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published: 16 October 2013
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00751
Synaesthesia and sexuality: the influence of synaesthetic
perceptions on sexual experience
Janina Nielsen1, Tillmann H. C. Kruger1,UweHartmann
1, Torsten Passie1,2 , Thorsten Fehr3and
Markus Zedler1*
1Department of Clinical Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
2Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
3Department of Neuropsychology, Center for Advanced Imaging Bremen/Magdeburg, Center for Cognitive Sciences, University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Edited by:
Clare Jonas, University of East
London, UK
Reviewed by:
Noam Sagiv, Brunel University,
London, UK
Danko Nikolic, Max Planck Institute
for Brain Research, Germany
Markus Zedler, Department Clinical
Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry, and
Psychotherapy, Hannover Medical
School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
(OE 7110), 30625 Hannover,
e-mail: zedler.markus@
Introduction: Synaesthesia is a phenomenon in which a certain stimulus induces a
concurrent sensory perception; it has an estimated prevalence of 4%. Sexual arousal as
an inducer for synaesthetic perceptions is rarely mentioned in the literature but can be
found sometimes in case reports about subjective orgasmic experiences.
Aims: To examine whether synaesthetic perceptions during sexual intercourse have
an impact on the sexual experience and the extent of sexual trance compared to
Methods: In total, 19 synaesthetes with sexual forms of synaesthesia (17 female; 2 male)
were included as well as corresponding control data of 36 non-synaesthetic subjects
(n=55). Two questionnaires were used to assess relevant aspects of sexual function and
dysfunction (a German adaption of the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning, KFSP) as well
as the occurrence and extent of sexual trance (German version of the Altered States of
Consciousness Questionnaire, OAVAV). Additionally qualitative interviews were conducted
in some subjects to further explore the nature of sexual experiences in synaesthetes.
Main Outcome Measures: Sexual experience and extent of sexual trance during
Results: Synaesthetes depicted significantly better overall sexual function on the KFSP
with increased scores for the subscale “sexual appetence” but coevally significant lower
subscale scores for “sexual satisfaction.” Sexual dysfunction was not detected in this
sample. Synaesthetes depicted significantly higher levels of the subscales “oceanic
boundlessness” and “visionary restructuralization” than controls using the OAVAV.
Qualitative interviews revealed varying synaesthetic perceptions during the different
states of arousal. Furthermore, synaesthetes reported an unsatisfactory feeling of isolation
caused by the idiosyncratic perceptions.
Conclusions: Synaesthetes with sexual forms of synaesthesia seem to experience a
deeper state of sexual trance without, however, enhanced satisfaction during sexual
Keywords: synaesthesia, sexuality, sexual satisfaction, sexual appetence, oceanic boundlessness, visionary
restructuralization, sexual trance, OAVAV
Synaesthesia is a neural condition in which a certain stimulus,
called inducer, elicits a concurrent perception; for example, listen-
ing to music can induce the visual perception of colored patterns
or letters and numbers are perceived in specific idiosyncratically
associated colors. Current estimates consider synaesthesia to be
more common than previously assumed with prevalence at 4%
(Simner et al., 2006). According to Day (2004) the most common
form is grapheme-color synaesthesia with prevalence at 68.8%
among synaesthetes. Orgasms as inducers for colored visions are
considered less frequent with a prevalence of 2.15%. In some
cases flavors as synaesthetic concurrents induced by orgasms are
mentioned as well. Sexual types of synaesthesia as described below
do not only contain orgasms and sexual arousal but also more
general tactile inducers such as touching, caressing, and petting
(i.e., all forms of physical contact during sexual intercourse).
Therefore, sexual synaesthesia actually contains several synaes-
thetic types. Touches as synaesthetic inducers are mentioned by
Day as well. There are described many different concurrents
such as colors (4.08%), flavors (1.07%), smell (0.43%), sounds
(0.32%) or temperatures (0.11%). Generally, in literature sexual
types of synaesthesia are rarely mentioned. Cytowic (1989) notes
that in some cases “kissing and sexual intercourse is a reliable trig-
ger (...), causing colored photisms, tactile shapes and textures October 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 751 |1
Nielsen et al. Synaesthesia and sexual experience
and tastes”(p. 34). Altogether, this special form of synaesthesia
has been neglected so far in scientific research, probably due to
the low rate of prevalence and the difficulties in investigating this
highly subjective phenomenon.
