
Identifying Restrictions for Finite Parameter Continuous Time Models with Discrete Time Data

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This paper revisits the question of parameter identification when a linear continuous time model is sampled only at equispaced points in time. Following the framework and assumptions of Phillips (1973), we consider models characterized by first-order, linear systems of stochastic differential equations and use a priori restrictions on the model parameters as identifying restrictions. A practical rank condition is derived to test whether any particular collection of at least $\left\lfloor {n/2} \right\rfloor$ general linear restrictions on the parameter matrix is sufficient for identification. We then consider extensions to incorporate prior restrictions on the covariance matrix of the disturbances, to identify the covariance matrix itself, and to address identification in models with cointegration.

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... In the case of continuous-time data the transition rate matrix is identified without any extra restrictions. To identify the transition rate matrix using discrete-time data with arbitrary time intervals, we invoke insights from Blevins (2017Blevins ( , 2018. This latter result exploits the fact that the transition rate matrix in our model is rather parsimonious. ...
... The second one occurs when the researcher can observe the dynamic system at two different length intervals ∆ 1 and ∆ 2 that are not multiple of each other. (See, e.g., Blevins (2017) and the literature therein.) ...
... Proof This proof builds on Theorem 1 of Blevins (2017) and Theorem 3 of Blevins (2018). For the present case, it follows from the last two theorems, that the transition rate matrix M is generically identified if, in addition to the conditions in Proposition 3.3, we have that ...
This paper develops a dynamic model of discrete choice that incorporates peer effects into consideration sets. We characterize equilibrium behavior and study the empirical content of the dynamic model we offer. In our set-up, the choices of friends act as exclusion restrictions in the stochastic variation of the subset of alternatives that each person considers at the moment of picking an option. They allow us to recover (from a sequence of observed choices) the ranking of preferences of each person, the attention mechanism, and the set of connections or nodes between the people in the network. The identification strategy we offer does not rely on the variation of the set of available options (or menus) which remain the same across all the observations.
... Unfortunately, both restrictions are not generally appropriate for economic time series: they rule out plausible cyclical behaviour resulting from complex eigenvalues and plausible trend behavior resulting from multiple unit roots (multiple zero eigenvalues of A). In the complex eigenvalue case, several authors achieve identification through additional restrictions: Phillips (1973) uses Cowles Commission type restrictions (see also Blevins, 2017) and Hansen and Sargent (1983) show there are restrictions inherent in the requirement that Ω ǫ be positive semidefinite. Hansen and Sargent (1991) use cross-equation restrictions implied by the rational expectations hypothesis. ...
This chapter provides a survey of methods of continuous time modelling based on an exact discrete time representation. It begins by highlighting the techniques involved with the derivation of an exact discrete time representation of an underlying continuous time model, providing specific details for a second-order linear system of stochastic differential equations. Issues of parameter identification, Granger causality, nonstationarity and mixed frequency data are addressed, all being important considerations in applications in economics and other disciplines. Although the focus is on Gaussian estimation of the exact discrete time model, alternative time domain (state space) and frequency domain approaches are also discussed. Computational issues are explored, and two new empirical applications are included along with a discussion of applications in the field of macroeconometric modelling.
We consider Whittle estimation for the parameters of a stationary solution of a continuous-time linear state space model sampled at low frequencies. In our context, the driving process is a Lévy process which allows flexible margins of the underlying model. The Lévy process is supposed to have finite second moments. Then, the classes of stationary solutions of linear state space models and of multivariate CARMA processes coincide. We prove that the Whittle estimator, which is based on the periodogram, is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. A comparison with ARMA models shows that in the continuous-time setting the limit covariance matrix of the estimator has an additional term for non-Gaussian models. Thereby, we investigate the asymptotic normality of the integrated periodogram. Furthermore, for univariate processes we introduce an adjusted version of the Whittle estimator and derive its asymptotic properties. The practical applicability of our estimators is demonstrated through a simulation study.
This paper proposes an exact discrete time error correction model for co-integrated systems in continuous time and outlines a computationally efficient algorithm that leads to the Gaussian estimates of the model’s parameters. Its performance in estimation is assessed by contrasting our estimates with those obtained after applying Johansen’s discrete time approach to cointegrated systems. The data, for analysis, consist of two simulated systems; one comprised entirely of stock variables and another one formed by flow variables. In the results, we show that for the system with stock variables Johansen’s approach and ours perform similarly. For the system with flow variables, however, Johansen’s estimates show a persistent estimation bias with negligible improvements in larger samples, while ours yields a smaller bias that lowers as the sample size increases. As our model incorporates a moving average component in the error term that permits full dynamics, we argue that Johansen’s bias reflects the cost of ignoring aggregation in the specification.
