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Decible Level of FireCrackers and its Possible Impact on the Heraring of Marauding Elephants in Sri Lanka


Abstract and Figures

Abstract: Today the human-elephant conflict has come to its climax due to rapid urbanization and increase in population of humans as well as elephants in Sri Lanka. As a result damages to humans, crops and properties of the adjacent forest communities by the wild elephants and retaliatory killing of elephants by humans have received wide coverage in the press and media. The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC), in an effort to mitigate the escalating conflict, has been providing farmers with powerful firecrackers on a regular basis. It is alleged that the constant use of extremely loud firecrackers in agricultural areas and home gardens by farmers may have impaired the sense of hearing among some elephants thereby making them unresponsive to such deterrents. This research study was carried out to assess the impact of firecrackers on the hearing of elephants in Sri Lanka. The results from our preliminary study show that the decibel levels of the two types of firecrackers used by villagers ranged between 137 and 140 dB at a distance of 30 m. Spectrograms verify that the frequency generated in high sound pressure levels distributed from infra sound region to around 400 Hz. But in some cases the upper limit of the frequency reached even 1000 Hz with the sound pressure level around 125 dB which is the more sensitive range for elephants. Most of the time villagers throw crackers on to the body of the elephant itself, in which case, the high decibel level of the firecrackers could seriously impair its hearing.
Comparison of sound pressure level variation with distance measured for large and small type crackers in both open and border village areas Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the variation in the sound intensity level within 30 – 40 m from the point of explosion measured on the open ground and in the home garden in the border village. The attenuation of sound intensity level in the village is much higher than that on the open ground. As seen in Fig. 3, within 10 m range on the open ground the sound pressure level attenuated by 0.3 dB for every one meter distance while this decay in the village area was in the range of 0.8 - 1.0 dB per meter. This shows that the propagation of sound wave is influenced by both geometrical spreading and access attenuation. Though the geometrical spreading is similar in both cases, access attenuation is high in village area. Fig. 4 shows the spectrograms of both large and small firecrackers measured at 30 m from the blasting point. Frequency distribution during the blast is almost the same in both cases. The frequency generated in high sound pressure levels distributed from infra sound region to around 400 Hz. But for large firecrackers, the upper limit of the frequency even increases to 1000 Hz with the sound pressure level around 125 dB. It should be noted that the elephants are more sensitive to 1000 Hz frequency (Heffner & Heffner, 1980; Reuter & Nummela, 1998). Spectrograms also verify the sound pressure levels generated by firecrackers are increased instantly up to 140 dB and the level retain few milliseconds with the background noise.
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V. Sivakumar
, ** J.A.P. Bodhika
, Ruchira Jayatillaka
, Chandrawansa Pathiraja
S.K. Pathiratne
, S.R.B. Dissanayake
, S. Wijeyamohan
6 ,77777 77
and Charles Santiapillai
Department of Physics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Department of Physics, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency, Sri Lanka
The then Director-General, Dept. of Wildlife Conservation, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka,
Department of Wildlife Conservation, 811/A Jayanthipura Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Ringling Bros, Center for the Study of Asian Elephant, Rajarata University,
Mihintale, Sri Lanka
The William H. Darr School of Agriculture, Missouri State University, Springfield,
Missouri, USA
Abstract: Today the human-elephant conflict has come to its climax due to rapid
urbanization and increase in population of humans as well as elephants in Sri Lanka. As a
result damages to humans, crops and properties of the adjacent forest communities by the
wild elephants and retaliatory killing of elephants by humans have received wide coverage in
the press and media. The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC), in an effort to
mitigate the escalating conflict, has been providing farmers with powerful firecrackers on a
regular basis. It is alleged that the constant use of extremely loud firecrackers in agricultural
areas and home gardens by farmers may have impaired the sense of hearing among some
elephants thereby making them unresponsive to such deterrents. This research study was
carried out to assess the impact of firecrackers on the hearing of elephants in Sri Lanka. The
results from our preliminary study show that the decibel levels of the two types of
firecrackers used by villagers ranged between 137 and 140 dB at a distance of 30 m.
Spectrograms verify that the frequency generated in high sound pressure levels distributed
from infra sound region to around 400 Hz. But in some cases the upper limit of the frequency
reached even 1000 Hz with the sound pressure level around 125 dB which is the more
sensitive range for elephants. Most of the time villagers throw crackers on to the body of the
elephant itself, in which case, the high decibel level of the firecrackers could seriously impair
its hearing.