Outside synaesthesia research, synaesthetic experiences dur-
ing sexual activity have also been described by sex researchers.
Fisher (1970) conducted an interview study to investigate female
orgasmic experiences. The words of one subject bear remarkable
resemblance to the descriptions by synaesthetes: “(...)theonly
images I ever experienced at this time and during orgasm is a
fuzzy blackness with red or white muted bursts coming through
it (...)”(p. 207). The phenomenological description is similar to
descriptions of audio-visual forms of synaesthesia as the visual-
ized structures and colors are not static but dynamic and alter-
nating (Haverkamp, 2009). Mosher (1980) referstothiscitation
as an example of highly extended sexual trance which is defined as
“(...) an altered state of consciousness (...) representing a quali-
tative shift in the pattern of psychological functioning that differs
from the norm of alert, waking consciousness” (p. 11). In his
model “Three dimensions of depth of involvement in human sex-
ual response” sexual trance is one of three postulated dimensions
essential to a maximum extent of depth of involvement which
in turn is a condition for efficient sexual stimulation. The max-
imum extent of sexual trance leads to a state of total absorption.
The other dimensions are “role enactment” and “engagement
with the partner.” According to Mosher, an equilibrium between
those three dimensions is a condition for a maximum extent of
depth involvement and thus, for sexual satisfaction. According
to Swartz (1994) absorbed states of consciousness—sometimes
called altered states of consciousness (ASCs) or sexual trance—
are a common phenomenon during sexual arousal and play an
important role in sexual responses. Regarding general, inducer-
independent criteria for ASCs, Ludwig (1966) postulates synaes-
thesia may be an important feature of ASCs. Shanon (2003) also
discusses the occurrence of synaesthesia in ASCs which seems to
be a common phenomenon. Tellegen and Atkinson (1974) who
investigates the “high absorption person” describes the inherent
ability “to operate diverse representational modalities synergis-
tically so that a full but unified experience is realized” (p. 275)
which he claims is a cognitive accomplishment of the absorption
trait. He calls this integrative phenomenon “syngnosia” (p. 275),
a term used analogous to “synesthesia” which he suggests is one
of its components.
Assuming that synaesthesia may be an important constituent
of ASCs and that several parallels between synaesthesia and the
ability to achieve sexual trance can be found the consequent
hypothesis is that synaesthetes with sexual forms of synaesthesia
(i.e., synaesthetic perceptions through any sexually experienced
inducers) may experience a higher degree of sexual trance dur-
ing intercourse. The present study investigated this hypothesis by
comparing the sexual experiences of a group of synaesthetes with
a control group. A further hypothesis concerns the sexual satis-
faction of synaesthetes with sexual forms: According to Mosher’s
(1980) theory that sexual trance is one basic criterion for high
sexual involvement, it is assumed that synaesthetes are able to
experience a greater sexual satisfaction than a non-synaesthetic
standardization sample.
Nineteen synaesthetes (17 female, 2 male) were recruited via
internet and through an already existing data pool of the synaes-
thesia work group at the Hannover Medical School (MHH).
All subjects were assumed to be psychiatrically and physically
healthy which was based on enquiry during acquisition phase.
Only synaesthetes who reported synaesthetic perceptions during
sexual experiences were included. Synaesthesiae included visual
perceptions such as colored shapes. There didn’t seem to be any
essential differences between the synaesthetic experiences of the
male and female subjects i.e., both types of gender described gen-
erally similar perceptions. Coexisting synaesthetic forms ranged
from emotionally induced ones to more common forms such as
grapheme-color synaesthesia which was confirmed via the consis-
tency test. This test was developed to investigate the consistency of
mapping across time as it has previously been shown that synaes-
thetes show greater matching consistency than non-synaesthetes
(e.g., when asked to match colors to graphemes and then being
re-tested after a delay). It was designed via MatLab (Matrix
LABoratory, Version 7.1.) by the MHH synaesthesia research
group and is based upon the “synesthesia battery” by Eagleman
et al. (2007). The inclusion criterion of a sexual form of synaesthe-
sia was simply confirmed by interviewing the participants, as this
form of synaesthesia cannot be verified through any standardized
tests. This lack of assurance will be discussed in detail below.
