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Acute Effects of Two Massage Techniques on Ankle Joint Flexibility and Power of the Plantar Flexors


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to determine if three minutes of petrissage and tapotement forms of massage would influence plantar flexors' flexibility, and muscle power. Nineteen participants were randomly subjected to three conditions (control and two massages) before performing two power tests. Prior to the intervention, subjects completed ankle joint flexibility assessments. The conditions were; (1) control, where subjects lay prone and had a therapist's hands resting, (2) vigorous petrissage, and (3) tapotement applied at a rate of 4Hz; all on the triceps surae. Following completion of the intervention, subjects immediately completed a post- ankle joint flexibility test, followed by a drop-jump and concentric calf raise. The power measures were; concentric peak force, rate of force development, and drop-jump height / contact time. The data showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in ankle joint angle on the right leg and a corresponding tendency on the left. No significant change was seen with the power measures. Results suggest that massage can increase plantar flexors' flexibility without a change in power and thus may be an alternative to static stretching during an athletic warm-up. Key pointsThree minutes of petrissage and tapotement forms of massage increased ankle flexibility.Massage did not adversely affect jump power measures.Massage may be an effective alternative to static stretching as a component of a pre-event warm-up.
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©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007) 6, 498-504
Received: 26 July 2007 / Accepted: 18 September 2007 / Published (online): 01 December 2007
Acute effects of two massage techniques on ankle joint flexibility and power of
the plantar flexors
Grant J.B. McKechnie 1, Warren B. Young 1 and David G. Behm 2
1 School of Human Movement and Sports Science, University of Ballarat, University Drive, Mount Helen, Ballarat,
Victoria, Australia, 2 School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s
Newfoundland, Canada
The purpose of this study was to determine if three minutes of
petrissage and tapotement forms of massage would influence
plantar flexors’ flexibility, and muscle power. Nineteen partici-
pants were randomly subjected to three conditions (control and
two massages) before performing two power tests. Prior to the
intervention, subjects completed ankle joint flexibility assess-
ments. The conditions were; (1) control, where subjects lay
prone and had a therapist’s hands resting, (2) vigorous petris-
sage, and (3) tapotement applied at a rate of 4Hz; all on the
triceps surae. Following completion of the intervention, subjects
immediately completed a post-ankle joint flexibility test, fol-
lowed by a drop-jump and concentric calf raise. The power
measures were; concentric peak force, rate of force develop-
ment, and drop-jump height / contact time. The data showed a
significant increase (p < 0.05) in ankle joint angle on the right
leg and a corresponding tendency on the left. No significant
change was seen with the power measures. Results suggest that
massage can increase plantar flexors’ flexibility without a
change in power and thus may be an alternative to static stretch-
ing during an athletic warm-up.
Key words: petrissage, tapotement, warm-up, range of motion,
The practice of massage has long been considered an
integral part of sport preparation, conditioning and recov-
ery (Cafarelli and Flint, 1993; Caldwell, 2001; Drust, et
al., 2003; Harmer, 1991; Hemmings, 2001; Tiidus and
Shoemaker, 1995). Since the time of ancient Greece,
massage and sport have co-existed. However, it was not
until the 1972 Munich Olympics where Lasse Viren at-
tributed his two gold medals to a daily massage (Cald-
well, 2001), that massage became synonymous with
sporting achievement. In addition, more recently Cal-
laghan (1993) and Clews (1999) reported extensive use of
massage on their national Olympic teams.
Although massage is practised widely throughout
sporting circles, the effects and mechanism associated
with massage are unclear or anecdotal (Boone et al. 1991,
Wiktorsson-Möller, et al., 1983; Cafarelli and Flint, 1993;
Harmer, 1991; Hemmings, 2001; Tiidus and Shoemaker,
1995). Athletes use massage in an attempt to aid recovery
as well as warm-up for training or competition (Boone et
al., 1991; Cafarelli and Flint, 1993; Caldwell, 2001; Cash,
1996; Drust et al., 2003; Harmer, 1991; Hemmings, 2001;
Tiidus and Shoemaker, 1995; Wiktorsson-Möller et al.,
1983). Current recommendations from Sports Medicine
Australia (2005) for warming-up prior to activity involve
2-3 minutes of jogging to raise a light sweat prior to
stretching. This activity is to increase the heat throughout
the body and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury by
increasing tissue suppleness. Stretching follows to further
reduce the risk of injury, reduce muscle tension and in-
crease freedom of movement. However, there are numer-
ous articles indicating that pre-event static stretching can
impair force (Behm and Kibele, 2007; Behm et al., 2001;
2006), balance, reaction and movement time (Behm et al.,
2004b) and jump landing contact time (Power et al.,
2004). Although Nelson et al. (2001) found that the dele-
terious effect of prior stretching was limited to slower
isokinetic velocities (60°/s and 120°/s), other studies have
found prior static stretching to inhibit dynamic jump
performance (Behm et al., 2006, Behm and Kibele, 2007;
Young and Behm 2002,). Whereas increased ROM is
coupled with performance impairments when static
stretching is implemented, pre-event massage might im-
prove ROM without the associated impairments. It would
be important to discover if there are any massage-related
impairments and if they could affect dynamic jump per-
formance. While Hunter et al. (2006) reported that post-
massage effects on isokinetic force were only significant
at 60°/s; they also opined that the deleterious effect might
only occur with the first contraction after massage. With
the incertitude in the literature it would be opportune to
further investigate the effect of massage on jump meas-
Massage involves methodical pressure, friction and
rubbing (Hemmings, 2001). Various strokes such as,
effleurage, petrissage, tapotement and frictions have been
developed from Swiss massage. Petrissage (“to knead”) is
a vigorous stroke, which compresses and releases soft
tissue via picking up and squeezing the muscle and over-
lying tissues. It is aimed at stretching muscle fibres, in-
creasing mobility between the tissue interfaces, aiding
venous and lymph return, relaxing muscles, and in help-
ing with the removal of wastes (Goats, 1994a; Paine,
2000). Tapotement is a percussive massage stroke, such
as hacking, pecking or cupping; aimed at stimulating the
cutaneous tissue and superficial muscle, aiding the prepa-
ration for competition (Goats, 1994b; Paine, 2000). Un-
fortunately, the factions that prescribe pre-event massage,
Research article
McKechnie et al.
