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Abstract and Figures

Significance Whether the dry-season length will increase is a central question in determining the fate of the rainforests over Amazonia and the future global atmospheric CO 2 concentration. We show observationally that the dry-season length over southern Amazonia has increased significantly since 1979. We do not know what has caused this change, although it resembles the effects of anthropogenic climate change. The global climate models that were presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth assessment report seem to substantially underestimate the variability of the dry-season length. Such a bias implies that the future change of the dry-season length, and hence the risk of rainforest die-back, may be underestimated by the projections of these models.
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Increased dry-season length over southern Amazonia
in recent decades and its implication for future
climate projection
Rong Fu
, Lei Yin
, Wenhong Li
, Paola A. Arias
, Robert E. Dickinson
, Lei Huang
, Sudip Chakraborty
Katia Fernandes
, Brant Liebmann
, Rosie Fisher
, and Ranga B. Myneni
Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712;
Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke
University, Durham, NC 27708-0227;
Grupo de Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia;
International Research
Institute for Climate and Society, LamontDoherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964;
Physical Science Division, Earth System
Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO 80305;
Earth System Laboratory, Climate and Global Dynamics Division,
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307; and
Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215
Edited by Peter M. Cox, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, and accepted by the Editorial Board September 24, 2013 (received for review
February 8, 2013)
We have observed that the dry-season length (DSL) has increased
over southern Amazonia since 1979, primarily owing to a delay of
its ending dates (dry-season end, DSE), and is accompanied by
a prolonged re season. A poleward shift of the subtropical jet
over South America and an increase of local convective inhibition
energy in austral winter (JuneAugust) seem to cause the delay of
the DSE in austral spring (SeptemberNovember). These changes
cannot be simply linked to the variability of the tropical Pacic and
Atlantic Oceans. Although they show some resemblance to the
effects of anthropogenic forcings reported in the literature, we
cannot attribute them to this cause because of inadequate repre-
sentation of these processes in the global climate models that
were presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Changes Fifth Assessment Report. These models signicantly
underestimate the variability of the DSE and DSL and their con-
trolling processes. Such biases imply that the future change of the
DSE and DSL may be underestimated by the climate projections
provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes
Fifth Assessment Report models. Although it is not clear whether
the observed increase of the DSL will continue in the future, were
it to continue at half the rate of that observed, the long DSL and
re season that contributed to the 2005 drought would become
the new norm by the late 21st century. The large uncertainty
shown in this study highlights the need for a focused effort to better
understand and simulate these changes over southern Amazonia.
climate variability
climate model projection
Fifteen percent of global photosynthesis occurs in the Amazon
rainforest (1), where 25% of plant species are found (2). This
rainforest ecosystem normally removes C from the atmosphere
but released more than 1 Pg of C to the atmosphere in the 2005
drought (3). Consequently, even a partial loss of these forests
would substantially increase global atmospheric CO
(4, 5) and
reduce biodiversity. The dry-season length (DSL) is among the
most important climate limitations for sustaining rainforests (6
9), especially in southern Amazonia, where rainforests are ex-
posed to relatively long dry seasons and vulnerable to increasing
conversion of native forests to cultivated crops (1012). The
extreme droughts in 2005 and 2010 had strong impacts on the
rainforest and its C cycle (3, 13, 14). These unusual events, along
with possible increase of drought severity and DSL during the
past few decades (e.g., refs. 15 and 16) heighten the urgency of
understanding what causes these dry anomalies and whether they
will continue into the future. Contrary to the observed drying,
some global climate models that previously projected strong
drying over Amazonia now project much weaker drying by
the end of the 21st century as these models evolve (17). Do
these observed events represent the extremes of natural climate
variability, or do climate projections underestimate potential
future changes? This study explores one aspect of these ques-
tions by focusing on the change of DSL.
Evidence from Observations
Rain-gauge data from Amazonia are sparse and generally in-
adequate for assessing a trend in rainfall amounts. However, the
dry-season end (DSE) over southern Amazonia is marked by
a relatively rapid increase of rainfall on the order of 45mm/d
over areas of thousands of square kilometers during austral spring,
and vice versa for the dry-season arrival (DSA) during austral fall
(MarchMay) (18, 19). Hence, the timing of the DSA and DSE
should be more clearly detectable by the rain-gauge network than
the change in rainfall amount.
The DSL and DSE are derived from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Centers
improved 1° gridded historical daily precipitation analysis over
the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon for the period of January
1978 to December 2007 (referred to as the Silva data; ref. 20)
and the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Centers 1° gridded daily
precipitation data over the Brazilian and other northern Ama-
zonian countries for the period of January 1940 to December
2011 (referred to as the recently updated SA24 data; ref. 21).
Whether the dry-season length will increase is a central question
in determining the fate of the rainforests over Amazonia and th e
future global atmospheric CO
concentration. We show ob-
servationally that the dry-season length over southern Ama-
zonia has increased signicantly since 1979. We do not know
what has caused this change, although it resembles the effects
of anthropogenic climate change. The global climate models
that were presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Changesfth assessment report seem to substantially un-
derestimate the variability of the dry-season length. Such a bi-
as implies that the future change of the dry-season length, and
hence the risk of rainforest die-back, may be underestimated
by the projections of these models.
Author contributions: R. Fu designed research; R. Fu, L.Y., W.L., and K.F. performed re-
search; B.L., R. Fisher,and R.B.M. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; L.Y., W.L., P.A.A.,
L.H., and S.C. analyzed data; and R. Fu, R.E.D., and R. Fisher wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. P.M.C. is a guest editor invited by the
Editorial Board.
Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
This article contains supporting information online at
November 5, 2013
vol. 110
no. 45
These two regional daily rainfall datasets are based on 300450
rain gauges that have been present throughout Amazonia (20,
21) for most of the time since 1979, more than those included
in the global daily rainfall data (22). Both datasets show patterns
of temporal variability, including their trends, similar to that
obtained from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project
(GPCP) monthly rainfall data and the Tropical Rainfall Mea-
suring Mission (TRMM) satellite for the periods they overlap,
although these regional rain gauge-based datasets show lower
rainfall amounts compared with the satellite-based GPCP and
TRMM (Fig. S1). The Silva dataset (20) has fewer rain gauges
over the northeastern part of our southern Amazonian domain
(5°15°S, 50°70°W), whereas the SA24 dataset (21) does not
include rain gauges over the Bolivian Amazon, in the south-
western part of this domain. To mitigate such differences in the
areas covered by rain gauges, we average these two rainfall
datasets over each map cell for the period of 19792007 when
they overlap and use SA24 for the period of 20082011 to form
a merged daily rainfall dataset, referred to as the P
data. For
the period of January 1979December 2011, daily rain rates of
the P
data are rst spatially averaged over the southern Ama-
zonian domain and then temporally averaged over a 5-d period
(pentad) to reduce synoptic noise in estimating the DSA and
DSE dates. The observed DSE is determined by the rst date
when the pentad mean rain rate changes from below to above
the climatological annual mean rain rate of the same rainfall
dataset during six out of eight pentads, and vice versa for the
DSA (19). This denition captures the rapid transition from
a lower to higher rainfall regime associated with the DSE, and
vice versa for the DSA. The DSE and DSA are not inuenced by
any bias of rainfall amount, as long as the temporal patterns of
the rainfall variation are not affected. Similar denitions have
been widely used in the literature (18, 19, 23). For analysis of
models, we modify our criterion to ve out of eight pentads to
best match the modeled DSE and DSA with observations.
