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Intracolony vibroacoustic communication in social insects
J. H. Hunt •F.-J. Richard
Received: 26 March 2013 / Revised: 27 June 2013 / Accepted: 15 July 2013
ÓInternational Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) 2013
Abstract Vibrations and sounds, collectively called vi-
broacoustics, play significant roles in intracolony commu-
nication in termites, social wasps, ants, and social bees.
Modalities of vibroacoustic signal production include stridu-
lation, gross body movements, wing movements, high-
frequency muscle contractions without wing movements, and
scraping mandibles or tapping body parts on resonant sub-
strates. Vibroacoustic signals are perceived primarily via
Johnston’s organs in the antennae and subgenual organs in
the legs. Substrate vibrations predominate as vibroacoustic
modalities, with only honey bees having been shown to be able
to hear airbornesound. Vibroacoustic messages include alarm,
recruitment, colony activation, larval provisioning cues, and
food resource assessment. This review describes the modalities
and their behavioral contexts rather than electrophysiological
aspects, therefore placing emphasis on the adaptive roles of
vibroacoustic communication. Although much vibroacoustics
research has been done, numerous opportunities exist for
continuations and new directions in vibroacoustics research.
Keywords Ants Apis Behavior Johnston’s organ
Polistes Social bees Social wasps Subgenual organ
Stridulation Substrate vibration Termites Waggle dance
Social life in insects requires communication between and
among individuals on colony membership, group-level
responses to environmental stimuli, and inter-individual
interactions such as dominance. From an evolutionary per-
spective, communication in social insects might be thought
of as part of a colony’s ‘‘extended phenotype’’ sensu
Dawkins (1982), and variation of the extended phenotype
among colonies can have played a major role in the social
insect evolution (Ho
¨lldobler, 1999). From an empirical
perspective, social insect colonies can be understood to be
group-level adaptive units with special systems of com-
munication (Seeley, 1997). Therefore, to know and understand
the modalities of intracolony communication and the roles they
play is necessary for a full understanding of social insect
While chemical communication by various means con-
stitutes the primary category of intracolony communication
modes in social insects (Richard and Hunt, 2013), there is
another major category, ‘vibroacoustic’ communication,
that incorporates communication modes that play signifi-
cant roles in the lives of social insects. Social insects
communicate via sight, sound, and jets of air as well as
‘‘knocking, stridulation, stroking, jerking, waggling,
grasping, and antennation’’ (Ho
¨lldobler, 1999). Knocking,
stridulation, jerking, waggling, sound, and jets of air all
generate wavelike displacements of a medium that is dis-
seminated from a point of origin. Sounds and jets of air are
disseminated through air and the other vibrations through a
substrate. Kirchner (1997) reviews acoustical communica-
tion in social insects and gives examples of sounds audible
to humans that have been analyzed with regard to their
electrophysiological characteristics. He notes, however, that
sound has been shown to play a communication role only in
J. H. Hunt
Departments of Biological Sciences and Entomology, W.M. Keck
Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University,
Box 7613, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613, USA
F.-J. Richard (&)
Laboratoire Ecologie et Biologie des Interactions, UMR CNRS
7267, Team Ecologie Evolution Symbiose, Universite
´de Poitiers,
40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers Cedex, France
Insect. Soc.
DOI 10.1007/s00040-013-0311-9 Insectes Sociaux
the recruitment dances of Apis mellifera (Michelsen et al.,
1992). In all other instances, social insects ‘‘hear’’ only
substrate vibrations. Because sounds and vibrations are
often not easily demarcated from one another, they can be
collectively encompassed by the term ‘vibroacoustic.’
Vibrational communication serves a great diversity of
adaptive roles in animals (Hill, 2001,2009). It is common
and diverse in insects (Cocroft, 2011; Stewart, 1997; Virant-
Doberlet and C
ˇokl, 2004), and surprising adaptations are
being found with increasing frequency as attention is given
to vibrational communication. Male water striders use
vibrational signals on the water surface to attract swimming
predators and thereby intimidate females into accepting
copulations (Han and Jablonski, 2010). A vibration signal of
male treehoppers can competitively mask the courtship
vibrations of other males (Legendre et al., 2012). Substrate-
borne vibrations are the first step, as it were, in the courtship
behavior of Drosophila melanogaster (Fabre et al., 2012).
Vibroacoustic communication occurs in social Hyme-
noptera and is widespread in Isoptera (Cocroft and Rodrı
guez, 2005). In some situations, such as alarm signaling in
termites (Kirchner et al., 1994), substrate vibrations can
disseminate information quickly, and vibrational behaviors
are the major means of communication in Polistes paper
wasps (Jeanne, 2009). In these and other cases among social
insects, modalities of vibroacoustic communication are not
a second-best substitute for chemical communication but
instead have high adaptive value on their own merits.
Accordingly, vibroacoustic communication is receiving
increased attention for the important roles it plays in the
lives of social insects (Casacci et al., 2013).
Studies of vibroacoustic communication in social insects
often focus on a single taxon or communication modality,
thereby inhibiting a broader view of the diversity and
adaptive roles of vibroacoustic communication in social
insects. Accordingly, the present review brings together
literature on multiple vibroacoustic modalities of intracol-
ony communication in termites, social wasps, ants, and
social bees. Although each modality can be part of a mul-
timodal signal (Ho
¨lldobler, 1999), the focus of this review is
on the separate modalities themselves and exclusively on
their use as communication modes within the hive or nest,
omitting their possible uses outside the colony. The review
emphasizes descriptions of the modalities and their behav-
ioral contexts rather than electrophysiological aspects,
thereby bringing attention to the adaptive roles of vibro-
acoustic communication. Emphasis is placed on recent
literature, but earlier literature is included to cite taxon-
specific studies or when the citation addresses a topic that
has not been recently treated. Access to earlier literature can
be found in Markl (1983), Gogala (1985), Ho
¨lldobler and
Wilson (1990), and Kirchner (1997). Hrncir et al. (2006a)
review literature with an exclusive focus on bees. The
present review is aimed at a general audience with knowl-
edge of social insects rather than to specialists in social
insect communication. The goal of the review is to foster
wider knowledge and appreciation of the diversity, charac-
teristics, and adaptive roles of vibroacoustic communication
in the four major taxa of eusocial insects.
