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The Impact of Temporal Proximity between Samples on Eye Movement Biometric Identification


Abstract and Figures

Eye movements’ identification is an interesting alternative to other biometric identification methods. It compiles both physiological and behavioral aspects and therefore it is difficult to forge. However, the main obstacle to popularize this methodology is lack of general recommendations considering eye movement biometrics experiments. Another problem is lack of commonly available databases of eye movements. Different authors present their methodologies using their own datasets of samples recorded with different devices and scenarios. It excludes possibility to compare different approaches. It is obvious that the way the samples were recorded influences the overall results. This work tries to investigate how one of the elements – temporal proximity between subsequent measurements – influences the identification results. A dataset of 2556 eye movement recordings collected for over 5 months was used as the basis of analyses. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the impact of sampling and classification scenarios on the overall identification results and to recommend scenarios for creation of future datasets.
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This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
adfa, p. 1, 2011.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
The Impact of Temporal Proximity between Samples on
Eye Movement Biometric Identification
Pawel Kasprowski
Institute of Informatics
Silesian University of Technology
Gliwice, Poland
Abstract. Eye movements’ identification is an interesting alternative to other
biometric identification methods. It compiles both physiological and behavioral
aspects and therefore it is difficult to forge. However, the main obstacle to pop-
ularize this methodology is lack of general recommendations considering eye
movement biometrics experiments. Another problem is lack of commonly
available databases of eye movements. Different authors present their method-
ologies using their own datasets of samples recorded with different devices and
scenarios. It excludes possibility to compare different approaches. It is obvious
that the way the samples were recorded influences the overall results. This work
tries to investigate how one of the elements – temporal proximity between sub-
sequent measurements – influences the identification results. A dataset of 2556
eye movement recordings collected for over 5 months was used as the basis of
analyses. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the impact of sampling
and classification scenarios on the overall identification results and to recom-
mend scenarios for creation of future datasets.
Keywords: eye movement biometrics, behavioral biometrics, classification
1 Introduction
The main problem of visual perception is that eyes register scene with uneven acuity.
Only the part of the scene that falls on the fovea – region in the middle of the retina –
is seen with correct sharpness. All other regions of retina are able to register only
contours and fast movements. Therefore, eye movements are very important for cor-
rect recognition of objects in visual field. That is why eye movements are one of the
fastest and the most accurate movements of a human being [8].
Eye movements may be divided into voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary eye
movements are the effect of our will – we want to look at something. Involuntary eye
movement is reflex action, automatic response to some stimulus, for instance sudden
movement near the edge of vision. Both movements have physiological aspects but
also depend on our previous knowledge or experience – having also important behav-
ioral elements. That is why human identification using eye movements should be
classified as behavioral biometrics [17][19].
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
1.1 Human Identification Using Eye Movements
Eye movements are yet another possibility to perform human identification. The idea
that eye movements may be used for human identification is about 10 years old
[16][20]. There have been several publications showing that the method is promising,
however it is still on the very early research stage because collecting eye movements’
data is difficult and eye movement capturing devices (eye trackers) are still relatively
expensive. That is why in most cases the datasets collected by researchers are not
publicly available.
Most of the eye movements recording experiments have used a ‘jumping point’
pattern originally introduced in [16]. In such kind of experiment the stimulus is forc-
ing eye movements - the examined individuals should follow the point on the screen
with their eyes. Such a recording is easy to analyze, because it requires that fixations
and saccades happen in specific moments. However, there are several interesting ex-
periments with different scenarios, including faces observation [25] or text reading
[11]. There is also an attempt to perform identification without any information about
a stimulus [18].
The problem common for all biometric methods using behavioral traits is so called
learning effect [13]. When using the same stimulus for several times the person famil-
iarizes with it and eye movements tend to become automatic. It is for instance clearly
visible for texts – eye movements of a person reading the text that she already knows
are very different from eye movements of the person reading a text new for her [24].
Such kind of reading is therefore often called skimming.
The learning effect is especially visible for very short intervals. A person that com-
pletes the same task for several times in very short period tends to “learn” the task and
the movements (eye movements in our example) are becoming similar to each other.
The effect of similarity between subsequent experiments is stronger for shorter peri-
ods and becomes invisible for very long periods (because human body “forgets” the
In our paper we tried to investigate how the interval between subsequent experi-
ments performed by the same person influences the identification rates. To our best
knowledge it is the first paper that analyses that aspect of eye movements’ biometrics,
however the problem has been already introduced in [15].
