
Understanding Public Policy

... Por sua vez, no tratamento dos dados, considerou-se a análise de conteúdo definida pelas seguintes etapas: pré-análise, exploração do material e tratamento dos resultados (Bardin, 1977 (Peters, 1986;Aarnio, 1997). (Dye, 1984;Lef, 2003 ...
... Entretanto, a utilização efetiva dessas táticas é limitada pela falta de suporte e estrutura (Peters, 1986;Scherer-Warren, 1993;Assunção, 2006;Brasil, 2014 (Peters, 1986;Scherer-Warren, 1993;Assunção, 2006;Brasil, 2016 conselhos locais e a realização de eventos informativos. Porém, a eficácia dessas iniciativas é limitada por fatores estruturais e escassez de recursos (Brasil, 2021 (Dye, 1984;Lef, 2003;Brasil, 2012;Corrigan et al.,2018;Cançado, Pineiro e Rodrigues, 2019). A situação é evidenciada pelo Plano Municipal de Feijó, que embora seja mais preciso na identificação de áreas para aterros e na definição de procedimentos para a administração e monitoramento desses locais, ainda enfrenta obstáculos financeiros e logísticos (Brasil, 2018). ...
... No Amazonas, o Plano Estadual trata da disposição final, com foco na expansão de aterros sanitários e na promoção da compostagem. No entanto, a execução dessas medidas é dificultada pela falta de infraestrutura e pela gestão inadequada dos aterros (Dye, 1984;Lef, 2003;Brasil, 2017;Corrigan et al., 2018;Cançado;Pineiro;Rodrigues, 2019). O Plano ...
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Resumo: É consabido que os resíduos sólidos continuam a ser um desafio em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. Os níveis de consumo humano e industrial estão cada vez maiores e o crescimento populacional também, situação que reclama constante rediscussão dirigida para fins de adequação e efetividade de políticas ambientais e instrumentos consectários. Frente ao exposto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar, sob o modelo de políticas públicas "Desenvolvimento e Análise Institucional", os planos de gestão de resíduos sólidos elaborados por estados e municípios da Amazônia Legal, no sentido de compreender de que maneira as questões relativas a esses materiais estavam sendo enfrentadas em territórios indígenas, pois se entende pela existência de lacuna quanto ao tema, o qual assume discreto tratamento científico na atualidade. Os dados da pesquisa foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977), na ordem da pré-análise, exploração do material e tratamento dos resultados, e permitiram confirmar o distanciamento dos entes federados analisados da consecução real da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e das diretrizes aventadas no Plano Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Palavras-chave: Resíduos Sólidos. Amazônia Legal. Povos Indígenas.
... Nesse sentido, pode-se falar em estratégia de estabelecimento de agenda setting (Silva, 2013, p. 23) Isto posto, observa-se mais uma vez a importância da mídia e como ela vai interagir de acordo com a estratégia de estabelecimento da agenda. Utilizando as estratégias apresentadas por Thomas R. Dye para estabelecimento da agenda, percebe-se que, independentemente se a estratégia for bottom up ou bottom down 3 , a mídia desempenhará uma atuação chave (Dye, 2017). 3 Na estratégia bottom up, as ações ocorrerão de baixo para cima. ...
... Ao passo que a estratégia bottom down compreende as políticas como definidas pelas elites políticas. Pode ser interpretada sob a perspectiva institucional, centrada na autonomia do Estado e na ação das elites políticas (Silva, 2013;Dye, 2017) Os meios de comunicação de massa são considerados por Dye como sujeitos que, ao contrário de outros elementos, não desempenham um papel singular no jogo da política. Para o autor, as mídias servem para informar ao povo sobre as lutas ao passo que também são formadas por um grupo de elite que, por seu turno, compete pelo poder ao lado de outros grupos de interesses (Dye, 2017). ...
... Pode ser interpretada sob a perspectiva institucional, centrada na autonomia do Estado e na ação das elites políticas (Silva, 2013;Dye, 2017) Os meios de comunicação de massa são considerados por Dye como sujeitos que, ao contrário de outros elementos, não desempenham um papel singular no jogo da política. Para o autor, as mídias servem para informar ao povo sobre as lutas ao passo que também são formadas por um grupo de elite que, por seu turno, compete pelo poder ao lado de outros grupos de interesses (Dye, 2017). ...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o algoritmo como ferramenta utilizada para manifestação do poder nas mídias digitais e sua influência no processo de constituição de políticas públicas e programas sociais. Utilizando o materialismo histórico-dialético, parte-se das mídias enquanto sujeitos das políticas públicas e como espaço de disputa dos meios analógicos e tradicionais da comunicação de massas. Isso posto, analisa-se a incidência das mídias digitais nas políticas públicas através do uso de algoritmos para alteração da opinião pública. Através da análise do processo de obtenção de dados mediante o uso de redes sociais e a dominação das informações por grandes oligopólios, a informação torna-se uma mercadoria com valor agregado que se insere na produção e circulação de novas mercadorias. Desta forma, aponta-se que apesar de limitada pela própria dinâmica do processo das políticas públicas, a utilização de algoritmos fornece uma vantagem às mídias digitais frente a outros meios de comunicação, embora ainda dependam do jogo de interesses capitalistas para que possam ser utilizadas como instrumento direcionado a alterar a opinião pública.
... sebagai tindakan maupun kelambanan yang dipilih oleh kekuatan public guna memecahkan permasalahan khusus ataupun serangkaian permasalahan yang sama-sama berhubungan. Menurut Thomas R Dye (Dye, 2017)(1 Dye 2017) "Publik policy is whatever choose to do or not to. Governments do many things. ...
... What governments do, why they do it, and what difference it makes." (Dye 2017). Yang artinya "Kebijakan publik adalah apa pun yang pemerintah memilih untuk dilakukan atau tidak. ...
Data kekerasaan kekerasan terhadap anak tahun 2020 sebanyak 12.425 dan tahun 2021 sebanyak 13.813 (Sumber Simfoni KemenPPPA) mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun, untuk mencegah hal tersebut maka Deputi Bidang Pemenuhan Hak Anak Kementerian PP dan PA meluncurkan Kebijakan Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA. PUSPAGA adalah unit layanan keluarga untuk memampukan para orang tua untuk bertanggung jawab dan berkewajiban mulai dari mengasuh, mendidik, melindungi anak, menumbuhkembangkan minat bakat anak, mencegah perkawinan usia anak dan membangun karakter dan nilai-nilai budi pekerti, hal ini sesuai dengan amanah Pasal 26 Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Saat ini Puspaga sudah terbentuk di 16 Provinsi dan 257 Kabupaten/Kota. Salah satu pelaksana kebijakan yang melaksanakan secara mandiri adalah Puspaga AL Inayah yang beralamat di Rajeg Kabupaten Tangerang. Dengan menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan Model Van Metter Van Horn penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Implementasi Kebijakan PUSPAGA Al Inayah Kabupaten Tangerang dari 6 aspek. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa kendala dalam implementasi kebijakan PUSPAGA Al Inayah Kabupaten Tangerang. Dari aspek sumber daya yaitu kurangnya tenaga psikolog yang melayani klien yang berkunjung ke Puspaga Al Inayah dan kurangnya pelatihan penanganan kasus bagi pengurus, keterbatasan anggaran untuk melaksanakan sosialisasi parenting yang ramah anak ke warga sekitar Puspaga, Aspek komunikasi hanya selintas antara Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Tangerang dengan Ketua Puspaga Al Inayah Tangerang. Sedangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan implementasi kebijakan di Puspaga Al Inayah yaitu berjejaring dengan lintas dinas terkait dan kementerian/lembaga untuk memberikan sosialisasi tentang parenting yang ramah anak serta berjejaring dengan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki program studi psikolog, untuk magang di Puspaga Al Inayah memberikan konsultasi atau pendampingan bagi keluarga yang bermasalah serta mengadakan dialog kinerja dengan Dinas PP dan PA Kab Tangerang. Kata Kunci : Implementasi; Kebijakan Publik; Konsep PUSPAGA
... Partindo do pressuposto de que a política pública é toda e qualquer decisão da entidade governativa (Dye, 2013), a sua implementação deve ser entendida como um processo em que as decisões e intenções governamentais são transformadas em ações (Mazmanian;Sabatier, 1983;Ramesh, 1995;Wu et. al., 2014;Lotta, 2019;Bichir, 2020). ...
