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Contemporary Vibroacoustic Therapy Perspectives on Clinical Practice, Research, and Training


Abstract and Figures

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT), traditionally considered to be a physical and receptive type of music therapy intervention, uses pulsed, sinusoidal, low-frequency sound on a specially designed bed or chair. Today VAT is viewed as a multimodal approach, whereby the therapist works with the client’s physiological and psychological experiences, incorporating a mind–body approach. This article provides current knowledge in clinical practice emphasizing the systematic and documented implementations of VAT. This includes presentation and explication of the key elements of VAT, assessments, treatment plans and procedures, documentation, and evaluation of the treatment with recommendations for follow-up care in health and rehabilitation. Recent research is presented, and directions for future research are considered. Applicable views on clinical training and required competencies are outlined.
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Contemporary Vibroacoustic
Therapy: Perspectives on Clinical
Practice, Research, and Training
Marko Punkanen, PhD
and Esa Ala-Ruona, PhD
Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT), traditionally considered to be a physical and receptive type of music therapy intervention, uses
pulsed, sinusoidal, low-frequency sound on a specially designed bed or chair. Today VAT is viewed as a multimodal approach,
whereby the therapist works with the client’s physiological and psychological experiences, incorporating a mind–body approach.
This article provides current knowledge in clinical practice emphasizing the systematic and documented implementations of VAT.
This includes presentation and explication of the key elements of VAT, assessments, treatment plans and procedures, documen-
tation, and evaluation of the treatment with recommendations for follow-up care in health and rehabilitation. Recent research is
presented, and directions for future research are considered. Applicable views on clinical training and required competencies are
vibroacoustic therapy, clinical practice, research, training
The basic idea of vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) was developed
by Olav Skille and Juliette Alvin in 1968, in an attempt to envi-
sion a possible development of the theory and practice of VAT
treatment within a traditional music therapy model. In 1982,
Skille defined VAT as the use of sinusoidal, low-frequency
(30-120 Hz), rhythmical sound–pressure waves mixed with
music for therapeutic purposes. Skille noted that VATs ‘‘low-
frequency sound massage’’ would assist in the reduction of
pain and other stress-related symptoms.
In current times,
low-frequency sound vibration therapy is one application of
music therapy practiced worldwide, although in actuality is
used only by a minority of music therapy practitioners. Physi-
cal therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, nurses, medical
doctors, and other health care professionals who have clinical
training for the use of VAT may also be trained to use it. Other
pioneers in the field of VAT are Tony Wigram, Petri Lehikoi-
nen, Saima Tamm, Riina Raudsik, and Eha Ru
¨tel. Tony
Wigram’s first VAT programs were a mixture of music and
low-frequency sound, which he named ‘‘vibroacoustic music’
(VAM). Skille refined the concept of VAT to the use of one,
amplitude modulated, sinusoidal sound.
In best clinical prac-
tice, VAT is a combination of low-frequency sound vibration,
music listening combined with therapeutic interaction. With
this combination, it is possible to address a client’s emotional,
cognitive, and social problems, alongside bodily functions and
The VAT’s use of low-frequency, sinusoidal sound is based
on the premise that sound as a mechanical wave travels through
a medium that transports energy from one location to another.
By low-frequency sound it is implied that the sound vibrates
between 20 and 100 Hz (20-100 times per second).
sound is the simplest sound information representing a single
frequency with no harmonics.
Varying hypotheses and
assumptions have been made about the effect mechanisms of
VAT. The most interesting thus far include the following:
1. The relaxation response
: low-frequency, sinusoidal sound
causes resonance (oscillation) in our body and this seems
to be the main effective aspect of VAT. Every object has
its natural frequency and when the forcing function’s (in
this case VAT) frequency matches the natural frequency of
an object (eg, thigh muscle), it will begin to resonate.
nance in our body will increase the circulation of blood and
enhance our metabolism.
It will also release tension in mus-
cles and resonate with affected body parts.
One additional
aspect related to the relaxation response is the possible
Eino Roiha Institute and University of Jyva
Research and Training, Jyva
¨, Finland
Corresponding Author:
Marko Punkanen, Eino Roiha Institute and University of Jyva
¨, Music
Therapy Clinic for Research and Training, Mesikka
¨katu 7, 15610 Lahti, Finland
Music and Medicine
4(3) 128-135
ªThe Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/1943862112445324
activation of oxytocin production
through VAT. A state of
deep relaxation is the most common subjective experience
reported by clients and patients after the VAT.
2. Pacinian corpuscle—neuronal inhibition of pain: Chesky
and Michel
theorized that there could be beneficial uses
of VAT resulting from the stimulation of the Pacinian cor-
puscles, which are large mechanoreceptors located in the
subcutaneous and connective tissues surrounding visceral
organs and joints. Pacinian corpuscles are sensitive to pres-
sure and can react to VAT stimulation from 60 Hz upward.
When the Pacinian corpuscle is stimulated, it sends neurolo-
gical nonpain messages to the brain that appear to inhibit the
pain impulse. Nonpain messages can be understood here
through the gate control theory of pain.
According to the
gate control theory of pain by pioneers Melzack and Wall,
A-bnerve fibers, which transmit information from vibration
receptors (Pacinian corpuscles and Meissner corpuscles)
and touch receptors in the skin, stimulate inhibitory inter-
neurons in the spinal cord that in turn act to reduce the
amount of pain signal transmitted by A-qand C fibers from
the skin to second-order neurons that cross the midline of
the spinal cord and then ascend to the brain.
3. Cellular cleansing mechanisms of sound vibration—the
Jindrak postulate
: the Jindrak postulate theorizes about
the possible mechanical cleaning effect of vibration in our
body and brain. According to Jindrak and Jindrak, vibra-
tion can assist in removing some of the molecules, which
are waste products resulting from activity in the nerve
cells, through a diffusion process.
These presented theoretical speculations have yet to be fully
confirmed through research. However, it is important to realize
that VAT is a multimodal approach, which reaches the whole
client and strengthens the mind–body connection, yet makes
it more difficult to investigate. Yet, this approach does provide
the means that enable one to intervene with the client’s physio-
logical and psychological experiences at the same time in a
flexible way.