Means of generating vibroacoustic messages
Most vibroacoustic messages are generated by unspecial-
ized morphological features that have little, if any, modi-
fication for adaptive roles in intracolony communication. In
these cases, vibroacoustic modalities of communication can
be thought of as exaptations sensu Gould and Vrba (1982)
that have adaptive values that were not components of the
adaptive evolution of the structures that produce the mes-
sages. Jerking and wagging the body while standing on the
substrate require no special modifications. Wing vibrations
can generate substrate vibrations. Wing muscle contractions
without corresponding wing movements transmit vibrations
via the substrate and via inter-individual contact. The
sclerotized head capsules of termite soldiers generate
vibrations when tapped against the substrate. Vibrations are
generated as the mandibles of dry wood termites (Kaloter-
mitidae) bite wood for feeding and extension of their gallery
system. Each of these will be described and discussed in
sections of the review in which they apply. A specialized
morphological adaptation found in some ants that serves a
vibratory communication function is the file and scraper
stridulation structure. Vibrations generated by all of these
means are often audible to humans; therefore, they are often
described as sounds. Study methods applicable to sound
analysis such as wave oscillation frequency and amplitude
have been used in the study of social insect vibroacoustic
Means of perceiving vibroacoustic messages
Insects perceive vibroacoustic signals via sensilla, which
are sensory receptors innervated with one to several neu-
rons. There are at least ten structural varieties of sensilla
(Horridge, 1965). Trichoid (hair) sensilla are sensory hairs
or setae that project outward from the cuticle and serve as
receptors in several sensory modalities including tactile,
auditory, gustatory, and olfactory (Horridge, 1965). Studies
of the structure and functioning of hair sensilla in social
insects include the termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti (Ishi-
kawa et al., 2007); the ant genera Diacamma (Gronenberg
and Peeters, 1993), Mystrium (Gronenberg et al., 1998), and
Odontomachus (Gronenberg and Tautz, 1994; Ehmer and
Gronenberg, 1997); the wasp Paravespula [Vespula]germa-
J. H. Hunt, F.-J. Richard
nica (Agmon et al., 2006); and the honey bee Apis mellifera
(Scheiner et al., 2005).
Chordotonal organs, which are found in all members of
class Insecta, are a category of mechanoreceptor sensilla
that respond to stimuli ranging from gross motor move-
ments to sound and convert these to neural impulses (Field
and Matheson, 1998). Three major categories of chordo-
tonal organ are the tympanal organ, Johnston’s organ, and
subgenual organ. Tympanal organs are absent in Hyme-
noptera (Hoy, 1998), and a report of a tympanal structure in
the termite Zootermopsis angusticollis is questionable
(Yack and Fullard, 1993), but significant roles in the lives of
social insects are played by the Johnston’s organ, which is
found in all adult insects, and the subgenual organ, which is
present in some but not all insect orders (Chapman, 1998).
The Blattodea, including termites, and Hymenoptera,
including wasps, ants and bees, have subgenual organs. The
Johnston’s organ (Fig. 1a) is neuro-sensitive to deflections
of the antennal flagellum, air movement, and sound (Dreller
and Kirchner, 1993; Yack, 2004; Nadrowski et al., 2011).
Studies of the structure and functioning of the Johnston’s
organ in social insects include the termite Z. angusticollis
(Howse, 1965), the wasps A. pallipes,P. paulista, and M.
cassununga (Santos et al., 2007), the ant Camponotus vagus
(Masson and Gabouriaut, 1973), and the honey bee A.
mellifera (Dreller and Kirchner, 1993; Ai et al., 2007;
Brockmann and Robinson, 2007; Tsujiuchi et al., 2007).
The subgenual organ (Fig. 1b) is the primary receptor for
substrate vibrations. Studies of the structure and functioning
of the subgenual organ in social insects include the termite
Zootermopsis angusticollis (Howse, 1962,1965), the car-
penter ant Camponotus ligniperda (Menzel and Tautz,
1994), the wasps Agelaia pallipes,Polybia paulista, and
Mischocyttarus cassununga (Santos et al., 2007), and the
honey bee Apis mellifera (Rohrseitz and Kilpinen, 1997;
Kilpinen and Storm, 1997).
Stridulation in ants: a morphologically specialized
messaging modality
Stridulation is found in the ant subfamilies Nothomyr-
mecinae, Ponerinae, Ectatomminae, Pseudomyrmecinae,
and Myrmicinae. The scraper (plectrum) is the upper pos-
terior edge of the petiole or, in taxa with two petiolar
segments, the postpetiole, and the file (pars stridens)is
ventral to the scraper on the upper anterior surface of the
first gastral segment. Nothomyrmecia macrops is an
exception, with the stridulatory organ situated ventrally
(Taylor, 1978). Stridulation is generated by movement of
the file against the scraper. Anatomical studies of the
stridulatory structure include Ectatomma and Pachycondyla
(Pavan et al., 1997; Ferreira et al., 2010), Messor (Grasso
et al., 1998), Aphaenogaster (Schillinger and Baroni
Urbani, 1985), and Crematogaster (Ruiz et al., 2006). The
structure is present in males and gynes of Pogonomyrmex
(Markl et al., 1977), Myrmica (Barbero et al., 2009), and
Crematogaster (Ruiz et al., 2006), and it is probably also
present in reproductives of other stridulating species.
Vibrational characteristics of stridulation have been exam-
ined in Leptogenys (Chiu et al., 2011), Ectatomma and
Pachycondyla (Pavan et al., 1997), Myrmica (DeVries and
Cocroft, 1993), and Aphaenogaster (Schillinger and Baroni
Urbani, 1985). Ferreira et al. (2010) document distinct dif-
ferences in stridulation patterns among six to nine cryptic
species in the Pachycondyla apicalis species complex. The
capability to produce and interpret modulated stridulatory
signals may be subject to positive natural selection in many
of the contexts where it has evolved (Chiu et al., 2011).