1.2 Eye Movement Verification and Identification Competition
There are several methods to analyze eye movements, but until quite recently it has
been difficult to compare them due to lack of publicly available datasets (like for
fingerprints [5] or faces [22]).
The First Eye Movement Verification and Identification Competition (EMVIC) or-
ganized in 2012 as an official BTAS conference competition was the first opportunity
to compare different approaches [15]. The aim of the competition was to correctly
identify individuals on the basis of their eye movements. The organizers prepared four
different datasets of eye movements collected with different stimuli and different eye
trackers (denominated A, B, C and D).
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
All datasets were divided into two parts:
- training set, containing labeled samples,
- testing set, containing samples with hidden labels.
The aim of the competitors was to build their classification models using labeled
samples and then try to use those models to classify unlabeled samples from the test-
ing set. There were about 50 competitors with over 500 separate submissions.
The main problem of EMVIC was that the results were inconsistent for different
datasets. For datasets A and B the identification accuracies were better than 90% and
for datasets C and D the best accuracies approximated 60%. The question arose as to
the reasons of such differences.
One of the obvious reasons was higher number of samples per person for datasets A
and B. Another reason could be binocular data in A and B (which was already studied
in [26] and [21]). In [15] authors suggested also that low quality of data in A and B
could be the reason of better performance. In this paper we investigate another of the
possible reasons: impact of proximity between consecutive samples.
As eye movements measurement has very important behavioral aspect, we may ex-
pect that measurements taken in short periods of time may share some common in-
formation that is unwanted for identification purposes. For instance it has been proven
that the person’s attitude may highly influence eye movements. If a person is angry or
amused, eye movement patterns are different than for the same person in neutral state
[7]. Similarly, it is possible to find out the level of tiredness by examining eyes reac-
tion to salience regions of images [27][12][28].
Other obvious time-dependent factors which are not directly connected with human
properties but may influence the measurement are e. g. lightning conditions or exist-
ence of devices which may interfere with eye tracker like cellular phones, computers
1.3 Dataset
To check the impact of short term learning effect we decided to perform experiments
that would check if temporal differences in the dataset might change the overall accu-
racy results. We used a dataset of 2556 eye samples collected for over 5 months.
There were 61 different subjects under the test with uneven distribution of number of
samples (from 4 to 129 samples per subject). The dataset was originally a part of da-
taset B from EMVIC. Samples were taken with 250Hz frequency using Ober2 eye
tracker. It was a jumping point on 2x2 matrix used as stimulus. One experiment lasted
for 8128 ms and the stimulus was exactly the same for every experiment (Fig. 1).
Every sample consisted of 2048 measurements of horizontal position of the left eye
and 2048 measurements of vertical position of the left eye giving 4096 attributes.
Additionally every sample had two properties: timestamp of measurement in seconds
(t) and subject id (id).
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of dataset [15]
2 Calculation of Time Interval Influence
To check the theory that time interval between samples influences the accuracy re-
sults several datasets were created with the same number of samples and the same
distribution of samples per subjects. The only element that differed datasets was the
minimal time interval between samples belonging to the same person.
2.1 Data Preparation
We started with creating a dataset for which a minimal time interval (MTI) between
subsequent measurements of the same person was one week (604,800 seconds). We
used original samples from the full dataset (D) and created a new dataset (W) by tak-
ing only samples fulfilling the interval condition. Algorithm filtering dataset D is
shown below, where t(s) is the timestamp of measurement for sample s.
sort all samples in D by timestamp
foreach(id: ids from D)
tlast = 0
foreach(s: samples with given id from D)
If t(s)-tlast > MTI
add sample s to dataset W
tlast = t(s)
The new dataset W consisted of 222 samples belonging to 37 subjects. The average
number of samples per person was 6 with minimal value equal to 4 and maximal val-
ue equal to 11.
The next step was creation of other datasets. The property that differed datasets
was a minimal time interval (MTI) between subsequent measurements of the same
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
person. Every dataset consisted of the same number of samples for each person and
was created using a subset of original samples from dataset D. The algorithm to build
datasets was almost identical to the presented above. An additional parameter was the
way the samples were initially sorted. There were two possibilities: start from the
beginning of the dataset (with samples recorded at the beginning of the experiment) or
start from the end of the dataset (with samples recorded as the last samples during the
whole experiment). Because we wanted to see if it influences results, we decided to
use both methods and store samples in datasets denominated as F for the oldest sam-
ples and R for the newest.
