
Embedded formative assessment

... Thus, accounting functions in interactions are underpinned by alternative mathematicalanalytical models (Watts and Zimmerman, 1978;Fields et al., 2001). Since economic courses demand critical thinking skills, reading comprehension should also be encouraged as they are interrelated skills (Wiliam, 2011). Stoet and Geary (2013) have found that in the area of language learning, the average girl always outperforms the average boy in reading. ...
... For the actual analysis, 572 valid questionnaires were used. To understand the context better, the variables were supplemented with additional data on attitudes towards the teacher of the subject, on the time students spend studying economic subjects, and on learning outcomes in mathematics and mother tongue, which are essential for the development of economic thinking and understanding of information (OECD, 2014;Wiliam, 2011;Watts and Zimmerman, 1978). The study based its research approach on several similar studies that have described significant gender differences not only in attitudes towards motivation and school achievement, but also examined attitudes towards teacher's personality and correlations between variables (Alharbi et al., 2020;Berková et al., 2018;Perelygina et al., 2020). ...
... This idea is based on the results of PISA (OECD 2010), which showed a relationship between numeracy and financial literacy. Furthermore, the idea is supported by research verifying the relationships between language skills (especially reading comprehension) and the development of critical thinking (Wiliam, 2011), which is important for studying economics. This study found correlations in the case of school achievement between accounting, economics, mathematics, and mother tongue. ...
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This study examined the school achievement and attitudes of Czech and Slovak secondary school students (n = 572; age: 17-19) towards motivation in economic subjects. The aim was to analyse the factors of students’ motivation, their relations with selected teacher’s competences, and students’ school achievement with regard to their gender. The data were obtained by using a questionnaire and analyzed by Mann-Whitney U-test, Pearson, and Spearman correlation coefficients. Girls performed better than boys in all the subjects analysed. At the same time, for all factors of motivation with significant gender differences, their motivation was stronger compared to boys. School achievement and attitudes towards selected motivation factors are correlated. Some factors motivating boys with better achievement motivate girls with worse achievement.
... In the world of education, feedback is frequently viewed as one of the most effective ways to bring about learner progress (Black and Wiliam, 1998;Education Endowment Foundation, 2020Hattie and Clarke, 2018;Jers and Wärnsby, 2018;Kahu, 2008;Panadero and Lipnevich, 2022). Studies repeatedly show that this is the case but also that the potential impact is far from certain with feedback often ignored or misunderstood (Boud and Molloy, 2013b;Clarke, 2003;Elbra-Ramsay, 2021;Johnson et al., 2016;Panadero and Lipnevich, 2022;Wiliam, 2011). Alongside this discrepancy, there are also multiple views of what feedback is, and crucially what good feedback is. ...
... Some of the gaps identified by the judges would be more appropriate for a professional dancer than a relative novice. Not only do gaps need to be within reach, and cover how to close them, there also needs to be opportunities for the gap to be closed through future action (Wiliam, 2011). Here again, we see the difficulties with the format of the show as if the gap is too specific to that particular dance, it will not be revisited and therefore given opportunity to be closed. ...
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The past decades have seen a plethora of TV reality talent shows emerge. The viewing population likes nothing more than seeing a ‘class’ of bakers, sewers, potters or dancers develop their skills and face the scrutiny of judges before being whittled down to a winner. The popularity of these shows says something about the national psyche but, aside from the entertainment value, may also carry conceptions of teaching, learning, assessment and feedback. By applying a metalinguistic thematic analysis to judges’ feedback, this paper seeks to examine how one UK show in particular, ‘ Strictly Come Dancing,’ presents feedback and, using a feedback framework, how this is understood. This feedback framework is notable for the links made to self-regulation, an area that continues to influence UK education policy. This paper will argue that when popular TV shows such as Strictly Come Dancing are viewed through a pedagogical lens, they reveal models of feedback which are not necessarily valued. Furthermore, analysis reveals the spectacle of normalised and broader educational neoliberalism policy reflected back at us.
... They also note that. 'The single most important things that teachers need to know' (Wiliam, 2011) is cognitive load theory (p. 10): however, this is rarely central (or even features) in most teacher education courses. ...
... However, they see formative assessment as a key part of a review process in which the learners gain feedback on what they have achieved and what needs to be addressed further. Many of the key principles are found in Black and Wiliam (1998) and Wiliam (2011). Black and Wiliam (1998) define formative assessment precisely as, '… encompassing all those activities undertaken by teachers, and/or by their students, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged'. ...
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This review paper reflects on the findings of two major educational texts. These reveal some of the underlying principles that underpin aspects of learning. The two books also shed light on why much educational research today is making minimal impact, in terms of benefiting both teachers and learners. Although the two books start from very different perspectives, there is a considerable overlap in the findings they present, and offer common ground in suggesting ways forward in developing educational research of much higher quality. These books, along with the numerous references cited in them, offer a clear framework for the future. This review paper seeks to summarise some of the key findings, drawing in selected related literature as needed. The findings are relevant for teachers, teacher trainers, researchers as well as education policy-makers.
... Bosson-Amedenu et al. (2020) found significant variations in the use of assessment strategies among basic school teachers, suggesting that tailored professional development could enhance the consistency and effectiveness of these practices. Moreover, international studies have consistently shown that AfL strategies, when effectively implemented, can lead to significant improvements in student outcomes (Mandouit & Hattie, 2023;Topali et al., 2024;Wiliam, 2011). ...
... The 16 items used to measure Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies in this study are well-grounded in the educational literature, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness. Each item draws on established research, such as providing clear learning objectives (Black & Wiliam, 1998), utilising critical questioning techniques (Wiliam, 2011), and giving immediate, specific feedback (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). The items also include promoting selfassessment (Andrade, 2010), implementing peer assessment (Topping, 1998), and using diagnostic tests to identify student strengths and weaknesses (Black et al., 2003). ...