Although humans and perhaps also vertebrate predators of
foraging ants (Ho
¨lldobler et al., 1994) perceive stridulation as
sound, stridulation transmits information among ants via
substrate vibrations (Markl, 1967; Markl and Ho
1978; Baroni Urbani et al., 1988; Roces et al., 1993;
¨lldobler and Wilson, 2009). The proposition that ants
communicate via sound (Hickling and Brown, 2000)was
based on a model of sound wave propagation and a specula-
tion that sound is detected by a concentration of trichoid
sensilla near the tip of the antenna. Roces and Tautz (2001)
note that Hickling and Brown (2000) did not have a controlled
experimental bioassay, no trichoid sensilla of sufficiently
subtle sensitivity to detect sound havebeenshown for any ant,
and the amplitude of stridulatory sound waves is below the
sensitivity threshold for hearing. In a natural history obser-
vation, removal of the leading ant from a successful foraging
raid by Pachycondyla commutata had no effect on other
foragers if the leader was placed in a soundproof container,
but if the leader was held above the foraging raid and allowed
to stridulate, the other foragers dropped their prey and quickly
dispersed beneath leaf litter, and some began to stridulate
(Mill, 1984). Although seemingly a case of auditory com-
munication, the possibility of chemical alarm communication
was not controlled for. When developing Myrmica scabri-
nodis reach the state of having a sclerotized pupal cuticle, they
possess a fully formed stridulatory organ. The pupae can
stridulate, and adults direct their attention toward stridulating
pupae (Casacci et al., 2013). Although the pupal stridulations
were reported and quantified as acoustics, during playback
experiments the speaker rested on the substrate where it
would have generated vibrations. There is currently no sub-
stantive evidence to show that ants perceive airborne sound.
Stridulation occurs more frequently in species that nest in
soil rather than in plants, rotten logs, leaf litter, or other
materials that would be poor vibration transmitters (Markl,
1973; Spangler, 1974). A low frequency component of the
stridulation output is emphasized underground (Masters
Intracolony vibroacoustic communication in social insects
Fig. 1 The Johnston’s organ (a) and subgenual organ (b) are the
primary receptors for vibroacoustic signals. Located within the pedicel
of the antenna, the Johnston’s organ is connected at its distal end to a
ring of pits in the articular membrane between the pedicel and first
segment of the flagellum. Movement of the antennal flagellum in
response to vibrations and sounds (in honey bees) is sensed by the
Johnston’s organ and translated into nerve impulses that are transmit-
ted to the central nervous system. Subgenual organs are located in the
proximal portion of the tibia on all legs. Substrate vibrations received
via the legs are sensed by the subgenual organs where they are
translated into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the central
nervous system. For detailed descriptions of these sensory organs see
the references cited in the text
J. H. Hunt, F.-J. Richard
et al., 1983). Markl (1967) proposed that underground
stridulation in Atta cephalotes recruits nestmate workers
from distances of up to 8 cm to undertake nest excavation,
perhaps to rescue stridulating nestmates trapped by nest
cave-ins. Using an experimental design that replicates cave-
in conditions in laboratory colonies of Solenopsis invicta,
Rauth and Vinson (2006) recorded a six-fold increase in
stridulation over baseline levels during excavation and
mound construction. Myrmica sabuleti,M. scabrinodis, and
M. schencki have differences between worker and queen
stridulations, and some nest parasite caterpillars can mimic
queen stridulations more than those of workers and thereby
receive increased attention from workers (Barbero et al.,
2009). In a similar ant-parasite system, Travassos and Pierce
(2000) specify that they use the terms ‘‘sounds’’ and ‘‘calls’’
for simplicity when describing substrate-borne vibrations.
Species differ in sound level and distance at which stridu-
lations are perceptible (Markl, 1965; Spangler, 1967).
Perception at different distances in a single soil type when
dry vs. moist suggests a role for differences in substrate
properties (Spangler, 1974).
Gross motor movements that generate vibroacoustic
Whole-body movements
Some termites perform a behavior called jerking, in which
there are pronounced backward and forward movements of
the whole body without the body touching the substrate
(Hertel et al., 2011). Workers and soldiers of Reticulitermes,
Coptotermes, and Incisitermes perform the jerking behavior
in response to disturbance. If the disturbance continues,
soldiers of Coptotermes combine the jerking with ejecting
fluid from the frontal gland, and soldiers of soil-inhabiting
species begin drumming their heads (Hertel et al., 2011).
Worker and minor soldier Macrotermes subhyalinus
respond to M. bellicosus invading their nest by running
hectically and bumping into nestmates by laterally jerking
the body. The alarm behavior spreads as increasing numbers
of termites are contacted (Kettler and Leuthold, 1995).
When exposed to spores of a fungal pathogen, worker
Zootermopsis angusticollis produce a vibratory motor dis-
play in which the entire body of the termite lunges in an
anterior–posterior motion while the legs flex dorsoventrally
(Rosengaus et al., 1999). These vibrations induce nestmates
to move away from rather than toward a spore-exposed
individual, while the spore-exposed individual remains in
place and signals to nestmates at a rate dependent on the
concentration of spores encountered.
Hornets and yellowjackets (Vespidae: Vespinae) and paper
wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) live in nests constructed of paper
consisting of wood fibers mixed with saliva that is shaped into
sturdy hexagonal cells.The construction is highly favorable to
the transmission of vibratory signals. At least nine genera of
social wasps that live in paper nests, including at least eleven
species of Polistes, perform body oscillation behaviors (ref-
erences in Brennan, 2007). The behaviors are conspicuous
when performed on the un-enveloped nests of Polistes,Mis-
chocyttarus,Belonogaster,andRopalidia, but they have been
well-studied only in Polistes (Jeanne, 2009). In Polistes there
are three types of body oscillation behaviors: antennal
drumming, abdominal wagging, and lateral vibrations. All
three are performed primarily at early stages of the colony
cycle by queens, co-foundresses in co-foundress colonies, and
by early-emerging offspring (Suryanarayanan et al., 2011a;
Jeanne, 2009). All three are believed to be signals to larvae
(Harding and Gamboa, 1998; Savoyard et al., 1998; Brillet
et al., 1999; Cummings et al., 1999). The sequence is invari-
ant: antennal drumming precedes feeding liquid food to
larvae, abdominal wagging precedes drinking saliva from
larvae, and lateral vibrations precede departure from the nest
(Gamboa and Dew, 1981; Pratte and Jeanne, 1984; Downing
and Jeanne, 1985; Harding and Gamboa, 1998; Savoyard
et al., 1998;Cummingsetal.,1999; cf. Jeanne, 2009).