The trends are computed using a least square t. The con-
dence intervals and signicance are determined based on the
effective sample size and a ttest, following Santer et al. (24). The
trend signicance is further tested by the right-tailed (positive)
Vogelsang trend test, a more conservative test for strongly auto-
correlated and nonstationary time series (25).
Fig. 1 shows the temporal variations of the DSL, DSE, and the
mean rainfall during the dry-to-wet transition in austral spring
season derived from the P
dataset. The strong delay of the DSE
in 2004 and 2005 is consistent with previous reports on the 2005
Amazonian drought (26, 27). The 2010 drought was mainly
caused by strong rainfall reduction in early and middle 2010,
followed by a rapid increase of rainfall at the end of October (16)
(Fig. S2). Hence, the DSE in 2010 was not delayed. As shown in
Table 1, the DSL has increased at a rate of 1.3 ±0.5 pentad or
about 6.5 ±2.5 d per decade for uncertainties of P<5% (24).
This increase is mainly caused by a delay of the DSE at a rate of
0.9 ±0.4 pentads or 4.5 ±2.0 d per decade (P<5%), as also
evident in a decrease of rainfall by 0.19 ±0.04 mm/d per decade
(P<5%) during austral spring. The more stringent Vogelsang
test (25) still shows that these trends are signicantly positive,
but with uncertainty P<10%. This delay of the DSE in recent
decades is consistent with that inferred from a monthly rainfall
dataset (16), the signicant trends of decreasing rainfall at two
long-term rain gauge stations located within our southern Ama-
zonia domain (28), and also a decrease of convective cloudiness
during austral spring detected by satellites (29). No signicant
changes of the DSA and rain rate are detected (Fig. S3).
The main re season over southern Amazonia spans the pe-
riod of AugustOctober, during the transition from the dry to the
wet season. A delayed DSE would prolong the re season,
leading to an increase of re counts during October and No-
vember. Thus, the latter measured by satellite can provide an
independent verication of the former. Fig. 2 shows that a delay
of the DSE is correlated with re counts in the prolonged re
season (the correlation coefcient for the de-trended data is R=
0.83, P<0.01, based on the method of ref. 30). Similarly, the
correlation coefcient for the de-trended DSL and re counts is
0.88, P<0.01. This relationship is further supported by an in-
crease of the McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI, ref.
31), as determined from two independent atmospheric reanalysis
products, the European Center for Medium Range Forecast
Reanalysis (ERA)-Interim (32) and the National Center for
Environment Prediction (NCEP) reanalyses (33). A high FFDI
value represents a favorable meteorological condition for re.
These consistent changes between three physically related but
independently obtained variables lend additional support to the
observed delay of the DSE.
What could cause this delay of the DSE over southern Ama-
zonia? Previous studies have established that stronger convective
inhibition energy (CIN) and/or a poleward displacement of the
subtropical jet over South America (SJ
) in austral winter are
important contributors to an anomalously late DSE in austral
spring (19, 34, 35). The former increases the work required to lift
air near the surface to the level of free convection, above which
the rising air becomes buoyant. The latter blocks cold-front
incursions from the extratropics that would trigger rainfall over
Southern Amazonia DSE and DSL
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
(Pentad of year)
[Number of pentads]
Southern Amazonia SON rainrate
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
SA24-Silva Average
Fig. 1. (A) Annual time series of the DSL (red line) and DSE (blue line) dates
derived from the P
daily rainfall data over the southern Amazonian do-
main show a decrease of DSL due to a delay of DSE. The unit is pentad (5 d).
On the left axis, the 55th pentad corresponds to September 27 of the cal-
endar date and the 70th pentad corresponds to December 1015. (B) Time
series of austral spring seasonal rainfall over southern Amazonia derived
from the P
and GPCP datasets show decrease of rainfall consistent with the
delay of DSE shown in (A). The linear trend is determined by a least-square
tting. Trends are signicant at P<5% based on Santer et al. (24).
Table 1. The linear trends, condent interval and signicance of
the DSL and DSE for the periods 19792011 and 19792005
(19792011) 1.3 ±0.5 pen/dec 0.9 ±0.4 pen/dec
8.0 ±2.5 d/dec 4.5 ±2.0 d/dec
(19792005) 2.8 ±0.6 pen/dec 2.3 ±0.4 pen/dec
14.0 ±3.0 d/dec 11.5 ±2.0 d/dec
Uncertainty less than 5% (P<5%) as determined by the two-tailed ttest
with consideration of effective degree of freedom (24). The DSL and DSE are
derived from the P
merged daily rainfall data and the unit is pentads per
decade (pen/dec) and days per decade (d/dec).
Fu et al. PNAS
November 5, 2013
vol. 110
no. 45
a large area and result in DSE (35). The inuence of these
preconditions on the DSE can be altered by random variations of
the atmospheric circulation and oceanic circulations in austral
spring. Such inuences should be reduced by averaging over
time, leading to more clear relationships between the SJ
, CIN,
and DSE on a decadal scale than on an interannual scale. Fig. 3
shows that the delay of the DSE tends to occur when the SJ
displaced poleward and CIN is relatively large. Likewise, an
earlier DSE tends to occur when the SJ
is displaced equator-
ward and CIN is relatively low. Strong CIN combined with
equatorward displacement of SJ
or low CIN with poleward
do not seem to cause delay of the DSE, presumably because
they compensate each others effects on the DSE. On a decadal
scale, CIN increased in the 1990s relative to the 1980s (P<5%,
ref. 36). In the 2000s, CIN increased further from its values in the
1980s and 1990s, and SJ
becomes signicantly more poleward.
On an interannual scale, these connections between the SJ
CIN, and DSE variations are less obvious, presumably owing to
the inuence on the DSE of random interannual variations of
the tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTAs) and the Southern
Annular Mode of the atmosphere in austral spring.
