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Shield bugs of Poland (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) - a faunistic review. I. Plataspidae, Thyreocoridae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae and Acanthosomidae



A review of the Polish species of Cydnidae is presented. The data on Ochetostethus nanus from Poland should be referred to O. opacus. Canthophorus impressus is recorded for the first time from Poland. Following species are recorded: (Cydninae): Aethus flavicornis (F.), A. nigritus (F.), Cydnus aterrimus (Forst.), (Sehirinae): Legnotus limbosus (Geoffr.) [= Pentatoma (Cydnus) notatum Schilling, 1844], L. picipes (Fall.), Sehirus luctuosus Muls. et Rey [= S. morio auct.], S. morio (L.) [= S. affinis auct.], Tritomegas bicolor (L.), T. sexmaculatus (Ramb.), Canthophorus dubius (Scop.) [= albomarginellus], C. impressus (Horv.), Adomerus biguttatus (L.), O. opacus (Scholtz) [= nanus auct.]. Host plants and notes on biology are also presented
... Burakowski i in. 1993, Kuśka 1998, Lis J.A. 1989, 1990, Lis B. 1996, Lis B. i Gierlasiński 2018, Gierlasiński i in. 2018a). ...
... Dotychczasowe dane dotyczące omawianego obszaru ograniczają się jedynie do kilku prac. W przeglądach faunistycznych rodzin Cydnidae, Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae oraz Berytidae (Lis J.A. 1989(Lis J.A. , 1990, Lis B. 1996) Plagiognathus arbustorum arbustorum (Fabricius, 1794) -3.07.2018, 12 exx., 8.07.2018, 2 exx., 26.06.2019, 3 exx., 11.08.2020. P. chrysanthemi (Wolff, 1804) -3.07.2018, 3.06.2019, ...
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Tuł is a small hill in southern Poland, near the Moravian Gate. In the middle of the last century part of the hill was temporarily protected as nature reserve. The slopes of the mountain are covered with xerothermic meadows and fragments of natural forests. This paper presents the results of the research conducted in 2017–2021. In the collected material 97 species of true bugs from 19 families were found.
... Gatunek pospolity w Polsce, z Podlasia znany jednak tylko z jednego stanowiska z Mielnika (LIS 1989 Podops inunctus (FABRICIUS, 1775) -Kołodno, 4 VI 2022, 1 ex., żwirownia, leg. JG. ...
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In the years 2016-2023, studies on the distribution of terrestrial true-bugs in the Knyszyn Forest were carried out. New faunistic data together with literature confirm occurrence of 159 species of true-bugs, among them 42 species are new for the Podlasie region. In this paper authors present faunistic data about all true-bugs collected during this survey, detailed information and maps of distribution in the case of rare and more interesting species as well as complete checklist of terrestrial Heteroptera from the Knyszyn Forest.
... Nieco więcej informacji o tej grupie owadów znalazło się w pracy Smreczyńskiego (1954). Dopiero opracowania z końca XX wieku (Lis J.A. 1989(Lis J.A. , 1990(Lis J.A. , 1992Lis J.A. i Gorczyca 1991;Lis J.A. i Lis B. 1994) przyniosły znaczący wkład w poznanie składu gatunkowego pluskwiaków różnoskrzydłych Wolina. W ostatnich latach przyrost danych również ogranicza się do kilkunastu rekordów faunistycznych ( ...
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New data on the occurrence of terrestrial true-bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Wolin Island (Baltic Coast)]. The Heteroptera fauna of the Wolin Island (Baltic Coast) is not well known, although many authors have included fragmentary data in the papers since the 19th century. The present study includes the museum materials stored in the Natural History Collections, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, supplemented with the data obtained from the authors' research in 2021. As a result, 39 taxa new to the Wolin Island were discovered, and the state of knowledge on the distribution of Heteroptera in this island was summarized.
... Bazując na danych bieżących i literaturowych (Cmoluchowa 1971(Cmoluchowa , 1974Domagała i Ziaja 2016;Gierlasiński i in. 2019b;Gorczyca 1990Gorczyca , 1991Gorczyca i Herczek 1991;Jędryczkowski 2010;Lis B. 1996;Lis J.A. 1989;Smreczyński 1954;Strawiński 1955Strawiński , 1959Strawiński , 1966aStroiński 2001; Taszakowski i in. 2020) podsumowano gatunki stwierdzone do tej pory z doliny Bugu (Tabela 1). ...