Antennal drumming in Polistes consists of an adult rapidly
moving her body forward and rearward while rapidly vibrat-
ing (trilling) her antennae against the inner wall of a nest cell
that she is facing, a behavior that could signal larvae to
anticipatebeing fed with liquid food (Pratte and Jeanne, 1984;
Suryanarayanan et al., 2011a). Vegetable die and radiotracer
experiments confirm that passage of larval saliva to the pro-
visioning adult does not occur at the same time (Pratte and
Jeanne, 1984; Suryanarayanan and Jeanne, 2008). Antennal
drumming begins in Polistes colonies only with the appear-
ance of third-instar larvae, although removal of such larvae
from a nest does not lead to cessation of the behavior fol-
lowing its first performances during colony development
(Suryanarayanan and Jeanne, 2008). Antennal drumming may
play a role in biasing larvae that develop early in the colony
cycle toward worker phenotypes (Suryanarayanan et al.,
2011a) by activating expression levels of some genes and
peptides/proteins that differ quantitatively from expression of
the same genes and peptides/proteins in larvae that develop
later in the colony cycle (Hunt et al., 2007,2010;Tothetal.,
2007). Experiments with a mechanical device to vibrate gyne-
producing nests at a natural vibration frequency of antennal
drumming (Suryanarayanan et al., 2011b) led to low body fat,
which is a worker phenotype characteristic (Eickwort, 1969;
Hunt et al., 2007; Toth et al., 2009), relative to higher body fat
levels, which is a gyne characteristic, in offspring emerging
Intracolony vibroacoustic communication in social insects
from control nests vibrated with white noise. From an evo-
lutionary perspective, this indicates that antennal drumming
could be a mechanism of ‘‘maternal manipulation’’ (Alexander,
1974) that can initiate the divergence of two developmen-
tal pathways that subsequently provide the framework for
caste differentiation (Hunt and Amdam, 2005; Hunt, 2012).
Abdominal wagging in Polistes is a slow side-to-side
movement of a queen’s gaster as she walks over brood cells,
with bouts of abdominal wagging alternating with bouts of
cell inspection (Brennan, 2007). As with antennal drum-
ming, abdominal wagging is initiated with the appearance of
the earliest third-instar larva (Brillet et al., 1999). Abdom-
inal wagging occurs in most Polistes species, but it is the
only vibrational behavior observed in Polistes dominulus.
Abdominal wagging in P. dominulus, as described in more
detail by Brennan (2007), combines elements of the separate
behaviors of abdominal wagging and lateral vibrations of
other Polistes species. When performing the behavior the P.
dominulus wasp stands with head, forelegs, and antennae
extended while facing a larva-containing cell. The thorax is
elevated while standing on the mid- and hind legs, and the
apex of the gaster is pressed against the nest carton and
oscillated from side to side. Vigorous bouts of the behavior
can shake the entire nest. The wasp usually inspects the nest
cell it was facing when the behavior stops, or the behavior
alternates with bouts of cell inspection (Brillet et al., 1999;
Brennan, 2007), which are probably trophallaxis behaviors.
Detailed mechanical aspects of the behavior based on
accelerometer readings are given by (Brennan, 2007).
Lateral vibrations in Polistes consist of short bursts of a
queen’s vigorous side-to-side vibrations while standing in
place on the brood cells. They occur more frequently on single
foundress than on multiple foundress nestsof Polistes metricus
(Cummings et al., 1999) and, like antennal drumming, only on
nests that contain third instar or larger larvae (Savoyard et al.,
1998; Suryanarayanan and Jeanne, 2008). Cummings et al.
(1999) describe several aspects of the behavior in P. metricus.
Cell inspections are more frequent in the 2 min preceding
lateral vibrations than afterward, and foundresses performing
the behavior typically become inactive afterward. Departures
from the nest are more frequent within 2.5 min following
lateral vibration than in a similar period preceding it, and the
frequency of performing the behavior prior to departure is
significantly higher if that departure will result in the nest
being unattended. Larvae surrendered significantly less saliva
following lateral vibration than did non-vibrated controls.
Savoyard et al. (1998) observed that larvae appear to retract or
shift their head capsule into their nest cell in response to lateral
vibrations, and Cummings et al. (1999; cf. Jeanne, 2009)
interpret the lateral vibrations as a signal to larvae to withhold
saliva. Similar retraction of the head capsule by larvae of
Mischocyttarus immarginatus and M. mexicanus cubicola was
interpreted as a selfish behavior by larvae that refused to
surrender saliva to soliciting adults (Hunt, 1988). An untested
alternative hypothesis is that larvae performing the behavior
have little saliva to surrender. As is the case with antennal
drumming, lateral vibrations by queens of P. dominulus and
other paper wasp species could bias which will become
workers vs. future foundresses (Brillet et al., 1999).
Neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Epiponini) perform
two body oscillation behaviors, the parasite alarm and the
buzzing run. The parasite alarm, which is also found in
independent-founding wasps such as Polistes, is a jerky
movement performed in response to the presence of ecto-
parasitoid flies and moths or endoparasitoid wasps. The
behavior is sometimes followed by nest abandonment (West
Eberhard, 1969; Strassmann, 1981). The buzzing run is a
frantic jerky running by one or more wasps on the nest
(Jeanne, 1975; Forsyth, 1981; West-Eberhard, 1982).
Buzzing runs are performed by workers and occur most
frequently in large colonies prior to swarm emigration
(Forsyth, 1981; West-Eberhard, 1982; Ezenwa et al., 1998).
Whole-body movements that convey information are less
common in ants than in termites, wasps, and bees. Lower
attine ants perform a ‘‘jigging’’ behavior in which an ant
lifts its forelegs from the substrate and oscillates the body
and forelegs vertically (Weber, 1957,1972) or horizontally
(Kweskin, 2004). The behavior may be performed as an
alarm response to stimuli such as a puff of air or sudden light
(Weber, 1972, Weber 1957) or to collembola invading the
colony (Kweskin, 2004). In a laboratory colony of Acropyga
epedana, workers meeting in tunnels ‘‘jerked’’ their bodies
horizontally forward 3–6 times, lightly touching the other
ant (LaPolla et al., 2002). In Camponotus socius, two types
of body oscillation behaviors occur during recruitment of
one nestmate by another. During recruitment to food there is
a lateral wagging of the body, whereas a forward and back
jerking of the body is recruitment to emigration that also
retains alates that may be departing the nest prematurely
¨lldobler and Maschwitz, 1965;Ho
¨lldobler, 1971).
