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Baseball Wives Gender and the Work of Baseball

  • University of San Francisco and Union College


This article focuses on how the structure and constraints of the occupation of professional baseball shapes the lives of the players' wives. The major constraints on the role of baseball wives include high geographical mobility, the husband's frequent absence, lack of a social support network, and the precariousness of baseball careers. Baseball wives are expected to fulfill a traditional role of support for their husbands and families. Baseball wives play a backstage supporting role but in so doing become far more independent and resourceful than many American women, managing families and households on their own.
Journal of Contemporary
DOI: 10.1177/089124101030003003
2001; 30; 335 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
Baseball Wives: Gender and the Work of Baseball
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... Nevertheless, across a range of sporting cultures, wives and girlfriends fulfil a role that is presented as 'decorative' (Brady 1981), that prioritises men's careers, and that is often expected to uphold sexist gender ideals and support athletes to demonstrate their masculine heterosexual prowess through adultery (Ortiz 1997). Research on so-called 'groupies' also indicate that they, like WAGs, are located within a well-delineated gender order that supports the dominance of men (Gauthier and Forsyth 2000; Gmelch and San Antonio 2001;Wedgwood 2008). Camille Nurka (2013) also argues that dismissive attitudes towards women who have been sexually assaulted by athletes often emanate from a disdain for groupies, as there is a widespread perception '[no] respectable girl would have sex with footballers' (Nurka 2013, 49). ...
... Camille Nurka (2013) also argues that dismissive attitudes towards women who have been sexually assaulted by athletes often emanate from a disdain for groupies, as there is a widespread perception '[no] respectable girl would have sex with footballers' (Nurka 2013, 49). Other international research explores the construction of the athlete's spouse as a 'femme fatale' in Spanish football codes (Vaczi 2014), the role of the wife in the construction of UK footballers' masculinity (Clayton and Harris 2004), and the lives of 'baseball wives' in the US (Gmelch and San Antonio 2001). The research presented here aims to understand how the spouse is constructed through media representations, rather than her role in the construction of her partner's identity (e.g. ...
... Clayton and Harris 2004), or the struggles represented by her lifestyle (e.g. Gmelch and San Antonio 2001;Ortiz 1997Ortiz , 2010Roderick 2012). An important touchstone is sociologist Kim Toffoletti's (2007) observation that WAGs are treated as 'accessories' during the coverage of the Brownlow Medal Awards for the AFL, a claim that can be extended through a more in depth focus on the ceremonies themselves. ...
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The football WAG is fast becoming an iconic figure in Australian culture and a crucial part of Australian football branding. The commodification of the 'WAG' benefits the Australian Football League (AFL) as a business and bolsters the masculinity of players because the 'WAG' fits within the narrow narratives about gender that are reproduced within football culture. Despite the increasing visibility of 'WAGs', academic scholarship has been slow to address their presence and influence, representing a significant gap in research on Australian sporting culture. This paper investigates how the AFL 'WAG' is represented in Australian news media and utilises the popular Brownlow Medal Award ceremony as a case study for thematic analysis. The research concludes that the 'WAG' is represented as a 'trophy wife' and that this representation functions to reinforce the dominant masculinity of her male partner. These findings are nested within academic research on sport and sexual assault and are framed by feminist theory.
This paper explored the cultural and career transition experiences of two elite West African footballers in Germany using the approach of interpretive biography. By analysing data collected through semi-­structured interviews, the players’ narratives revealed a range of experiences emerging at different temporal points or life domains. The experiences included the psychosocial states of pre-transition, the challenges associated with language and weather, the increased demands of professionalism, the challenge of adapting to a new environment and routines of daily life, the superficiality of relationships and the attendant loneliness. It however, advanced literature by demonstrating how an African footballer in Europe may locate self and progress career within the European football economy and how a high-status African migrant athlete may use his social position to characterise self in a certain manner so as to exercise the right to belong.
