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How Unexpected Events Produce An Escalation Of Cognitive And Coordinative Demands



Each round of techonological development promises to aid the people engaged in various fields of practice. After these promises result in the development of prototypes and fielded systems, those researchers who examine the reverberations of technology change have observed a mixed bag of effects, most quite different from the expectations of the technology advocates. Often the message practictioners send with their performance, their errors, and their adaptations is one of technology-induced complexity. In these cases, technological possibilities are used clumsily so that systems intended to serve the user turn out to add new burdens which congregate at the busiest times or during the critical phases of the task.
In P.A. Hancock and P.A. Desmond (Eds.). Stress Workload and Fatigue.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
How Unexpected Events Produce An Escalation Of Cognitive And
Coordinative Demands
David D. Woods
Emily S. Patterson
Institute for Ergonomics
The Ohio State University
In Stress Workload and Fatigue.
P. A. Hancock and P. Desmond (eds.)
Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale NJ, 2000.
Explaining the Clumsy Use of Technology
Each round of technological development promises to aid the people engaged in
various fields of practice. After these promises result in the development of
prototypes and fielded systems, those researchers who examine the
reverberations of technology change have observed a mixed bag of effects, most
quite different from the expectations of the technology advocates. Often the
message practitioners send with their performance, their errors, and their
adaptations is one of technology-induced complexity. In these cases,
technological possibilities are used clumsily so that systems intended to serve the
user turn out to add new burdens that congregate at the busiest times or during
the most critical phases of the task (e.g., Woods, Johannesen, Cook, & Sarter,
1994, chapter 5, Woods & Watts, 1997).
Although this pattern has been well documented in a variety of areas such as
cockpit automation (Sarter, Woods & Billings, 1997) and many principles for
more effective human-machine and human-human cooperation have been
developed (e.g., Norman, 1988), we have a gaping explanatory problem. There is
a striking contrast between the persistence of the optimism of developers who
before the fact expect each technological development to produce significant
performance improvements and the new operational complexities that are
observed after the fact. It seems difficult for all kinds of people in design teams
to predict or anticipate operational complexities. Yet operational complexities
are easy to see when the right scenarios are examined e.g., through using
prototypes in appropriate scenarios or through incidents during practice.
Ultimately, we need to explain why this technology-induced complexity occurs
so often when designers fully expect these systems to produce major benefits for
the practitioners. There are many factors that could be invoked to explain this
observation. Some may fall into hoary cliches about the need for human factors
in the design process. Others may examine the pressures on development and
developers. Here we explore one factor that contributes in part -- a fundamental
In P.A. Hancock and P.A. Desmond (Eds.). Stress Workload and Fatigue.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
dynamic relationship between problem demands, cognitive and coordinated
activities, and the artifacts intended to support practitioners.
The Escalation Principle
On the basis of observations of anomaly response in many supervisory control
domains in both simulated and actual incidents, a pattern seemed to recur.
When an anomaly occurred and people began to recognize various unexpected
events, there was a process of escalation of cognitive and coordinated activities.
During these periods of escalating demands, we observed the penalties
associated with poor design of systems that had been intended to support
Escalation Principle: The concept of escalation concerns a process – how
situations move from canonical or textbook to non-routine to exceptional. In
that process, escalation captures a relationship -- as problems cascade, they
produce an escalation of cognitive and coordinative demands that bring out
the penalties of poor support for work.
There is a fundamental relationship where the greater the trouble in the
underlying process or the higher the tempo of operations, the greater the
information processing activities required to cope with the trouble or pace of
activities. For example, demands for knowledge, monitoring, attentional control,
information, and communication among team members (including human-
machine communication) all tend to increase with the unusualness, tempo, and
criticality of situations. If workload or other burdens associated with using a
computer interface or with interacting with an autonomous or intelligent
machine agent tend to be concentrated at these times, the workload occurs when
the practitioner can least afford new tasks, new memory demands, or diversions
of his or her attention away from the job at hand to the interface or computerized
device per se.
The concept of escalation captures a dynamic relationship between the cascade of
effects that follows from an event and the demands for cognitive and
collaborative work that escalate in response (Woods, 1994). An event triggers the
evolution of multiple interrelated dynamics.