... Conforme , essa visão percebe a implementação como uma etapa que envolve múltiplos atores, desde os burocratas, partidos políticos, elite política e até a comunidade local. E apesar das barganhas e dilemas enfrentados, os burocratas de nível de rua são considerados como um dos atores mais importantes no processo da implementação de políticas públicas (Dye, 2013;Lotta, 2019). Ou seja, os resultados da implementação de políticas variam a depender da forma como esses atores implementadores lidam com a ambiguidade e conflitos na ponta (Lipsky, 2019). ...
... In this regard PP is defined in what Dye (2017) defines simply as what governments want to do and not to do. As such PP attempts to set objectives for public use, and within this attempts to: regulate behaviour; provide for equality and fairness; organize, coordinate and manage public administration; distribute and re-distribute benefits; as well as taxation (Dye, 2017;. ...
... In this regard PP is defined in what Dye (2017) defines simply as what governments want to do and not to do. As such PP attempts to set objectives for public use, and within this attempts to: regulate behaviour; provide for equality and fairness; organize, coordinate and manage public administration; distribute and re-distribute benefits; as well as taxation (Dye, 2017;. further provides that PP has been somewhat transformed over the past decades as per globalization and thus the increase in transnational policies. ...
Technical Report
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The main aim of the research was to attempt to ascertain how gender mainstreaming (GM) global public policy (GPP) could possibly disguise other inequities. The report provides initially a background on the main subjects related to the aim, how these are interrelated, and provides some of the preliminary matters that concern gender, GM and how GM GPP may disguise inequities. The report then provides a context which, along with the background, sets the scene for the research. This is followed by the main findings derived from literature, sources of secondary data and information, cases, and personal experiences. The report then concludes that GM GPP does disguise inequities to a much greater degree, but this being more a question of degree than an absolute.
... To begin, the term 'public policy' is best understood as an arrangement of actions and decisions by local, state, and federal governments (Dye, 1972). This includes policies to address (or inaction to avoid) a series of social and political problems and needs through the distribution of power across society. ...
... Public policy and sociology share a number of key themes around social reactions. While public policy is often considered "anything a government chooses to do or not to do" (Dye, 1972: 2) and direct policy attention toward policy behavior, sociology is "the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour" (ASA, 2024). Here, sociology has developed Social Reaction Theory or Labelling Theory, which focuses on "how certain behaviors come to be defined as criminal and on the consequences of these definitions for people found to be engaged in such activities" (Renzetti, 2008). ...
... Devletler kamusal yararı ve ulusal çıkarları göz önünde bulundurarak eğitim, sağlık, adalet, sosyal güvenlik, barınma, savunma, dış ticaret ve vergisel alanlar olmak üzere daha birçok alanda kamu politikaları aracılığıyla toplumsal hayata müdahil olmaktadır (Dye, 1987: 34-39). Daha geniş anlamda ifade edecek olursak kamu politikalarını toplumsal ihtiyaçlar dikkat alınarak devletin yapmayı veya yapmamayı tercih ettiği tüm faaliyetler olarak tanımlanabilir (Dye, 1987). Tanımdan anlaşılacağı üzere devletin üstlenmiş olduğu tüm politikaların yanı sıra eylemsizlik hali de bir politikadır (Usta, 2013, s. 81;Çevik, 1998, s. 104-103)' den aktaran Ateş ve Bektaş, 2018: 486). ...
... Education professionals, protected by law, follow the instructions of the LDB and other instructions of public education policies, especially in this study, those related to the COVID-19 disease.Public policies, conceptually under construction, received for their definition a contribution usually accepted byThomas Dye (1984) when he clarified that a public policy is "what the government chooses to do or not do" (AGUM,RISCADO, MENEZES, 2015, p. 15). ...
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Objective: This article aims to reveal hospitality in the work relationships of education professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the characteristics of professional activities in the period before the pandemic, the changes and challenges faced during the pandemic, and the return to in-person activities. Theoretical Framework: Law No. 9,394, of 1996, defines education professionals in Brazil and establishes the guidelines that must be followed, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thomas Dye (1984) defines public policies as "what the government chooses to do or not do," which relates to changes in education. The need to create a hospitable school environment is emphasized in the works of Camargo (2004) and Mantoan (2019), highlighting the co-creation of knowledge between students and teachers. However, the pandemic interrupted in-person hospitality, resulting in a transition to remote learning, which posed various challenges for everyone involved. Method: The proposed objectives were achieved through a field study using a data collection instrument called a structured interview guide. The sample consisted of sixteen education professionals from a state fundamental and secondary school located in Araraquara, São Paulo. The research was conducted in four phases: literature review, implementation of structured interviews, transcription of the interviews, and analysis of the responses, following the principles of Content Analysis as outlined by Bardin (1977, 2002). Results and Discussion: The results indicate a significant deprivation of interpersonal encounters in the educational process, with these encounters being replaced by technological tools. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, education professionals continued to exercise hospitality—understood as the "art of welcoming"—by adapting their practices in remote learning to minimize economic, social, and cultural differences among students. Implications of the Research: The findings of this research suggest the need for ongoing actions that promote hospitality in educational relationships, even in digital contexts. Schools should consider continuous professional development strategies for educators to develop skills that foster inclusion and empathy in virtual environments. Originality/Value: This study highlights originality by addressing the concept of hospitality in work relationships within education in a pandemic context, a theme that is underexplored in educational literature. The research values the experiences of education professionals and offers relevant contributions to more humane and inclusive pedagogical practices, contributing to the discussion on the role of education in overcoming social, economic, and cultural inequalities.
... Kedua, Anderson (2014) mendefinisikan kebijakan publik sebagai "relative stable, purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter concern" (tindakan yang memiliki tujuan dan relatif stabil yang diikuti oleh seorang aktor atau sekelompok aktor dalam menangani masalah atau hal-hal yang menjadi perhatian). Ketiga, Dye (2017) mengartikan kebijakan publik sebagai salah satu yang dikerjakan oleh pemerintah, mengapa mereka melakukannya, dan hasil yang membuat kehidupan secara bersama tampil berbeda. Sementara itu, Nugroho (2014) mengartikan kebijakan publik sebagai suatu keputusan politik atau strategi pemerintah yang melembaga untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan umum. ...
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Para ahli administrasi seringkali menggunakan istilah “governance” dalam administrasi publik, yang paling sering dikaitkan dengan birokrasi. Governance merupakan sebuah tata kelola bersama yang bersifat jejaring dalam membangun kelembagaan untuk menangani permasalahan publik yang ada di masyarakat secara mendesak dengan mekanisme kolaborasi. Teori tata kelola pemerintahan (governance) bergerak secara dinamis dari waktu ke waktu dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan problematika publik yang berkembang secara kompleks. Kajian governansi dan kebijakan publik merupakan kajian yang selalu menarik dibahas oleh berbagai kalangan, utamanya dalam bidang ilmu administrasi publik, ekonomi, sosial dan politik. Banyaknya ketidakpastian, keambiguan serta kompleksnya permasalahan dalam sebuah tata kelola pemerintahan bersama atau governance memberikan nuansa menarik yang ada dalam bidang ini. Dalam tataran praktis pemerintah dan berbagai aktor governance lain meliputi swasta, masyarakat, media dan universitas harus membuat sebuah skema dalam menciptakan bagaimana kebijakan publik yang dibuat harus bisa memenuhi tuntutan dan harapan masyarakat secara luas dalam urusan pembangunan yang ada. Buku Teori-teori Governansi dan Kebijakan Publik Kontemporer hadir untuk menginformasikan dan memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat mengenai pendekatan teoritis governansi dan kebijakan publik secara kontemporer yang menyesuaikan dengan keadaan dan perkembangan zaman yang ada saat ini. Dengan harapan buku ini dapat membangun literasi yang ada dalam bidang ilmu sosial dan politik utamanya terkait ilmu administrasi publik, kebijakan publik dan governansi publik sebagai suatu kajian menarik dalam bidang ilmu administrasi.
