD, n=3.
N. Benbassat
et al.
acid [26]. Our results revealed that the extract received
with the lowest ethanol concentration (E2) contained
the maximum phenolic content. Thus, the higher
phenolic content correlated with the higher antioxidant
activity of the extracts (Figure 3, r=0.9903). These
results could be considered in agreement with previous
studies that reported antioxidant activity of phenolic
acids, in particular caffeic, ferulic and p-cumaric acid
Content of some avonoids like hypolaetin-8-
glucoside, isoquercitrin, kaempferol, quercetin and
naringenin in the roots of A. ofcinalis has been
reported [26,28,29]. The phytochemical evaluation of
the extracts in the present study showed higher total
avonoid content for the extracts obtained by extraction
with lower ethanol concentration in the mixed solvent
(E2 and E3) (Figure 4). These results are in agreement
with a study dedicated on the extraction of quercetin
from onion. The authors have reported that the quercetin
extracted with 60% and 90% ethanol was 298 µg L-1 and
207 µg L-1, respectively [30]. It was considered that the
reason could be the presence of quercetin in the form
of glycoside having higher polarity than aglycone. In our
study similar phenomenon was observed, in particular
the lowest avonoid content was found for the extract
obtained with the highest ethanol concentration (E4).
Further, avonoid content in the extracts obtained by
extraction with the different concentrations of ethanol
correlated with the antioxidant capacity (Figure 4). As
shown, the higher the avonoid content, the higher
antioxidant activity.
3.2 Hypochlorous acid scavenging assay
It is well known that activation of phagocytizing cells
during inammatory processes is associated with
production of signicant amounts of ROS and the
neutrophils activation leads to release of hypochlorous
acid in the system. For this reason, the ability of
the three extracts to scavenge the hypochlorite
ions was investigated. Figures 5 and 6 represent
scavenging activity and the respective IC-50 values
of the extracts. All extracts possessed the ability to
react with hypochlorous acid. The highest effect
demonstrated the extract E2 (ethanol:water - 50:50),
since the value of IC-50 for this extract was the lowest
– 0.84 mg mL-1. IC-50 of E3 (ethanol:water - 70:30)
was slightly higher than the IC-50 of E2 (1.05 mg mL-1),
whereas IC-50 of E4 (ethanol:water - 90:10) was
signicantly higher than those of E2 and E3 extracts
(2.18 mg mL-1). Thus, the results suggested that
stronger anti-inammatory activity would be achieved
with A. ofcinalis extract prepared with ethanol:water
solvent in ratio 50:50.
Figure 2.
The antioxidant activity of the extracts (E2, E3 and E4)
presented by values of IC-50 (mmol TE g-1 extract).
Figure 3. Relationship between total phenolic content of the
extracts and antioxidant activity presented by IC-50
Trolox equivalent TE g-1 of the extracts. Data expressed
as the mean ± SD, n=3.
Figure 4. Relationship between total avonoid content of extracts
and antioxidant activity presented by IC-50 Trolox
equivalent TE g-1 of the extracts. Data expressed as the
mean ± SD, n=3.
Antioxidant activity of
Althaea ofcinalis
root extracts
3.3 Iron-induced lipid peroxidation
The antioxidant properties of the extracts in model
system of lipid peroxidation in vitro were investigated
(Figure 7). The values of IC-50 for all tested extracts
were similar and got into the concentration interval
5 - 6.5 mg mL-1. The observed values were 3 to 10
times higher than the values obtained by the other
methods (ABTS and hypochlorite ions). Unlike the
strong correlation between the radicals scavenging
capacity and the avonoid and phenolic content, the
lipid peroxidation did not show such relationship. This
observation could be due to the fact that in this model
system the activity depended on the variety of chemical
reactions including the participation of intermediate and
nal products.
Figure 5.
Relationship between concentration of the extracts
(E2, E3 and E4) and their antioxidant activity detected in
hypochlorite ions generating system. Data expressed as
the mean ± SD, n=3.
Figure 6. Antioxidant activity of the extracts in hypochlorite ions
generating system presented by values of IC-50. Data
expressed as the mean ± SD, n=3.
Figure 7. Antioxidant properties of Althaea ofcinalis extracts in
iron-induced lipid peroxidation system. Data expressed
as the mean ± SD, n=3.
