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Relativistic momentum and kinetic energy, and E = mc2



Based on relativistic velocity addition and the conservation of momentum and energy, I present simple derivations of the expressions for the relativistic momentum and kinetic energy of a particle, and for the formula E = mc2.
arXiv:physics/0612202v1 [physics.class-ph] 21 Dec 2006
Relativistic momentum and kinetic energy, and E=mc2
Ben Yu-Kuang Hu
Department of Physics, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-4001.
(Dated: February 2, 2008)
Based on relativistic velocity addition and the conservation of momentum and energy, I present
derivations of the expressions for the relativistic momentum and kinetic energy, and E=mc2.
The standard formal way that expressions for the relativistic momentum pand the rela-
tivistic kinetic energy T, and the mass–energy relationship E=mc2are derived in upper-
level undergraduate textbooks1is by first introducing Lorentz transformations and 4-vectors,
and then defining the 4-momentum vector pµ=m dxµ/dτ (µ= 0,1,2,3), where τis the
proper time. It is then postulated, backed up by extensive experimental observations, that
in an isolated system all the components of pµare conserved. The spatial components of
pµreduce to mvin the non-relativistic limit, and hence correspond to the components of
the relativistic momentum. The temporal component reduces in the non-relativistic limit
to mc2+mv2/2, and therefore is identified as the total energy, composed of the rest-mass
and kinetic energies. Logically, there is of course nothing wrong with this approach. Ped-
agogically, however, it is probably helpful to have more intuitive derivations. To this end,
through the years many have been published.2
This paper describes relatively simple and concise derivations of the relativistic forms of
pand T, and E=mc2, based on (i) conservation of momentum and energy in the collisions
of two particles, and (ii) the velocity addition rules. Momentum and energy conservation
should be familiar concepts to students, and the velocity addition rules can be quite simply
derived from the constancy of the speed of light in all inertial reference frames.3In each
derivation, collisions are viewed in the center-of-momentum frame of reference, Scm, in which
both particles have momenta that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and
in the laboratory frame of reference, Slab , in which one of the particles initially is at rest.
Imposition of the conservation laws gives the desired expressions.
To simplify the algebra, velocities in this paper are expressed in units of c, the speed of
light. Hence velocities are dimensionless, and c= 1. To obtain the standard dimensional
expressions, replace all velocities in the expressions given here by vv/c, and multiply all
masses by c2in order to obtain energy. Also, in this paper primes on variables denote “after
First, let us recall the relativistic velocity transformation rules. Let ˜
Sbe an inertial
frame moving with velocity (u, 0) with respect to frame S. If a particle has velocity (vx, vy)
in frame S, the components of its velocity in frame ˜
A. Relativistic momentum
From dimensional analysis and the vector4nature of momentum, the momentum of a
particle of mass mtravelling with velocity vmust have the form
where γvis an unknown function to be determined. Since p=mvfor non-relativistic
velocities, γv0= 1.
Consider the case where the particles are identical, hence m1=m2=m. Let the motion
of the particles be in the xyplane and their initial velocities in Scm be ±(v, 0). Assume
that the particles barely graze each other, so that in the collision each particle picks up
a very small y-component of the velocity of magnitude δv in Scm. [See Fig. 1(a).] Their
speeds in Scm do not change because the collision is elastic, and hence their velocities after
the collision are ±(pv2(δv)2, δv) = ±(vp1(δv/v)2, δv)≈ ±(v, δv), to first order in
δv. Because δv is assumed to be very small, we ignore all terms of order (δv)2and higher.
Now consider the collision in the laboratory frame of reference Slab that is moving with
velocity (v, 0) with respect to Scm . [See Fig. 1(b).] The pre-collision velocities of the
particles Slab, using Eqs. (1) on the Scm velocities ±(v, 0), are v1,lab = (w, 0), where
1 + v2,(3)
and v2,lab = (0,0). After the collision, transforming the post-collision Scm velocities ±(v, δv)
to the Slab frame we obtain, to first order in δv,
1,lab w, δv 1v2
1 + v2,(4a)
2,lab 0,δv 1v2
The y-component of the total momentum before the collision is zero, and hence by con-
servation of momentum, after the collision
1,lab +p
2,laby=m γ|v
1,lab,y +m γ|v
2,lab,y = 0.(5)
Since v
lab,y terms are of order δv and we are ignoring terms of order (δv)2, it is sufficient
in Eq. (5) to evaluate |v
1,lab|and |v
2,lab|to zeroth order in δv (i.e., ignoring δv altogether).
