
The Application of Fuzzy Neural Network in Distribution Center Location

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In this paper, the establishment of the fuzzy neural network model for logistics distribution center location applied the fuzzy method to the input value of BP algorithm and took the experts' evaluation value as the expected output. At the same time, using the network learning to get the optimized selection and furthermore get a more accurate evaluation to the programs of location.

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The location selection of distribution center covers one of the important strategic decision issues for the logistics system managers. In view of the inherent uncertainty and inaccuracy of human decision-making, the future behavior of the market and companies, this paper adopts the improved multi-attribute and multi-Actor decision-making (MAADM) method as a fuzzy multi-attribute and multi-actor decision-making (FMAADM) method for solving the selection problem under an uncertain environment. The great strengths of our proposed method are: first, the integration of the decision-makers group preferences into the decision-making process, second, the consideration of the informations related to the alternatives and the criteria weights which are inaccurate, uncertain or incomplete, third, the verification of the obtained solution by both tests of concordance and non-discordance. To validate the FMAADM method, a decision support system was developed. Different experiments were provided based on comparative analysis of results and the sensitivity analysis. These experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed method and its superiority over another existing methods.
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The layout design of distribution center should be considered as a smart decision system that includes the number of customers, demand forecasting, product groups, condition of product conservation, warehousing, transportation management etc. Decision support systems are used on a lot of stages of the layout of the distribution center which is handled as a whole. In this study, the layout of the distribution center is investigated as strategically and recommendations are made for the model that will be developed for the layout of the fruits and vegetables halls. The study is conducted in two phases. In the first phase of the study, supply chain network and specifically distribution center's literature is examined and classified. In the second phase, assumptions of the allocation models for layout design of fruits and vegetables halls and their prospective objective functions are tried to be explained considering the fruit and vegetable halls as a kind of urban distribution centers.
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