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The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still does not asymptote



The Micronesian island of Guam has been an important site for the study of littoral tropical holothurian taxonomy for almost 200 years. Despite substantial attention by both expeditions and resident taxonomists, new records are still regularly added to the fauna, demonstrating the challenge of documenting even such large and well-known animals in a small hyper-diverse area. Guam is the type locality of species described by Quoy & Gaimard (1833) and Brandt (1835). A survey of the sea cucumber fauna by Rowe & Doty (1977) led to one of the most used guides for the identification of tropical Pacific sea cucumbers because of the color illustrations of living animals it presented. Focus on echinoderms including holothurians continued with numerous new records added in the following decades. Paulay (2003a) summarized the fauna last, recording 46-47 species. At this stage the fauna was thought to be well documented. A week-long workshop on holothurian systematics sponsored by the National Science Foundation PEET (Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy) project in 2010 included a substantial field work component, sampling both during the day and night, with snorkeling and SCUBA, across a variety of habitats. This survey yielded 40 species, including numerous new records and even species. Further sampling by Kerr's lab since the workshop has added additional records. The littoral holothuroid fauna of Guam now comprises 65 species in 17 genera and 7 families. Half of the 19 newly recorded species are the result of unravelling cryptic species in complexes, the other half are based on new collections. Eleven species are known from single specimens, suggesting that much still remains to be learned about the fauna.
Cah. Biol. Mar. (2013) 54 : 531-540
The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still
does not asymptote
François MICHONNEAU1, Giomar Helena BORRERO-PEREZ2, Magali HONEY3, Kamarul Rahim KAMARUDIN4,
Alexander M. KERR5, Sun KIM5, Marie Antonette MEÑEZ6, Allison MILLER5, Julio Adrián OCHOA3,
Ronald D. OLAVIDES6, Gustav PAULAY1, Yves SAMYN7, Ana SETYASTUTI8, Francisco SOLIS-MARIN3,
(1) Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
(2) Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR), Cerro Punta Betín, Santa Marta, 1016, Colombia
(3) Colección Nacional de Equinodermos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Aútónoma
de México, Apdo. Post. 70-305, México, D.F. 04510, México
(4) Institute of Oceanography and Maritime Studies (INOCEM), Kulliyyah of Science,
International Islamic University Malaysia
(5) Guam Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, USA
(6) Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines
(7) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels
(8) Research Centre for Oceanography Indonesian Institute of Sciences - LIPI, Ambon, Indonesia
(9) Royal Museum for Central Africa Department of African Zoology, Tervuren, Belgium
Abstract: The Micronesian island of Guam has been an important site for the study of littoral tropical holothurian
taxonomy for almost 200 years. Despite substantial attention by both expeditions and resident taxonomists, new records are
still regularly added to the fauna, demonstrating the challenge of documenting even such large and well-known animals in
a small hyper-diverse area. Guam is the type locality of species described by Quoy & Gaimard (1833) and Brandt (1835).
A survey of the sea cucumber fauna by Rowe & Doty (1977) led to one of the most used guides for the identification of
tropical Pacific sea cucumbers because of the color illustrations of living animals it presented. Focus on echinoderms
including holothurians continued with numerous new records added in the following decades. Paulay (2003a) summarized
the fauna last, recording 46-47 species. At this stage the fauna was thought to be well documented. A week-long workshop
on holothurian systematics sponsored by the National Science Foundation PEET (Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in
Taxonomy) project in 2010 included a substantial field work component, sampling both during the day and night, with
snorkeling and SCUBA, across a variety of habitats. This survey yielded 40 species, including numerous new records and
even species. Further sampling by Kerr’s lab since the workshop has added additional records. The littoral holothuroid
fauna of Guam now comprises 65 species in 17 genera and 7 families. Half of the 19 newly recorded species are the result
of unravelling cryptic species in complexes, the other half are based on new collections. Eleven species are known from
single specimens, suggesting that much still remains to be learned about the fauna.
One of the great challenges of our age is to document the
biosphere as well as possible before it deteriorates further
under the impact of human activities. Recent large-scale
biodiversity surveys have demonstrated that our knowledge
of biodiversity is surprisingly limited. In many systems we
cannot even reliably estimate the order of magnitude of
species diversity, let alone describe and name the species
present or their biology (e.g., Bouchet et al., 2002;
Appeltans et al., 2012; Samyn & Declerck, 2012). The
marine realm is particularly challenging, because it is less
accessible to direct observation and has received
substantially less biological attention than terrestrial
systems. Nevertheless we are beginning to have a fairly
good knowledge at least of the diversity of larger marine
organisms, such as fishes, marine tetrapods, macroalgae,
and some groups of macroinvertebrates. Being large-
bodied, conspicuous, and charismatic, echinoderms rank
among the best-studied macroinvertebrates. The objective
of this paper is to review how much we know, how our
knowledge has increased, and consider how much remains
to be learned about the holothurian fauna of the
Micronesian island of Guam.
The holothurian fauna of Guam is among the best
documented of any tropical area as a result of a long history
of study, visits by major workers, and resident specialist
taxonomists. The first written record is by Quoy & Gaimard
(1834), who described Holothuria guamensis Quoy &
Gaimard, 1834 and noted (but did not name) that they
encountered five holothurian species on the island. Brandt
(1835) described Holothuria maculata Brandt, 1835 and
Stichopus chloronotus Brandt, 1835 from Guam soon after.
A few echinoderms were recorded from Guam early in the
20th century, after Guam passed into US hands (Fisher,
1919, Clark, 1920). Following World War II, Cloud (1959)
reported on a number of species from Guam and
neighboring Saipan. Numerous studies followed after the
establishment of the University of Guam and the Marine
Laboratory, especially in the wake of a large outbreak of
crown-of-thorns sea stars that devastated Guam’s reefs in
1967. Echinoderms in general were studied by several
faculty and students, including Masashi Yamaguchi and
Chuck Birkeland. Holothurian specialist Frank Rowe
visited Guam in the 1970’s and worked through the fauna
with graduate student Jim Doty. Their review of the island’s
sea cucumbers (Rowe & Doty, 1977) became a popular
introduction to holothurian taxonomy in the Pacific for
years because of the numerous color plates it offered. The
echinoderms of Guam were reviewed in “A working list of
marine organisms from Guam” (UOGML, 1981), and
numerous new records added subsequently by Kerr et al.
