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Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires in Aragón (NE Spain) from 1978 to 2010

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Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

Abstract and Figures

This work analyzes the effects of high temperature days on large wildland fires during 1978-2010 in Aragón (NE Spain). A high temperature day was established when air temperature was higher than 20 °C at 850 hPa. Temperature at 850 hPa was chosen because it properly characterizes the low troposphere state, and some of the problems that affect surface reanalysis do not occur. High temperature days were analyzed from April to October in the study period, and the number of these extreme days increased significantly. This temporal trend implied more frequent adverse weather conditions in later years that could facilitate extreme fire behavior. The effects of those high temperatures days in large wildland fire patterns have been increasingly important in the last years of the series.
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1393–1399, 2013
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Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires in
on (NE Spain) from 1978 to 2010
A. Cardil1, D. M. Molina1, J. Ramirez2, and C. Vega-Garc´
1School of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering, University of Lleida, Avenida Rovira Roure 191,
25198 Lleida, Spain
2Department of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, University of Leon, Avenida de Portugal 41, 24071 Le´
on, Spain
Correspondence to: A. Cardil (
Received: 1 December 2012 – Published in Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.: –
Revised: 23 April 2013 – Accepted: 27 April 2013 – Published: 31 May 2013
Abstract. This work analyzes the effects of high temperature
days on large wildland fires during 1978–2010 in Arag´
(NE Spain). A high temperature day was established when
air temperature was higher than 20C at 850hPa. Tempera-
ture at 850hPa was chosen because it properly characterizes
the low troposphere state, and some of the problems that af-
fect surface reanalysis do not occur. High temperature days
were analyzed from April to October in the study period,
and the number of these extreme days increased significantly.
This temporal trend implied more frequent adverse weather
conditions in later years that could facilitate extreme fire be-
havior. The effects of those high temperatures days in large
wildland fire patterns have been increasingly important in the
last years of the series.
1 Introduction
Mediterranean countries like Spain have numerous wildland
fires each year (Pereira et al., 2011). Fire has always been
part of the traditional Mediterranean agrarian land manage-
ment, occasionally developing into unwanted fires (Mill´
et al., 1998). However, over the past 30 yr wildland fires
have became more extreme, with fire behavior more and
more often exceeding firefighting capabilities (Miralles et al.,
2010; Molina et al., 2010), and fire agencies experience dif-
ficulties in suppressing extreme-behavior fires while provid-
ing safety for both firefighters and citizens, as reviewed in
Werth et al. (2011). The social and physical/biological envi-
ronment has changed dramatically, and wildfires constitute
nowadays one of the problems that consistently obtain more
attention from the media in summer. Agricultural abandon-
ment is the main cause of an increased fuel load (Mill´
an et
al., 1998), but wildland fuel homogeneity and continuity are
also major facilitators of both a fast fire propagation and a
higher fire line intensity (Molina et al., 2010; Vega-Garc´
and Chuvieco, 2006). In addition, climate and weather are
two of the main factors influencing fire regime (Trouet et al.,
2009), and climate change could have an important impact
on ecosystems due to increases in area burned and fire inten-
sity/severity (Flannigan et al., 2000). Regato (2008) showed
that climate change could provide an increase in the inten-
sity and frequency of summer heat waves (short periods with
very hot days, very low air humidity and frequently with
strong winds) that increase the probability of large wildland
fire (LWF).
Typically, just a few LWFs cause the majority of the dam-
age (Alvarado et al., 1998; Ganteaume and Jappiot, 2012)
because they account for a very high percentage of the total
burned area (Stocks et al., 2003), and their severity is nor-
mally higher. In these LWF events fire behavior is often ex-
treme, making suppression difficult. Therefore, LWFs affect
our ecosystems, human safety and properties to the utmost
(Alvarado et al., 1998) and also demand vast resources to
suppress them.
It is essential to know what factors influence LWFs. We
have focused on days with high temperatures (HTDs) to as-
sess their potential impact on the development of LWFs.
Previous works indicate that HTDs might provide more ex-
treme weather conditions (Montserrat, 1998), which have
an important role in forest fire behavior (Crimmins, 2006).
Hot days decrease fuel moisture and increase the ignition
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
1394 A. Cardil et al.: Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires
Fig. 1. Geographic location of Arag´
on and air temperature at 850 hPa (legend in C) for 2 July 1994. Source:
probability and, as a result of that influence, other aspects
such as longer flame length, most likely involving crown fire
activity and spotting activity (long distance ignition by con-
vection processes). Therefore, HTD has the potential to in-
crease the probability of having a LWF. In a similar way,
Mills (2005) indicates that unusually strong temperature gra-
dients at 850hPa (which usually stands for a level around
1500 m up in the atmosphere) may have the potential to iden-
tify unusually severe fire weather events. It would be ex-
tremely profitable to be able to discriminate between the sim-
ply “bad” and the “disastrous” fire days with some reason-
able lead time (i.e., 24 or 48h).
The five largest LWFs on record in Arag´
on did develop
under HTDs. In addition, those HTDs were extreme. The
largest fire in Arag´
on affected 16832ha in Villarluengo
(Teruel) on 2 July 1994, and air temperature at 850hPa and
at 00:00UTC in the Arag´
on region was higher than 22.5C
(Fig. 1), during the day of the fire and also on the two pre-
vious days. In this case, the synoptic weather pattern that
caused the HTD was a hot air mass inlet (south advection
from the Sahara desert).
