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Linguistic Rules Based Chinese Error Detection for Second Language Learning


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we handcraft a set of linguistic rules with syntactic information to detect errors occurred in Chinese sentences written by SLL. Experimental results come the similar conclusions with well-known ALEK system used by ETS for English Learning. Our developed Chinese sentence error detection system will be helpful for Chinese self-learners.
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Choy, D. et al. (Eds.) (2013).
Poster Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on
Computers in Education. Indonesia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Linguistic Rules Based Chinese Error
for Second Language
Lung-Hao LEEa,c, Li-Ping CHANG
Kuei-Ching LEEa,c, Yuen-Hsien TSENGa*, and Hsin-Hsi CHEN
aInformation Technology Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
bMandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
cDept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Abstract: In this paper, we handcraft a set of linguistic rules with syntactic information to
detect errors occurred in Chinese sentences written by SLL. Experimental results come the
similar conclusions with well-known ALEK system used by ETS for English Learning. Our
developed Chinese sentence error detection system will be helpful for Chinese self-learners.
Keywords: Computer-aided language learning, second language learning, computer
1. Introduction
Second Language Learners (SLL) usually write ungrammatical sentences with various types of errors.
SLL tends to make mistakes in writing Chinese sentences in their early stage of learning Chinese. For
example, the learner may like to express: “這對夫妻很恩愛(The couple is very affectionate to each
other), where the 恩愛(affectionate) was mistakenly written as another similar word 恩情(kind) as
observed in the learners corpora. Error detection systems that indicate different kinds of errors
embedded in a given sentence are important and invaluable to SLL for self-learning.
Assessing LExical Knowledge (ALEK) system (Chodorow and Leacock, 2000) adopted
statistical analysis to detect the errors of an English sentence. Using 20 target words from the Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), it performed with about 80% precision and 20% recall. Izumi
et al. (2003) detected English grammatical and lexical errors made by Japanese learners. Recently,
relative position and parse template language models were proposed to detect various types of Chinese
errors written by US learners (Wu et al. 2010). Different from most of the previous studies, which have
focused on corpus-based statistical methods, we attempt to develop a rule-based system to detect the
common errors embedded in Chinese sentences written by SLL.
In this work, we manually construct a set of linguistic rules with syntactic information to detect
erroneous sentences that were frequently written by the SLL. If a sentence satisfies at least one
syntactic-rule, the developed system will regard the input sentence as erroneous and response with
suggestions to indicate the possible errors.
2. Linguistic Rules Based Chinese Error Detection
Chinese is written without word boundaries. As a result, prior to the implementation of most Natural
Language Processing (NLP) tasks, texts must undergo automatic word segmentation. Automatic
Chinese word segmenters are generally trained by an input lexicon and probability models. However, it
usually suffers from the unknown word (i.e., the out-of-vocabulary, or OOV) problem. In this study, a
corpus-based learning method to merge the unknown words as described in Chen and Ma (2002) is
adopted to tackle the OOV problem. This is followed by a reliable and cost-effective POS-tagging
method to label the segmented words with part-of-speeches similar to the approach proposed by Tsai
and Chen (2004). Take the Chinese sentence 歐巴馬是美國總(Obama is the president of USA)
for instance. It was segmented and tagged in the formof “POS:Word” sequence shown as follows: Nb:
歐巴馬 SHI:Nc:美國 Na:總統. Among these words, the translation of a foreign proper name
巴馬(Obama) is not likely to be included in a lexicon and therefore is extracted by the unknown word
detection method. In this case, the special POS tag SHIis a tag to represent the be-verb ”. The
complete set of part-of-speech tags is defined in the technical report by CKIP (2003).
To represent the syntactic rules for employing them easily to detect errors embedded in Chinese
sentences written by SLL, several symbols are defined. Some of them are explained as follows: 1) The
symbol “*” means a wild card. For example, the whole subordinate tags of Nh”, i.e.,Nhaa,” Nhab,
Nhac,” Nhb,” and Nhc, can be denoted as Nh*”. 2) The symbol -means an exclusion from the
previous representation. Take this expression “N*-Nab-Nbc” as an example, it denotes that the
corresponding word should be any noun (N*) excluding countable entity nouns (Nab) and surnames
(Nbc). 3) The symbol /means alternative (the orsituation). The expression 一些/這些/那些
(some/these/those) represents that one of these three words satisfies the rule. 4) The rule mx{W1 W2}
denotes that the two words W1 and W2 shouldnot co-exist (should be mutual exclusive). 5) The symbol
“<” denotes the follow-by condition. For instance, this expression “Nhb < Nepmeans the POS-tag
Nep” follows the tag Nhbthat can exist several words ahead of the Nep”.