Figure 8. Cytotoxicity of the different Althaea ofcinalis extracts
on leukemic BV-173 cells. Data expressed as the mean
± SD, n=3.
3.4 In vitro cytotoxicity study
Cytotoxicity of the different extracts of Althaea ofcinalis
was investigated on leukemic BV-173 cells (Figure 8).
This line was selected because of its lymphoid origin
and drug sensitivity despite of the expression of
Bcr-Abl fusion gene which is associated with resistance
toward apoptotic signaling. Previous reports found
that water extract of roots (10%) was inactive on
HeLa tumor cells [31]. Another study reported weak
antineoplastic effect (LC50>5 mg mL-1) of the root extract
obtained in ethanol [32]. This activity was estimated
on murine neuroblastoma cells, originally derived from
spontaneous malignant tumor. Water extract from
A. ofcinalis root had no effect on primary dermal human
broblasts (pNHF) but showed stimulating effect on
N. Benbassat
et al.
cell viability and proliferation of epithelial KB cells [33].
The results in the present study showed that the liquid
extracts at the concentration of 50 mg mL-1 exerted no
signicant cytotoxicity on human BV-173 leukemic cells.
4. Conclusions
The present study revealed that the hydroalcoholic
extract from A. ofcinalis root possesses antioxidant
properties. The concentration of the ethanol in the
extraction mixture inuenced the antioxidant activity
due to the different phytochemical composition of
the extracts. The lowest ethanol concentration in the
mixture led to higher content of phenolic and avonoid
content in the resulting extracts. The highest antioxidant
activity correlated with the highest phenolic as well
as the highest avonoid content of the extracts. The
optimal extraction regarding antioxidant activity of the
nal extract seemed to be with ethanol:water mixed
solvent at a 1:1 ratio. Taken together our experimental
ndings indicate that the plant extracts do not have any
antitumor properties but may have immunomodulating
effects due to their antioxidant features.
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stimulation of cell physiology of human epithelial
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... Other types of compounds were also isolated from A. officinalis and respectively identified as caffeic acid (23), [6,9] 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (24), [3,6,9] ferulic acid (25), [6,9] 4-hydroxycinnamic acid (26), [3,6,9] vanillic acid (27), [6,9] chlorogenic acids (28), [6] N-(E)-caffeoyl-L-dopa (29), [7] N-(E)-caffeoyl-L-tyrosine (30), [7] N-(E)-coumaroyl-L-dopa (31), [7] N-(E)-coumaroyl-Ltyrosine (32), [7] salicylic acid (33), [3,9] p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (34), [3,9] lauric acid (35), [10] n-hexacos-2-enyl-1,5-olide (36), [10] 2β-hydroxycalamene (37), [10] n-triacontanoic acid (38), [11] 3,4-dihydroxybenzyl octadecane (39), [11] 24β, 28β-dihydroxy octa tetracont-36-en-1-oic-acid (40), [11] n-tetracosane (41), [11] 5β,13β-dihydroxynonacosanyl godoleate (42), [11] n-pentatriacontane (43), [11] diglucosyl oleate (44), [11] N-(E)-cinnamoyl-L-aspartate (45) [7] and glycine betaine (46). [7] Among them, 36, 37, 39, 40 and 42 are new natural products isolated from the seeds and roots of A. officinalis. ...
... Regarding the anti-oxidant activity of A. officinalis, many studies have been carried out in vitro. Benbassat et al. [26] and Zaghlool et al. [27] evaluated the anti-oxidant activity of roots extracts prepared with different extraction solvents applying ABTS, DPPH, hypochlorous acid scavenging and iron-induced lipid peroxidation assays. They found the water extracts possessed weak anti-oxidant activity, whereas the ethanol extracts showed well pronounced anti-oxidant activity. ...
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Althaea officinalis (Malvaceae), mainly distributed in Europe and China, is an ornamental, edible and medicinal plant, which is effective in reducing cough and phlegm. To better develop and utilize A. officinalis, 46 kinds of compounds including flavonoids, phenolic acids, steroids, coumarins and other types isolated from this plant are summarized, and their pharmacological effects such as anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities are discussed in this review.