We consider the optimal sampling times for a symmetric two-state continuous time Markov chain. We first consider sampling times of the form ti=iτ and find the optimal τ to minimize the asymptotic variance of our estimated parameter. This optimal τ depends upon the true unknown parameters and so it is infeasible in practice. To address this, we consider propose an adaptive scheme which we requires no knowledge of the true underlying parameter, we show that this method is asymptotically equivalent to the optimal fixed time design.
In this paper we define and characterize cointegrated continuous-time linear state-space models. A main result is that a cointegrated continuous-time linear state-space model can be represented as a sum of a L\'evy process and a stationary linear state-space model. Moreover, we prove that the class of cointegrated multivariate L\'evy-driven autoregressive moving-average (MCARMA) processes, the continuous-time analogues of the classical vector ARMA processes, is equivalent to the class of cointegrated continuous-time linear state space models. Necessary and sufficient conditions for MCARMA processes to be cointegrated are given as well extending the results of Comte for MCAR processes. The conditions depend on the autoregressive polynomial. Finally, we investigate cointegrated continuous-time linear state-space models observed on a discrete time-grid and derive an error correction form for this model. The error correction form is based on an infinite linear filter in contrast to the finite linear filter for VAR models.
This paper develops a dynamic model of retail competition and uses it to study the impact of the expansion of a new national competitor on the structure of urban markets. In order to accommodate substantial heterogeneity (both observed and unobserved) across agents and markets, the paper first develops a general framework for estimating and solving dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time that is computationally light and readily applicable to dynamic games. In the proposed framework, players face a standard dynamic discrete choice problem at decision times that occur stochastically. The resulting stochastic-sequential structure naturally admits the use of CCP methods for estimation and makes it possible to compute counterfactual simulations for relatively high-dimensional games. The model and method are applied to the retail grocery industry, into which Wal-Mart began rapidly expanding in the early 1990s, eventually attaining a dominant position. We find that Wal-Mart’s expansion into groceries came mostly at the expense of the large incumbent supermarket chains, rather than the single-store outlets that bore the brunt of its earlier conquest of the broader general merchandise sector. Instead, we find that independent grocers actually thrive when Wal-Mart enters, leading to an overall reduction in market concentration. These competitive effects are strongest in larger markets and those into which Wal-Mart expanded most rapidly, suggesting a diminishing role of scale and a greater emphasis on differentiation in this previously mature industry.
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I am very grateful to the Executive Editor, Edward George, for organizing this stimulating discussion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pro- fessors Peter Phillips, Jun Yu, Michael Sørensen, Per Mykland and Lan Zhang for their insightful and stimu- lating comments, touching both practical, methodolog- ical and theoretical aspects of financial econometrics and their applications in asset pricing, portfolio alloca- tion and risk management. They have made valuable contributions to the understanding of various financial econometric problems. The last two decades have witnessed an explosion of developments of data-analytic techniques in statis- tical modeling and analysis of complex systems. At the same time, statistical techniques have been widely employed to confront various complex problems aris- ing from financial and economic activities. While the discipline has grown rapidly over the last two decades and has rich and challenging statistical problems, the number of statisticians involved in studying financial econometric problems is still limited. In comparison with statisticians working on problems in biological sciences and medicine, the group working on finan- cial and econometric problems is dismally small. It is my hope that this article will provide statisticians with quick access to some important and interesting prob- lems in financial econometrics and to catalyze the ro- mance between statistics and finance. A similar effort was made by Cai and Hong (12), where various aspects of nonparametric methods in continuous-time finance are reviewed. It is my intention to connect financial econometric problems as closely to statistical problems as possible so that familiar statistical tools can be em- ployed. With this in mind, I sometimes oversimplify the problems and techniques so that key features can be highlighted.