do not agree on the type, style, application, duration,
intensity, number of strokes, or the time prior to competi-
tion required to benefit from massage (Caldwell, 2001;
King, 1993; Paine, 2000). In addition, limited empirical
data was found to substantiate each stroke’s claimed
benefit or if they had any effect at all. Therefore, both
practitioner and recipient may have a poor understanding
of the true nature of massage.
Currently, the majority of studies, on sports mas-
sage, focus on post-event conditions specifically aiding
recovery from intense exercise and the relieving of de-
layed onset of muscular soreness symptoms (Weber et al.,
1994). Very little research has been conducted on the pre-
exercise or pre-event condition (Hemmings, 2001). Al-
though various authors have speculated on the positive
effects of massage (Cafarelli and Flint, 1993; Caldwell,
2001; Hemmings et al., 2000; Hemmings 2001; King,
1993; Paine, 2000), there is little scientific or empirical
data to support these claims (Boone et al., 1991; Hem-
mings et al., 2000; Shoemaker et al., 1997). Furthermore,
these studies have methodological problems. Duration of
the treatment and the type and number of strokes con-
ducted during the treatment are inconsistent, with these
decisions often left up to the discretion of the therapist
applying the treatment (Wiktorsson-Möller et al., 1983).
Consequently, scientific knowledge in the area of
the pre-event massage is lacking. There is insufficient
evidence to suggest that pre-event massage is of any
physiological benefit, whether it has a positive or negative
affect on performance and ROM. Hence, the purpose of
the study was to establish whether particular massage
strokes (petrissage or tapotement) had any effect on
power performance of the plantar flexors and ankle joint
flexibility immediately post-treatment.
Nineteen students, who volunteered (8 female and 11
male) from the University of Ballarat, (mean; age = 21 ±
2.25 years, height = 1.78 ± 0.09 m, weight 76.59 ± 9.87
kg) participated in and completed the study. Following
approval from the University Human Research and Ethics
committee, all subjects read and signed an informed con-
sent form prior to beginning the study. Subjects were
required to be injury free in the ankles, lower legs and feet
as well as have a moderate level of proficiency in jumping
sports to decrease likelihood of injury from the test. Typi-
cally, this meant the subjects were participating in team
sports such as Australian Rules football and netball at a
recreational level.
Subjects were required to attend four sessions throughout
the study. All tests for each individual were conducted at
approximately the same time of day to eliminate diurnal
variations. The first session was a familiarisation / infor-
mation session where the procedure and tests were de-
scribed, demonstrated and practised. The remaining ses-
sions were the test sessions, where the experiment was
implemented. The order in which the test sessions were
completed was randomly assigned (dice throw) prior to
commencement of the first test session. Each test session
involved four components:
1. Pre-intervention calf flexibility test where both an-
kles were tested for ROM.
2. Treatment / intervention which was either the con-
trol, massage treatment 1 (petrissage) or massage
treatment 2 (tapotement), applied in a randomly
assigned order.
3. Post intervention calf flexibility, where the subject
completed the same ROM test, commencing on the
same leg as in the pre-test.
4. Completion of two power jump tests conducted in
random order.
The above sequence was completed on three sepa-
rate occasions, to allow the three different testing condi-
tions to be conducted. All massage was completed in a
laboratory free of other people or sounds to prevent exter-
nal stimuli from influencing the result. The massage was
performed on an Athlagen Access-lift electric table that
was set at a height comfortable for the therapist to com-
plete the massage. No adjustments of table height where
permitted once a testing session commenced due to the
noise associated with the motor. Testing bouts were con-
ducted no closer than 48 hours and no further than 96
hours from each other. The control condition was con-
ducted to account for possible influences of the resting
prone position, oil or the contact of the hands on the skin.