Honey bees
During Apis honey bee forager recruitment dances, a dancing
bee waggles her gaster and vibrates her wings and in doing so
simultaneously generates substrate-borne vibrations, near-
field sounds, and jets of air (Michelsen et al., 1986a; Dreller
and Kirchner, 1993; Michelsen, 2003; Hrncir et al., 2006a),
all of which can transmit information from the dancer to
follower bees. Waggles enhance the transmission of thoracic
vibrations to the substrate (Tautz et al., 1996), with maxi-
mum signal transfer when the thorax is fully laterally
J. H. Hunt, F.-J. Richard
displaced during a waggle (Storm 1998 in Hrncir et al.,
2006a). Varied postures of bee’s legs perceive both hori-
zontal and vertical components of the substrate vibrations
(Sandeman et al., 1996; Rohrseitz and Kilpinen, 1997), and
substrate vibrations are translated into neural impulses via
the subgenual organ (Kilpinen and Storm, 1997). Waggle
dances occur more frequently on open cells in honeycomb
than on capped cells, and dances on open cells more strongly
attract inactive potential foragers, indicating that substrate
properties are a component of signal transmission (Tautz,
1996). Even though substrate vibrations during waggle
dancing transmit information from the dancing bee to bees
attending the dance, the substrate vibrations may not provide
specific information about the velocity and direction of the
dancer during the waggle run (Nieh and Tautz, 2000).
Upon returning to the nest, some forager honey bees will
perform a rather jerky, non-rhythmic behavior, the ‘‘tremble
dance,’’ in which they have a strong side to side andsometimes
front to back shaking of the whole body as they walk with
constant changes of direction across the comb (Seeley, 1992).
The tremble dance appears to have approximately the same
frequency as the waggle dance, but it does not include a
directional component. Rather than recruiting new foragers, the
tremble dance apparently serves to inhibit new foraging flights
by diminishing the number of waggle-dancing bees (Nieh,
1993) and recruiting in-nest workers to increase nectar pro-
cessing (Seeley, 1992; Seeley et al., 1996).
Stingless bees
Stingless bee foragers, after returning to the nest following a
successful foraging trip, engage in ‘‘jostling’’ in which they
contact nestmates during zig-zag (‘‘agitated’’) running
(Nieh and Roubik, 1998; Hrncir et al., 2000). The number of
jostles correlates positively with the number of foragers
recruited but not with the distance or direction of the food
source (Hrncir et al., 2000; Schmidt et al., 2008).
Bumble bees
Bombus terrestris foragers, after returning to the nest fol-
lowing a successful foraging trip, engage in irregular
‘‘excited’’ runs through the nest during which they bump
into and climb over workers. These runs often last several
minutes and are the longest following discovery of food. No
extended interactions with other bees occur, and most
contacts appear to be accidental touching or pushing. It
seems that no signal is dependent on direct contact. Instead,
information could be transferred from forager to worker
bumble bees via deposition of foraged nectar into honeypots
and perhaps also by a pheromone. The combination of the
running, nectar deposition, and possible pheromone results
in increased ‘‘excitement’’ in the colony (Dornhaus and
Chittka, 2001).
Vibration signal in honey bees
The ‘‘vibration signal’’ of honey bees is a tactile behavior
that has been known by many other names (names and
references in Schneider and Lewis, 2004). It occurs in A.
mellifera under different circumstances than the waggle
dance and is one of the most commonly performed honey
bee behaviors (Schneider, 1987; Schneider and Lewis,
2004). Despite the similarity of names, the vibration signal
does not generate substrate vibrations nor does it generate
high-frequency vibrations by flight muscle contractions
while the body remains stationary, thereby making it easily
confused with the term ‘vibration signal’ as it used for
stingless bees. During the honey bee vibration signal,
workers ‘‘shake’’ other workers, queens, or queen cells by
vibrating their bodies dorsoventrally for 1 or 2 s. A worker
performing the vibration signal on another bee will grasp
that bee with all six legs or only with the forelegs, or it will
only ‘‘rest its head against the bodies’’ of bees being
vibrated (Allen, 1959). The behavior functions as modula-
tory communication that is performed in a variety of
contexts and has primer effects that shift the probability of
engaging in other behavioral acts (Lewis et al., 2002;
Schneider and Lewis, 2004). A worker performing the
vibration signals on workers will move throughout the
colony selecting fewer than half of other workers encoun-
tered as targets of vibration (Lewis et al., 2002). Inactivity
of a recipient worker is the only significant criterion for
choice of targets by a vibrating worker, leading Schneider
and Lewis (2004) to conclude that the ‘‘message’’ of the
vibration signal is an increase in activity, ‘‘with the specific
response of a recipient being idiosyncratic and arising from
an interaction of her age, physiological condition, geneti-
cally influenced response thresholds, work history and the
other stimuli impinging on her at the time the signal is
received.’’ Vibration signals modulate behaviors that pri-
marily affect foraging-dependent tasks, swarming, and
queen behavior during swarming and queen replacement
(Schneider, 1991; Lewis and Schneider, 2000; Donahoe
et al., 2003; Schneider and Lewis, 2004). The tendency to
produce each signal, the ontogeny of signal performance,
and the persistence with which individual workers perform
the signals throughout their lifetimes all vary within and
between patrilines (Duong and Schneider, 2008).
Younger bees perform vibrations primarily in the context
of orientation flights near the hive, and older bees perform
vibrations primarily in the context of foraging (Painter-Kurt
and Schneider, 1998). Workers receiving the vibrations
show increased movement through the nest, increased fre-
quency of cell inspection, and increased rates of trophallaxis
Intracolony vibroacoustic communication in social insects
with non-vibrating workers, all of which potentially increase
workers’ perceptions of colony needs and can thereby
increase organization of work in colonies (Cao et al., 2007).