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This study explores the implementation and effectiveness of Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies among basic schoolteachers in Ghana, focusing on the influences of gender, teaching experience, and teaching division. Utilising a survey approach, data were collected through a 16-item Assessment for Learning Questionnaire (AfLQ) from a randomly selected sample of 100 teachers. The instrument's reliability and validity were confirmed through a pilot study and expert reviews, achieving a Cronbach's alpha of over 0.7 for all variables. Multinomial regression analysis provided key insights into the effectiveness, variability, and reliability of AfL practices, guiding professional development and future research. Multiple linear regression analyses identified significant correlations among AfL practices, with strong positive relationships between self-assessment, peer assessment, and immediate feedback. Variance plots showed higher variability in the implementation of certain practices among female and subject teachers, indicating a need for more tailored professional development. Additionally, the Test Information Function (TIF) plot revealed distinct proficiency levels, highlighting areas where teachers excel and potential gaps requiring intervention. These findings emphasise the critical role of demographic factors in the application and success of AfL strategies and offer actionable insights for enhancing teacher training programmes. By integrating advanced statistical techniques, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of AfL practices in diverse educational settings, contributing valuable knowledge to the field of educational assessment. Article visualizations: </p
... The teachers participated in selecting mathematical tasks that were suitable for their students; in particular, the tasks involved topics that the teachers had already decided to let their students work on. Furthermore, the teachers regularly let their students work in groups, and often used the 'no hands up' method (see Wiliam, 2018). On the other hand, the cameras and microphones, and the presence of the researcher, may have influenced the students' behaviour (Heath et al. 2010). ...
... At the end of the lesson, the teacher gathered the groups for a whole-class discussion about various solutions to the problem. During these teacher-led discussions, students were chosen randomly to report on their group work, in accordance with the technique 'no hands up' (see Wiliam, 2018). Thus, each student had to be ready to explain and account for the proposed solution(s) of his/her group. ...
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Fredriksdotter, H. 2024. Young students' mathematical argumentation in social interaction. Video-based observations of student-student interaction during everyday work in the mathematics classroom. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Educational Sciences 34. 110 pp. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. ISBN 978-91-513-2099-1. Previous research indicates that students benefit from engaging in mathematical problem-solving activities together with peers. The aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge of how social interaction can contribute to shaping young students' mathematical argumentation. The analysis was based on a dialogical perspective on communication. In particular, an ethnomethodological approach was applied to the analysis of students' social interaction while engaging in discussions about solutions to mathematical tasks. Students' contributions to interaction were analysed using Conversation Analysis and multimodal analysis. In addition, the contents of students' explanations, justifications and generalisations were analysed according to procedures of qualitative content analysis. The empirical material consisted of video recordings of naturally occurring interaction during mathematics lessons in two grade-6 classrooms (i.e., among students who are 11-12 years old). Findings were presented in four studies. Study I indicated that the mathematical argumentation among students working in the same classroom can orient towards very different social and sociomathematical norms. Study II focused on students' use of different types of justifications, showing that their general arguments consistently built on (and agreed with) results of preceding examinations of particular examples. In Study III, students' strategies of handling differing proposals were analysed, which showed that students often solicited explanations of peers' proposals by commenting on or asking questions about them without explicitly criticising them. Moreover, when students conceded to someone else's proposal and rejected their own, concessions and rejections were marked by affect-laden and/or embodied acts, indicating an urgency to display a change of state. In addition, marking their concessions may be part of students' ways of displaying independent epistemic access to the mathematical task as well as to the differing proposal. Focusing on students' methods of co-constructing general arguments, Study IV confirmed the importance of having access to and building on others' arguments. In addition, Study IV showed how the use of linguistic resources can indicate that students have identified regularities and/or transferred known mathematical facts into a new context. The detailed analysis of students' argumentation while engaging in mathematical problem solving with peers emphasised the reflexive relation between "social" and "mathematical" aspects of interaction in the mathematics classroom. The analysis also exemplified how young students' use of justifications can be a first stage in developing an understanding of formal mathematical proof.
... Since the 1980s, a number of researchers have been writing in support of formative assessment, particularly regarding how students' learning benefits from the provision of feedback in the teaching and learning process (Crooks, 1988;Dweck 1989;Sadler, 1989;Shephard, 2005). The term 'Assessment for Learning' was first used by Paul Black (1986) and brought to a wider audience by Mary James at the 1992 annual ASCD meeting in New Orleans, bringing formative assessment into the world spotlight (Gardner, 2010;Wiliam, 2011). The term AfL was further made popular through several publications by the Assessment Reform Group (ARG) in the UK as a follow-up to Black and Wiliam's (1998, p. 4) seminal work when they called for a 'clear distinction between Assessment of Learning (AoL) for the purposes of grading and reporting and Assessment for Learning (AfL), which calls for different priorities, new procedures and a new commitment'. ...
... Ultimately, teachers may tend to over-simplify and categorise a particular practice into simply formative versus summative, or AfL versus AoL. These terms are not labels for different types or forms of assessment but they describe how and for whom assessment data needs to be interpreted and responded to purposefully, in a particular process by teachers and students (Gardner, 2010;Wiliam, 2011;Leong 2014a). ...
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In this chapter, I hope to help Singaporean teachers particularly, navigate the literature of AfL carefully. The literature review will also suggest how differing school organisations and social cultural contexts could pose different challenges to how teachers learn AfL. Finally, I highlight that School Leaders (SL) and Key Personnel (KP) with support from MOE and NIE, need to leverage the full contextual dimension of the Singaporean classroom (instead of focusing only on the constraints). While it may be futile (and unnecessary) to expect AfL to be practised consistently across school and classroom contexts, SL and KP can help their colleagues to accept certain contradictions and see dilemmas not as impediments of understanding but rather opportunities to create new ways of knowing AfL in terms of local sense-making. If all teachers are to be important agents of change, their understanding of AfL must be nuanced with an understanding of the different contexts in which learning occurs.
... Research by Wiliam (2011) highlights that problem-solving tasks foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. By encouraging EFL students to evaluate, analyse, and synthesize information, these tasks lead to a deeper understanding and improved cognitive skills. ...