... Policy is defined by Howlett and Cashore (23) as the "actions that contains goals and the means to achieve them, however well or poorly identified, justified, articulated and formulated" (p. 17) while Dye (42) sees it simply as the actions that a government decides to take and not take. We have employed EquiFrame to analyze the extent to which policies in genomics have employed the concepts of equity, social inclusion and human rights (19). ...
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Introduction The field of genomics is rapidly evolving and has made significant impact on the diagnosis and understanding of rare and genetic diseases, in guiding precision medicine in cancer treatment, and in providing personalized risk assessment for disease development and treatment responses. However, according to the literature, there is widespread socio economic and racial inequities in the diagnosis, treatment, and in the use of genomic medicine services. This policy review sets out to explore the concept of equity in access to genomic care, the level of inclusion of equity and how it is addressed and what mechanisms are in place to achieve equity in genomic care in the international health policy. Methods A systematic search for genomic policies was conducted using 3 databases. In addition, General and Specific Policy Repositories, Global Consortia in Genomic Medicine, WHO Collaborating Centers in Genomics, Australian Genomics, Public Policy Projects, Global Genomic Medicine Consortium (G2MC), G2MC conference Oct 2023 and National Human Genome Research Institute databases were searched using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Seventeen policies were selected and analyzed using the EquiFrame. Results The Core Concept of access is highly cited in most of the selected policies. The CCs that are covered to a lesser degree are participation, quality, coordination of services, cultural responsiveness and non-discrimination. The CCs of liberty and entitlement are not addressed in any of the selected policies. The coverage of vulnerable communities in the policies varies from country to country. Discussion Genomic health science is rapidly evolving and presents a major challenge for policies to remain current and effectively address new discoveries in the field. There is a relative dearth of policies that focus on clinical genetic services which may reflect a gap in policy and policy research translation and implementation. Recommendations for countries, irrespective of their economic and social contexts, include conducting regular policy reviews to accommodate the advances in genomics field and inclusion of specific mechanisms to achieve equity in genomic health. Insights and experiences in achieving healthcare equity in HICs and LMICs can offer valuable lessons for each other.
... According to Dye 1992in Subarsono (2020, the definition of policy is "whatever government choose to do or not to do." In other words, policy encompasses everything that the government decides to undertake or refrain from undertaking. ...
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The purpose of this article is to examine the various implementations of policies related to the resolution of uncollectible regional debts that have been carried out by the Provincial Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Regional debts are important assets that can be viewed from the perspective of both potential utilization and accountability. This study employs a literature review, in which the author analyzes the extent to which the implementation of policies for resolving uncollectible debts in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta has been effective. The various implementations already applied are expected to provide certainty regarding the collection of regional debts, as they represent a potential source of revenue for the local government.
... Para Dye (1984), as políticas públicas representam as decisões governamentais sobre como intervir na sociedade, moldadas pelos princípios e prioridades do partido no poder e traduzidas em programas e ações específicas. ...
O mundo contemporâneo, com toda a sua dinâmica e exigência pode produzir sofrimentos. Durkheim já considerava o suicídio como uma questão social, pois a forma como os indivíduos estão vinculados à sociedade os expõe a fatores de risco para o adoecimento. Com base nisso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal compreender as ações de prevenção ao suicídio existentes nas políticas públicas no Brasil. Para realização da pesquisa bibliográfica, foi utilizado o método de busca do tema-título nas bases de dados SciELO, Google Acadêmico, periódicos científicos da Capes, de bibliotecas digitais da CAPES publicados entre 2014 e 2024. Além disso, realizou-se a pesquisa de livros relacionados ao tema, com sua posterior utilização, de acordo com a pertinência textual. Como resultado do estudo, pode-se evidenciar a existência de iniciativas importantes, como, por exemplo, a Política Nacional de Prevenção da Automutilação e do Suicídio. No entanto, a pesquisa evidenciou lacunas significativas na implementação dessas políticas, destacando a necessidade de uma atuação mais efetiva do poder público. Nesse sentido, as pesquisas vêm apontando que, apesar dos esforços da sociedade civil, como o CVV e a campanha Setembro Amarelo, ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer para garantir a prevenção do suicídio no país. A falta de recursos, a fragilidade da rede de apoio psicossocial e a escassez de profissionais qualificados são alguns dos desafios enfrentados. Diante desse cenário, conclui-se que é fundamental fortalecer a articulação entre os diferentes setores envolvidos na prevenção do suicídio, como governo, sociedade civil e profissionais de saúde. Além disso, é imprescindível investir em ações de conscientização, capacitação de profissionais e pesquisa, visando o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficazes para lidar com essa grave questão de saúde pública. Os dados apresentados neste estudo podem fortalecer a evidência científica sobre a prevenção do suicídio, contribuindo para a formulação de políticas públicas e o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficazes de prevenção ao suicídio no país.
... Всъщност самото понятие за политиките се оформя и развива в рамките на бихейвиоризма в политическата наука. Поставянето на въпроса "какво основните политически организации и личности решават да правят или да не правят" (парафраза на известното определение на Томас Дай "what the government decides to do or not to do" (Dye 1972) насочва изследователското внимание към поведението, не само към институциите. Последните не са нищо повече от правилата на играта (North1990), в която участват организации и личности с различни интереси и ценности. ...
Nudge is a social innovation developed based on the achievements of behavioral science. According to this approach, when citizens make decisions about their behavior, they often react irrationally, based on heuristic factors related to their lives. Thus, collective goals are difficult to achieve, especially in conditions of unpredictability in social development and the prevailing influence of individualistic ideas. The nudge is a possible tool of modern politics that enables the liberal state to achieve collective goals and protect individual freedom simultaneously. This makes it a valid policy tool, despite the criticisms of individualist theories as well as defenders of traditional democracy.
... Dada la complejidad y las dificultades del análisis de las políticas públicas, algunos académicos, como Lasswell (1956), Easton (1957), Jones (1970Jones ( , 1984 y Dye (1987), desde la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, han generado esquemas para comprender y desglosar las políticas públicas a través de una serie de pasos o etapas interrelacionadas, bajo la premisa de que la política pública se puede entender como un proceso (Howlett & Cashore, 2014;Howlett & Ramesh, 1995;Knill & Tosun, 2011;Roth Deubel, 2002;Torres-Melo y Santander, 2013). Estos pasos o etapas constituyen lo que se conoce como el ciclo de la política pública. ...
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Este artículo analiza cómo participan e inciden las agencias reguladoras en el ciclo de las políticas públicas en Colombia. La investigación desarrolla un caso de estudio comparativo de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) y la Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC). El artículo estudia cómo la SIC y la CRC participan e inciden en procesos de formación de la agenda, formulación, implementación y evaluación de políticas públicas. El caso de estudio comparado se realizó a partir de tres tipos de fuentes primarias documentales: instrumentos jurídicos, documentos producidos por las agencias y archivos de prensa. En resumen, reportamos tres hallazgos: (i) las dos agencias comparadas participan activa y directamente en procesos de agendamiento e implementación de política pública; (ii) sus esfuerzos en materia de evaluación de políticas es relativamente bajo; y, (iii) su rol en materia de formulación de políticas públicas diverge: mientras que la CRC diseña y adopta periódicamente instrumentos de política pública, la participación de la SIC en la formulación es más indirecta pues se enfoca en analizar proyectos regulatorios de otras entidades públicas para realizar recomendaciones cuando considera que puede haber afectaciones a la competencia.
