... As Sundaram, Schwarz, Jones, and Chin (2007, p. 108) note, "encouraging the use of technology more frequently is likely to result in the salesperson incorporating the technology into his or her daily work routine…Therefore, management should deploy resources that demonstrate how the salesperson can use the technology more efficiently and effectively." Given that technology use by salespeople is positively related to a number of favorable outcomes such as knowledge, adaptability, productivity, revenue, profitability, customer relationships, and salesperson service behaviors (e.g., Agnihotri, Trainor, Itani, & Rodriguez, 2017;Ahearne, Jones, Rapp, & Mathieu, 2008;Hunter & Perreault, 2007;Wieseke et al., 2011), techno-training becomes a critical organizational resource for sales organizations to equip their salespeople with a technological knowledge infrastructure and promote technology usage to facilitate the execution of critical sales tasks (Buehrer, Senecal, & Pullins, 2005;Pullig, Maxham, & Hair, 2002;Rapp, Skinner Beitelspacher, Schillewaert, & Baker, 2012). Accordingly, over the years, researchers have explored the role of techno-training in the context of salespeople's adoption and use of diverse technology such as general sales force technology, sales force automation, and, more recently, social media technology (see Table 1 for a review of empirical studies in this area). ...