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Current Directions in Psychological
XX(X) 1 –6
© The Author(s) 2012
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DOI: 10.1177/0963721412461500
Stress is ubiquitous in daily life and typically is a negative
experience. Indeed, people devote considerable time and
resources to reducing stress levels via regulatory behaviors,
such as vacationing, exercising, or having some cocktails at
the local pub. These efforts, however, do not change stressful
experiences but rather provide an escape from day-to-day
stressors. What are the options for coping with acute stress
when escape is not possible? What can people do in the
moment to modify the stressful experience? Research indi-
cates that cognitive processes, particularly reappraisal, can
shift negative stress to positive stress.
Scientists have long believed that the mind and body are
tightly linked, with changes in one directly affecting the other.
Seminal work by Schachter and Singer (1962), for example,
specified that cognitive processes, physiological signals, and
situational cues interact to determine emotions. The idea that
the mind and body operate in concert to produce psychological
states is evident in current models of emotion. For instance,
Conceptual Act Theory argues that appraisal transforms inter-
nal states into emotions by integrating bodily changes with
external sensory information and knowledge of the situation
(Barrett, 2006).
To understand how the body and mind work together, imag-
ine you are a skier staring down a steep, icy slope with no
other way off the mountain than plunging down this trail.
Regardless of your affinity for skiing, this situation would
likely elicit an increase in physiological arousal. Avid skiers
might experience excitement, believing that they could handle
the difficult trail, whereas novices would be more likely to
experience fear if the difficulty of the trail were perceived to
exceed their skill level. Thus, arousal is semantically and psy-
chologically fuzzy (Blascovich, 1992). Our responses depend
in large part on how a situation and our body’s responses are
The biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat offers
an explanation of how appraisals and situations interact to
shape stress responses (see Blascovich & Mendes, 2010, for a
review). Both challenge and threat states are experienced dur-
ing acute stress but differ in antecedent appraisal processes
and downstream physiological responses. Individuals experi-
ence challenge when appraisals of personal resources exceed
situational demands—like the expert skiers in the example
above. Alternatively, threat manifests when perceived demands
exceed resources. Although both states are accompanied by
sympathetic activation, challenge is characterized by improved
cardiac efficiency and dilation of the peripheral vasculature,
Corresponding Author:
Jeremy P. Jamieson, University of Rochester, 437 Meliora H all, Rochester,
NY 14627
Improving Acute Stress Responses:
The Power of Reappraisal
Jeremy P. Jamieson1, Wendy Berry Mendes2, and
Matthew K. Nock3
1Department of Psychology, University of Rochester; 2Department of Psychiatr y, University
of California, San Francisco; and 3Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Contrary to lay beliefs, physiological changes that co-occur with stress are not necessarily bad. Much can be done during
stressful experiences to promote adaptive responses. In this article, we review recent research on one method for improving
acute stress responses: reappraising arousal. A growing body of research suggests that cognitive appraisals are powerful tools
that help shift negative stress states to more positive ones. Arousal reappraisal instructs individuals to think of stress arousal
as a tool that helps maximize performance. By reframing the meaning of the physiological signals that accompany stress, arousal
reappraisal breaks the link between negative affective experiences and malignant physiological responses. We demonstrate
how this approach can benefit physiological reactivity, attention, and performance and explore its potential applications.
stress, reappraisal, emotion regulation, psychophysiology
2 Jamieson et al.
whereas threat decreases cardiac efficiency and constricts the
vasculature in anticipation of damage or defeat. Commonly
held beliefs suggest that arousal experienced during stress is
bad, but sympathetic activation may actually be greater during
approach-motivated challenge states than during threat states.
This notion is consistent with the idea of physiological tough-
ness, which suggests that activation of the sympathetic ner-
vous system (SNS) facilitates effective coping and improves
performance in situations of acute stress (Dienstbier, 1989).
Using the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat
as a framework, recent studies have sought to improve
acute stress responses by altering appraisals of arousal (e.g.,
Jamieson, Mendes, Blackstock, & Schmader, 2010; Jamieson,
Nock, & Mendes, 2012a, 2012b). In this line of research,
research participants are told that the physiological arousal
experienced during stressful situations can be thought of as a
resource that aids performance. Participants who reframe the
meaning of the physiological signals that accompany stress as
beneficial experience more positive outcomes than those who
do not (Fig. 1).
