Riassunto. A contribution to the study of the population of Hydromantes (Speleomantes) strinatii in the Bandito Caves (Marittime Alps, northwestern Italy). The aim of our study was to estimate the number of specimens and the structure of the Hydromantes (Speleomantes) strinatii population living in the karst system called the "Grotte del Bandito" (Alpes-Maritimes, ITALY). The research was carried out in three day of capture with temporary removal of animals. Data obtained were processed using the software Fisat II and Capture. We have captured a total of 36 specimens during the three-day sampling effort (27 adults, 4 subadults and 5 young), including three animals with obvious malformations, two males without the left eye and one with a cysts on the right side. The analysis of the structure of the population through the distribution of body size show a single component corresponds to adults with SVL (Snout-Vent Length) between 42 mm and 74 mm (mean = 60.43 mm, St. Dev. = ± 5.24). Statistical analysis allowed us to estimate a population of 56 specimens (St. Dev. = ± 4, 67) with constant probability of capture and of 45 specimens (St. Dev. = ± 7.74) with capture probability variable. The results of this preliminary study show a different situation compared with other populations of the same species: prevalence of adult, sex ratio skewed towards males, few juveniles and only one female observed with eggs. The causes should be researched both in difficulty of sampling site both in the particular ecological conditions that may affect the spatial and/or temporal probability of capture of the different age groups.
Il geotritone di Strinati è un Anfibio Caudato appartenente alla famiglia Plethodontidae endemico della Francia sud-orientale e dell'Italia nord-occidentale, con una distribuzione altitudinale molto ampia, essendo presente dal livello del mare (Bologna & Salvidio, 2006) fino a quasi 2500 m slm (Renet, com. pers.). Il sito di studio è situato nel complesso carsico denominato "Grotte del Bandito", all'interno del SIC "IT1160056 -Alpi Marittime" nel comune di Roaschia (CN), ad una quota di circa 730 m s.l.m. Tale sito è ampiamente conosciuto fin dalla fine del XIX secolo,