(1992). The latest published checklist for holothurians
(Paulay, 2003a), was prepared for the Micronesica volumes
“Marine biodiversity of Guam and the Marianas”,
recording 47 species (including H. scabra Jaeger, 1833,a
Résumé : les concombres de mer (Echinodermata : Holothuroidea) littoraux de Guam réévalués - Une courbe de diversité
qui n’atteint pas d’asymptote. L’île micronésienne de Guam a été un site d’étude important pour la taxonomie des
holothuries littorales tropicales pour presque 200 ans. Malgré les efforts d’expéditions et de taxonomistes résidant sur place,
des espèces sont encore recensées pour la première fois, démontrant les difficultés associées au recensement d‘une faune
comprenant des animaux pourtant de grande taille et bien connus dans une zone aussi restreinte et diverse. Guam est la
localité type d’espèces décrites par Quoy & Gaimard (1833) et Brandt (1835). Le recensement de la faune des concombres
de mer par Rowe & Doty (1977) a généré un des guides d’identification les plus utilisés pour l’Indo-Pacifique du fait des
illustrations en couleur des animaux vivants qu’il incluait. L’attention portée aux échinodermes a continué avec de
nombreuses espèces recensées pour la première fois dans les décennies qui ont suivi. Paulay (2003a) a récapitulé la liste
faunistique incluant 46-47 espèces. A ce stade, la faune était présumée être bien connue. En 2010, un groupe de travail d’une
semaine sur la taxonomie des holothuries, organisé grâce aux subsides du projet NSF PEET a permis un travail de terrain
significatif, avec des échantillonnages de jour comme de nuit, en plongée libre et en scaphandre, et ce dans de nombreux
types d’habitats. Cet effort a conduit au recensement de 40 espèces, y compris des espèces vues pour la première fois à
Guam, et des espèces nouvelles. Des échantillonnages supplémentaires supervisés par Kerr depuis cet atelier ont encore
complété la liste d’espèces recensées. La faune des holothuries littorales de Guam comprend maintenant 65 espèces
réparties dans 17 genres et 7 familles. La moitié des 19 espèces recensées pour la première fois sont le résultat de la
découverte de complexes d’espèces, l’autre moitié est basée sur de nouvelles récoltes. Onze des espèces recensées ne sont
connues que d’un exemplaire indiquant que beaucoup reste à apprendre de cette faune.
Keywords: Holothuroids lBiodiversity lMicronesia lEchinoderms
doubtful record (see Paulay, 2003a), and here no longer
considered) with 10 new records. Gustav Paulay was on the
faculty of the University of Guam Marine Lab through the
1990’s, while Alex Kerr was a graduate student during part
of that time, and returned as faculty in 2005.
In June 2010, a week-long workshop on holothurian
systematics sponsored by the NSF PEET holothurian
project (Paulay & Kerr, PIs) included a substantial field
work component, sampling with snorkeling and SCUBA,
during the day and at night, across a variety of habitats, and
led to the collection of 40 species. Integrative taxonomic
studies also resolved a number of species complexes and
thus improved our knowledge of the taxonomy of several
species on Guam. Here we review how these efforts have
changed our understanding of this fauna.
Materials & Methods
We used Paulay (2003a) as the starting point of this survey,
as it critically reviewed the holothurians of Guam known to
that date. Field work since then included collections by
Kerr’s lab at the University of Guam Marine Laboratory, as
well as other local naturalists, who brought specimens to
Kerr’s lab, and collections by Paulay during a visit in 2003
and by Michonneau during a visit in 2008. In 2010 all of us
collected sea cucumbers during a two-week workshop.
Collections were by snorkel and SCUBA across all types of
reef habitats represented on the island, and included
searching in the reef matrix (mostly under rocks) and at
night. Two species were collected in 2010 by technical
diver Jim Pinson, on the deep reef slope below SCUBA-
accessible depths (> 60 m). A set of voucher specimens
were deposited in the Florida Museum of Natural History,
University of Florida (UF), with sets of duplicates in the
collections of the “Colección Nacional de Equinodermos,
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología Universidad
Nacional Aútónoma de México” in Mexico City, Mexico,
and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in
Brussels, Belgium. Some specimens from previous
collections have been deposited at the US National
Museum of Natural History (USNM).
Revisionary efforts, particularly of members of the
Holothuriidae have also clarified species limits and
diversity in a number of clades since 2003. Thus
morphological revision of Labidodemas (Massin et al.,
2004) increased the recognized species of that group from
4 to 8. Studies of animals in the field (color patterns,
behavior, ecology, etc) and DNA sequence data have
allowed us to better understand species limits in a number
of complexes, including Actinopyga, Bohadschia (Kim et
al., 2013), Holothuria, and Euapta. We provide a brief sum-
mary of some of these results as they pertain to the species
diversity on Guam.
Approximately 65 species of sea cucumbers are now
recorded from Guam (Table 1). New records and
nomenclatural updates are presented in systematic order
Order Apodida
Family Synaptidae
Euapta tahitiensis Cherbonnier, 1955
UF 10327: Guam, Tanguisson, powerplant inflow channel,
0-5 m, 11.VI.2010, Fig. 1A.
A single Euapta species, E. godeffroyi , has been
generally recognized across the Indo-West Pacific,
although two other species have been proposed: E. magna
Heding, 1928 and E. tahitiensis. Our work indicates that E.
tahitiensis is valid; the status of E. magna remains to be
evaluated. Euapta tahitiensis is widespread in the Pacific
and is here recorded from Guam for the first time.
Examination of previous Euapta collections from Guam
revealed that the species was also collected, but not
recognized in the past.
Order Aspidochirotida
Family Stichopodidae
Stichopus herrmanni Semper, 1868
UF 1683: Guam, Apra Harbor: SW end of Glass
Breakwater, sand slope, 18 m. 10.VII.2003.