This paper investigates effective strategies for fostering critical thinking skills among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Beninese secondary schools. Critical thinking is essential for language and literacy development, as well as success in all domains. The importance of critical thinking in educational contexts is particularly crucial in a multicultural and diverse setting like Benin. This mixed-methods study combines qualitative interviews with EFL teachers and quantitative surveys with secondary school students to identify effective strategies. Results indicate that collaborative learning, inquiry-based instruction, problem-solving tasks, critical reading and writing exercises, and the integration of real-world issues into the curriculum are effective approaches. The study's findings suggest that incorporating these strategies into EFL instruction can significantly enhance the success of teaching and learning critical thinking in Beninese secondary schools.
... Second, it helps identify areas where educational practices can be improved to better support student learning and well-being (McMillan, 2020;Pervaiz et al., 2024). Finally, by exploring effective strategies for balancing formative and summative assessments, this study aims to contribute to the development of more comprehensive and effective assessment practices that enhance both teaching and learning outcomes at the secondary level (Wiliam, 2021;Siddiqui, Lashari & Soomro, 2023). ...
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This study aims to explore secondary school teachers' perceptions of formative and summative assessment techniques, focusing on their balance and impact on educational outcomes. Formative assessments offer ongoing feedback to enhance teaching and learning, while summative assessments evaluate student performance at the end of instructional periods. Understanding the balance between these approaches is crucial for effective education. Employing a mixed-methods design, the research integrates quantitative data from surveys and qualitative insights from interviews with secondary school teachers. Teacher's value formative assessments for identifying learning gaps and boosting engagement but also see summative assessments as essential for accountability and progression. Challenges include high stakes testing pressures and integrating formative feedback into summative frameworks. To achieve balance, the study suggests continuous assessment methods and involving students in the assessment process. These strategies can improve teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes, underscoring the need for professional development in balanced assessment implementation.
... This is a critical factor in terms of the validity of the tests because understanding the content of the tests is necessary for them to accurately reflect students' knowledge and skills (Messick, 1994). In addition, question comprehension ability is an important variable that affects students' performance and can affect the accuracy of test results (Wiliam, 2011). Therefore, it is important to consider students' ability to understand the questions correctly in test design and evaluation process. ...
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The psychological resilience of teachers refers to their capacity to cope with the challenges teachers face and their ability to prevent burnout. Teachers' psychological resilience can help them teach students more effectively and maintain their profession in the long term. To date, studies on teacher resilience have generally focused on teachers' characteristics, socialization, and behavior. However, very few studies investigate teacher resilience and its reflections on education through the relationship between teachers' resilience, students' transformation of educational behaviors into skills, and reading comprehension skills. Henderson and Milsteins' study (2003) suggests that if teachers, who are the main source of role models in education, lack resilience, it is not a realistic expectation for students to be educationally resilient and indirectly demonstrate educational skills. So this study investigated the relationships between teachers' resilience and students' reading comprehension skills. This study was designed with the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The relationship between primary school students and their teachers was investigated. Numerical quantities representing the universe were calculated to question the existence of the relationship. In this regard, a total of 761 students and their teachers from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades of primary school constitute the participants of the research. A total of 31 classes and their teachers from public and private primary schools were involved in the process. This study found a positive but low-level relationship between teachers' professional resilience and their students' reading comprehension skills. While teacher resilience contributes to students' reading comprehension, its impact is relatively limited, suggesting that other factors also play a significant role in students' academic success.
... Positive feedback can boost pupils' self-esteem and confidence. According to Wiliam (2011), successful formative assessment procedures build a classroom culture in which mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, resulting in a safe and supportive learning environment. This pleasant environment encourages students to take risks and engage actively in their study. ...
This article employs a questionnaire to evaluate the practices and obstacles of formative assessment implementation among 40 teachers. Formative assessment is acknowledged for its ability to provide timely feedback to improve teaching and learning. The study’s findings show that, while instructors generally appreciate formative assessments, they encounter major impediments such as time limits, high class numbers, and data processing issues. To improve the efficacy of formative assessments, the research suggests continued professional development focusing on practical solutions, as well as structural adjustments to lower class sizes and devote more time to assessment procedures. Meeting these obstacles is critical for using formative assessments to improve educational results and influence instructional decisions. The study emphasizes the need for further research to investigate novel solutions and evaluate the long-term impact of improved formative assessment techniques on student performance.
... As explored in this study, teachers may confuse the concept of FA with other types of assessment (such as SA and diagnostic assessment). Professional training tutors could instruct teachers to identify FA from several examples and explain the reasons for their choice (Wiliam, 2018). Additionally, teachers should be aware of the purpose and characteristics of FA (e.g. ...
... El descubrimiento indica que la rapidez y la adaptación del feedback, aspectos fundamentales de la evaluación digital, son cruciales para aumentar la efectividad de la evaluación formativa (Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006). Según (Wiliam, 2013), en la evaluación pág. 10068 convencional, la retroalimentación tiende a ser menos regular y más genérica, lo cual puede restringir la habilidad de los alumnos para efectuar correcciones inmediatas en su proceso de aprendizaje. ...
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En este exhaustivo estudio se analiza detalladamente la eficacia del innovador enfoque de aprendizaje híbrido como un modelo educativo sumamente efectivo en el contexto de la era postpandemia que estamos atravesando actualmente. El modelo de aprendizaje híbrido integra de manera sinérgica la instrucción cara a cara con la educación virtual, lo cual posibilita una flexibilidad y adaptabilidad superiores en el proceso educativo. Dado el significativo impacto que la pandemia ha tenido en el sistema educativo a nivel mundial, resulta imperativo profundi-zar en el análisis de cómo este nuevo paradigma puede llegar a influir de manera sustancial en el desempeño académico y en la motivación intrínseca de los estudiantes. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se puso en marcha un diseño de investigación cuasiexperimental, el cual integró de manera sinérgica técnicas de recolección de datos tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas. La muestra seleccionada para el estudio estuvo compuesta por un total de 150 estudiantes de edu-cación básica, los cuales fueron distribuidos equitativamente en tres grupos diferenciados: uno que participó en un programa educativo híbrido innovador con un enfoque centrado en la tecno-logía, otro que siguió un enfoque tradicional con algunos elementos híbridos mínimos incorpo-rados, y un tercer grupo que optó por un modelo de enseñanza completamente presencial. Du-rante un extenso periodo de tiempo de 12 semanas, se llevaron a cabo evaluaciones exhaustivas del rendimiento académico y la motivación de los participantes, utilizando pruebas tanto antes como después de la intervención, así como cuestionarios estandarizados para obtener datos pre-cisos y detallados. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio revelaron que el grupo de estudiantes que tomó parte en el programa educativo de modalidad híbrida experimentó mejoras significati-vas en su rendimiento académico, así como niveles notablemente superiores de motivación en contraste con los demás grupos analizados. El aprendizaje híbrido se ha destacado en la actuali-dad por su notable capacidad para adaptarse de manera efectiva a las diversas y particulares necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, fomentando así un entorno educativo más inclusivo, dinámico y flexible.