... Public Policy: Theory, Concepts and the Evaluation Dye (1995) describes public policy as the full process of affairs carried out by the government, including why they do it and the outcomes that cause various changes. Aside from that, Lasswell (1971) defines public policy as a program that is conducted in accordance with specific aims, principles, and practices. ...
Conference Paper
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This research examines the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP)'s bureaucratic simplification process. Bureaucratic simplification has eliminated Echelons III and IV by altering them to functional functions. The policy has a broad impact on organizational structure, design changes, performance, personnel, and the workplace. The study used a mixed method with a focus on qualitative approaches. Interviews, observations, questionnaires, and source triangulation were used to collect data and evaluate its validity. The research findings from the CIPP dimension show that the bureaucratic simplification agenda is still not performing well. It is acknowledged that some indicators related to its adoption have yet to produce favorable results. It is concerned with changes in the work system that each work unit has not fully recognized and adjusted. As a result, it is critical to strengthen the work system by formalizing the squad team system, increasing productivity, and establishing a clear division of tasks and authority among deputies, directorates, and functional groups. Deputies and directors encounter difficulties in overseeing and directly managing job completion in functional roles since the middle line previously occupied by the head of the sub-directorate and the head of the section has been eliminated. Furthermore, structural changes are required to shift the structural function of general administration from the Main Secretariat Unit to the Deputies and Directors in BPIP. It indicates that the functionalization and simplicity of bureaucracy still need organizational structures.
... This is because 'something not done' by the government will have as much influence as 'something done' by the government. [20] Public policies are decisions made by public authorities that are binding on many people at a strategic or policy level. As a decision that binds the public, public policy must be made by political authorities, i.e. those who receive a mandate from the public or the people, usually through an electoral process, to act on behalf of the people. ...
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Ecosystems and good management are needed to make a superior tourist destination, so that later it will lead to the welfare of the community and micro, small and medium enterprises around it. Therefore, an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem policy is needed to develop a superior tourist destination and can improve the economy of the community and small and medium enterprises. The purpose of this study is to identify the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem tourism policy model in increasing the potential and welfare of micro, small and medium enterprises in Pamekasan. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature. The research location was determined purposively, namely in Pamekasan Regency. Primary data sources were obtained directly from the research subjects, in this case the parties related to the village-owned enterprises of tourism objects, namely: Tourism managers, related agencies, the Office of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives and stakeholders. The results of this study indicate that the appropriate policy model is the Political System model which places the policy as the output of the system. This policy model is oriented towards community interest inputs, in this case tourism stakeholders both private and government that support the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. This research also shows that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is still not well developed in Pamekasan because stakeholders from both the private sector and the government have not synergised to grow and motivate the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Thus, the tourism entrepreneurial ecosystem policy model still needs to be revised and improved in Pamekasan.
... Bir topluluk kurulması ve farklı vergilerle para toplanması da bu politikalar içerisinde yer almaktadır. Bu nedenle kamu politikasının davranıĢı düzenlediğini, bürokrasi kurduğunu, karları dağıttığı ya da tümünü beraber yaptığı belirtilmektedir (Dye, 2013). Easton (1959) kamu politikasının, bir toplum ya da daha küçük bir birimin herhangi bir grup adına, değerleri paylaĢtıran kararlar ve faaliyetlerden oluĢtuğunu belirtmektedir. ...
... It is, classified as a decision with government authority, the public policy aims to achieve goals and provide benefits to society. There are two meanings that can be taken from Dye's definition, namely: 1) Public policy can only be made by the government, not private organizations; 2) Public policy involves choices made or not made by the government so that the choices made by the government are a deliberate decision to do or not do something (Dye, 2017). ...
... Therefore, the paper posits that negative emotions related to different issues will differ significantly in predicting risk-coping behaviors. Grounded in policy process theory, public policy undergoes stages such as formulation, implementation, evaluation, and termination 46 . Thus, issues within a public policy can be classified into three types: policy formulation, policy implementation, and policy effectiveness. ...
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This article explores the use of online negative emotions to predict public risk-coping behaviors during urban relocation. Through a literature review, the paper proposes hypotheses that anticipate advanced prediction of public risk-coping behaviors based on online negative emotions. The study’s empirical focus is on the relocation of the Beijing municipal government, using time series data for Granger causality analysis in EViews 10.0 software. Data on online negative emotions is sourced from Sina Weibo. After data cleaning, 1420 pieces of data related to the relocation policy of the Beijing Municipal Government within the period from June 9, 2015 to April 28, 2019 are retained. while risk-coping behaviors are measured through public information search behaviors and the incidence of violent crimes, the data coverage is also from June 9, 2015 to April 28, 2019. The results indicated that: (1) Online negative emotions regarding the relocation policy predict public risk-coping behaviors in advance. (2) Negative comments are more effective predictors than negative feelings; (3) Negative emotions about relocation policy formulation predict risk-coping behaviors better than those related to policy effectiveness and implementation; (4) Negative emotions from individuals better predict public risk-coping behaviors than those from institutions; (5) Negative emotions from key stakeholders better predict public risk-coping behaviors than those from non-key or marginal stakeholders. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a real-time monitoring system to track negative public opinions and emotions expressed online, adopt a stakeholder-centric approach to facilitate communication, and promote transparency and educational campaigns to address the challenges of urban relocation. In future studies, methods such as expanding the sample size and adding indicators will be used to address the limitations of potential bias in sample data.
... Agenda setting is choosing an issue to be decided and who decides to choose those problems to be dealt with. Deciding what will be the problems is even more important than deciding what will be the solutions [2]. This research aims to answer how an issue finds a chance to be put on the table in city council meetings and how solutions are made. ...
... Nonetheless, ethics is relevant at all stages of the policy making process [7]. While policy analysis is concerned with what governments do, why they do it, and what difference it makes [8], ethics examines what ought to be done. This includes the examination of what governments ought to do and what ethical principles guide policy making [9]. ...
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic posed many unprecedented challenges to health care systems and public health efforts worldwide. Policy making and science were deeply intertwined, in particular with regard to the justification of health policy measures. In this context, ethical considerations were often at the core of decision-making trade-offs. However, not much is known about the actual ethical challenges encountered by policy makers and scientists involved in policy advice. With this study, we therefore aim to explore the ethical challenges during COVID-19-related political decision-making in Switzerland as perceived by policy makers and scientists involved in policy making. We also explore the role ethics advice had during the pandemic response and what can be learned for future public health crises. Methods We conducted thirteen qualitative expert interviews with policy makers and scientists involved in decision-making on COVID-19 policy responses in Switzerland on the regional and national level. We used inductive content analysis to analyse the interviews. Results Among the multitude of ethical challenges highlighted, interviewees perceived making trade-offs between the common good vs. the individual good and between economic welfare vs. health of the population, as well as proportionality of the policy measures, and the capacity of the public to accept uncertainty as central. Interviewees had diverging opinions on whether ethical considerations were sufficiently raised and discussed on the Swiss policy level during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the reasons why ethics was not sufficiently discussed, they mentioned a lack of time in the fast-paced dynamic of the pandemic, ethics as a complex subject area, the interconnectedness between ethics and law, too much focus on few topics (mostly on vaccination-related ethical questions), and power relationships, such as dominance of medical professionals over ethicists. They evaluated ethics support to have been adequately present in the decision-making process, but wished for ethics training, involvement of the public in the discourse and for accompanying communication to build trust among the population for the future. Conclusions The study provides empirical insights into the ethical considerations of COVID-19 policy making in practice in Switzerland. It can help to develop ethics assistance for future crises and inform ethical health policy and decision-making not only in Switzerland, but also in other countries.