... Therefore, the plant Alcea rosea is full of secondary metabolites and can be widely used in medicine and in the field of nutrition. Free radicals lead to inflammation, cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis thus, antioxidant chemicals benefit human health and reduces oxidation by lowering levels of free radicals [3][4][5]. The antioxidant capability on A. rosea has been described previously. ...
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Starch, gum, and extraordinarily high content of phenols show that Alcea rosea is an important medicinal plant. Thirdly, This plant has been used in ancient times to cure all kinds of ailments and is cultivated for trade. This work aimed at identifying the secondary metabolites present in Alcea rosea L. flowers using the GC-MS analysis and to assess their antioxidant activities as nitric oxide radical scavenging, hypochlorous acid scavenging activities and antifungal activity. At the state-of-the-art Botanical laboratory, the researchers used dried plantingredients that were purchased from the Babylonian markets. They were milled using an electrical grinder until reduced to powder form and then put in nylon bags and left at the laboratory temperature till required. Separation and identification was done using the GC-MS. GC-MS analysis was performed with fused silica capillary column, Trace GC Ultra/ISQ Single Quadruple MS Thermo Scientific. The antifungal activity is assessed using the diameter of the inhibition zone, in millimeters (mm), for each methanolic extract. Different antioxidant activity of Alcea rosea L. extracted in methanol, ethanol and standards using nitric oxide radical scavenging the hypochlorous acid scavenging. Different extract profiles that analysed were Crude, Ethanol fraction and Standard recorded Nitric oxide radical scavenging 33.45 ± 2.07, 49.00 ± 3.05 and Curcumin (standard) 87.60 ± 4.13 respectively. For recorded it was 176.00±5.00, 187.33±7.09 and Ascorbic acid (standard) 215.00 ± 8.93 respectively. The scavenging results demonstrated that crude and other fractions have significantly higher percentage inhibition against hypochlorous acid activity than the standard Mannitol. These results confirm other studies for the identification of Alcea rosea as potential plant source for active compounds for the treatment of some fungal diseases. Antifungal activity of secondary metabolites of Alcea Rosea L. : Effectiveness of the methanolic crude extract, ethanol fraction of Alcea rosea L. and standard antibiotics against four fungi and yeast. In vitro Alcea Rosea L. compounds displayed a high degree of effectiveness against Fusarium oxyporum ((24.08 ± 0.48 and 15.11 ± 0.49).
... Moreover, intracellular ROS homeostasis is essential in maintaining normal cellular physiology and integrity. We and others have shown that REA has chemical antioxidant properties (Sadighara et al., 2012), stimulates immune defense mechanisms in human BV-173 leukemic cells (Benbassat et al., 2014) High molecular weight hyaluronic acid of REA exerts many effects on the tissue, such as activating the migration of leukocytes as monocytes/macrophages (Sendker et al., 2017). Induction of the production of growth factors by epithelial cells, proliferation, differentiation, and migration are also stimulating properties of these REA polymers and seem beneficial for tissue regeneration (Heldin, 2003;Sendker et al., 2017). ...
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Introduction: Althaea officinalis L.'s root extract (REA) has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times to treat a cough. Applying REA leads to a protective film that induces a faster regeneration of the lesioned laryngopharyngeal mucosa caused by dry coughs. The buccopharyngeal mucosa is a highly vascularized tissue. In this regard, anti-inflammatory/-oxidant phytochemicals that improve the repair of the lesion site, e.g., neovascularization in the wound, are critical for promoting healing. For this reason, it is essential to investigate the effects of Phytohustil® and REA on different cellular components of the mucosa under conditions similar to those found in the injured mucosa. Thus, this in vitro study investigated the anti-inflammatory/oxidative and pro-migratory properties of Phytohustil® cough syrup on vascular endothelial cells. Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were pretreated (24 h) with Phytohustil®, its excipients, or REA, followed by incubation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 1 h; pro-oxidative) or with lipopolysaccharides (LPS; 3 h; pro-inflammatory). Viability and cytotoxicity were measured by PrestoBlue® assay. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) were quantified with 20-70-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA). The release of interleukin 6 (IL6) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The migratory capacity of HUVEC was measured using a scratch assay. Results: Our results show that Phytohustil®, its excipients and REA were not cytotoxic. Pretreatment of HUVEC (24 h) with Phytohustil® or REA inhibited the LPS-activated IL6 release. Phytohustil® or REA inhibited the H2O2-induced cytotoxicity and intracellular ROS production. Phytohustil® and REA significantly stimulated wound closure compared to the control. Conclusion: Our data show that Phytohustil® and REA have anti-inflammatory/-oxidant properties and improve the migratory capacity of vascular endothelial cells. These properties may contribute to the healing characteristics of Phytohustil® and support the benefit of Phytohustil® in patient’s treatment of irritated oral mucosa.