Keywords: Elephant, Human-Elephant Conflict, Firecrackers, Spectrogram, Deafness, dB
One of the commonest methods used to chase marauding elephants off agricultural
fields in Sri Lanka is by throwing firecrackers at them. Farmers faced with chronic crop
raiding elephants try a variety of methods to stop their depredation of which the use of
International Journal of Science, Environment ISSN 2278-3687 (O)
and Technology, Vol. 2, No 4, 2013, 593 – 600
Received June 26, 2013 * Published August 2, 2013 *
Email: (*Corresponding Author)
594 V. Sivakumar, J.A.P. Bodhika, Ruchira Jayatillaka and others
firecrackers has become routine. The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC), in an
effort to mitigate the escalating conflict between man and elephant has been providing
farmers with powerful firecrackers on a regular basis. In addition, villagers too buy
firecrackers on their own to throw at elephants as a last ditch effort to keep them at bay.
Elephants being extremely intelligent, soon come to differentiate between the weak and the
powerful firecrackers. They seem to be wary of loud explosions, especially if they happened
to go off very close to where they are. It is alleged that the constant use of extremely loud
firecrackers in agricultural areas and home gardens by farmers may have impaired the sense
of hearing among some elephants. Such “deaf” elephants will no longer be able to respond to
shouts or noise made by farmers and hence may stray deeper into cultivated areas and linger
longer thereby facing the danger of being killed by farmers in sheer desperation. The present
study was carried out to understand the problem given that to date no one has attempted to
assess the impact of firecrackers on the hearing of elephants in Sri Lanka.
Humans and animals can hear a wide range of sound frequencies, pitches or tones. If the
sense of hearing is impaired, both man and elephant cannot fare well in their respective
environments. Elephants typically do not have as far reaching eyesight as humans do, but
their sense of smell is unparalleled given that they are able to track the location of family
members by even sniffing their urine (McKenna, 2007; Bates et al., 2008). In addition, they
are capable of hearing sound well below human hearing limitation, from 5 Hz to 12,000 Hz.
A normal human being can hear sound frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Elephants
can hear very low frequency sound (best sensitivity at 1,000 Hz) extending into the
infrasound region (Heffner & Heffner, 1980; Reuter & Nummela, 1998), but their threshold
for high-pitched sound is somewhat lower than that of human beings.
Sound can reach the mammalian inner ear via two routes: through (a) the air (air-conducted)
and (b) the bones (bone-conducted) effective in aquatic and fossorial mammals (Reuter &
Nummela, 1998). The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). Decibel is a
logarithmic unit used to describe the ratios of sound pressures; measured and the reference.
By definition the sound pressure level in decibel scale is given by the following equation:-
 
Where the P is the measured pressure and the P
is the reference pressure, 2x10
N m
. It is
clear from the above expression that the sound pressure level variation with the sound
Decibel Level of Firecrackers and Its Possible Impact on ………. 595
pressure is not linear. That means when the sound pressure doubles the sound intensity level
does not double, instead it increases by just 6 decibels.
The human ear is an extremely sensitive organ that can hear from the smallest audible sound
such as a whisper (30 dB) to that of a gunshot (140 dB). In the case of humans, constant
exposure to sound of 90-95 dB may lead to a loss of hearing, while exposure to sound at 125
dB is extremely painful; and at 140 dB even short exposure would lead to permanent ear
damage. Therefore, given that the elephant’s upper limit of hearing is slightly less than that of
ours, we expect the use of loud firecrackers at close range may seriously impair the
elephant’s sense of hearing. Distance also affects the intensity of sound if an animal is far
away, the power is greatly diminished.