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The present paper deals with the identification and maximum likelihood estimation of systems of linear stochastic differential equations using panel data. So we only have a sample of discrete observations over time of the relevant variables for each individual. A popular approach in the social sciences advocates the estimation of the “exact discrete model” after a reparameterization with LISREL or similar programs for structural equations models. The “exact discrete model” corresponds to the continuous time model in the sense that observations at equidistant points in time that are generated by the latter system also satisfy the former. In the LISREL approach the reparameterized discrete time model is estimated first without taking into account the nonlinear mapping from the continuous to the discrete time parameters. In a second step, using the inverse mapping, the fundamental system parameters of the continuous time system in which we are interested, are inferred. However, some severe problems arise with this “indirect approach”. First, an identification problem may arise in multiple equation systems, since the matrix exponential function denning some of the new parameters is in general not one‐to‐one, and hence the inverse mapping mentioned above does not exist. Second, usually some sort of approximation of the time paths of the exogenous variables is necessary before the structural parameters of the system can be estimated with discrete data. Two simple approximation methods are discussed. In both approximation methods the resulting new discrete time parameters are connected in a complicated way. So estimating the reparameterized discrete model by OLS without restrictions does not yield maximum likelihood estimates of the desired continuous time parameters as claimed by some authors. Third, a further limitation of estimating the reparameterized model with programs for structural equations models is that even simple restrictions on the original fundamental parameters of the continuous time system cannot be dealt with. This issue is also discussed in some detail. For these reasons the “indirect method” cannot be recommended. In many cases the approach leads to misleading inferences. We strongly advocate the direct estimation of the continuous time parameters. This approach is more involved, because the exact discrete model is nonlinear in the original parameters. A computer program by Hermann Singer that provides appropriate maximum likelihood estimates is described.
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This paper overviews maximum likelihood and Gaussian methods of estimating continuous time models used in finance. Since the exact likelihood can be constructed only in special cases, much attention has been devoted to the development of methods designed to approximate the likelihood. These approaches range from crude Euler-type approximations and higher order stochastic Taylor series expansions to more complex polynomial-based expansions and infill approximations to the likelihood based on a continuous time data record. The methods are discussed, their properties are outlined and their relative finite sample performance compared in a simulation experiment with the nonlinear CIR diffusion model, which is popular in empirical finance. Bias correction methods are also considered and particular attention is given to jackknife and indirect inference estimators. The latter retains the good asymptotic properties of ML estimation while removing finite sample bias. This method demonstrates superior performance in finite samples.
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This paper deals with error correction models (ECM's) and cointegrated systems that are formulated in continuous time. Problems of representation, identification, estimation and time aggregation are discussed. It is shown that every ECM in continuous time has a discrete time equivalent model in ECM format. Moreover, both models may be written as triangular systems with stationary errors. This formulation simplifies both the continuous and the discrete time ECM representations and it helps to motivate a class of optimal inference procedures. It is further shown that long run equilibria in the continuous system are always identified in the discrete time reduced form, so that there is no aliasing problem for these coefficients.
This paper develops a dynamic model of retail competition and uses it to study the impact of the expansion of a new national competitor on the structure of urban markets. In order to accommodate substantial heterogeneity (both observed and unobserved) across agents and markets, the paper first develops a general framework for estimating and solving dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time that is computationally light and readily applicable to dynamic games. In the proposed framework, players face a standard dynamic discrete choice problem at decision times that occur stochastically. The resulting stochastic-sequential structure naturally admits the use of CCP methods for estimation and makes it possible to compute counterfactual simulations for relatively high-dimensional games. The model and method are applied to the retail grocery industry, into which Wal-Mart began rapidly expanding in the early 1990s, eventually attaining a dominant position. We find that Wal-Mart’s expansion into groceries came mostly at the expense of the large incumbent supermarket chains, rather than the single-store outlets that bore the brunt of its earlier conquest of the broader general merchandise sector. Instead, we find that independent grocers actually thrive when Wal-Mart enters, leading to an overall reduction in market concentration. These competitive effects are strongest in larger markets and those into which Wal-Mart expanded most rapidly, suggesting a diminishing role of scale and a greater emphasis on differentiation in this previously mature industry.