... La evaluación y medición del aprendizaje en estudios sociales conlleva desafíos significativos, particularmente al intentar valorar competencias como el pensamiento crítico y la comprensión de contextos históricos y sociales. Es fundamental la creación de estrategias de evaluación que logren medir de forma precisa el aprendizaje profundo y el pensamiento crítico en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, superando así las evaluaciones convencionales (Wiliam, 2013) METODOLOGÍA Con el propósito de analizar la enseñanza del área de estudios sociales en los materiales didácticos empleados en la educación secundaria, este estudio evaluó su calidad, enfoque pedagógico y conformidad con los estándares curriculares tanto nacionales como internacionales. En esta investigación se ha utilizado una metodología mixta que integra tanto enfoques cualitativos como cuantitativos con el fin de lograr una comprensión completa y detallada del fenómeno analizado. ...
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Las estrategias de aprendizaje activas en la enseñanza de la asignatura de estudios sociales juegan un papel crucial en el desarrollo de habilidades críticas y el pensamiento analítico en los estudiantes. Este enfoque pedagógico se centra en involucrar a los estudiantes de manera directa en el proceso de aprendizaje, promoviendo la participación activa a través de actividades como debates, estudios de caso, proyectos colaborativos, simulaciones y el uso de recursos tecnológicos interactivos. Estas estrategias buscan ir más allá de la simple transmisión de conocimientos, fomentando la construcción de significado y la aplicación práctica de los conceptos en contextos del mundo real. Diversos estudios han demostrado que las estrategias de aprendizaje activas mejoran significativamente la comprensión y retención de información por parte de los estudiantes en estudios sociales. Los estudiantes, al involucrarse de manera activa, adquieren habilidades fundamentales como el pensamiento crítico, la resolución de problemas y la capacidad de colaborar en equipo. Estas competencias son esenciales para hacer frente a los desafíos de la sociedad contemporánea. Además, el aprendizaje activo fomenta una mayor motivación e interés en la materia, lo que se traduce en un mejor rendimiento académico y una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje. La implementación de estas estrategias, sin embargo, no está exenta de desafíos. Requiere de una planificación cuidadosa por parte del docente, así como de un cambio en la dinámica tradicional del aula. Los docentes deben estar capacitados para facilitar estas actividades, adaptarlas a los diferentes niveles de competencia de los estudiantes, y evaluar de manera efectiva los resultados del aprendizaje. A pesar de estos desafíos, los beneficios de las estrategias de aprendizaje activas en la enseñanza de estudios sociales son evidentes, proporcionando a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para ser ciudadanos informados y comprometidos. En conclusión, las estrategias de aprendizaje activas representan una metodología poderosa en la enseñanza de estudios sociales, fomentando no solo la adquisición de conocimientos, sino también el desarrollo integral de habilidades y competencias fundamentales. Su implementación efectiva requiere un compromiso tanto de docentes como de instituciones educativas para adaptar y perfeccionar continuamente las prácticas pedagógicas en beneficio del aprendizaje estudiantil.
... Autores como Dylan Wiliam (2011), conhecido por suas contribuições à avaliação formativa, ressaltam que avaliações contínuas, integradas ao processo de aprendizagem, são essenciais para melhorar o desempenho dos alunos. Essa abordagem aplicada à formação docente contribui para o desenvolvimento constante de habilidades. ...
... In addition, Hattie and Timperley (2007); Wiliam and Leahy (2015) emphasized the need for timely feedback to support learning progressions based on information gathered from assessments. Nworgu and Ellah (2015); Wiliam (2017) agree that assessment practices should be embedded in instructional activities to enhance student learning and understanding. Klenowski (2020) strongly emphasized the importance of assessment and promulgated a variety of assessment practices which could find relevance in the university learning spaces. ...
... It consists of providing sufficient information for the teacher to be aware of the student's improvement process, and in turn for the student to improve his or her performance, allowing the necessary adjustments to be made. It bases its implementation on providing clear and concrete criteria, facilitating feedback and allowing work to be reviewed and improved, thus providing an opportunity to self-regulate learning (Wiliam, 2011;Andrade & brookhart, 2016). ...
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An effective evaluation system should not be limited to measuring performance with numerical grades, but should take into account each student's starting point and progress. This research aims to explore the use of technological tools to implement formative assessment with self-assessment and peer assessment in a virtual learning environment. To do so, a mixed methodology is applied that includes case analysis and the design of an ad hoc questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of 0.7. The Moodle virtual workshop is used to carry out a pre-experimental design (n=103). The results reveal an improvement in understanding of the topic and academic performance. In conclusion, an effective evaluation system is fundamental to academic success, with formative assessment being a viable alternative for improving learning and measuring the acquisition of competencies. RESUMEn. Un sistema de evaluación eficaz no debe limitarse a medir el rendimiento con notas numéricas, sino que debe tener en cuenta el punto de partida y el progreso de cada estudiante. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar el uso de herramientas tecnológicas para implementar una evaluación formativa con autoevaluación y evaluación entre pares en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje. Para ello, se aplica una metodología mixta que incluye análisis de casos y el diseño de un cuestionario ad hoc con un coeficiente de confiabilidad Alpha de Cronbach de 0,7. Para llevarlo a cabo se utiliza el taller virtual de Moodle en un diseño preexperimental (n=103). Los resultados revelan que se mejora la comprensión del tema y el rendimiento académico. En conclusión, un sistema de evaluación efectivo es fundamental para el éxito académico, siendo la evaluación formativa una alternativa viable para mejorar el aprendizaje y medir la adquisición de competencias. KEyWoRdS: formative assessment, Peer assessment, Virtual workshop, higher education, Assessment for learning. PALAbRAS CLAVE: Evaluación formativa, Evaluación entre pares, Taller virtual, Educación superior, Evaluación para el aprendizaje. garcía-Lázaro, d.; Marcos-Calvo, M. A.; garrido-Abia, R. (2025). Application of virtual workshops for formative evaluation in higher education. Campus Virtuales, 14(1), 9-19. https://doi.
