Contents, 1. Introduction, "Donald Hislop", Work Space/Place, 2. Working on the move: Subverting the logic of non-space, "John Holm & Gavin Kendall," 3. Working on the Move: The Social and Digital Ecologies of Mobile Work Places, "Laura Forlano", 4. Voluntary ghettos and mobile bureaucracy: Civic activity and acts of citizenship under threat, "Tommy Jensen," Work-Related Travel, 5. Travelling to Work: A Century of Change, "Colin G. Pooley", 6. The Business of Train Travel: A Matter of Time Use, "Glenn Lyons, David Holley & Juliet Jain", 7. Geographies of Business Travel in the Professional Service Economy, "James R. Faulconbridge & Jon V. Beaverstock", Mobile Work Practices, 8. The Lonely Life of the Mobile Engineer?, "Carolyn Axtell & Donald Hislop", 9. Re-Space-ing Place: Towards Mobile Support for Near Diagnostics, "Mikael Wiberg", 10. 420 Years of Mobility ICT Enabled Mobile Interdependencies in London Hackney Cab Work, "Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood & Carsten Sorensen", 11. Context Matters: Un-ubiquitous Use of Mobile Technologies by the Police, "Daniel Pica & Carsten Sorensen", Home Work Dynamics, 12. Mobile Phones, Spillover and the 'Work-Life Balance,' "Diannah Lowry & Megan Moskos", 13. Freedom and Flexibility with a Ball and Chain: Managers and their Use of Mobile Phones, "Keith Townsend & Lyn Batchelor", 14. Travel, availability and work-life balance, "Ann Bergman & Per Gustafson", 15. Do Mobile Technologies Enable Work-Life Balance? Dual Perspectives on BlackBerry Usage for Supplemental Work, "Catherine Middleton," Public Policy, 16. Mobile Work and Challenges for Public Policy, Dan Wheatley, Irene Hardill, "Anne Green"