The exploration for underlying causes and visible patterns
of LWFs is instrumental to plan best strategies for our sup-
pression resources and to foresee extreme fire behavior. In
this study, we have analyzed HTDs in the Spanish region
of Arag´
on and their relationship to the LWF official records
both in terms of amount and cumulative area burned and
number of LWFs in HTDs versus non-HTDs.
2 Methods
2.1 Study area
on is the fourth largest region in Spain (47719 km2)and
is located in the northeastern part of the country (Fig. 1). The
region has 1.34 million inhabitants, comprises the provinces
of Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza, and it is politically divided
in 33 counties. Arag´
on has a high altitudinal gradient that
generates several ecosystems in the region. There is a ma-
jor river (Ebro) bordered by two mountain chains: the Pyre-
nees (maximum altitude 3404 m, Aneto) and the Iberian Sys-
tem (maximum altitude 2314m, Moncayo). The climate in
on can be generally regarded as a Mediterranean cli-
mate with continental nuances, but the irregular topography
influences it and generates local climate variability. The envi-
ronment varies from the high mountains of the north-central
Pyrenees, with perpetual ice (glaciers) to the steppe or semi-
desert areas, such as Monegros, and intense continental cli-
mate in other areas. The mean annual temperature ranges
from 22.5C in the Ebro valley to 5C in the highest ar-
eas of Pyrenees, and the average annual rainfalls also ranges
from 1800 mm in the highest mountains to 300 mm in the val-
ley (AEMET, 2012). The vegetation is conditioned by relief
and climate. In upland forests there are several tree species
(pine, fir, beech, oak), shrubs and meadows. In the Ebro val-
ley, oak and juniper trees are the most common and there
are degraded areas covered by shrubs and grasslands. Arag´
has high ecological value with several protected wilderness
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A. Cardil et al.: Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires 1395
2.2 High temperature days in Arag´
In order to characterize the high temperature days, reanaly-
sis data from the National Centers for Environmental Predic-
tion (NCEP) were used (Kalnay et al., 1996). We analyzed
daily air temperature maps (850hPa at 00:00UTC) to assess
whether there was a HTD condition in the territory. Air tem-
perature at 850hPa is the air temperature at an altitude in
the atmosphere where pressure is 850 hPa (around 1500m up
in the atmosphere). The 850hPa air temperature daily maps
were available at Wetterzentrale (2013). We established that
there was a HTD when air temperature at 850hPa was equal
to or higher than 20 C in at least two-thirds of the Arag´
on re-
gion. We chose the temperature at 850 hPa because it is gen-
erally used to analyze past fire weather and fire weather fore-
casts (Mill´
an et al., 1998; Garcia-Ortega et al., 2011; Trigo
et al., 2006). It provides a regional coverage as well because
it is sufficiently close to the surface to be representative of
the low troposphere state, and it avoids some of the prob-
lems that affect near-surface reanalysis variables (Trigo et
al., 2005; Ogi et al., 2005). An air temperature at 850hPa
equal to or higher than 20C is associated with heat waves,
and this condition provides high temperatures in surface and
low relative humidity in the territory (Montserrat, 1998).
Weather conditions were characterized every day from
1978 to 2010 in the fire season from April to October (in-
cluded). We analyzed the number of HTDs and the duration
and frequency of the high temperature (HT) phenomena as
a proxy for potential fire behavior. We defined “HT periods”
as the number of uninterrupted times that a HTD occurred.
2.3 Large wildland fires
Large wildland fires (LWFs) are defined in this work as
those over 100ha threshold (Moreno et al., 2011; De Zea
Bermudez et al., 2009). In order to understand the interac-
tions between HTD and LWF in the study period (1978–
2010) in Arag´
on, we processed the historical fire data records
from Spain’s EGIF database (General Statistics on Wild-
land Fires; see, accessed last time on
30 October 2012), which includes the wildland fire reports
sent to the Ministry of the Environment by the firefighting
and forest management services of all the Spanish regions.
This database has an entry from each fire, regardless of size,
and contains the same fields of information for each fire.
The first years of the database (1968–1977) were not used
in this study because the area burned on private properties
were usually underreported in those years because the For-
est Service mandate was to suppress only on state-owned or
state-controlled forest but not privately owned lands (Anto-
nio Mu˜
noz, Forest Service, personal communication). Many
fires smaller than 100ha in the database most likely burned
a larger area (maybe more than 100ha) because foresters did
not account for the area of burnt private land. Therefore, there
are missing 100ha+fires prior to 1977. We have analyzed
trends in the number of LWFs, LWF area burned and average
LWF size under both HTDs and non-HTDs.
In the study period, there were 193 wildland fires in
on larger than 100ha that burned 132000ha approx-
imately. All of them affected forest and agricultural areas,
roads and people. For instance, the four forest fires that
occurred on 22 July 2009 in Teruel (the Aliaga, Alloza,
Cedrillas and Corbal´
an fires) burned about 10000ha in to-
2.4 Statistical analysis
The relationship between HTDs and LWFs was assessed in
the period up to two days immediately before LWF occur-
rence date, and analyzed according to the following four
HTD classes:
Class A: LWFs that start on a HTD (day 0), HTD (day 1)
and HTD (day 2), therefore, LWFs under a very strong
HT period.
Class B: LWFs that start on a HTD (day 0), HTD (day 1)
and non-HTD (day 2), therefore, LWFs under a strong
HT period.
Class C: LWFs that start on a HTD (day 0), non-HTD
(day 1) and HTD or non-HTD (day 2), therefore, LWFs
under a weak HT period.