The VAT has been used with various client groups and has
been the basis for a variety of technical devices that have been
developed in Norway, Finland, and the United States.
the basis of clinical experience and case reports, the most pro-
mising areas for the use of VAT seem to be applications for
muscle tension and spasticity, acute and chronic pain (eg, ten-
sion neck, menstrual pain, fibromyalgia), and psychosomatic
and stress-related symptoms (eg, high physiological arousal,
mood disorders, insomnia). The most well-known devices
today are the Norwegian Multivib (mattress, cushion), the
Finnish Nextwave (physioacoustic chair), and the American
Somatron (multiple devices).
Research of VAT
Anecdotal reports and case study results on the effects of VAT
are numerous, but there is less evidence and research results
involving larger scale studies. The effects and benefits of VAT
have been originally linked to high muscle tone and spasti-
For example in Wigram’s
study with handicapped
adults (n ¼10) the outcome showed that VAT and sedative
music together caused a significantly greater reduction in mus-
cle tone and greater improvement in movement range than
sedative music alone. In another study (n ¼27) by Wigram,
it was found that VAT improved handicapped patients’ range
of movement almost as effectively as movement-based phy-
siotherapy. A more recent study about the effectiveness of
VAT on spasticity and motor performance was conducted
by Katusic and Mejaski-Bosnjak.
The goal of this study was
to evaluate the effects of vibrotactile stimulation on the spas-
ticity and motor performance in children with cerebral injury.
Thirteen children who were classified with spastic cerebral
palsy participated in this study. The intervention was 20 min-
utes of 40 Hz vibrotactile stimuli once a week for a period of
3 months. The assessment of motor performance and the clas-
sification of the lower extremities functions were done before
and after the intervention. This study showed that partici-
pants’ motor performance (facilitation of rotations, better pos-
tural trunk stability, head control, and greater selectivity of
movements) improved significantly.
The VAT has been reported to be effective as well in pain
Chesky and Michel
studied VAT with
patients having rheumatoid arthritis. Participants (n ¼27)
received 3 different interventions: music alone, music and
vibration combined, and a placebo. The perception of pain
reduction measured through the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
was significantly higher in the music and vibration interven-
tion than in the music alone or theplacebointerventions. The
total percentage of pain reduction for music and vibration was
64%,musicalone24%,andplacebo2%. In Burke’s
mized study on pain management of postoperative gynecolo-
gical patients (n ¼32), it was found that intensive use of VAT
postoperatively had a significant effect on pain reduction,
reduced the need for narcotics, and decreased emotions of
anxiety, hostility, and depression when compared with the
experimental group and the control group. Recently, Staud
et al
found in their study that vibrotactile stimulation effec-
tively recruited analgesic mechanisms not only in normal
pain-free controls but also in patients with chronic musculos-
keletal pain, including fibromyalgia.
One interesting area of VAT is Parkinson disease. It is
reported that the 19th century neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot
used a vibration chair for patients with Parkinson disease.
Charcot used vibration therapy for 30 minutes daily to treat his
Parkinsonian patients on an ongoing basis. He reported
improvements, but he died shortly thereafter and a more com-
plete evaluation of his findings was never completed.
Del Campo San Vincente et al
investigated the effects of
VAM on idiopathic Parkinson disease in a single-blind, rando-
mized study. Participants (n ¼60) were randomly divided into
2 groups of 30 participants each. The experimental group
received music and a pulsed, sinusoidal low-frequency vibra-
tion and the control group received music only. Both groups
received 25 sessions over 9 months. A comparison of the
Punkanen and Ala-Ruona 129
participants’ scores in Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS) revealed no significant differences between
experimental and control groups. However, researchers
observed that participants receiving VAT improved UPDRS
scores between the first and fourth assessments.
King et al
studied the short-term effects of VAT on motor
impairments in Parkinson disease. Forty individuals diagnosed
with idiopathic Parkinson disease participated in this parallel
crossover design study. Participants were subdivided into
groups according to primary symptoms so that there were
20 slow/rigid dominant participants and 20 tremor-dominant
participants. Participants were divided into 2 groups (A and
B), and the difference in procedure between the groups was the
order of the vibration treatment and control (rest) period. All
participants were assessed at baseline, after vibration treat-
ment, and after the control period. Assessment was carried out
using the UPDRS, quantitative gait assessments, and with the
use of a grooved pegboard for upper limb control. As a result
VAT caused significant short-term improvements in symptoms
of rigidity, tremor, and bradykinesia in both groups when com-
pared to the control (rest) period. In group B, there was also a
significant increase in the step length in the postvibration
assessment. This study reveals interesting and promising
results concerning the positive effects of VAT for the treatment
of symptoms of Parkinson disease. Unfortunately, the length of
the intervention and frequencies used are not clearly defined in
the study, which makes it impossible to evaluate the relevance
of stimuli-based interventions on clinical experience with
patients having Parkinson disease.
More recent studies of VAT have also been focused on the
effects of low-frequency sound on challenging behavior,
functional capacity, blood circulation, and bone metabolism
in frail older adults,
and on the control functions of the auto-
nomic system in people with Rett syndrome (RTT).
In randomized controlled trial of Lundqvist et al,
mental tests were carried out to investigate whether VAM
had an effect on self-injurious, stereotypical, and aggressive
destructive behavior in participants with autism spectrum dis-
orders (ASDs) and developmental disabilities. Twenty partici-
pants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. The first group
received ten 10- to 20-minute sessions of VAM over a period of
5 weeks. The second group then received the same interven-
tion. Behavior was assessed by the Behavior Problem Inven-
tory in all participants on 3 occasions: (1) at the beginning of
the study, (2) after the first group of participants had completed
their treatment, and (3) after the second group of participants
had completed their treatment. The major finding of the study
was that VAM reduced challenging behavior in individuals
with ASD and developmental disability. The results of this
study are quite promising and confirm findings of earlier case
studies related to challenging behavior.
Unfortunately, the
stimuli used are not well defined. The authors stated that the
low-frequency vibrations used varied between 30 and 80 Hz
and lasted for 10 to 20 minutes in each session. Based on this
information, it is not possible to evaluate the clinical relevance
of the low-frequency stimuli used.