Three types of firecrackers, large, small and one referred to as “signal” issued by the
Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) were used in the experiment to determine their
decibel levels at various distances from the target. The large and small crackers are designed
to produce loud sound whereas the “signal” firecracker is designed to jump up and down
once it explodes. The experiment was conducted at an open field at University of Ruhuna (Sri
Lanka) and in a home garden at a southern border village in Hambantota (Sri Lanka) in 2011,
using microphones, preamplifier, conditioning amplifier and signal acquisition device. Three
Bruel & Kjaer type 4198 pre-polarized, free-field ½” microphones, stable under a variety of
conditions were used. Sensitivity of the microphones was 50 mV/Pa. The frequency response
of ±1 dB ranged from 10 Hz to 8 kHz and of ±2 dB from 6.3 Hz to 16 kHz. The preamplifier
2669C had wide frequency and dynamic ranges with low noise and operated over a wide
range of temperatures, humidity and other environmental conditions. 2690 Nexus
conditioning amplifier was used with NI 4472, 24 bits resolution, high-performance and high
accuracy dynamic signal acquisition device. Experimental setup was calibrated using B&K
sound calibrator type 4231. Wind screens were used to reduce the ambient wind noise. The
sampling rate was set to 100,000 per second. The data was analyzed using MATLAB
Fig. 1 illustrates the variations in sound level with distance as measured in the case of the
three types of firecrackers issued by the DWC on an open area.
596 V. Sivakumar, J.A.P. Bodhika, Ruchira Jayatillaka and others
Fig. 1. Sound pressure level variation with distance measured in the case of the large, small
and “signal” firecrackers on an open field at University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
Fig. 1 shows how the sound pressure level (calculated using 2x10
N m
as reference) varies
with distance from the point of explosion, as measured on an open field using the three
different types of firecrackers issued by the DWC. Due to high sound pressure produced by
the crackers and the inherent limitations of the instrument used, the closest distance at which
an accurate measurement could be made was 30 m from the point of explosion.
Even at 30 m distance from the point of explosion, the sound pressure levels recorded for all
large, small and “signal” crackers ranged between 137 to 140 dB. The uncertainty of the
microphone reading in this frequency range was ±1 dB. Both “signal” type and the small
cracker produced the same sound level but the large type has about 3 dB more than the other
two at 30 m distance, and such a difference increased with distance away from the explosion
Three microphones were placed at 10 m intervals. There was variation in the quality of the
firecrackers. The sound intensity produced by the firecrackers produced different intensity of
sound at the same distance. As a result, the last three sound intensities from the “signal” type
were higher than that from the small firecracker (Fig. 1). Furthermore, from Fig. 1 it appears
that the variation of attenuation of sound intensity is a function of the firecracker. Sound
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Sound Pressure Level vs Distance
Sound pressure Level (dB)
Distance (m)
Decibel Level of Firecrackers and Its Possible Impact on ………. 597
levels produced by small firecracker attenuate more rapidly than those produced by the larger
Fig. 2. Sound pressure level variation with distance measured in the case of large and small
firecrackers in a southern border village, near Hambantota, Sri Lanka.
As can be seen from Fig. 2, the closest distance to make an accurate measurement of sound
pressure was at 30 m from the point of explosion. Owing to many restrictions, only three
measurements were taken at 30, 35 and 40 m from the point of explosion, using two types of
firecrackers, large and small. At 30 m distance, the sound pressure level of both firecrackers
was between the 137 and 140 dB range, similar to that recorded on the open ground.
30 32 34 36 38 40
Sound Pressure Level vs Distance
Distance (m)
Sound Pressure Level (dB)
30 32 34 36 38 40
Comparison of Sound Pressure Level vs Distance
Sound Pressure Level (dB)
Distance (m)
Small in vegetation
Large in vegetation
Small in open space
Large in open space
598 V. Sivakumar, J.A.P. Bodhika, Ruchira Jayatillaka and others
Fig. 3. Comparison of sound pressure level variation with distance measured for large and
small type crackers in both open and border village areas
Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the variation in the sound intensity level within 30 40 m
from the point of explosion measured on the open ground and in the home garden in the
border village. The attenuation of sound intensity level in the village is much higher than that
on the open ground. As seen in Fig. 3, within 10 m range on the open ground the sound
pressure level attenuated by 0.3 dB for every one meter distance while this decay in the
village area was in the range of 0.8 - 1.0 dB per meter. This shows that the propagation of
sound wave is influenced by both geometrical spreading and access attenuation. Though the
geometrical spreading is similar in both cases, access attenuation is high in village area.