The above procedure created two datasets (‘F’ and ‘R’) for every interval. There
were seven different values of MTI used as presented in Table 1. The columns ‘real
minimal/maximal intervals’ show actual intervals for subsequent trials found in da-
Table 1. Minimal time intervals used for experiments
index MTI real minimal interval real maximal interval
0 0 (no minimal interval) 11s 13d, 21h, 31min, 26s
1 1 minute 61s 46d, 3min, 5s
2 10 minutes 13min, 25s 46d, 3min, 5s
3 1 hour 1h, 1s 57d, 19h, 44min, 45s
4 6 hours 6h, 10min, 11s 66d, 23h, 13min, 9s
5 1 day 24h, 33min, 42 s 66d, 23h, 13min, 9s
6 1 week 7d, 6s 66d, 23h, 13min, 9s
The main idea of the paper was that identification results were dependent on minimal
time interval between samples. It was assumed that samples taken in shorter intervals
have some additional (usually unwanted) time related information that could improve
classification results. The datasets were examined using four different classic classifi-
cation algorithms, namely:
J48 (Java version of C45 algorithm [23]),
Random Forest [3],
Naïve Bayes
SVM (using Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm) [29].
Every dataset was validated using standard 10-fold cross-validation method. The re-
sult for every dataset-algorithm pair was then stored as accuracy value. Accuracy is
the number of correctly classified samples to the overall number of samples. Because
it was 37 different classes, probability of random guess was less than 3% and there-
fore accuracy seemed to be a good and sufficient measure.
It is very important to emphasize that all algorithms were used with standard pa-
rameters [10] without any optimizations towards results improvements. As the main
purpose of the paper was to compare different datasets in the same environment (and
not to obtain the best result), additional parameters tuning could introduce some bias-
es. Nevertheless, the results are quite good as for identification (one-to-many) task.
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
2.2 Results
The results of the experiment are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Accuracy of each classification method for every dataset.
dataset nb j48 rf smo
0F 22,97 20,27 28,38 52,25
0R 28,37 21,17 37,39 54,04
1F 18,46 13,51 18,02 31,53
1R 26,12 17,56 24,32 44,59
2F 17,11 11,26 23,87 33,78
2R 25,67 20,72 22,97 48,65
3F 17,56 12,16 22,97 34,23
3R 22,97 22,97 21,17 45,95
4F 18,46 13,96 18,47 32,43
4R 16,66 12,16 18,47 33,33
5F 18,01 13,51 20,27 31,08
5R 18,01 16,21 14,41 36,94
6F 12,16 12,61 15,31 29,73
6R 12,16 13,06 16,67 29,73
Datasets with F suffix were created by taking samples starting from the earliest while
datasets with R suffix were created by taking samples from the last experiments (as it
was described in the previous section). Every dataset had the same number of samples
(222) and the same distribution of samples among 37 different subjects.
What can be seen clearly from the results is strong negative correlation between
the interval and accuracy (-0.61). Because so called “forgetting curve” [9] is consid-
ered to be non-linear we also calculated correlation of accuracy with logarithm of the
interval and obtained the correlation equal to -0.94. Fig 2 shows logarithmic regres-
sion of the average results with coefficient of determination (R2) equal to 0.8637. For
linear regression coefficient of determination was 0.8088 and for exponential regres-
sion was 0.8433 so logarithmic trend line was chosen as the best fitting option.
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
Fig. 2. Averaged accuracy results with logarithmic trend line
The accuracies of datasets classification were averaged for all datasets with the same
interval and all classification methods. When calculating mutual significance of dif-
ferences between these results it occurred that the only significant difference may be
found between 0 and 1 minute interval (p=0.02). It means that memory effect is clear-
ly visible only for very short intervals.
Another comparison was performed between samples of type ‘F’ (i.e. first samples
of the specific person) and samples of type ‘R’ (i.e. last samples of the person). The
hypothesis was that samples taken later - when a person is already familiarized with
stimulus - will be more stable and therefore easier to classify. Indeed, average accura-
cy for ‘R’ datasets was better for every classification method. However, the differ-
ences were not significant, with the highest significance for SVM method (p=0.068).