The Zheng et al
study is thus far the most innovative and
clinically relevant investigation in the field of VAT. In this
single-blind, randomized, controlled trial, the objective was
to evaluate the effects of a low-frequency sound wave therapy
program on functional capacity, blood circulation, and bone
metabolism of the frail elderly individuals. Forty-nine volun-
teers (14 males and 35 females) aged 62 to 93 years with up
to 12 diagnosed diseases were allocated in either the interven-
tion group (n ¼30) or control group (n ¼19). The intervention
group underwent sound wave therapy, 3 to 5 times a week for
30 minutes per session over a period of 6 months. The control
group received no intervention. The main measurements taken
in the study were blood pressure, functional capacity, mobility,
bone density, biochemical markers, isometric muscle strength,
balance, and skin surface temperature. Compared with the con-
trol group, the intervention group’s mobility and the amount of
self-reported kilometers walked per week increased by 3 km
(P< .05), while the levels of cholesterol (4.97 [0.72] to 4.52
[0.65] mmol/L, P¼.019), low-density lipoprotein (2.82
[0.72] to 2.45 [0.61] mmol/L, P¼.022), bone markers of total
osteocalcin (11.0 [6.5] to 10.3 [5.9] ng/mL, P¼.048), and
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (2.50 [1.0] to
2.41 [1.1] IU/L, P¼.021) decreased. The average skin surface
temperature was significantly higher during active sessions at
the end of the intervention than at the beginning (P¼.004).
No change was found during the placebo sessions. Zheng
et al concludes that VAT may have the potential to promote
well-being in frail elderly participants via improved func-
tional capacity, especially in participants who are too frail
to undertake exercise. Very important in this study was the
fact that the intervention was intensive and the duration was
long enough to have impact, and that succinct measurement
tools were utilized. Unfortunately, the dropout rate was high;
therefore, the outcome analyses present a challenge.
In Bergstro¨m-Isacsson’s
study, the aim was to examine
what effect musical and vibroacoustic stimuli had on the con-
trol functions of the autonomic nervous system, and on cortical
emotional reactions, in participants with RTT. There were
35 participants with RTT and 11 children with normal develop-
ment. A repeated measures design was used, and physiological
data were collected from a neurophysiological brain stem
assessment (NeuroScope). The NeuroScope makes it possible
to observe on a monitor screen the intensity of the communica-
tion between the heart and the brain in real time.
The control
situation was the physiological baseline of the participant’s
own autonomic function at rest. After establishing a baseline,
the participants were exposed to 6 musical stimuli. The horn
was chosen to elicit an arousal response and activate (parents’
choice) a sympathetic response. Calming (parents’ choice),
VT (vibroacoustic stimulation), VT þMu (VT combined with
calming music), and Mu (that same music without vibrations)
were expected to elicit a parasympathetic response. The con-
tinuous dependent variables measured were cardiac vagal
tone, cardiac sensitivity to baroflex, and mean arterial blood
pressure. These parameters were used to categorize brain stem
responses as parasympathetic (calming) response,
130 Music and Medicine 4(3)
sympathetic (activating) response, arousal (alerting) response,
and unclear response. As a result, continuous responses
showed that calming and VT increased cardiac vagal tone sig-
nificantly in the RTT group. In the RTT group, the expected
categorical responses related to the hypotheses were observed
in 7%for horn, 36%for activating, 39%for calming, 52%for
VT, 32%for VT þMu, and 28%for Mu.
As we synthesize and evaluate the studies of VAT, we can
easily recognize that there is still, after 30 years, a huge need
for both basic research related to the effect of low-frequency
sound vibration on the human body and mind, as well as more
carefully planned applied studies of VAT for the most promis-
ing client groups. Clinical experiences and anecdotal knowl-
edge shows that several conditions can be found where VAT
seems to offer remarkable benefits.
These clinical target
groups would be, for example, fibromyalgia patients, people
with stress-related symptoms such as insomnia and women
with menstrual pain and/or menopause symptoms. Such symp-
toms have been treated successfully by using VAT, but large-
scale, well-designed, and carefully conducted studies are still
missing. The aforementioned symptoms incur expenses on our
society through the cost of pharmacologic agents, as well as
decrease work efficiency and incur the incidence of sick leave,
and additionally invoke individual suffering and a decrease in
the quality of life for many.
The typical deficit within most of the studies relate to
the design of the study, the low number of participants, and
poorly described intervention which is not based on the best
clinical practice, and the problem of finding applicable and
sufficiently sensitive enough measurement tools. In future
research we should rely more on the best clinical practice
of VAT, and study the effects of the most relevant clinical
interventions and procedures of VAT with clinical groups
that seem to benefit most from this particular intervention.
Special attention should be given also to the measurement
tools used in VAT studies. As the experiences from Seina¨joki
Central Hospital reflect, the long-term systematic use of VAT
may provide great opportunities for both developing the inter-
vention itself, and for collecting clinical data within the everyday
clinical work without a significant increase in workload.
Part II—Contemporary Vibroacoustic
Therapy: Training and Application in
Clinical Practice
Since 2003, we have systematically collected information and
knowledge about using VAT in a variety of clinical contexts,
and based on this background data, we have further devel-
oped and refined the best clinical practice of VAT. The main
aim has been developing and supporting the systematic and
well-documented use of VAT. This includes the understand-
ing of the key elements of VAT, assessments, treatment plans
and procedures, documentation, evaluation of the treatment
and further, assists in establishing recommendations for
follow-up treatment.
The Role of Low-Frequency Sound Vibration
Low-frequency, sinusoidal sound vibration is the core element
of VAT. Basically, it can be used for either relaxation or acti-
vation. The main parameters that guide the intervention are the
length of sound pulsation, the volume, and scanning of the
sound. Slow pulsation is used for relaxation and faster pulsa-
tion for activation. Typically, the first aim is to help the client
calm and reach a state of deep relaxation. The hyperaroused
and stressful state of the client can best be calmed with the
implementation of treatment programs that have slow-paced
and peaceful pulsations and fairly gentle vibrations. The per-
ception of the volume is subjective and should always be
adjusted individually. If the volume of the sound is too strong it
can cause side effects such as nausea, disorientation, and change
in the senseof equilibrium. Scanning of the sound changes the fre-
quency of that sound in a specified range. This allows the therapist
a means to evaluate the identification of an ideal sound frequency
to resonate with the affected area ofthe body. Each time a muscle
resonates with a sound stimulus, it will deepen the relaxation of
the muscle. When combined, these adjustable sound parameters
provide diverse possibilities in designing and editing treatment
programs to meet individual therapeutic needs.
