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The long-term effects of phase advance shifts of photoperiod on cardiovascular parameters as measured by radiotelemetry in rats


Abstract and Figures

Cardiovascular parameters, such as blood pressure and heart rate, exhibit both circadian and ultradian rhythms which are important for the adequate functioning of the system. For a better understanding of possible negative effects of chronodisruption on the cardiovascular system we studied circadian and ultradian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate in rats exposed to repeated 8 h phase advance shifts of photoperiod. The experiment lasted 12 weeks, with three shifts per week. Spectral power as a function of frequency for both circadian and harmonic ultradian rhythms was expressed as the circadian-ultradian power ratio. The circadian rhythms of blood pressure, heart rate and locomotor activity were recorded during the control light:dark (LD) regimen with higher values during the D in comparison with the L. Phase advance shifts resulted in a diminished circadian-ultradian power ratio for blood pressure, heart rate and locomotor activity indicating suppressed circadian control of these traits greater in heart rate than blood pressure. In conclusion, rats kept under irregular LD conditions have suppressed circadian control of heart rate, blood pressure and locomotor activity and rely more on an acute response to the LD regime. Their ability to anticipate regular loads can be weakened and in this way chronodisruption can contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
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The long-term effects of phase advance shifts of photoperiod on cardiovascular parameters
as measured by radiotelemetry in rats
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2013 Physiol. Meas. 34 1623
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Physiol. Meas. 34 (2013) 1623–1632 doi:10.1088/0967-3334/34/12/1623
The long-term effects of phase advance shifts of
photoperiod on cardiovascular parameters as
measured by radiotelemetry in rats
L Molcan1, M Teplan2,AVesela
1and M Zeman1
1Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Received 30 August 2012, accepted for publication 9 January 2013
Published 28 October 2013
Online at
Cardiovascular parameters, such as blood pressure and heart rate, exhibit
both circadian and ultradian rhythms which are important for the adequate
functioning of the system. For a better understanding of possible negative effects
of chronodisruption on the cardiovascular system we studied circadian and
ultradian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate in rats exposed to repeated
8 h phase advance shifts of photoperiod. The experiment lasted 12 weeks,
with three shifts per week. Spectral power as a function of frequency for both
circadian and harmonic ultradian rhythms was expressed as the circadian–
ultradian power ratio. The circadian rhythms of blood pressure, heart rate and
locomotor activity were recorded during the control light:dark (LD) regimen
with higher values during the D in comparison with the L. Phase advance shifts
resulted in a diminished circadian–ultradian power ratio for blood pressure,
heart rate and locomotor activity indicating suppressed circadian control of
these traits greater in heart rate than blood pressure. In conclusion, rats kept
under irregular LD conditions have suppressed circadian control of heart rate,
blood pressure and locomotor activity and rely more on an acute response to
the LD regime. Their ability to anticipate regular loads can be weakened and in
this way chronodisruption can contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
Keywords: radiotelemetry, circadian rhythm, ultradian rhythm, blood pressure,
heart rate
0967-3334/13/121623+10$33.00 © 2013 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Printed in the UK & the USA 1623
1624 L Molcan et al
1. Introduction
Biological clocks have developed in organisms exposed to regular changes of environment,
mainly a light:dark (LD) cycle. These clocks generate circadian rhythms that are endogenous
with a period close to 24 h and help organisms anticipate regular changes of environmental
conditions. In contrast to circadian rhythms, ultradian rhythms are biological oscillations with
a period shorter than 20 h. Ultradian and circadian rhythms form a temporal organization
of organisms and have a generally accepted role in the control of the cardiovascular system
(Durgan and Young 2010). As such, the cardiovascular system exhibits distinct circadian and
ultradian rhythms in its parameters, amongst which blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR)
have been most studied (Yates and Benton 1991).
Circadian rhythms are governed by the master clock localized in the suprachiasmatic
nuclei of the hypothalamus. Deletion of the suprachiasmatic nuclei results in a loss of the
circadian pattern of BP, HR and locomotor activity (Witte et al 1998). Further evidence for
the link between suprachiasmatic nuclei and BP circadian rhythmicity comes from recent
studies with transgenic mice that lack the functional expression of a vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide receptor gene (Vipr 2-/-). These studies show significant residual rhythms of
BP in control mice that were not found in a Vip r 2-/- mutant strain (Sheward et al 2010).
Moreover, spontaneously hypertensive rats, that are used as a model of essential hypertension,
have a shorter endogenous circadian period of wheel running (Peters et al 1994) and different
responses to phase shifts of the LD cycle in comparison with normotensive rats (Avidor et al
1989). Also, the transplantation of the rostral hypothalamus containing the suprachiasmatic
nuclei from spontaneously hypertensive rats to normotensive rats resulted in the increase of
BP (Eilam et al 1991). Finally, in transgenic rats with additional copies of the renin gene,
circadian rhythms of BP are out of phase with the physical activity indicating that locomotor
activity itself cannot explain the daily variations in BP (Lemmer et al 1993). Therefore, when
taken as a whole, the current research does indicate a role of the suprachiasmatic nuclei in
control of BP rhythm.
BP is controlled via baro-, chemo- and osmo-receptors together with hormones which
exhibit ultradian rhythmicity. For example, 8 h oscillations have been recorded for endothelin-
1levels(Heroldet al 1998) along with 60–150 min oscillations for insulin (Lefcourt et al
1999), approximately 60 min pulses of glucocorticoids (Conway-Campbell et al 2012) and
50–100 min for epinephrine and 12 h oscillations for norepinephrine (Schoefl et al 1997).