There is a cascade of effects in the monitored process.
A fault produces a time series of disturbances along lines of functional and
physical coupling in the process (e.g., Abbott, 1990). These disturbances produce
a cascade of multiple changes in the data available about the state of the
underlying process, for example, the avalanche of alarms following a fault in
process control applications (Reiersen, Marshall, & Baker, 1988).
Demands for cognitive activity increase as the problem cascades.
More knowledge potentially needs to be brought to bear. There is more to
monitor. There is a changing set of data to integrate into a coherent assessment.
Candidate hypotheses need to be generated and evaluated. Assessments may
need to be revised as new data come in. Actions to protect the integrity and
safety of systems need to be identified, carried out, and monitored for success.
Existing plans need to be modified or new plans formulated to cope with the
consequences of anomalies. Contingencies need to be considered in this process.
All these multiple threads challenge control of attention and require practitioners
to juggle more tasks.
Demands for coordination increase as the problem cascades.
As the cognitive activities escalate, the demand for coordination across people
and across people and machines rises. Knowledge may reside in different people
or different parts of the operational system. Specialized knowledge and
expertise from other parties may need to be brought into the problem-solving
process. Multiple parties may have to coordinate to implement activities aimed
at gaining information to aid diagnosis or to protect the monitored process. The
trouble in the underlying process requires informing and updating others – those
whose scope of responsibility may be affected by the anomaly, those who may be
able to support recovery, or those who may be affected by the consequences the
anomaly could or does produce.
The cascade and escalation is a dynamic process.
A variety of complicating factors can occur, which move situations beyond
canonical, textbook forms. The concept of escalation captures this movement
from canonical to nonroutine to exceptional. The tempo of operations increases
following the recognition of a triggering event and is synchronized by temporal
landmarks that represent irreversible decision points.
The dynamics of escalation vary across situations. First, the cascade of effects
may have different time courses. For example, an event may manifest itself
immediately or may develop more slowly. Second, the nature of the responses
by practitioners affects how the incident progresses – less appropriate or timely
actions (or too quick a reaction in some cases) may sharpen difficulties, push the
tempo in the future, or create new challenges. Different domains may have
different escalation gradients depending on the kinds of complicating factors that
occur, the rhythms of the process, and consequences that may follow from poor
Interactions with computer based support systems
Interactions with computer based support systems occur in the context of these
escalating demands on memory and attention, monitoring and assessment,
communication and response.
In canonical (routinized or textbook) situations, technological systems seem to
integrate smoothly into work practices, so smoothly that seemingly little
cognitive work is required. However, cognitive work grows and patterns of
distribution of this work over people and machines grow more complex as
situations cascade. Thus, the penalties for poor coordination between people and
machines and for poor support for coordination across people emerge as the
situation escalates demands for cognitive work.
The difficulties arise because interacting with the technological devices is a
source of workload as well as a potential source of support. When interacting
with devices or others through devices creates new workload burdens when
practitioners are busiest, new attentional demands when practitioners are
plagued by multiple voices competing for their attention, new sources of data
when practitioners are overwhelmed by too many channels spewing out too
much competing data, practitioners are placed in an untenable situation.
As active, responsible agents in the field of practice, practitioners adapt to cope
with these bottlenecks in many ways – they eliminate or minimize
communication and coordination with other agents, they tailor devices to reduce
cognitive burdens, they adapt their strategies for carrying out tasks, they
abandon some systems or modes when situations become more critical or higher
tempo. Woods et al. (1994) devoted a chapter to examples of these workload
bottlenecks and the ways that people tailor devices and work strategies to cope
with this technology-induced complexity. Sarter et al. (1997) summarized this
dynamic for cockpit automation. Cook and Woods (1996) captured this dynamic
for a case of operating room information technology. Patterson and Woods
(1997) described the strategies used in one organization, space shuttle mission
control, for successfully coping with escalating demands following an anomaly.
In this case, practitioners who are assigned on-call responsibility invest in
building a prior understanding of the mission context before problems occur in
order to be able to come into an escalating situation more effectively should an
anomaly actually occur.