The control group data for the KFSP (Reynolds et al., 1988;
Mazer et al., 2000) stem from a data pool of sexual healthy women
generated by the Clinical Psychology Department of the MHH.
Due to the insufficient number of men in the synaesthetic group,
the male participants were excluded from the KFSP research. The
mean age of the female synaesthetes (37.06; SD ±11.31) again
was not statistically different from that of the controls (36.12;
SD ±10.17).
The data of the control group for the OAVAV (Dittrich, 1975,
1998; Passie, 2007) investigation was obtained in a parallel MHH
study investigating gender-specific differences in sexual experi-
ence. The control group was matched pairwise by gender and age.
The mean age of the synaesthetic group (36.53; SD ±11.7) did
not differ from the control group (34.2±10.0) as measured by
The study was approved by the MHH Ethics Committee. The
subjects were assured that any private information they gave
would be kept confidential. By carrying out the procedure via
mail the participation was kept anonymous. Each questionnaire
was labeled with a code number so that the response rate could
be followed. Each participant gave written consent about the
Two questionnaires were employed. First, the KFSP
(“Kurzfragebogen zur Erfassung sexueller Probleme”) is an
instrument for the investigation of most relevant aspects of sex-
ual function and dysfunction. The KFSP consists of two different
versions; one especially developed for women (KFSP-F) and one
for men (KFSP-M) but only the KFSP-F was implemented. The
KFSP-F is theoretically based on, but is not a direct translation
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Nielsen et al. Synaesthesia and sexual experience
which in turn is based on the BSFQ (“Brief Sexual Function
Questionnaire for Men”) (Reynolds et al., 1988). The KFSP-F
contains four subscales: “Sexual satisfaction,” “sexual appetence,”
“arousal/lubrication,” and “orgasm ability.”
Furthermore, the OAVAV was applied to investigate general
forms of ASCs. The original version APZ (“Abnorme Psychische
Zustände”) is a standardized psychometric assessment of ASCs in
humans developed by Dittrich (1975) and is available in English
andGerman(Dittrich, 1998). The APZ consists of three dimen-
sions (“oceanic Boundlessness,” “dread of ego dissolution,” and
“visionary restructuralization”). During the process of validation
the APZ was revised and renamed the OAV; later it was com-
pleted by two more subscales. Thus, the name of the latest version,
OAVAV, is a composition of the capital letters representing the five
subscales in German: Oceanic boundlessness, dread of ego disso-
lution, visionary restructuralization, reduction of vigilance, and
auditive alterations (Passie, 2007).Eachoneofthesubscalescon-
tains specific characteristics of ASCs according to Ludwig (1966).
The items have to be rated on a visual analog scale from 0 up to 10.
Subjects were instructed to fill out the questionnaire about 10 min
after sexual intercourse. The German version of the OAVAV is
validated in comprehensive studies (Dittrich, 1998). Independent
two-sample t-tests were conducted for statistic comparison of the
synaesthetic group and the control groups; the statistic analy-
sis was accomplished via PASW (Predictive Analytics Software,
version 18). A p-value of p<0.05 (α-level) was considered as
statistically significant.
Additionally, qualitative semi-structured interviews were con-
ducted with approximately half of the synaesthetic subjects
(n=7) who were willing to participate in this part of the study.
The interviews were supported by guidelines which were adjusted
to the sexual response cycle by Masters and Johnson (1966),in
order to investigate perception during different phases of sexual
experience. The transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed by
the “Grounded Theory” by Glaser and Strauss (1998) which is a
systematic methodology to analyze written data. Instead of begin-
ning with a theory, the basic idea is to develop a superordinate
theory by extracting key points from the text and then subse-
quently create codes, concepts, and categories. The results will be
presented exemplarily to complement the quantitative results.