Research on reappraising arousal has extended work on
emotion regulation (Gross, 1998, 2002) and cognitive behav-
ioral therapy (CBT; Hofmann & Smits, 2008). The underlying
theme of these approaches is that changing cognitions pro-
duces downstream benefits. Reappraisal, as specified by emo-
tion-regulation models, typically involves the reinterpretation
of the affective meaning of contextual cues. In other words,
emotionally charged stimuli are presented, and participants are
instructed to reinterpret the stimuli (e.g., “The images are
fake”) or distance themselves from the stimuli (e.g., by adopt-
ing a third-person perspective; Kross & Ayduk, 2011; Ochsner
& Gross, 2008). Clinical researchers developed CBT to help
improve patient outcomes by modifying faulty affective
responses and cognitions (Barlow, 2004). For instance, depres-
sive patients are taught to identify errors in thinking (e.g.,
“Everyone hates me and always will”) and replace them with
more rational thoughts.
In the “classic” emotion-regulation literature, reappraisal
has often (but not always) centered on decreasing sympathetic
activation during passive tasks (e.g., Gross, 2002). Likewise,
reappraisal in clinical research typically either decreases
arousal (e.g., mindfulness meditation; Cincotta, Gehrman,
Gooneratne, & Baime, 2011) or teaches individuals to accept
arousal (e.g., interoceptive exposure; Levitt, Brown, Orsillo,
& Barlow, 2004). Decreased SNS arousal might be adaptive
when no instrumental cognitive or physical responses are
Reduced Bias
for Threat Cues
Vigilance for
Threat Cues
Fig. 1. The impact of stress on downstream outcomes and the effects of arousal reappraisal. As shown in
panel (a), stressful situations are accompanied by increased physiological arousal, which is typically construed
in a negative manner. These negative appraisals of arousal feed forward to produce myriad negative outcomes,
including negative affect, maladaptive pat terns of physiological reactivity, increased vigilance for threat cues,
and impaired performance. As shown in panel (b) , arousal-reappraisal manipulations break the association
between stress-based arousal and negative appraisals. By severing this link, arousal-reappraisal techniques
help shift negative stress states to more positive ones, leading to a reduction in negative affect, more adaptive
patterns of physiological reactivity, reduced attentional bias for threat cues, and improved performance.
Reappraisal and Acute Stress Reponses 3
required, but during active tasks, increased SNS arousal can
facilitate mobilization of oxygenated blood to the brain and
periphery, thereby improving performance. Arousal reap-
praisal narrows in on acutely stressful events that require
active responding and identifies bodily responses, specifically
sympathetic arousal, as a coping tool. That is, arousal reap-
praisal seeks to alter cardiovascular responses so as to promote
adaptive responding during acute stress (cf. Dienstbier, 1989;
Mendes & Jamieson, 2011). It is not aimed at eliminating or
dampening stress arousal but instead focuses on changing the
type of stress response.
Psychophysiological Studies of Arousal
Initial examinations of arousal reappraisal have suggested that
it can positively affect physiology, attention, and performance.
In one study, we examined how reappraising arousal might
alter cardiovascular functioning and attention during and after
a stressful evaluative task (Jamieson et al., 2012a). After a
resting baseline, participants were instructed that they were
going to complete a public-speaking task (the Trier Social
Stress Test; Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993). Just
prior to the task, we assigned one third of the participants to an
arousal-reappraisal condition that consisted of instructions
educating them on the functionality of stress responses and
encouraged them to interpret arousal as a tool that aids perfor-
mance; another third received a “placebo” intervention that
described the best way to cope with stress was to ignore the
source of that stress; and the remaining third were given no
instructions. During the stressful task, reappraisal participants
exhibited an approach-oriented physiological profile, indexed
by less vasoconstriction and greater cardiac output, compared
with participants assigned to the other conditions. Immedi-
ately after the public-speaking task, we assessed attentional
bias (using an emotional Stroop task; Williams, Mathews, &
MacLeod, 1996). Reappraisal participants exhibited less vigi-
lance for threat cues than did participants in the other two
Extending this study, we recently examined how arousal
reappraisal facilitates recovery from stress (Jamieson et al.,
2012b). Participants instructed to reappraise arousal not only
exhibited more adaptive physiological responses during stress
but also had their physiological responses return to baseline
more quickly after the stressful situation, compared with no-
instruction controls.