The direct interactions between circadian and ultradian rhythms in BP control are not
well understood. However, some understanding may come from the fact that spontaneously
hypertensive rats have been found to have significantly more ultradian than circadian power
in comparison with normotensive rats. It is therefore assumed that the circadian rhythm
may modulate the power in the ultradian band and this modulation is more pronounced in
normotensive rats amongst which ultradian activity is higher during the active phase of the day,
than in spontaneously hypertensive rats (Holstein-Rathlou et al 1995). The circadian but not
ultradian rhythmicity of BP is controlled by vascular autonomic activity (Oosting et al 1997)
and the increased BP variability in the ultradian frequency range cannot just be a consequence
of the increased BP per se (Holstein-Rathlou et al 1995).
HR is another important cardiovascular trait controlled mainly via the autonomous
nervous system that exhibits a strong circadian and ultradian pattern. Experimental studies
with suprachiasmatic nucleus lesioned normotensive rats provide clear evidence that the
suprachiasmatic nucleus is one of the key intrinsic factors contributing to the control of
circadian fluctuations in HR (Warren et al 1994). Cardiac function is characterized by irregular
time intervals between consecutive heart beats (Acharya et al 2006). The sinoatrial node acts
Cardiovascular rhythms in rats exposed to phase advance shifts 1625
as the primary pulse generator for heart beats. Other sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons
and local circuits of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system, as well as the artrioventricular node,
temperature changes and endocrine influences are also capable of modulating autonomous
heart beat stimulation properties (Hu et al 2008). In terms of ultradian rhythms of HR
both plasma catecholamines and intrinsic myocardial activity are potential sources of control
(Koch et al 1999). Furthermore, correlations across a range of time scale invariant periods
(from minutes to 24 h) suggest that the mechanisms related to suprachiasmatic nuclei and
peripheral cardiac regulations are coupled (Hu et al 2008).
Alterations in the cardiac scale invariance are associated with cardiovascular diseases and
predict reduced survival rates (Bigger et al 1996, Makikallio et al 2004). As such, shift work
that results in the disruption of circadian organization can be involved in lifestyle disease
development or progression (Boggild and Knutsson 1999). However, epidemiological studies
have not provided unequivocal results till now mainly due to methodological limitations in
many of these studies (Wang et al 2011). Therefore, more focused experimental studies are
needed to understand the mechanisms that induce chronodisruption and its possible negative
effects on the cardiovascular system.
The purpose of our experiment was to investigate changes in cardiovascular parameters
after repeated LD shifts under controlled laboratory conditions in rats. We evaluated circadian
and ultradian rhythms of BP and HR under synchronized and unsteady LD conditions to reveal
if repeated phase advance shifts (PAS) of the LD cycle were able to change absolute levels
of BP and HR. Moreover, we aimed to characterize the relationships between ultradian and
circadian rhythms under regular and irregular lighting cycles.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals
Normotensive mature male Wistar rats (n=8; 356 ±8 g) were kept under controlled
temperature, 21 ±1C, conditions under a regular 12L:12D cycle, with lights on from
06:00. Light intensity was 150 lux as measured with an automatic datalogger (KIMO KH100,
Chevrier Instruments Inc., Canada). The rats were housed singly with food and water ad
libitum. The experiment was approved by the Ethical Committee for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, and the State
Veterinary Authority.
2.2. Measurement of cardiovascular parameters and the experimental design
The cardiovascular parameters were measured with a radiotelemetry device (Data Science
International, St Paul, Minnesota, USA) that allows continuous measurement of BP, HR and
locomotor activity in freely moving animals. The implementation procedure for the device is
as previously validated at our department (Molcan et al 2009) and is as follows. Before the
surgery the rats were anesthetized by a ketamine hydrochloride (75 mg kg1) and xylazine
hydrochloride (10 mg kg1) mixture. The pressure radiotelemetric transmitter TA11PA-C40
(DSI, USA) was surgically implanted into the abdominal aorta just above its bifurcation
(Brockway et al 1991). The catheter was then stabilized to the aorta with tissue glue (3M
Vetbond; DSI, USA) and a cellulose patch (Cellulose Patch Kit—Small Animals; DSI, USA).
The transmitter battery was then secured to the muscular wall.
1626 L Molcan et al
Figure 1. The experimental design consisted of 1 week of 12 h light (L) and 12 h dark (D) and then
12 weeks of PAS. Longer horizontal black bars represent the dark phase (4 or 12 h) of the day.
2.3. Experimental protocol
The animals were included into the experiment 2 weeks after the surgical procedure. Data
were acquired by scheduled sampling interval of 10 s with segment duration of 30 s for BP,
HR and locomotor activity. At first, the rats were kept for 1 week under control LD conditions.
Afterwards, they were exposed for 12 weeks to 8 h PAS three times per week. Radiotelemetric
sensors were ON during weeks 1, 5, 10 and 11 of the experiment when the PAS were applied
(figure 1).
2.4. Time series analysis and statistical evaluation
We evaluated HR, mean BP (mean arterial pressure (MAP)) and locomotor activity from the
acquired data. The paired t-test and repeated measures ANOVA with the Fisher LSD post-hoc
test were used for the evaluation of differences between groups. Values are presented as mean
±the standard error of the mean (s.e.m.). Circadian and ultradian rhythm analysis of the
individual measured data was performed with a Lomb–Scargle periodogram using Chronos-
Fit software (Zuther et al 2009). The circadian to ultradian power rhythm ratio (CUPR)
was calculated from the original filtered data as a ratio of circadian (24 h) and the average of
ultradian (12, 8, 6, 4.8 and 4 h) periods. Since the Shapiro–Wilk normality test of power spectra
rejected the null hypothesis for a normal data distribution, the non-parametric Friedman test
followed by the Wilcoxon test for multiple comparisons was used. Due to catheter closing in
two rats during the experiment, six animals were used for evaluation of long-term differences
among weeks while the evaluation of LD differences during the control lighting regimen was
performed with eight rats.