The Role of Music
If a decision is made to use music as a part of VAT, it is impor-
tant to define the meaning, context, and function of how the
music will be used. The role of the music in VAT can be enter-
taining, relaxing, or activating in nature.
In many cases and
especially at the beginning of the treatment process, the enter-
taining and relaxing aspects of music are most accessible. The
main objectives at this preliminary stage are to increase the cli-
ent’s feelings of relaxation and safety through orientation. At
the beginning of the therapy process, it is quite common to use
the client’s favorite music, which seems to reduce anxiety and
helps to create a therapeutic alliance between the client and
therapist. The client’s favorite music has also been found to
be the most effective when music has been used for pain relief.
In the psychotherapeutically oriented approach of VAT,
role of music can be both relaxing and activating. In such cases,
it is important that the therapist sensitively assesses the client’s
ability to integrate music that activates strong emotions, images,
and memories or when there is a need to use music that calms the
client and helps to soothe and relax.
Finally, it is important to
note that at times music can be disturbing, and in these cases it is
better not to use music as a part of VAT treatment.
The Role of Therapist
The role of the therapist in VAT is multifaceted. In the begin-
ning of the therapy process, the therapist is actively creating
therapeutic conditions where safety and trust can develop. The
therapist contributes to the formation of the alliance and mutual
interaction. The first task is to describe to a client the basics of
the treatment procedure and the methods used in VAT. This
Punkanen and Ala-Ruona 131
will reduce the client’s potential anxiety to a new and unfami-
liar situation and will strengthen adherence to the treatment.
The therapist encourages the client to engage in reflection and
share emerging experiences by acknowledging a potential vari-
ety of experiences or levels. The areas of experiences which
may be accessed include thoughts and memories (cognitive
level), images (symbolic level), emotions (emotional level),
and bodily sensations (sensorimotor level). Conducting the
therapeutic discussion on these levels enables the development
of an individually tailored and meaningful therapeutic process,
along with the evaluation of the physical, emotional, and cog-
nitive areas of experience. Additionally, the therapist helps the
client to integrate these experiences and insights into current
life situations and personal history as well.
There are client
groups (eg, autistic, mental retardation) and situations when
discussion is not possible and in those cases the therapist needs
to rely on observations and feedback from nursing staff. We
have noticed that the therapist’s behavior in the treatment ses-
sion strongly affects the client. For this reason, it is important
that the therapist is familiar with the technical aspects of the
VAT to be able to fully concentrate on the interaction with the
client. The therapist actively regulates his or her own behavior
so that it is well suited to the individual needs of a client and
remains in line with the therapeutic goals and objectives.
The key elements of VAT are illustrated in Figure 1. In the
center, the focus is drawn to the client because it is important to
actively engage the client in the therapy process as he or she
presents as the most vital source of information, particularly
when designing and developing the treatment procedures. The
main elements of VAT are the effect of sinusoidal sound, the
effect of music, and the effect of the therapist. Depending on
the therapist’s experience and qualifications, other therapeutic
approaches may be combined with the VAT.
Assessment and Treatment Plan
The treatment strategy is based on assessment. During the assess-
ment we can effectively implement a variety of standardized
assessment tools (eg, BeckDepression Inventory [BDI], the anxi-
ety part of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS-A],
the health-related quality of life survey[RAND-36], and question-
naire for clinical outcomes in routine evaluation [CORE]). A full
qualitative interview is recommended as well. With the assess-
ment, we are able to set goals for the treatment and develop a treat-
ment plan. In the treatment plan,we should make decisions about
the treatment strategy and procedure. This includes the length of
the entire therapy process including the number of agreed-upon
sessions, the duration and content of one therapy session (defining
different kinds of combinations of sound stimuli, music listening,
verbal discussion, and other possible methods), and the intensity
of the treatment (how many sessions per week or per day).
Treatment Strategies and Procedures
There are some basic points that we have found to be essential
to consider in setting treatment strategies and procedures in
VAT. First, the chosen treatment strategy and procedure should
meet the client’s individual needs and current condition. Creat-
ing a peaceful environment that helps the client to be able to
calm initially before settling into the treatment mode is manda-
tory. The duration of the therapy session is dependent upon the
chosen treatment strategy. In the beginning, it might be rather
Figure 1. Key elements of vibroacoustic therapy
132 Music and Medicine 4(3)
short—10 minutes, for example, particularly if the client is not
able to concentrate for longer periods, but little by little it is
possible to increase the length of the session. A typical VAT
session lasts from 45 to 60 minutes and includes verbal discus-
sion before the sound stimuli and reflective discussion after the
experience (ie, thoughts and memories, images, emotions, and
bodily sensations), which occur once the sound stimuli has
ended. The intensity of the treatment has been found to be
important. The more chronic and serious the state of the client,
the more intensive the manner of the VAT conducted. In prac-
tice, the intensity of the VAT can vary from 2 sessions per day
to 1 session per week. VAT is a process, which means that most
usually there is a series of treatment sessions. Typically this
means 10 to 15 sessions, but sometimes longer periods (up to
tens of sessions) are needed or intensive interval periods of 2
to 4 times per year for maintaining the positive effects.
Documentation and Evaluation of the Treatment
If we want to create the effective treatment strategies and pro-
cedures, and if we are able to communicate with related profes-
sionals, then we must have tools for the documentation and
evaluation of the treatment. The most typical tool for evalua-
tion of the VAT is the VAS, which assists in the evaluation
of a characteristic or attitude that is believed to range across
can be implemented in a referential way. The VAS is a psycho-
metric, 10-cm-long response scale, which can represent a vari-
ety of variable aspects related to critical aspects of a client’s
problems. For example, it could be related to the question,
‘How severe is your pain?’’ As the left end of the scale marks
the situation when there is ‘‘no pain,’’ the right end of the scale
marks the situation where it is the ‘‘worst pain imaginable.’’
The impact of the VAS assessment is of the highest value when
evaluating change within the individual. It is applicable, easy,
and relatively fast to use. The weakness of the VAS assessment
is that it is highly subjective and not useful if there is a need for
comparison across a group of individuals at 1 point in time.
By using VAS or other measurement and evaluation tools,
we are able to collect information about the effects of VAT.