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Criocoris quadrimaculatus (Fallén, 1807) (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)-a true bug species new to the Polish fauna , with a list of species collected in the river Bug valley in the Masovian Lowland]. Till now, the genus Criocoris has been represented in Poland by two species, i.e.: Criocoris crassicornis and C. nigripes. Criocoris quadrimaculatus is clearly distinguished from other species occuring in Poland by distinctive bright pattern on hemielytra. This note presents the first records of C. qua-drimaculatus in our country. Poland is the tenth European country in which the presence of C. quadrimaculatus was confirmed (after Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine). A list of species collected in the river Bug valley is also presented. Three of them are new to the Mazowiecka Lowland: Coptosoma scutellatum (Geoffroy, 1785), Emblethis verbasci (Fabricius, 1803), and Macroplax preyssleri (Fieber, 1837). Moreover, as a summary of the research conducted so far, the paper also presents a list of species known from the river Bug valley.
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A contribution to the distribution of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Poland-V]. This paper continues a series of publications on the distribution of true bugs in Poland. It includes new faunistic data for 306 true bug species, including some rarely collected: Tupiocoris rhododendri, Empicoris baerensprungi, Emblethis duplicatus, Actinonotus pulcher, Chlamydatus eva-nescens, Leptopus marmoratus, Xylocoris formicetorum, Xylocoris galactinus, Isometopus intrusus, Odontoscelis lineola, and Phimodera flori. Additionally, data on 37 species previously unreported in 13 zoogeographical regions of Poland are presented. It is also noteworthy that this paper was largely prepared using citizen science. Many people (non-specialists in Heteroptera) collected data constituting almost 40% of the presented records. Notably, the true bugs recorded in this way include species very rarely collected in Poland and species alien to Polish fauna (e. g. Oxycarenus lavaterae, and Halyomorpha halys). Due to the lack of funding being a significant obstacle to biodiversity studies in Poland, citizen science seems to be the only way to effectively monitor all the dynamic places in national entomofauna.
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The dataset presents a chapter of the Digital Catalogue of Biodiversity of Poland, comprising taxa of (infra)specific level, reported from Poland in the present administrative boundaries of the country. In this instance of the Catalogue, the list includes only taxa of confirmed occurrence, ignoring doubtful records that need verification as well as synonyms and other not valid names. The occurrence of each species is supported by a published reference. Authorship: Psylloidea - Jowita Drohojowska; Aleirodoidea - Anna Klasa; Aphidoidea, Coccoidea - Mariusz Kanturski, Artur Taszakowski.
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Notes on the collection of Cydnidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Upper Silesian Museum, Bytom. The paper presents new data on the occurrence of burrowing bugs (Cydnidae) in Poland based on collections of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom. The data include a part of a historical collection from the first half of the 20th century that was found during inventory work, as well as information on individual specimens collected in the last 30 years.
Lądowe pluskwiaki różnoskrzydłe są drugą co do liczby gatunków grupą pluskwiaków stwierdzonych na terenie Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego. Wykazano tu 253 gatunki, co stanowi niemal 36% fauny lądowych Heteroptera występujących w Polsce. Dotychczas na terenie Ojcowskiego PN wykazano 43 gatunki tzw. pluskwiaków wodnych (Heteroptera aquatica et semiaquatica) zaliczanych do Nepomorpha oraz Gerromorpha (Mielewczyk, 1998). Liczba ta stanowi 64% krajowej heteropterofauny wodnej (Tończyk & Mielewczyk, 2004; Kurzatkowska & Zawal, 2011; Sowa i in., 2018).
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True bugs are relatively poorly known in the Pieniny Mts., while, significantly better situation is in the Polish part of the mountains where 263 species have been known until now. Unfortunately, only 34 species had been recorded from the Slovak part of the Pieniny Mts. until 2017. During the last short survey in 2017, which took place within XLI. East Slovak Camp of Environmentalists, 54 previously unrecorded species were examined increasing the number of species known from the Slovak part of Pieniny Mts. to 88. The total number of species in Polish and Slovak parts of the Pieniny Mts. reaches as many as 272.
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