An Example of Escalating Demands
To illustrate the escalation principle, consider an anomaly that occurred during
the ascent phase of a space shuttle mission (Watts, Woods, & Patterson, 1996;
Watts-Perotti & Woods, 1997; for a more publicized case, examine the escalating
demands on mission control during the Apollo 13 accident; e.g., Murray & Cox,
1989). As shown in Figure 1, an unexpected event produced an escalation of
cognitive and coordinative demands and activities. In the figure, the escalating
demands are grouped into three temporal units that roughly capture portions of
the escalation process.
Several minutes into the ascent phase of the mission, one of the controllers
responsible for monitoring the health and safety of the mechanical systems
noticed an anomaly – an unexpected drop in hydraulic fluid in an auxiliary
power unit (APU). The personnel monitoring immediately recognized that the
symptoms indicated a hydraulic leak. Did this anomaly require an immediate
abort of the ascent? In other words, how bad was the leak? Was it a threat to the
safety of the mission? What were the relevant criteria (and who knew them, and
where did they reside)? The mechanical systems controllers did a quick
calculation that indicated the leak rate was below the predetermined abort limit –
the mission could proceed to orbit. The analysis of the event relative to an abort
decision occurred very quickly, in part because the nature of the disturbance was
clear and because of the potential consequences with an anomaly at this stage for
the safety of the astronauts.
As the ascent continued, the figure points to a second collection of demands and
activities that were intertwined and went on in parallel. The controllers for the
affected system informed the Flight Director and the other members of the
mission control team of the existence of the hydraulic leak and its severity.
Because of the nature of the tools for supporting coordination across controllers
(voice loops), this occurred in a very cognitively economical way for all
concerned (see Watts et al., 1996). The team also had to plan how to respond to
the anomaly before the transition from the ascent to the orbit phase was
completed. As in all safety-critical systems, planning was aimed both at how to
obtain more information to diagnose the problem as well as how to protect the
affected systems. This planning required resolving conflicting goals of
maximizing the safety of the systems as well as determining as confidently as
possible the diagnosis of the anomaly. The team decided to alter the order in
which the auxiliary power units (APUs) were shut down to obtain more
diagnostic information. This change in the mission plan was then communicated
to the astronauts.
A third group in the figure refers to demands and activities that occurred after
the initial assessment, responses, and communications. Information about the
assessments of the situation and the changed plans were available to other
controllers who were or might be affected by these changes. This happened
because other personnel could listen in on the voice loops and overhear the
previous updates provided to the flight director and the astronauts about the
hydraulic leak. After the changes in immediate plans were communicated to the
astronauts, the controllers responsible for other subsystems affected by the leak
and the engineers who designed the auxiliary power units contacted the
mechanical systems controllers to gain further information. In this process, new
issues arose, some were settled, but these issues sometimes needed to be re-
visited or reemerged.
For example, a series of meetings between the mechanical systems controllers
and the engineering group was called. These meetings served an important role
in the process to assess contingencies and to decide how to modify mission plans
such as a planned docking with the MIR space station and entry. In addition,
they provided opportunities to detect and correct errors in the assessment of the
situation, to calibrate the assessments and expectations of differing groups, to
anticipate more possible side effects of changing plans (see Watts-Perotti &
Woods, 1997, for a complete analysis of these functions of cooperative work in
this case).
Additional personnel were called in and integrated with others to help with the
new workload demands and to provide specialized knowledge and expertise. In
this process, the team expanded to include an impressive number of agents
acting in a variety of roles and teams all coordinating their efforts.
Fig. 1. Escalation of cognitive and coordinated work following an anomaly in space
shuttle mission control.
Escalation Helps Explain Episodes in the Clumsy Use of Technology
The escalation principle helps to explain some recurrent phenomena in cognitive
work. We will briefly refer to two recurrent patterns in the impact of technology
on practitioners. One is clumsy automation where automation introduced to
lower workload and free up resources actually creates new bottlenecks in higher
tempo and more critical situations (Sarter, Woods & Billings, 1997). Another is
how attempts to provide intelligent diagnostic systems with explanation
capabilities have failed to make these artificial intelligence (AI) systems into team
players (Malin et al., 1991).