3. Results
Rats exposed to control LD conditions exhibited distinct circadian rhythms in HR, with higher
values during the active (D) in comparison with the passive (L) phase of the day (L: 315 ±6
beats min–1;D:355 ±8 beats min–1;t=11.658; n=8; p<0.001). Similarly, both MAP (L:
96 ±2 mm Hg; D: 100 ±2mmHg;t=5.852; n=8; p<0.01) and locomotor activity (L:
0.9 ±0.1 counts min–1;D:3 ±0.4 counts min–1;t=6.094; n=8; p<0.001) reached higher
levels during the dark phase than during the light phase. Significant dominance of circadian
rhythm power over harmonic ultradian rhythm power was calculated for the entrained rhythms
Cardiovascular rhythms in rats exposed to phase advance shifts 1627
(A) (B) (C)
(D) (E) (F)
Figure 2. The rats exposed to 12 weeks of PAS revealed a decreasing profile of 24 h (circadian)
periods for HR (A), MAP (B) and locomotor activity (C) while average harmonic ultradian (12, 8, 6,
4.8 and 4 h) periods for HR (D), MAP (E) and locomotor activity (F) did not alter. Yaxis—spectral
power calculated by a Lomb–Scargle periodogram. Columns with different superscript letters are
statistically different. Error bars indicate s.e.m.
Tab l e 1 . Average daily values of HR, MAP and locomotor activity (LA) ±s.e.m. of rats (n=6)
exposed at first to control 12 h light and 12 h dark conditions and then 8 h PAS of light (weeks 01,
05, 10 and 11—S01, S05, S10 and S11, respectively). L and D differences are expressed as D–L
values. Statistical significance (∗∗ p<0.01; ∗∗∗ p<0.001) is expressed in comparison to the LD
HR (beats min–1) MAP (mm Hg) LA (counts min–1)
Mean D L Mean D L Mean D L
LD 337 ±837±4 99.2 ±1.1 2.7 ±1.0 1.8 ±0.4 1.8 ±0.4
S01 345 ±5∗∗∗ 20 ±2∗∗∗ 100.3 ±0.9 1.7 ±0.3 2.0 ±0.3 1.1 ±0.3
S05 333 ±621±2∗∗∗ 99.8 ±0.7 1.9 ±0.5 1.8 ±0.2 0.6 ±0.2∗∗
S10 303 ±7∗∗∗ 19 ±2∗∗∗ 96.3 ±0.7∗∗∗ 1.2 ±0.5 1.9 ±0.2 0.4 ±0.2∗∗∗
S11 307 ±8∗∗∗ 23 ±4∗∗ 98.6 ±0.7 1.8 ±0.5 1.8 ±0.2 0.7 ±0.2∗∗
of HR (t=6.704; n=8; p<0.001), MAP (t=3.573; n=7; p<0.05) and locomotor activity
(t=5.951; n=8; p<0.001) under the LD 12:12 regimen (figure 2).
The repeated exposure of rats to PAS decreased mean HR (F(4,40) =81.796; p<0.001)
as well as resulted in differences between L and D values (table 1). During the first week of
PAS we found negative D L values after three shift days while on week 10 or 11 a positive
DL ratio was calculated for all measured parameters (figure 3). 11 weeks of PAS exposure
failed to affect MAP values as compared to the BP measured in rats kept under control LD
conditions (LD: 99.2 ±1.1 mm Hg versus PAS week 11: 98.6 ±0.7 mm Hg).
1628 L Molcan et al
Figure 3. The daily (A), (B), (C) and weekly (D), (E), (F) pattern of HR (A), (D), mean arterial
BP (B), (E) and locomotor activity (C), (F) in rats (n=6) exposed for 1 week to control 12L:12D
conditions and for 12 weeks (S01, S05, S10, S11) to PAS three times per week. The dark solid
lines (A), (B), (C) and dark bars (D), (E), (F) represent the dark phase mean values and the dotted
lines (A), (B), (C) and gray bars (D), (E), (F) represent the light phase mean values. Columns with
superscripts are statistically different. Error bars indicate s.e.m.
The spectral power of circadian rhythms in HR decreased markedly during the first 5 weeks
of PAS exposure (figure 2(A)) in comparison with the initial LD values (p<0.05). The decrease
of spectral power of circadian rhythms for locomotor activity (p<0.01; figure 2(C)) paralleled
the pattern in HR. The decline in MAP was less pronounced and diminished values (p<0.05)
were recorded for week 10 in comparison with the first week (figure 2(B)). The circadian to
ultradian spectral power ratio for HR decreased to a half after the first week and to a quarter
of initial power values during week 11 of PAS exposure (figure 4). This decline of CUPR
reflects diminished circadian variability in spectral power while ultradian spectral power was
not changed (figures 2(D), (E), (F)). CUPR for MAP (p=0.11) and locomotor activity (p<
0.05) exhibited a similar declining pattern as for HR (p<0.01) after PAS exposure but the
decrease was less pronounced. The Wilcoxon multiple comparison test of CUPR for MAP
revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in comparison to LD values only in week 5 of PAS
exposure. Finally, CUPR for locomotor activity decreased significantly (p<0.05) for weeks
5 and 10 in comparison with the first PAS week values (figure 4).
4. Discussion
Rats exposed to regular 12L:12D conditions exhibited the expected differences in HR, MAP
and locomotor activity between the active (D) and passive (L) phases of the daily cycle, with
higher values occurring during the D in comparison to the L phase. This finding is in accordance
Cardiovascular rhythms in rats exposed to phase advance shifts 1629
Figure 4. The circadian to ultradian power ratio changed with time for HR (black), less for mean
arterial BP (gray) and locomotor activity (white). The data are expressed as mean ±s.e.m.;
LD—control LD week; S01, S05, S10 and S11—weeks 1, 5, 10 and 11 of PAS, respectively;
Yaxis—ratio of circadian (24 h) to ultradian harmonic (12, 8, 6, 4.8 and 4 h) period power.