Definitively recorded from Guam based on the single
specimen above. Stichopus herrmanni is one of the largest
and most conspicuous stichopodids on reefs, thus lack of
other records suggests that the sole individual collected was
a vagrant. Stichopus herrmanni was in the past confused
with other species of the S. variegatus complex (see
Stichopus sp. 1
= Stichopus ?monotuberculatus, Paulay 2003a, non Quoy
& Gaimard 1834.
Two other specimens of the Stichopus variegatus
complex have been recorded from Guam, one collected
early in the 1900’s (USNM E24500) with no indication as
to provenance other than “Guam” and not readily
identifiable to species within the complex. The second
specimen was collected and released ca. 1990, but observed
by Kerr. It was the color morph illustrated by Chao &
Chang (1989: plate I) as S. variegatus, not S. herrmanni.
These were tentatively identified by Paulay (2003a) as S.
monotuberculatus, a species since found to be restricted to
the Indian Ocean (Starmer & Paulay, unpublished; Conand
Table 1. Records of holothurians on Guam. Liste des holothuries recensées à Guam. Q&G: Quoy & Gaimard (1834); R&D: Rowe &
Doty (1977), Kerr: Kerr et al. (1992 & 1993).
Species Q&G Brandt R&D Kerr Paulay This
1834 1835 1977 1992-3 2003a study
Apodida: Synaptidae
Euapta godeffroyi (Semper, 1868) 1111
Euapta tahitiensis Cherbonnier, 1955 1
Opheodesoma grisea (Semper, 1868) 1111
Patinapta sp. 1 11
Polyplectana sp. 2 1111
Polyplectana galatheae Heding, 1928 11
Synapta maculata (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821) 1111
Synaptula sp. 1 11
Apodida: Chiridotidae
Chiridota hawaiiensis Fisher, 1907 1111
Chiridota violacea Müller, 1850 11
Aspidochirotida: Stichopodidae
Stichopus chloronotus Brandt, 1835 11 111
Stichopus herrmanni Semper, 1868 1
Stichopus sp. 1 111
Stichopus horrens Selenka, 1867 1111
Stichopus noctivagus Cherbonnier, 1980 111
Thelenota ananas (Jaeger, 1833) 1111
Thelenota anax H. L. Clark, 1921 1111
Thelenota rubralineata Massin & Lane, 1991 11
Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae
Actinopyga echinites (Jaeger, 1833) 1111
Actinopyga varians (Selenka, 1867) 111 111
Actinopyga sp. 1 1
Actinopyga palauensis Panning, 1944 111
Bohadschia argus Jaeger, 1833 1111
Bohadschia marmorata Jaeger, 1833 1111
Bohadschia koellikeri (Semper, 1868) 1
Bohadschia vitiensis (Semper, 1868) 1
Bohadschia ocellata Jaeger, 1833 1
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) arenicola Semper, 1868 1111
Holothuria (Halodeima) atra Jaeger, 1833 1111
Holothuria (Semperothuria) cinerascens (Brandt, 1835) 1111
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) coronopertusa Cherbonnier, 1980 1
Holothuria (Platyperona) difficilis Semper, 1868 1111
Holothuria (Stauropora) discrepans Semper, 1868 1
Holothuria (Halodeima) edulis Lesson, 1830 1111
Holothuria (Halodeima) aff. edulis Lesson, 1830 1
Holothuria (Platyperona) excellens (Ludwig, 1875) 111
Holothuria (Semperothuria) flavomaculata Semper, 1868 111
Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea Jaeger, 1833 111
Holothuria (Microthele) fuscopunctata Jaeger, 1833 1111
Holothuria (Lessonothuria) hawaiiensis Fisher, 1907 11
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) hilla Lesson, 1830 1111
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU1 (Forsskål, 1775) 1111
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU2 (Forsskål, 1775) 1
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU4 (Forsskål, 1775) 1
Holothuria (Cystipus) inhabilis Selenka, 1867 1111
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota Brandt, 1867 1111
Holothuria (Lessonothuria) lineata Ludwig, 1875 1111
Holothuria (Microthele) fuscogilva Cherbonnier, 1980 1111
Holothuria (Stauropora) olivacea Ludwig, 1888 1
Holothuria (Lessonothuria) pardalis Selenka, 1867 1
Holothuria (Stauropora) pervicax Selenka, 1867 1111
Holothuria (Cystipus) rigida (Selenka, 1867) 1
et al., 2010). Thus at least two species of the S. variegatus
complex have now been recorded from Guam.
Order Aspidochirotida
Family Holothuriidae
Actinopyga sp. 1
UF 237: Guam, Anae Islet, NS side, in sand patch, 5-7 m.
Study of specimens of black Actinopyga taken on Guam
revealed that a second species is present in addition to A.
palauensis (= A. obesa, in Kerr et al., 1992). Ossicles of this
species somewhat resemble those of A. spinea, but it differs
from that as well as other species studied to date in its COI
sequence. This species also occurs in the Philippines.
Actinopyga varians (Selenka, 1867)
= Actinopyga mauritiana, Rowe & Doty, 1977; Paulay,
2003a; non Quoy & Gaimard, 1834.
Netchy & Paulay (in prep) separate the Pacific form of the
widespread Actinopyga mauritiana species complex as A.
Bohadschia marmorata Jaeger, 1833, species complex
Bohadschia marmorata Jaeger, 1833
UF 4748: Guam, Piti Bombholes, in and near inshore
seagrass bed 1 m. 28.VI.2003.
Bohadschia vitiensis (Semper, 1868)
UF 4701: Guam, Piti Bombholes lagoon on sand, out in day
5-7 m. 20.VII.2003.
Bohadschia koellikeri (Semper, 1868)
UF 4705: Guam, Piti Bombholes moat, 0-2 m. 19.VII.2003.
Bohadschia ocellata Jaeger, 1833
UF 7143: Guam, Tumon sand flat, 1-1.5 m. IV.2008.