... In the same way, teacher feedback should be utilized to enhance the students' participation in the class and achieve better learning results. In a similar view, Wiliam [51] notes that feedback, which is formative, enhances student learning because it enables students to think or reflect on their learning processes. Successful feedback allows the students to assume more responsibility in the learning process, developing better comprehension of the contents and problem-solving skills. ...
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Inadequate teacher-student communication in schools causes misconceptions of academic information, resulting in decreased student performance and engagement. Furthermore, it impedes the formation of a supportive learning environment, which is critical for increasing student motivation and confidence. The study aimed to investigate the relationships and influences of the quality of Original Research Article Comingking et al.; Asian J. 394 teacher-student communication on students' level of academic learning outcomes among college students of Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc. Specifically, it examined the variables that best predict students' academic learning outcomes. Descriptive, correlational, and causal-comparative designs were utilized in this study. Moreover, researchers used adapted survey questionnaires to obtain information from the respondents. For students' quality learning achievement, the study used the students' general average acquired in the first semester. Pearson Product Moment Correlation r and Simple Linear Regression were the statistical tools utilized in the study. The study demnstrated a significant relationship between the quality of teacher-student communication and students' learning outcomes. All three indicators under the independent variable were of high descriptive equivalent. Moreover, learners' academic performance was very satisfactory. Furthermore, teachers' feedback on Quality teacher-student communication significantly predicted students' learning outcomes. Thus, the more precise the instructions the teachers give, the more responsive the teacher is, and the more they give positive feedback, the more they perform well in school.
... i. Technology can facilitate the creation of both formative and summative assessments, providing prompt feedback to students (Wiliam, 2011). ii. ...
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This paper presents a comprehensive framework for integrating educational technology into curriculum design, aiming to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Drawing on current research and best practices, the framework provides educators with a structured approach to leveraging technology effectively. The paper emphasizes the importance of considering individual differences, social contexts, and the nature of social media use when examining this relationship. Additionally, it discusses the role of citations and references in academic writing, highlighting their importance in supporting claims and increasing the volume size of a paper. A theoretical framework and diagram are included to illustrate key strategies for integrating technology into curriculum design. Future research should continue to explore these frameworks to cultivate a more sophisticated comprehension of the impact of social media on mental health.
... Various theories were incorporated to establish suitable monitoring strategies and feedback mechanisms for evaluating experiential learning in the context of online teaching. The starting point was five key strategies for formative assessment outlined by Wiliam [30], which consider not only the teacher's instructional decisions but also peer collaboration and student agency in the learning process. These strategies encompass: (1) Clarifying, understanding, and sharing learning intentions, (2) Engineering effective classroom discussions, tasks, and activities that elicit evidence of learning, (3) Providing feedback that propels learners forward, (4) Activating students as learning resources for one another, and (5) Activating 8 students as owners of their own learning. ...
Traditional architectural education, still widely practised globally, is structured around design-studio courses rooted in the master-apprentice model. This approach faces heightened scrutiny in the post-Covid-19 era, marked by the integration of diverse digital tools and AI, for prioritising instruction over student experience. Recognising the need for swift evolution towards a more active and meaningful educational landscape, this chapter explores the transformative potential of experiential learning within online architecture courses, specifically designed for children and young people. It employs the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model to examine pedagogies that cultivate architectural awareness, design cognition, and concept development. Two case studies in Colombia serve as focal points, incorporating synchronous and asynchronous activities to stimulate imagination, creativity, and observational skills through analogue and digital tools tailored to distinct age groups. The application of a formative assessment approach, coupled with participant feedback, offers insights into the courses’ success in achieving the set objectives. The findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of seamlessly integrating experiential learning into online architectural education, presenting valuable implications for educators navigating the complexities of contemporary teaching in the digital era.
... Classroom assessment plays a crucial role in supporting and describing the learning that occurs within L2 classrooms (Brookhart, 2004;Looney et al., 2018). Unlike externally imposed accountability testing, these assessments are created by teachers themselves, combining local and external standards (Martin-Kniep & Picone-Cochia, 2009;Wiliam, 2010). According to Segers (2003), effective assessment practices occur when teachers actively engage in the assessment process and share both responsibility and control with their assessors. ...
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In global trends and current curricular policy reforms in second language (L2) education, there is a great emphasis on repositioning of teachers as assessors and teachers’ role as responsible agents in assessment. However, various factors affect the agency of teachers as assessors in the classroom. This study explored the ways English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers perceived the impact of the language assessment teacher education course on their agency as assessors. Likewise, it scrutinized the challenges and opportunities teachers confronted in leveraging the acquired knowledge and skills to enhance their assessment agency and contribute to their overall professional development. As for dataset, this phenomenological study targeted 50 EFL teachers, with 25 participants completing an open-ended questionnaire and the other 25 composing narratives. The research findings, using MAXQDA software (v. 20) for content and thematic analysis, revealed that EFL teachers perceived a significant positive influence of language assessment teacher education courses on their agency as assessors in the classroom. This led to their increased confidence and competence in assessment practices. They found limited institutional support and resources as their main challenges. However, they claimed opportunities would arise from collaborative professional networks and tailored mentoring to effectively apply knowledge and skills gained from language assessment teacher education courses for their professional development. The findings offer valuable implications for language assessment teacher education and professional development initiatives, illuminating the potential predicaments and expediters in enhancing teachers’ assessment agency and fostering their continuous professional growth.
