... It has to be mentioned that the contamination of several foods with citrinin has been observed all over the world. Citrinin has been detected in many stored and dry foods such as cereal (Molinié, Faucet, Castegnaro, & Pfohl-Leszkowicz, 2005;Polisenska et al., 2010;EFSA, 2012), cereal-based foods (Vrabcheva, Usleber, Dietrich, & Märtlbauer, 2000;Duarte, Pena, & Lino, 2010;Zaied, Zouaoui, Bacha, & Abid, 2012;EFSA, 2012), fruit juices, medical plants, nuts (EFSA, 2012), olives and olive oil (El Adlouni, Tozlovanu, Naman, Faid, & Pfohl-Leszkowicz, 2006;Tokusoglu & Bozoglu, 2010;EFSA, 2012), tomatoes (Tölgyesi, Stroka, Tamosiunas, & Zwickel, 2015); cheese (Franco et al., 1996;EFSA, 2012), corn (Jackson, & Ciegler, 1978;Janardhana, Raveesha, & Shetty, 1999;Warth et al., 2012), beans (Petkova-Bocharova Castegnaro, Michelon, & Maru, 1991;EFSA, 2012), flour (Nishijima, 1984;Dick, Baumann, & Zimmerli, 1988), several spices (Saxena & Mehrotra, 1989;El-Kady, El-Maraghy, & Mostafa, 1995), soy (Kononenko & Burkin, 2008), rice (Hackbart, Prietto, Primel, Garda-Buffon, & Badiale-Furlong, 2012;Nguyen, Tozlovanu, Tran, & Pfohl-Leszkowicz, 2007), red mold rice (Li, Xu, Li, Chen, & Ji, 2005;Li, Zhou, Yang, & Ou-Yang, 2012;Childress, Gay, Zargar, & Ito, 2013;Ostry, Malir, & Ruprich, 2013;Liao, Chen, Lin, Chiueh, & Shih, 2014;Ji et al., 2015), fermented meat products (Markov et al., 2013) and feed (Talmaciu Sandu, & Banu, 2008). ...