The same therapist was used for all subjects.
Familiarisation / information session
This session was conducted approximately one week prior
to the commencement of testing. The purpose of this
session was to inform the participant of the requirements
of the study, familiarise each subject with the testing
procedures, and demonstrate the massage styles to be
Ankle joint flexibility measures
Ankle joint flexibility was assessed prior to and following
the intervention. Subjects assumed a supine position with
their hands above their heads on a wall to brace their body
position for the measure to be performed. The hands were
in this position to avoid sliding along the floor whilst the
testers wound in the device. The machine was braced by
one of the testers to avoid the machine from moving
whilst the other tester wound the device. The testers also
stabilised the subject’s ankle firmly in the device to avoid
any slippage of the foot in the machine (Figure 1).
The assignment of which leg would be tested first
was determined randomly with an eight-sided die. The
same order for the legs was used for pre- and post-testing.
Once this order was determined, the subject was tested
and received the treatment on this leg first for the duration
of the study. Following this procedure, the plantar surface
of the first foot was placed on the wooden plate of the
ankle joint flexibility device. The plate was then wound
slowly to increase ankle dorsiflexion. The subjects were
to inform the testers when they reached a position that
induced a sensation just prior to the onset of pain. The
subject was instructed to look directly up at the ceiling to
Massage effects on flexibility and power
avoid influence of visual stimulus in regards to ankle
position. A reading was taken of the acute angle between
the horizontal and movable plate on the degrees scale on
the side of the device, with the measurement resolution
0.5 degrees. This angle was considered as the measure of
passive flexibility of the plantar flexors. This procedure
was then immediately repeated for the following leg.
Only a single flexibility trial was conducted due to the
time taken to perform the test. This test has been reliably
used in previously published research (Young et al.,
2006). Repeating this procedure could influence the sub-
ject’s perception of the end point just before pain and
consequently affect the overall result.
Figure 1. Ankle joint flexibility test.
Treatment interventions
The order in which each participant completed the inter-
ventions was predetermined randomly. The position for
all three interventions was the same; lying prone on an
Athlagen Access Lift electric table, with the feet hanging
off the end of the table in a relaxed position. ‘Cold-
pressed’ vegetable based oil was applied to each of the
subjects over the plantar flexors. The amount of oil ap-
plied to each subject was sufficient to provide comfort
during the vigorous application of petrissage without
irritation of the skin or hair on the leg. No conversing
between the therapist and subject was allowed, no noise,
talking in the laboratory, music or anything else that could
alter the mood state was permitted during the interven-
Control condition
The control condition consisted of resting in a prone posi-
tion as described above and the oil was applied. The mas-
sage therapist rested the hands on each leg over the triceps
surae group for a period of three minutes on each leg. No
movement of the therapist’s hands was permitted
throughout the duration of the application. Direct contact
was used in the control to account for any influence of
physical contact. This control was necessary due to the
potential psychological effect of massage as demonstrated
by Tyurin (1985).
Massage treatment 1 – Petrissage
The subject adopted a position as described above. The oil
was applied to both legs as with the control. The therapist
then proceeded to massage the subject’s plantar flexors
with a vigorous kneading ‘duck-billing’ motion – petris-
sage (Figure 2). This was applied to one leg for a period
of three minutes and then the other leg.
Figure 2. Petrissage massage technique.
Massage treatment 2 – Tapotement
The subject adopted the starting position as described
above. Oil was applied as with the other two interven-
tions, although not normally required for tapotement
technique. This was done to be consistent with the preced-
ing two interventions. A percussive hacking style (Figure
3) was applied to the plantar flexors for duration of three
minutes each leg as per the other two interventions. The
strike rate of this technique was vigorous at 4Hz. This
was consistent throughout the total six minute time pe-
riod. Consistency was ensured with the therapist wearing
a “Walkman” with earphones and a compact disc playing
a beeping noise every 0.5 s. The therapist was instructed
to strike his right hand twice for each beat.
Figure 3. Tapotement massage technique.
To ensure consistency for all conditions, the same
qualified massage therapist was used. The therapist had
been practising massage professionally for over three
years and was qualified with a Diploma of Health Science
(Remedial Massage).
McKechnie et al.
Jump procedures
All subjects on completing all other tests performed two
tests of muscle power. The order, in which these tests
were conducted, was randomly assigned. Once deter-
mined, the subject completed these tests in this order for
the remainder of their test sessions. These two tests were
selected as they are seen to be two differing neurophysi-
ological methods of force generation (Young et al., 2006).