... As students grow and learn, tutors must grasp how that influences learning (Mourshed et al. 2017). Teachers must understand their students' experiences and use the right tools and methods to engage and promote class discussions (Wiliam, 2018). The US National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE, 2017) found that teachers tailored classes to students' learning needs and learnt their traits to improve classroom instruction. ...
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This paper reports on a study that examined the quality of the learning environment of sandwich programmes in Ghana. The study used a sequential explanatory mixed method design and focused on tutors and 400 students of the programme. The Total Quality Management Theory, Expectation Confirmation/Disconfirmation Theory, Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model underpined the study. A disproportional stratified selection method was used to select 1,000 students and 50 tutors from each of the four teaching centres. While a purposive sampling method was employed to select 12 students and eight tutors involved in sandwich programmes for follow-up interviews. The data were collected using a questionnaire and an interview guide. The quantitative data was analysed using means and standard deviation, while the qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis. These findings revealed that the tutors show concern for the welfare of the students and offer chances for student-teacher contact. However, big class sizes limit how much faculty can customise the learning environment. Also, students were friendly, helpful, cooperative, and supported one another during activities. The study recommended that the management of the Institute of Education and centre coordinators make every effort to secure spacious classrooms to help reduce large class sizes and increase opportunities for student-teacher interactions, cohesiveness, and students' participation in the classroom. In addition, tutors should foster an atmosphere that invites student interaction and identify students' strengths and weaknesses.
... In addition, transitional active breaks can be utilized in assessment. Research demonstrates that quality assessment has a greater positive impact on student learning than any other intervention, and all students benefit from quality assessment practices (Davies et al., 2012;Wiliam, 2011). Transitional active breaks can be used for diagnostic assessment before commencing a new unit of work (Australian Capital Territory Government, 2016). ...
... Additionally, curriculum developers might consider integrating instructional materials or resources that better prepare students for these tasks, ensuring they have the necessary skills and confidence to complete them independently. Addressing these challenges can enhance the validity of performance-based assessments, ensuring they serve their intended purpose of measuring student learning effectively [21]. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic prompted this study to employ a narrative inquiry approach to explore the experiences of two Grade 10 public high school students, their parents, and the teacher during the initial phase of modular distance learning (MDL). Purposefully selected based on their academic performance, the participants' stories offer insights into the challenges and adaptive strategies within the MDL context. Through personal interviews, anecdotal, and class records, the research reveals the nuanced impact of living conditions, module distribution and retrieval processes, engagement with module content, performance task completion, academic performance, and the pivotal role of parental support on students' learning experiences. Conventional content analysis identified six key themes that underline the complexities of navigating education during a pandemic. The findings highlight the critical need for enhanced educational policies and curriculum development, particularly within the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)-Cooking curriculum, to address the identified challenges. This study contributes to the discourse on educational resilience, offering directions for policy-making and curriculum enhancement to better support students and families in similar future scenarios.
... Although the concept of FA has been defined in different ways in the literature (for a review, see Wiliam, 2018), it mainly refers to the idea that assessment information could be used to give feedback to students about their current learning process, and to teachers about the efficacy of the practices they used. Formative assessment thus involves collecting evidence about students' learning and using this information to guide the students in their current and future learning (Schildkamp et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction In Luxembourg, competency-based practices (CBP), differentiated instruction (DI), and formative assessment (FA) have been imposed by the 2009 school law. Referring to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study examined factors influencing the implementation of these practices in classrooms. Methods Teachers participated in an online survey assessing their attitudes, subjective norm, perception of behavioral control, intention, and pedagogical practices regarding CBP, DI, or FA. Measurement models were used in structural equation models testing the TPB. Results If the main relationships postulated by the theory were confirmed, some inconstancies were observed depending on the targeted practices. Structural equation TPB models controlling for gender, experience, teaching level, and socio-economic level of the school population explained between 20 and 45% of the variance in teachers’ practices, and between 65 and 75% of the variance in teachers’ intention to use these practices. Discussion The relevance of the TPB for studying teaching practices and implications for professional training are discussed.
... Autores como Dylan Wiliam (2011), conhecido por suas contribuições à avaliação formativa, ressaltam que avaliações contínuas, integradas ao processo de aprendizagem, são essenciais para melhorar o desempenho dos alunos. Essa abordagem aplicada à formação docente contribui para o desenvolvimento constante de habilidades. ...
... Autores como Dylan Wiliam (2011), conhecido por suas contribuições à avaliação formativa, ressaltam que avaliações contínuas, integradas ao processo de aprendizagem, são essenciais para melhorar o desempenho dos alunos. Essa abordagem aplicada à formação docente contribui para o desenvolvimento constante de habilidades. ...
... Autores como Dylan Wiliam (2011), conhecido por suas contribuições à avaliação formativa, ressaltam que avaliações contínuas, integradas ao processo de aprendizagem, são essenciais para melhorar o desempenho dos alunos. Essa abordagem aplicada à formação docente contribui para o desenvolvimento constante de habilidades. ...
Este paper foi elaborado partindo do tema Metodologias Ativas na Educação: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Docente na Transformação do Ensino, que explora o papel central das metodologias ativas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, destacando seus desafios e oportunidades para os educadores. Com foco na transição de um modelo tradicional para uma abordagem mais participativa e centrada no aluno, o texto analisa as principais metodologias ativas, como a Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP), a sala de aula invertida e o ensino híbrido. Os desafios incluem a necessidade de formação continuada dos docentes, a adaptação às novas tecnologias e a mudança de mentalidade pedagógica, que exige maior flexibilidade e criatividade. Por outro lado, as oportunidades estão relacionadas ao potencial dessas metodologias para aumentar o engajamento dos alunos, promover o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais para o século XXI e tornar o processo de ensino mais dinâmico e eficaz. O artigo conclui que, apesar das barreiras, a implementação das metodologias ativas oferece um caminho promissor para a transformação do ensino, estimulando uma prática pedagógica mais inovadora e alinhada às necessidades contemporâneas da educação.
Questions of what language assessment literacy (LAL) is and how it can be developed have preoccupied researchers, teachers and other stakeholders for a number of years (Berry, Sheehan and Munro 2019, Taylor 2013, Vogt and Tsagari 2014). There are also discussions regarding the extent to which the construct is impacted by contextual factors (Inbar-Lourie 2017). In this chapter we discuss the construct of teacher LAL against a Norwegian backdrop and reflect on how collaborative assessment cultures can contribute to developing it in this context and beyond.