Class D: LWFs that start on a non-HTD (day 0), HTD or
non-HTD (day 1) and HTD or non-HTD (day 2). There-
fore, they were fires with minor influence of HT condi-
Only two days before all LWFs have been used in this
analysis. Several days before each LWF were analyzed
(5 days), but they did not influence the results, and previous
days (day 3, day 4 and day 5) did not supply more informa-
tion than HT classes used (above). We evaluated the influ-
ence of HTD on LWF on three consecutive days by using
an ANOVA analysis and group comparison with the Fisher
method with a 95% confidence interval.
We also quantified how many LWFs were conditioned by
HTDs (only on the day that the fires started), and we sum-
marized statistics in the studied period. We established the
number of LWFs, burned area swept by them, the average
size and percentage of LWFs under HTDs and non-HTDs.
We determined if there were significant changes (decrease,
increase, no difference) in the studied variables (number of
LWFs, area burned by LWFs and number of HTDs) from
1978 to 2010 with a linear regression analysis on annual
raw data. The annual variability in fire occurrences is high,
both in terms of large fire frequencies and their burned ar-
eas (Stocks et al., 2003). This variability is caused by diverse
environmental factors, such as human influence (Mollicone
et al., 2006) and climate (Gillett et al., 2004). For this rea-
son, we added the evolution in time of the variables with the Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1393–1399, 2013
1396 A. Cardil et al.: Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires
Figure 2. Annual number of high temperature days (HTD) (light grey line) in Aragón from2
1978 to 2010 and moving seven-year average (black line) from 1981 to 2007.3
Number of HTD
Annual number of HTD
Moving seven-year average
Fig. 2. Annual number of high temperature days (HTDs) (light grey
line) in Arag´
on from 1978 to 2010 and moving seven-year average
(black line) from 1981 to 2007.
moving average method in order to obtain a better display
in the figures. This smoothing technique was applied to mit-
igate the effect due to year to year random variation. This
practice, when properly applied, reveals more clearly the un-
derlying trend (Legendre and Legendre, 1998). “The method
calculates successive arithmetic averages over 2m+1 con-
tiguous data as one moves along the data series” (Legendre
and Legendre, 1998). In this study, we used simple moving
average with seven-year periods(m=3).
3 Results
3.1 HTD trends
The annual number of HTDs increased in the study period
significantly (pvalue=0.020). It rose from 8 HTDs in 1981
to 15 in 2006 in terms of seven-year average values, as
shown in Fig. 2. The number of HT periods also increased
(pvalue=0.022). Therefore, in recent years, we have more
periods influenced by HTD phenomena. However, the aver-
age duration of HT periods did not change in the study period
with an average duration of 2.2 days.
The majority of HTD events took place in mid-summer
(July and August) with more than 80% of the total. June has
11.5 % of days and September 5.8%. In April, there were no
HTDs; in October, there was only one HTD in the studied pe-
riod. June had a significant increase in the number of HTDs
from 0.7 days in 1981 to 2.7 in 2006 in terms of seven-year
average. In July, August and September, no significant trends
were observed.
3.2 Large wildland fires
A decrease in the total annual number of LWFs was ob-
served in Arag´
on during the study period (pvalue=0.003).
It diminished from 12 LWFs in 1981 to 3 LWFs in 2007
in terms of seven-year average values. The annual num-
ber of LWFs under non-HTDs also decreased significantly
Table 1. Trends in annual number of large wildland fires (LWFs),
annual area burned, and annual number of high temperature days
(HTDs) in Arag´
on from 1978 to 2010.
Variable Total HTD Non-HTD
Number of LWFs – (0.003) n.s (0.411) – (<0.001)
Area burned n.s (0.968) n.s (0.590) – (0.014)
HTD +(<0.020)
+significantly increased; – significantly decreased at P <0.05; n.s. not significant.
Values in parentheses are the Pstatistic.
(pvalue<0.001). It diminished from 8 LWFs in 1981 to
2 LWFs in 2007 in terms of seven-year average values. By
contrast, the annual number of LWFs under HTDs did not
decrease in the study period. Neither total annual area burned
nor annual area burned under HTDs changed in the study pe-
riod. Nevertheless, a significant decrease was found in the an-
nual area burned under non-HTDs. It decreased from 2204 ha
in 1981 to 780 ha in 2007 in terms of seven-year average val-
HTDs also influence the average LWF size, and HTD
classes explain the variable average size of the LWFs (p=
0.003). Table 1 lists the number of LWFs, area burned and
average size of LWFs in each HTD class (1978–2010). The
HTD class comparison analysis shows that there was a sig-
nificant difference between both A and B classes and D class.
Average LWF size in D class was a third of those of both A
and B classes (Table 2). No significant difference between
class C and other classes can be established.
We split the study period in two intervals (1978–1993
and 1994–2010) because in 1994 there were LWFs with an
extreme behavior under very strong HTD conditions. The
average LWF size increased significantly between 1978–
1993 and 1994–2010 periods (424 ha vs. 1275ha) (pvalue=
0.001). Additionally, the average LWF size under HTDs is
significantly larger in the 1994–2010 period (1923 ha) than in
the 1978–1993 period (590ha) (pvalue=0.024). However,
the average LWF size under non-HTDs did not change be-
tween two periods (389 ha). In the first interval (1978–1993),
the majority of LWFs were under D class with 5.59 LWFs
and 1987ha burned per year. In the second interval (1994–
2010), the results changed significantly and the annual num-
ber of LWFs was 1.69 and the annual area burned was 858 ha
(Table 2). By contrast, in HTD classes (A, B and C) neither
annual number of LWFs nor annual area burned decreased
between the two time intervals, and the annual area burned
was higher in 1994–2010 interval in both A and B classes
while the percentage of LWF number under HTD versus to-
tal LWF number was 54.2 % and the area burned was 81.7 %.