Substituting |v
1,lab| ≈ w,|v
2,lab| ≈ 0, and the y-components of the velocities from Eqs. (4a)
and (4b) into Eq. (5) and using γv0= 1 yields
1 + v21
1v2= 0.(6)
This, together with Eq. (3) gives
γw=1 + v2
1v2= 12v
1 + v22!1/2
B. Relativistic kinetic energy
Dimensional analysis and the scalar4property of kinetic energy imply that its form is
T=m G(v),(8)
where mis the mass of the particle, v=|v|is its speed and the function G(v) is to be
Consider an elastic head-on collision between two particles, of mass mand Mm, with
speeds in Scm of vand V, respectively. In Scm , the particles simply reverse directions, and
the motion is one-dimensional. [See Fig. 2(a).] Assume that the mass Mis so large that
in frame Scm its speed V1, and hence we can use the non-relativistic expressions for the
momentum and kinetic energy of mass M. The magnitudes of the momenta of mand M
are equal in Scm, implying
vv=MV. (9)
The Scm frame pre- and post-collision velocities of mass mare vcm =vand v
cm =v
respectively, and of mass Mare Vcm =Vand V
cm =V, respectively. Transforming these
to the Slab frame, which is moving at velocity Vwith respect to Scm [see Fig. 2(b)], gives
vlab = (v+V)/(1 + vV ), v
lab = (v+V)/(1 vV ), Vlab = 0 and V
lab = 2V/(1 + V2). By
conservation of kinetic energy in an elastic collision in the Slab frame and Eq. (8),
m G(|vlab|) = m G(|v
lab|) + M
Expanding |vlab|,|v
lab|and |V
lab|to first order in V,
|vlab| ≈ (v+V)(1 vV )v+V(1 v2),(11a)
lab| ≈ (vV)(1 + vV )vV(1 v2),(11b)
lab| ≈ 2V(1 V2)2V, (11c)
and substituting these into the Taylor expansions of the Gterms about vin Eq. (10) gives,
to first order in V,5
mG(v) + dG(u)
du v
V(1 v2)=mG(v)dG(u)
du v
V(1 v2)+ 2MV 2.(12)
Substituting 2MV 2= 2vvV [from Eq. (9)] into Eq. (12) leads to
du v
(1 v)3/2,(13)
which upon integration yields
G(v)G(0) = 1
(1 u2)1/2u=v
Since the kinetic energy vanishes when vis zero, G(0) = 0, and hence Eqs. (8) and (14)
imply that (reintroducing c)T=mγv1c2.
C. E=mc2
Consider the initial situation as in Sec. II B, except that the speed Vof mass Mcan be
relativistic, and after collision the two particles merge into one composite particle. In Scm,
MγVV=vv, and after the collision the composite particle is stationary. In Slab which is
moving with velocity Vwith respect to Scm , before the collision particle Mis stationary
and particle mmoves with velocity vlab = (v+V)/(1 + vV ), and after the collision the
composite particle moves with velocity V.
The total momentum in Slab before the collision is Plab =|vlab|vlab =vγV(u+
V). If the mass of the composite particle does not change, then the momentum of the
composite particle after the collision in Slab would be (M+m)γVV6=Plab in general,
violating conservation of momentum. Therefore, the mass of the composite particle must
change by ∆msuch that momentum is conserved in Slab;i.e.,
vγV(v+V) = (M+m+ ∆m)γVV. (15)
Substituting vv=MγVVon the left hand side and cancelling γVVon both sides gives
m=m(γv1) + M(γV1).(16)
From Sec. II B, the right hand side of Eq. (16) is equal to T, the total change in kinetic
energy in Scm (since particles mand Mstart with speeds vand V, respectively, and both
are stationary at the end). By conservation of total energy, ∆E+ ∆T= 0, where ∆Eis the
energy associated with the change in mass. Hence, ∆E=T= ∆mor (reintroducing
c, and making the plausible assumption that a zero mass object with zero velocity has zero
energy) E=mc2. Finally, combining the results of Sections II B and II C gives the total
energy of a particle of mass mmoving with speed v,E+T=Etotal =vc2.
It should be noted that these derivations do not guarantee that the momentum and total
energy are conserved in all inertial reference frames or in all collisions. They only show the
forms that the momentum, kinetic energy and energy–mass relation must have, given mo-
mentum and energy conservation. Once these expressions are known, when the 4-momentum
is introduced its components will be recognized as the total energy and momentum. The
covariance of the momentum 4-vector can then be used to demonstrate momentum and to-
tal energy conservation in all inertial frames. Conservation of momentum can be shown to
be a consequence of conservation of energy,6and, as befitting an experimental science, the
conservation of energy ultimately depends on experimental observations.