In an era of rapid technological advancement and global challenges, educational innovation is essential for preparing future generations to navigate and shape an increasingly complex world. This article explores the role of educational innovation in creating a brighter future, emphasizing the need for transformative approaches that go beyond traditional methods. The focus is on how innovation in curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and the integration of technology can foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills among students. The discussion also highlights the importance of equitable access to education and the need for educators to adapt to changing societal needs. By embracing educational innovation, we can empower students to become active, responsible global citizens capable of contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future.
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The right to education allows the construction of significant learning in the student through the implementation of a formative evaluation that involves improvements in academic quality and links all forms of learning in the classroom. Therefore, this article will explore how formative assessment strategies, how continuous feedback and self-assessments influence learning and knowledge retention in university students, with a special focus on the right to education; In this way, it aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of formative assessment strategies in higher education and on knowledge retention. In essence, the article deepens the right to education as a fundamental principle that allows the guarantee of knowledge for people and with it, access to social and cultural settings; In dialogue with this, formative evaluation is defined as a process of collecting and managing information to improve student learning. Thus, the methodology implemented is a documentary review in academic databases, so that recent studies are found that link data on the impact of formative evaluation on the right to education, which makes it possible to contribute significantly to the forms of learning in higher education. As a result, the importance of implementing a formative evaluation that allows students to connect with education and, through it, access information and academic knowledge valuable for life is discussed.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas asesmen as learning dalam meningkatkan kreativitas berpikir mahasiswa calon guru Matematika di UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan berbasis pendidikan berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi-eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua kelompok mahasiswa calon guru Matematika, yaitu kelompok eksperimen yang menerima perlakuan asesmen as learning dan kelompok kontrol yang menerima perlakuan konvensional. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan tes kreativitas berpikir yang mencakup dimensi fluency, flexibility, originality, dan elaboration. Selain itu, wawancara dan observasi dilakukan untuk mendukung data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok eksperimen mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kreativitas berpikir dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Peningkatan tersebut terlihat pada semua dimensi kreativitas yang diukur. Observasi juga menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dalam kelompok eksperimen lebih aktif berpartisipasi dalam diskusi kelas, mengemukakan ide-ide baru, dan mampu mengembangkan solusi kreatif terhadap masalah yang diberikan. Wawancara dengan mahasiswa mengungkapkan bahwa asesmen as learning membantu mereka memahami materi dengan lebih baik, meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, dan mendorong mereka untuk berpikir kreatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa implementasi asesmen as learning efektif dalam meningkatkan kreativitas berpikir mahasiswa calon guru Matematika di UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan, serta memberikan kontribusi penting terhadap pendidikan berkelanjutan dan peningkatan kualitas pengajaran. Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Asesmen as learning, kreativitas berpikir, mahasiswa calon guru Matematika, pendidikan berkelanjutan.
As a nascent research domain, there is a scarcity of research studies that examine the levels of assessment literacy, perceptions, beliefs, and practices among students concerning their Student Writing Assessment Literacy (SWAL). To address this research gap, the present study adopts a mixed-methods design, incorporating the Scale of SWAL (Xu et al., 2023) alongside semi-structured interviews. 134 students answered the scale, while an additional twelve students volunteered to participate in the interviews. Student responses from the scale were subjected to analysis through descriptive statistics, revealing a notable correlation between students’ comprehension of assessment objectives and the manifestation of positive attitudes towards learning. Nevertheless, a misalignment was noticed between their theoretical understanding and beliefs and their pragmatic implementation regarding written assignments. Interview data underwent analysis through thematic analysis, elucidating four main themes: (1) feedback valuation, (2) scoring criteria awareness, (3) feedback delivery preferences, and (4) alternative assessment avoidance. Implications emphasise the importance of involving students in the assessment process and advocate for teacher training initiatives to enhance SWAL. Future research could broaden their scope to reach diverse academic levels and integrate grades as a variable. Overall, the present study provides valuable insights into SWAL, shedding light on assessment practices at the tertiary level.
This study aims to investigate the implementation of assessment as learning to enhance creative thinking skills based on sustainable education among Mathematics Education students at UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan. The research method used was classroom action research (CAR) consisting of four cycles: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Research instruments included tests of creative thinking skills, observation sheets, and interviews. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results indicate that the implementation of assessment as learning significantly improves the creative thinking skills of Mathematics Education students from cycle to cycle. Students demonstrated improvements in generating creative ideas and solving complex mathematical problems. These findings underscore the importance of assessment as learning as an effective strategy in the context of sustainable education to enhance students' creative thinking skills.
This article reports on an intervention study conducted to improve young Thai learners’ motivation and attitudes towards take-home tests. The traditional use of summative tests in education has often led to increased pressure and demotivation among students. Based on formative assessment practices and motivational strategies, the study aimed to improve students’ motivation and engagement when taking tests. The intervention involved regular, short take-home tests and motivational strategies over 25 weeks and collected data using a mixed methods approach. Results showed notable improvement in students’ intrinsic motivation, writing motivation and homework completion rate of take-home tests over the course of the intervention. The article highlights the importance of incorporating formative assessment practices, goal setting, collaborative learning and visual aids to promote student ownership of learning and increase their motivation to complete tests. The study contributes to the ongoing dialogue on effective assessment methods and student motivation in an educational context.