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Este estudio pretende conocer si existe desigualdad en los medios digitales deportivos españoles en la cantidad de información sobre ambos sexos en las noticias sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 en relación con la participación de estos y la obtención de medallas, pero también busca profundizar en las diferencias de representación, así como en los discursos que transmiten estos diarios según el sexo de sus protagonistas. Para abordar tales objetivos esta investigación realiza un primer análisis de contenido de carácter multi-metodológico, que permite combinar enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos (Cantón et al. 2002), a través de la recopilación de patrones reiterativos que otorgan fiabilidad a la hora de generalizar las conclusiones sobre los hallazgos obtenidos, a la vez que los enfoques cualitativos ofrecen mayor nivel de profundidad, inducción y reflexión de los resultados (Neuendorf, 2004). Para esta dimensión cuantitativa se realiza un estudio de todas las noticias publicadas en los cuatro diarios digitales españoles de mayor número de lectores (Marca, As, Mundo Deportivo y Sport) entre julio y septiembre de 2016, incluyendo así el mes previo a la celebración de los Juegos de Río 2016, el periodo propiamente olímpico (del 5 al 21 de agosto), así como el mes posterior a estos, para conocer si se producen cambios significativos entre el momento de la competición y fechas distintas a esta. Para ello, se ha realizado un barrido completo durante todo el periodo descrito por las secciones de hemeroteca y archivo digital de cada uno de tales diarios. En total se han volcado, sistematizado y analizado N=7.634 unidades informativas a partir de 51 variables de análisis diferentes, que se han organizado en torno a tres bloques, uno relativo a las unidades informativas, otro a los recursos semióticos y el último a los protagonistas de las informaciones, empleando para su codificación y análisis el programa estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Tras finalizar este primer análisis descriptivo general y una vez revisados los resultados obtenidos, se propone profundizar en el estudio de las noticias a través de una investigación de carácter cualitativo mediante análisis discursivos. Para abordarlos, se realiza una selección de las unidades informativas mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado siguiendo unos parámetros preestablecidos para conseguir que la muestra a analizar fuese lo más variada y representativa posible y centrada en los días de competición olímpica y en la información estrictamente deportiva. Esto permitió seleccionar N=39 unidades de análisis, que fueron volcadas y sistematizadas en un programa de tratamiento de informaciones, ATLAS ti. v.7, tras lo cual, se realizó un primer análisis para conocer los Valores Noticia presentes en las informaciones (Bednarek y Caple, 2017), que se combinó posteriormente con un Análisis Crítico del Discurso desde una perspectiva feminista, con el objetivo de profundizar en los discursos empleados por estos medios (Machin y Mayr, 2012). Los análisis discursivos han permitido desvelar los encuadres noticiosos utilizados por los diarios para transmitir las informaciones (McCombs y Ghanem, 2001) a través del estudio de las elecciones léxicas y visuales de las noticias, comprobar si existen diferencias entre ambos sexos e identificar los mecanismos a través de los cuales estas se crean.
Drawing from longitudinal qualitative research on the heteronormative sport marriage that primarily featured interviews with women married to male professional athletes, this article focuses on how women were affected by and managed their retired husbands’ physical and mental–emotional health issues. It explores the women’s continued use of self-management strategies they developed during their husband’s career as they offered increasingly challenging care work to their husbands and examines how long-held expectations about their caregiver role continued to contribute to post-career gender inequality in their marriages. It captures the women’s voices as they discovered that they were not sufficiently prepared for the emerging personal and relational complexities that emerged in retirement.
Hungarian-born, 3-time Olympic champion Katinka Hosszú and her American coach-husband Shane Tusup revolutionized elite swimming through a training methodology that produced one of the most spectacular comebacks in sport history and turned Hosszú into the financially most successful swimmer. In Hungary, they were considered the “American Dream” due to their Hollywoodish love story, can-do attitude, and professional success. The Hosszú–Tusup collaboration became a site of intercultural encounter that brought into relief the discrepancies between the so-called American mentality of democratic, capitalist professionalism, and the socialist-style paternalism of Hungarian sport. Through their May 2018 split, the public and the media deployed melodramatic conventions of meaning making to narrativize, and thus understand, a diverse set of issues such as marriage, adultery, feminism, gender relations, masculinity, coach–athlete relationships, postsocialist transformations, corruption, state paternalism, capitalism, and professionalism.
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Se estudia el tratamiento informativo de los medios digitales deportivos sobre las esposas y novias de deportistas (WAGs, wives and girlfriends of sportsmen) a partir de una población de 418 noticias publicadas en los cuatro diarios digitales deportivos de mayor número de lectores: Marca, As, Mundo deportivo y Sport. La metodología aplicada ha sido el análisis de contenido, a partir del cual se ha creado una ficha de análisis con diez campos. Se analiza la presencia del fenómeno entre 2000 y 2015, las secciones, deporte, tipo y extensión de las noticias, su autoría, titulares, temática principal, informaciones negativas, y el rol desempeñado por las mujeres protagonistas. Los resultados muestran un notable incremento de las noticias sobre WAGs en los últimos años, especialmente en noticias breves destinadas a entretenimiento, con abundante presencia de imágenes, y asociadas a roles de belleza, maternidad y dependencia del varón. ABSTRACT: This paper studies the coverage of WAGs (wives and girlfriends of sportsmen) in online sports-media by analyzing 418 articles published in four major online sports’ newspapers in Spain: Marca, As, Mundo deportivo, and Sport. A content analysis was used to create a card of analysis with ten fields. Thus, the paper analyzes the evolution of this phenomenon between 2000 and 2015; the sections, sport, type, and extension of such news; authorship, headlines, main theme, and information linked to negative facts about them; and the role played by women. Results show a significant increase in news coverage about WAGs in all newspapers. The coverage is mainly short news stories with abundant images; located in entertainment sections; associated with beauty, motherhood, male dependence, and subordination.
Widespread public awareness of “groupies”—women who seek relationships with male celebrities—in American professional baseball dates to the 1970s, particularly to the release of popular films such as Bull Durham and the publication of several insider accounts of the lives of ballplayers. This article, based on interviews with groupies and with major and minor league ballplayers, first examines the motivations of the women who pursue such relationships with ballplayers and the strategies they use to get attention. It then turns to the players' attitudes toward groupies and their relationships with them. The groupie phenomenon plays out on a small stage the larger gender roles played by women and men in American society, with desirability for women defined largely in terms of physical attractiveness and for men defined largely in terms of achieved skills as measured by money and fame.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Boston College, 1981. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 300-323). Microfiche. s "82-03960."
Psychological and sociological effects of professional sports on the wives and families of athletes
  • A Powers