On sabbatical leave at Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-
4111.; Electronic address:
1See e.g., David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed. (Prentice-Hall, Upper Sad-
dle River, NJ, 1999); John R. Taylor, Classical Mechanics (University Science Books, Sausalito,
CA, 2005).
2See, e.g., G. L. Lewis and R. C. Tolman, “The principle of relativity, and non-Newtonian me-
chanics,” Philos. Mag. 18, 510–523 (1909); R. Penrose and W. Rindler, “Energy conservation
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and R. Penrose, “Energy conservation as a basis of relativistic mechanics II,” Am. J. Phys. 33,
995–957 (1965); L. C. Baird, “Relativistic Mass,” Am. J. Phys. 48, 779 (1980); P. D. Gupta,
“Relativistic Mass,” Am. J. Phys. 49, 890 (1981); P. C. Peters, “An alternate derivation of rel-
ativistic momentum,” Am. J. Phys. 54, 804–808 (1986); Mitchell J. Fegenbaum and N. David
Mermin, “E=mc2,” Am. J. Phys. 56, 18–21 (1988); Fritz Rohrlich, “An elementary derivation
of E=mc2,” Am. J. Phys. 58, 348–349 (1990); Y. Simon and N. Husson, “Langevin’s derivation
of the relativistic expressions for energy,” Am. J. Phys. 59, 982–987 (1991); L. Satori, “On the
derivation of the formula for relativistic momentum,” Am. J. Phys. 62, 280–281 (1994); P. Fin-
kler, “Relativistic Momentum,” Am. J. Phys. 64, 655–656 (1996); M. Chrysos, “Why~p =γ(v)m~v
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tivistic momentum and energy,” Eur. J. Phys. 26, 33–45 (2005), “Deriving relativistic momentum
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3N. David Mermin, “Relativistic addition of velocities directly from the constancy of the ve-
locity of light,” Am. J. Phys. 51, 1130–1131 (1983); Ben Yu-Kuang Hu, “Relativistic veloc-
ity addition of perpendicular velocity components from the constancy of the speed of light,”
4Here, the terms “vector” and “scalar” are used in the non-relativistic (i.e., not the 4-vector)
5The term 2M V 2in Eq. (12) is actually first order in V, because Mis of order V1[see Eq. (9)].
6See Ref. 2, R. Penrose and W. Rindler; J. Ehlers, W. Rindler and R. Penrose; Y. Simon and N.
FIG. 1: Grazing collision between two particles of equal mass, in (a) center-of-momentum and
(b) laboratory frames of reference. Dashed and solid lines indicate before and after the collision,
FIG. 2: Head-on collision between particles of mass mand Mm, in (a) center-of-momentum and
(b) laboratory frames of reference. Dashed and solid lines indicate before and after the collision,
... Alternative treatments of relativistic dynamics, in which the conservation of fourmomentum is deduced, have been proposed in the literature [4][5][6][7]. Among these, the treatments presented in [6] and [7] deserve special attention, on account of their simplicity. ...
... Alternative treatments of relativistic dynamics, in which the conservation of fourmomentum is deduced, have been proposed in the literature [4][5][6][7]. Among these, the treatments presented in [6] and [7] deserve special attention, on account of their simplicity. A careful examination reveals that the following assumptions are used in these references. ...
... Since the conservation of the sum of four-momenta deduced here from the laws of classical dynamics does not apply to relativistic collisions, a final corollary is introduced, which proves the following statement: if the sum of the four-momenta for a set of particles has the same value at instants t 1 and t 2 with respect to a reference frame O, then it has the same value, at the corresponding time instants t 1 and t 2 , with respect to any other inertial reference frame O . This corollary is a generalization of the examples, on the conservation of four-momentum in collisions, discussed in [6] and [7]. ...
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A rigorous definition of mass in special relativity, proposed in a recent paper, is recalled and employed to obtain simple and rigorous deductions of the expressions of momentum and kinetic energy for a relativistic particle. The whole logical framework appears as the natural extension of the classical one. Only the first, second and third laws of non-relativistic classical dynamics are postulated, in an axiomatic form which does not employ the concept of force. The axiomatic statements of the second and third laws of relativistic dynamics, which yield the relativistic definitions of mass and four-momentum and the conservation of four-momentum for an isolated pair of relativistic particles with a small relative velocity, are proved as simple consequences of the classical ones and of the Lorentz transformation of coordinates. Then, relativistic four-force and three-force are defined, and the expression of relativistic kinetic energy is deduced. Finally, a simple proof of the Lorentz invariance of the conservation of the sum of four-momenta for any set of particles, with arbitrary relative velocities, is presented.
... Therefore, its internal energy can only depend on m, E 0 ≡ E 0 (m). We apply this Ansatz to equation (18) and write explicitly ...