The benefits of arousal reappraisal also extend to high-
stakes testing situations (Jamieson et al., 2010). We recruited
students preparing to take the GRE to come to the laboratory
for a practice GRE study. Half of the prospective test takers
were informed that signs of physiological arousal (e.g.,
increased heart rate) that accompany testing situations predict
better, not worse, performance. Before beginning the practice
test, participants provided a saliva sample that was analyzed
for alpha amylase, a nonspecific measure of sympathetic
activation (Nater & Rohleder, 2009) that tends to covary with
catecholamines (e.g., dopamine, epinephrine [adrenaline], and
norepinephrine; Rohleder, Nater, Wolf, Ehlert, & Kirschbaum,
2004). Participants assigned to reappraise arousal exhibited an
increase in alpha amylase and improvements in their perfor-
mance on the quantitative section of the practice GRE, relative
to no-instruction controls. One to three months after the labo-
ratory session, participants returned to the lab with their score
reports from the actual GRE. Compared with controls, reap-
praisal participants scored higher on the quantitative section of
the actual GRE and reported that arousal on the day of the test
had aided their performance. These findings demonstrate that
a brief laboratory-based reappraisal manipulation may have
sustained effects on stress appraisals and performance.
Taken together, the aforementioned research demonstrates
that reappraising arousal as a coping tool during acutely stress-
ful episodes that require instrumental responses can promote
adaptive physiological responses, reduce attentional bias, and
improve performance. However, the literature has yet to pin
down the exact mechanisms of change. For example, in the
GRE study, reappraisal participants exhibited long-term ben-
efits, but we are uncertain of why the effects persisted. Reap-
praisal participants may have engaged in the same reappraisal
they learned in the lab during the actual test, or their success in
the lab may have reinforced studying and improved perfor-
mance through learning. Future research should attempt to
uncover when and why reappraisal might “stick.”
Mechanisms and Moderators
Emotion regulation research has examined the neurological
underpinnings of reappraisal processes, with the research sug-
gesting a componential view (Ochsner & Gross, 2008). That
is, specific brain regions map onto subprocesses of reappraisal.
For example, areas of the medial prefrontal cortex allow indi-
viduals to consider what reappraisal instructions mean to them
(Mitchell, Banaji, & Macrae, 2005). Additional areas of the
prefrontal cortex then help develop a strategy to modulate
activity (Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002), and sub-
sequent changes in the hippocampus and amygdala attenuate
the release of corticotrophin-releasing hormone (which stimu-
lates the synthesis of adrenal hormones such a cortisol;
Dedovic, Duchesne, Andrews, Engert, & Pruessner, 2009).
Further back in the temporal sequence, examining per-
ceived resources and demands provides a look into how
arousal reappraisal shifts perceptions of stress on an experien-
tial level. Participants instructed to reappraise arousal reported
that they possessed more resources to cope with a stressful
public-speaking task than did participants given no instruc-
tion, but reappraisal did not influence appraisals of situational
demands (Jamieson et al., 2012b).
In addition to identifying mechanisms, future research
should consider moderators. For example, individual differ-
ences could determine the effectiveness of arousal reappraisal.
Along these lines, individuals who are better able to reappraise
4 Jamieson et al.
situations so as to decrease their emotional impact exhibit
more adaptive responses to anger provocation compared with
individuals low in reappraisal tendencies (Mauss, Cook,
Cheng, & Gross, 2007; Schmader, Forbes, Zhang, & Mendes,
2009). Thus, some people might simply be better than others
at applying reappraisal instructions.
Another variable to consider is interoceptive accuracy—
the ability to perceive one’s bodily changes (Critchley, Wiens,
Rotshtein, Ohman, & Dolan, 2004). It is unclear whether
individuals with high interoceptive accuracy would benefit
more or less from arousal reappraisal. If sympathetic activation
produces the improvements seen in our work (cf. Dienstbier,
1989), then accurate interoceptors may exhibit greater
improvements than poor interoceptors because of their ability
to perceive increases in sympathetic arousal (Werner, Duschek,
Mattern, & Schandry, 2009). Conversely, stress and arousal
tend to be negatively perceived, so good interoceptors may
exhibit more rigid negative-arousal appraisals and be less
inclined to “believe” reappraisal instructions. Alternatively,
interoception may be unrelated to reappraisal, given that
research has yet to show whether good interoceptors can dif-
ferentiate types of stress.
Studying moderators will also help specify the conditions
necessary for reappraisal effects to manifest while highlight-
ing limitations. One likely necessary condition is motivation.
If individuals are disengaged, then altering arousal appraisals
will not influence outcomes. To illustrate this point, in the
GRE study (Jamieson et al., 2010), if we had recruited college
freshmen for whom this particular test was not currently self-
relevant, reappraisal may not have affected performance. In
other words, the stakes must be high. Another limitation evi-
dent in the GRE study is that arousal reappraisal instructions
benefited only quantitative performance; verbal performance
was unaffected. Compared with verbal problems, math prob-
lems generally require more active processing. Thus, reap-
praisal may benefit performance only when active-processing
demands are high.