... The extracts did not show cytotoxic effect on human BV-173 leukemic cells but may have immunomodulating effects due to their antioxidant properties. 64 Zaghlool et. al. study revealed Gastro-Protective and Anti-Oxidant Potential of Althaea officinalis on Pyloric Ligation/Indomethacin-Induced Ulceration in Rats. ...
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Traditional medicines / drugs are helpful for management of life style disorders and chronic and acute diseases. Khatmi (Althea officinalis Linn.) is a one of the commonly used drugs that has potential for management of many diseases. The meaning of Khatmi (Marshmallow) is Kaseer-al-manafe (Multi actions) in Unani literature. Roots, flowers and seeds of Khatmi are used as a medicament. According to Unani texts the main actions of Khatmi are demulcent, expectorant, defragment, concoctive, astringent, detergent and repellent. It is also used as part of many traditional recipes. Analgesic, emollient, antitussive and diuretic activity are the most ethnobotanical and traditional medicine considerations; also used in Unani medicine for the treatment of the different inflammatory conditions e.g., metritis (Warme reham), enteritis (Warme amaa), mastitis (Warme pistan), arthritis (Waja ul mafasil) etc. Alkaloids, terpenoids, tannins, Flavonoids, Polysaccharides, Phytosterols, Fatty acids, Mucilages, Hydroxybenzoic acid etc. are its main Chemical constituents. The whole plant parts yields mucilage in decoction and infusions, which is very useful in case of several ailments of mucous membranes. The scientifically proven / reported pharmacological activities are antitussive, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, UV exposure protective, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulating, antioxidant, antifungal, hepatoprotective, ulcer protective etc. These all findings reveal immense utility of Khatmi and scope for developing as a potent therapeutic tool particularly in contemporary lifestyle and also in immune susceptible diseases which is an emerging concern.
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Althea officinalis L. is an important Unani Medicinal plant belonging to the family Malvaceae. The herb is commonly known as Khatmī and Marsh-mallow. All parts of the plant such as seeds, leaves, root and flowers are mainly used as medicine in Unani Medicine. It is used for many pharmacological actions like diuretic, lithotriptic, deobstruent, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue which makes it useful in treatment of kidney stone jaundice, menstrual disorder, hepatitis, headache etc. Many scientific studies are done on the pharmacological actions of this herb. In this chapter both modern and Unani perspective of pharmacological properties of Althea officinalis L. along with its Phytochemistry and pharmacological studies are included. Keywords: Althea officinalis L.; Khatmī; Malvaceae
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Althea officinalis L. is an important Unani Medicinal plant belonging to the family Malvaceae. The herb is commonly known as Khatmī and Marsh-mallow. All parts of the plant such as seeds, leaves, root and flowers are mainly used as medicine in Unani Medicine. It is used for many pharmacological actions like diuretic, lithotriptic, deobstruent, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue which makes it useful in treatment of kidney stone jaundice, menstrual disorder, hepatitis, headache etc. Many scientific studies are done on the pharmacological actions of this herb. In this chapter both modern and Unani perspective of pharmacological properties of Althea officinalis L. along with its Phytochemistry and pharmacological studies are included.