... In the literature, one can find many clever designs that aim at the construction or derivation of the relativistic momentum, the kinetic energy, or the mass-to-energy relation from thought experiments with collisions, including a version by Einstein himself, dated from the year 1935 [1]. Many of them are cited and discussed by Hu [18] who also suggests two additional collision schemes. Here, we briefly relate to those that employ particle collisions. ...
There are several ways to derive Einstein’s celebrated formula for the energy of a massive particle at rest, E = mc2. Noether’s theorem applied to the relativistic Lagrange function provides an unambiguous and straightforward access to energy and momentum conservation laws but those tools were not available at the beginning of the twentieth century and are not at hand for newcomers even nowadays. In the so-called pedestrian approach for newcomers, we start from relativistic kinematics and analyze elastic and inelastic scattering processes in different reference frames to derive the relativistic energy-mass relation. We extend the analysis to Compton scattering between a massive particle and a photon, and a massive particle emitting two photons. Using the Doppler formula, it follows that E = ℏω for photons at angular frequency ω where ℏ is the reduced Planck constant. We relate our work to other derivations of Einstein’s formula in the literature.
... In the literature, one can find many clever designs that aim at the construction or derivation of the relativistic momentum, the kinetic energy, or the mass-toenergy relation from thought experiments with collisions, including a version by Einstein himself, dated from the year 1935 [1]. Many of them are cited and discussed by Hu [20] who also suggests two additional collision schemes. Here, we briefly relate to those that employ particle collisions. ...
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There are several ways to derive Einstein's celebrated formula for the energy of a massive particle at rest, E=mc2E=mc^2. Noether's theorem applied to the relativistic Lagrange function provides an unambiguous and straightforward access to energy and momentum conservation laws but those tools were not available at the beginning of the twentieth century and are not at hand for newcomers even nowadays. In a pedestrian approach, we start from relativistic kinematics and analyze elastic and inelastic scattering processes in different reference frames to derive the relativistic energy-mass relation. We extend the analysis to Compton scattering between a massive particle and a photon, and a massive particle emitting two photons. Using the Doppler formula, it follows that E=ωE=\hbar \omega for photons at angular frequency ω\omega where \hbar is the reduced Planck constant. We relate our work to other derivations of Einstein's formula in the literature.
The relativistic addition law for parallel velocities is derived as an immediate consequence of the constancy of the velocity of light, without making use of Lorentz transformations, and without appealing to the phenomena of length contraction, time dilation, or the relativity of simultaneity.
An alternate derivation of the expression for relativistic momentum is given which does not rely on the symmetric glancing collision first introduced by Lewis and Tolman in 1909 and used by most authors today. The collision in the alternate derivation involves a non-head-on elastic collision of one body with an identical one initially at rest, in which the two bodies after the collision move symmetrically with respect to the initial axis of the collision. Newtonian momentum is found not to be conserved in this collision and the expression for relativistic momentum emerges when momentum conservation is imposed. In addition, kinetic energy conservation can be verified in the collision. Alternatively, the collision can be used to derive the expression for relativistic kinetic energy without resorting to a work-energy calculation. Some consequences of a totally inelastic collision between these two bodies are also explored.
The special relativistic expressions for momentum and energy are obtained by requiring their conservation in a totally inelastic variant of the Lewis-Tolman symmetric collision. The resulting analysis is simpler and more straightforward than the usual textbook treatments of relativistic dynamics.
Introductory treatments of relativistic dynamics rely on the invariance of momentum conservation (i.e., on the assumption that momentum is conserved in all inertial frames if it is conserved in one) to establish the relationship for the momentum of a particle in terms of its mass and velocity. By contrast, more advanced treatments rely on the transformation properties of the four-velocity and/or proper time to obtain the same result and then show that momentum conservation is invariant. Here, we will outline a derivation of that relationship that, in the spirit of the more advanced treatments, relies on an elemental feature of the transformation of momentum rather than on its conservation but does not have as a prerequisite the introduction of four-vectors and invariants. The steps in the derivation are no more involved than in the usual introductory treatments; indeed, the arithmetic is almost identical.
Langevin showed that the relativistic expression for the kinetic energy, as well as the inertia of energy, could be derived entirely from the principle of conservation of energy, in addition to the two usual postulates of special relativity. Unfortunately, this beautiful derivation, given in a lecture and not published by the author, passed almost unnoticed. The object of this paper is to popularize it in a modernized presentation. Langevin's approach is compared with the well-known one starting from the relativistic law of linear momentum conservation, following an idea of Lewis and Tolman.
The equality E=mc2 is derived in a fashion suitable for presentation in an elementary physics course for nonscience majors. It assumes only 19th-century physics and knowledge of the photon.