What has caused the increase of CIN and poleward displace-
ment of the SJ
? Most previous studies have linked change of
rainfall over southern Amazonia to the Pacic Decadal Oscil-
lation (PDO), changes of meridional SST gradient in the tropical
Atlantic ocean associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscil-
lation (AMO, 26, 27, 37) and that of SJ
to the El Niño
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (35, 37). Because the periods of
available rainfall data are too short to obtain signicant corre-
lations of these variables on a decadal scale, we evaluate the
relationship between CIN, SJ
, and the SSTAs indices using
their unltered de-trended time series for austral winter. Be-
cause the results are dominated by the interannual variations, the
correlation coefcients between AMO and CIN may be weak-
ened by strong interference from ENSO compared with those
that might be obtained on a decadal scale from a longer record.
The result indicates that CIN is marginally correlated with the
PDO index (P=8%, 30), whereas SJ
is not correlated with any
of the ENSO, PDO, or AMO indices (Table S1). The lack of any
robust correlation is consistent with the facts that (i) the SSTAs
associated with ENSO, PDO, and AMO are generally weaker in
austral winter and so are their inuences on atmospheric circu-
lation compared with austral summer or fall (3840) and (ii ) CIN
is inuenced by soil moisture anomalies, vegetation root depth,
and lower troposphere temperature. Hence, any relationship
with SSTAs is likely to be complex and nonlinear.
Could the decadal phase change of PDO and AMO qualita-
tively explain the change of CIN and SJ
? The PDO has been
decreasing since the 1990s and became overall negative during
2000s. Such a change would not explain a poleward shift of SJ
(38) and an increase of CIN over southern Amazonia. AMO has
shown a positive trend since 1979. However, the correlation
between AMO and CIN is insignicant. Thus, natural interannual
and decadal oceanic variability cannot be used to explain the
changes of CIN and SJ
during the last few decades.
Could greenhouse effect-forced changes explain the increase
of CIN and poleward shift of SJ
? Previous studies have
established that the observed decreasing atmospheric tempera-
ture lapse rate and increasing surface temperature over the
tropics during the past several decades are consistent with the
ngerprintof the greenhouse effect (41). Over Amazonia,
surface relative humidity has been decreasing owing to an in-
crease of surface temperature over the past few decades (42).
These changes could increase CIN, especially during winter (the
dry season), when the surface air humidity cannot increase pro-
portionally with temperature.
The poleward shift of SJ
can be contributed by both a
globally poleward shift of the southern hemisphere subtropical
jets (SJ
) and by the atmospheric planetary wave response to
warm SSTAs over the central Pacic that is distinctively different
from those induced by the ENSO and PDO (39, 43). In austral
winter, the former is attributed to having been forced by the
increase of greenhouse gases (43, 44), whereas the trend of the
latter is attributed to having been forced by the warming of
the central Pacic and Indian oceans in turn forced by green-
house gases (39). The depletion of Antarctic ozone contributes
Dry season ending
Fire counts (ON)
50 55 60 65 70
Fig. 2. The DSE (unit is pentad) versus FFDI (green squares, units are non-
dimensional) and re count (red circles, unit is number of pixels) in October
and November for the period of 20002011 suggest prolonged re season
with delayed DSE. The 50th pentad corresponds to September 1015 and the
70th pentad corresponds to December 1015. The re counts are derived
from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer re-count data.
FFDI is rst derived from the ERA-Interim and NCEP reanalysis, respectively,
and then averaged to obtain its values shown in the gure.
0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
kJ k
SJSA (°)
ERAI+NCEP pentad
Fig. 3. DSE date as a function of the latitudinal location of the SJ
and CIN
in austral winter over southern Amazonia for the period of 19792011
suggests a preference of poleward SJ
and strong CIN by the delayed DSE.
CIN and SJ
are rst calculated using the inputs from ERA-Interim (ERAI)
and NCEP reanalysis, respectively, then averaged to obtain the values shown
in this gure. The triangle, square, and diamond symbols denote decadal
means for the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. The error bars on these symbols
represent the SEs with uncertainties of P<5% (36).
| Fu et al.
importantly to the poleward shift of SJ
in austral summer and
fall, but not in the winter season. It peaks in the middle strato-
sphere during austral spring (45) and its inuence on atmospheric
circulation propagates downward to the upper troposphere to in-
uence the SJ
during austral summer. However, after the ozone
hole recovers in austral fall, its effect becomes negligible for the
austral winter (45). Hence, the observed changes of CIN and SJ
seem to be broadly consistent with those expected from forcing by
greenhouse warming, and not a consequence of the ozone hole.
Land use can reduce land surface latent uxes, and biomass
burning aerosols can stabilize the atmospheric temperature
stratication and weaken the dry-to-wet-season transition (46
49). Both could contribute to the delay of the DSE. However,
long-term rain gauges and satellite observations show more clear
decrease of rainfall and high clouds over the southwestern and
northeastern parts of southern Amazonia where land use and re
are less prevalent than they are over the Fire Archin south-
eastern Amazonia (28, 29). Furthermore, the DSE did not
change before or after the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption (Fig.
1). Thus, what inuence biomass burning aerosols and land use
have on the observed delay of the DSE remains unclear beyond
the observation that they do not seem to be the dominant cause.
Comparison with Climate Models
Attributing the changes of DSE, CIN, and SJ
to anthropogenic
climate change and projecting their future changes require
creditable climate models. Hence, we evaluate the 50 simulations
provided by eight global climate models presented in the In-
tergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes Fifth Assessment
Report (IPCC AR5) based on the availability of their daily
outputs of rainfall and other needed climate variables. These
models are identied along with relevant information in Datasets
and Methods and Table S2. The changes from the historical
simulations of the global climate models that were presented in
the IPCC AR5 are expected to be a result of random natural
climate variability and appropriate anthropogenic and external
forcing. If these models were perfect and the numbers of simu-
lations were sufcient to generate a full spectrum of climate
variability, one or more of these simulations would have captured
the observed changes. Thus, the discrepancies between the models
and observations should be caused either by undersampling of the
possible changes owing to insufcient numbers of simulations or
model errors, or both. Because the IPCC AR5 historical simu-
lations end in 2005, we compare the observed changes for the
period of 19792005 to the modeled 27-y changes in Fig. 4.
The trend distribution of the simulations of natural vari-
ability is generated by 158 samples that represent nonoverlapped
27-y changes from a total of 4,266 y of simulation by multiple
climate models. These simulations represent climate variability
of the DSE changes for up to a few thousand years return period,
and thus should adequately represent the range of the DSE
natural variability for the time scale relevant to this study. The
historical simulations by the eight climate models provide 40
samples of nonoverlapped 27-y changes for the period from the
mid-19th century to 2005 and the climate projections under the
Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario (RCP8.5)
(50) provide 38 samples of the nonoverlapped 27-y changes for
the period from 2006 up to 2299. Their ranges of the probability
distributions are comparable to those represented by 158 sam-
ples of the natural variability simulations, despite their smaller
number of samples. Thus, the differences between the statistical
distribution of modeled changes and those observed should be
mainly due to the modelsuncertainty, instead of due to under
sampling of the climate variability.