The KFSP total score was significantly higher in synaesthetes
than in the controls, which reflects better sexual function in gen-
eral. Accordingly, the subscale score for “sexual appetence” was
significantly higher (p=0.003) for synaesthetes. Surprisingly,
the subscale “sexual satisfaction” was significantly lower for
synaesthetes than for control subjects (p=0.036). The subscales
“arousal/lubrication” and “orgasm ability” did not reveal any dif-
ferences between synaesthetes and control group (see Tab l e 1 for
Synaesthetes achieved significantly higher scores for total OAVAV,
as well as for the subscales “oceanic boundlessness” and
“visionary restructuralization” (see Ta b l e 2 for details). Since the
latter contains visual perceptions as patterns or colors, the high
“visionary restructuralization” score for synaesthetes seems to
directly reflect their visual synaesthetic perceptions during sexual
A detailed qualitative analysis according to the “Grounded
Theory” by Glaser and Strauss (1998) could only be accomplished
for three of the interviewed subjects, because the other partici-
pants would not comply with being recorded on tape during the
interview, due to the intimate subject. By analyzing the result-
ing transcriptions two main categories could be extracted: (1)
stages of sexual experience and (2) significance of the synaesthetic
Concerning the first category, the synaesthetes reported differ-
ent stages of synaesthetic experiences analogous to the different
stages of the sexual response cycle by Masters and Johnson (1966).
Not all synaesthetes were capable of allocating their synaesthetic
perceptions to one of the different stages but variation in the
appearance of their perceptions over time was observed in every
subject. Ta b l e 3 shows the five different stages of the response
cycle [including the desire stage added by Kaplan (1974)]with
exemplary citations.
Concerning the second category, a significant emotional
compound of sexual synaesthesia was detected: All of the synaes-
thetes questioned described themselves as “emotional synaes-
thetes” [which is based upon the term “Gefühlssynästhesie” by
Emrich (2009)], generally experiencing synaesthetic perceptions
induced by emotional states. The accompanying emotions during
each state of sexual excitement seemed to influence the synaes-
thetic perceptions. The degree of emotional influence on the
synaesthetic perceptions can be illustrated by the example of
one female synaesthete who describes her desire stage as orange
while claiming that she experiences orange itself as quite aver-
sive. On further enquiry, the subject admitted that her aversive
perception during the desire stage is based upon a more general
aversion to sexuality which she describes as low interest in sex-
ual activity. Sexuality never played an important role in her life
and this previously used to concern her when she compared her-
self with others. It is noteworthy that the synaesthetes reported
almost consistently that they consider the synaesthetic experi-
ences as enriching for themselves, but that at the same time it
makes them feel isolated from their environment during sexual
By studying synaesthesia we can learn a lot about consciousness
in general (e.g., different types of synaesthesia can provide us
with clues for theories concerning the nature of consciousness).
ASCs—such as synaesthesia—are a part of human consciousness
and as such, they need to be studied in order to understand its
nature (Sagiv and Frith, 2013).
Based on the various indications that synaesthesia and sexual
trance seem to share certain phenomenological characteristics, October 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 751 |3
Nielsen et al. Synaesthesia and sexual experience
Table 1 | Sexual function in synaesthetic and non-synaesthetic females.
Group comparison by t-test for independent samples
Mean synaesthetic SD synaesthetic Mean control SD control T-value pCohen’s d
group group group group
KFSP-F total 3.27 0.36 2.93 0.36 −2.66 0.01*−0.91
“Sexual appetence”
e.g., “How important is it for
you in general to have a
satisfying sex life?”
3.67 0.77 2.88 0.67 −3.21 0.003** −1.1
“Arousal/ lubrication”
e.g., “Do you experience an
increasing feeling of arousal
during sexual activity?”
2.29 0.75 2.32 0.79 0.11 0.91 0.04
“Orgasm ability”
e.g., “How often do you
experience an orgasm during
sexual intercourse?”
2.37 0.37 2.37 0.32 −1.15 0.26 −0.39
“sexual satisfaction”
e.g., “Altogether, how
satisfied have you been with
your sex life over the last
3.29 1.77 4.66 1.88 2.19 0.04*0.75
Results of the short questionnaire for sexual problems for women (KFSP-F): Comparison between two independent samples by t-test in the appending subscales;
significance: *p<0.05; **p<0.01; degrees of freedom (df )=32 for all t-tests; effect size according to Cohen’s d: Around 0.2 →small effect, around 0.5→medium
effect, around 0.8 and larger values →large effect.