Additionally, in the 1994–2010 period, most of the surface
(76 %) was burned by LWFs under A and B classes (in which
HTD conditions were strong or very strong). The HTD in-
fluence in LWF increased in Arag´
on in the study period as
shown in Fig. 4 with two ratios that indicate that most LWFs
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1393–1399, 2013
A. Cardil et al.: Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires 1397
Table 2. Number of large wildland fires (LWFs), area burned and average size in high temperature (HT) classes in Arag´
on from 1978 to
Classes Number Area Average Annual number Annual number Annual area Annual area
of firesaburnedasizebof firescof firescburnedc(ha) burnedc(ha)
(ha) (ha) 1978–1993 1994–2010 1978–1993 1994–2010
A 25 35311 1412±699 0.82±0.29 0.69±0.25 462±122 1716±1087
B 26 34388 1323±419 0.53±0.22 1.06±0.24 291±182 1840±919
C 20 14 913 746 ±423 0.94 ±0.47 0.25 ±0.06 604 ±390 291 ±66
D 122 47502 389±49 5.59±1.21 1.69±0.39 1987±437 858±251
Total 193 132114 685±115 7.88±1.67 3.69 ±1.04 3344 ±756 4704 ±2156
aAbsolute values in the study period. bMean and standard error (σ/n) values over the period. cAnnual mean and standard error (σ/n) values.
Figure 3. Number of large wildland fires in Aragón under high temperature days (HTD), non2
high temperature days (non-HTD) and total number of large wildland fires (LWF) in Aragón3
from 1978 to 2010. Moving seven-year average from 1981 to 2007. Vertical lines are the4
annual standard error values.5
Number fo fires
Moving seven year average
Fig. 3. Number of large wildland fires in Arag´
on under high tem-
perature days (HTDs), non-high-temperature days (non-HTDs) and
total number of large wildland fires (LWFs) in Arag´
on from 1978 to
2010. Moving seven-year average from 1981 to 2007. Vertical lines
are the annual standard error values.
took place nowadays under HTDs and that was not the case
in the 1980s and 1990s. The ratio of LWF number under
HTDs versus total number of LWFs increased in the study
period (Fig. 3) from 0.28 in 1981 to 0.65 in 2007. The ra-
tio of LWF area burned under HTDs versus total area burned
also increased from 0.45 in 1981 to 0.82 in 2007 (Fig. 4). The
values of these ratios are in seven-year average.
In terms of area burned by LWFs, the worst years of the
series were 1994 and 2009 with 32600 ha and 21 925 ha re-
spectively. More than 90 % of the total burned area (in these
two years) was burned under HTD conditions. These years
also have a very high annual number of HTDs: 27 HTDs in
1994 and 23 in 2009. Moreover, the largest fires in Arag´
did spread in this HTD conditions.
4 Discussion
While it is recognized that the major elements for fire
weather forecasts are low humidity, high temperatures,
and strong winds near the ground, meteorological indexes
planned to evaluate temporal and spatial dissimilarities in
Figure 4. Ratio of LWF area burned under HTD versus total area burned and ratio of LWF2
number under HTD versus total number of LWF in Aragón from 1978 to 2010. Moving3
seven-year average from 1981 to 2007.4
Moving seven year average
Ratio of LWF number
Ratio of LWF area burned
Fig. 4. Ratio of LWF area burned under HTDs versus total area
burned and ratio of LWF number under HTDs versus total number
of LWFs in Arag´
on from 1978 to 2010. Moving seven-year average
from 1981 to 2007.
those elements are not frequently used or available by all
fire weather forecast agencies (Charney and Keyser, 2010;
Crimmins, 2006). For that very reason, we highlight the im-
portance of discerning between HTD and non-HTD defined
by 850hPa synoptic conditions in planning pre-suppression
efforts to stand up to large fires.
An increase was found in the number of HTDs in the study
period, and this agrees with Rodriguez-Puebla et al. (2010).
The main source of this increase might be related to the
weather regime that brings hot dry air masses from the
north of Africa (Rodriguez-Puebla et al., 2010). Different au-
thors suggested that this increase might be linked to an in-
crease of temperature in northeastern Spain due to climate
change (Moreno, 2005; Giannakopoulos et al., 2009; Ket-
tunen et al., 2007). Giannakopoulos et al. (2009) suggested
that the number of hot days (Tmax>30 C) and heat wave
days (Tmax>35 C) will increase in Spain. Giannakopoulos
et al. (2009) estimate that there will be 1 to 3 additional hot
weeks per year. The mean annual temperature will increase,
with greatest warm-up rate in southern Europe (Moreno,
2005; Castro et al., 2005; Kettunen et al., 2007). Van Wagner
and Pickett (1985) remarked that the fire weather index will
increase in summer (i.e., increasing fire risk). Therefore, if Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1393–1399, 2013
1398 A. Cardil et al.: Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires
HTDs become more frequent and these conditions are able
to decrease air humidity and fuel moisture and increase the
fire behavior potential, we may be facing larger wildland fires
in the future, and very likely extreme-behavior fires beyond
suppression capacity (Molina et al., 2010). We also found
that in the last years of the series there were more days under
HT conditions in June. This may be translated as an increase
in fire season length.