Fig. 4 shows that all of the changes of the DSE during 27-y
periods modeled by the natural climate variability, the historical
simulations, and the RCP8.5 future scenario are signicantly
smaller than those observed, although the occurrences of delayed
DSE trends increase with anthropogenic climate change. For ex-
ample, the historical simulations, with realistic anthropogenic
forcing, show an increased frequency of delayed trends of the
DSE compared with those of the natural variability scenario, and
more so for the RCP8.5 future scenario. However, these simu-
lations do not produce any trends that are comparable to the
large observed trend. The RCP8.5 scenario assumes that by 2100
the global anthropogenic radiative forcing would reach 8.5 Wm
and that the atmospheric CO
concentration would become
1,360 ppm. However, the projected DSE changes are still sig-
nicantly smaller than the observed DSE delay during the past
27-y period (with the uncertainty of P<5%, Fig. 4). Because the
change of the DSE dominates that of the DSL, the simulated and
projected DSL changes are also signicantly smaller than those
observed (Fig. S4).
Why is there such a large discrepancy between modeled and
observed changes of the DSE? Either the observed change of
DSE during 19792005 represents an extremely large swing from
natural variability with a return period greater than 4,000 y or the
climate models underestimate the natural and forced climatic
variability of the DSE. To explore the possibility of the latter, we
show in Fig. 5 that no model could reproduce the observed re-
lationship between the changes of DSE, SJ
, and CIN in any of
their historical simulations. The majority of the simulations show
much weaker changes of SJ
and CIN. These biases are con-
sistent with the underestimation of SJ
variability reported in
the literature (44) and the overestimation of the inuences of the
Pacic and Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zones on Ama-
zonia dry-season rainfall (51). The latter would undermine land-
surface feedback and reduce the sensitivity of the CIN to land-
surface warming and drying. Thus, the comparisons between
historical simulations and observations suggest that the climate
models evaluated in this study probably underestimate the sen-
sitivity of the DSE, SJ
, and CIN to climate variability and
anthropogenic change and that they could in turn underestimate
potential future changes of the DSE and DSL over southern
Amazonia (Fig. 4 and Figs. S4 and S5).
This study suggests that the IPCC AR5 models may underes-
timate the variability of the DSE (Fig. 4) and DSL (Fig. S4) over
Trend of DSE (pen/dec)
Frequency (%)
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 4. Distributions of the nonoverlapped 27-y trends of the DSE gener-
ated by the natural variability simulations (blue), historical simulations (red),
and projections of future changes under the RCP8.5 scenario (green), re-
spectively, suggest that the modeled DSE changes, including the projected
future change, are signicantly weaker than that which are observed during
19792005. The top 5% of the modeled trend samples are marked by blue,
red, and green vertical dashed lines for the natural variability, historical
simulations, and RCP8.5 scenario, respectively. The observed 27-y trend and
condence interval with uncertainties of P<5% are marked by the black
circle and horizontal bar in the upper right corner and are derived from the
daily rainfall data following method of Santer et al. (24).
Fu et al. PNAS
November 5, 2013
vol. 110
no. 45
southern Amazonia and their sensitivity to the natural variability
and anthropogenic forcing of the climate system. These biases
could lead to an underestimate of the potential future climatic
drying over southern Amazonia. However, one cannot simply
extrapolate the observed changes to the future. Hence, we do not
know how the DSL and DSE will change in the future without
knowing what has caused their past changes. However, a risk of
a future larger increase of DSL and delay of DSE does seem to
be nonzero, as implied by its connection to the apparent in-
uence of greenhouse-forced climate change on the CIN and
. Although its risk is highly uncertain, such a future increase
of the DSL would have strong impacts on southern Amazonia
were it to occur. For example, if we assume that the DSL were
to increase at half of the rates we observed during 19792011,
the DSL would be about 1 ±1/3 mo longer by 2090 than that in
the 2000s. Consequently, the long DSL and re season during
the 20042005 drought would become the new norm (Fig. 2).
Given the observed slow recovery of the rainforests after the
2005 drought (14), these changes could greatly increase the
danger of a transition from a rainforest to a savanna regime
over southern Amazonia (10, 12, 52), especially with the longer
DSL coupled to the higher surface temperatures and more
fragmented forests expected in the future (11, 12, 53), and even
accounting for the increase of dry season resilience of the
rainforest in an elevated CO
environment (17). Given such
potential impacts on the global and regional C cycle and bio-
diversity, the large uncertainty in determining future changes of
the DSL and DSE shown by this study highlights the importance
and urgency of better monitoring and understanding the changes
of the dry season over southern Amazonia. In addition to the
impact of global climate forcing, the roles that regional biomass
burning and land use play in the DSL over southern Amazonia
also need to be claried.
Datasets and Methods
, and FFDI are all derived from the ERA-Interim
and the NCEP reanalyses. CIN in Fig. 3 is computed from 6-h
temperature, humidity, and geopotential height proles. In Fig. 5,
a CIN index (54) is used because the models do not provide the
instantaneous temperature and humidity proles needed for
computing CIN. The latitude of the SJ
is determined by the
equatorward latitudinal location of the 28 m·s
monthly zonal
wind contour at 200 hPa between 30°and 90°W. This index most
consistently captures the latitudinal variation of the SJ
ciated with tropical meridional circulation changes in the two
reanalysis products, although the use of other similar zonal wind
indices does not change the variations of the SJ
. The variation
of SJ
based on this index is consistent with those determined
by the zero stream function in latitudinal-height space and the
250 W·m
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Contour (55) used in
the literature to describe changes of global subtropical jets. The
FFDI (31) is computed as
FFDI =1:275D0:987eðT
where Tis the daily maximum temperature (°C), His the daily
minimum relative humidity (%), Wis the daily mean wind speed
at 10 m (km/h), Nis the number of days since the last rain, Ris
the total rainfall (mm) in the most recent 24 h with rain, and I
is the total rainfall (mm) needed to restore the soil moisture con-
tent to 200 mm. These inputs are provided by the 6-h outputs from
the ERA-Interim and NCEP reanalysis. Fire count is obtained
from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer on board
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aqua
satellite (56) (
The AMO index is obtained from
timeseries/AMO/. The PDO index is obtained from http://jisao. The Niño3 and Niño4 indices
are obtained from
Eight of the climate models that were part of the IPCC AR5
are used in this study based on availability of the daily outputs of
precipitation and other needed climate variables. These models
are the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community
Climate System Model Version 4 (CCSM4), the NOAA Geo-
physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Climate Model Version 3
(GFDL-CM3), the Earth System Model (GFDL-ESM2M), the
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)-E2-H and
GISS-E2-R models, the United Kingdom Met Ofce Hadley
Center (HadGEM2-CC and HadGEM2-ES) models, and the
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-ESM-LR) model.