With the rule symbols like the above, we manually construct syntactic rules to cover frequent
errors occurred in Chinese sentences written by SLL. We adopt the Analysis of 900 Common
Erroneous Samples of Chinese Sentences(Cheng, 1997) as the development set to handcraft the
linguistic rules with syntactic information. Based on these samples compiled by Chinese teachers in
Beijing, we constructed 60 syntactic rules to detect errors in the samples. Table 1 shows some rules
accompanying with their example sentences. If an input sentence satisfies any syntactic rule, our
developed system will report the input as an erroneous sentence. This can be helpful to SLL for
self-learning of Chinese.
Table 1: Some developed syntactic rules and their detected erroneous sentences.
Dfa N*-Nb*-Nc*/A/VA*/VB*/VC*/VD*/VE*/VF*/V_12
Nhaa:VK1:覺得 Nhab:自己 DE:Nab:丈夫 Dfa:Nhab:私人
(She feels that her husband is very private)
私人(private) is an improper word in this sentence. The correct word should be 自私
(selfish). So the correct sentence is 她覺得自己的丈夫很自私”.
mx{Dbab:可以 Dbab:}
VH11:DE:Nab:雜誌 Dbab:可以 Dbab:VD:Td:
(Can old magazines be borrowed?)
(able) is a redundant word in this sentence. This word cannot be collocated with
another word “可以(can). The correct sentence is 舊的雜誌能借嗎”.
*:/*:< Da*/Db*:--/Dc/Dd
Nab:自行車 P02:Nb: Dc:VC:騎走
(The bicycle is not ridden by Dingli)
The word (not) is put in a wrong position. This sentence contains a word ordering
error. The correct sentence is 自行車沒被丁力騎走”.
3. Experiments and Performance Evaluation
The test data comes from a set of real error sentences written by learners of Chinese as a second
language at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan (Wu et al., 2010). Each erroneous sentence
(positive instance) is accompanied with a correct one (negative instance) in this test set. In total, there
are 1,866 pairs of sentences collected in years around 2009.
Table 2 shows the confusion matrix of our approach. The results indicate that our linguistic
rules for error detection achieved an accuracy of 58.47%=(418+1764)/(1866+1866), while maintaining
a promising precision of 80.38%=418/(418+102), and a recall of 22.4%=418/(418+1448). The
performance level is similar with that of the ALEK system used by Educational Testing Service (ETS)
for erroneous English sentence detection (Chodorow and Leacock, 2000). In addition, maintaining low
false-alarm rate (which is the ratio of correct sentences that are detected as erroneous ones) is important
for a system to be practical. In the experiments, our approach achieved a false-alarm rate of 5.47%
(among 1,866 correct sentences, 102 were detected as erroneous). This shows that our approach is
feasible to detect errors while not causing much trouble to the users.
Table 2: Confusion matrix using our linguistic rule based detection.
Confusion Matrix
Gold Standard
4. Conclusions and Future Work
This paper proposes a linguistic rule based Chinese error detection approach. The syntactic rules
handcrafted based on a smaller development set achieve promising performance on a totally different
and larger test set, while maintaining a favorably low false-alarm rate. The major contributions of this
work include: 1) indicating the usefulness of common error samples manually analyzed/collected by
Chinese teachers in previous work; 2) demonstrating the feasibility of linguistic rules handcrafted from
these samples; and 3) developing a system to help self-learning of Chinese for SLL.
This work is our first exploration to automatically detect Chinese erroneous sentences. The
research result can be extended to automatic essay evaluation, which is especially useful for Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOC), because manually evaluating a large scale of Chinese writing
homework and exams is a very challenging issue.
This research was partially supported by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, under the grant
NSC102-2221-E-002-103-MY3, and the Aim for the Top University Projectof National Taiwan
Normal University (NTNU), sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. We are also grateful to
the support of International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence Program of NTNU and NSC,
Taiwan, under the grant NSC102-2911-I-003-301.
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... Izumi et al. (2003) detected English grammatical and lexical errors made by Japanese learners. Lee et al. (2013) proposed a linguistic rule based approach to detect grammatical errors written by learners of Chinese as a foreign language. Recently, the CoNLL 2013/2014 shared tasks focus on grammatical error correction for learners' English as a foreign language (Ng. ...
In this paper, we describe the development of the tagging editor for learner corpora annotation and computer-aided error analysis. We collect essays written by learners of Chinese as a foreign language for grammatical error annotation and correction. Our tagging editor is effective and enables the annotated corpus to be used in a shared task in ICCE 2014.