Columns with different superscript letters are statistically different. Error bars indicate s.e.m.
with previously published data (Witte et al 1998). The experimental design involving repeated
8 h PAS three times per week, which lasted for 12 weeks, resulted in a decrease of HR but
no significant changes of MAP and locomotor activity values. Similar decreases in HR have
also been previously observed in rats exposed to photoperiod manipulation by advancing the
dark phase by4horbyadvancing and delaying the dark phase by2h(Zhang et al 2000). The
decrease of HR may result either from increased parasympathetic tone activity or decreased
sympathetic tone activity induced by the photoperiod changes. Different patterns of HR and
locomotor activity over the 12 week period clearly show that the locomotor activity profile
cannot explain the observed alterations in hemodynamic variables.
The expected circadian rhythms of measured variables were observed in rats exposed to
control lighting cycles. Specifically, the highest circadian power was shown for HR, which
was more than 20 times higher in comparison with the power of harmonic ultradian rhythms.
Approximately eight times higher power of circadian over ultradian period has been shown
for MAP and locomotor activity. These results are in line with data obtained in rats exposed
to a normal LD cycle (Witte and Lemmer 1995).
The circadian power of HR, MAP and locomotor activity was diminished after PAS
exposure. The circadian pattern was well detectable for HR, MAP and locomotor activity
during the first week of PAS. During the next weeks of PAS exposure (weeks 5, 10 and 11),
CUPR decreased. Daily changes of MAP represent an output of several control centres and,
at least in humans, ultradian rhythms oscillate independently from 24 h rhythm parameters
(Kawamura et al 2003, Hadtstein et al 2004). Therefore, the generation and regulation of
ultradian rhythms must be able to be influenced independently of the circadian rhythm control
centre (Perez-Lloret et al 2004). For example, suprachiasmatic nucleus lesions of rats kept
under 12L:12D resulted in only an incomplete abolishing of day–night variations (Witte et al
1998) and rats after ablation of suprachiasmatic nuclei were still able to discriminate between
a morning and an afternoon feeding session (Mistlberger et al 1996).
A complex interaction model (neuronal, endocrine, excretion) is involved in the control of
circadian and ultradian rhythms in BP. However, the ultradian changes in the functions of the
autonomic nervous system have been assumed to be responsible for the ultradian oscillations
of BP (Benton and Yates 1989). Since higher BP or non-dipping status leads to target-organ
damage (Syrseloudis et al 2011), good control of BP is important in order to keep BP in a
distinct range over a day. Therefore, stable and multilevel regulations are necessary for BP
control while a rapid and relatively simple control system is needed for HR control.
1630 L Molcan et al
HR is controlled mainly via sinoatrial node pacemaker cells and autonomous nervous
system branches (Mighiu and Heximer 2012) which are modulated directly by the
suprachiasmatic nuclei (Buijs et al 2003, Scheer et al 2003). The circadian pattern of HR has
been shown to be completely abolished in rats with suprachiasmatic nuclei ablation (Warren et
al 1994, Sheward et al 2010). Moreover, the suprachiasmatic nucleus itself contains interacting
nodes that together with the intrinsic cardiac nodes are responsible for scale invariance of HR
fluctuations (Hu et al 2008).
In our experiment, rats entrained to LD exhibited a pronounced 24 h pattern, more so
for HR than for MAP. Since the number of factors and the resulting interactions involved in
the generation of circadian and ultradian rhythms of BP are higher than those for HR, (1)
exposure to LD conditions resulted in smaller CUPR for MAP than for HR and (2) long-term
PAS exposure induced a smaller decrease in CUPR for MAP as compared with CUPR for HR.
However, our experimental design did not allow us to differentiate whether the rhythmicity in
cardiovascular parameters was due to periodic masking effects or truly reflected the activity
of the endogenous pacemaker.
We assume that the irregular LD conditions disturbed circadian outputs from the
suprachiasmatic nuclei which influenced the circadian rhythmicity of HR, MAP and locomotor
activity. Our results demonstrate that circadian rhythms in HR are more sensitive to
disturbances caused by PAS than BP. Since both ultradian and circadian rhythms can help
the cardiovascular system to adapt to changing environmental conditions, disturbed daily
variability of cardiovascular parameters could be involved in an inadequate response to stress
conditions. Under unpredictable conditions the abilities of organisms to predict environmental
changes can decrease and the loss of predictability may result in higher stress responses to
unexpected negative aspects of the environment. This has implications for those individuals
who are exposed to shift work, especially in unpredictable high stress environments such as
hospitals or industrial settings.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, in mature male Wistar rats exposed to the long-term PAS, BP did not change and
HR values decreased over a 12 week experimental period. In addition, a prominent circadian
variability of HR, MAP and locomotor activity was shown under LD cycles. Furthermore,
long-time exposure to PAS resulted in a decrease of circadian rhythm dominance more for
HR than BP and no alterations of ultradian rhythms. As such, disrupted circadian control of
the cardiovascular system may disturb the anticipation of regular loads and contribute to the
pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
This research was supported by APVV-0214-07, APVV-0150-10, VEGA 2/0043/13 and
NOREG grants. The authors also thank Ben Lewis Evans for his comments on the manuscript
and English editing.
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Zuther P, Gorbey S and Lemmer B 2009 Chronos-Fit 1.06
... In contrast with a decrease in 24-h variability, we observed an increase in ultradian oscillations after ALAN exposure. Elevated power of ultradian oscillations of several physiological parameters, such as systolic blood pressure, heart rate and sleep characteristics, was recorded in different models of circadian disruption, such as shift work, constant light and jet lag [31][32][33]. Ultradian oscillations in the energy metabolisms became more pronounced after SCN lesions and the deletion of clock genes [34][35][36][37]. ...