Table 2 | Altered states of consciousness during sexual intercourse.
Group comparison by t-test for independent samples
Mean synaesthetic SD synaesthetic Mean control SD control T-value pCohen’s d
group group group group
OAVAV tota l 2.31.39 1.40.85 2.41 0.022*0.78
“Oceanic boundlessness” 3.98 2.09 2.63 1.57 2.24 0.031*0.73
“Visionary restructuralization” 2.83 1.91 1.08 1.03 3.49 0.001** 1.32
“Dread of ego dissolution” 0.56 0.51 0.77 0.83 −0.96 0.346 −0.31
“Reduction of vigilance” 2.51.84 1.58 1.56 1.67 0.104 0.54
“Auditive alterations” 0.91 1.47 0.30.29 1.78 0.084 0.57
Results of the altered states of consciousness questionnaire (OAVAV): Comparison between two independent samples by t-test in the appending subscales;
significance: *p<0.05; **p<0.01; degrees of freedom (df )=34 for all t-tests; effect size according to Cohen’s d: Around 0.2 →small effect, around 0.5→medium
effect, around 0.8 and larger values →large effect.
we hypothesized an increased degree of sexual trance and sex-
ual satisfaction in synaesthetes. Indeed, synaesthetes depicted
significantly higher levels of “oceanic boundlessness” and “vision-
ary restructuralization” reflecting sexual trance and visual
synaesthesia during sexual intercourse. However, contrary to our
hypotheses, synaesthetes were less satisfied with their sexuality,
possibly due to a lack of partner involvement regarding synaes-
thetic perceptions.
Regarding the possible neurobiological mechanisms of synaes-
thetic perceptions during sexual intercourse, an imbalance
between prefrontal and limbic brain function may be an
important factor. Some ASCs can be accompanied by transient
frontal hypoactivity as made evident by Dietrich (2003).This
overlaps with a former theory by Cytowic (1989),whoproposed
a limbic basis for synaesthesia due to insufficient inhibition of
subcortical activity by cortical processes, which was supported
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Nielsen et al. Synaesthesia and sexual experience
Table 3 | Exemplary citations by the synaesthetes questioned about the different phases of the human sexual response cycle.
Phase Characteristics Exemplary citations
0. Appetence phase Sexual fantasies, development of sexual drive “This phase has an orange character”
1. Excitement phase Increment of sexual drive, initiation of multiple physical
reactions (e.g., increase of breathing rate, rise of blood
pressure, sex flush)
“(...) and it’s getting more intensive (... ) starting with few
colors at the beginning it becomes more and more intense (...)”
2. Plateau phase Enhancement of reactions during the excitement phase “The greater the excitement becomes the more the thoughts
are canalized”
“The initial fog transforms into a wall”
3. Orgasmic phase Conclusion of plateau phase; resolution of
vasocongestion and myotonia
“Then it’s like that: In the moment of orgasm the wall bursts (...)
ringlike structures (...) in bluish—violet tones”
4. Resolution phase Resolution of arousal as retrograde progression “The resolution phase varies between pink and yellow”
by tentative neurophysiological data from Schiltz et al. (1999).In
amorerecentstudybyCohen-Kadosh et al. (2009) it was pos-
sible to induce synaesthetic experiences through hypnotic states
which are also accompanied by transient changes in prefrontal
functioning. Passie et al. (2004) suggested that hyperventilation
during sexual intercourse may be a mechanism that intensifies the
sexual experience due to cortical, in particular frontal inhibition,
which can be seen as congruent with the assumption that synaes-
thetes are able to experience a deeper state of trance. This possible
neurobiological link between synaesthetic proneness and inten-
sification of sexual trance may be an explanation for the higher
values for synaesthetes in the ASCs questionnaire although the
present study certainly remains hypothetical on this topic due to
the lack of actual neurophysiological data.