... For example, Wu et al. [3] proposed using a relative position language model and parse template language model to detect grammatical errors in articles written by American learners. Lee et al. [4] used a series of manual language rules to detect grammatical errors in Chinese learners' writing. Fu et al. [5] adopted a simple to complex staged error correction method, using a language model to correct simple errors, and a word level transformer model to correct complex errors. ...
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In order to further improve the performance of the automatic grammar error detection system, a new Chinese grammar recognition and correction model is proposed in this paper. Based on the transformer attention mechanism, the bias matrix of Gaussian distribution is added to improve the attention of the model to local text and strengthen the information extraction of wrong words and surrounding words in the wrong text. In addition, the ON_LSTM model is used to extract grammatical information from the special grammatical structure of error text. The experimental results show that the two methods can effectively improve the accuracy and recall rate, and the fused model achieves the highest F1 value. Finally, the Chinese text error correction system is designed to expand the application scope of the model, which helps to reduce the human cost in language learning.
... Statistical modeling and machine learning, though easy to implement, are sometimes outperformed by rule-based techniques. In (Lee et al., 2013b;Sun et al., 2007a), it is found that rule-based techniques for detecting grammatical errors yield a better result for the Chinese language. ...
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In an interactive online learning system (OLS), it is crucial for the learners to form the questions correctly in order to be provided or recommended appropriate learning materials. The incorrect question formation may lead the OLS to be confused, resulting in providing or recommending inappropriate study materials, which, in turn, affects the learning quality and experience and learner satisfaction. In this paper, we propose a novel method to assess the correctness of the learner's question in terms of syntax and semantics. Assessing the learner’s query precisely will improve the performance of the recommendation. A tri-gram language model is built, and trained and tested on corpora of 2,533 and 634 questions on Java, respectively, collected from books, blogs, websites, and university exam papers. The proposed method has exhibited 92% accuracy in identifying a question as correct or incorrect. Furthermore, in case the learner's input question is not correct, we propose an additional framework to guide the learner leading to a correct question that closely matches her intended question. For recommending correct questions, soft cosine based similarity is used. The proposed framework is tested on a group of learners' real-time questions and observed to accomplish 85% accuracy.
... Many of these learning technologies focus on learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), while relatively few grammar checking applications have been developed to support Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners. Those applications which do exist rely on a range of techniques, such as statistical learning (Chang et al, 2012;Wu et al, 2010;Yu and Chen, 2012), rule-based analysis (Lee et al., 2013), neuro network modelling (Zheng et al., 2016;Fu et al., 2018) and hybrid methods Zhou et al., 2017). ...
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... In 2014, Cheng et al. (2014) proposed an SVM model to further study the Chinese word ordering problems. Lee et al. (2013) used a series of manual linguistic rules to detect grammatical errors in Chinese learners'writings. Lee et al. (2014) then further proposed a system which integrated both handcrafted linguistic rules and N-gram models to detect Chinese grammatical errors in sentences. ...
... A system is to be evaluated using four tasks, including the detection of errors, the identification of error types, the identification of positions, and the corrections. Lee et al. (2013) employed handcrafted linguistic rules to detect grammatical errors made by learners of Chinese as a second language. ...
... Many of these learning technologies focus on learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), while relatively few grammar checking applications have been developed to support Chinese as a Foreign Language(CFL) learners. Those applications which do exist rely on a range of techniques, such as statistical learning (Chang et al, 2012;Wu et al, 2010;Yu and Chen, 2012), rule-based analysis (Lee et al., 2013), neuro network modelling (Zheng et al., 2016;Zhou et al., 2017) and hybrid methods (Lee et al., 2014). ...
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We present an unsupervised method for detecting grammatical errors by inferring negative evidence from edited textual corpora. The system was developed and tested using essay-length responses to prompts on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The errorrecognition system, ALEK, performs with about 80% precision and 20% recall.
Analysis of 900 Common Erroneous Samples of Chinese Sentences -for Chinese Learners from English Speaking Countries (in Chinese)
  • M Cheng
Cheng, M. (1997). Analysis of 900 Common Erroneous Samples of Chinese Sentences -for Chinese Learners from English Speaking Countries (in Chinese). Beijing, CN: Sinolingua.
An unsupervised method for detecting grammatical errors
  • M Chodorow
  • C Leacock
Chodorow, M., & Leacock, C. (2000). An unsupervised method for detecting grammatical errors. Proceedings of NAACL'00 (pp. 140-147). Seattle, Washington: ACL Press.