A b s t r a c t: The purpose of this study was con struction of daily total ozone model for Poprad- Gánovce (49.03ºN, 20.32ºE, 710 m a.s.l.), Slovakia, utilizing the local upper-air measurements performed there since 1961. The model of daily tota l ozone was created as a sum of two independent models: (1.) model of the monthly total ozone value s, (2.) model of daily total ozone deviations from
... [Show full abstract] the monthly average. Long-term variability of the total ozone was modelled using multilinear regression to monthly total ozone data measured wit h the Dobson spectrophotometer at the closest observatory Hradec Králove (50.18N, 15.83E, 285 m a.s.l.). Differences between the total ozone monthly averages from Hradec Králove and Poprad-Gánovce were negligible (in the range of ±2%) and no systematic bias was detected between both da ta series during the period of comparison 1994 - 2004. Content of ozone- depleting substances concentration in the stratosphere expressed by equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC), stratospheric aerosol, index of quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO), index of North Atlantic oscilla tion (NAO), solar activity expressed by sun spot number (SSN) and upper-air data (height of tropopause for January - February, temperature at 700 hPa level for December and difference between heights of 100 hPa level and 250 hPa izobaric levels for the other months) were the parameters tested be fore inclusion into the monthly total ozone model. Analysis of the Hradec Králove monthly total ozone shows that concentration ofozone-depleting substances in the stratosphere, NAO-index and upper-air parameter belongs to the best proxies of the total ozone nearly during the whole year. Aerosols play significant role in long-term total ozone variability in December - January. Solar activity v ariations affect the total ozone values in April - July. QBO index does not affect the total ozone var iability significantly during any month, except of February. Comparison of monthly total ozone trends determined from modelled and measured 1970 - 2000 time series shows descending trend of total oz one during all months. The largest total ozone decrease was detected in April and June, but the mo st significant linear decrease of total ozone was determined in January and in October. Difference be tween modelled and measured total ozone trend was below 0.3%. Short-term total column ozone variability was modelled using upper-air proxies only. The error of final model of daily total ozone was of 6%. Coefficient of determination between measured and modelled 1993 - 2004 total ozone was of 0.86. The Poprad-Gánovce daily total ozone reconstruction has been performed since 1961, but t here were large gaps in the upper-air data and consequently in the modelled daily total ozone in t he 60-ties.