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Artificial light at night (ALAN) disrupts 24-h variability of blood pressure, but the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects are unknown. Therefore, we analysed the daily variability of pulse pressure, the maximum value of acceleration rate of aortic pressure (dP/dt(max)) measured by telemetry and protein expression in the thoracic aorta of normotensive male rats exposed to ALAN (1-2 lx) for 3 weeks. Daily, 24-h variability of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max) was observed during a regular light/dark regimen with higher values during the dark compared to the light phase of the day. ALAN suppressed 24-h variability and enhanced ultradian (<12-h) periods of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max) in duration-dependent manners. From beat-to-beat blood pressure variability, ALAN decreased low-frequency bands (a sympathetic marker) and had minimal effects on high-frequency bands. At the molecular level, ALAN decreased angiotensin II receptor type 1 expression and reduced 24-h variability. ALAN caused the appearance of 12-h oscillations in transforming growth factor β1 and fibulin 4. Expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase type 2 was increased in the middle of the light and dark phase of the day, and ALAN did not affect its daily and 12-h variability. In conclusion, ALAN suppressed 24-h variability of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max), decreased the power of low-frequency bands and differentially affected the expression of specific proteins in the rat thoracic aorta. Suppressed 24-h oscillations by ALAN underline the pulsatility of individual endocrine axes with different periods, disrupting the cardiovascular control of central blood pressure.
... However, HR exhibits circadian fluctuations, and values measured at specific times of the day should reasonably be accepted. The reason for such an approach is the fact that telemetry studies in awake rats indicate the existence of a circadian rhythm in HR, not only in males (Hashimoto et al., 1999(Hashimoto et al., , 2001Koresh et al., 2016;Molcan et al., 2013Molcan et al., , 2014Wessel et al., 2007) but also in females (Koresh et al., 2016;Schlatter & Zbinden, 1982). Therefore, in this regard, the use of the HRV method can be an effective and non-invasive tool for the assessment of autonomic control of the heart, as well as autonomic modulation of HR (Akselrod, 1988;Lunqvist, 1990;Malik & Camm, 1993;Mansier et al., 1996), for which changes are a useful indicator of tendencies F I G U R E 1 Graphical representation of sex differences in individual heart rate variability (HRV) parameters depending on the light-dark (LD) cycle in rats under zoletil anaesthesia. ...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is commonly used in experimental studies to assess sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. The belief that HRV in rodents reflects similar cardiovascular regulations in humans is supported by evidence, and HRV in rats appears to be at least analogous to that in humans, although the degree of influence of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) may be greater in rats than in humans. Experimental studies are based on control or baseline values, on the basis of which the change in ANS activity after a given experimental intervention is assessed, but it is known that the ANS in rats is very sensitive to various stress interventions, such as the manipulation itself, and ANS activity can also differ depending on sex, the time of measurement, and whether the animals are under general anaesthesia. Thus, for correct assessment, changes in ANS activity and their relationship to the observed parameter should be based on whether ANS activity does or does not change but also to what extent the activity is already changed at the start of the experiment. Since rats are considered to be the most suitable model animal for basic cardiovascular research, in this review we point out existing differences in individual HRV frequency parameters at the start of experiments (control, baseline values), taking into account sex in relation to time of measurement and anaesthesia.
... Our results, therefore, indicate that in zoletil-anesthetized rats, LD differences were maintained only in males but not in females. Considering the results of telemetry studies by Molcan et al. [50,51], heart rate exhibits a significant circadian rhythm in non-anesthetized rats, in which the heart rate in the dark period fluctuated from 347 beats/min to 363 beats/min, and from 309 beats/min to 321 beats/min in the light period. Thus, it appears that although zoletil exerts a tachycardic effect, [7,30,31]; pent -Pentobarbital (161.1(156.1-165.7), ...
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The aim was to evaluate the current state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity under general anesthesia using heart rate variability (HRV) in dependence on the light-dark (LD) cycle in healthy, sexually mature, spontaneously breathing, zoletil-anesthetized (30 mg/kg) Wistar rats of both sexes after a 4-week adaptation to an LD cycle (12 h:12 h). The animals were divided into four experimental groups according to sex and light period (n = 20 each). RR interval duration, spectral power at very-low-frequency (VLF), low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF), total spectral power of HRV, and the LF/HF ratio were analyzed. Sympathetic and baroreceptor activity was decreased, and parasympathetic activity was increased in both sexes and in both light periods. Regarding sex differences, HRV was significantly lower in females versus males in the light period. In the dark period, females exhibited higher HRV than males. Regarding LD differences, in females, HRV was lower in the light versus the dark period, unlike males, in which HRV was higher in the dark versus the light period of the rat regimen day. Sex differences in the activity of the ANS were apparent in rats, persisted under general anesthesia, and were dependent on the LD cycle.
... Baseline HR analysis from telemetry studies involving non-anesthetized rats, in which a chronobiological approach was applied, indicates that there is a circadian rhythm in HR in rats, with a higher HR during the active (i.e., dark) period of the regimen day, not only in males [10][11][12][13][14] but also in females [12,15]. If HR exhibits circadian fluctuations, then when exactly HR is evaluated can be problematic. ...
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In in vivo cardiovascular or toxicological studies involving rat models, changes in selected electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters are monitored after various interventions to assess the origin and development of heart rhythm disorders. Each ECG parameter has diagnostic significance; as such, commonly evaluated ECG parameters, including heart rate, PR interval, P wave duration, P wave amplitude, QRS complex, QT and QTc interval duration, R wave and T wave amplitude, of rats under various types of general anesthesia were the focus of this study. Studies that performed in vivo cardiovascular or toxicological experiments in rats were retrieved from a search of the Web of Science database for articles published mainly between 2000 and 2021. In total, the search retrieved 123 articles. ECG parameters that were reported as baseline or control values were summarized and averages with ranges were calculated. It is important to be cautious when interpreting results and, in discussions addressing the mechanisms underlying a given type of arrhythmia, acknowledge that initial ECG parameters may already be affected to some extent by the general anesthesia as well as by sex and the time of day the experiments were performed.