INTRODUCTION Since Merton's seminal work in the 1970s, the continuous-time paradigm has proved to be an immensely useful tool in finance and more generally economics. Continuous time models are widely used to study issues that include the decision to optimally consume, save, and invest; portfolio choice under a variety of constraints; contingent claim pricing; capital accumulation; resource extraction; game theory and more recently contract theory. The objective of this lecture is to review some of the developments in the econometric literature devoted to the estimation and testing of these models. The unifying theme of the class of the problems I will discuss is that the data generating process is assumed to be a continuous-time process describing the evolution of state variable(s), but the process is sampled, or observed, at discrete time intervals. The issues that arise, and the problems that are of interest, at the interface between the continuous-time model and the discrete-time data are quite different from those that we typically encounter in standard time series analysis. As a result, there has been a large amount of research activity in this area. I will start with the simplest possible model, under many assumptions that restrict its generality, and describe how different inference strategies can be developed to work under progressively richer settings, where I relax either some aspect of the model's specification and/or the manner in which the process is sampled.
1. The field of values 2. Stable matrices and inertia 3. Singular value inequalities 4. Matrix equations and Kronecker products 5. Hadamard products 6. Matrices and functions 7. Totally positive matrices.
Abstract Econometric analysis of continuous time models has drawn the attention of Peter Phillips for nearly 40 years, resulting in many important publications by him. In these publications he has dealt with a wide range of continuous time models and econometric problems, from univariate equations to systems of equations, from asymptotic theory to nite sample issues, from parametric models to nonparametric models, from identication problems to estimation and inference problems, from sta- tionary models to nonstationary and nearly nonstationary models. This paper provides an overview of Peter Phillips’ contributions in the continuous time econometrics literature. We review the prob- lems that have been tackled by him, outline the main techniques suggested by him, and discuss the main results obtained by him. Based on his early work, we compare the performance of two asymptotic distributions in a simple setup. Results indicate that the in-ll,asymptotics signicantly outperforms the long-span asymptotics. JEL Classications : C22, C32
This chapter illustrates the important role that is played by local nonparametric methods along with the assumption of recurrence. The focus has been on estimation procedures, which are general both in terms of model specification and in terms of statistical assumptions needed for identification. Local nonparametric methods achieve the former by being robust (at the cost of an efficiency loss) to model misspecifications. Recurrence is a promising avenue to achieve the latter. Similar arguments in favor of minimal conditions on the underlying statistical structure of the process of interest may, however, be put forward when dealing with parametric models and discrete-time series. Sometimes empirical researchers may be a lot more comfortable avoiding restrictions like stationarity or arbitrary mixing conditions on the processes they are modeling. In the same circumstances, it might also seem inappropriate to impose explicit nonstationary behavior in the specification. Indeed, many practical situations arise where neither stationarity nor nonstationarity can be safely ruled out in advance, and in such situations, the assumption of recurrence appears to be a suitable alternative condition that permits a wide range of plausible sample behaviors and includes both stationary and nonstationary processes.
Several approaches to estimating the parameters of a continuous-time model of a multivariable system from samples of input and output observations arc discussed. These include indirect methods where a discrete-time model is first obtained from the input-output data and then transformed into a continuous-time model, as well as direct methods where the continuous-time model is obtained straight from the samples of the observations. An example is used to compare the methods.
Although it is only during the last decade that continuous-time models have been extensively used in applied econometric work, the development of statistical methods applicable to such models commenced over 40 years ago. The first significant contribution to the problem of estimating the parameters of continuous-time stochastic models from discrete data was made by the British statistician Bartlett (1946) only three years after the pioneer contribution of Haavelmo (1943) on simultaneous-equations models. Moreover, by this time the fundamental mathematical theory of continuous-time stochastic models was already well-developed, major contributions having been made by some of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, including Einstein, Wiener and Kolmogorov.
Over the last thirty years there has been extensive use of continuous time econometric methods in macroeconomic modelling. This monograph presents the first continuous time macroeconometric model of the United Kingdom incorporating stochastic trends. Its development represents a major step forward in continuous time macroeconomic modelling. The book describes the new model in detail and, like earlier models, it is designed in such a way as to permit a rigorous mathematical analysis of its steady-state and stability properties, thus providing a valuable check on the capacity of the model to generate plausible long-run behaviour. The model is estimated using newly developed exact Gaussian estimation methods for continuous time econometric models incorporating unobservable stochastic trends. The book also includes discussion of the application of the model to dynamic analysis and forecasting.