To see if the results are stable for different signal conversions we repeated the
same classification experiments on datasets converted using different algorithms pre-
viously used in eye movement biometric identification [1][4][11][14][15][16][18]
[21][25][20][13]. The results were similar, always showing negative correlation,
however for some conversions the correlation was not strong.
Table 3. Correlation of classification accuracy and minimal time interval between samples for
different signal conversions (time means correlation to time in seconds, log is correlation to
logarithm of time in seconds).
applied conversion time log(time)
fourier spectrum -0.42 -0.91
cepstrum -0.7 -0.81
first derivate (velocity) -0.22 -0.74
second derivate (acceleration) -0.48 -0.92
direction (in radians) -0.8 -0.84
wavelet transform (DWT) -0.46 -0.86
high pass filter -0.56 -0.93
low pass filter -0.63 -0.94
y = -6,718ln(x) + 32,053
R² = 0,8637
0 2 4 6 8
identification accuracy
in percent
dataset index
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
3 Sessions analyzes
The experiment presented in the previous section showed clearly that samples taken
in short intervals should not be mixed in training and testing sets for classification.
On the other hand, closer look into the dataset that was used for experiments re-
vealed that in most cases samples of the same person were recorded in series. It is
natural and it is probably a common strategy for every biometric experiment, because
with this scenario only one equipment setup is required to obtain several samples.
However, as it was proven in the previous section, samples taken in the same session
are not independent. Therefore, we decided to divide the original dataset into sessions
and check how it influences classification results.
The session was defined as a set of samples taken from the same person with min-
imal interval between two samples less than 10 minutes. Preprocessing algorithm
found 685 sessions in the dataset. The number of sessions per subject differed from 1
to 26 sessions with average number of sessions equal to 11. Every session consisted
of one to eight samples (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Histogram of number of samples per session
To check identification results using 10-fold cross-validation and to obtain reliable
results it was necessary to remove samples of subjects for which number of sessions
was too low. Therefore samples of all subjects with less than 10 sessions were re-
moved from dataset. The reduced dataset consisted of 2195 samples from 29 subjects
divided into 567 sessions.
Because samples from the same session were considered to be dependent there
were three classification experiments proposed:
Experiment using only first samples from each session (referred as first sample in
Table 4).
Experiment using only last samples from each session (last sample).
Experiment using all samples from dataset but with folding algorithm that doesn’t
divide samples from the same session to different folds (all samples).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of sessions
number of samples per session
This is a pre-print. The final version of the paper was published in Springer, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
Contrary to cross validations used in experiment described in Section 2, where folds
were created by stratifying basing on number of samples per subject, this time stratifi-
cation was done basing on sessions. It means that all samples from the same session
had to be in the same fold.
Table 4. Accuracies of classification for three datasets
method first sample last sample all samples
J48 23,27 21,02 29,33
NB 28,39 25,80 27,94
RF 34,41 29,52 40,58
SMO 50,09 52,12 64,83
average 34,04 32,12 40,67
Table 4 shows that there are no significant differences between datasets build from
first and last samples from the session. However, when all samples from the session
were taken, it significantly improved results. It must be remembered that the latter
classification used much more samples both for training and testing (2195 versus
567). It shows that collecting samples in series is not generally a bad idea, but care
must be taken how samples from the same session are used.
4 Conclusions
The results of analyzes presented in the paper clearly show that the data collecting
scenario may significantly influence the overall results and classification possibilities
for a dataset. Especially time related factors were carefully studied and impact of so
called memory effect was analyzed.
All calculations used only eye movements datasets but it may be assumed that the
conclusions could be extended to other behavioral biometric experiments.
Basing on our findings we advise that every behavioral biometric sample should be
stored together with information about the exact timestamp when it was collected.
It is possible to collect more than one sample during one session with subject but
these samples should never be mixed in training and testing set when evaluating per-
formance. Additionally, we showed that using all samples collected during one ses-
sion in the training set improves the overall performance of the system. Even if sam-
ples from the same session were considered dependent, multiplying the number of
samples would give effect similar to bootstrap samples used in bagging algorithm [2].
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Computer Science, LNCS 8104 and is available in Springer Link library.
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... The randomness makes a random forest resilient to overfitting of the data [57]. A random forest was also adopted in previous work, such as [58] and [59]. We implemented the above classification and cross-validation process using the Scikit-Learn Python library [60], a commonly used machine learning open-source library. ...