... Additionally, social connectivity and community design are crucial factors influencing well-being. Urban planning that fosters social interactions, community engagement, and inclusivity contributes to enhanced well-being by reducing feelings of isolation (Dye, 2008). Access to healthcare and essential services is another determinant of well-being in urban settings. ...
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Fuzhou City, located in China's Fujian Province, exemplifies the demographic transformation underway. The city's elderly population is growing, with individuals aged 60 and above constituting 16.76% of its municipal population. This demographic shift, coupled with increasing urbanization, underscores the urgent need to enhance public spaces to serve the requirements of elderly individuals better. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the influence of elderly-friendly public space and stakeholder perspective on the quality of life in urban micro-districts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The quantitative method based on questionnaires is applied. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percent frequency, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation are introduced. Various inferential statistical methods are used to test the hypothesis, particularly the Independent Samples t-test, the One-way ANOVA, and the Multiple Linear Regression analysis. The results obtained from the study indicate that differences in Gender, Marital Status, Duration of Residence, Living Arrangement, Type of Housing, and Mobility Limitation generate differences in Quality of Life in urban micro-districts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Differences in Elderly Utilization Patterns generate differences in Quality of Life in urban micro-districts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Differences in Stakeholder Involvement in Public Space generate differences in Quality of Life in urban micro-districts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The results obtained from the Multiple Linear Regression Analyses show that there are significant positive impacts of all aspects of Public Space Characteristics (Accessibility, Safety Measures, and Types of Amenities) on Quality of Life in urban micro-districts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.
... Goodin (2021) and (Cochran & Malone, 2014) suggest that policy entails specific actions aimed at achieving objectives, necessitating thorough analysis and strategic understanding to transform innovative ideas into tangible solutions. Dye (2013) defines public policy as the government's active choice to act or not act on a given issue, highlighting that such policies are government initiatives, distinct from the private sector's actions, and are focused on addressing public issues and achieving goals. Anderson (2003) characterizes public issues as conditions affecting many people with wide-reaching implications, often too complex for individual resolution, and thus warranting governmental intervention. ...
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In response to the mounting plastic waste issue, the Indonesian government has introduced various measures aimed at curbing plastic usage, but these initiatives have fallen short in altering public behavior. A more impactful strategy would involve implementing a disincentive by levying additional fees on plastic use, effectively increasing its cost. Discussions on a plastic excise were initiated between the Indonesian government and the House of Representatives but have since stalled. This study aims to higlight the necessity of a plastic excise in regulating the behavior of Indonesian citizens and explores the appropriate methods for the government to formulate such an excise policy. A qualitative research method was employed, utilizing thorough interviews and extensive literature review. Findings suggest that the environmental damage inflicted by plastic waste justifies its classification as taxable goods, warranting regulatory control over its consumption due to the adverse effects on society and ecology. These findings serve as the foundation for the government to consider a plastic excise. The challenge lies in identifying the specific plastic types to be taxed, necessitating renewed coordination and dialogue with the pertinent Ministries and Agencies within the Inter-Ministerial Committee. This is essential to gain the Indonesian House of Representatives' approval and to address the complexities in policy formulation, considering that state levies shall be approved by the parliement. A possible solution to this challenge is to synchronize the taxable goods' plastic types with those outlined in the existing regulations of the Waste Reduction Roadmap by Producers, ensuring consistency and regulatory alignment.
... Quienes dieron a la primera definición sobre una política pública, se encuentra Thoenig,(1982) al considerarla que viene a representar "el resultado de la actividad de una autoridad investida de poder público y de legitimidad gubernamental" (p. 89), quienes resaltan el espacio institucional que deben poseer las políticas públicas, agregando que las mismas "se presenta bajo la forma de un conjunto de prácticas y normas que emanan de uno o varios actores públicos" (p.89), resaltando su normalización sin importar el nivel en la que se defina; por su parte Dye (1995) indica que "una política pública es todo los que los gobiernos deciden hacer o no hacer". (p. 2) Por su parte, Peters (1995) agrega el elemento participación, al indicar que "hay cierta evidencia de que una mayor participación directa de la población realmente puede mejorar la calidad de las decisiones que se toman en algunos casos de políticas públicas". ...
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La investigación tuvo como propósito interpretar los aportes de la gobernanza y la participación ciudadana a una gestión de pública local focalizada en políticas públicas autóctonas, teniendo como objeto de estudio la figura de los GADs cantonales; la metodología es de tipo fenomenológico e interpretativo con un enfoque cualitativo, soportada en una dimensión inductiva, cuyo objeto es encontrar un conocimiento que surge de abajo hacia arriba (de lo particular a lo general), los informantes están representados por investigadores expertos en la disciplina administración pública, y en especial en el área de la gobernanza y la participación ciudadana; entre los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de información fue la observación directa (anotaciones en bloc de notas), y la entrevista semi estructurada (en profundidad), el método hermenéutico ha sido utilizado como estrategia de análisis, permitiendo, a través del proceso de comprensión e interpretación de los hallazgos, facilitar el proceso de identificación de categorías, mostrando vertientes que son vinculadas a la propuesta de valor público que representa la gobernanza institucional como buena praxis dentro de la gestión pública local; obteniéndose ente los hallazgos la posibilidad de incorporar a la gestión pública local una gobernanza pública estratégica, un laboratorio de gobierno / ciudadano, y la posibilidad de implementar una prestación proactiva de servicios.
... O estudo das políticas públicas ressurgiu em importância nas últimas décadas, concentrandose nos princípios, regras, formulação, implementação e avaliação dessas políticas. Embora não haja uma definição única do conceito, de modo geral, as políticas públicas são entendidas como um conjunto de ações realizadas pelo Estado para atender às diversas demandas da sociedade (Lynn, 1980;Dye, 1984;Mead, 1995;Peters, 1995;Peters, 1998). ...
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O objetivo principal deste artigo é compreender os desafios enfrentados pelos instrumentos legais na reestruturação do Ensino Médio. Para esta análise, serão consideradas a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, a Medida Provisória nº 746/2016 convertida na Lei que implementou o Novo Ensino Médio (Lei 13.415/2017), assim como o projeto de Lei nº 5.230/2023. A pesquisa aborda o processo de formulação da legislação, com foco nas Políticas Educacionais, destacando os interesses subjacentes em determinados períodos históricos. O escopo deste estudo busca promover reflexões sobre as escolhas e estratégias da reforma educacional, com o objetivo de compreender a complexidade de sua implementação no cotidiano escolar. Portanto, visa identificar os desafios entre o campo teórico da norma e sua aplicação prática, evidenciando as questões relacionadas à efetividade no contexto educacional.
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The Québec state apparatus, which developed most fully starting in the 1960s, initially focused the objectives of Québec's cultural policy in the United States on the promotion of nationalism and the building of a national identity. Following the 1990s recessions, the Québec government adjusted its policies to partly focus its cultural policy on the marketing of cultural industries. Cultural industries have increasingly been promoted as helping build the national identity while providing jobs and contributing to Québec's GDP. Today, the Québec government's main objective in the United States is promoting and securing business opportunities. It explicitly pursues its cultural policy in the United States with this objective at the forefront. This paper seeks to answer the following question: How has the Québec government's cultural policy in the United States evolved since the 1960s? Overall, there has been a notable shift in Québec's cultural policy in the United States. It has become mainly pragmatic or utilitarian, serving as tool to advance economic benefits for the province. Using original archival research, government documentation, and academic literature, this chapter chronicles this shift that has taken place in the 1990s, while further discussing the implications of a utilitarian cultural policy in the long run.
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Buku ini berisikan bahasan tentang ruang lingkup, hubungan, prinsip dan macam-macam teori ilmu administasi publik.