... Our results, therefore, indicate that in zoletil-anesthetized rats, LD differences were maintained only in males but not in females. Considering the results of telemetric studies by Molcan et al. [19,20], heart rate exhibits a significant circadian rhythm in non-anesthetized rats, in which the heart rate in the dark period fluctuates from 347 beats/min to 363 beats/min, and from 309 beats/min to 321 beats/min in the light period. Thus, it appears that although zoletil exerts a tachycardic effect, it can eliminate-or, at least modify-circadian rhythm of heart rate, but only in females. ...
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Background: It is known that general anesthesia weakens autonomic function and baroreflex control. Intravenous anesthetics may have different qualitative and quantitative effects on the peripheral autonomic nervous system (ANS) and, can thus, alter the activity of sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. Presently, there are relatively little data regarding sex differences in ANS activity or sex differences in ANS activities during anesthesia. The primary goal of the present study was to assess sex differences in ANS activity in dependence on the light-dark (LD) cycle in healthy, sexually mature, spontaneously breathing zoletil-anesthetized rats.
... Because HR in non-anesthetized rats exhibits circadian variation; in the dark period, it varies from 347 to 363 beats/min and, in the light period from 309 to 321 beats/min. Molcan et al. [9] reported that recorded HR was increased in both sexes and in both light periods. In females, LD differences were eliminated (possibly modified) and, in males, LD differences were preserved. ...
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Objectives: It is known that general anesthesia weakens autonomic function and baroreflex control. Intravenous anesthetics may have different qualitative and quantitative effects on the peripheral autonomic nervous system (ANS) and, can thus, alter the activity of sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. Presently, there are relatively little data regarding sex differences in ANS activity or sex differences in ANS activities during anesthesia. Aims: The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of spectral powers of heart rate variability (HRV) on changes in heart rate (HR), total spectral power of HRV, and low-frequency (LF)/high-frequncy (HF) ratio in healthy, sexually mature rats of both sexes spontaneously breathing under zoletil anesthesia in the light (inactive) and the dark (active) period of their regimen day. Materials and Methods: Experiments were performed using male and female zoletil-anesthetized (30 mg/kg [intraperitoneal]) Wistar rats after a four-week adaptation to a light-dark (LD) cycle (12h:12h). The animals were divided into four experimental groups (n=20 each) according to sex and light period. HR, spectral powers of HRV (very low frequency, LF, and HF), as well as LF/HF ratio were evaluated 20 min after administration of anesthesia. Results and Conclusions: Zoletil exerted a tachycardic effect in both sexes and in both light periods of the regimen day. In females, the autonomic nervous system was involved in HR changes in both light periods, while in males, HR exhibited no dependence on autonomic nervous system activity; as such, the authors speculate that it was predominantly determined by other factors. In females, HRV was determined by sympathetic and baroreflex activity in both light periods, while in males, HRV was determined by parasympathetic activity. LF significantly influenced LF/HF ratio in females, but not in males, while the effect of HF on the LF/HF ratio was negligible in both sexes and in both light periods.
... Because HR in non-anesthetized rats exhibits circadian variation; in the dark period, it varies from 347 to 363 beats/min and, in the light period from 309 to 321 beats/min. Molcan et al. [5] reported that recorded HR was increased in both sexes and in both light periods. In females, LD differences were eliminated (possibly modified) and, in males, LD differences were preserved. ...
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Introduction: The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of spectral powers of heart rate variability (HRV) on changes in heart rate (HR), total spectral power of HRV, and low-frequency (LF)/high-frequncy (HF) ratio in healthy, sexually mature rats of both sexes spontaneously breathing under zoletil anesthesia in the light (inactive) and the dark (active) period of their regimen day. Material and methods: Experiments were performed using male and female zoletil-anesthetized (30 mg/kg [intraperitoneal]) Wistar rats after a four-week adaptation to a light-dark (LD) cycle (12h:12h). The animals were divided into four experimental groups (n=20 each) according to sex and light period. HR, spectral powers of HRV (very low frequency, LF, and HF), as well as LF/HF ratio were evaluated 20 min after administration of anesthesia. Results and conclusions: Zoletil exerted a tachycardic effect in both sexes and in both light periods of the regimen day. In females, the autonomic nervous system was involved in HR changes in both light periods, while in males, HR exhibited no dependence on autonomic nervous system activity; as such, the authors speculate that it was predominantly determined by other factors. In females, HRV was determined by sympathetic and baroreflex activity in both light periods, while in males, HRV was determined by parasympathetic activity. LF significantly influenced LF/HF ratio in females, but not in males, while the effect of HF on the LF/HF ratio was negligible in both sexes and in both light periods.
... Our results, therefore, indicate that in zoletil-anesthetized rats, LD differences were maintained only in males but not in females. Considering the results of telemetric studies by Molcan et al. [19,20], heart rate exhibits a significant circadian rhythm in non-anesthetized rats, in which the heart rate in the dark period fluctuates from 347 beats/min to 363 beats/min, and from 309 beats/min to 321 beats/min in the light period. Thus, it appears that although zoletil exerts a tachycardic effect, it can eliminate-or, at least modify-circadian rhythm of heart rate, but only in females. ...
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Background: It is known that general anesthesia weakens autonomic function and baroreflex control. Intravenous anesthetics may have different qualitative and quantitative effects on the peripheral autonomic nervous system (ANS) and, can thus, alter the activity of sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. Presently, there are relatively little data regarding sex differences in ANS activity or sex differences in ANS activities during anesthesia. The primary goal of the present study was to assess sex differences in ANS activity in dependence on the light-dark (LD) cycle in healthy, sexually mature, spontaneously breathing zoletil-anesthetized rats.