The vibration signal may play a central role in the reg-
ulation of queen behavior during swarming and supersedure
(Painter-Kurt and Schneider, 1998). Queens are directly
vibrated throughout the two to three week pre-swarming
period (Fletcher, 1978a,b), with rates increasing signifi-
cantly in the final 2 or 3 days prior to liftoff, causing
increased activity in the queen (Pierce et al., 2007). Vibra-
tion of workers in a swarm produces a general activation
prior to swarm liftoff (Visscher et al., 1999; Lewis and
Schneider, 2000). Vibrations that take place on queen cells
during supersedure do not correlate with either queen
emergence or queen success, and early- and late-emerging
queens are vibrated at similar levels; however, virgin queens
that are vibrated at higher rates survive longer, perform
more bouts of piping [described below], eliminate more
rivals, and are more likely to become the queens of new
colonies (Schneider et al., 2001).
Workers also perform vibration signals on drones, which
are more likely to be vibrated when they are sexually
immature (Boucher and Schneider, 2009; Stout et al., 2011).
Vibrated and non-vibrated drones do not differ in a number of
characteristics, includingtotal body weight, abdomen weight,
abdomen-to-body weight ratio, total protein concentration,
and hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) titers (Slone et al.,
2012). Vibrated drones do, however, have lower thorax
weight and thorax-to-body ratios (Slone et al., 2012). These
drones respond to the vibration signal by increasing move-
ment and by interacting more with workers, which
contributes to an increase in the proportions of time that they
receive trophallaxis and grooming. Considering that vibrated
drones have lower thorax weight and lower thorax-to-body
ratios, and that trophallaxis supplies nutrients necessary for
sexual maturation, the vibration signal could enhance
development and mating performance in less-developed
drones, thereby contributing to the production of greater
numbers of competitive males (Slone et al., 2012). However,
there is no evidence that the vibration signal is associatedwith
the occurrence of drone flight (Boucher and Schneider,2009).
Substrate-borne vibrations called drumming can be gener-
ated by tapping sclerotized body parts against a resonant
substrate. Drumming occurs in many termites and in a few
wasps and ants, but not in bees.
Drumming occurs in soil-inhabiting termites but not in the
drywood termite family Kalotermitidae (Hertel et al., 2011).
It is most frequently performed by soldiers, which can tap
the substrate with their sclerotized head capsules, and it is
widely considered to be an alarm signal (Howse, 1964;
Kirchner et al., 1994; Conne
´table et al., 1999;Ro
¨hrig et al.,
1999; Hertel et al., 2011). Physical properties of termite
drumming and its use as an alarm signal are described by
Howse (1964), Stuart (1963) and Kirchner et al. (1994).
Workers of the Oriental hornet, Vespa orientalis, may
gather into a circle facing a stationary queen, and one to four
wasps in that circle may make a tapping sound by striking
their gasters against the nest comb. This apparently induces
the queen to begin moving (Ishay and Schwarz, 1965, Ishay
and Schwartz 1973).
Among ants, drumming is widespread in arboreal species of
Camponotus and Polyrhachis (Kirchner, 1997). C. hercu-
laneum workers generate vibrations by tapping the nest
substrate with both the head and apex of the gaster (Fuchs,
1976a,b). The nest consists of lamellae of about
50–500 cm
derived from gnawing out the soft wood of a
tree’s annual growth rings, leaving the harder part of the
rings. Fuchs (1976b) describes various aspects of this
vibration signal and behavioral responses to it. Highest
acceleration amplitudes of the drumming signal take place
on the thinnest lamellae (about 1 mm thick), and the ants
can perceive the drumming signal over an average distance
of 10–30 cm and over 90 cm at the maximum. At high sine
wave intensities and frequencies, ‘‘run’’-reactions occur,
whereas at lower ranges ‘‘stop’’-reactions are more com-
mon. The signal shortens the time with which ants move
from light nest regions to darkened ones, and if ants of other
species intrude into a nest, the intruders are attacked more
In the drywood termite Cryptotermes domesticus (Kaloter-
mitidae), substrate vibration is generated by workers’
mandibles chewing on wood. Such vibrations attract nest-
mate workers (Evans et al., 2007). In a more sophisticated
response to the vibrations, the termites assess size of the
wood in which they are feeding (Evans et al., 2005,2007).
Termites in an experimental wood block 160 mm in length
produce a signal at 2.8 kHz, whereas termites in a 20-mm
block produce a higher frequency signal at 7.2 kHz (Evans
et al., 2005). Discernment of the wood available for feeding
J. H. Hunt, F.-J. Richard
has the important colony-level consequence that a higher
percentage of workers molt into neotenic reproductives in
smaller pieces of wood (Lenz, 1994; Evans et al., 2005). In
addition to assessing wood size, Cryptotermes secundus,
which has colonies of a few hundred individuals, can
‘‘eavesdrop’’ on the vibrations of the dampwood termite
Copotermes acinaciformis (Rhinotermitidae), which can
have colonies of millions of individuals, and the Crypto-
termes respond in ways that avoid confrontation (Evans
et al., 2009).
Adults of the swarm-founding wasp Asteloeca ujhelyii sit-
ting near nest entrances produce a sound by scratching the
nest envelope with their forelegs (Nascimento et al., 2005).
Large (late instar) larvae of the Oriental hornet can rotate
and move vertically within their nest cells, and as they do so
they can scrape their mandibles against their nest cell walls
and produce vibration and sound (Schaudinischky and
Ishay, 1968). Starvation experiments and sounds played by
small microphones placed within nest cells from which
larvae had been removed (Ishay et al., 1974) suggest that the
scraping vibrations are apparently interpreted by workers as
hunger signals (Schaudinischky and Ishay, 1968).
Dolichoderus thorasicus produces vibration and sound by
scraping the substrate with its mandibles (W. Rohe in Kir-
chner, 1997). Aphaenogaster carolinensis generates vibra-
tions by a high-power strike against a substrate with its
mandibles followed by dragging the mandibles across the
surface (Menzel and Marquess, 2008). A photographed
strike/drag had duration of about 0.06 s, but both the drag
duration and number of drags in a single bout are highly
variable. The behavior was documented in laboratory trials
in which a single ant responded to the presence of single
conspecifics or another species of Aphaenogaster, and it has
not been studied in natural conditions.