This research aims to develop an Assessment as Learning (AaL) model to enhance creative thinking skills within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) among mathematics education students at UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan. In today's educational context, fostering creative thinking skills is crucial not only for solving complex problems but also for preparing students to innovate and adapt in a rapidly changing environment. ESD provides a relevant framework to integrate these skills into the curriculum, emphasizing responsible decision-making for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Traditional assessment methods often focus solely on measuring learning outcomes rather than actively contributing to the learning process. AaL, however, positions assessment as an integral part of learning, encouraging students to engage actively, reflect on their understanding, and develop higher-order thinking skills. By embedding AaL practices, this study seeks to empower mathematics education students to connect mathematical concepts with real-world sustainability issues, thereby enhancing their understanding and application of mathematics in practical contexts. The proposed AaL model for ESD integrates various strategies such as problem-based learning, case studies, interdisciplinary collaboration, and authentic assessment methods like portfolios and presentations. These approaches aim to provide meaningful learning experiences that go beyond theoretical knowledge, enabling students to tackle real-world challenges creatively and innovatively. Implementation of the AaL model will involve iterative cycles of development, implementation, and evaluation. The effectiveness of the model will be assessed through tests of creative thinking skills, observations, and interviews, providing insights into its impact on students' learning outcomes and perceptions. This research contributes practical guidelines for educators to integrate creative thinking skills and ESD principles effectively into mathematics education. It advocates for broader adoption of the AaL model across educational institutions to equip students with the competencies needed to address global challenges and contribute to sustainable development.
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El enfoque pedagógico y social para garantizar que todos los estudiantes puedan gozar de una educación de calidad, fomentando la inclusión, es un tema de gran relevancia en el ámbito educativo contemporáneo. Como señala Gloria Ladson-Billings en su libro "Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children”, adoptar un enfoque pedagógico inclusivo implica reconocer y valorar la diversidad de los estudiantes, así como sus antecedentes culturales y experiencias de vida. Esto requiere una adaptación de las prácticas educativas para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante y promover su éxito académico y personal. Por otro lado, según los hallazgos de la UNESCO en el informe "Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future", la inclusión en la educación no solo se refiere a garantizar la participación de todos los estudiantes en el sistema educativo, sino también a proporcionarles un entorno de aprendizaje que sea acogedor, respetuoso y que se promueva el sentido de pertenencia. Esto implica eliminar las barreras físicas, sociales y emocionales que puedan obstaculizar el acceso y la participación de los estudiantes. Para lograr una educación inclusiva y de calidad, es esencial que los docentes reciban una formación continua en estrategias pedagógicas inclusivas y en el manejo de la diversidad en el aula. Tal como plantea Sonia Nieto en su obra "Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education", esto implica desarrollar una conciencia crítica sobre las estructuras sociales y educativas que perpetúan la exclusión y la discriminación, así como el compromiso de trabajar activamente para transformar dichas estructuras.
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For tracking student progress and designing educational programs, assessment and evaluation are critical components of the process. Assessment is data collection to monitor students' development, while evaluation analyzes this data to make informed educational choices. To enhance educational results, practical and effective assessment and evaluation techniques must be applied. These strategies enable instructors to discover and customize instruction by identifying each student's strengths and limitations. This article compares classic and modern assessment and evaluation methodologies to draw implications for educational policies and practices. The research employs a systematic literature review to analyze data gathered from diverse fields. Efficiency, appropriateness, scalability, inclusivity, technology integration, and stakeholder acceptability are critical factors in comparing assessment and evaluation approaches. These parameters were used to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy. Traditional approaches, for example, have been proven insufficient in expressing individual characteristics since they are ubiquitous and uniform. Modern approaches stand out for their ability to meet student demands and adapt to diverse circumstances. The broad use of these modern procedures, however, is much more complicated than the simply adaptable traditional methods. According to the study's results, current and traditional assessment and evaluation methods have common themes such as purpose, quality assurance, involvement, ethics, and continual development. Traditional approaches, on the other hand, remain more summative, but novel methods concentrate more on student growth via formative strategies and ongoing feedback. Furthermore, novel methods provide flexibility, technology integration, and inclusion, while conventional methods may be restricted to a specific format. Modern methodologies reflect technology's growing importance in education and provide substantial opportunities to build engaging and attractive learning environments. Traditional techniques, on the other hand, emphasize academic knowledge and memory abilities while ignoring practical applications. Assessments that involve problem and project-based learning, as well as real-world situations, are prioritized in modern techniques. Consequently, integrating traditional and contemporary assessment and evaluation methodologies is recommended and will result in a more effective and inclusive educational assessment system. This research on the applicability and efficacy of assessment and evaluation methodologies provides for the exploration of new educational approaches and techniques, as well as the chance to assess current practices and make suggestions for implementation.
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Enacting Assessment for Learning (AfL) is challenging for teachersand even more for Preservice Teachers (PSTs). The support for thoseattempting to enact it has been considered insufficient and/orinadequate. This study aims to examine how positioning preserviceteachers as practitioner researchers while belonging to a learningcommunity can facilitate PSTs’ enactment of AfL during their schoolplacement. It draws on the triangulation of different qualitativedata sources, e.g. focus group, researcher’s field notes, testimonialsurvey, and school placement report, inquiring the practice of eightPSTs and the interaction within a learning community supported bya researcher, university supervisor and cooperating teachers.Despite belonging to the same learning community, PSTs struggledifferently in embedding assessment in the learning experiences,including students, and facilitating students’ understanding offeedback and the teaching-learning process. Teacher educationprogrammes are prompted to consider how best to support PSTsenacting AfL practices.
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Learning analytics dashboards (LADs) are very important tools for contemporary education. Not only researchers, but also schools at different levels of education and students are evaluating in this way today. A large number of studies have addressed the issue, but there are few studies that have explored the possibilities of transferring the semaphore method of formative assessment and self-assessment to the digital form of LADs. This study responds to the given absence and illuminates the built environment of the panel and its various functionalities using a prototype LAD. The paper contains a block diagram and a use case that can be used to create an application. This study includes evidence based on guided interviews with 8 teacher-academics from an international university setting on the usefulness of LAD features, the suitability of the semaphore method, and the optimal frequency of teacher assessment and student self-assessment. The study revealed that the most useful elements were considered to be the simplicity of the dashboard, a user-friendly environment, the semaphore method allowing scaling of scores, and also colour, and the comparison of teacher evaluation and student self-assessment. The semaphore method is attractive because of its simplicity, clarity in assessment and transparency in tracking progress. The proposed LAD allows the same competency to be assessed several times in succession as part of progress monitoring. It is optimal to assess three times per semester in university settings. A practical implication of the study is the use of the LAD for the purpose of analyzing the causes in success rates at the level of degree programs, faculties or universities.
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