Applications of Arousal Reappraisal
Reappraisal is a centerpiece of CBT. Some CBT methods even
include giving individuals information about the evolutionary
antecedents and adaptive functions of biological responses, as
is evident in patient workbooks for anxiety and panic (e.g.,
Barlow & Craske, 2000). Arousal reappraisal can add to such
approaches by including components that not only educate
people about the functionality of biological responses to stress
but also encourage the maintenance of adaptive levels of SNS
activation during acute stress. As such, arousal reappraisal is
best applied to psychopathology that is directly tied to stress-
ful experiences for which sympathetic activation is needed for
optimal performance, such as experiences associated with
social anxiety disorder (SAD).
Individuals diagnosed with SAD exhibit chronic, debilitat-
ing impairments in stressful evaluative situations (e.g., dates,
meetings at work, talks with strangers; Stein & Kean, 2000).
Notably, people with SAD display a strong attentional bias for
emotionally negative information and interpret ambiguous
social situations as threatening (Bar-Haim, Lamy, Pergamin,
Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, 2007). As we
have shown, arousal reappraisal attenuates threat vigilance,
which may lessen the likelihood that anxious individuals will
experience future situations as threatening. In fact, recently
completed research (Jamieson et al., 2012b) has provided ini-
tial evidence that reappraisal can improve socially anxious
individuals’ responses to evaluative stress. Of course, addi-
tional work is needed to further explore potential clinical
applications, but these initial results are promising.
More broadly, research on psychological treatments has
primarily focused on improving patient outcomes rather than
identifying mechanisms of change (Kazdin, 2011; Kazdin &
Nock, 2003). That is, clinical trials typically test packages of
techniques, not individual components, with careful measure-
ment of immediate outcomes. So, although reappraisal is a
primary component of CBT, we do not necessarily know how
effective reappraisal is itself or, if reappraisal is effective, how
it works. The paradigms and experimental procedures
reviewed here can help researchers test putative mechanisms.
Finally, the translational implications of reappraisal have
yet to be explored. The medical literature suggests that preven-
tion is more effective than curative treatments (Leaf, 1993).
Forestalling disease development is preferred to treating symp-
toms. In the work described here, reappraisal instructions were
sufficient to alter affective, physiological, and cognitive pro-
cesses. Given that adaptive responses to acute stress improve
people’s ability to cope with future stressors (Dienstbier, 1989),
health education might seek to incorporate information about
the functionality of stress. The potential for such an approach
can be seen in research showing that a brief self-affirmation
intervention at the outset of a semester improved students’
classroom performance and reduced racial achievement gaps
months and even years later (Yeager & Walton, 2011).
In sum, recent research on arousal reappraisal has taken
seriously the idea that the body and mind interact reciprocally
and that embodiment effects are situated in a broader context.
Taking this work into a translational arena may have myriad
benefits, including assisting clinical psychologists in identify-
ing mechanisms of change in CBT, providing guidance to orga-
nizational and sports psychologists on improving performance,
helping educational psychologists facilitate learning, and more.
Recommended Reading
Blascovich, J., & Mendes, W. B. (2010). (See References). A review
of social psychophysiology.
Hofmann, S. G., & Smits, J. A. J. (2008). (See References). A meta-
analysis of CBT.
Jamieson, J. P., Nock, M. K., & Mendes, W. B. (2012a). (See Refer-
ences). An empirical study of the effects of arousal reappraisal on
cardiovascular functioning.
Kross, E., & Ayduk, O. (2011). (See References). A review of self-
distancing emotion-regulation techniques.
Reappraisal and Acute Stress Reponses 5
Ochsner, K. N., & Gross, J. J. (2008). (See References). A neurosci-
ence-oriented review of reappraisal processes
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
Bar-Haim, Y., Lamy, D., Pergamin, L., Bakermans-Kranenburg,
M. J., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2007). Threat-related attentional
bias in anxious and nonanxious individuals: A meta-analytic
study. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 1–24.
Barlow, D. H. (2004). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treat-
ment of panic. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Barlow, D. H., & Craske, M. G. (2000). Master your anxiety and
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Barrett, L. F. (2006). Solving the emotion paradox: Categorization
and the experience of emotion. Personality and Social Psychol-
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tion. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 11, 213–237.
Blascovich, J., & Mendes, W. B. (2010). Social psychophysiology
and embodiment. In S. T. Fiske & D. T. Gilbert (Eds.), The hand-
book of social psychology (5th ed., pp. 194-227). New York, NY:
Cincotta, A. L., Gehrman, P., Gooneratne, N. S., & Baime, M. J.
(2011). The effects of a mindfulness-based stress reduction pro-
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Critchley, H. D., Wiens, S., Rotshtein, P., Ohman, A., & Dolan, R.
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