Fig. 4 shows the spectrograms of both large and small firecrackers measured at 30 m from the
blasting point. Frequency distribution during the blast is almost the same in both cases. The
frequency generated in high sound pressure levels distributed from infra sound region to
around 400 Hz. But for large firecrackers, the upper limit of the frequency even increases to
1000 Hz with the sound pressure level around 125 dB. It should be noted that the elephants
are more sensitive to 1000 Hz frequency (Heffner & Heffner, 1980; Reuter & Nummela,
1998). Spectrograms also verify the sound pressure levels generated by firecrackers are
increased instantly up to 140 dB and the level retain few milliseconds with the background
Fig. 4. Spectrograms of large and small crackers. Horizontal axis reads the time in seconds,
and vertical axis reads frequency in Hz. The color of spectrogram represents the sound
pressure level in dB according to the given scale in right side of the graph.
Decibel Level of Firecrackers and Its Possible Impact on ………. 599
Of all the vertebrates, it is only the mammals that can hear high-frequency sounds. However
mammals differ in their ability to hear high-frequency sounds. While a healthy human being
can hear a frequency range from 20-20,000 Hz, an elephant’s hearing range lies between 5-
12,000 Hz. Elephants seem to hear well low frequency sounds. High frequency hearing has
been shown to be correlated not with body weight but with the functional distance (i.e. the
interaural distance divided by the speed of sound) between the two ears (Bates et al., 2008).
This is the reason why small mammals such as shrews are better able to hear high frequency
sounds compared to such large mammals as elephants. Loudness is subjective and varies
from people to people with age. Similarly, elephants too could differ in their perception of
sound, with young animals being more sensitive than older ones. Loud explosions that peak
for a few milliseconds at levels greater than 130-140 dB are known to cause loss of hearing in
man. The human audiogram and that of the elephant are essentially similar in shape.
The results from our preliminary study show that the decibel levels of the two types of
firecrackers used by villagers range between 137 and 140 dB at a distance of 30 m. Human
hearing will certainly be impaired if exposed constantly to such high sound levels. Given that
the audiograms for both man and elephant are very similar, we suspect that even elephants
subject to such high intensity sound constantly could be affected. But elephants can also use
their pillar-like bones in their legs to conduct the surface waves to the inner ear (Reuter &
Nummela, 1998). But the fact that some individual bull elephants seem to be unaffected by
loud noise and linger in human settlements and raid crops indicates that they may be partially
deaf or very old and thus insensitive to the impact of fire crackers. Hearing range can
decrease after long-term or constant exposure to loud noise. The Department of Wildlife
Conservation (DWC) provides extremely powerful firecrackers to the villagers for use
against marauding elephants. However, given that the demand for such firecrackers exceeds
the supply, the DWC invariably provides just 3 firecrackers per family per month in areas of
high human-elephant conflict. As a result, the families reserve these firecrackers as a last
ditch defense against marauding elephants, and throw them only when an animal is close
enough, often on the body itself, in which case, the high decibel level of the firecrackers
could seriously damage the hearing in elephants. Thus conservation education programs need
to be carried out in villages to offer alternative solutions to mitigate the conflict between man
and elephant.
600 V. Sivakumar, J.A.P. Bodhika, Ruchira Jayatillaka and others
We would like to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the research grant
(#RU/DVC/Pro.61, TURIS project) from the Department of Physics, University of Ruhuna,
and the Atmospheric Physics and Lightning Research Group at the University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka. In addition, we would like to thank the Department of Wildlife Conservation for
providing us with all the facilities and assistance in the field to carry out the research. We
would also like to express our thanks to Mr. Kenneth Feld, Chairman & CEO, Feld
Entertainment, Inc. USA for his generous financial assistance.
[1] McKenna, P. 2007. Elephants use mental maps to track family members - New Scientist.
Available at:
[2] Bates, L.A., Sayialel, K.N., Njiraini, N.W., Poole, J.H., Moss, C.J., Cyrne, R.W. (2008)
African elephants have expectations about the locations of out-of-sight family members.
Journal of Animal Behaviour. 4: 34-36.
[3] Heffner, R. & Heffner, H. (1980) Hearing in the elephant. Science, 208: 518-520.
[4] Reuter, T. & Nummela, S. (1998) Elephant hearing. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 104: 1122-123.