This introductory chapter starts by discussing the evolution of public policy studies towards an emotionally sensitive policy perspective. The evolution has moved to the new predicament known as the Anthropocene Epoch, in which public policy can no longer serve only human well-being. The policy domain needs to build an empathetic connection of both human and non-human entities in this new complex and interdependent ecosystem. The chapter goes on to emphasise how explicitly embracing emotions is needed in policy domains to promote a more sustainable ecosystem. It highlights that emotions are perceived in policy studies as either a personal matter or a relational challenge. The proposed framework of empathetic policy design articulates emotional engagement, inclusive space, and empowered deliberation. Empathy building through the policy design process is emphasised here as a hopeful way to lead to wishful public policy towards just sustainability.
This study aims to analyze the implementation of spatial planning policies through a case study of the application of Lamandau Regent Regulation No. 13 of 2012 on the "Nanga Bulik, a Beautiful City" slogan. Employing a qualitative approach, the research utilized in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. The findings reveal that although the policy has been implemented, several challenges persist, including a lack of competent human resources, weak inter-agency coordination, and limited community and private sector participation. Nevertheless, supporting factors such as the local government’s commitment and the region’s strategic potential were identified. The study recommends enhancing policy dissemination, strengthening standard operating procedures, and fostering cross-sector collaboration to ensure successful implementation. These findings are expected to contribute theoretically to the development of public policy and reinforce the concept of city branding for sustainable urban development.
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Este artigo busca contribuir para o debate sobre o aperfeiçoamento das políticas migratórias ao analisar a gestão das migrações em Belém (Pará), uma das primeiras cidades brasileiras a receber a certificação MigraCidades. Essa certificação tem como objetivo orientar os municípios no desenvolvimento de políticas migratórias, especialmente em relação ao fluxo de migrantes e indígenas venezuelanos da etnia Warao. Utilizando uma metodologia hipotético-dedutiva, a pesquisa foi baseada nos relatórios do MigraCidades de 2020 e 2021, revisão bibliográfica, relatórios técnicos de organizações governamentais e não-governamentais, além de notícias da mídia local e nacional. O estudo apresentou o processo de certificação e as especificidades jurídicas relacionadas ao fluxo migratório dos Warao, contextualizando o impacto dessa certificação no período anterior e posterior à sua implementação em Belém-PA. O objetivo central da pesquisa é verificar a efetividade das políticas migratórias em Belém-PA entre 2020 e 2021, no contexto da certificação MigraCidades. Os resultados indicam que, embora a referida certificação tenha impulsionado a criação de políticas migratórias, as ações desenvolvidas na cidade paraense permanecem restritas a medidas de assistência emergencial, ligadas à contínua burocratização do nexo segurança-desenvolvimento. Isso resulta em um controle temporário dos migrantes venezuelanos e indígenas Warao, os quais são frequentemente excluídos de políticas públicas inclusivas e duradouras, sendo vistos como ameaças à segurança e ao desenvolvimento local.
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This exploratory mixed-methods study aims to evaluate the scope of ASD content related to the Australian NDIS on the social media platform TikTok in April 2024. We also aimed to further develop methods for analysing TikTok creators’ engagement with individual advocacy and policy change in the ASD domain. This is an examination of the public reaction to proposed policy changes to the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on TikTok in April 2024. At that time, the Australian federal government proposed major changes to the funding of the NDIS. One of reasons given by the government for making changes to the NDIS, was the growth in referrals for autism assistance for individuals aged under 18 years. This research project examines the scope of public discussion referring to the ASD and NDIS via the social media channel TikTok.
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Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Komunikasi yang kurang optimal antara BPD Desa Kejapanan dengan masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana penunjang kerja pemerintah desa. Terjadi miskomunikasi antara BPD dengan masyarakat dan kepala desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis Implementasi Tugas dan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) di Desa Kejapanan Kecamatan Gempol Kabupaten Pasuruan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian Deskriptif dengan pendekatan Kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dengan satu key informan dan dua informan yaitu Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, Kepala Desa dan Masyarakat Desa. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Tugas Dan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam Pengawasan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di nilai dari beberapa indikator yaitu : 1) komunikasi, Komunikasi yang ada di lapangan mengenai cara sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh BPD Desa di Kejapanan sangat minim yakni hanya melalui pertemuan-pertemuan orang tertentu saja. 2) Sumber daya, Sumber daya Sumber daya peralatan yaitu sarana dan prasarana di Desa Kejapanan hanya memakai fasilitas yang sudah dimiliki sebelumnya oleh Desa sehingga dalam pelaksanaan Tugas dan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa hanya memanfaatkan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang ada Desa seperti Ruang untuk rapat sosialisasi yang terdapat di Desa. 3) Disposisi, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Desa Kejapanan bisa dikatakan sudah cukup baik dalam menjalankan komitmenya. 4) Struktr Birokrasi, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Desa Kejapanan Kecamatan Gempol Kabupaten Pasuruan belum menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP).
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Indonesia targets significant economic growth by 2045, mandating equitable development nationwide. This study analyzes the alignment of national, provincial, and city-level development plans and budgets, focusing on identifying policy gaps and fostering harmonization. We used a qualitative methodology to review relevant legislation and government documents and interviewed Bandung City officials and academics. Analysis revealed substantial discrepancies across planning documents – the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), West Java's Provincial plan (RPJMD Regional), and Bandung City's local plan (RPJMD Local) – particularly in economic, infrastructure, and health sectors. Significant time lags between plan approvals, inconsistent program prioritization, and the influence of political promises on development planning were observed. Budget allocations frequently prioritized bureaucratic processes over direct community impact. Our findings highlight the critical need for enhanced intergovernmental coordination, stronger institutional mechanisms, and more transparent, data-driven decision-making to achieve development objectives. Weaknesses in intergovernmental consultation, institutional arrangements, and the influence of political factors hinder effective policy implementation. We propose institutional reforms and improved intergovernmental collaboration to strengthen integration and optimize budget allocation across all levels of government. This study offers crucial policy recommendations to overcome these challenges and accelerate Indonesia's equitable and sustainable development.
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Esta pesquisa se debruça sobre o processo decisório da terceira nacionalização dos hidrocarbonetos bolivianos, implementada durante o primeiro mandato de Evo Morales. Essa política pública demarcou um novo arranjo institucional ao setor petroleiro e protagonizou a composição da nova agenda política do país. Resultado de intensa movimentação popular, a nacionalização esteve posicionada enquanto uma política pública de oposição direta e combativa ao projeto de transnacionalização energética, inicialmente representada pelo governo de Paz Estenssoro. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender os arranjos da nacionalização sob os termos de alcance da proposta de rompimento com o modelo energético neoliberal que a antecedeu e suas limitações no tocante à dependência estrangeira na lógica rentista. As teorias mobilizadas a esse debate se situam sob a análise crítica dos componentes da estrutura de dependência na América Latina, atribuindo às fases da industrialização e a primarização da economia papel relevante na consolidação desse regime. Está orientada a partir do modelo de Políticas Públicas de John Kingdon (Modelo dos Fluxos Múltiplos) para análise do processo decisório e a conceituação de Thomas Dye sobre Políticas Públicas. A pesquisa assume caráter exploratório com técnica de pesquisa documental, a partir da metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa com aporte da estatística descritiva. Dentre as estratégias delimitadas para guiar o setor, o governo elaborou mais enfaticamente sobre aquelas notadamente compensatórias, pilar do neoextrativismo, o que fez com que saltassem os indicadores sociais do país. Os marcos da nacionalização reconfiguraram o formato das relações comerciais petroleiras (entre transnacionais e entre Estados), modificando legislações taxativas, de posse e gerenciamento. A nova agenda energética se assentou sob novas políticas tributárias e, disso decorrente, sob políticas distributivas, resgatando a função social da atividade petroleira. Apesar disso, atuou na manutenção da dinâmica extrativista e da estrutura predatória de uma matriz produtiva que não prevê diversificação e transição energética. A pesquisa aponta algumas limitações decorrentes de recursos materiais, escopo e tempo, como a inviabilidade em ampliar o debate sobre o (neo)desenvolvimentismo previsto pela agenda de Evo Morales, transição energética e dados primários sobre os novos marcos legais e financeiros com as transnacionais que permaneceram no mercado petroleiro boliviano.