Fine motor vibroacoustic communication in bees
Honey bees
Piping is a high-pitched ‘‘sound’’ produced by a honey bee
while pressing its thorax against the substrate or another bee
and activating its wing muscles without vibrating its wings
(Pastor and Seeley, 2005). Piping sounds are generated by
rhythmic oscillating contractions of the flight muscles
(Hrncir et al., 2006a), presumably at higher frequencies than
during flight (King et al., 1996). The highest frequency of
piping vibrations is generated when the wings are fully
folded (Schneider 1975 in Hrncir et al., 2006a), and the
fundamental frequency of piping sounds can be modulated
by opening and closing the wings along with the signal
(Seeley and Tautz, 2001). Piping by workers exists in three
distinct varieties, each of which is performed in particular
circumstances (references in Hrncir et al., 2006a): ‘‘wings-
apart piping’’ (in hives), ‘‘wings-together piping’’ (in
swarms), and the brief piping signal comprised of brief
‘‘beeps’’ or ‘‘short squeaks’’ (Kirchner, 1993), which is
performed primarily around waggle dancing bees (Seeley,
1992; Kirchner, 1993; Seeley and Tautz, 2001).
Wings-apart piping is known from both queenright and
queenless colonies (Ohtani and Kamada, 1980; Pratt et al.,
1996). In queenright colonies, wings-apart piping is per-
formed by only a small number of bees at one time. The
piping bees had been engaged in foraging, and the greater
number of piping bees on good weather days led Pratt et al.
(1996) to infer that piping in queenright colonies, which
‘‘sounds reminiscent of the bleating of sheep,’’ is associated
with foraging. Wings-together piping, the sound of which is
‘‘reminiscent of the revving of a racing car’s engine,’’ is
performed primarily by nest scouts that scramble through a
swarm cluster about 1 h before swarm liftoff, stimulating
the non-scouts to warm themselves to a flight-ready tem-
perature (Seeley and Tautz, 2001). Prior to this the queen is
piped for several days and increasingly in the final 2–4 h
prior to liftoff (Pierce et al., 2007).
In queenless colonies the piping is of two kinds, a high-
frequency sound produced by guard bees at a colony
entrance and a lower frequency sound produced by egg-
laying workers (Ohtani and Kamada, 1980). Workers that
pipe after egg laying are attacked by other workers (Ohtani
and Kamada, 1980).
The brief piping signal, which can be produced by
waggle dancers, dance followers, and tremble dancers
(Nieh, 1993) and which has been known as the ‘‘begging
signal’’ (Michelsen et al., 1986a) or ‘‘stop signal’’ (Kirch-
ner, 1993; Nieh, 1993), causes waggle dancers to leave the
dance floor, and it rarely elicits trophallaxis (Nieh, 1993).
Because it can induce dancing bees to stop dancing (Nieh,
1993; Pastor and Seeley, 2005), it can thereby slow forager
recruitment in response to an imbalance caused by forager
bees bringing nectar at a rate exceeding the capacity of
receiver bees to process it.
After a primary swarm of honey bees has departed the
hive with the old queen, new queens within the hive produce
piping of two sorts, ‘‘tooting’’ by young queens that have
emerged from the cells in which they were reared and
‘‘quacking’’ by other young queens still within their cells
(von Frisch, 1967; Bruinsma et al., 1981; Michelsen et al.,
1986b). As is the case in worker piping, queen piping is
produced by activating the wing muscles without wing
Intracolony vibroacoustic communication in social insects
movements while pressing the thorax against a substrate
(Simpson, 1964; Kirchner, 1993), and the piping is broad-
cast within the nest as vibrations of the combs (Ho
1977; Michelsen et al., 1986b). A chorus of synchronized
quacking follows each tooting by an emerged young queen
if more than one young queen is still present in their cells
(Michelsen et al., 1986b). Quacking queens attract workers
that cluster around the queen cells and seem to chase the
first-emerged, tooting young queen away, and workers also
feed quacking queens through a small slit in their cells
(Kirchner, 1993). Once the tooting queen has departed with
a colony’s second swarm, one or more quacking queens
emerge from their cells and become tooters. In time, one of
these tooters kills all the other young queens (Kirchner,
1993). When a tooting queen is present, workers can delay
the emergence of quacking queens from their cells by
sealing slits in the queen cocoon or pressing their heads
against partially opened cocoons (Bruinsma et al., 1981;
Grooters, 1987).
Stingless bees
Stingless bees transmit information from foragers to in-hive
food receivers via pulses of thoracic vibrations (Nieh, 2004;
Hrncir et al., 2004a,b; Hrncir et al., 2006b; Hrncir et al.,
2008a; Barth et al., 2008). Vibrations occur primarily during
trophallaxis, with the forager vibrating the receiver; 80 % of
the bees receiving trophallaxis stay within 5 mm of the
forager (Barth et al., 2008). As is the case with honey bees,
these vibrations have been referred to as sounds (Aguilar
and Bricen
˜o, 2002; Hrncir et al., 2008b). The vibrations play
a role in new forager recruitment and have been found to be
positively correlated with the quality and distance of the
food source (Nieh and Roubik, 1998; Aguilar and Bricen
2002; Nieh et al., 2003; Hrncir et al., 2004b), but Barth et al.
(2008) disagree with other authors that the signals contain
distance information.
Vibroacoustic modalities of communication have less
diversity and subtlety than modalities of chemical com-
munication, yet they are no less important in intracolony
communication. In some cases they can play roles in situa-
tions in which chemical communication would be
inadequate or could not serve the function served by the
vibroacoustic signal. Examples described here include head
banging in termites as part of an alarm response that can
disseminate through the gallery system more rapidly than
alarm pheromone, and perception of resource size via
vibrations produced as drywood termites eat wood, which is
an adaptation that could not be served by chemicals at all.