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We examine the low-frequency limit of hearing of the mammalian ear through the analytical modelling of the natural frequency of the tympanic membrane. The resulting equation of the natural frequency of the modelled tympanic membrane is numerically verified against previous theoretical studies, and is statistically validated against the experimental data on the low-frequency limit of hearing. By utilizing the Wilcoxon signed-rank test; W-values of 29 (p value = 0.25014) and 23 (p value = 0.11642) are respectively obtained for the 0.2% and 0.3% prestrain (at 5% significance level for sample size of 13). We fail to reject the null hypothesis as the W-values are within the critical values of the test statistics, and therefore conclude that the tympanic membrane acts as a low-frequency limiter of acoustic stimulus. Based on our study, we can predict the low-frequency limit of hearing in mammals (e.g., for the whale as 3.6 Hz and for the zebra as 44.0 Hz).
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Thirteen trace fossils are described from the Nagaur Sandstone, the lower formation of the Nagaur Group. These are Rusophycusdidymus Salter, 1856, Chondrites isp. Brongniart, 1828, Cruziana isp. d’Orbigny, 1842, Isopodichnus isp. Bornemann, 1989, Dimorphichnusobliquus Seilacher, 1955, Monomorphichnusmonolinearis Shah and Sudan, 1983, Diplichnites isp. Dawson, 1873, Skolithos isp. Haldeman, 1840, Palaeophycustubularis Hall, 1847, Planolites isp. Nicholson, 1873, Ichnogenus A, Trails and Scratch Marks (?). This assemblage has been referred to as the Cruziana assemblage and on this basis the Nagaur Sandstone has been suggested a Lower Cambrian age. The Nagaur Sandstone has been correlated with the Purple Sandstone of Pakistan, the Tal succession of the Kumaun and Himachal Lesser Himalaya and the Garbyang, Lolab and Kunzum-La Formations of the Tethys Himalaya.
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Characteristic latest Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic acritarchs and associated organic-walled microfossils are recorded from the sediments of Marwar Supergroup encountered in BGW-A well (Bikaner-Nagaur Basin) from 1123–481 m depth. Six distinct acritarch assemblages, broadly comparable with globally known Ediacaran (Vendian) and Cambrian assemblages are recognised. The recovered microfossils provide precise age for different units of the Marwar Supergroup whose ages, till now, were poorly understood due to absence or paucity of invertebrate and other mega and microfossils. Jodhpur Group (1123–1105 m), the basal unit of Marwar Supergroup, records abundant ornamented sphaeromorphs (Lophosphaeridium spp.) alongwith various species of Leiosphaeridia, suggesting Late Ediacaran age. Occurrence of small micrhystrids (Asteridium spp.) and appearance of Dictyotidium birvetense, Pterospermella solida and Annulum squamaceum in lower part of Bilara Group (1105–1081 m), suggests latest Ediacaran to early Early Cambrian age. Hanseran Evaporite Group (1068–907m) is marked by abundant Retisphaeridium dichamerum, Dictyotidium birvetense, Cristallinium cambriense, Comasphaeridium sp. cf. C. strigosum and Archaeodiscina umbonulata indicating late Early Cambrian to early Middle Cambrian age. Microfossil contents in Nagaur Group (907–727m) are very poor. The succeeding Upper Carbonate Sequence (727–481 m) shows abundant Cristallinium randomense, Cymatiosphaera crameri and Asteridium spp., along with other species of Cymatiosphaera and Cristallinium, and also includes the early Late Cambrian marker forms, such as Striatotheca loculifera and Dorsenidium (Veryhachium) minutum that suggest late Middle Cambrian to early Late Cambrian age. The recorded acritarch assemblages suggest Late Ediacaran to early Late Cambrian (ca 570–500 Ma) age for the Marwar Supergroup, with demarcation of Precambrian-Cambrian boundary within the lower part of Bilara Group. Associated microfossils indicate intertidal/foreshore depositional environment for Jodhpur and Nagaur groups, whereas inner neritic to subtidal for the Bilara, Hanseran and Upper Carbonate units. Occurrence of an Early Permian palynoflora in the succeeding sequence (481–427 m depth) indicates a major hiatus of ca 200Ma between the Marwar and overlying Bap/Badhaura sequences which involves the absence of middle Late Cambrian to Late Carboniferous sediments in this basin. Latest biostratigraphic data from Ujhani (Ganga Basin) and Bhander (Vindhyan Basin) sediments suggest that the above two sequences are closely comparable with the Marwar Supergroup, and show the prospective exploration challenges as do the Marwar Supergroup.