Clumsy Automation
The escalation of problem demands helps explain a syndrome, which Wiener
(1989) has termed “clumsy automation.” Clumsy automation is a form of poor
coordination between human and machine in the control of dynamic processes
where the benefits of the new technology accrue during workload troughs, and
the costs or burdens imposed by the technology occur during periods of peak
workload, high criticality, or high-tempo operations. Despite the fact that these
systems are often justified on the grounds that they help offload work from
harried practitioners, we find that they in fact create new additional tasks, force
the user to adopt new cognitive strategies, require more knowledge and more
communication at the very times when the practitioners are most in need of true
assistance. This creates opportunities for new kinds of human error and new
paths to system breakdown that did not exist in simpler systems (Woods &
Sarter, in press).
We usually focus on the perceived benefits of new automated systems, and
assume that introducing new automation leads to lower workload and frees up
limited practitioner resources for other activities (Sarter et al., 1997). Our
fascination with the possibilities afforded by automation often obscures the fact
that new automated devices also create new burdens and complexities for the
individuals and teams of practitioners responsible for operating,
troubleshooting, and managing high-consequence systems. The demands may
involve new or changed tasks such as device setup and initialization,
configuration control, or operating sequences. Cognitive demands change as
well, creating new interface management tasks, new attentional demands, the
need to track automated device state and performance, new communication or
coordination tasks, and new knowledge requirements. These demands represent
new levels and types of operator workload.
The dynamics of these new demands are an important factor because in complex
systems human activity ebbs and flows, with periods of lower activity and more
self-paced tasks interspersed with busy, high-tempo, externally paced operations
where task performance is more critical (Rochlin, La Porte, & Roberts, 1987).
Although technology is often designed to shift workload or tasks from the
human to the machine, the critical design feature for well-integrated cooperative
cognitive work between the automation and the human is not the overall or
time-averaged task workload. Rather, it is how the new demands created by the
new technology interact with low-workload and high-workload periods, how
they affect the transition from canonical to more exceptional situations, and
especially how they affect the practitioner's ability to manage workload as
situations escalate. It is these relationships that make the critical difference
between clumsy and skillful use of the technological possibilities.
Failure of Machine Explanation to Make AI Systems Team Players
The concept of escalation helps us understand why efforts to add machine
explanation to intelligent systems failed to support cooperative interactions with
human practitioners. Typically, expert systems developed their own solution to
the problem at hand. Potential users found it difficult to accept such
recommendations without some information about how the AI system arrived at
its conclusions. This led many to develop ways to represent knowledge in such
systems so they could provide a description of how a system arrived at the
diagnosis or solution (e.g., Chandrasekaran, Tanner & Josephson, 1989).
However they were generated and however they were represented, these
explanations were provided at the end of some problem-solving activity after the
intelligent system had arrived at a potential solution. As a result, they were one-
shot, retrospective explanations for activity that had already occurred. The
difficulties with explanations of this form generally went unnoticed. Effort was
focused on building the explanation-generating mechanisms and knowledge
representations. Development was directed toward contexts (or a simplified
piece of a context was abstracted) where the underlying system was static and
unchanging and where temporal relations were not significant. Even then a few
noticed (e.g., Cawsey, 1992), in contrast to the assumptions of developers, when
people engage in collaborative problem solving, they tend to provide
information about the basis for their assessments as the problem-solving process
unfolds to build a common ground for future coordination (e.g., Clark &
Brennan, 1991; Johannesen, Cook & Woods, 1994).
Warnings about problems with one-shot, retrospective explanations were
disregarded until AI diagnostic systems were applied to dynamic situations.
After such prototypes or systems had to deal with beyond-textbook situations,
escalation occurred. The explanation then occurred at a time when the
practitioner was likely to be engaged in multiple activities as a consequence of
the cascade of effects of the initial event and escalating cognitive demands to
understand and react as the situation evolved. These activities included
generating and evaluating hypotheses, dealing with a new event or the
consequences of the fault(s), planning corrective actions or monitoring for the
effects of interventions, attempting to differentiate the influences caused by
faults and those caused by corrective actions, among others.