It is important to collect these data during the entire course
of the treatment process, so that we are able to see the possible
trends of changes in measured symptoms such as pain. If we
only collect information before and after the treatment pro-
cess, we are not able to see the full spectrum of the client’s
experience with all its nuances and fine details. When we have
a good ongoing evaluation and documentation system, it is
also easier to make recommendations for follow-up treatment.
For example, we are able to gain insight on the duration of the
positive effects of VAT for a client with fibromyalgia symp-
toms and make recommendations for the needed frequency of
VAT interval periods.
Clinical Training for VAT
A formal and comprehensive training that addresses the theore-
tical issues and clinical applications of VAT has been available
since the fall of 2005, when the first training course started
in the Eino Roiha Institute in Jyva¨skyla¨, Finland. The train-
ing is the equivalent of 12 ECTS credits (European Credit
Transfer and Accumulation System, a standard for compar-
ing the study attainment and performance of students of
higher education) and consists of 7 intensive study week-
ends over a 7-month period. The authors of this article are
the developers and main trainers for the training program,
and the other trainers are professionals who use VAT in
their clinical practice with varying client populations (eg,
within the assessment for rehabilitation and treatment,
addiction problems, and psychiatry).
The training offers skills to students for systematic use
of VAT, and this is inclusive of current practice and
research about the possibilities of the method, which dee-
pen theoretical knowledge on its use. Additionally trainees’
direct their attention to the wholeness aspects of the treat-
ment process including all of its elements (low-frequency
sound vibration, music, interaction, space, treatment strate-
gies, procedures, etc). Hands-on feedback in an experiential
format within the role of client and therapist is a critical
aspect of the training.
The content of the training is divided into 8 sections: (1) the
basics of low-frequency sound therapy, (2) introduction to the
methods and devices of low-frequency sound therapy, (3) ele-
mental uses for VAT-treatment programs and the fundamental
uses of VAT: strategies and procedures, (4) interaction and ther-
apeutic relationship with a client, (5) body awareness as a tool
for therapist and client, (6) the role of and possibilities for using
music in VAT, (7) supervision and clinical practice, and (8) case
studies. The case studies conducted thus far within the literature
include topics such as VAT as a method for alleviating symp-
toms of fibromyalgia, effect of VAT on high muscle tone and
spasticity, VAT in the treatment of insomnia, VAT as a method
for alleviating menstrual pain.
Based on the collected feedback from students after com-
pleting 3 training courses and several shorter intensive
follow-up courses, we have learned that the aims for training
are attainable. Our current challenge lies in our desire to
develop strategies that can support the network of trained clin-
icians and furthermore to assist in the utilization of their clin-
ical experiences as a basis for the development of cumulative
knowledge and a database. In the next few years, we will initi-
ate training programs in other countries and organize follow-up
courses with specific topics in VAT research and practice
addressing issues related to treatment application and strategy
in greater depth and detail.
The VAT has been used as a part of music therapy, phy-
siotherapy, and rehabilitation for almost 30 years. Recently
it has also been adapted as a part of psychotherapy practice,
for example, in drug rehabilitation.
We defined VAT as
the use of low-frequency sound vibration combined with
music listening and therapeutic interaction and reflection,
Punkanen and Ala-Ruona 133
which make it a holistic form of therapy. The VAT enables
a client to become naturally aware of body–mind connection
and study the experiences at all levels (sensorimotor, emo-
tional, and cognitive). Perhaps this is why VAT seems to
be particularly beneficial for clients with psychosomatic
Problems in the clinical practice of VAT have been related
to the lack of knowledge and skill when implementing the treat-
ment. This is the reason why comprehensive training is critical,
particularly if we want to provide the most effective use of
VAT and its additional value in the field of care and rehabilita-
tion. The experience of hands-on application and supervision
is imperative to the VAT training that is offered as a formal
and comprehensive training for clinicians in the field of VAT.
Based on this belief and experience, we have outlined an
international training model, which consists of 3 levels. The
first level is an introduction to VAT. The second level
includes VAT-practitioner modules 1 to 3, and when com-
pleted, provides a certificate for the VAT-practitioner. The
third level is advanced VAT-practitioner level, and a VAT-
practitioner is eligible to apply for this level having completed
level 2 and having obtained the required clinical practice and
training experience. All 3 levels together amount to 20 ECTS.
We have also outlined the specialized training that consists of
2 strands, depending on the advanced practitioner’s orienta-
tion and qualifications: (1) psychotherapeutically oriented
VAT and (2)trainer and supervisor in VAT.
Through training, clinicians would be able to use VAT in a
more justifiable, professional and systematic manner. They
can also start to implement the collection of case results from
their daily clinical work. This would gradually lead to good
quality case studies that would increase the data and knowl-
edge base of VAT and help us to recognize the areas that
should and could be investigated more, as clinical trials in
larger scale studies.
In Finland, we have a long history and tradition in VAT. The
training and clinical work is also well established, and connec-
tions to hospitals, multiprofessional teams, and medicine mean
that potential clinical target groups can be easily reached. We
are at the beginning of establishing a development and research
center for VAT. The center will have an international advisory
board that serves as a central point for networking VAT clini-
cians and researchers all over the world. Larger scale multicen-
ter studies will strengthen applications for funding future
projects. We must also learn from previous studies and improve
study designs in order to conduct good quality studies using the
best practices both in intervention and research. Looking to the
future, we need more basic research on low-frequency sound as
stimuli, as well as more applied research on the effects of the
clinical use of VAT with specific target groups, defining those
that seem to benefit most from this form of therapy.
We thank Mr Olav Skille and Dr Ralph Spintge for valuable com-
ments, and Mr Michael Dillon for proofreading.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article
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Marko Punkanen,PhD,isamusictherapist,adance/movement
therapist, and a psychotherapist and currently works as a music thera-
pist and supervisor in private practice. He is actively involved with
music therapy and dance/movement therapy training. He is the
cofounder of the first extensive VAT/PA-training in Finland, and he
has studied the possibilities of VAT in drug rehabilitation.
Esa Ala-Ruona,PhD,isamusictherapistandpsychotherapistwork-
ing as an associate professor and university researcher at Music Ther-
apy Clinic for Research and Training, University of Jyva¨skyla¨. He is a
clinical teacher and supervisor, and he coordinates the international
master’s program of music therapy. He is the cofounder of the first
extensive VAT/PA-training in Finland, and he has been developing
and studying the possibilities of VAT/PA in specialized health care.