This paper reports Rb-Sr isotope ages of the Neoproterozoic volcanics, and associated granitoids of the trans-Aravalli belt of northwestern India. All these rocks along with the earlier reported 779±10 Ma old felsic volcanics from Diri, and Gurapratap Singh of Pali district, Rajasthan, constitute the Malani Group. The study indicates that different rock suites belonging to the Malani Group represent a polyphase igneous activity which spanned for about 100 Ma ranging from 780 to 680 Ma. The granitoids of the Malani Group, i.e. peraluminous Jalore type, and peralkaline Siwana type, were emplaced around 730, and 700 Ma ago, respectively. These plutonic suites represent two different magmatic episodes within a short time interval. The initial Sr ratios of these granitoids suggest lower crustal derivation of the magma. The peralkaline granitoids, and the associated peralkaline rhyolites (pantellerites) are coeval, and cogenetic. The ultrapotassic rhyolite exposed at Manihari of Pali district represents the youngest magmatic activity at 681±20 Ma, having a very high initial Sr ratio of 0.7135±0.0033. The high initial Sr ratio of these rocks may be due to incorporation of radiogenic 87Sr from the country rock, by assimilation or fusion, into the residual fraction of the magma in the crust which gave rise to other differentiated rocks of the Group.40Ar39Ar studies of two Jalore granite samples indicate presence of post crystallisation thermal disturbance between 500550 Ma ago. The timing of this thermal overprinting on the Malani rocks is related to the widespread Pan-African thermo-tectonic event which is witnessed, and magmatically manifested in different part of the Indian shield.
Newly found fossils in the Conception and St. John's groups of the Bonavista Peninsula considerably extend the known geographic distribution of the Ediacaran fossils in Newfoundland. They occur in deepwater sediments and are preserved as epireliefs, forming census populations underneath volcanic ash layers throughout a more than 1 km thick turbiditic sequence. the exposed fossiliferous units comprise the Mistaken Point, Trepassey, Fermeuse, and Renews Head formations. the remains are tectonically deformed, with long axes of elliptical discs aligned parallel to cleavage strike; shortening of originally circular bedding surface features is on the order of 30-50% (averaging ~35%). The assemblage includes Aspidella, Blackbrookia, Bradgatia, Charnia, Charniodiscus, Fractofusus, Hiemalora , and Ivesheadia. These occur throughout the succession, with Aspidella being the most common genus, followed by Charnia and Charniodiscus. Four new taxa are described, with candelabra-like fossils with a Hiemalora -like base referred to Primocandelabrum hiemaloranum n. gen. and sp., bush-like fossils to Parviscopa bonavistensis n. gen. and sp., ladder-like fossils to Hadryniscala avalonica n. gen. and sp., and string-like fossils with basal disc to Hadrynichorde catalinensis n. gen. and sp. the remains also include dubiofossils. The stratigraphic ranges of some taxa on the Bonavista Peninsula are longer than previously reported from the Avalon Peninsula, with Fractofusus spindles present in the Trepassey Formation, Bradgatia, Charnia, Charniodiscus , and Ivesheadia reaching as high as the Fermeuse Formation, and Aspidella extending into the middle of the Renews Head Formation. the spindles in the Trepassey Formation are comparable to those found mainly in the stratigraphically older Briscal Formation on the Avalon Peninsula.
The females of many Old World primate species produce prominent and conspicuous swellings of the perineal skin around the time of ovulation. These sexual swellings have been proposed to increase competition among males for females or to increase the likelihood of a female getting fertilized, by signalling either a female's general reproductive status, or the timing of her ovulation. Here we show that sexual swellings in wild baboons reliably advertise a female's reproductive value over her lifetime, in accordance with a theoretical model of honest signalling. Females with larger swellings attained sexual maturity earlier, produced both more offspring and more surviving offspring per year than females with smaller swellings, and had a higher overall proportion of their offspring survive. Male baboons use the size of the sexual swelling to determine their mating effort, fighting more aggressively to consort females with larger swellings, and spending more time grooming these females. Our results document an unusual case of a sexually selected ornament in females, and show how males, by mating selectively on the basis of the size of the sexual swelling, increase their probability of mating with females more likely to produce surviving offspring.