These kinds of expert systems did not act as cooperative agents. For example,
the expert systems did not gauge the importance or length of their messages
against the background context of competing cues for attention and the state of
the practitioner’s ongoing activity. Thus, the system’s output could occur as a
disruption to other ongoing lines of reasoning and monitoring (Woods, 1995).
In addition, the presence of the intelligent system created new demands on the
human practitioner. The typical one-shot retrospective explanation was
disconnected from other data and displays the practitioner was examining. This
meant the practitioner had to integrate the intelligent systems assessment with
other available data as an extra task. This new task required the practitioner to
shift attention away from what was currently going on in the process, possibly
resulting in missed events.
Overall, the one-shot, retrospective style of explanation easily broke down under
the demands of escalation. Practitioners, rather than being supported by the new
systems, found extra workload during high-tempo periods and a new source of
data competing for their attention when they were already confronted with an
avalanche of changing data. As a result, practitioners adapted. They simply
ignored the intelligent system (e.g., Remington & Shafto, 1990, for one case;
Malin et al., 1991 for the general pattern).
There are several ironies about this pattern of technology change and its
surprising reverberations. First, it had happened before. The same experience
had occurred in the early 1980s when nuclear power tried to automate fault
diagnosis with non-AI techniques. The systems were unable to function
autonomously and only exacerbated the data overload that operators confronted
when a fault produced a cascade of disturbances (Woods, 1994). That attempt to
automate diagnosis was abandoned, although the organizations involved and
the larger research community failed to see the potential to learn about dynamic
patterns in human-machine cooperation.
A second irony is that to make progress in supporting human performance,
efforts have moved away from autonomous machine explanations and toward
understanding cooperative work and the ways that cognitive activity is
distributed (Hutchins, 1995). The developers had assumed that their intelligent
system could function essentially autonomously (at least on the important
components of the task) and would be correct for almost all situations. In other
words, they designed a system that would take over most of the cognitive work.
The idea that human-intelligent system interaction required significant and
meaningful cooperative work adapted to the changing demands and tempo of
situations was outside their limited understanding of the cognitive demands of
actual fields of practice.
At the beginning of the chapter, we posed a question -- why is technology so
often used clumsily, creating new complexities for already beleaguered
The concept of escalation provides a partial explanation. In canonical cases the
technology seems to integrate smoothly into the work practices. The
practitioners are able to process information from machine agents. The
additional workload of coordinating with a machine agent is easily managed.
More static views of the work environment may be acceptable simplifications for
textbook situations.
The penalties for poor design of supporting artifacts emerge only when
unexpected situations dynamically escalate cognitive and coordination demands.
In part, developers miss higher demand situations when design processes
remain distant and disconnected from the actual demands of the field of practice.
The current interest in field-oriented design techniques such as work analysis,
cognitive task analysis, and ethnography reflects this state of affairs.
In part, developers misread and rationalize away the evidence of trouble created
by their designs in some scenarios. This can occur because situations that
escalate are relatively less frequent than canonical cases. Also, because
practitioners adapt to escape from potential workload bottlenecks as criticality
and tempo increase, the user hides the evidence that the system does not fit
operational demands (Woods et al., 1994; Cook & Woods, 1996).
However, most important is that almost all design processes, including most
human factors specialties, have missed the process of moving from canonical to
exceptional that the concept of escalation captures. Supporting the escalation in
cognitive and coordination activity as problems cascade is a critical design task
(Patterson, Woods, Sarter, & Watts-Perotti, 1998). To cope with escalation as a
fundamental characteristic of cognitive work, one needs to design:
how more knowledge and expertise are integrated into an escalating
how more resources can be brought to bear to handle the multiple monitoring
and attentional demands of escalating situations (Watts-Perotti & Woods,
how to bring practitioners up to speed quickly when they are called in to
support others (Patterson & Woods, 1997).
Many have noticed that scenario design is a critical activity for human-centered
design processes (Carroll, 1997). Because escalation is fundamental to cognitive
work, it specifies one target for scenario design. Field work techniques, such as
building and analyzing corpuses of critical incidents, are needed to understand
how situations move from textbook to nonroutine to exceptional in particular
fields of practice, and particularly how this occurs after significant organizational
or technological changes. Work is needed to identify general and specific
complicating factors that shift situations beyond textbook plans (Roth &
Mumaw, 1993).