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Plants have been used in pharmacies since ancient times because of the medicinal chemical ingredients they contain. It can be said that medicine and pharmacy just begin from the time when the man, in search of a medicament, he stepped over for plants of nature. About 10 000 species of plants belong to medicinal herbs. The most commonly used medicinal plants are: Acanthus mollis - acanthus or bear’s breech; then Aloe barbadensis- aloe, Panax quinquefolius- American ginseng, Linum usitatissimum- linseed, Papaver somniferum- poppy, Pimpinella anisum- anis, Persea americana- avocado, Sinapis alba- white mustard, Allium sativum- garlic, Althaea officinalis- marshmallow, Plantago major- common plantain, Ocimum basilicum- basil, Cucurbita pepo-pumpkin, Verbena officinalis- common verbena, Eucalyptus globulus- eucalyptus, Salvia officinalis–sage, Sambucus nigra-black elderberry, Populus tremuloides- quaking aspen, Matricaria chamomilla- chamomile, Urtica dioica– stinging nettle, Rubus fruticosus - blackberry, Lavandula officinalis- lavender, Laurus nobilis- laurel, Medicago sativa- alfalfa, Cannabis sativa- hemp, Melissa officinalis- lemon balm, Mentha piperita- mint, Calendula officinalis– pot marigold, Origanum vulgare- wild marjoram, Nasturtium officinale- watercress, Equisetum arvense- horsetail, Ricinus communis- castor oil plant, Rosmarinus officinalis- rosemary, Thymus vulgaris- thyme, Achillea millefolium- yarrow, Humulus lupulus- hops, Passiflora incarnata- purple passionflower, Malva silvestris- common mallow, Rosa canina- rose hip, etc. In the field of study use of plants in pharmacy, it is necessary to identify plant taxon as sources of medicinal and other useful raw materials, to improve the way raw materials are produced and technology getting drugs, to know the characteristics of plants to be used, chemical structure and methods of action. Medicinal active ingredients can be found in all plant organs, which are whole or crushed and dried represent the herbal drug. In addition to plant organs or parts of organs, under the drugs are implied term and products from a plant organism can be separated by a simple processing process, as well as herbal exudates. Also, the term drugs involves and all types of extractive products Herbal remedies as an active ingredient contain herbal drugs, some plant product or extract. The most important pharmacologically active ingredients of plants belong to a group of secondary metabolites.
COVID-19 is the most recently discovered coronavirus infectious disease and leads to pandemic all over the world. The clinical continuum of COVID-19 varies from mild illness with non-specific signs and symptoms of acute respiratory disease to extreme respiratory pneumonia and septic shock. It can transmit from animal to human in the form of touch, through the air, water, utensils, fomite and feco-oral route blood. The pathogenesis and clinical features of COVID-19 be the same as the clinical manifestation associated epidemic Fever. In Unani medicine, various herbal drugs are described under the caption of epidemic disease. Great Unani scholar also Avicenna (980-1037 AD) recommended that during epidemic condition movement should be restricted, self-isolation, fumigation around the habitant with perfumed herbs (Ood, Kafoor, Sumbuluttib, Saad Kofi, Loban, etc.), and use of appropriate antidotes (Tiryaqe Wabai) and vinegar (Sirka) as prophylaxis. Herbal approach is based on single (Unnab - Ziziphus jujuba, Sapistan - Cordia myxa, Bahidana - Cydonia oblonga, Khatmi - Althea officinalis, Khubazi - Malva sylvestris, Zafran - Crocus sativus, Sibr - Aloe barbedensis, Murmuki - Commiphora myrrha, Darchini - Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Qaranfal - Syzygium aromaticum, Rihan - Oscimum sanctum, Habtus Sauda - Nigella sativa, Aslus Sus - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Maghze Amaltas - Cassia fistula and Adusa - Adhatoda vasica) and compound drugs (Habbe Bukhar, Sharbat Khaksi, Sharbat Zanjabeel, Naqu Nazla, Majoon Chobchini, Jawrish Jalinus and Khamira Marvareed) most of them are claimed for anti-viral, anti-pyretic, blood purifier, cardioprotective and expectorant activities. Traditionally most of the herbal practitioners are using it.
The pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of Humma-e-Wabai were described several years ago in the Unani System of Medicine close to the clinical manifestation associated with epidemic or pandemic situations. In the Unani System of Medicine, Humma-e-Wabai described under the legend of epidemic disease (Amraz-e-Wabai). Amraz-e-Wabai is an umbrella term which is applied for all types of epidemic or pandemic situation. Renowned Unani Scientists like; Zakariya Rhazi (865-925 AD), Ali Ibn Abbas Majusi (930-994 AD), Ibn Sina (980-1037 AD), Ismail Jorjani (1,042-1,137 AD), Ibn Rushd etc., explained that Humma-e-Waba is an extremely rigorous, lethal fever, that is caused due to morbid air (fasid hawa) and it frequently spreads among the larger population in the society. There are four etiological factors responsible for Amraz-e-Wabai viz; change in the quality of air, water, earth, and celestial bodies, which was described by Ibn Sina in Canon of Medicine. He also advised that movements should be limited during epidemic situations. Shelters should be fumigated with loban (Styrax benzoin W. G. Craib ex Hartwich.), Kafoor (Cinnamomum camphora L.), Oodkham (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.), Hing (Ferula foetida L.), myrtle (Myrtus communis L.), and sandalwood (Santalum album L.), etc. The use of vinegar (sirka) and rose water (arque gulab) has been advocated to prevent the infection by spray. Avoid consumption of flesh, oil, milk, sweets, alcohol. Food prepared with vinegar. Specific antidotes (e.g. Tiryaq-e-Wabai, Tiryaq-e-Farooque), should be used as prophylaxis. This review attempts to explain the concept, prevention, and management of epidemic or pandemic situations.
An ethnobotanical exploration was conducted in North West and Trans-Himalayan region to find out the plants most commonly used to treat asthma. Twenty-one species belonging to 19 families are used by ethnic groups. The information on correct botanical identity, local name, family, part used, traditional uses and dosages are appended with each plant.
A method for the screening of antioxidant activity is reported as a decolorization assay applicable to both lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants, including flavonoids, hydroxycinnamates, carotenoids, and plasma antioxidants. The pre-formed radical monocation of 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS*+) is generated by oxidation of ABTS with potassium persulfate and is reduced in the presence of such hydrogen-donating antioxidants. The influences of both the concentration of antioxidant and duration of reaction on the inhibition of the radical cation absorption are taken into account when determining the antioxidant activity. This assay clearly improves the original TEAC assay (the ferryl myoglobin/ABTS assay) for the determination of antioxidant activity in a number of ways. First, the chemistry involves the direct generation of the ABTS radical monocation with no involvement of an intermediary radical. Second, it is a decolorization assay; thus the radical cation is pre-formed prior to addition of antioxidant test systems, rather than the generation of the radical taking place continually in the presence of the antioxidant. Hence the results obtained with the improved system may not always be directly comparable with those obtained using the original TEAC assay. Third, it is applicable to both aqueous and lipophilic systems.
From the roots of the medicinal plant Althaea officinalis L., three D-glucans were isolated by gel chromatography which differed in molecular weights. The results of methylation analyses and ¹³ C NMR measurements indicated predominantly linear character of the polysaccharide chains composed of α-D-glucopyranose units linked by 1 → 6 glycosidic bonds almost exclusively. The polymers had essentially the same structural features as D-glucan isolated from the leaves of this plant.
Conference Paper
Bioflavonoids are high added-value products in food and pharmaceutical industries as they have various physiological functions such as anti-oxidation and anti-cancer activity. Quercetin, one of bioflavonoids, is abundant in onion skin which is a waste product in onion processing. In view of quality of quercetin recovered and savings in separation cost, membrane processing can be considered one of the most promising methods. Membrane processing as a downstream processing technique for the recovery of quercetin was investigated. Our objective was to examine operation parameters associated with extraction and membrane processing suitable for partial purification and concentration for quercetin. Ground onion skin (30-100 mesh) was leached with 20 fold mass of solvent having various ethanol concentration. Optimum concentration was found to be 60%. The extract was filtered and the filtrate was centrifuged for 10 min at 10,000 rpm. The supernatant was then used for ultrafiltration with a polyethersulfone membrane of which the molecular weight cut off was 30 kDa. Optimum process parameters were transmembrane pressure of 15 psi and cross flow rate of 1 ℓ/min. In subsequent reverse osmosis, permeate flux decreased from 23 L/ m²·hr to 16.6 L/ m²·hr as the concentration factor increased from 1 to 3. Negligible amount of quercetin was found in the permeate during reverse osmosis indicating that quercetin was concentrated in retentate. These results suggest that membrane processing can be successfully used for partial purification and concentration of quercetin from onion skin.