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para explorar a relação entre benefícios fiscais, benefícios sociais, empresas públicas e privadas, bem como a arrecadação de impostos a partir da análise de dados abertos fornecidos pelo governo federal e estadual. Utilizando técnicas de ciência de dados, o estudo busca investigar se existe uma correlação direta entre a concessão de benefícios fiscais e sociais e o desenvolvimento das empresas públicas e privadas, assim como suas receitas. Além disso, esse modelo procura avaliar se esse desenvolvimento empresarial está relacionado com o aumento da arrecadação de impostos do estado, estabelecendo assim um ciclo virtuoso em que benefícios, crescimento econômico e arrecadação de impostos se retroalimentam mutuamente. Esse estudo tem o potencial de fornecer insights valiosos para a formulação de políticas públicas e estratégias econômicas que promovam o desenvolvimento sustentável e o crescimento financeiro do Estado.
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The policy for acquiring school products and services through SIPLah was chosen by the Ministry of Education and Culture to facilitate procuring goods and services easier for schools. The acquisition of products and services is made online through government aid funds, specifically the Dana BOS, such an effort to identify how funds supplied by the government are used by schools. The purpose of this study is to find out how the procurement of school products and services through SIPLah is being implemented at the Bukit Bestari District Elementary School in Tanjungpinang City, as well as the challenges that schools are facing. The data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed through the processes of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. By using the implementation theory by Grindle, the results indicate that of the 9 indicators, 8 of them have been running optimally, while 1 indicator, namely the degree of change to be achieved, had not run optimally. The obstacles faced are (1) the products or services available in Tanjungpinang City are not complete, (2) If the products and services required are outside of Tanjungpinang City, the schools are responsible for the delivery fees, (3) Schools often do not find the products/services they need, (4) The process of procuring products and services through SIPLah is considered longer than conventionally. (5) Technical taxes that must be paid when transacting with SIPLah partners are still causing problems for schools.
When considering Quality Physical Education (QPE) implementation in primary/elementary and secondary schools and subsequent child wellbeing, the promotion of health is of major significance. The Health within Physical Education (PE) has impacted many parts of the world as evidenced by curriculum policy; the Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education (H, W & PE) revolution has and continues to grow globally. Furthermore, the worldwide survey of school PE found that countries of 'Best Practice' had a common theme relating to “promotion of health and healthy lifestyles” (UNESC, 2014, p. 10). Hence, when considering quality physical education (QPE) implementation in primary/elementary and secondary schools around the world, the promotion of health is salient.
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Implementansi keterbukaan informasi pada badan publik merupakan perintah undang-undang nomor 14 tahun 2008 tentang keterbukaan informasi publik yang berlaku bagi semua badan publik baik di pemerintah pusat melalui kementerian dan lembaga negara lainnya maupun pemerintah daerah melalui organisasi perangkat daerah atau satuan kerja perangkat daerah. Pentingnya monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap implementasi undang-undang tersebut bagi perangkat daerah dalam rangka memastikan layanan informasi publik yang bersifat berkala, setiap saat, serta merta, dan imformasi yang di kecualikan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Data penelitian di ambil dari hasil kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi tahun 2023 oleh komisi informasi Banten terhadap 39 organisasi perangkat daerah. Melalui pendekatan kualtitaif data tersebut di olah dan di deskripsikan sesuai dengan data-data dari indikator I, II, III, dan IV yaitu pengembangan website, pengembangan informasi publik, pelayanan informasi publik, dan penyediaan informasi publik. Hasil monev menunjukan bahwa dari 39 badan publik tersebut terdapat 25 badan publik yang Informatif, 9 menuju informatif, 2 cukup informatif, dan 3 kurang informatif. Hal ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa mayoritas organisasi perangkat daerah sudah informatif dengan menjalankan standar layanan informasi publik yang mengacu pada PERKI 1 tahun 2021. Namun demikian kedepan Pejabat pengelola informasi dan dokumentasi di Organisasi perangkat daerah masih perlu memaksimalkan layanan terhadap permohonan informasi publik bagi para pemohon dan pengguna informasi yang terus meningkat jumlahnya. Maka monitoring dan evalusi terhadap badan publik perlu terus dijaga kuantitas dan kualitasnya oleh komisi informasi.
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O artigo analisa a inserção e o tratamento do planejamento urbano na agenda de políticas públicas do Governo Federal brasileiro entre 2003 e 2016. A pesquisa foca na identificação dos problemas reconhecidos pelo governo e como esses problemas foram tratados para serem incorporados na agenda de desenvolvimento urbano. Utilizando o modelo do ciclo de políticas públicas, a análise abrange as gestões de Lula e Dilma, examinando documentos como programas de governo. Os achados revelam que, apesar da evolução nas propostas para enfrentar desigualdades e promover o desenvolvimento sustentável, o planejamento urbano não foi tratado como prioridade central nas agendas políticas iniciais. A "Carta ao Povo Brasileiro" de 2002 e os programas subsequentes destacaram a necessidade de reformas estruturais e inclusão social, mas o planejamento urbano foi frequentemente abordado de forma indireta ou simbólica. A falta de uma abordagem clara e integrada resultou em fragilidades na efetividade das políticas de desenvolvimento urbano. O estudo destaca a necessidade de uma visão mais abrangente e integrada do planejamento urbano nas políticas públicas, sugerindo que futuros governos priorizem o planejamento urbano de forma mais explícita e estratégica.
Symbols are everywhere in politics. Yet, they tended to be overlooked in the study of public policy. This book shows how they play an important role in the policy process, in shaping citizens' representations thanks to their ability to combine meanings and to stimulate emotional reactions. We use crisis management as a lens through which we analyse this symbolic dimension, and we focus on two case studies (governmental responses to the Covid-19 crisis in Europe in 2020 and to terrorist attacks in France in 2015). We show how the symbolic enables leaders to claim legitimacy for themselves and their decisions, and foster feelings of reassurance, solidarity and belonging. All politicians use the symbolic, whether consciously or otherwise, but what they choose to do varies and is affected by timing, the existence of national repertoires of symbolic actions and the personas of leaders.
El sistema económico en el Ecuador es social y solidario, conformado por formas de organización pública, privada, mixta y popular y solidaria. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de analizar las políticas públicas para la economía popular y solidaria en Ecuador. Para ello, la investigación se fundamenta en una metodología descriptivo-analítica, empleando el análisis de instrumentos NATO, mediante una revisión documental de normativa, documentos oficiales, bases de datos y estudios asociados con la temática. Entre los principales resultados se encuentra que han existido avances en el reconocimiento para el sector de la economía popular y solidaria, tanto en la modalidad, autoridad, tesoro y organización. Sin embargo, todavía persisten algunos desafíos pendientes hacia la consolidación del sector. Recibido: 13 julio 2024 Aceptado: 8 septiembre 2024
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Implementasi kebijakan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dalam penanggulangan pandemi COVID-19 di Kecamatan Klungkung Kabupaten Klungkung merupakan tindakan yang diambil oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung untuk meminimalkan dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap perekonomian masyarakat Klungkung yang di koordinir oleh Dinas Sosial, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Klungkung yang anggarannya bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Kabupaten Klungkung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis Implementasi kebijakan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dalam penanggulangan pandemi COVID-19 di Kecamatan Klungkung Kabupaten Klungkung, mengetahui faktor kendala yang terjadi dan solusi yang didapat dari implementasi kebijakan tersebut serta mengetahui dampak dari implemetasi terhadap masyarakat khususnya di Kelurahan yang ada di Kecamatan Klungkung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data primer dan data sekunder. Wawancara secara mendalam dan dokumentasi sementara teknik penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, serta teknik analisis data yaitu dengan reduksi data, penyajian data kemudian penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam Implementasi Kebijakan BLT APBD dalam penanggulangan pandemi COVID-19 di Kecamatan Klungkung secara umum berjalan dengan baik. Keberhasilan implementasi Kebijakan Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) dalam Penanggulangan Pandemi COVID-19 ditentukan oleh faktor komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, dan struktur birokrasi yang masing-masing faktor memiliki keterkaitan antara satu dengan lainnya.