The concept of escalation is not simply about problems, demands on cognition or
on collaboration, or technological artifacts. Rather, it captures a dynamic
interplay between all these factors. As a result, escalation illustrates a
fundamental point distinguishing Cognitive Systems Engineering from other
disciplines -- joint and distributed cognitive systems are the fundamental unit of
analysis for progress on understanding and designing systems of people and
technology at work (Woods & Roth, 1988; Hutchins, 1995; Woods, 1998).
Escalation, in particular, and distributed cognitive systems, in general, are
concerned with relationships between problem demands, cognitive and
coordinated activity, and artifacts.
This work was supported by NASA Johnson Space Center (grant NAGW – 4560,
Human Interaction Design for Anomaly Response Support, and grant NAG 9-
786, Human Interaction Design for Cooperating Automation) with special thanks
to Dr. Jane Malin and her colleagues at NASA Johnson. Additional support was
provided by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Any opinions,
findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
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... 23 The accumulation of minor disruptions and events apparently reduced the ability of the cardiac team to compensate for major errors 24 ; in short, "little things matter." 17,25 Surgical team members vary in their awareness of their own and their colleagues' teamwork skills. In multiple studies, selfassessment of communication and teamwork skills by surgeons and anesthesiologists is disturbingly discordant with the opinions of their associated nursing and perfusion staff. ...
Efforts to delineate the frequency of complications related to anesthesia in patients undergoing congenital cardiac surgery and cardiac catheterization have proven difficult. This is due to the relatively low frequency of this surgery compared with other surgeries on children and the uncommon incidence of anesthesia‐related complications today. The recognition of the need to systematically quantify and study outcomes in pediatric cardiac surgery, anesthesiology, cardiac critical care, and cardiology has led to the development of a variety of multi‐institutional and multinational efforts to systematically document and study this population. This chapter will present:(i) a discussion of errors and outcomes in surgery and anesthesia, emphasizing communication and teamwork; (ii) a discussion of systems for prospective risk assessment in pediatric cardiac surgery; (iii) an analysis of closed malpractice claims in anesthesia focusing on pediatric cardiac anesthesia morbidity and mortality; and (iv‐) database initiatives in congenital cardiac anesthesia, surgery, and interventional catheterization.
... However, new technology often brings consequences that counter designers' and adopters' expectations [Healy 2012]. Developers who a priori expect technological developments to lead to performance improvements can be caught off-guard by a posteriori unanticipated operational complexities and collateral effects [Woods and Patterson 2001]. For example, we have shown that although the number of human comments decreases after the introduction of bots [Wessel et al. 2020b], many developers do not perceive this decrease [Wessel et al. 2020a]. ...
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Software bots connect users and tools, streamlining the pull request review process in social coding platforms. Nevertheless, the presence of bots can be annoying and disruptive to the community. Interviewing open-source developers, we created a theory of how human developers perceive annoying bot behaviors as noise. To identify strategies to overcome such problems, we applied Design Fiction as a participatory method with practitioners. Our findings may help practitioners understand the effects of adopting a bot, and researchers and tool designers may leverage our results to better support human-bot interaction on social coding platforms.
... Users must adapt to the individual systems and functionalities in order to successfully complete desired tasks. Poor design increases cognitive demands for users ( Woods & Patterson, 2000) and can have negative consequences, particularly in the safety-critical context of operations at sea ( Lee & Sanquist, 2000;Mallam, Lundh & MacKinnon, 2015). Poor Graphical User Interface ( GUI) design has shown to have negative implications on navigation operations, increasing the potential for making errors, hiding critical information and contributing to accidents and deaths at sea ( Kataria, Praetorius, Schröder-Hinrichs & Baldauf, 2015;Mallam, Nordby, Johnsen & Bjørneseth, 2020). ...