... The randomness makes a random forest resilient to overfitting of the data [57]. A random forest was also adopted in previous work, such as [58,59]. We implemented the above classification and cross-validation process using the Scikit-Learn Python library [60], a commonly used machine learning open-source library. ...
Full-text available
Eye movement biometrics can enable continuous verification for highly secure environments such as financial transactions and defense establishments, as well as a more personalized and tailored experience in gaze-based human-computer interactions. However, there are numerous challenges to recognizing people in real environments using eye movements, such as implicity and stimulus independence. In the instance of wayfinding, this research intends to investigate implicit and stimulus-independent eye movement biometrics in real-world situations. We collected 39 subjects' eye movement data from real-world wayfinding experiments and derived five sets of eye movement features (the basic statistical, pupillary response, fixation density, fixation semantic and saccade encoding features). We adopted a random forest and performed biometric recognition for both identification and verification scenarios. The best accuracy we obtained in the identification scenario was 78% (equal error rate, EER = 6.3%) with the 10-fold classification and 64% (EER = 12.1%) with the leave-one-route-out classification. The best accuracy we achieved in the verification scenario was 89% (EER = 9.1%). Additionally, we tested performance across the 5 feature sets and 20 time window sizes. The results showed that the verification accuracy was insensitive to the increase in the time window size. These findings are the first indication of the viability of performing implicit and stimulus-independent biometric recognition in real-world settings using wearable eye tracking.
... As a behavioral characteristics-based approach, eye movement biometric identification was pioneered by Kasprowski and Ober (2004) and has gained much attention thereafter (Rigas & Komogortsev, 2017). An advantage of eye movement biometric identification is that human gaze behavior is difficult to forge (Kasprowski, 2013). Kasprowski and Ober (2004) recorded nine participants' eye movement responses to a "jumping point" kind of stimulation. ...
... Second, in Rigas and Komogortsev's experiment, the participants viewed the video sequence twice, whereas in our experiment, the participants did not view an image a second time. Kasprowski (2013) found that the identification performance tended to be better when the participants Figure 15. The ratio of significant correlations by all task pairs for all basic statistical features. ...
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Individuals with different characteristics exhibit different eye movement patterns in map reading and wayfinding tasks. In this study, we aim to explore whether and to what extent map users’ eye movements can be used to detect who created them. Specifically, we focus on the use of gaze data for inferring users’ identities when users are performing map-based spatial tasks. We collected 32 participants’ eye movement data as they utilized maps to complete a series of self-localization and spatial orientation tasks. We extracted five sets of eye movement features and trained a random forest classifier. We used a leave-one-task-out approach to cross-validate the classifier and achieved the best identification rate of 89%, with a 2.7% equal error rate. This result is among the best performances reported in eye movement user identification studies. We evaluated the feature importance and found that basic statistical features (e.g. pupil size, saccade latency and fixation dispersion) yielded better performance than other feature sets (e.g. spatial fixation densities, saccade directions and saccade encodings). The results open the potential to develop personalized and adaptive gaze-based map interactions but also raise concerns about user privacy protection in data sharing and gaze-based geoapplications.
... Traditionally, oculomotoric biometric identification and verification rely on eye-tracking data that is preprocessed into saccades and fixations. Spawned by the seminal works of Kasprowski and Ober [4] and Bednarik et al. [5], and fueled by competitions in the following decade [14], [15], these methods can be subsumed into three categories: aggregational [16], [17], [18], statistical [19], [20], [21], [22] and generative methods. Suitable generative methods include Markov [23], [24] and graphical models [11], [25], [26]. ...
Full-text available
We study involuntary micro-movements of both eyes, in addition to saccadic macro-movements, as biometric characteristic. We develop a deep convolutional neural network that processes binocular eye-tracking signals and verifies the viewer’s identity. In order to detect presentation attacks, we develop a model in which the movements are a response to a controlled stimulus. The model detects replay attacks by processing both the controlled but randomized stimulus and the ocular response to this stimulus. We acquire eye movement data from 150 participants, with 4 sessions per participant and conduct experiments on this new and legacy data sets with varying tracker precision and sampling rate. We observe that the model detects replay attacks reliably. For identification and identity verification, the model attains substantially lower error rates than prior work. We explore the relationships between training population size, training data volume, types of visual stimuli, number of training and enrollment sessions, interval between enrollment and probe sessions on one hand and the model performance on the other hand.