The rewards and dangers of speculating in the modern financial markets have come to the fore in recent times with the collapse of banks and bankruptcies of public corporations as a direct result of ill-judged investment. At the same time, individuals are paid huge sums to use their mathematical skills to make well-judged investment decisions. Here now is the first rigorous and accessible account of the mathematics behind the pricing, construction and hedging of derivative securities. Key concepts such as martingales, change of measure, and the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model are described with mathematical precision in a style tailored for market practitioners. Starting from discrete-time hedging on binary trees, continuous-time stock models (including Black-Scholes) are developed. Practicalities are stressed, including examples from stock, currency and interest rate markets, all accompanied by graphical illustrations with realistic data. A full glossary of probabilistic and financial terms is provided. This unique, modern and up-to-date book will be an essential purchase for market practitioners, quantitative analysts, and derivatives traders, whether existing or trainees, in investment banks in the major financial centres throughout the world.
This note exposits the problem of aliasing in identifying finite parameter continuous time stochastic models, including econometric models, on the basis of discrete data. The identification problem for continuous time vector autoregressive models is characterised as an inverse problem involving a certain block triangular matrix, facilitating the derivation of an improved sufficient condition for the restrictions the parameters must satisfy in order that they be identified on the basis of equispaced discrete data. Sufficient conditions already exist in the literature but these conditions are not sharp and rule out plausible time series behaviour.
This paper offers a perspective on A.R. Bergstrom’s contribution to continuous-time modeling, focusing on his preferred method of estimating the parameters of a structural continuous-time model using an exact discrete-time analog. Some inherent difficulties in this approach are discussed, which help to explain why, in spite of his prescience, the methods around his time were not universally adopted as he had hoped. Even so, it is argued that Bergstrom’s contribution and legacy is secure and retains some relevance today for the analysis of macroeconomic and financial time series.
This paper develops a dynamic model of retail competition and uses it to study the impact of the expansion of a new national competitor on the structure of urban markets. In order to accommodate substantial heterogeneity (both observed and unobserved) across agents and markets, the paper first develops a general framework for estimating and solving dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time that is computationally light and readily applicable to dynamic games. In the proposed framework, players face a standard dynamic discrete choice problem at decision times that occur stochastically. The resulting stochastic-sequential structure naturally admits the use of CCP methods for estimation and makes it possible to compute counterfactual simulations for relatively high-dimensional games. The model and method are applied to the retail grocery industry, into which Wal-Mart began rapidly expanding in the early 1990s, eventually attaining a dominant position. We find that Wal-Mart’s expansion into groceries came mostly at the expense of the large incumbent supermarket chains, rather than the single-store outlets that bore the brunt of its earlier conquest of the broader general merchandise sector. Instead, we find that independent grocers actually thrive when Wal-Mart enters, leading to an overall reduction in market concentration. These competitive effects are strongest in larger markets and those into which Wal-Mart expanded most rapidly, suggesting a diminishing role of scale and a greater emphasis on differentiation in this previously mature industry.
Contenido: Introducción al cálculo financiero; Procesos discretos; Procesos contínuos; Seguridad en precios de mercado; Tasas de interés; Modelos mayores.
This paper is a survey of estimation techniques for stationary and ergodic diffusion processes observed at discrete points in time. The reader is introduced to the following techniques: (i) estimating functions with special emphasis on martingale estimating functions and so-called simple estimating functions; (ii) analytical and numerical approximations of the likelihood function which can in principle be made arbitrarily accurate; (iii) Bayesian analysis and MCMC methods; and (iv) indirect inference and EMM which both introduce auxiliary (but wrong) models and correct for the implied bias by simulation. Cet article propose un tour d'horizon de techniques d'estimation pour des processus de diffusion stationnaires et ergodiques observés à des moments discrets. On y présente les techniques suivantes: (i) fonctions d'estimation, l'accentétant mis sur des fonctions faisant intervenir une martingale et sur des fonctions d'estimation dites simples; (ii) approximations analytiques et numériques de la fonction de vraisemblance admettant, en principe, une précision arbitraire; (iii) analyse bayesienne et méthodes MCMC; (iv) inférence indirecte et méthode EMM, toutes deux introduisant des modèles auxiliaires (mais incorrects) et rectifiant, par simulation, le biais résultant.
Inference is considered in the multivariate continuous time Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model on the basis of observations in discrete time. Under the hypothesis of ergodicity as well as cointegration, the classical identification or ‘aliasing’ problem is re-addressed and new results given. Exact conditions are given for (i) identification of individual parameters, as well as results for (ii) identification of rank and cointegration parameters, and, furthermore (iii) for the existence of a continuous time OU process which embeds a discrete time vector autoregression. Estimation and cointegration rank inference are discussed. An empirical illustration is given in which the ’cost-of-carry’ hypothesis is investigated.