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A ship’s bridge is a complex work environment that is typically outfitted with a range of equipment supplied from numerous different vendors (Lützhöft & Vu, 2018). Multivendor ship bridge systems (MBS) that merge independent equipment from different vendors can create disparities for navigation crew once all necessary equipment is installed into a single work environment (Nordby, Mallam & Lützhöft, 2019). Navigators must engage with different pieces of equipment located on the bridge of a ship throughout their watch shift to enable successful planning and execution of operations. Thus, the very nature of MBS create circumstances where navigators must interact with equipment having multiple design languages across the many physical and digital inputs and outputs of a bridge (see Figure 10.1). For example, different software systems, even supplied by the same vendor, may have different screen layouts, menu structures, colour combinations, iconography, font style and sizes that vary across equipment. A simple analogy to the inconsistencies of typical MBS are the differences found between using contemporary Mac and Windows PC operating systems. Users must adapt to the individual systems and functionalities in order to successfully complete desired tasks. Poor design increases cognitive demands for users (Woods & Patterson, 2000) and can have negative consequences, particularly in the safety-critical context of operations at sea (Lee & Sanquist, 2000; Mallam, Lundh & MacKinnon, 2015). Poor Graphical User Interface (GUI) design has shown to have negative implications on navigation operations, increasing the potential for making errors, hiding critical information and contributing to accidents and deaths at sea (Kataria, Praetorius, Schröder-Hinrichs & Baldauf, 2015; Mallam, Nordby, Johnsen & Bjørneseth, 2020).
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Warnings about the risks of literal-minded automation—a system that can’t tell if its model of the world is the world it is actually in—have been sounded for over 70 years. The risk is that a system will do the “right” thing—its actions are appropriate given its model of the world, but it is actually in a different world—producing unexpected/unintended behavior and potentially harmful effects. This risk—wrong, strong, and silent automation—looms larger today as our ability to deploy increasingly autonomous systems and delegate greater authority to such systems expands. It already produces incidents, outages of valued services, financial losses, and fatal accidents across different settings. This paper explores this general and out-of-control risk by examining a pair of fatal aviation accidents which revolved around wrong, strong and silent automation.
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Since the Second World War, the concept of "out-sourcing" has increasingly seen organizational boundaries redrawn as both manufacturing and services were carried out by external companies. With the rise of information technologies and the nascent days of the public Internet, IT out-sourcing also emerged as a practice(Lacity et al, 2009). And recently, there has been a marked shift towards outsourcing operational responsibilities of business-critical services to third-party vendors. Examples of this include source code management (e.g., GitHub), cloud computing (e.g., Amazon AWS), and business productivity (e.g., Zoom). This shift allows companies to focus on core competencies and relies on the expertise of others for non-core areas. As these parties enter into business agreements, the result is new dependencies and ways of working. This "multi-party dilemma" is a dynamic that describes challenges at the boundary between interdependent parties, especially during anomaly response. Characteristics of the multi-party dilemma can include information asymmetry, higher costs of coordination, and goal misalignment. It becomes a new form of brittleness and introduces new forms of failure into a complex adaptive system. This paper describes results from a thematic analysis across a corpus of cases conducted by large-scale technology companies and discusses key findings and challenges of the multi-party dilemma in distributed software systems. Some promising directions for embracing the multi-party dilemma across external boundaries conclude this paper.
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Software bots have been facilitating several development activities in Open Source Software (OSS) projects, including code review. However, these bots may bring unexpected impacts to group dynamics, as frequently occurs with new technology adoption. Understanding and anticipating such effects is important for planning and management. To analyze these effects, we investigate how several activity indicators change after the adoption of a code review bot. We employed a regression discontinuity design on 1,194 software projects from GitHub. We also interviewed 12 practitioners, including open-source maintainers and contributors. Our results indicate that the adoption of code review bots increases the number of monthly merged pull requests, decreases monthly non-merged pull requests, and decreases communication among developers. From the developers’ perspective, these effects are explained by the transparency and confidence the bot comments introduce, in addition to the changes in the discussion focused on pull requests. Practitioners and maintainers may leverage our results to understand, or even predict, bot effects on their projects.