All of the model output and observational datasets are remap-
ped to the 2.5° latitude and longitude grids when they are
compared with each other in Figs. 4 and 5. A brief summary of
model resolutions, available ensemble simulations and sources of
the models are provided in Table S2.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Inez Fung for discussion that initiated and
inspired this work, James Hurrell, and the two anonymous reviewers and the
editor for insightful comments. This work is supported by National Science
Foundation Grant AGS 0937400 and National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Climate Program Ofce Modeling, Analysis, Prediction, and
Projection Program Grant NA10OAAR4310157. We acknowledge the World
Climate Research Programmes Working Group on Coupled Modeling for
organizing the Coupled Modeling Intercomparison Project. We thank the
climate modeling groups for producing and making their model outputs
available. The US Department of Energys Program for Climate Modeling
Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led de-
velopment of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Orga-
nization for Earth System Science Portals.
Trend of CIN Index (K/dec)
Trend of SJSA (deg/dec)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 5. Distribution of the DSE trends (color shades) as a function of the
trends of the SJ
(yaxis) and CIN (x axis) in austral winter for the period of
19792005 derived from the historical simulations of the eight IPCC AR5
models (circles) is different from that which is observed (red square). The
character in the center of each circle indicates the models name shown in
Table S2. The ensemble mean of the eight models is indicated by the di-
amond symbol.
| Fu et al.
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Fu et al. PNAS
November 5, 2013
vol. 110
no. 45

Supplementary resource (1)

... The decrease in rainfall in the southern part of the Peruvian, Brazilian, and Bolivian Amazon basin during the dry season has been associated with a delay in the onset of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and enhanced atmospheric subsidence over this region (Leite-Filho et al. 2019;). These atmospheric changes are also related to the increased dry season length documented over the southern Amazon basin since the 1970s Fu et al., 2013). The rainy season in the southern Amazon now starts almost a month later than it did in the 1970s ( Figure 4) ). ...
... In the extreme drought years of 2005, 2010, and 2016, as well as in previous droughts, the rainy season started late, and/or the dry season lasted longer Alves 2016). Since 1979, there has been an average increment of 6.5 ± 2.5 days per decade in the length of the dry season in the southern Amazon region (Fu et al., 2013). Overall annual mean precipitation has not significantly changed, but, like temperature trends, August-October precipitation has decreased by 17%, enhancing the dry-season/wet-season contrast (Gatti et al. 2021). ...
... Various studies have shown evidence of the lengthening of the dry season in the region, primarily over the southern Amazon, since the 1970s (Marengo et al. , 2018Fu et al. 2013 and references therein). This tendency can be related to the large-scale influence of meridional SST gradients across the North and South Atlantic or the strong influence of dry season evapotranspiration (ET) in response to a seasonal increment of solar radiation Butt et al. 2011;Lewis et al. 2011;Dubreuil et al. 2012;Fu et al. 2013;Alves 2016;Marengo et al. 2018), a poleward shift of the southern hemispheric subtropical jets (Fu et al. 2013), and an equatorward contraction of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) (Arias et al. 2015). ...
Full-text available
This review discusses observed hydroclimatic trends and future climate projections for the Amazon. Warming over this region is a fact, but the magnitude of the warming trend varies depending on the datasets and length of the analyzed period. The warming trend has been more evident since 1980 and has further enhanced since 2000. Long-term trends in climate and hydrology are assessed. Various studies have reported an intensification of the hydrological cycle and a lengthening of the dry season in the southern Amazon. Changes in floods and droughts, mainly due to natural climate variability and land use change, are also assessed. For instance, in the first half of the 20th century, extreme flood events occurred every 20 years. Since 2000, there has been one severe flood every four years. During the last four decades, the northern Amazon has experienced enhanced convective activity and rainfall, in contrast to decreases in convection and rainfall in the southern Amazon. Climate change in the Amazon will have impacts at regional and global scales. Significant reductions in rainfall are projected for the eastern Amazon. KEYWORDS: Climate change; land-use change; warming; moisture transport; drought; floods; climate models
... It is unclear whether the ENSO of 2015/ 2016 caused sufficient vegetation stress to trigger reductions in vegetation growth and the associated carbon fluxes or storage at our site. The forests of southeastern Amazonia are already experiencing increased water stress because of regional climate change, including more frequent and intense droughts (Davidson et al., 2012;Fu et al., 2013). As the region reaches its climatic limit, such changes will almost certainly increase plant water stress. ...
... This greater use of surface water by recovering vegetation can delay deep soil moisture recharge and extend the dry season. Second, changes in rainfall patterns in the region due to large-scale deforestation (Fu et al., 2013) and the increased frequency of extreme droughts associated with climate change (Duffy et al., 2015) could jeopardize soil moisture recharge and the recovery of these forests, limiting only part of the deep-rooted plant community to access water (Davidson et al., 2011;Nepstad et al., 1994). Together, the interplay between wildfire-induced soil moisture depletion and subsequent recovery of vegetation underscores the critical role of deep soil moisture as a vital water source for forest ecosystems in southeastern Amazonia. ...
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Soil moisture is a crucial variable mediating soil‐vegetation‐atmosphere water exchange. As climate and land use change, the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and disturbances will likely alter feedbacks between ecosystem functions and soil moisture. In this study, we evaluated how extreme drought (2015/2016) and postfire vegetation regrowth affected the seasonality of soil water content (0–8 m depth) in a transitional forest in southeastern Amazonia. The experiment included three treatment plots: an unburned Control, an area burned every three years (B3yr), and an area burned annually (B1yr) between 2004 and 2010. We hypothesized that (a) soil moisture at B1yr and B3yr would be higher than the Control in the first years postfire due to lower transpiration rates, but differences between burned plots would decrease as postfire vegetation regrew; (b) during drought years, the soil water deficit in the dry season would be significantly greater in all plots as plants responded to greater evaporative demand; and (c) postfire recovery in the burned plots would cause an increase in evapotranspiration over time, especially in the topsoil. Contrary to the first expectation, the burned plots had lower volumetric water content than the Control plot. However, we found that droughts significantly reduced soil moisture in all plots compared to non‐drought years (15.6%), and this effect was amplified in the burned plots (19%). Our results indicate that, while compounding disturbances such as wildfires and extreme droughts alter forest dynamics, deep soil moisture is an essential water source for vegetation recovery.
... Modeling studies have effectively represented the link between hydroclimate and deforestation. These studies reveal that deforestation disrupts the energy balance, evapotranspiration, and surface roughness, leading to feedback mechanisms with a drier atmosphere and shifting the circulation, reducing the rainfall, and delaying the rainy season onset (Fu et al 2013, Khanna et al 2017, Staal et al 2020, Commar et al 2023a. ...