Bohadschia is one of the most challenging genera
among holothurians for species delineation, as the group
has very simple ossicles, with substantial intraspecific
variation and limited interspecific differentiation both in
ossicles as well as in color pattern (Kim et al., 2013). Rowe
& Doty (1977) showed the great variability of their color
patterns and considered all forms on Guam, other than the
distinctive B. argus, to represent a single species, B.
marmorata. Paulay (2003a) noted at least two distinguish-
able species in this complex but did not separate them;
these two forms were then distinguished with mtDNA
sequences by Clouse et al. (2005). Subsequent work
focusing on color patterns and mtDNA sequences
demonstrate that four species are involved, and all four
occur on Guam (Kim et al., 2013).
Holothuria (Cystipus) inhabilis Selenka, 1867
= Holothuria (Cystipus) rigida Rowe & Doty, 1977;
Paulay, 2003a, non Selenka, 1867.
Holothuria rigida is confused in much of the literature
with H. inhabilis. Previous records of H. rigida from Guam
all appear to pertain to H. inhabilis.
Holothuria (Cystipus) rigida (Selenka, 1867)
UF 12507: Guam: Ylig Bay (“Turtle Cove”), inner reef flat,
1 m, under coralline rubble. 24.IV.2012, Fig. 1J.
While H. inhabilis is fairly common on Guam, H. rigida
proper has not been recorded until recently and is known
from the single specimen cited above.
Holothuria (Halodeima) aff. edulis Lesson, 1830
UF 11292: Guam, Tumon Bay, deep reef slope, 100 m. 2011.
This gray colored, reef-dwelling variant of H. edulis is
suspected to be a distinct species, and is known
sporadically across the Pacific (O’Loughlin et al., 2007). A
single specimen was collected in deep water by technical
diver Jim Pinson on Guam recently. Jim saw several
Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra Jaeger, 1833 10
Holothuria (Halodeima) signata Ludwig, 1875 11
Holothuria (Lessonothuria) verrucosa Selenka, 1867 11
Holothuria (Theelothuria) turriscelsa Cherbonnier, 1980 111
Holothuria (Microthele) whitmaei Bell, 1887 1111
Holothuria (“Thymiosycia”) n. sp. 1
Labidodemas semperianum Selenka, 1867 1111
Labidodemas pseudosemperianum Massin, Samyn & Thandar, 2004 1
Labidodemas pertinax (Ludwig, 1875) 1
Labidodemas rugosum (Ludwig, 1875) 1
Pearsonothuria graeffei (Semper, 1868) 1111
Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae
Thyone okeni Bell, 1884 1111
Dendrochirotida: Phyllophoridae
Phyrella n. sp. 1
Dendrochirotida: Sclerodactylidae
Afrocucumis africana (Semper, 1868) 1111
animals at this location, but has otherwise not seen the
species elsewhere in deep water on Guam.
Holothuria (Lessonothuria) verrucosa Selenka, 1867
= Holothuria (Lessonothuria) sp. 1 in Paulay, 2003a.
This species, first recorded by Paulay (2003a), has now
been identified as H. verrucosa.
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) coronopertusa
Cherbonnier, 1980
UF 11543: Guam, on coralline sand, 100 m. 22.XI.2010,
Fig. 1I.
This striking holothurian described from New Caledonia
has turned up in recent years across much of the Indo-West
Pacific in deep water. A single specimen was collected on
Guam, 100 m deep, by technical diver Jim Pinson.
Holothuria (Microthele) fuscogilva Cherbonnier, 1980
= H. (Microthele) nobilis Paulay, 2003a; non Selenka,
See Paulay (2003a) for discussion of the history of
identification in this complex on Guam. Uthicke et al.
(2004) have reassessed the group based on broad sampling
and sequence data and showed that the appropriate name
for the dark and light mottled Pacific form is H. fuscogilva.
Holothuria (Stauropora) discrepans Semper, 1868
UF 10319: Guam, Double Reef, deep under rock, 1-2 m.
11.VI.2010, Fig. 1D.
This rather inconspicuous and relatively small Stauropora
is easy to overlook and uncommon, but appears to be rather
widespread in the western and central Pacific. A single
specimen was collected on Guam in 2010.
Holothuria (Stauropora) olivacea Ludwig, 1888
UF 10760: Guam, Apra Harbor, Kilo Wharf wharf wall and
lagoon slope, 0-15 m. 23.VI.2010, Fig. 1B.
Another inconspicuous and small Stauropora, known
from many locations, but not previously recorded from
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens (Forsskål, 1775),
species complex
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU1
UF 10341: Guam, Apra Harbor, Glass Breakwater, near
sunken barges, 1-15 m. 15.VI.2010, Fig. 1F.
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU2
UF 6729: Guam, Hagatna, S of Adalupe Island. 0-1 m.
6.II.2008, Fig. 1E.
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens ESU4
UF 4709: Guam, Pago Bay reef flat to crest channel, under
rocks 0-2 m. 2003.
Michonneau’s dissertation research is demonstrating that
H. impatiens is a large species complex that includes at
least 12 ESUs (Evolutionarily Significant Units, or phylo-
genetic species, see Malay & Paulay, 2010 for definition),
species which can be differentiated based on subtle
morphological and clear genetic characters. Three of these
have now been recorded from Guam.
Holothuria (“Thymiosycia”) sp. nov.
UF 10317: Guam, Tanguisson outer reef slope under rock
on sand 22-25 m. 11.VI.2010, Fig. 1G.
A single specimen of a distinctive, fairly large
Holothuria, with Thymiosycia-type ossicles was collected
in 2010, and appears to represent an undescribed species.
Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences indicates the
species is not related to other Thymiosycia, and represents
a deeply divergent lineage.
Labidodemas pseudosemperianum Massin, Samyn &
Thandar, 2004
Labidodemas was not studied in detail on Guam in the past.
Massin et al. (2004) revised the genus, doubling the number
of species known, and recorded L. pseudosemperianum
from Guam based on a specimen (USNM E 53083)
collected in Tumon Bay by Kerr.