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This study examines the development and implementation of halal tourism policies in Indonesia, which have not fully matured due to a lack of comprehensive promotion and regulation. Therefore, it is considered important to research the development of halal tourism policies. This paper addresses a key research question: What is the progress of halal tourism policies in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages? The study aims to explore the development of halal tourism policies, focusing on their formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages. Following the Fatwa Number 108/DSN–MUI/X/2016 from the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI), which provides guidelines for organizing tourism based on Sharia principles. This qualitative descriptive study uses secondary data collected through library research. Policy analysis techniques were applied to assess the formulation, implementation, and evaluation stages of halal tourism policies. The findings indicate that halal tourism regulations at both provincial and regency/city levels have not developed optimally, primarily due to the lack of comprehensive regional regulations. The study suggests that the government needs to reformulate policies to better support the development of halal tourism.
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KEBIJAKAN NON-YUDISIAL PELANGGARAN HAM BERAT Perspektif Keamanan Nasional Penulis : Dr. Hendra Anthonius Ginting, S.H., M.H. Editor : Dr. Ir. Sovian Aritonang, S.Si., M.Si. Cover & Layout: Mia Aksara Diterbitkan oleh: CV. AKSARA GLOBAL AKADEMIA Anggota IKAPI No: 414/JBA/2021 Kantor: Intan Regency Blok W-13, Jl. Otto Iskandardinata, Tarogong, Garut, Jawa Barat. Kode Pos: 44151. Mobile: 081-2222-3230 – 0895-1961-0629. E-mail: Website: INDONESIA Copyright © Nopember, 2024 x+ 219 hal; 18 cm x 26 cm ISBN: 978-623-8704-21-7
Bu çalışma, Birleşik Krallık ve Fransa'da kamu politikalarının Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk (KSS) üzerindeki etkisini incelemekte ve hükümetin KSS uygulamalarını ve raporlamasını şekillendirmedeki rolüne odaklanmaktadır. KSS, yasal yükümlülüklerin ötesine geçen, çevresel, etik ve sosyal sorumlulukları kapsayan çok boyutlu bir yaklaşım olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Araştırmada, hükümet raporları, KSS politika belgeleri ve akademik çalışmalardan elde edilen ikincil veriler kullanılarak değerlendirme yapılmaktadır. Birleşik Krallık piyasa odaklı ve gönüllü bir yaklaşım sergilerken, Fransa daha devlet merkezli bir düzenleyici model izlemektedir. Farklı idari geleneklere rağmen, her iki ülkenin de şeffaflık, sürdürülebilirlik ve kurumsal hesap verebilirliğe bağlılığı söz konusudur. İki ülkenin politika süreçlerinin uluslararası düzenlemeler ile Avrupa Birliği’nin etkisinde olduğu görülmektedir. Bulgular, kamu politikalarının KSS'nin özellikle raporlama sürecinde etkin olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışma, sürdürülebilirlik ve hesap verebilirlik için hem kurumsal hem de toplumsal bir araç olarak KSS'nin kamu politikasına entegre edilmesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Çalışmada Birleşik Krallık ve Fransa’da KSS’yi şekillendiren kamu politikası sürecinin diğer ülkeler için iyi uygulama örneği olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
The US government does not rely only on sanctions, proxy wars, psychological operations (psy-ops), funding of opposition, and direct invasion to create socioeconomic hardship and political conflict in a targeted country to weaken and overthrow its government. It also takes advantage of “natural disasters” by deliberately impeding the targeted government’s ability to recover from them. The US targeting of Cuba epitomizes this weaponization of nature. Since 2020, the US government—from the Trump to the Biden administrations—purposefully tightened already draconian sanctions against Cuba during the height of the COVID pandemic of 2020–1, kept them in place, and then refused to provide meaningful disaster relief when Hurricane Ian devastated the western end of the archipelago in October 2022.
Cuba’s relations with major powers have been a key factor driving the country’s history. Ranging from the colonisation by Spain in its path to becoming the greatest European and world power, to a strategic alliance with the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s, those relations have taken many forms. They have conditioned the island’s inception in the modern world system and have shaped the evolution of its domestic structures.
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z Türk Devletinin temel görevlerinden biri olan sağlık hizmetlerinin planlanması ve yürütülmesi, ülkede yaşanabilecek olağanüstü durumlardan sorunsuz kurtulması açısından stratejik öneme sahiptir. Dünya çapında yaygınlaşan bu yaklaşım, sağlığın sadece teknik olarak ele alınmasını engellemiştir. Sağlıkta diplomasi kavramı, ülkeler arasında ve sağlık alanında yapılan bazı çalışmaları tanımlamak için de kullanılmaktadır. Söz konusu analizin amacı, salgın politikasının uygulanabilir aktörleri ile birlikte bir süreç olarak birebir/yönetsel kesitini almaktır. Literatür incelendiğinde yeni bir çalışma konusu olan Covid-19 salgınının genellikle bilim insanları tarafından araştırıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışma ile konuya ilişkin bir politika analizi yapılarak alandaki söz konusu boşluğun doldurulmasına katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada makaleler ve sağlık medya kanalları taranmıştır. Çalışmada açıklayıcı ve öğretici anlatım şekilleri kullanılarak devletlerin COVID-19 pandemisin de izledikleri sağlık politikaları ve sağlık diplomasisi seyri üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirilmiştir Araştırma konusu çerçevesini, COVID-19 pandemi süreci ve sağlık diplomasisinde izlenen politikalar, yapılan düzenlemeler ve yeniliklere yer verilmiştir. COVID-19 salgının ilk olmadığı ve son olmayacağı anlayışıyla yeni salgınlara ilişkin yol haritası kolayca çizilmeli ve her adım eksiksiz planlanmalıdır. Bu ortamda COVID-19 sürecinde deneyimler iyi değerlendirilmeli ve daha da geliştirilerek planlara yansıtılması gerekmektedir.
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The Regional People's Representative Council's Pokir is the result of absorbing community aspirations conveyed by members of the Regional People's Representative Council in official and informal forums. This Pokir aims to ensure that regional development policies reflect the needs and desires of the local community.To determine the role of the Aceh Singkil Regency People's Representative Council in formulating regional development policy plans through the Main Thoughts (Pokir) of the Regency People's Representative Council In legal research, there are two types of research, namely normative (doctrinal) research and empirical research. The type of research used in compiling this thesis is a combination of normative (doctrinal) research and empirical research. Data collection methods are techniques or methods that can be used by researchers to collect data. Techniques in designating an abstract word that is not manifested in objects, but can only be seen in its use through: questionnaires, interviews, observations, exams (tests), documentation, and others. The data analysis technique used in this legal research uses qualitative analysis methods Based on the results of the study, the Regency People's Representative Council also plays a role in determining the regional budget that will fund various development programs. In this process, the District People's Representative Council must ensure that the budget prepared reflects the development priorities that have been set based on community aspirations. Thus, the District People's Representative Council not only acts as a political representative, but also as a supervisor of budget use to ensure transparency and accountability in regional financial management. The results of the discussion regarding the role of the Aceh Singkil District People's Representative Council (DPRK) in preparing the main ideas (Pokir) show that the DPRK has a crucial role in regional development policy planning. In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 86 of 2017, the DPRK functions as a liaison between the community and the regional government by preparing Pokir that reflects the aspirations and needs of the community.So it can be concluded that according to the regulations, the District People's Representative Council is tasked with preparing the Main Ideas (Pokir) which are the results of absorbing community aspirations. This Pokir is then submitted to the regional government to be used as a basis for preparing development planning documents, such as the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD).
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