The drop-jump involves a stretch-shortening cycle (SCC),
whereas the concentric calf raise is a pure concentric
Drop jump
The drop jump was performed from a 30cm high box onto
a contact mat system (Swift Performance Equipment)
(Power et al., 2004; Young and Behm, 2002, Young and
Elliott, 2001; Young et al., 2006). Subjects were in-
structed to keep their hands on their hips throughout the
test, and to step off the box with a straight leg to ensure
the fall began as close to 30cm as possible. The objective
was to jump for maximum height and minimum contact
time. As previous studies have indicated, these instruc-
tions produced short contact times (<200msec) and
change the jumping task compared with jumping only for
height (Power et al., 2004; Young and Behm, 2002;
Young et al., 2006). The testers, to ensure correct tech-
nique and give feedback as required, repeated the cues of
maximum height and minimum contact time. Each subject
performed a maximum of two jumps with approximately
30 seconds rest between trials. The best score was re-
tained for the final result.
The test yields two results, height achieved and
contact time. The power measure is the height divided by
contact time. As the flight time determines the height
achieved, it is only valid if the subject lands in the exact
position of the take-off. Consequently, the subjects’ in-
structions were to land from their jumps with the hips and
knees extended and the feet fully plantar flexed before
flexing these joints to distribute the impact of landing.
“Although this test does not totally isolate the plantar
flexors, such a jumping technique has been shown to
reduce the activation of the quadriceps and increase the
activation of the gastrocnemius compared to a drop jump
for height only,” (Young et al., 2006).
Concentric calf raise
This test was performed in a modified Smith Machine
(Olympic bar is attached and guided along vertical rails)
with a 10kg bar on the shoulders to enhance stability
whilst performing the movement (Young et al., 2006).
The subject was placed in the Smith Machine and in-
structed to remain still, on flat feet. Their weight was then
measured and recorded. When instructed to ‘go’ the sub-
ject performed a maximal explosive concentric calf raise
as ‘hard and fast as possible’. Their knees had to remain
locked throughout the test and their toes were to remain in
contact with the ground. This test isolated the plantar
flexors as hip and knee extension was eliminated. To
decrease the subject utilising other muscles, their tech-
nique was assessed during the movement.
The power measures were captured with a Kistler
force platform (Z4852/C) operating at 1000Hz. The soft-
ware ascertained the absolute maximum force and re-
ported this as peak force. The maximum rate of force
development (RFD) was calculated as the greatest force
increase over 5 msec on the ascending aspect of the curve.
The subjects performed two trials, with the best score
taken as the result. These parameters have been used
previously (Young and Elliot, 2001).
Statistical analysis
To compare the measures of muscle power from the con-
centric calf raise and drop jump across these conditions, a
one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with repeated
measures was employed. For the flexibility measures, a
two-way ANOVA, (3 conditions x 2 times {pre- and post-
intervention}) with repeated measures, was also used;
however, the focus was on the condition × time interac-
tion since the flexibility results had a pre- and post- treat-
ment score. The ANOVAs were conducted separately for
right and left limbs. Significance was set at p < 0.05 for
all tests. Effect sizes (ES = mean change / standard
Figure 4. Mean ankle angle for the right leg. The symbol “*” represents that both post-massage measures
experienced significantly (p < 0.05) greater change compared to the post-test control measure. A decreased
angle signifies an increase in the range of motion (ROM). (Error bars represent the standard deviation [SD])
Massage effects on flexibility and power
Control Petrissage Tapotement
Ankle angle (deg)
Figure 5. Mean ankle angle for the left leg. (Error bars represent the standard deviation [SD]).
deviation of the sample scores) were also calculated and
reported (Cohen, 1988). Cohen applied qualitative de-
scriptors for the effect sizes (ES) with ratios of less than
0.41, 0.41-0.70 and greater than 0.7 indicating small,
moderate and large changes respectively.
Ankle joint flexibility
There was a significant (p < 0.01) main effect for time
(pre- vs. post-intervention) for both legs. For the right leg
there was a significant group × time interaction (p < 0.05)
(Figure 4). To determine which condition was different,
simple contrasts were performed revealing the gains in
flexibility from pre- to post-massage were greater for the
petrissage (3.7% ES = 0.64) and tapotement (3.2% ES =
0.62) compared to the control (1.3% ES = 0.18). There
was no significant difference between either massage
treatments for either leg.
For the left leg there was no statistical significance
in ankle joint flexibility (Figure 5). Although not signifi-
cant (p = 0.34), numerically, the two massage treatments
had larger gains in flexibility compared with the control
group (petrissage = 2.7% ES = 0.48: moderate, tapote-
ment = 2.4% ES = 0.34: small, control = 1.1% ES = 0.1).
Power performance
There was no significant difference observed between the
three conditions in any of the variables related to power
(Table 1). The concentric calf raise also failed to yield
any significant results.
The purpose of this study was to determine if petrissage
and tapotement forms of massage would influence the
flexibility of the plantar flexors and muscle power.
Ankle joint flexibility
Unlike previous studies (Mikesky et al., 2002), this study
was able to demonstrate a significant effect of massage on
ROM. Interestingly, the ROM results showed significance
only on the right and a corresponding numerical indica-
tion on the left reached a significance value of p=0.34.