Both the total annual number of LWFs and the annual
number of LWFs under non-HTDsdecreased in Arag´
on from
1978 to 2010. Nevertheless, the annual number of LWFs un-
der HTDs did not decrease in the same period. The total an-
nual area burned did not decrease due to the area burned by
LWFs under HTDs. However, a decrease in the annual area
burned under non-HTD conditions was observed. Addition-
ally the percentage of both LWF occurrence and area swept
by LWFs under HTDs also increased. Three main reasons
could explain this. First, the number of HTDs was greater
at the end of the time series, and it is more likely to have a
LWF under HTDs. Second, in the last years, fire suppression
resources have improved in technology and training, and,
therefore, LWFs under non-HTDs are suppressed more ef-
ficiently because the fuel moisture content is higher. Fires
under HTDs have lower fuel moisture content and can prop-
agate faster and with higher fire line intensity. Third, HTDs
are more prone to have simultaneous fire events (LWFs or
smaller fires) that split suppression resources.
The average LWF size in all fires increased in the study pe-
riod (from 424ha in 1978–1993 period to 1275 ha in 1994–
2010 period), and this could be related to the major percent-
age of LWFs under HTDs in the last years of the series be-
cause the average LWF size in both A and B classes was
larger than LWFs in non-HT conditions or weak HT condi-
tions (class C and D). The fact that average LWF size in-
creased under HTDs, when resources were better organized
and trained than ever, reinforces the importance of these HT
conditions and their influence on both total and average size
per LWF in the period 1994–2010. The largest historical fires
in Arag´
on happened under extreme HTDs in both 1994 and
2009. This supports the statement that HTDs provide more
extreme conditions for fire propagation and more difficulties
to suppress those fires. This has also occurred in other coun-
tries (Trigo et al., 2006; Mills, 2005), such as Russia (2010),
Portugal (2003), Australia (different years), Greece (2007)
and USA (2011, 2012).
5 Conclusions
There are significant effects of HTD conditions in the num-
ber of LWFs, total LWF area burned, and average LWF size
in Arag´
on. As a result, if in the future the number of HTD
conditions increases, fire suppression will be compromised.
This is likely to happen because our study shows that the
incidence of both the number of HTD and HT periods has
increased significantly in the study period.
It would be extremely profitable to be able to discriminate
between the simply “bad” and the “very bad” or “terrible”
fire days with some reasonable lead time (i.e., 24 or 48h).
We suggest that this classification regarding HTDs and non-
HTDs (at 850hPa) be used for that discrimination.
In terms of burned area, a decrease was observed only in
annual area burned under non-HTDs. Total area burn is sta-
ble. This may indicate greater fire damage as more area is
burned under HTDs.
Most HTDs are in July and August (82% of total). How-
ever, June is becoming more active in HTDs lately. This in-
dicates an earlier, longer fire season.
Acknowledgements. We are thankful to the University of Lleida
and Pau Costa Foundation for supporting this study through a
partial grant to fund Cardil’s PhD studies. We also thank Joaquim
ıa-Codina, Miguel Lazaro and Luis Besold for help in the
classification of HTDs and other detailed checking in the official
wildland fire data base, and finally to Marta Fajo-Pascual and
Antonio Mu˜
noz for help in the statistical analysis and the EGIF
Edited by: B. D. Malamud
Reviewed by: M. G. Pereira and two anonymous referees
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... Some authors prefer to use relative burnt area (BA) thresholds [25][26][27][28] but most of the definitions are based on absolute quantitative thresholds which can change in the course of time, as well as with the geographic area of reference [28,29]. In Europe, thresholds for LFs that have been proposed range from ≥ 100 ha (e.g., [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]) to ≥ 1000 ha [38]. In other regions in the world, the threshold ranges from the minimum values of ≥ 20 ha in Arizona (U.S.) [39], to 1000 ha in Australia [40], to 4950 ha in Boreal Shield ecozone of Ontario [41] and to 40,000 ha in the Western United States [42]. ...
... The size threshold for classifying fires as VLFs is similarly variable from > 1000 ha [44] to > 20,234 ha [23], or ranging from 500 ha to 20,000 ha [45,46]. from ≥ 100 ha (e.g., [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]) to ≥ 1,000 ha [38]. In other regions in the world, the threshold ranges from the minimum values of ≥ 20 ha in Arizona (U.S.) [39], to 1,000 ha in Australia [40], to 4,950 ha in Boreal Shield ecozone of Ontario [41] and to 40,000 ha in the Western United States [42]. ...
... As a consequence, maximum preparedness (from fire prevention to fire suppression to civil protection) is planned for and implemented. Extreme fire weather Extreme fire weather days Extreme weather conditions Fire weather conditions corresponding to Extreme fire danger or leading up to Extreme fire behavior, usually defined by the tail end of the fire weather distribution, e.g., FFWI (Fosberg Fire Weather Index) exceeding the 90 th percentile [149]; days that have a fire danger rating of 50 or greater for at least one of the three-hourly observations [150]; days with air temperature ≥20ºC at 850hPa [35]. ...
... Según los estudios especializados (Barreal et al., 2011), los incendios forestales en Galicia están directamente relacionados con una mezcla entre factores naturales o medioambientales y factores socioeconómicos. Dichos factores se pueden considerar bien conocidos y predecibles (Cardil et al., 2013), pero superan normalmente las capacidades de los medios de extinción. Los analizamos por separado a continuación. ...