... For example, Eberz et al. [38] used a downsampling approach to show that different sampling rates affected the quality of eye-tracking metrics. Similar work was reported by others [57,62].The trade-off between equipment features, the effort of developing sophisticated algorithms for implementing authentication mechanisms depending on sampling data, and processing requirements for using such a scheme in the wild remain unexplored. ...
Conference Paper
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For the past 20 years, researchers have investigated the use of eye tracking in security applications. We present a holistic view on gaze-based security applications. In particular, we canvassed the literature and classify the utility of gaze in security applications into a) authentication, b) privacy protection, and c) gaze monitoring during security critical tasks. This allows us to chart several research directions, most importantly 1) conducting field studies of implicit and explicit gaze-based authentication due to recent advances in eye tracking, 2) research on gaze-based privacy protection and gaze monitoring in security critical tasks which are under-investigated yet very promising areas, and 3) understanding the privacy implications of pervasive eye tracking. We discuss the most promising opportunities and most pressing challenges of eye tracking for security that will shape research in gaze-based security applications for the next decade.
... This lower accuracy may be attributed to template aging effects. Some of the selected features may show variability over time [146] [147]. The amplitudes and directions of the saccades were random in the RAN dataset. ...
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Eye movements play a vital role in perceiving the world. Eye gaze can give a direct indication of the user’s point of attention, which can be useful in improving human-computer interaction. Gaze estimation in a non-intrusive manner can make human-computer interaction more natural. Eye tracking can be used for several applications such as fatigue detection, biometric authentication, disease diagnosis, activity recognition, alertness level estimation, gaze-contingent display, human-computer interaction, etc. Even though eye tracking technology has been around for many decades, it has not found much use in consumer applications. The main reasons are the high cost of eye tracking hardware and lack of consumer level applications. In this work, we attempt to address these two issues. In the first part of this work, image-based algorithms are developed for gaze tracking which includes a new two-stage iris center localization algorithm. The iris center location along with eye corners are used to develop a gaze tracking framework which can operate even with off the shelf webcams. We have further developed an algorithm for head-mounted eye trackers. Most of the available algorithms perform well only in controlled environments. In order to make eye tracking ubiquitous, they should work in outdoor conditions as well. To this end, we have developed a new algorithm which works in challenging conditions such as motion blur, glint and varying illumination levels. A person independent gaze direction classification framework is also developed which eliminates the requirement of user-specific calibration. A convolutional neural network based classifier is proposed for real-time gaze direction classification. In the second part of this work, we have developed two applications which can benefit from eye tracking data. A new framework for biometric identification based on eye movement parameters is developed. A score fusion methodology with a new set of features extracted from fixations and saccades is adopted for biometric identification. The addition of eye movement features along with the conventional iris recognition systems can lead to a counterfeit-proof biometric modality with inbuilt liveliness detection capability. A framework for activity recognition, using gaze data from a head-mounted eye tracker is also developed. The information from gaze data, ego-motion, and visual features are integrated to classify the activities. This approach improves the classification accuracy in indoor conditions where conventional activity detection modalities fail.
... This lower accuracy may be attributed to template aging effects. Some of the selected features may show variability over time [146] [147]. The amplitudes and directions of the saccades were random in the RAN dataset. ...
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Eye movements play a vital role in perceiving the world. Eye gaze can give a direct indication of the users point of attention, which can be useful in improving human-computer interaction. Gaze estimation in a non-intrusive manner can make human-computer interaction more natural. Eye tracking can be used for several applications such as fatigue detection, biometric authentication, disease diagnosis, activity recognition, alertness level estimation, gaze-contingent display, human-computer interaction, etc. Even though eye-tracking technology has been around for many decades, it has not found much use in consumer applications. The main reasons are the high cost of eye tracking hardware and lack of consumer level applications. In this work, we attempt to address these two issues. In the first part of this work, image-based algorithms are developed for gaze tracking which includes a new two-stage iris center localization algorithm. We have developed a new algorithm which works in challenging conditions such as motion blur, glint, and varying illumination levels. A person independent gaze direction classification framework using a convolutional neural network is also developed which eliminates the requirement of user-specific calibration. In the second part of this work, we have developed two applications which can benefit from eye tracking data. A new framework for biometric identification based on eye movement parameters is developed. A framework for activity recognition, using gaze data from a head-mounted eye tracker is also developed. The information from gaze data, ego-motion, and visual features are integrated to classify the activities.