... (Khanna et al 2017, Staal et al 2020, Commar et al 2023a. This delay in rainfall increases the dry season duration in several studies using CMIP5 due to the increase in temperature, the raised concentration of greenhouse gases, the intensification of El Niño, changes in the behavior of the subtropical jet, or changes in the moisture transport (Fu et al 2013, Brumatti et al 2020, Douville et al 2023. Likewise, our MT results show a considerable shift towards a later onset and shorter length of the rainy season in climate change scenarios. ...
Full-text available
Mato Grosso (MT) state, the agricultural giant of Brazil, owes its success to the long rainy season that has allowed for the extensive adoption of double cropping, elevating the region to one of the world’s leading grain producers. However, recent studies warn of the adverse impacts of deforestation and climate variability, which are causing a decrease in rainfall and a delay in the rainy season onset. These changes pose significant threats to both ecosystems and intensive agriculture. To assess these threats, we compared past and present rainfall and rainy season duration in MT and conducted robust climate projections using climate simulations forced by realistic deforestation scenarios. Our analysis of observed rainfall data from the past four decades and Community Earth System Model simulations affirmed a worrying trend of decreasing rainfall volumes, delayed rainy season onset, and shorter rainy season length. Climate projections indicate that this pattern will intensify, with onsets expected in late October and rainy season durations shorter than 200 d by mid-century. These findings underscore the potential impact on MT’s double-cropping system, a cornerstone of the region’s agricultural success, and emphasize the urgent need for sustainable large-scale agricultural practices and strategic interventions by regional decision-makers to mitigate agricultural losses and ecosystem degradation.
... The reduction of the rainy season in the South is predominantly driven by its later onset- Fig 12A and 12B. This is in line with the observed historical lengthening of the southern part of the basin dry season due to its delayed ending [59,60]. The simulated change in the North appears to be more driven by the earlier ending of the wetland season. ...
... Consistent with [35], our findings also simulate a shortening of the inundation season in the eastern part of the bason. The projected shortening of the future wetland season and delay in the onset of the southern wetland season found in our study are consistent with the observed historical shortening of the South American monsoon season [64] and delayed ending of the southern Amazon bason dry season [59,60]. ...
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Climate change over the Amazon basin has the potential to cause major hydrological and ecological impacts over the region’s extensive wetlands. To investigate this the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model is first extended to include riverine inundation. Potential impacts of future climate change on Amazon basin wetlands are then evaluated by driving this updated JULES model with modelled meteorology projections from six different climate simulations reaching approximately 4°C global warming at the end of the 21st Century. The projected changes in inundation extent and seasonality are assessed over four major wetland regions. The simulations project, on average, a significant decrease in total Amazon basin inundated area of 11% (range: -36% to +9%) by the 2090s. This considerable spread is primarily driven by disparity in simulated precipitation changes, ultimately driven by sea surface temperature differences. The wetter contemporary climate simulations simulate the greatest drying by the end of this Century, resulting in the largest wetland area reductions. The largest qualitative disagreement is over the western Iquitos wetland, with inundated area changes ranging from a very large reduction of -53% to an increase of 12%. A new wetland classification scheme is developed to summarise the projected changes in wetland seasonality. The largest drops in simulated wetland season length occur over the Central/East Manaus and West Iquitos wetland regions, with reductions of up to 10 and 8 months respectively. Such significant changes in future inundation are likely to have a major impact on regional wetland hydrology and their ecosystems.
... As anomalias de precipitação média mensal associadas ao aquecimento do oceano Atlântico Tropical Norte mostram uma redução de aproximadamente 1 mm por dia de junho a novembro, e um secamento semelhante de 1 mm por dia de agosto a novembro associado ao aquecimento do Pacífico Equatorial (Harris et al., 2008). Essas anomalias de temperatura em ambos os oceanos resultam em uma estação seca mais longa na Amazônia (Harris et al., 2008;Fu et al., 2013). Isso ocorre porque o aquecimento dos oceanos altera a circulação atmosférica de grande escala, levando ar quente e seco para a Amazônia (Sampaio et al., 1999;Borma;Nobre, 2013). ...
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RESUMO A floresta amazônica passou por mudanças climáticas significativas nos últimos 50 anos. Para combater as causas das mudanças climáticas, promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e apoiar Povos Indígenas e comunidades locais na região, o Painel Científico para a Amazônia introduziu o conceito de uma sociobioeconomia de saudáveis florestas em pé e rios fluindo. No entanto, a Amazônia está em perigo de ultrapassar um ponto de não retorno, o limiar que sustenta a estabilidade ambiental da floresta, o que deve dificultar a implementação da sociobioeconomia e agravar os problemas sociais e ambientais na região. Neste estudo, analisamos os impactos do aquecimento global, mudanças de usos da terra, secas extremas e incêndios florestais na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos e discutimos soluções baseadas na natureza para fortalecer a sociobioeconomia da região amazônica.
... Extreme events have been increasing in the Amazon with severe growth in the occurrence of flood events in the last 20 years when compared to the 1920-2000 period (Barichivich et al 2018). In addition, Marengo and Espinoza (2016) suggested that drought would intensify throughout the 21st century, with an increase in high temperatures, and in the length of the dry season (Fu et al 2013). ...
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In 2023, an intense drought impacted the Amazon basin triggered by climate change and a strong El Niño event, with the Negro River reaching its lowest water level in 120 years. However, the spatiotemporal open water extent (OWE) during this drought remains unclear. This study comprehensively evaluates OWE variability in the central Amazon using Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data since 2017. Monthly OWE masks were generated through an empirical threshold classification with accuracy >95%. Overall, the central Amazon experienced a reduction of ∼8% in OWE in the 2023 dry season months (November and December) when compared to monthly-average. However, reductions of up to 80% in OWE were observed in several specific lakes. Our analysis underscores the unprecedented severity of the 2023/2024 drought on rivers and floodplains. Utilizing SAR remote sensing technologies, this study emphasizes the urgent need for proactive conservation measures to safeguard the Amazon’s ecological integrity amid escalating environmental challenges. Monthly water masks from January/2017 to September/2024 are available here:
... The maps in Figure 6 provide a synthetic measure of the shifts of the regional frequency of the main ACT large classes (A, B, C) by representing their respective percentages for each period. These maps confirm that humid tropical climates (cumulating Af and Am) have declined sharply in the western central part of the country and the southern Amazon, confirming the decrease in precipitation observed in this region by various authors (Marengo, 2005;Dubreuil et al., 2012;Fu et al., 2013;Debortoli et al., 2015;Almeida et al., 2016;Arvor et al., 2017;Khanna et al., 2017): in Porto Velho, for example (Figure 1-3) the Am type represented only a third of the ACT observed during the recent period. In the northeast of Brazil, the extension of the frequencies of "B" types confirms the increasing aridity of the interior of the Bahia to the coastline of Ceará (Lacerda et al., 2015;Marengo et al., 2017). ...