... Our results, therefore, indicate that in zoletil-anesthetized rats, LD differences were maintained only in males but not in females. Considering the results of telemetry studies by Molcan et al. [50,51], heart rate exhibits a significant circadian rhythm in non-anesthetized rats, in which the heart rate in the dark period fluctuated from 347 beats/min to 363 beats/min, and from 309 beats/min to 321 beats/min in the light period. Thus, it appears that although zoletil exerts a tachycardic effect, [7,30,31]; pent -Pentobarbital (161.1(156.1-165.7), ...
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The aim was to evaluate the current state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity under general anesthesia using heart rate variability (HRV) in dependence on the light-dark (LD) cycle in healthy, sexually mature, spontaneously breathing, zoletil-anesthetized (30 mg/kg) Wistar rats of both sexes after a 4-week adaptation to an LD cycle (12 h:12 h). The animals were divided into four experimental groups according to sex and light period (n = 20 each). RR interval duration, spectral power at very-low-frequency (VLF), low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF), total spectral power of HRV, and the LF/HF ratio were analyzed. Sympathetic and baroreceptor activity was decreased, and parasympathetic activity was increased in both sexes and in both light periods. Regarding sex differences, HRV was significantly lower in females versus males in the light period. In the dark period, females exhibited higher HRV than males. Regarding LD differences, in females, HRV was lower in the light versus the dark period, unlike males, in which HRV was higher in the dark versus the light period of the rat regimen day. Sex differences in the activity of the ANS were apparent in rats, persisted under general anesthesia, and were dependent on the LD cycle.
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General anesthesia is an established and well-known factor with a significant impact on cardiac parameters, which can be a problem in the final evaluation of changes in the individual electrophysiological myocardial parameters after various interventions. The present chapter provides a composite review of published data on electrocardiographic parameters (heart rate, PR interval, P wave duration, P wave amplitude, QRS complex, QT and QTc interval duration, and R wave and T wave amplitude) for in vivo rat experiments under general anesthesia from 130 articles, which were retrieved from a search of the Web of Science database, for articles published mainly between 2000 and 2021. ECG parameters reported as baseline or control values were summarized, and averages with ranges were calculated. It is important to be cautious in interpreting the results of such studies and discussions addressing the mechanisms underlying a given type of arrhythmia, it is important to acknowledge that initial ECG parameters may already be affected to some extent by general anesthesia as well as by sex and the time of day the experiments are performed. Although it is not an original research work, researchers working with rats in the laboratory, who routinely perform anesthesia, can use this as a reference to look into while analyzing their data.
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The Uygur are reported to have an unusually long life expectancy. The purpose of this research was to perform a time-series analysis of systolic blood pressure (SBP) variations in the Uygur and clarify the role of blood pressure variation (BPV) in their longevity. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in Hotan. We investigated 133 clinically healthy elderly Uygur subjects and divided them into two groups: 1) 33 Uygur centenarians in Hotan (UCH; aged > or = 100 years); and 2) 100 elderly Uygur in Hotan (UEH; aged 65-70 years). Blood pressure (BP) was monitored and analyzed with ambulatory BP monitoring. The frequency domain measures were obtained with the maximum entropy method. The mean 24-h SBP was higher in UCH than in UEH. The ratio of non-dipper type BPV was larger in the UCH than in UEH. The highest power spectral density occurred over a 12-h rather than a 24-h period in both UCH and UEH. Ultradian BPVs were more frequent in UCH than in UEH. The least square-fitting curves demonstrated that the maximum values, minimum values, and mean 24-h SBP values were higher in UCH than in UEH. The higher BP and greater number of ultradian BPVs in UCH may have been due to the greater energy expenditure for maintaining daily activities in this population. Factors such as meals, daytime naps, nocturnal micturition, decreased baroreceptor sensitivity, and arterial sclerosis may also have contributed to the higher ultradian BPVs. In conclusion, BPV in the 12-h is more dominant than in the 24-h in both UCH and UEH. BPVs in the 3-h and 4-h are more frequent in UCH than those in UEH.
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Neurotransmitters released from sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve terminals in the sinoatrial node (SAN) exert their effects via G-protein-coupled receptors. Integration of these different G-protein signals within pacemaker cells of the SAN is critical for proper regulation of heart rate and function. For example, excessive parasympathetic signaling can be associated with sinus node dysfunction (SND) and supraventricular arrhythmias. Our previous work has shown that one member of the regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) protein family, RGS4, is highly and selectively expressed in pacemaker cells of the SAN. Consistent with its role as an inhibitor of parasympathetic signaling, RGS4-knockout mice have reduced basal heart rates and enhanced negative chronotropic responses to parasympathetic agonists. Moreover, RGS4 appears to be an important part of SA nodal myocyte signaling pathways that mediate G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium channel (GIRK) channel activation/deactivation and desensitization. Since RGS4 acts immediately downstream of M2 muscarinic receptors, it is tempting to speculate that RGS4 functions as a master regulator of parasympathetic signaling upstream of GIRKs, HCNs, and L-type Ca²⁺ channels in the SAN. Thus, loss of RGS4 function may lead to increased susceptibility to conditions associated with increased parasympathetic signaling, including bradyarrhythmia, SND, and atrial fibrillation.
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Evaluation of physiological traits in freely moving animals represents an innovative approach allowing physiological studies in undisturbed animals without interference with handling and stress. This approach is important in behavioural sciences and research on physiological basis of cardiovascular diseases. Recently, there is only one such system in the world that enables simultaneous measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and electroencephalography together with the locomotory activity which was developed by the Data sciences International (st. Paul, Minessota, Usa). In our laboratory we have introduced and validated this system in laboratory rats and hereby present results on blood pressure, heart rate and locomotory activity in rats exposed to stabile light – dark cycles.