... An important requirement for potential long-term biometric use of this biometric is to evaluate and improve the temporal stability of the proposed eye movement features over extended periods of time. After having shown in this work that the proposed visual stimuli does indeed quickly extract features that allow discrimination between users while at the same time preventing replay attacks, we plan to next focus on designing an extensive larger set of potential features, capturing larger datasets with different eye tracking devices, and evaluating their long-term stability over multiple sessions [24], following a test-retest approach based on Intra-Class-Correlation as the feature selection criteria [16]. ...
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Eye tracking devices have recently become increasingly popular as an interface between people and cons-umer-grade electronic devices. Due to the fact that human eyes are fast, responsive, and carry information unique to an individual, analyzing person’s gaze is particularly attractive for rapid biometric authentication. Unfortunately, previous proposals for gaze-based authentication systems either suffer from high error rates or requires long authentication times. We build on the fact that some eye movements can be reflexively and predictably triggered and develop an interactive visual stimulus for elicitation of reflexive eye movements that support the extraction of reliable biometric features in a matter of seconds, without requiring any memorization or cognitive effort on the part of the user. As an important benefit, our stimulus can be made unique for every authentication attempt and thus incorporated in a challenge-response biometric authentication system. This allows us to prevent replay attacks, which are possibly the most applicable attack vectors against biometric authentication. Using a gaze tracking device, we build a prototype of our system and perform a series of systematic user experiments with 30 participants from the general public. We thoroughly analyze various system parameters and evaluate the performance and security guarantees under several different attack scenarios. The results show that our system matches or surpasses existing gaze-based authentication methods in achieved equal error rates (6.3%) while achieving significantly lower authentication times (5s).
... In most cases a single biometric feature is used based on either behavioral (habits of using a computer mouse or typing on a keyboard) or physical characteristics (finger print, eye, knuckle imaging or face detection) [7,9,10]. In order to increase a protection level of computer system resources the novel security model introduced in this paper combines the analysis of user's typing habits with finger knuckle imaging method [11,12,17], where keyboard events and knuckle image registration is performed using a dedicated software and device especially designed for this purpose [5,20]. ...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents preliminary research conducted to assess the potential of biometric methods fusion for continuous user verification. In this article a novel computer user identity verification method based on keystroke dynamics and knuckle images analysis is introduced. In the proposed solution the user verification is performed by means of classification. The introduced approach was tested experimentally using a database which comprises of keystroke dynamics data and knuckle images. The results indicate that the introduced methods fusion performs better than the single biometric approaches.
Person identification based on eye movements is getting more and more attention, as it is anti-spoofing resistant and can be useful for continuous authentication. Therefore, it is noteworthy for researchers to know who and what is relevant in the field, including authors, journals, conferences, and institutions. This paper presents a comprehensive quantitative overview of the field of eye movement biometrics using a bibliometric approach. All data and analyses are based on documents written in English published between 2004 and 2019. Scopus was used to perform information retrieval. This research focused on temporal evolution, leading authors, most cited papers, leading journals, competitions and collaboration networks.
Person identification based on eye movements is getting more and more attention, as it is anti-spoofing resistant and can be useful for continuous authentication. Therefore, it is noteworthy for researchers to know who and what is relevant in the field, including authors, journals, conferences, and institutions. This paper presents a comprehensive quantitative overview of the field of eye movement biometrics using a bibliometric approach. All data and analyses are based on documents written in English published between 2004 and 2019. Scopus was used to perform information retrieval. This research focused on temporal evolution, leading authors, most cited papers, leading journals, competitions and collaboration networks.
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This paper presents an objective evaluation of various eye movement-based biometric features and their ability to accurately and precisely distinguish unique individuals. Eye movements are uniquely counterfeit resistant due to the complex neurological interactions and the extraocular muscle properties involved in their generation. Considered biometric candidates cover a number of basic eye movements and their aggregated scanpath characteristics, including: fixation count, average fixation duration, average saccade amplitudes, average saccade velocities, average saccade peak velocities, the velocity waveform, scanpath length, scanpath area, regions of interest, scanpath inflections, the amplitude-duration relationship, the main sequence relationship, and the pairwise distance between fixations. As well, an information fusion method for combining these metrics into a single identification algorithm is presented. With limited testing this method was able to identify subjects with an equal error rate of 27%. These results indicate that scanpath-based biometric identification holds promise as a behavioral biometric technique.