Effect size magnitudes (Cohen, 1988) indicated that both
types of massage for the right ankle and petrissage for the
left ankle caused moderate changes in ROM while tapo-
tement had a small effect for the left ankle. However,
when comparing the two massage techniques, the results
were very similar. This was surprising, as it has been
claimed that petrissage and tapotement have different
effects on soft tissues and subsequently a greater differ-
ence between the two strokes may have been expected
(Goats, 1994b). As discussed earlier, the proposed pur-
pose of petrissage is to increase lymphatic and venous
drainage, squeeze out metabolic waste products, promote
deeper relaxation of tissues and stretch muscle fibres,
making the tissue interface more mobile (Paine, 2000;
Prentice, 2003). These claims would account for the in-
crease in flexibility associated with petrissage via reduc-
ing stiffness at a fibre level and increasing muscle com-
pliance. However, tapotement is claimed to increase mus-
cle tone, vibrate tissues and stimulate cutaneous reflexes
(Goats, 1994a). Its percussive nature works superficially
stimulating muscles and cutaneous neural structures. Both
techniques involved direct contact on the skin for a dura-
tion of three minutes. Throughout that time, a vigorous
application of massage to the skin from either technique
would stimulate the cutaneous receptors (Goats, 1994a).
This application of rubbing or striking the skin for the
prolonged period would overload the cutaneous receptors
and possibly make recognising the end point of the stretch
more difficult. This hypothesis is in agreement with Mag-
nusson et al. (1996) who attributed increases in ROM
more to increases in stretch tolerance than to changes in
tissue compliance or stiffness.
Table 1. Mean data (standard deviations) for power tests.
Control Petrissage Tapotement
Drop Jump: Contact time / height (cm·s-1) 132.8 (33.5) 138.2 (31.4) 137.5 (31.2)
Concentric Calf Peak Force (body weight) .96 (.18) .96 (.19) .97 (.18)
Rate of force development (N·s-1) 11124 (376) 11098 (402) 11063 (362)
McKechnie et al.
As there was no significant difference between the
two massage styles, the style of massage may not be
significant in regards to improving the flexibility. Perhaps
the act of vigorous skin contact, regardless of the action
performed, would have the same effect.
Power performance
When comparing the effects of massage on the power of
the plantar flexors no significant change was noted for
either the drop-jump or the concentric calf raise. Simi-
larly, Mikesky et al. (2002) used a jump test when assess-
ing massage and vertical jump power. Again, their study
failed to yield any significant results with the counter
movement jump. The lack of impairment in jump per-
formance following the massage techniques is in contrast
to studies examining the effect of static stretching. A
number of studies have illustrated that prior to activity;
static stretching can impair force (Behm and Kibele,
2007, Behm et al., 2001; 2006), jump performance
(Cornwell et al., 2002; Young and Elliot, 2001; Young
and Behm, 2002), balance, reaction and movement time
(Behm et al., 2004b) and jump landing contact time
(Power et al., 2004). Young et al. (2006) showed that
increasing the stretch duration increased the decrement in
the drop jump performance. Consequently, if massage can
increase muscle length without affecting performance in
power events it could be hypothesised that vigorous, short
duration massage may be a better method of preparing the
body just prior to a power event compared with static
stretching. However, to further emphasize the point, mas-
sage in this study did not positively affect power perform-
ance, it just did not impair performance.
Ankle joint flexibility and power
Stretch-induced decrements in force and power have been
attributed to an increase in compliance (Fowles et al.,
2000; Taylor et al., 1990) and an inhibition of muscle
activation (Avela et al., 1999; Behm et al., 2001; Fowles
et al., 2000). The increased ankle joint flexibility of this
study might also be attributed to an increased muscle
compliance, which in turn would potentially adversely
affect the plantar flexors’ force length relationship. How-
ever, there were no significant changes in power with the
massage conditions.
An increase in ankle joint flexibility may occur due
to an increase in muscle temperature altering tissue vis-
cosity and tissue compliance. Drust et al. (2003) demon-
strated significant increases in muscle temperature, up to
a depth of 2.5cm with massage application. However this
is not as encompassing as an active warm-up that involves
muscular contractions. Numerous static stretching studies
use an active warm-up followed by a stretch to the ‘point
of discomfort’ (Behm and Kibele, 2007, Behm et al.,
2001; 2004a; 2006; Power et al., 2004, Young and Behm,
2002). As a consequence, a decrease in muscle viscosity
and increase in compliance should result. However ac-
cording to the previously cited studies, an increase in
muscle compliance should result in a decrease in power.
Perhaps the hypothetical positive effects of massage on
the neural system counterbalance or eliminate the nega-
tive effect of increased compliance.
Furthermore, massage is performed within a sub-
ject’s tolerance levels. The verbal cue of ‘point of dis-
comfort’, as described in static stretching studies, may not
be achieved keeping the muscle below the elastic limit.
Alter (1996) defined the elastic limit as the smallest value
of stress required to produce a permanent strain on the
body. He states that increasing the stress beyond this point
would result in a stressed connective tissue and muscle
and as a result these tissues would not return to their
original length. Consequently, static stretching to the
‘point of discomfort’ may exceed the elastic limit altering
the ability to generate power, whereas massage might not
reach this level and not affect the tissue in this manner.