This article proposes to use the Köppen classification to evidence climate change in Brazil. To do so, the average monthly temperature and precipitation data were computed for a set of 208 stations, representative of the climatic diversity of Brazil for the period from 1964 to 2015. The originality of our approach is not only to look at the shift between the averages of two references periods but also to observe how each year can be classified using Köppen's classification; thus, we defined “annual climate types” (ACT) and established the frequency of ACTs for each station and each period of 26 years: 1964–1989 and 1990–2015. The statistical and cartographic treatment of this information makes it possible to define the limits of the climates of Brazil and look at its evolution showing the diversity of regional situations in Brazil. The results show that 35 stations (17%) changed from the average Köppen's type, with significant regression of wet tropical types (Af and Am) and temperate types (C). On the other hand, the tropical (Aw), arid and semi-arid (B) types progress between the two periods showing significant modifications of the climatic limits in Brazil: extension of aridity in the northeast of Brazil and increasing extinction of tropical types upon temperate climates in the south of the country and upon rainy types in the south of the Amazon. These results are consistent with other studies and illustrate the potential for climate change and variability monitoring using a simple classification method.
... Nevertheless, the prediction of changes in precipitation patterns for the Amazon remains highly uncertain, with outcomes varying significantly across different regions of the Amazon basin. Certain areas, such as the southern region, exhibit more pronounced reductions in precipitation (Fu et al., 2013;Marengo et al., 2018). Despite being an extreme scenario, a 30% reduction in precipitation in the Amazon region is within the realm of possibility based on scientific studies and projections (Malhi & Wright, 2004). ...
... If the main research question is focused on seasonal changes, then we suggest picking the mechanistic variable that is thought to be driving patterns, and using that data to define a meaningful variable of season. For example, Rutt & Stouffer [53] were interested in changes in interaction networks across seasons and they followed Li & Fu [54] and Fu et al. [55] to empirically determine the onset of the wet season based on hourly precipitation data. We urge researchers to keep in mind that when using day of year and other similar variables, these are cyclic in nature (day 365 is closely related to day 1) and should be analysed as such (e.g. ...
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Many variables in biological research—from body size to life-history timing to environmental characteristics—are measured continuously (e.g. body mass in kilograms) but analysed as categories (e.g. large versus small), which can lower statistical power and change interpretation. We conducted a mini-review of 72 recent publications in six popular ecology, evolution and behaviour journals to quantify the prevalence of categorization. We then summarized commonly categorized metrics and simulated a dataset to demonstrate the drawbacks of categorization using common variables and realistic examples. We show that categorizing continuous variables is common (31% of publications reviewed). We also underscore that predictor variables can and should be collected and analysed continuously. Finally, we provide recommendations on how to keep variables continuous throughout the entire scientific process. Together, these pieces comprise an actionable guide to increasing statistical power and facilitating large synthesis studies by simply leaving continuous variables alone. Overcoming the pitfalls of categorizing continuous variables will allow ecologists, ethologists and evolutionary biologists to continue making trustworthy conclusions about natural processes, along with predictions about their responses to climate change and other environmental contexts.
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Current and near future climate policy will fundamentally influence the integrity of ecological systems. The Neotropics is a region where biodiversity is notably high and precipitation regimes largely determine the ecology of most organisms. We modeled possible changes in the severity of seasonal aridity by 2100 throughout the Neotropics and used birds to illustrate the implications of contrasting climate scenarios for the region's biodiversity. Under SSP‐8.5, a pessimistic and hopefully unlikely scenario, longer dry seasons (> 5%), and increased moisture stress are projected for about 75% of extant lowland forests throughout the entire region with impacts on 66% of the region's lowland forest avifauna, which comprises over 3000 species and about 30% of all bird species globally. Longer dry seasons are predicted to be especially significant in the Caribbean, Upper South America, and Amazonia. In contrast, under SSP‐2.6—a scenario with significant climate mitigation—only about 10% of the entire region's forest area and 3% of its avifauna will be exposed to longer dry seasons. The extent of current forest cover that may plausibly function as precipitation‐based climate refugia (i.e., < 5% change in length of dry periods) for constituent biodiversity is over 4 times greater under SSP‐2.6 than with SSP‐8.5. Moreover, the proportion of currently protected areas that overlap putative refugia areas is nearly 4 times greater under SSP‐2.6. Taken together, our results illustrate that climate policy will have profound outcomes for biodiversity throughout the Neotropics—even in areas where deforestation and other immediate threats are not currently in play.
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Amazon forests are a key but poorly understood component of the global carbon cycle. If, as anticipated, they dry this century, they might accelerate climate change through carbon losses and changed surface energy balances. We used records from multiple long-term monitoring plots across Amazonia to assess forest responses to the intense 2005 drought, a possible analog of future events. Affected forest lost biomass, reversing a large long-term carbon sink, with the greatest impacts observed where the dry season was unusually intense. Relative to pre-2005 conditions, forest subjected to a 100-millimeter increase in water deficit lost 5.3 megagrams of aboveground biomass of carbon per hectare. The drought had a total biomass carbon impact of 1.2 to 1.6 petagrams (1.2 × 1015 to 1.6 × 1015 grams). Amazon forests therefore appear vulnerable to increasing moisture stress, with the potential for large carbon losses to exert feedback on climate change.
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DATA. Th e gridded fi elds were constructed from about 7900 stations within 10,168 station data fi les. Most sta-tion records (see Fig. 1) are shorter than the full 65-yr period, with some missing observations within the available record. A given grid incorporates all station observations available for that day. Th e idea is that with a suffi cient density of stations, an occasional missing value will not substantially aff ect the gridpoint average. One must be careful, however, when using gridded fi elds like these for studies such as trend analyses, which may sensitively depend on the number and temporal homo-geneity of stations averaged into a given grid point. Th e stations are almost entirely east of the Andes Mountains. Th ere is substantial variation in station density. Brazil dominates the station count in both quantity and density, although station density var-ies substantially within Brazil as well, with a higher concentration in heavily settled areas to the east. Th e yearly count of stations with at least one ob-servation in a given year gradually increases from A gridded dataset of historical daily precipita-tion for South America is now available to the public. We believe this dataset is a substantial improvement over what heretofore has been easily accessible because it contains data from numerous sources. Th ese data have been combined in a simple manner into daily 1° and 2.5° gridded fi elds for the period 1940–2003. Th e data should help to improve our understanding of precipitation variability, a fundamental and diffi cult problem of meteorology and climatology. Rapid spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, even in the absence of topography, makes diagnosis of the regional-to large-scale component extremely challenging. An ac-curate depiction of precipitation is a fi rst-order require-ment for climate studies and model validation. Research into the causes of precipitation variabil-ity is seriously impeded by a frequent lack of adequate observational data. A few scattered observations, some of which may be missing at any given time, are unlikely to refl ect actual precipitation behavior. Th ese and other problems, including timeliness of station reports and a nearly complete lack of coverage over the oceans, have prompted a large research eff ort into estimating precipitation via satellite retrievals. Estimates derived from satellite measurements have proved immensely valuable in fi lling gaps in direct observations, and their accuracy improves as research continues. Nonetheless, gauge-based mea-surements of good quality and suffi cient density pro-vide the most accurate estimate of precipitation over a given area. Further, satellite research has introduced the additional need for gauge-based observations to validate and calibrate the retrievals. FIG. 1. Stations used to produce gridded precipitation fi elds described in text. For the most part, in Brazil colors correspond to basins. Elsewhere, colors corre-spond to different countries or datasets.