Labidodemas pertinax (Ludwig, 1875)
UF 10329: Guam, Tepungan Channel tunnel, under road, 0-
2 m. 12.VI.2010, Fig. 1H.
In 2010, we encountered two species of Labidodemas on
Figure 1. Live photographs of newly recorded species. Photographies d’espèces recensées pour la première fois. A. Euapta tahitien-
sis (UF 10327). B. H. olivacea (UF 10760). C. Phyrella sp. nov. (UF 10336). D. H. discrepans (UF 10319). E. H. impatiens ESU2
(UF 6729). F. H. impatiens ESU1 (UF 10341). G. Holothuria sp. nov. (UF 10317). H. Labidodemas pertinax (UF 10329). I. Holothuria
coronopertusa (UF 11543). J. H. rigida (UF 12507).
Guam, both fairly common, L. semperianum and L.
pertinax. The latter represents a new record.
Labidodemas rugosum (Ludwig, 1875)
UF 6721: Guam, Hagatna, S. of Adalupe Island, 0-1 m.
This species known from a single individual is otherwise
widespread in the Indo-West Pacific. It can be
differentiated from other Labidodemas by its uniform gray-
pinkish body wall, the cream colored tentacles, and a
yellow circle around the suckers of the ventral tube feet. It
represents a new record and fourth Labidodemas species in
Guam’s fauna.
Order Dendrochirotida
Family Phyllophoridae
Phyrella sp. nov.
UF 10336: Guam, Gun Beach, N end of Tumon Bay reef
flat and reef front, 0-2 m. 12.VI.2010, Fig. 1C.
Since 2003, three specimens of an undescribed Phyrella
have been collected on Guam (Michonneau & Paulay, in
press). The species is densely covered with podia and has
relatively few ossicles. Only two dendrochirotids have been
recorded from Guam previously, the common sclero-
dactylid Afrocucumis africana, and Thyone okeni,
(considered a synonym of Thyone venusta Selenka, 1868
by Thandar (1990)) recorded by Rowe & Doty (1977)
based on a small specimen (described as 5 mm long in the
text, and 2 cm long in the plate legend). The latter species
was not described, the illustration presented of the live
animal is of too limited resolution to evaluate. The
specimen has now been located at the Australian Museum
(AM J.9328), but not yet reexamined. It is possible that this
specimen represents a juvenile of the Phyrella species here
recorded. Thyone okeni is noted to lack ossicles (Bell,
1884), but the presence/absence of ossicles is not discussed
for the Guam specimen. Ossicles are often uncommon in
juvenile species of Phyrella. Thyone okeni is presumed to
have 10 tentacles like other members of the genus, while
Phyrella n. sp. has 17-18, but likely several are added
during ontogeny.
The 65 species of sea cucumbers recorded from Guam
represent a greater diversity than known from almost any
other comparable-sized area (541 km2). It is comparable to
the recorded fauna of the Spermonde archipelago in
Indonesia (56 species: Massin, 1999) near the global center
of marine diversity (Hoeksema, 2007; Renema et al., 2008).
The high richness reflects both the proximity of Guam to
the diversity center and the intense scrutiny the fauna has
received over the years by both resident and visiting
holothurian specialists.
The large increase in recorded diversity (from 46 to 65
species) in the past decade is remarkable, given the long
history of research on holothurians in Guam, and the fact
that sea cucumbers are among the largest and most
conspicuous mobile invertebrates on reefs. The diversity vs.
time curve on Guam shows no sign of reaching an
asymptote (Fig. 2). This trend underscores how little we
know about marine diversity (e.g., Bouchet et al., 2002;
Paulay, 2003b). Three species appear to be undescribed,
while another four remain unidentified.
Half of the new records (8 of 19) are genuinely new,
meaning they were not encountered and recorded
previously. Remarkably, 7 of these, together with 4-5 others
(previously recorded or part of species complexes) are
known from single specimens on Guam (Synaptula sp. 1,
Stichopus herrmanni, Thelenota rubralineata, Holothuria
coronopertusa, H. discrepans, H. aff. edulis, H. olivacea,
H. rigida, Holothuria n. sp., Labidodemas pseudo -
semperianum, L. rugosum, and possibly Thyone okeni”).
Three of these species represented by singletons are known
only from deep water on Guam (T. rubralineata, H.
Figure 2. Increase of known diversity of holothurians on
Guam over time. Augmentation au cours du temps de la diversité
connue des holothuries de Guam.
coronopertusa, H. aff. edulis), and their rarity likely reflects
the difficulty of accessing this habitat. Six are parts of
species complexes or are fairly non-descript, and may have
been missed by less focused past surveys (Euapta
tahitiensis, H. discrepans, H. olivacea, H. pardalis, H.
rigida, Labidodemas pseudosemperianum). Two are minute
and cryptic (Synaptula sp. 1, Thyone okeni”). Increased
sampling efforts, in particular below SCUBA-accessible
depths, will likely lead to additional records.
The other half of new records emerged from
differentiation of species complexes. Molecular and
morphological examination of fresh material and
collaborative integrative revisions of the reef-associated
holothurians pursued partly through the NSF PEET
holothurian project has revealed high levels of cryptic
diversity in several species complexes. About one third
(~ 15 of 46) of the species recorded from Guam in the past
are now known to be species complexes. Many of these
complexes include or are comprised of a geographic mosaic
of allopatric species, of which only a single species is
known to occur on Guam. For these, revisions have
changed or may change the name of the Guam form.
However five of the species include multiple sympatric
cryptic species not previously differentiated on Guam,
adding substantially to the diversity of the fauna: Euapta
godeffroyi, Bohadschia marmorata, Holothuria edulis, H.
impatiens, and Labidodemas semperianum. Integrative
taxonomic studies have revealed species lost in synonymies
(e.g., 4 species in the Bohadschia marmorata complex), not
recognized since their description (e.g., distinction of
Euapta tahitiensis and E. godeffroyi), and species that were
missed because characters traditionally used in species
delimitation do not vary among related forms (e.g., the
three species in the H. impatiens complex).