... Metodología4.1 Objetivo de la investigaciónComo ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, los datos de las últimas décadas demuestran que, dentro de España, la comunidad Autónoma de Galicia es la que acapara la mayor parte da la ocurrencia de incendios(Balsa & Hermosilla, 2013).De todas las dimensiones que explican la producción de incendios en Galicia, han sido las variables medioambientales las más profusamente tratadas en la literatura(Muñoz, 2009;Cardil et al., 2013; Goncalves, 2012). Sin embargo, los estudios que abordan las dimensiones social o económica han sido mucho más escasos(Wigtil, 2016;Paveglio, 2016;Barreal et al., 2011).Concretamente, de Diego et al. (2019) analizan la relación entre los aspectos socioeconómicos relacionados con la vulnerabilidad social que reflejan la realidad de los municipios gallegos y el número de incendios forestales ocurridos entre 2001 y 2015. ...
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p>Galicia, con un 5,8 % de la superficie de España, concentró el 50% de los incendios forestales del país en el siglo XXI. Las investigaciones han analizado principalmente las características físicas y meteorológicas, las situaciones post- incendio y sus capacidades destructivas. Los factores socioeconómicos existentes antes del incendio en los territorios afectados han sido menos estudiados. Este artículo analiza la dinámica de los incendios forestales en Galicia entre 2001 y 2015. Concretamente, examina las tendencias espaciotemporales de su ocurrencia, la superficie afectada y la relación entre los incendios forestales y las características socioeconómicas de los distintos municipios gallegos. Para ello se realizó un análisis descriptivo exploratorio y un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con dos variables dependientes diferentes, las Hectáreas quemadas y la Intensidad de los incendios; las variables independientes incluyeron tanto factores ambientales como aquellos aspectos socioeconómicos más relevantes. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación entre determinadas variables socioeconómicas indicativas de vulnerabilidad social (envejecimiento, tasa de masculinidad, baja densidad poblacional o pérdida de valor catastral) y los incendios forestales. Estos resultados pueden resultar de utilidad para la mejora en el diseño de acciones de prevención de incendios por parte de las autoridades responsables.</p
... Yaz aylarında görülen aşırı sıcaklar azalan yağış miktarına bağlı kuraklık ile orman yangınları hem sayısal hem de alansal olarak büyüyerek doğaya zarar vermektedir. Özelikle iklim değişikliğinin sonucu olarak sıcaklığın artması, kurak dönemin uzaması, yağış motiflerinin değişmesi gibi klimatolojik değişkenlerin uç noktalara gitmesi orman yangınlarını sayısını ve yanan orman alanlarını çoğaltmaktadır [4,5]. Özellikle son 20 yılda afet düzeyinde gözlenen orman yangınlarına sebebiyet veren faktörlerin analizi yapılarak orman yangın önlemlerini disiplinli bir şekilde ele alıp uygulamaya geçirilmesi gerekir. ...
The aim of this study is to examine the periodic structures of forest fire numbers in Türkiye and sunspot numbers. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the variability of forest fire numbers in Turkey and sunspot numbers using continuous wavelet transforms and global spectra method. The change of sunspots observed in the photosphere layer of the sun is one of its important activities affecting the world. The sunspot number is often used to show solar activity. Wavelet analysis reveals the frequency components of signals such as the Fourier transform yet wavelet transform is actually a advanced and well planned version of Fourier transform. Wavelet transform techniques approach has been applied to the periodic analysis of the number of forest fires and sunspot numbers in Turkey. In this context, in the period from 1937 to the end of 2020, the records of the current fire numbers of the General Directorate of Forestry (OMG) and the sunspots numbers for the same period have been evaluated. The periodic structure of the existing 84-year forest fire numbers data and the sunspot numbers data in the same period are analyzed using Continuous Wavelet transform (SDD) and Global Wavelet Spectrum (GDS) techniques. While the dominant periodic component for forest fire numbers was 6.60 years, 10.67 years periodic component is determined for sunspot numbers. Other long-year periodic components of both variables have also been determined. As a result of this study, it has been determined that the periodic structures of the number of forest fires and the number of sunspots in Türkiye are very different from each other.
... Fire is one of the most extensive permafrost region disturbances in Siberia and is highly associated with air temperature and drought index values (Ponomarev et al 2016). Fire activity will likely increase with climate warming (Kharuk et al 2021), and an increasing frequency of high extreme temperature days in the future will facilitate extreme fire patterns (Cardil et al 2013). Unprecedented Arctic wildfires in 2020 released 35% more CO 2 than in 2019, compounding the already difficult challenge of limiting global warming to 1.5 • C or 2 • C (Natali et al 2021). ...
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The northern mid-high latitudes experience climate warming much faster than the global average. However, the difference in the temperature change rates between permafrost and non-permafrost zones remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the temporal changes in temperature means and extremes across the Siberian lowlands (<500 m) over the past six decades (1960-2019) using in situ observations and reanalysis data. The results show that permafrost zones (0.39℃/decade) have warmed faster than non-permafrost zones (0.31℃/decade). The minimum values of the daily maximum (TXn) and minimum (TNn) temperatures changed faster than their maximum values (TXx, TNx), suggesting that low minimum temperatures increase faster, as evidenced by the considerably higher warming rate in the cool season (October-April, 0.43±0.10℃/decade, n=126) than that in the warm season (May-September, 0.25±0.08℃/decade, n=119). The change rates of TXx and TNx in permafrost areas were 2-3 times greater than those in non-permafrost areas; however, over the last 10 years, TXx and TNx in non-permafrost areas showed decreasing trends. Moreover, faster-warming permafrost regions do not exhibit a faster increase in surface net solar radiation than slower-warming non-permafrost regions. While our findings suggest that carbon emissions from thawing soils are likely a potential driver of rapid warming in permafrost-dominated regions, the potential feedback between ground thawing and climate warming in permafrost regions remains uncertain.