The results of this investigation indicate a moderate mag-
nitude of effect in ankle joint flexibility following the
application of either three minutes of petrissage or tapo-
tement (only to the right ankle) massage to the plantar
flexors. In addition, there was no significant change in the
power measures following either of the massage treat-
ments. Consequently, with no decrement in power and a
moderate increase in ankle joint flexibility, massage pre-
sents an alternative method to static stretching to increase
ROM in a warm up. Despite the varying claimed effects
of the two different massage techniques there was no
significant difference.
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Key points
Three minutes of petrissage and tapotement forms
of massage increased ankle flexibility.
Massage did not adversely affect jump power
Massage may be an effective alternative to static
stretching as a component of a pre-event warm-up.
Working in a private practice in exercise rehabilitation.
Warren B. YOUNG
Senior lecturer at the University of
Research interests
Sport-specific warm-ups, training and
David G. BEHM
Professor in the School of Human Ki-
netics and Recreation at the Memorial
Univ. of Newfoundland.
Research interests
Neuromuscular responses to acute and
chronic activity.
David Behm
School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University
of Newfoundland, St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada, A1M 3L8
... In most studies, massages did not affect muscle force [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], but a few studies showed that massages led to a significant improvement in muscle force [32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. They also revealed that performing a massage before doing muscle strength or speed tests in most conditions did not alter the results in the post-tests [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][61][62][63][64]. ...
... In most studies, massages did not affect muscle force [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], but a few studies showed that massages led to a significant improvement in muscle force [32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. They also revealed that performing a massage before doing muscle strength or speed tests in most conditions did not alter the results in the post-tests [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][61][62][63][64]. However, the results of several studies showed improvements in muscle force and strength, especially 48 h after the fatigue protocols [21,35,36,47,53,59]. ...
... When muscle strength was observed, two types of methods were used: strength assessed with a dynamometer [40][41][42][43][44][45][46]52,56,57] and assessed via jumping [18,21,24,25,27,30,33,35,36,40,[43][44][45][47][48][49][50][51][53][54][55]58,60]. Most studies indicated that a massage does not affect muscle strength [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. ...
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Background: A massage is a tool that is frequently used in sports and exercise in general for recovery and increased performance. In this review paper, we aimed to search and systemize current literature findings relating to massages' effects on sports and exercise performance concerning its effects on motor abilities and neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms. Methods: The review has been written following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) guidelines. One hundred and fourteen articles were included in this review. Results: The data revealed that massages, in general, do not affect motor abilities, except flexibility. However, several studies demonstrated that positive muscle force and strength changed 48 h after the massage was given. Concerning neurophysiological parameters, the massage did not change blood lactate clearance, muscle blood flow, muscle temperature, or activation. However, many studies indicate pain reduction and delayed onset muscle soreness, which are probably correlated with the reduction of the level of creatine kinase enzyme and psychological mechanisms. In addition, the massage treatment led to a decrease in depression, stress, anxiety, and the perception of fatigue and an increase in mood, relaxation, and the perception of recovery. Conclusion: The direct usage of massages just for gaining results in sport and exercise performance seems questionable. However, it is indirectly connected to performance as an important tool when an athlete should stay focused and relaxed during competition or training and recover after them.
... A ce jour, la littérature ne décrit pas la posture qui permet d'avoir un angle de flexion de genou optimum pour obtenir la longueur maximale des gastrocnemii tout en ne mobilisant pas l'allongement maximal du soleus (muscle mono-articulaire extenseur de cheville). Au cours de ces tests de terrain, l'angle de flexion de cheville peut être défini par l'angle entre le plat du pied et le tibia (McKechnie et al. 2007). La flexion de cheville peut aussi être définie comme l'angle entre le l'axe long du tibia défini de la malléole externe à l'épicondyle latéral et l'axe long du pied défini de la malléole externe au 5 e métatarse (Reese & Bandy 2016). ...
... Ces auteurs préconisent également qu'un opérateur maintienne l'angle subtalaire dans une position neutre en appuyant sur la tête du talus alors qu'il n'est traditionnellement pas bloqué (Denegar et al. 2002;Mitchell et al. 2008;Krause et al. 2011;Kim et al. 2011). Les flexions sont de 30° pour la première méthode qui mesure l'angle par le plat du pied (McKechnie et al. 2007) et 10° pour la seconde (Kim et al. 2011). L'obtention de la flexion maximale de cheville avec le genou en extension est couramment analysée lorsque le participant est allongé sur le dos bien que la flexion est plus grande (+7°) lorsque le participant est debout et supporte le poids de son corps (Denegar et al. 2002). ...