Concerning the postulated increased sexual satisfaction of
synaesthetes, the employment of the KFSP-F showed a signifi-
cantly lower level of sexual satisfaction in synaesthetes and sig-
nificantly higher values in the subscale “sexual appetence” and
the total KFSP-F score. Apparently the female synaesthetes were
less satisfied despite increased sexual appetence and a possibly
heightened sexual trance. One possible explanation for these,
at first sight, contradictory results can be found in the theory
by Mosher (1980) who postulates sexual trance as one of the
three dimensions essential to maximum extent of depth of sexual
involvement. The model proposes that equilibrium between the
three dimensions is mandatory for sexual satisfaction, whereas
over-emphasis of one dimension develops an assimilating effect
and averts satisfaction. In the case of over-emphasis of the dimen-
sion “sexual trance” the other dimensions—“role enactment”
and “engagement with the partner”—are neglected. The person
becomes more introverted and separated from the environment
which may impair partner involvement. Thus, the high degree
of sexual trance in synaesthetes may provoke an increased focus
on sensual experiences on the inside, instead of partner-related
aspects. This explanation is supported by the results of the
personal interviews in which the synaesthetes reported an isolat-
ing effect of their synaesthetic experiences, while at the same time
they experienced their perceptions as enriching and pleasant for
We would like to emphasize that the results are restricted by
some methodological limitations. First of all—as has already been
noted above—the presence of sexual synaesthesia could not be
confirmed via consistency test [a test to investigate the consistency
of mapping across time according to the “synaesthesia battery” by
Eagleman et al. (2007)]. Therefore, the results presented should
be treated with care.
This lack of evidence is due to the fact that sexual synaesthe-
sia obviously cannot be tested in laboratory conditions by using
the original inducers. However, it is still outstanding if there is a
possibility of testing this form of synaesthesia without the original
inducer which would imply a more semantic nature of the stim-
uli (i.e., ideaesthesia) (Jürgens and Nikolic, 2012). Concerning the
question whether or not sexual synaesthesia could be considered
as ideaesthesia, the reports of the interviewed synaesthetes show
contradictory results. Thus, some of them reported more sensory
based inducers which seem directly connected to perceptual stim-
uli (e.g., caressing). For them it was consequently difficult during
the interview to remember the exact appearance of their con-
currents by memory. Others, on the contrary, reported a more
conceptual way in experiencing their synaesthetic concurrents,
for example the female synaesthete who experiences her sexual
desire stage in orange and who was easily able to visualize her
synaesthetic experiences by memory. In summary, it still remains
unclear whether or not sexual synaesthesia can be considered as
ideaesthesia. Certainly, in case it could be confirmed, it would give
an opportunity to prove in a laboratory setting that this form of
synaesthesia really exists. This question should be topic of further
However, it should be noted that, in our sample, other vari-
eties of synaesthesia, such as grapheme-color or audio-visual
forms, could be confirmed via consistency test which can be
considered as clue for the credibility of the subjects. Another
clue is that the “visionary restructuralization” scale showed sig-
nificantly higher values for the synaesthetes than for controls,
reflecting the general existence of visual synaesthesiae in our
Finally, it has to be pointed out that this study can be consid-
ered as a pilot project providing clues for further investigation. October 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 751 |5
Nielsen et al. Synaesthesia and sexual experience
fairly adequate for this primary examination. Further research on
this issue is still outstanding.
The present investigation reveals novel aspects of ASCs in
synaesthetes; synaesthetic experiences during sexual arousal
seem to be accompanied by a higher degree of sexual trance
consisting of an experienced loss of environmental bound-
aries and varying visual perceptions. This increment in trance
possibly leads to accelerated introversion and a shift in
attentional resources focusing exclusively on inner percep-
tions. Whether or not this heightened introversion attenu-
ates the partner involvement—and consequently the synaes-
thete’s own sexual satisfaction—should be the subject of further
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The
authors declare that the research
was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships
that could be construed as a potential
conflict of interest.
Received: 28 May 2013; accepted: 26
September 2013; published online: 16
October 2013.
Citation: Nielsen J, Kruger THC,
Hartmann U, Passie T, Fehr T and
Zedler M (2013) Synaesthesia and
sexuality: the influence of synaesthetic
Psychol. 4:751. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.
This article was submitted to Cognitive
Science, a section of the journal Frontiers
in Psychology.
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Hartmann, Passie, Fehr and Zedler.
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