Behaviors such as body oscillations in paper wasps and the
vibration signal in honey bees have considerable signal
strength that cannot be ignored by the targets of those
In the present review we have devoted exclusive focus to
the presence, diversity, and adaptive roles that vibroacoustic
communication can play in the lives of social insects. In a
companion review (Richard and Hunt, 2013), we place
chemical communication at the focus of attention. Although
each of these can transmit intracolony information inde-
pendently of the other, it is probably most often the case that
vibroacoustic and chemical communication operate in
synchrony and synergy as components of a multimodal
signal. A truly comprehensive review of intracolony com-
munication in social insects should therefore focus on
multimodal communication (Ho
¨lldobler, 1999). Partan and
Marler (1999,2005) and Partan (2004) distinguish redun-
dant signal components of a multimodal signal, in which
each component carries the same message, from nonre-
dundant signal components that may play different
functional roles and provide increased signal content. Partan
and Marler (2005) provide an overview of multimodal
communication and discuss issues in the classification of
multimodal communication. To review social insect com-
munication in the context of the Partan and Marler
classification system could identify suites of communica-
tion modalities that are repeated across taxa, thus enabling a
clearer view of the adaptive roles of multimodal commu-
nication. In addition, such a review of social insect
multimodal communication might reveal insights on the
possible evolutionary pathways of single communication
modalities and their integration into multimodal signals. As
a guide for future empirical research on multimodal sig-
naling, Hebets and Papaj (2005) put forward a framework of
testable hypotheses. They make three points: that complex
signals form functional units upon which selection can act,
that selection pressure acting on both signal content and
efficacy may account for complex signal function, and that
individual components of signals need not be independent
and can interact in a functional way. The most complex
signal in social insects, the waggle dance of honey bees,
probably meets these three criteria.
Natural history studies will, and should, continue to be the
principal gateway to discovery and study of vibroacoustic
behaviors and the contexts in which they occur. All of the
topics reviewed here are founded on behavior observations.
Manipulation experiments and ‘natural experiments’ are low
cost gateways to new and expanded knowledge. Signal gen-
eration, propagation, and perception are more focused
research areas that can be pursued in finer detail, but here, too,
carefully planned experiments can add usefully to our
knowledge. This approach is exemplified by the diverse
studies of honey bee vibroacoustic communication and also
J. H. Hunt, F.-J. Richard
on the studies of drywood termites and their assessment of
wood available for feeding. The studies that used sophisti-
cated equipment to quantify termites’ chewing vibrations in
wood blocks of different sizes (Evans et al., 2005,2007)were
predicated on the results of a carefully designed, low-tech,
low-cost experiment (Lenz, 1994).
Vibroacoustic studies in non-social insects are revealing
increasing numbers of surprising, sophisticated, and adap-
tively significant findings. Among social insects, the apparent
maternal manipulation via antennal drumming in Polistes is a
surprising and sophisticated vibroacoustic behavior of con-
siderable evolutionary significance. What other surprising
and adaptively significant roles of vibroacoustic communi-
cation remain to be discovered if distinctive behaviors,
including ones not now known to incorporate a vibroacoustic
component, are pursued from new perspectives using new
investigative methods? There could be many.
An area with considerable scope for new investigation is the
role of vibroacoustics as modulators of other aspects of insect
social life. In an example described here, the vibration signal of
honey bees modulates a diversity of behavioral responses
within the hive and prior to swarming in bees that are recipients
of the signal. Stridulation in ants does not elicit a specific
behavioral response, but instead it changes other behavioral
activities to a greater or lesser degree (Markl and Ho
1978). Antennal drumming in paper wasps plays a significant
evolutionary role by modulating larval development.
Sound and substrate vibration are inseparable when
produced, but it would be of interest to use experimental
methods to dissect them as carriers of information as has
been done in honey bees. Another basic challenge would be
to disentangle signal from noise in multimodal messaging.
In relation to this, ecological selection pressures on vibro-
acoustic communication systems have been under-
researched, and considerable opportunity exists for learning
how vibroacoustic communication is influenced by the
nature of the substrate, sources of environmental noise,
interference from competitors, and eavesdropping by pre-
dators and parasitoids (Cocroft and Rodrı
´guez, 2005).
Vibroacoustic communication may be more widespread and
more flexible between both adult and immature social
insects than is generally recognized (Casacci et al., 2013).
An area with opportunity for future research can be drawn
from Ho
¨lldobler’s insight that communication can be consid-
ered to be part of an insect colony’s ‘‘extended phenotype.’’
How does signal variation among colonies of a species cor-
relate with adaptive criteria such as colony growth, colony
survival, and colony reproduction, and how have these affected
the course of evolution? To date, among-colony comparisons
of the topics treated here are virtually nonexistent.
A research area of considerable interest would be to
pursue an evolutionary understanding of vibroacoustic
communication itself. Given that vibroacoustic messages
are often exaptations of structures and behaviors selected in
other contexts, what has been the evolutionary feedback
from vibroacoustics on those structures and behaviors?
Similar adaptive roles of vibroacoustic communication have
evolved independently in diverse lineages of social insects,
thereby raising the question of the degree to which the
evolutionary pathways leading to the similar adaptive roles
have themselves been similar. For example, stridulation
structures and behaviors in ants evolved more than once;
what shared alleles and/or developmental pathways underlie
these independent evolutions? In Hymenoptera, the ability
to perceive substrate vibrations in the context of prey
location occurs in the basal ectoparasitoid family Orussidae
and in derived endoparasitoids (Meyho
¨fer and Casas, 1999;
Vilhelmsen et al., 2001). Given that communication among
individuals is essential for social life, did the existence of
this sensory capability in solitary taxa that were ancestral to
social lineages play a role in the origin of sociality?
Frameworks for pursuing these and other evolutionary
questions include experimental studies, the comparative
method (Harvey and Pagel, 1991), and phylogenetic meth-
ods. Success in pursuit of these goals will necessitate
documentation and assessment of vibroacoustic communi-
cation in more species and in more contexts than have been
studied to date. The increasing sophistication of affordable
sound equipment could play important roles in this regard
(Casacci et al., 2013).
In this review, we have given an overview of vibroacoustic
communication intended to add to the knowledge base of
social insect biologists and to show that vibroacoustic
modalities are diverse, sophisticated, and play important
roles in the lives of social insects. At the same time, and
despite the many fine studies reported here, we hope that we
have shown that the field is wide open for new research. We
suggest that future studies involving vibroacoustic signal
manipulation could be particularly informative.
Acknowledgments We thank Gilles Bosquet for preparing Figure 1
and Adam Wilkins and two anonymous reviewers for helpful com-
ments on the manuscript.
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