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L’étude biomécanique d’un mouvement sportif permet d’identifier des paramètres afin de proposer des améliorations pour parfaire la performance et diminuer le risque lésionnel. Pour les mouvements cycliques, une amélioration minime aura un impact fort sur ces deux enjeux du fait de leur répétition. La cinématique articulaire des mouvements à grande amplitude dans le plan sagittal est couramment étudiée bien que la cinématique musculaire sous-jacente n’est pas documentée car les modèles musculo-squelettiques ne sont définis que sur des amplitudes articulaires restreintes. L’étude cinématique en 3 dimensions (3D) est traditionnellement effectuée en laboratoire grâce à des systèmes de capture d’images. Ces outils sont couteux en temps et permettent d’analyser des tâches dans un espace restreint. Le couplage de ces deux niveaux de modélisation doit permette d’identifier les stratégies musculaires individuelles pour générer ces mouvements contraints en condition écologique.Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de développer un protocole afin d’analyser la cinématique musculaire des mouvements cycliques à grandes amplitudes dans le plan sagittal et de développer un modèle de chaine cinématique pour l’étude de mouvement en boucle fermée pour le membre inférieur.Pour cela, un modèle musculo-squelettique spécifique du membre inférieur et du rachis est développé sur OpenSim, une méthodologie propre à l’étude des variations de longueurs est mise en place pour prendre en compte les spécificités intra et interindividuelles et l’impact de la modélisation 3D est discutée par rapport à une modélisation 2D. Le protocole développé est ensuite mis en application lors d’une expérimentation sur ergomètre d’aviron pour 28 rameurs. Enfin, un modèle de chaine cinématique en boucle fermée 3D du membre inférieur est développé et testé avec l’utilisation de centrales inertielles.Ce travail ouvre des perspectives sur les adaptations intra et interindividuelle et le développement d’entraînement adaptés aux contraintes spécifiques de l’activité.
... However, both actively and passively stretched muscles can decrease the weak but "long-lasting" cross-bridges between the resting stiffness of the myosin heads and actin (Axelson and Hagbarth 2001). Therefore, muscles stretched by massage may break these cross-bridges and thus be partly responsible for the increase in ROM after massage, as observed in some studies (McKechnie et al., 2007;Arabaci 2008). In addition, since this method considers both muscle and non-muscle (such as tendons and ligaments) measurement values, it does not directly provide changes in muscle stiffness only (Inami and Kawakami 2016). ...
... Massage techniques such as friction, petrissage, effleurage, vibration, and tapotement are frequently used to treat ailments (Guo et al., 2021). Massage is also used to relieve sore muscles, increase local circulation (Angelov, Gotova, Albert, & Tishinov, 2019;Wiewelhove et al., 2022), loosen muscle spasms and adhesions (McKechnie, Young, & Behm, 2007), rekindle Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles MASSAGE AND SPORTS PERFORMANCE: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW | Q. GASIBAT ET AL. (Wiewelhove et al., 2022), and reduce local inflammatory responses (Bervoets et al., 2015). ...
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This study aims to identify the effects of therapeutic massage on muscle recovery, physiological, psychological and performance in sport. Articles were identified from several databases by searching MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PEDro, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed starting from 2010 to 2023, related through databases according to predefined inclusion criteria that were identified previously. In the review, 31 studies were considered to be eligible for inclusion by recruiting male (n=558) participants, aged between 12 and 60 years, and females (n=226) participants, aged between 12 and 60 years. Compared with the active control, twelve studies found massage to have a significant and measurable benefit, whereas five studies found no obvious advantage. Comparing massage with an inactive control, four studies reported massage to have a significant and considerable effect, whereas three studies did not. For massage compared with other therapies, three studies reported massage to have a measurable and considerable effect, whereas two studies did not. Massage as a stand-alone treatment provided a considerable and substantial benefit in two studies, whereas one study found no significant impact on muscle healing, performance, physiological, and psychological. In conclusion, the current study revealed that massage had a large and substantial advantage when compared with an inactive and active control, but not when compared with other interventions, as examined in this review. There was a shred of conflicting evidence to prove the superior outcomes of massage when administered as a stand-alone treatment and relative to other forms of therapies. However, the efficiency of massage is rarely assessed.
... Massage has been widely used by physical therapists to increase the joint range of motion and to decrease muscle stiffness in many orthopedic disorders such as patellofemoral pain, degenerative knee joints, and low back pain syndrome [1,2]. Massage has also been used in sports as part of a warm-up in order to stretch tendons and connective tissues, increase joint range of motion (ROM), reduce pain, and prevent injuries [3][4][5][6]. There are a number of studies that have been performed to identify the mechanisms behind the effects of massage on the musculoskeletal system. ...