The fauna is dominated by the Holothuriidae (44
species: 70%), followed by the Synaptidae and the
Stichopodidae (both 8 species: 13%); two species of
Chiridotidae, and one each of Cucumariidae,
Sclerodactylidae, and Phyllophoridae, round out the fauna
(Fig. 3). The dominance of aspidochirotids (81%) and poor
representation of dendrochirotids (5%) is typical of oligo -
trophic environments such as oceanic islands in the tropics.
Similarly dendrochirotids comprise 5% (2 of 37 species) of
the holothurians of the oceanic island La Réunion (Conand
et al., 2010) and 2.1% of the fauna off the oligotrophic
coast of Kenya (Samyn, 2003; Samyn & Tallon, 2005),
while they represent 34% (42 of 122 species) of the fauna
on Madagascar (Cherbonnier, 1988), a neighboring
microcontinent. Oligotrophic waters and isolation likely
both contribute to the underrepresentation of this
suspension feeding group with lecithotrophic development.
We thank the staff of the University of Guam Marine
Laboratory for hosting and helping with the workshop that
produced this study. Funding by NSF PEET (DEB
0529724) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would
like to thank Chantal Conand and Claude Massin for
constructive remarks that improved this manuscript.
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... Besides CTs, sea cucumbers have developed other defensive strategies such as excretion of toxic compounds, expelling the internal organs (also called evisceration, e.g. in Holothuria atra; [25,26], autotomy (e.g. in Synapta maculata; [27]) or morphological defenses such as possession of spikes (e.g., in Thelenota ananas, Bohadschia; [25]) or thickening of the body wall (e.g. in Holothuria edulis; [28]). In addition, there are behavioral adaptations such as cryptic behavior (e.g. in Holothuria hilla; [29]) or escape behavior such as swimming (e.g. in Synaptids and deep-water species; [28,[30][31][32]). The above described morphological and behavioral defense mechanisms are often combined with chemical defenses via production of bioactive molecules [33]. ...
... However, in some references, H. whitmaei has been misidentified as H. nobilis [55], limiting reliable reports about bioactive compounds. H. edulis is mainly nocturnal and has a cryptic behavior [29]. While H. fuscopunctata and H. edulis do not have morphological defense mechanisms, they seem to rely on chemical defenses, displaying high deterrent activities ( Figure 2) and medium cytotoxicity (LC50 = 337.7 ppm ± 0.5; LC50 = 356.2 ...
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Sea cucumbers are slow-moving organisms that use morphological, but also a diverse combination of chemical defenses to improve their overall fitness and chances of survival. Since chemical defense compounds are also of great pharmaceutical interest, we pinpoint the importance of biological screenings that are a relatively fast, informative and inexpensive way to identify the most bioactive organisms prior to further costly and elaborate pharmacological screenings. In this study, we investigated the presence and absence of chemical defenses of 14 different sea cucumber species from three families (Holothuriidae, Stichopodidae and Synaptidae) against ecological factors such as predation and pathogenic attacks. We used the different sea cucumber crude extracts as well as purified fractions and pure saponin compounds in a portfolio of ecological activity tests including fish feeding assays, cytotoxicity tests and antimicrobial assays against environmental pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. Furthermore, we quantified and correlated the concentrations of sea cucumber characteristic saponin compounds as effective chemical defensive compounds in all 14 crude extracts by using the vanillin-sulfuric acid test. The initial results revealed that among all tested sea cucumber species that were defended against at least one ecological threat (predation and/or bacterial attack), Bohadschia argus, Stichopus choloronotus and Holothuria fuscopunctata were the three most promising bioactive sea cucumber species. Therefore, following further fractionation and purification attempts, we also tested saponin-containing butanol fractions of the latter, as well as two purified saponin species from B. argus. We could demonstrate that both, the amount of saponin compounds and their structure likely play a significant role in the chemical defense strategy of the sea cucumbers. Our study concludes that the chemical and morphological defense mechanisms (and combinations thereof) differ among the ecological strategies of the investigated holothurian species in order to increase their general fitness and level of survival. Finally, our observations and experiments on the chemical ecology of marine organisms can not only lead to a better understanding of their ecology and environmental roles but also can help in the better selection of bioactive organisms/compounds for the discovery of novel, pharmacologically active secondary metabolites in the near future.
... nov. MA-2010 [74] showed the highest similarity with A. varians (4.60%) from Hawaii and Micronesia, which is considered as its sister-species based on morphology [75]. The other BOLD sequences from the Red Sea, also labelled as A. mauritiana could correspond to another species. ...
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Echinoderms are marine water invertebrates that are represented by more than 7000 extant species, grouped in five classes and showing diverse morphologies (starfish, sea lilies, feather stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle and basket stars). In an effort to further study their diversity, DNA barcodes (DNA fragments of the 5’ end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, COI) have been used to complement morphological examination in identifying evolutionary lineages. Although divergent clusters of COI sequences were reported to generally match morphological species delineations, they also revealed some discrepancies, suggesting overlooked species, ecophenotypic variation or multiple COI lineages within one species. Here, we sequenced COI fragments of 312 shallow-water echinoderms of the East Coast of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Province) and compared morphological identifications with species delimitations obtained with four methods that are exclusively based on COI sequences. We identified a total of 103 morphospecies including 18 that did not exactly match described species. We also report 46 COI sequences that showed large divergences (>5% p-distances) with those available to date and publish the first COI sequences for 30 species. Our analyses also identified discordances between morphological identifications and COI-based species delimitations for a considerable proportion of the morphospecies studied here (49/103). For most of them, further investigation is necessary to keep a sound connection between taxonomy and the growing importance of DNA-based research.
... The depth of observation is around 80 m. This species has been sampled in New Caledonia and the western Pacific at depths of 100 m (Michonneau et al. 2013). A better knowledge of the biodiversity of the mesophotic coral ecosystems of the southwest Indian Ocean and Pacific could explain the distributions and connectivity of the species. ...