Punkanen and Ala-Ruona 135
... Rhythmic sensory stimulation (RSS) broadly refers to the use of sensory eventsincluding vibrotactile, auditory, and visual flickering stimuli -applied in pulsed forms with repeated short, transient stimulus events at regular intervals, or in continuous forms which generate oscillating (e.g., sinusoidal) stimulus patterns [39]. In the context of chronic pain research, the terms vibroacoustic therapy [40][41][42], physioacoustic therapy [43], musically fluctuating vibrations [37], and low-frequency sound stimulation [38], are often used interchangeably to refer to the use of rhythmic gamma-frequency (30 -120 Hz) acoustic-driven stimulation of mechanoreceptors in the body by means of chairs or beds fitted with low-frequency transducers. Chesky et al. [37] reported that fibromyalgia symptoms significantly changed after a single 30-minute treatment session, however, no significant differences were noted between whole-body stimulation with gamma-range vibroacoustic stimuli and whole-body 20 Hz stimulation. ...
... Research to date has generally assumed that the rhythmic pattern of the stimuli sequence is an essential stimulation parameter. This notion is based on the premise that the local mechanical stimulation generated by RSS would drive the mechanoreceptors in the body to respond at the same frequency [41,62]. A hypothesis explored in the present study was that stimulation lacking a clear rhythmic pattern would be unable to drive oscillatory resonance (peripherally or at brain level), hence differences in treatment response between treatment parameters (gamma range RSS vs. complex wave RSS) could indicate potentially distinct underlying mechanisms. ...
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This double-blind, two-arm parallel randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of gamma-frequency rhythmic sensory stimulation on fibromyalgia. We were interested in whether rhythmic sensory stimulation would promote significant changes in fibromyalgia and associated symptoms, and whether treatment effects would differ between two distinct treatment parameters. Fifty patients with a formal diagnosis of fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to two test groups. One group received vibrotactile stimulation from a continuous sine wave single-frequency stimulation (40 Hz) for 30 minutes, five days per week, over five weeks, concomitant with usual care. The second group completed the same treatment protocol but received a different stimulation, consisting of random and intermittent complex wave gamma-range vibrotactile stimulation. Fibromyalgia symptoms, pain severity and interference, depression symptoms, quality of life and sleep quality were assessed at baseline and post-intervention. Results indicated that there were statistically significant changes from baseline to post-treatment in measures of fibromyalgia symptom severity, pain interference, depression, and sleep quality. However, treatment outcomes did not differ significantly between groups. These findings provide preliminary evidence that gamma-frequency rhythmic vibroacoustic stimulation may decrease fibromyalgia symptoms and ease associated comorbidities, opening new avenues for further investigation of the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on chronic pain conditions.
... Modern medicine has only recently begun to use sound and vibrations in the therapeutic field [35][36][37] and, above all, for rehabilitation purposes [38] or for diagnostic purposes [39]. In recent times, low-frequency vibrations have found therapeutic applications in the field of Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) with interesting results in various pathological conditions [40]. ...
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Vibration and sound are the shaping matrix of the entire universe. Everything in nature is shaped by energy vibrating and communicating through its own sound trail. Every cell within our body vibrates at defined frequencies, generating its peculiar “sound signature”. Mitochondria are dynamic, energy-transforming, biosynthetic, and signaling organelles that actively transduce biological information. Novel research has shown that the mitochondrial function of mammalian cells can be modulated by various energetic stimuli, including sound vibrations. Regarding acoustic vibrations, definite types of music have been reported to produce beneficial impacts on human health. In very recent studies, the effects of different sound stimuli and musical styles on cellular function and mitochondrial activity were evaluated and compared in human cells cultured in vitro, investigating the underlying responsible molecular mechanisms. This narrative review will take a multilevel trip from macro to intracellular microenvironment, discussing the intimate vibrational sound activities shaping living matter, delving deeper into the molecular mechanisms underlying the sound modulation of biological systems, and mainly focusing our discussion on novel evidence showing the competence of mitochondria in acting as energy portals capable of sensing and transducing the subtle informational biofields of sound vibration.
... Music is a complex interplay of rhythm, harmonics, timbre, and tempo, all of which hold unique therapeutic potential 160 . Clinically, music listening has been used to reduce surgery-related anxiety and pain 161,162 , exert anti-epileptic effects 163-attachments or physio acoustic chairs to provide equalized vibrations throughout the body or rhythmic air puffs to produce focalized tactile stimulus [173][174][175][176] The adjunct therapeutic effects of sensory entrainment have been investigated in stroke [189][190][191] , Parkinson's (PD) 168,192,193 , Alzheimer's (AD) 194 , dementia 176 , Cerebral Palsy 195,196 , Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 197 , pain 198 , fibromyalgia 199 , insomnia 200 , stress/anxiety 201,202 , and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 203 . ...
... VAT is defined as "the use of sinusoidal, low-frequency sound waves in the range of 30-120 Hz, which are mixed with music and intended for therapeutic purposes [1, p. 36]. Three main elements are typical for most methods used in VAT: low-frequency sound vibrations, listening to clients' preferred music and a therapeutic interaction [2]. ...
... Vibroacoustic stimulation uses sound tones transmitted through a tactile transducer to create vibration on the body of a participant (Punkanen and Ala-Ruona 2012). Lowfrequency vibration has been observed to aid performance in many settings, e.g., for children with mental and physical handicaps (Boyd-Brewer 2003) modulating autonomic nervous system activity (Sañudo et al. 2013). ...
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PurposeIn sports requiring multiple short bouts of high-intensity exertion, recovery while off the field is an important part of being an effective competitive athlete. This study investigated the potential of vibroacoustic stimulation to aid recovery from athletic stress.Methods University of Pittsburgh club and varsity athletes (n = 22) pedaled on a stationary bike strenuously, followed by a period of recovery accompanied by vibration using a wearable transducer. Subjective and physiological (skin conductance responses and cardiac measures) were used to determine the extent of recovery with frontal electroencephalographic (alpha/theta) measures indexing brain reactivity.ResultsVibrations rated as the most calming by each participant were associated with increased high-frequency heart-rate variability, representing parasympathetic tone, particularly in athletes most affected by pedaling. Yet, EEG markers, while related to subjective recovery, were not associated with physiological change.Conclusion This work provides support for the idea that vibration, which is subjectively rated as calming, could affect physiological recovery from physical stressors, at least for those individuals whose physiology is affected by exertion. This is likely through direct effects on physiology rather than “top down” effects on the brain.
... Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is defined as a combination of low-frequency sound vibration, (and) listening to music, combined with therapeutic interaction [1]; however, there is great heterogeneity in the range of frequencies, usage of music and applying the low frequency vibrations (LFVs) within a therapeutic relationship. This therapeutic approach incorporates physical and auditory perception of both auditory sound and tactile vibration. ...
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Background: Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) uses low-frequency sound, often combined with listening to music, for therapeutic purposes. However, the impact of low-frequency vibration (LFV) on physiological functions and subjective perception is relatively unknown. Methods: We conducted a randomized cross-over study with the aim of comparing the effect of constant LFV of 40 Hz, its amplitude modulation, and the placebo condition on heart rate variability (HRV), stress perception (measured by visual analogue scales for stress) and mood (measured by UWIST Mood Adjective Check List). Results: Research experiments with various interventions (constant LFV with sound of nature (river in forest), amplitude modulation of the same LFV with sounds of nature and sounds of nature without LFV) were realised involving 24 participants. It was found there was an effect on HRV, stress perception and mood after the interventions. However, there were only seldomly experienced, and mostly nonsignificant, differences between the intervention conditions, so the effects may be attributed to factors other than LFV. Conclusions: Large scale experimental studies are needed to verify the preliminary findings and to explore various coinciding factors that may have influenced the results of this study, e.g., type of autonomic nervous system. We propose that the effect of LFV exposure may differ when combined with listening to music, and this hypothesis should be investigated in future studies.
ABSTRACT Objectives: Due to the limited effectiveness of pharmacological treatment, there is a growing need to explore non-pharmacological psychosocial interventions such as music therapy when treating the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Method: We randomised 57 nursing home residents into individual active music therapy plus standard care (aMT), individual receptive music therapy with tactile sound vibration plus standard care (rMT), or the standard care control group (CG). A trained music therapist provided 12 sessions over 6 weeks. The outcomes (BPSD; depression; quality of life; medical system usage; activities of daily living; music therapy engagement) were measured at baseline (0 week), post-intervention (6 weeks), and follow-up (12 weeks). Results: The results indicated small beneficial effects for BPSD in aMT and rMT at follow-up, a small beneficial effect for total musical engagement in aMT and rMT, a small negative effect for verbal communication in rMT, and a small beneficial effect for medical usage in the CG. Conclusion: Both aMT and rMT methods showed promise for managing BPSD and increasing engagement during music therapy. rMT may be more suited for advanced stages of dementia. Future studies should evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of each intervention according to disease severity
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Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a neuropsychiatric condition caused by problems with the functioning of the nervous system, in which patients experience neurological symptoms, resulting in significant functional impairment and distress. The various subtypes of FND categorise the wide range of diverse symptoms common with the disorder, from motoric to sensory and cognitive. The diverse symptom experience, coupled with common comorbidities and risk factors such as anxiety and mood disorders, make it especially difficult to determine suitable individualised treatment plans for FND patients. Literature suggests that multimodal treatment options would have implications for success with this population, due to the ability to integrate the physiological care and psychological needs of patients. The MTFUND clinical protocol utilises multimodal vibroacoustic music therapy, in which the elements (vibroacoustic therapy and active music therapy) meet the need for individualised care due to their inherent flexibility as interventions, while providing a consistent structured treatment protocol. The MTFUND protocol is presented and details regarding the ongoing research study are outlined. To evaluate the protocol, we conducted semi-structured discussions with patients and therapists. Two separate inductive reflexive thematic analyses were conducted to examine their experiences. The themes contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the patients’ experiences with FND, and the therapists’ perspectives on implementing the protocol, ultimately contributing towards evaluating the efficacy of the protocol.
Music therapy has been widely used in the care of adults with neurologic disorders for many years with a strong body of accompanying evidence supporting its efficacy. Only recently has music therapy with this demographic expanded to also provide telehealth sessions. Telehealth music therapy in adult neurological care presents a review of literature pointing to the efficacy of this treatment format for persons with neurologic disorders. Corresponding literature and research documenting a variety of interventions provided over telehealth are shared alongside benefits, challenges and ethical issues. Brief case examples are communicated to illuminate the client, caregiver and authors’ observations and experiences of telehealth provision. Recommendations for continued research and clinical work with neurologic disorders are highlighted.
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Background Low frequency sound (LFS, combined with music listening) is applied by practitioners in vibroacoustic therapy who report a positive effect of this intervention on acute stress response. However, there is a lack of research on this topic and studies with mainly objective measurements are scarce. Materials and methods In this pilot double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial we used a multimodal approach to measurement of acute stress response in 54 international university students attending a university summer school in Olomouc, the Czech Republic who were individually randomized into a group receiving LFS vibration and a control group. In both groups, the acute stress response was measured by heart rate variability (HRV), visual analogue scales (VAS) for stress and muscle relaxation. Results Differences were found in pre-test post-test measures, however, between groups differences occurred only for HRV, with statistically significant improvement in the experimental group (parameter LF/HF and pNN50). Conclusion Vibroacoustic therapy has the potential to contribute to the stress management of university students. Further research is needed to explore the effect of LFS on stress response, especially when applied without additional music listening.
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Afferent signals from the muscle's proprioceptors play important role in the control of muscle tone and in the facilitation of movements. Peripheral afferent pathway enables the restoration of connections with supraspinal structures and so includes mechanism of synaptic inhibition in the performance of normal movement. Different sensory stimuli, as vibrotactile stimulation, excite muscle's proprioceptors which then send sensorimotor information via spinal cord. In this way afferent signals promote cortical control and modulation of movements. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of vibrotactile stimulation on the spasticity and motor performance in children with cerebral injury. Subjects included in this study were 13 children who were developing the classification of spastic cerebral palsy. For all children perinatal brain damage was documented by medical reports and neonatal brain ultrasound scan. At the mean age of 3 years and 6 months subject underwent the assessment of motor development by Gross Motor Function Measurement (GMFM-88). Gross Motor Classification System (GMFCS) has been used to classify functions of lower extremities. Therapeutic intervention was conducted once a week during 3 months. All subjects were stimulated with vibrotactile stimuli of 40Hz in duration of 20 minutes in order to reduce spasticity. After the ending of the treatment subjects underwent second assessment of motor performance and the classification of lower extremities functions. The results have shown that there was a significant improvement in motor performance, what has been seen in the facilitation of rotations, better postural trunk stability and head control and in greater selectivity of movements. Further randomized, control trial investigations with bigger sample and included spasm scale are needed to gain better insight in the role of vibrotactile stimulation in the facilitation of normal movements.
