Background: Understanding the phenomenology and content of the inhaled N, N, dimethyltryptamine (N, N-DMT) experience is critical to facilitate and support ongoing research and therapeutic models targeting mental health conditions and central nervous system pathology.
Methods: Qualitative analysis of all N, N-DMT experiences posted to the r/DMT Reddit community over a 10-year period from 2009-2018.
Results: A total of 3778 experiences from 3305 posts were included in this study. A median dose of N, N-DMT of 40.0 mg [interquartile range (IQR), 27.5 to 50.0] and a median experience duration of 10 minutes (IQR, 5.0 to 15.0) were identified. The most common somatic effects were somaesthesias (n=1415, 37.5%) and an auditory ringing (n=583, 15.4%). Visualizations predominantly consisted of fractals, shapes, patterns (n=1231, 32.5%) and vivid colours (n=953, 25.2%). Entity encounters occurred in 45.5% (n=1719) of the experiences and involved predominantly a feminine phenotype (n=416, 24.2%); aliens (n=281, 16.3%); deities (n=238, 13.8%); creature-based entities (n=158, 9.2%, including reptilian and insectoid beings); mythological beings (n=138, 8.0%, including machine elves); and jesters (n=112, 6.5%). Entity interactions were predominantly positive (n=600, 34.9% of encounters) involving benevolent, comforting, protecting, or outwardly caring interactions. A companion-type, pedagogical, or guide-type interaction was identified 32.4% of encounters (n=557). Common typology, architectural, and structural features of the “DMT world” were descriptions of alternate or higher dimensions (n=952, 25.2%); room(s) [n=582, 15.4%, including the “waiting room” (n=105, 2.8%)], and a tunnel (n=390, 10.3%). Features of mystical and ego-dissolution experiences were common and additional rewarding aspects were reported, including familiarity and acceptance/removal of the fear of death. Challenging and difficult responses were less frequent but also documented. Statements of profundity were identified in 232 experiences (6.1%), including pronouncing the experience or an aspect of the experience as the most “beautiful” or feeling the most “beautiful” of their life (n=47, 1.2%).
Conclusion: This study identified common phenomenological themes and content of naturalistic inhaled N, N-DMT experiences. Major thematic domains included (1) physical and somatic experiences; (2) content of visualizations and imagery; (3) entity encounters including entity phenotype, descriptors, attributes, disposition, and characteristics of the interaction; (4) typology, architectural features, structural characteristics, and scenery of the “DMT world”; (5) emotional responses (including positive, rewarding, difficult, and challenging); and (6) statements of profundity.