The exact discrete model satisfied by equispaced data generated by a linear stochastic differential equations system is derived by a method that does not imply restrictions on observed discrete data per se. The method involves integrating the solution of the continuous time model in state space form and a nonstandard change in the order of three types of integration, facilitating the representation of the exact discrete model as an asymptotically time-invariant vector autoregressive moving average model. The method applying to the state space form is general and is illustrated using the prototypical higher order model for mixed stock and flow data discussed by Bergstrom (1986, Econometric Theory 2, 350 373).
We study a two-person zero-sum game where players simultaneously choose sequences of actions, and the overall payoff is the average of a one-shot payoff over the joint sequence. We consider the maxmin value of the game played in pure strategies by boundedly rational players and model bounded rationality by introducing complexity limitations. First we define the complexity of a sequence by its smallest period (a nonperiodic sequence being of infinite complexity) and study the maxmin of the game where player 1 is restricted to strategies with complexity at most n and player 2 is restricted to strategies with complexity at most m. We study the asymptotics of this value and a complete characterization in the matching pennies case. We extend the analysis of matching pennies to strategies with bounded recall.
We present a method of deriving the exact discrete model satisfied by equispaced data generated by a system of linear stochastic differential equations without implying the usual restrictions on observed discrete data that are capable of being rejected by a statistical test. The method involves integrating the solution of the continuous time model in state space form, and relies on a non-standard change in the order of three types of integration as a means of representing the exact discrete model as an asymptotically time-invariant VARMA model. Applying to the state space form of the model, the method is general, and delivers a parsimonious representation of the exact discrete model in any particular case. It is applied by way of example to the prototypical higher order model for mixed stock and flow data discussed by Bergstrom (1986, Econometric Theory 2, 350-373.
This paper deals with error correction models (ECM's) and cointegrated systems that are formulated in continuous time. Long-run equilibrium coefficients in the continuous system are always identified in the discrete time reduced form, so that there is no aliasing problem for these parameters. The long- run relationships are also preserved under quite general data filtering. Frequency domain procedures are outlined for estimation and inference. These methods are asymptotically optimal under Gaussian assumptions and they have the advantages of simplicity of computation and generality of specification, thereby avoiding some methodological problems of dynamic specification. In addition, they facilitate the treatment of data irregularities such as mixed stock and flow data and temporally aggregate partial equilibrium formulations. Models with restricted cointegrating matrices are also considered. Copyright 1991 by The Econometric Society.
This paper reconsiders the aliasing problem of identifying the parameters of a continuous time stochastic process from discrete time data. It analyzes the extent to which restricting attention to processes with rational spectral density matrices reduces the number of observationally equivalent models. It focuses on rational specifications of spectral density matrices since rational parameterizations are commonly employed in the analysis of the time series data.
One of the problems that arise in the estimation of the structural parameters of linear stochastic differential equations is that the func- tion relating the parameters of the continuous time model to those of the corresponding discrete time model is not, in general, bijective. In a recent article Telser (1967) mentioned this point, but on the whole the problem has been neglected in most of the papers that have appeared on the subject of estimating continuous time models (Bartlett (1946), Phillips (1959), Durbin (1961)). The manifestation of the problem in the frequency domain is the aliasing phenomena, which is well known. If f(w) is the spectral density matrix of the stationary random process y(t), --m < t < 00) then f(w) cannot be uniquely determined from the folded spectrum
Aggregated times series variables can be forecasted in different ways. For example, they may be forecasted on the basis of the aggregate series or forecasts of disaggregated variables may be obtained first and then these forecasts may be aggregated. A number of forecasts are presented and compared. Classical theoretical results on the relative efficiencies of different forecasts are reviewed and some complications are discussed which invalidate the theoretical results. Contemporaneous as well as temporal aggregation are considered.
This paper provides a survey on studies that analyze the macroeconomic effects of intellectual property rights (IPR). The first part of this paper introduces different patent-policy instruments and reviews their effects on R&D and economic growth. This part also discusses the distortionary effects and distributional consequences of IPR protection as well as empirical evidence on the effects of patent rights. Then, the second part considers the international aspects of IPR protection. In summary, this survey draws the following conclusions from the literature. Firstly, different patent-policy instruments have different effects on R&D and growth. Secondly, there is empirical evidence supporting a positive relationship between IPR protection and innovation, but the evidence is stronger for developed countries than for developing countries. Thirdly, the optimal level of IPR protection should tradeoff the social benefits of enhanced innovation against the social costs of multiple distortions and income inequality. Finally, in an open economy, achieving the globally optimal level of protection requires an international coordination (rather than the harmonization) of IPR protection.