This chapter describes a psychotherapeutically oriented approach to vibroacoustic therapy for a woman in drug rehabilitation. The whole therapy process lasted six months and was divided into three phases, in which the intensity of the therapy sessions varied from two sessions per day to one session per week. In a secure therapeutic relationship, it gradually became possible for the client to notice and experience bodily sensations related to different emotions and thoughts, and also tolerate and regulate emotions, which she had earlier thought to be intolerable without drugs.
This book was written to teach the fundamental concepts of acoustics, particularly to those who are interested in the discipline of the speech-language-hearing sciences. Readers who are thoroughly grounded in mathematics and physics should be able to move through the various topics quickly. The fundamental goal is to teach the important elements of acoustics, not just present the topics. . . . Once the concept is understood, all that remains is to learn the simple steps for solving antilog problems. Second, learning of several concepts in acoustics . . . can be enhanced by solving problems. For that reason, the book includes nearly 400 practice problems that are followed by answers and explanations of how the correct answers were obtained. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Reports the development of vibrotactile technology in a new device, the MVT, and reviews recent research in pain and vibration, including the neurophysiological principles that provide a conceptual model for the use of such technology. With the MVT, precise measurement and control of music vibration can be made since the MVT is designed to measure frequencies and amplitudes of vibrations as they have an impact on the S's body. In ongoing medical research, the MVT is being used with homogeneous pain populations, utilizing accepted measures of pain perception. Brief case studies are provided of 3 adult Ss who were treated with the MVT for sprained ankle pain, muscle and joint pain, and osteoarthritis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Objectives: To determine the immediate effects of music and musically fluctuating vibration on tender point pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS], because it was known that musically fluctuating vibration in the 60–300 Hz frequency range stimulates Pacinian corpuscles [PC]. It was speculated that PC signals might suppress nociceptive transmission via adenosine acting on P1-purinergic receptors at the spinal cord level. Methods: Fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS] patients [American College of Rheumatology criteria] were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups, either musically fluctuating vibration [60–300 Hz] as an active intervention, or a sinusoidal vibration [20 Hz] as the placebo/control treatment. Primary clinical variables, measured before and after treatment sessions, included a visual analog scale [VAS] for pain, the Tender Point Index [TPI], and the average algometric Pain Threshold [TPA]. Results: Twenty-six FMS patients participated in the study. The demographics, FMS history, and symptoms data indicated no significant differences between groups. Analysis of pre- and post-VAS subjective pain scores disclosed a numerically greater change in pain among the group treated with musically fluctuating vibration, but the differences were not significant. Within the active treatment group, TPI and TPA scores improved significantly with treatment. Among the placebo control group, a significant improvement of smaller magnitude was seen in the TPI, while there was no change in the TPA value. The change in TPI did not differ significantly between groups. Eight of the nine bilateral sites [all except medial knee] showed an increase in the pressure-to-pain thresholds within the active intervention group, so the observed change was widespread. Conclusions: Musically fluctuating vibration in the frequency range of Pacinian corpuscle receptor stimulation failed to alter pain perception in FMS patients significantly more than occurred with placebo treatment. However, significant differences in the responses of FMS patients to active and placebo treatments on TPI and TPA measurements warrant further investigation. It is possible that a longer period of musically fluctuating vibration treatment, or an extended series of such treatments over time, would have exhibited more pronounced effects.
Vibroacoustic music has been proposed to be an effective treatment for individuals with developmental disorders and challenging behaviors. The present study experimentally tested the effects of vibroacoustic music on self-injurious, stereotypical, and aggressive destructive behaviors in 20 individuals with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. The participants were randomized into two groups in a randomized controlled trial evaluation. The first group received 10–20 min sessions with vibroacoustic music treatment for 5 weeks. Then the second group received the same treatment during the next 5 weeks. Behavior was assessed using the Behavior Problems Inventory in all participants before the treatment, after the first group had completed their treatment, and again after the second group had completed their treatment. In order to evaluate each session, the accompanying assistants assessed behavior on different scales after each session. In addition, the sessions were videotaped and analyzed minute by minute for challenging behaviors. The results revealed that vibroacoustic music reduced self-injurious, stereotypic, and aggressive destructive behaviors in the participants. In addition, the results indicated that the effect of vibroacoustic music was to some extent dependent on the participants’ diagnosis. Implications for vibroacoustic music theory and practice are discussed.
Unlabelled: Patients with chronic pain syndromes, like fibromyalgia (FM) complain of widespread pain and tenderness, as well as non-refreshing sleep, cognitive dysfunction, and negative mood. Several lines of evidence implicate abnormalities of central pain processing as contributors for chronic pain, including dysfunctional descending pain inhibition. One form of endogenous pain inhibition, diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC), has been found to be abnormal in some chronic pain patients and evidence exists for deficient spatial summation of pain, specifically in FM. Similar findings have been reported in patients with localized musculoskeletal pain (LMP) disorders, like neck and back pain. Whereas DNIC reduces pain through activation of nociceptive afferents, vibro-tactile pain inhibition involves innocuous A-beta fiber. To assess whether patients with localized or widespread chronic pain disorders have dysfunctional A-beta related pain inhibition we enrolled 28 normal pain-free controls (NC), 29 FM patients, and 19 subjects with neck or back pain. All received 10s sensitivity-adjusted noxious heat stimuli to the forearms as test stimuli. To assess endogenous analgesic mechanisms of study subjects, vibro-tactile conditioning stimuli were simultaneously applied with test stimuli either homotopically or heterotopically. Additionally, the effect of distraction on experimental pain was assessed. Homotopic vibro-tactile stimulation resulted in 40% heat pain reductions in all subject groups. Distraction did not seem to affect experimental pain ratings. Conclusions: Vibro-tactile stimulation effectively recruited analgesic mechanisms not only in NC but also in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, including FM. Distraction did not seem to contribute to this analgesic effect.