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This paper presents the results of the first eye movement verification and identification competition. The work provides background, discusses previous research, and describes the datasets and methods used in the competition. The results highlight the importance of very careful eye positional data capture to ensure meaningfulness of identification outcomes. The discussion about the metrics and scores that can assist in evaluation of the captured data quality is provided. Best identification results varied in the range from 58.6% to 97.7% depending on the dataset and methods employed for the identification. Additionally, this work discusses possible future directions of research in the eye movement-based biometrics domain.
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Eye movements contain a lot of information about human being. The way the eyes are moving is very complicated and eye movement patterns has been subject of studies for over 100 years. However, surprisingly, eye movement based identification is a quite new idea presented for the first time during the Biometrics'2003 Conference in London [17]. The method has several significant advantages: compiles behavioral and physiological properties of human body, it is difficult to forge and it is affordable-with a number of ready-to-use eye registering devices (so called eye trackers). The paper introduces the methodology and presents results of the first eye movement based authorization tests.
Conference Paper
Human identification is an important task for various activities in society. In this paper, we consider the problem of human identification using eye movement information. This problem, which is usually called the eye movement identification problem, can be solved by training a multiclass classification model to predict a person's identity from his or her eye movements. In this work, we propose using Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) to encode various features for the classification model. Our experiments show that using MFCCs to represent useful features such as eye position, eye difference, and eye velocity would result in a much better accuracy than using Fourier transform, cepstrum, or raw representations. We also compare various classification models for the task. From our experiments, linear-kernel SVMs achieve the best accuracy with 93.56% and 91.08% accuracy on the small and large datasets respectively. Besides, we conduct experiments to study how the movements of each eye contribute to the final classification accuracy.
Conference Paper
This research work proposes an innovative processing scheme for the exploitation of eye movement dynamics on the field of biometrical identification. As the mechanisms that derive eye movements highly depend on each person's idiosyncrasies, cues that reflect at a certain extent individual characteristics may be captured and subsequently deployed for the implementation of a robust identification system. Our methodology involves the employment of a non - parametric statistical test, the multivariate Wald - Wolfowitz test (WW-test), in order to compare the distributions of saccadic velocity and acceleration features, which are extracted while a person fixates on visual stimuli. In the evaluation section we use two publicly available datasets that supply recorded eye movements from a number of subjects during the observation of a moving spot on a computer screen. The resulting identification rates exhibit the efficacy of the suggested scheme to adequately segregate people according to their eye movement traits.
Random forests are a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. The generalization error for forests converges a.s. to a limit as the number of trees in the forest becomes large. The generalization error of a forest of tree classifiers depends on the strength of the individual trees in the forest and the correlation between them. Using a random selection of features to split each node yields error rates that compare favorably to Adaboost (Y. Freund & R. Schapire, Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International conference, ***, 148–156), but are more robust with respect to noise. Internal estimates monitor error, strength, and correlation and these are used to show the response to increasing the number of features used in the splitting. Internal estimates are also used to measure variable importance. These ideas are also applicable to regression.
The last few years a growing research interest has aroused in the field of biometrics, concerning the use of brain dependent characteristics generally known as behavioral features. Human eyes, often referred as the gates to the soul, can possibly comprise a rich source of idiosyncratic information which may be used for the recognition of an individual’s identity. In this paper an innovative experiment and a novel processing approach for the human eye movements is implemented, ultimately aiming at the biometric segregation of individual persons. In our experiment, the subjects observe face images while their eye movements are being monitored, providing information about each participant’s attention spots. The implemented method treats eye trajectories as 2-D distributions of points on the image plane. The efficiency of graph objects in the representation of structural information motivated us on the utilization of a non-parametric multivariate graph-based measure for the comparison of eye movement signals, yielding promising results at the task of identification according to behavioral characteristics of an individual.
The current need for large multimodal databases to evaluate automatic biometric recognition systems has motivated the development of the MCYT bimodal database. The main purpose has been to consider a large scale population, with statistical significance, in a real multimodal procedure, and including several sources of variability that can be found in real environments. The acquisition process, contents and availability of the single-session baseline corpus are fully described. Some experiments showing consistency of data through the different acquisition sites and assessing data quality are also presented.