This research is designed to investigate how convective instability influences monthly mean precipitation in Texas in the summertime and to examine the modulation of convective instability and precipitation by local and regional forcings. Since drought results from the accumulated effects of deficient precipitation over time, this study is expected to shed light on the physical and dynamical mechanisms of the initiation and maintenance of serious droughts as well. The focus in Part I of this two-part study is on identification of the controlling convective parameters and, in turn, the surface-based processes that cause variations in these parameters. NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data and observed precipitation data, correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and back-trajectory analysis are used to reveal the underlying dynamics of their linkage and causality. Monthly mean precipitation is modified mainly by convective inhibition (CIN) rather than by convective available potential energy (CAPE) or by precipitable water. Excessive CIN is caused by surface dryness and warming at 700 hPa, leading to precipitation deficits on a monthly time scale. While the dewpoint temperature and thermodynamics at the surface are greatly affected by the soil moisture, the temperature at 700 hPa was found to be statistically independent of the surface dewpoint temperature since the 700-hPa temperature represents free-atmospheric processes. (These free-atmospheric processes are the focus of the companion paper.) Finally, the strong correlations among precipitation, soil moisture, and CIN, as well as their underlying physical processes, suggest that the tight linkage between precipitation and soil moisture is not only due to the impacts of precipitation on soil moisture but also to the feedbacks of soil moisture on precipitation by controlling CIN.
A gridded dataset of historical daily precipitation for South America is now available. The data are combined in a simple manner into daily 1° and 2.5° gridded fields for the period 1940-2003. The fields provided are daily precipitation totals and station counts. The counts give the number of stations that are included in each grid point for each day. The dataset is expected to help improve the understanding of precipitation variability.
Abstract? Biodiversity, a central component of Earth's life support systems, is directly relevant to human societies. We examine the dimensions and nature of the Earth's terrestrial biodiversity and review the scientific facts concerning the rate of loss of biodiversity and the drivers of this loss. The estimate for the total number of species of eukaryotic organisms possible lies in the 5?15 million range, with a best guess of ?7 million. Species diversity is unevenly distributed; the highest concentrations are in tropical ecosystems. Endemisms are concentrated in a few hotspots, which are in turn seriously threatened by habitat destruction?the most prominent driver of biodiversity loss. For the past 300 years, recorded extinctions for a few groups of organisms reveal rates of extinction at least several hundred times the rate expected on the basis of the geological record. The loss of biodiversity is the only truly irreversible global environmental change the Earth faces today.
The spatial and temporal pattern of annual rainfall and the strength of the dry season within the Amazon region are poorly known. Existing rainfall maps are based on the data from full-scale, long-term meteorological stations, operated by national organizations linked to the World Meteorological Organisation, such as INMET in Brazil. Stations with 30 or more years of uninterrupted and reliable recordings are very few, considering the size of the region, and most of them are located along the major rivers. It has been suggested that rainfall conditions away from these rivers are substantially different. An analysis has been made of the records of a network of simple pluviometric sites in the Brazilian part of the region as maintained by the National Agency for Electric Energy (ANEEL) since 1970. The latter data sets were used to draw more detailed maps on annual rainfall, and on the strength of the dry season in particular; average number of consecutive months with less than 100 mm, 50 mm, and 10 mm, respectively. Also, some data were obtained on the spatial expression of El Niño events within the region. Sub-regional differences are large, and it is argued that they are important for the success or failure of agricultural settlements; for the hazard of large-scale fire damage of the still existing primary forest vegetation; for the functioning of this land cover as stock and sink of CO2, and for the likelihood that secondary forests on abandoned agricultural lands will have less biomass. The effects of past El Niño rainfall anomalies on the biodiversity of the natural savannahs within the forest region are discussed.
Future changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and associated influences on climate could affect the future sustainability of tropical forests. The authors report on tropical forest projections from the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 2 Earth System configuration (HadGEM2-ES) and compare them to results from the previous generation model [third climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model in lower resolution with carbon cycle (HadCM3LC)], which had projected near-complete dieback of the Amazon rain forest for a business as usual scenario. In contrast, HadGEM2-ES projects minimal change in Amazon forest extent. The main aim of this study is a preliminary investigation of this difference between the two models. It is found that around 40% of the difference in forest dieback projections is associated with differences in the projected change in dry-season length. Differences in control climatologies of temperature and dry-season length, projected regional warming, and the forest response to climate and CO2 also all contribute to the increased survival of forest in HadGEM2-ES. However, HadGEM2-ES does not invalidate HadCM3LC: Amazon dieback remains a possible scenario of dangerous change that requires further understanding. The authors discuss the relevance to assessments of dieback risk and future work toward narrowing uncertainty about the fate of the Amazon forest.
A database is described that has been designed to fulfill the need for daily climate data over global land areas. The dataset, known as Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily, was developed for a wide variety of potential applications, including climate analysis and monitoring studies that require data at a daily time resolution (e.g., assessments of the frequency of heavy rainfall, heat wave duration, etc.). The dataset contains records from over 80 000 stations in 180 countries and territories, and its processing system produces the official archive for U.S. daily data. Variables commonly include maximum and minimum temperature, total daily precipitation, snowfall, and snow depth; however, about two-thirds of the stations report precipitation only. Quality assurance checks are routinely applied to the full dataset, but the data are not homogenized to account for artifacts associated with the various eras in reporting practice at any particular station (i.e., for changes in systematic bias). Daily updates are provided for many of the station records in GHCN-Daily. The dataset is also regularly reconstructed, usually once per week, from its 20+ data source components, ensuring that the dataset is broadly synchronized with its growing list of constituent sources. The daily updates and weekly reprocessed versions of GHCN-Daily are assigned a unique version number, and the most recent dataset version is provided on the GHCN-Daily website for free public access. Each version of the dataset is also archived at the NOAA/National Climatic Data Center in perpetuity for future retrieval.