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Shift work, including night work, has been hypothesized to increase the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Recent reviews of evidence relating to these hypotheses have focussed on specific diseases or potential mechanisms, but no general summary of the current data on shift work and chronic disease has been published. Systematic and critical reviews and recent original studies indexed in PubMed prior to 31 December 2009 were retrieved, aided by manual searches of reference lists. The main conclusions from reviews and principle results from recent studies are presented in text and tables. Published evidence is suggestive but not conclusive for an adverse association between night work and breast cancer but limited and inconsistent for cancers at other sites and all cancers combined. Findings on shift work, in relation to risks of CVD, metabolic syndrome and diabetes are also suggestive but not conclusive for an adverse relationship. Heterogeneity of study exposures and outcomes and emphasis on positive but non-significant results make it difficult to draw general conclusions. Further data are needed for additional disease endpoints and study populations.
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Diurnal variations in the incidence of events such as heart attack and stroke suggest a role for circadian rhythms in the etiology of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock on cardiovascular function. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and locomotor activity (LA) were measured in circadian mutant (Vipr2(-/-)) mice and wild type littermates, using implanted radio-telemetry devices. Sleep and wakefulness were studied in similar mice implanted with electroencephalograph (EEG) electrodes. There was less diurnal variation in the frequency and duration of bouts of rest/activity and sleep/wake in Vipr2(-/-) mice than in wild type (WT) and short "ultradian" episodes of arousal were more prominent, especially in constant conditions (DD). Activity was an important determinant of circadian variation in BP and HR in animals of both genotypes; altered timing of episodes of activity and rest (as well as sleep and wakefulness) across the day accounted for most of the difference between Vipr2(-/-) mice and WT. However, there was also a modest circadian rhythm of resting HR and BP that was independent of LA. If appropriate methods of analysis are used that take into account sleep and locomotor activity level, mice are a good model for understanding the contribution of circadian timing to cardiovascular function. Future studies of the influence of sleep and wakefulness on cardiovascular physiology may help to explain accumulating evidence linking disrupted sleep with cardiovascular disease in man.
Circadian and ultradian rhythms in blood pressure, heart rate, and motor activity were studied in normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats and in transgenic hypertensive rats [TGR(mRen-2)27] during alternating lightdark cycles (LD 12: 12), constant darkness (DD), and constant light (LL). In LD 12: 12 conditions all parameters in both strains exhibited significant and dominant circadian rhythms, which were maintained under free-running conditions in DD. In transgenic hypertensive rats during DD, however, only motor activity and heart rate rhythms exhibited daily phase shifts, indicating period lengths of >24 h, whereas those in blood pressure remained in constant phase positions. During LL, circadian rhythmicity was almost abolished in all parameters and in both strains, whereas ultradian components became more dominant. These findings in transgenic hypertensive rats indicate a disturbance in the circadian regulation of blood pressure that, however, remains responsive to photic input.
In recent years it has become evident that glucocorticoid receptor (GR) action in the nucleus is highly dynamic, characterized by a rapid exchange at the chromatin template. This stochastic mode of GR action couples perfectly with a deterministic pulsatile availability of endogenous ligand in vivo. The endogenous glucocorticoid hormone (cortisol in man and corticosterone in rodent) is secreted from the adrenal gland with an ultradian rhythm made up of pulses at approximately hourly intervals. These two components - the rapidly fluctuating ligand and the rapidly exchanging receptor - appear to have evolved to establish and maintain a system that is exquisitely responsive to the physiological demands of the organism. In this review, we discuss recent and innovative work that questions the idea of steady state, static hormone receptor responses, and replaces them with new concepts of stochastic mechanisms and oscillatory activity essential for optimal function in molecular and cellular systems.
Blood pressure (BP) nondipping has been associated with target-organ damage (TOD) and adverse outcomes in hypertension. Diverse definitions of nondipping status appear in the literature, regarding the BP components taken into account. Aim of this study was to compare the effects of isolated nondipping of systolic, diastolic and combined systolic and diastolic BP on various indices of TOD. From 630 consecutive subjects with never-treated essential hypertension stage I-II, we selected 279 subjects who were consistently isolated systolic nondippers (SND, n=76) isolated diastolic nondippers (DND, n=64) and combined systolic and diastolic nondippers (SDND, n=139) in two ambulatory BP monitoring sessions. All three subgroups were subjected to echocardiographic examination, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV(c-f)) and albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) determination. Metabolic profile was determined in a morning blood sample. SND compared to DND and SDND exhibited higher left ventricular mass/height(2.7) (42.4 ± 9.9 vs. 38.0 ± 9.1 vs. 40.9 ± 11.0 g/m(2.7), P < 0.05), higher log(10)(PWV(c-f)) (0.94 ± 0.07 vs. 0.86 ± 0.05 vs. 0.91 ± 0.07 m/s, P < 0.005), and higher log(10)(ACR) (1.2 ± 0.5 vs. 0.9 ± 0.3 vs. 1.1 ± 0.4 mg/g, P < 0.05). Isolated systolic BP nondipping was an independent determinant of all the studied indices of TOD whereas isolated diastolic BP nondipping was not. Isolated systolic as compared to diastolic and to combined systolic/diastolic BP nondipping is associated with higher left ventricular mass, stiffer arteries, and pronounced urinary albumin excretion.
Circadian misalignment has been implicated in the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease. Time-of-day-dependent synchronization of organisms with their environment is mediated by circadian clocks. This cell autonomous mechanism has been identified within all cardiovascular-relevant cell types, including cardiomyocytes. Recent molecular- and genetic-based studies suggest that the cardiomyocyte circadian clock influences multiple myocardial processes, including transcription, signaling, growth, metabolism, and contractile function. Following an appreciation of its physiological roles, the cardiomyocyte circadian clock has recently been linked to the pathogenesis of heart disease in response to adverse stresses, such as ischemia/reperfusion, in animal models. The purpose of this review is therefore to highlight recent advances regarding the roles of the cardiomyocyte circadian clock in both myocardial physiology and pathophysiology (ie, health and disease).