... The fact is that weather-driven high danger scenarios in combination with simultaneous fire episodes, plus fuel build-up due to reduced forest management or massive conifer afforestation (Cervera, Pino, Marull, Padró, & Tello, 2016;Seijo & Gray, 2012), may place some fires beyond firefighting capacity regardless of available suppression resources (Castellnou & Miralles, 2009). Moreover, there is serious concern that climate-related factors, such as extended drought periods associated with southern flows, will lengthen the wildfire season in the near future and convert these extreme and rare synoptic conditions into the new normal weather scenario (Cardil, Molina, & Kobziar, 2014;Cardil, Molina, Ramirez, & Vega-García, 2013;Duane & Brotons, 2018;Jolly et al., 2015). ...
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Despite escalating expenditures in firefighting, extreme fire events continue to pose a major threat to ecosystem services and human communities in Mediterranean areas. Developing a safe and effective fire response is paramount to efficiently restrict fire spread, reduce negative effects to natural values, prevent residential housing losses, and avoid causalties. Though current fire policies in most countries demand full suppression, few studies have attempted to identify the strategic locations where firefighting efforts would likely contain catastrophic fire events. The success in containing those fires that escape initial attack is determined by diverse structural factors such as ground accessibility, airborne support, barriers to surface fire spread, and vegetation impedance. In this study, we predicted the success in fire containment across Catalonia (northeastern Spain) using a model generated with random forest from detailed geospatial data and a set of 73 fire perimeters for the period 2008–2016. The model attained a high predictive performance (AUC = 0.88), and the results were provided at fine resolution (25 m) for the entire study area (32,108 km²). The highest success rates were found in agricultural plains along the nonburnable barriers such as major road corridors and largest rivers. Low levels of containment likelihood were predicted for dense forest lands and steep‐relief mountainous areas. The results can assist in suppression resource pre‐positioning and extended attack decision making, but also in strategic fuels management oriented at creating defensive locations and fragmenting the landscape in operational firefighting areas. Our modeling workflow and methods may serve as a baseline to generate locally adapted models in fire‐prone areas elsewhere.
... The erratic behaviour and difficulty to control mean that these fires can burn larger areas and result in the loss of life. Throughout the world, such wildfires have occurred almost every year for the past 15 years [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. In 2017 alone, 11 people were killed in Chile [14]; 109 people were killed in Portugal [8,15] and 42 people were killed in California, USA [16]. ...
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Wildfires can result in significant social, environmental and economic losses. Fires in which dynamic fire behaviours (DFBs) occur contribute disproportionately to damage statistics. Little quantitative data on the frequency at which DFBs occur exists. To address this problem, we conducted a structured survey using staff from fire and land management agencies in Australia regarding their experiences with DFBs. Staff were asked which, if any, DFBs were observed within fires greater than 1000 ha from the period 2006–2016 that they had experience with. They were also asked about the nature of evidence to support these observations. One hundred thirteen fires were identified. Eighty of them had between one and seven DFBs with 73% (58 fires) having multiple types of DFBs. Most DFBs could commonly be identified through direct data, suggesting an empirical analysis of these phenomena should be possible. Spotting, crown fires and pyro-convective events were the most common DFBs (66%); when combined with eruptive fires and conflagrations, these DFBs comprise 89% of all cases with DFBs. Further research should be focused on these DFBs due to their high frequencies and the fact that quantitative data are likely to be available.
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This work investigates the relationship between the occurrence of large forest fires (more than 1,000 ha) and meteorological data. Specifically, it analyzes the characteristics of large forest fires in July 2007 (2,500 ha) and October 2019 (2,108 ha) in Serbia’s Stara Planina Nature Park (NP). The results show that at these times, forest fires occurred during long heatwaves with low relative humidity and high air temperature. Dry climatic conditions in the preceding months also contributed to the occurrence of large forest fires, alongside the presence of wind. The study uses climate indices based on the combination of air temperature and precipitation. Forest drought index (FAI) data show that 2007 and 2019 were drier than the 1961–1990 climate period. According to the Lang Precipitation Factor Index (AILang), the periods June–July 2007 and July–October 2019 can be classified as dry. The De Martonne Drought Index (ImDM) shows that July 2007 and October 2019 had the characteristic of areism. These were also the periods when large wildfires were recorded. The results of this study could be used for wildfire risk assessment in protected areas and for fire prevention and suppression planning.
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Along with climate change, there has been a significant increase in the number of forest fires in the Mediterranean Basin in recent years. These fires cause more damages to forests than natural disasters. While some of the fires are caused by natural due to increasing arid weather conditions, the other part emerges as a result of negligence or intent and it appears to be that the fires vary in size because of the effects of climate elements (temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity etc.). In order to predict forest fires, different indices are used to address the relationship between drought and forest fires. In this study, widely used fire indices to predict possible forest fires; Haines Index (HI), Canada Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI), Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI), F Index in detail and Integrated Fire Index, McArthur Mark 5 (Mk5) Forest and Mark 4 (Mk4) Grassland Fire Danger Index, Fosberg Fire Weather Index, Nesterov Index are briefly reviewed. In the light of studies about the impact of climate change on forest fires, the fires in 2008 and 2009 in the forest areas of Antalya, Çanakkale and Muğla Regional Forest Service have been examined by using the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI). The results have been consistent with fire data for 2008 and 2009 and FWI values have been successful in predicting fire risk for these years.