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First occurrence of the species Holothuria coronopertusa in Mayotte, in the Indian Ocean
... Our knowledge of the biodiversity of this marine realm in Indonesian waters is poor because of limited biodiversity survey capabilities and the lack of awareness of the possible benefits hidden in the deep sea. One of the great challenges of our age is to document the biosphere as completely as possible, including the deep-water ecosystem, before it deteriorates further under the impact of human activities (Michonneau et al., 2013). As notable macro-invertebrates that are conspicuous, charismatic, and have important ecological, economical, and medicinal roles, holothuroids deserve greater attention. ...
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Fifteen species of deep-sea holothuroids were recorded from the South Java Deep-Sea (SJADES) Biodiversity Expedition 2018 from depths between 100-1,700 m. Of these, the following five species are new records for Indonesian waters: Zygothuria oxysclera (R. Perrier, 1899); Bathyplotes natans (M. Sars, 1868); Paelopatides gelatinosus (Walsh, 1891); Benthothuria funebris R. Perrier, 1898; and Pelagothuria natatrix Ludwig, 1893. Most of the 15 species were only observed from a single station, but several were found at two or more stations. The following five elasipodid sea cucumbers are described in detail here:
... Even groups with large and conspicuous individuals, such as sea cucumbers, are still underestimated. Michonneau et al. (2013) show that the diversity curve of littoral sea cucumbers on the island of Guam still does not asymptote despite many survey efforts by specialists throughout almost 200 years. Marine vertebrates are better documented, but many uncertainties remain. ...
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Species flocks are proliferations of closely-related species, usually after colonization of depauperate habitat. These radiations are abundant on oceanic islands and in ancient freshwater lakes, but rare in marine habitats. This contrast is well documented in the Hawaiian Archipelago, where terrestrial examples include the speciose silverswords (sunflower family Asteraceae), Drosophila fruit flies, and honeycreepers (passerine birds), all derived from one or a few ancestral lineages. The marine fauna of Hawai'i is also the product of rare colonization events, but these colonizations usually yield only one species. Dispersal ability is key to understanding this evolutionary inequity. While terrestrial fauna rarely colonize between oceanic islands, marine fauna with pelagic larvae can make this leap in every generation. An informative exception is the marine fauna that lack a pelagic larval stage. These low-dispersal species emulate a "terrestrial" mode of reproduction (brooding, viviparity, crawl-away larvae), yielding marine species flocks in scattered locations around the world. Elsewhere, aquatic species flocks are concentrated in specific geographic settings, including the ancient lakes of Baikal (Siberia) and Tanganyika (eastern Africa), and Antarctica. These locations host multiple species flocks across a broad taxonomic spectrum, indicating a unifying evolutionary phenomenon. Hence marine species flocks can be singular cases that arise due to restricted dispersal or other intrinsic features, or they can be geographically clustered, promoted by extrinsic ecological circumstances. Here, we review and contrast intrinsic cases of species flocks in individual taxa, and extrinsic cases of geological/ecological opportunity, to elucidate the processes of species radiations.
... Although regarded as nocturnal species, B. marmorata and B. vitiensis (Conand 1998;Purcell et al. 2012) were also encountered early in the morning with the sun out already. In Guam, B. vitiensis was also spotted during the day within the sandy lagoon at depths of 5-7 m (Michonneau et al. 2013). It is possible that these species tend to respond to temperature because during the reconnaissance survey done at around 20:00, no individuals were seen in the area where their aggregation was noted earlier. ...
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This study was conducted to determine the species composition, distribution, density and size structure of sea cucumbers at Arreceffi Island in Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. Three stations covering different habitats (intertidal flats, seagrass beds, and coral reefs) were surveyed during the day and night by walking, snorkeling and scuba diving. In total, 15 species in the families Holothuriidae (11 species), Stichopodidae (3 species) and Synaptidae (1 species) were recorded. Some rare Stichopus and high-value species were recorded along with other aggregating species of the family Holothuriidae. Density generally ranged from 0.3 to 19.0 ind. 100 m-2, and greatly varied depending on habitat.
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Morphologically cryptic and pseudo-cryptic species pose a challenge to taxonomic identification and assessments of species diversity and distributions. Such is the case for the sea cucumber Stichopus horrens, commonly confused with Stichopus monotuberculatus. Here, we used mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and microsatellite markers to examine genetic diversity in Stichopus cf. horrens throughout the Philippine archipelago, to aid species identification and clarify species boundaries. Phylogenetic analysis reveals two recently diverged COI lineages (Clade A and Clade B; c. 1.35–2.54 Mya) corresponding to sequence records for specimens identified as S. monotuberculatus and S. horrens, respectively. Microsatellite markers reveal two significantly differentiated genotype clusters broadly concordant with COI lineages (Cluster 1, Cluster 2). A small proportion of individuals were identified as later-generation hybrids indicating limited contemporary gene flow between genotype clusters, thus confirming species boundaries. Morphological differences in papillae distribution and form are observed for the two species, however tack-like spicules from the dorsal papillae are not a reliable diagnostic character. An additional putative cryptic species was detected within Clade B-Cluster 2 specimens warranting further examination. We propose that these lineages revealed by COI and genotype data be referred to as Stichopus cf. horrens species complex.
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Echinoderms are marine water invertebrates that are represented by more than 7000 extant species, grouped in five classes and showing diverse morphologies (starfish, sea lilies, feather stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle and basket stars). In an effort to further study their diversity, DNA barcodes (DNA fragments of the 5’ end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, COI) have been used to complement morphological examination in identifying evolutionary lineages. Although divergent clusters of COI sequences were reported to generally match morphological species delineations, they also revealed some discrepancies, suggesting overlooked species, ecophenotypic variation or multiple COI lineages within one species. Here, we sequenced COI fragments of 312 shallow-water echinoderms of the East Coast of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Province) and compared morphological identifications with species delimitations obtained with four methods that are exclusively based on COI sequences. We identified a total of 103 morphospecies including 18 that did not exactly match described species. We also report 46 COI sequences that showed large divergences (>5% p-distances) with those available to date and publish the first COI sequences for 30 species. Our analyses also identified discordances between morphological identifications and COI-based species delimitations for a considerable proportion of the morphospecies studied here (49/103). For most of them, further investigation is necessary to keep a sound connection between taxonomy and the growing importance of DNA-based research.