A model is considered in which a covariance-stationary exogenous process is related to an endogenous process by an unrestricted, infinite, linear distributed lag. It is shown that when an underlying continuous time model is sampled at unit intervals to yield endogenous and exogenous discrete time processes, the discrete time processes are related by a discrete time equivalent of the underlying continuous model. The relationship between the underlying continuous lag distribution and its discrete time equivalent is "close" when the exogenous process is "smooth." Even then, however, it is interesting to note that (i) a monotone continuous time distribution does not in general have a monotone discrete time equivalent and (ii) a one-sided continuous time distribution does not in general have a one-sided discrete time equivalent. The implications of the results for statistical practice are considered in the latter part of the paper.
In this paper we identify conditions under which a true generator does or does not exist for an empirically observed Markov transition matrix. We show how to search for valid generators and choose the “correct” one that is the most compatible with bond rating behaviors. We also show how to obtain an approximate generator when a true generator does not exist. We give illustrations using credit rating transition matrices published by Moody's and by Standard and Poor's.
A new algorithm for computing integrals involving the matrix exponential is given. The method employs diagonal Padé approximation with scaling and squaring. Rigorous truncation error bounds are given and incorporated in a Fortran subroutine. The computational aspects of this program are discussed and compared with existing techniques.
Estimating a dynamic game of spatial competition: e case of the U.K. supermarket industry. Working paper, London School of Economics Discrete approximations to continuous time distributed lags in econometrics
  • Springer
  • P Schiraldi
  • H Smith
  • Y Takahashi
Springer. Schiraldi, P., H. Smith, and Y. Takahashi (). Estimating a dynamic game of spatial competition: e case of the U.K. supermarket industry. Working paper, London School of Economics. Sims, C. A. (). Discrete approximations to continuous time distributed lags in econometrics. Econometrica , –.
Estimating continuous-time models using discretely sampled data Ellickson () Estimation of dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time Nonstationary continuous-time processes Financial Calculus: An Introduction to Derivative Pricing
  • Y Aït-Sahalia
  • 
  • P Arcidiacono
  • P Bayer
  • J R Blevins
Aït-Sahalia, Y. (). Estimating continuous-time models using discretely sampled data. In T. P. R. Blundell and W. K. Newey (Eds.), Advances in Economics and Econometrics: eory and Applications, Ninth World Congress. Cambridge University Press.  Arcidiacono, P., P. Bayer, J. R. Blevins, and P. B. Ellickson (). Estimation of dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time. Working Paper , National Bureau of Economic Research. Bandi, F. M. and P. C. B. Phillips (). Nonstationary continuous-time processes. In Y. Aït-Sahalia and L. P. Hansen (Eds.), Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Volume , Chapter . Amsterdam: North Holland. Baxter, M. and A. Rennie (). Financial Calculus: An Introduction to Derivative Pricing. Cambridge University Press. Bergstrom, A. R. (). e history of continuous-time econometric models. Econometric eory , –.
Estimating a dynamic game of spatial competition: The case of the U.K. supermarket industry. Working paper
  • P Schiraldi
  • H Smith
  • Y Takahashi
Schiraldi, P., H. Smith, and Y. Takahashi (). Estimating a dynamic game of spatial competition: e case of the U.K. supermarket industry. Working paper, London School of Economics.
Ellickson () Estimation of dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time Working Paper  Nonstationary continuous-time processes
  • P Arcidiacono
  • P Bayer
  • J R Blevins
Arcidiacono, P., P. Bayer, J. R. Blevins, and P. B. Ellickson (). Estimation of dynamic discrete choice models in continuous time. Working Paper , National Bureau of Economic Research.  Bandi, F. M. and P. C. B. Phillips (). Nonstationary continuous-time processes. In Y. Aït-Sahalia and L. P. Hansen (Eds.), Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Volume , Chapter . Amsterdam: North Holland.
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Gantmacher, F. R. (). e eory of Matrices, Volume . New York: Chelsea.
A selective overview of nonparametric methods in financial econometrics
  • Fan