Turbulence is a central feature of nurses’ workflow, yet it has received insufficient attention regarding how it affects nurses’ work conditions. To enhance understanding of turbulence, we expanded upon and added refinements to an early conceptualization that included communication and workload as major sources of turbulence. For communication, the contributions of interruptions and handoffs are further explored. For workload, patient turnover and supplies/equipment are further explored; human resources and the built environment were added. Potential consequences of turbulence are also identified including increased cognitive work, increased workarounds, and diminished nurse well-being. Actions to address turbulent workflow include teaching students and nurses strategies to manage turbulence; attending to the practice environment such as staffing composition, remedying longstanding issues with supplies and equipment, and developing technology platforms with nurse input; and suggesting investigations to advance understanding of how turbulence influences nurses and to devise effective interventions.
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Software bots are used to streamline tasks in Open Source Software (OSS) projects' pull requests, saving development cost, time, and effort. However, their presence can be disruptive to the community. We identified several challenges caused by bots in pull request interactions by interviewing 21 practitioners, including project maintainers, contributors, and bot developers. In particular, our findings indicate noise as a recurrent and central problem. Noise affects both human communication and development workflow by overwhelming and distracting developers. Our main contribution is a theory of how human developers perceive annoying bot behaviors as noise on social coding platforms. This contribution may help practitioners understand the effects of adopting a bot, and researchers and tool designers may leverage our results to better support human-bot interaction on social coding platforms.
This chapter’s primary focus is on system characteristics within the Quality Health Outcomes Model (QHOM), particularly workflow and turbulence. The idea of workflow originated in the manufacturing industry as managers sought to improve efficiency by removing bottlenecks to smooth out processes. Flow is reflected in smooth, continuous movement. Workflow in healthcare, however, is rarely smooth. Instead, it is turbulent, like the irregular motion characterized by the up- and downwind currents experienced in an airplane. For nurses, the idea of workflow is an oxymoron because the “flow” of work is irregular, not smooth. Instead, nurses’ work is typified by turbulence. Sources of turbulence for nurses include interruptions, handoffs, and patient turnover. Also, the use of workarounds may be a sign of turbulence. The system characteristics of poor flow and high turbulence tend to increase the cognitive complexity of nurses’ work. Cognitive complexity derives mainly from the invisible work of nursing. Cognitive workload, or mental effort, and cognitive stacking, or juggling numerous shifting priorities within a turbulent setting, escalate the cognitive complexity of nurses’ work. Together, poor workflow, high turbulence, and high cognitive complexity can contribute to work stress and cognitive failure, thereby adversely affecting patient safety and quality care.
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In N. Sarter and R. Amalberti (Eds.) Cognitive Engineering in the Aviation Domain, Erlbaum, Hillsdale NJ, in press.
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Cognitive engineering is an applied cognitive science that draws on the knowledge and techniques of cognitive psychology and related disciplines to provide the foundation for principle-driven design of person-machine systems. This paper examines the fundamental features that characterize cognitive engineering and reviews some of the major issues faced by this nascent interdisciplinary field.
Opening up the design process to the intended users and descriptions of their projected use entail many technical issues. People need to develop new vocabularies for discussing and characterizing designs in terms of the projected activities of the intended users. These vocabularies should be accessible to the users, so that they can help define the technology they will use. People also need to be able to integrate and coordinate such use-oriented design representations with other representations produced in the course of system development. Further, people need to be able to assess design alternatives with use-oriented criteria and to integrate and coordinate such assessments with those that they make on traditional grounds, like correctness, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability. People need to develop new sorts of tools and techniques to support the development and use of use-oriented representations and methods in design. People also need to produce education to help system developers understand the need for use oriented approaches and adopt such methods in their work. This is a lot to ask for, but to do anything less is to risk losing sight of the line among human beings using and controlling their technology and its antithesis.
The fourth edition of the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics has been completely revised and updated. This includes all existing third edition chapters plus new chapters written to cover new areas. These include the following subjects: Managing low-back disorder risk in the workplace Online interactivity Neuroergonomics Office ergonomics Social networking HF and E in motor vehicle transportation User requirements Human factors and ergonomics in aviation Human factors in ambient intelligent environments As with the earlier editions, the main purpose of this handbook is to serve the needs of the human factors and ergonomics researchers, practitioners, and graduate students. Each chapter has a strong theory and scientific base, but is heavily focused on real world applications. As such, a significant number of case studies, examples, figures, and tables are included to aid in the understanding and application of the material covered.