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The Marquesas Islands have no longer a reef formation as they possessed before the Holocene. Despite an important variety of coastal and deep habitats in a rich plankton ocean environment, invertebrate richness is less than in other archipelagos of French Polynesia. Only a few taxonomic groups were studied; those species which are of significant size. The number of species of sponges, corals, molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms is nearly 1200 with a dominant 90% of shellfish. Because of an oceanographic isolation, a strong speciation has developed in certain groups such as molluscs and crustaceans while it is absent for corals and currently impossible to assess for sponges. History reef during the Quaternary, special habitats and important endemism of certain groups are the whole point of this invertebrate fauna of the Marquesas Islands, which is far from having been well inventoried.
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The southern African dendrochirotid holothurians of the family Phyllophoridae (sensu Pawson & Fell, 1965) are revised and a new genus Thyonina is erected to accommodate Thyone articulata Vaney, 1908, which possesses only slender spectacle-shaped rods as body wall deposits. In addition, Thyone proceracorona Cherbonnier, 1952 and T. turrisolida Cherbonnier, 1954, are declared junior subjective synonyms of T. aurea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833); Havelockia imperfecta Cherbonnier, 1970 is transferred to the genus Thyone, and T. venusta Selenka, 1868 (synonym T. okeni Bell, 1884) is recorded for the first time from southern Africa. These changes bring the total number of phyllophorid holothurians now known from southern Africa to five genera and 11 species. All species are keyed, briefly described and/or discussed, and their local distributions mapped.Die Suider-Afrikaanse dendrochirote Holothuroidea van die Familie Phyllophoridae (sensu Pawson & Fell, 1965) wod hersien en ’n nuwe genus, Thyonina, word beskryf om Thyone articulata Vaney, 1908, te huisves. Hierdie spesie besit liggaamswandneerslae wat slegs uit skraal brilvormige stawe bestaan. Verder word Thyone proceracorona Cherbonnier, 1952 en T. turrisolida Cherbonnier, 1954, beskou as sinonieme van T. aurea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833); Havelockia imperfecta Cherbonnier, 1970 word oorgeplaas na die genus Thyone, en T. venusta Selenka, 1868 (met sinoniem T. okeni Bell, 1884) word vir die eerste keer uit Suider-Afrika aangemeld. Hierdie veranderinge bring die aantal Phyllophoridae wat uit Suider-Afrika bekend is, op vyf genera en 11 spesies te staan. Alle spesies word van sleutels voorsien en kortliks beskryf en/of bespreek, en hul plaaslike verspreidings word in kaart gebring.
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Sea cucumbers of the genus Bohadschia (Holothuroidea: Echinodermata) are among the larger and more common echinoderms on tropical coral reefs. While the genus is easy to identify and has been recognized for some time, the number and status of species have varied substantially for over a century. The species problem in Bohadschia is the result of high intra-specific variability and little inter-specific divergence in the principal, traditional taxonomic characters, the shape and size of microscopic dermal ossicles. We re-evaluate Bohadschia primarily based on colour pattern of living animals and mitochondrial sequence data. The character sets are congruent, and both cleanly delineate 11 species and one common hybrid form. The vexing Bohadschia marmorata complex is resolved into four species, all of which have available names, although two have not been recognized correctly since their description. A fairly common colour form intermediate between B. argus and B. vitiensis has mtDNA sequences matching either one or the other species and is interpreted as a hybrid form. Several species occur sympatrically at most locations; however, the most closely related species show evidence of allopatric divergence. Character state reconstructions suggest that the prevalent diurnal burrowing and nocturnal epibenthic feeding behaviour among Bohadschia evolved early in the history of the genus. Ossicle shape and size were found to perform poorly in distinguishing species, while colour pattern is diagnostic.
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O’Loughlin, P. M., Paulay, G., VandenSpiegel D., and Samyn, Y. 2007. New Holothuria species from Australia (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae), with comments on the origin of deep and cool holothuriids. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 64: 35–52. Two aspidochirotid species, new to science, from the continental slope of southern Australia are described: Holothuria (Panningothuria) austrinabassa O’Loughlin sp. nov. and Holothuria (Halodeima) nigralutea O’Loughlin sp. nov. The fi rst represents the southernmost documented holothuriid, and is the sister species of the northernmost holothuriid species Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali Delle Chiaje. The second is a very recent offshoot of the wide-ranging Indowest Pacifi c Holothuria (Halodeima) edulis Lesson. Morphological and molecular genetic differences between these species pairs are detailed. Holothuria (Halodeima) signata Ludwig is raised out of synonymy with H. edulis.A lectotype for Holothuria (Halodeima) signata Ludwig is designated, The status of the subgenera Panningothuria Rowe and Halodeima Pearson is discussed. The occurrence of multiple madreporites in Halodeima is discussed.
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Earlier studies in the tropical Indo-Pacific have grossly underestimated the richness of macrofauna species at spatial scales relevant to conservation and management as a result of insufficient collecting and sorting effort. A massive collecting effort involving 400 day-persons at 42 discrete stations on a 295-km2 site on the west coast of New Caledonia, south-west Pacific, revealed 2738 species of marine molluscs. This is several times the number of species recorded from any area of comparable extension anywhere in the world. Spatial and habitat heterogeneity is high with 32% of the species collected at a single station. With 20% of the species represented by single specimens (0.4% of all catches), rare species make up a considerable proportion of the fauna. This justifies the parallel drawn between coral reefs and rain forests in terms of species diversity. The real richness of many soft-bodied marine taxa is probably underestimated, as evidenced by the fact that 28.5% of the mollusc species present at the study site are represented in the samples only by empty shells. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 75, 421–436.
During a survey at the Spermonde Archipelago (22.viii-5.x.1994) 56 holothurian species were collected; ten are new to the fauna of Indonesia and one is new to science: Stichopus quadrifasciatus spec. nov. Most of the species are described, figured and discussed. As far as possible, all literature records from 1970 onwards are listed and a distribution map is given for each species.