The catastrophic events occurred in the Mediterranean basin in the last two decades have made large fires an increasingly prominent feature in the characterization of fire regimes. Large fires have turned forest and fire management focus to landscape fuels and extreme meteorological conditions at different spatial and temporal scales, since understanding fire-weather relations is essential to protect lives and assets from severe fires. For instance, synoptic conditions leading to anomalous and sudden warm episodes quickly increase fine fuel dryness, antecedent and persistent drought events decrease the moisture of coarse fuels, whereas strong winds increase fire spread by transferring heat to new burnable fuels more rapidly, or allowing spotting. 'Aggregate' indexes based on local meteorological variables like the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) have proved useful in estimating and summarizing fire danger into straightforward numerical representations, with the caveat that a same result may be produced by different combinations of weather variables. Analyzing fire-weather and danger components separately may help to understand the relative importance of each factor, or reveal specific interactions between them that trigger specific fire typologies (i.e. wind-driven). In this work we analyzed the influence of two FWI's components and their input weather variables in large fire incidence across the entire Iberian Peninsula. We explored several spatial (four regions) and temporal (three levels of aggregation, i.e., daily, weekly and monthly) aggregations to account for potential dissimilarities on fire-weather associations in space and time. Statistical analyses involved a multi-group PCA analysis to identify large fire-weather typologies (LFWT), later submitted to optimized hierarchical clustering to reveal underlying associations among LFWT. Results revealed four distinctive LFWT, labelled: 'heat-driven', 'heat wave', 'seasonal drought' and 'wind-driven', and six cluster associations with noticeable spatial differences. The bulk of fires started in the vicinity of the 'Sierra de Estrela' (Portugal), under average conditions of the four typologies, but leaning towards 'seasonal drought' conditions. Fires in the Mediterranean side, the largest within the IP, were associated to hot and dry spells ('heat wave') without remarkable drought events. Most relevant combinations of LWTs included temperature , wind speed and DC at daily and monthly scale, making them the main fire-weather factors driving large fires in the Iberian Peninsula.
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The increase in aridity, mainly by decreases in precipitation but also by higher temperatures, is likely the main threat to the diversity and survival of Mediterranean forests. Changes in land use, including the abandonment of extensive crop activities, mainly in mountains and remote areas, and the increases in human settlements and demand for more resources with the resulting fragmentation of the landscape, hinder the establishment of appropriate management tools to protect Mediterranean forests and their provision of services and biodiversity. Experiments and observations indicate that if changes in climate, land use and other components of global change, such as pollution and overexploitation of resources, continue, the resilience of many forests will likely be exceeded, altering their structure and function and changing, mostly decreasing, their capacity to continue to provide their current services. A consistent assessment of the impacts of the changes, however, Forests 2017, 8, 463; doi:10.3390/f8120463 Forests 2017, 8, 463 2 of 37 remains elusive due to the difficulty of obtaining simultaneous and complete data for all scales of the impacts in the same forests, areas and regions. We review the impacts of climate change and other components of global change and their interactions on the terrestrial forests of Mediterranean regions, with special attention to their impacts on ecosystem services. Management tools for counteracting the negative effects of global change on Mediterranean ecosystem- services are finally discussed.
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This chapter is about the need for a comprehensive knowledge on fire propagation in support of fire management actions and the possibility to introduce some new job positions of fire behaviour specialists. There is the need of three new Fire Specialists, requiring a higher level of knowledge in wildfire propagation: 1. Wildland Fire Analyst (WFA), or in more detail, a Wildland Fire Propagation Expert; 2. Firing Operations Leader (FOL); 3. Firing Specialist (FS). Three aspects of the WFA position should be addressed. 1. How relevant is this job task in each region for this job? 2. What should be the required training (and education)? 3. Which kind of experiences can be transferred from some countries (or regions) to others?
Technical Report
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The Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is dedicated to the principle of multiple use management of the Nation's forest resources for sustained yields of wood, water, forage, wildlife, and recreation. Through forestry research, cooperation with the States and private forest owners, and management of the national forests and national grasslands, it strives—as directed by Congress—to provide increasingly greater service to a growing Nation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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[1] The area burned by forest fires in Canada has increased over the past four decades, at the same time as summer season temperatures have warmed. Here we use output from a coupled climate model to demonstrate that human emissions of greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosol have made a detectable contribution to this warming. We further show that human-induced climate change has had a detectable influence on the area burned by forest fire in Canada over recent decades. This increase in area burned is likely to have important implications for terrestrial emissions of carbon dioxide and for forest ecosystems.
The chapter introduces the idea that the relationships between natural conditions and the outcome of an observation may be deterministic, random, strategic or chaotic, and that numerical ecology addresses the second type of data; it describes the role of numerical ecology among the various phases of an ecological research. The chapter includes discussion of the following topics: spatial structure, spatial dependence, and spatial correlation (independent observations, independent descriptors, linear independence, independent variable of a model, independent samples, origin of spatial structures, tests of significance in the presence of spatial correlation, and classical sampling and spatial structure), statistical testing by permutation (classical tests of significance, permutation tests, alternative types of permutation tests), computer programs and packages, ecological descriptors (i.e. variables: mathematical types of descriptors, and intensive, extensive, additive, and non-additive descriptors), descriptor coding (linear transformation, nonlinear transformations, combining descriptors, ranging and standardization, implicit transformation in association coefficients, normalization, dummy variable coding, and treatment of missing data (delete rows or columns, accommodate algorithms to missing data, estimate missing values). The chapter ends on a description of relevant software implemented in the R language.