The Teno range of mountains, located in the northwest Tenerife, Canary Islands, is still a refuge for the flora and fauna of the island. Until now, at least four native species of reptiles, 232 of birds (both breeding and migrant), and six mammals have been recorded for that site. For some of these animals, such as Canarian Spotted Lizard (Gallotia intermedia), Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Rock Sparrow (Petronia petronia) and Northern Raven (Corvus corax), these cliffs, gorges, tablelands or forests hold a good part or all of their insular populations. This illustrated and annotated checklist synthesizes and updates the available information on terrestrial vertebrates for the entire northwestern area of Tenerife. A current and comprehensive list of extant species supports effective management strategies and conservation projects as well as the efficient dissemination of information regarding this Natural Heritage. More info at
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