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The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of transverse friction massage (TFM) on the electromechanical delay components and complexity of the surface electromechanical activity in the rectus femoris (RF) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles and to identify possible mechanisms behind TFM-induced alterations in the dynamics of RF and VM activity. Seven female and five male healthy subjects participated in this study. The subjects generated five maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) consecutively before and after TFM. Meanwhile, electromyography (EMG), mechanomyography (MMG), and force were recorded. The onset times of the recorded signals were detected offline by setting the threshold to three times the SD of the baseline. The delays between EMG and MMG (Δt(EMG–MMG)), MMG and force (Δt(MMG–Force)), and EMG and force (Δt(EMG–Force)) were computed from the detected onsets. The fractal dimension (FD) of the EMG time series was computed using the correlation dimension method. TFM increased Δt(MMG–Force) and Δt(EMG–Force) significantly in the RF but decreased Δt(EMG–MMG) and increased Δt(MMG–Force) in the VM. TFM decreased the FD in the RF and increased it in the VM. The results imply that TFM decreased the stiffness of both the RF and VM and decreased the duration of the electrochemical processes in the VM. It is proposed that the decrease in EMG complexity in the RF may be associated with the decreased stiffness of the RF, and the increase in EMG complexity in the VM may be associated with the decreased electrochemical processes in this muscle. It is also suggested that the opposite changes in EMG complexity in the RF and VM can be used as a discriminating parameter to search for the effects of an intervention in the quadriceps muscles. The present study also demonstrates how to discriminate the nonlinear dynamics of a complex muscle system from a noisy time series.
... 13 In contrast, the results of this current review on the positive effect of PT on explosive muscle strength contradicts research which investigated the effect of tapotement on ankle flexibility and explosive power. 55 It is deemed that PT delivered by massage guns mimics the therapeutic effects of tapotement massage therapy 5 Conclusions were similar to this current review, in that positive associations were recorded following vibration treatment. The review included 19 articles involving a combination of WBV, cycloid vibration and specifically made equipment. ...
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# Background There is a lack of specific research on the effect of percussive therapy (PT) delivered by massage guns on physiological adaptations. This systematic literature review investigates research conducted on the effects of PT interventions on performance in strength and conditioning settings, and on experiences of musculoskeletal pain. # Purpose To determine the effect of PT delivered by massage guns on physiological adaptations: muscle strength, explosive muscle strength and flexibility, and experiences of musculoskeletal pain. # Study Design Systematic literature review. # Methods Data sources (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Psychinfo, PubMed, SportDISCUS and OpenGrey) were searched from January 2006 onwards for full text literature in any language involving adult populations receiving PT delivered by massage guns, directly to any muscle belly or tendon, with comparisons to an alternative treatment, placebo or no treatment. Literature with outcomes relating to acute or chronic physiological adaptations in muscle strength, explosive muscle strength, flexibility or experiences of musculoskeletal pain were included. Articles were assessed for quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and PEDro scores. # Results Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. All studies had limitations in methodological quality or reporting of findings but still included contextually-rich details that contributed to the overall narrative synthesis. A significant relationship was found between a single application of PT delivered by massage guns and an acute increase in muscle strength, explosive muscle strength and flexibility, with multiple treatments eliciting a reduction in experiences of musculoskeletal pain. # Conclusion PT delivered by massage guns can help improve acute muscle strength, explosive muscle strength and flexibility, and reduce experiences of musculoskeletal pain. These devices may provide a portable and cost-effective alternative to other forms of vibration and interventions.
... (3) One of these scientif ic treatments is calf massage, a traditional therapeutic technique that targets the calf muscles to enhance circulatory dynamics. (4) Commonly, massage is given to healthy people before or after physical activity to reduce the risk of injury, enhance performance recovery, and increase soft tissue flexibility. (5) In addition, it has therapeutic benefits in conditions like muscle spasms, hyperemia, and local analgesia which are significantly reduced when massage is applied to the restricted reactions in the area. ...
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Background: Calf massage is a therapeutic intervention that improves circulation and relieves us from pain & tightness. The calf massage also improves autonomic performance by modulating the vagal tone of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the current study was intended to determine therapeutic calf massage on cardio autonomic activity in healthy subjects. Objective: To assess the immediate effect of a single 20-min session of calf massage on cardiac autonomic modulation through heart rate variability (HRV) measurement. Materials & methods: In this study, 26 apparent healthy female participants aged between 18 and 25 years participated. Massage over the calf muscles on both legs for 20 min was performed, and resting cardiovascular parameters and HRV parameters were measured at baseline, immediately after the massage, and during the recovery periods (10 and 30 min after the massage). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed with post hoc analysis. Results: Immediately after the massage intervention, heart rate (HR), systolic (SBP), and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were decreased (p < .01), and the reduction was persisted at 10 min and 30 min of the recovery period (p < .01). In HRV parameters, the root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD) and high-frequency normalized unit (HF n.u.) increased, and low frequency (LF n.u.) decreased after the massage, and at the 10 and 30 min of the recovery period. Conclusion: The present study reports suggest a significant reduction in heart rate and blood pressure after the massage therapy. A drop in sympathetic tone and raise in parasympathetic tone can also attribute to the therapeutic effect.
Introduction The analysis of the impact of a 5-minute massage session on the gastrocnemius contractile and passive mechanical properties in young adults - a randomized controlled trial Background The effect of massage therapy on the muscle properties is unclear. New technologies make investigation more in-depth and reliable. Objectives This study examined the effects of a 5-minute massage session on the muscle stiffness and tone reduction in healthy young adults. Materials and methods Participants aged between 19 and 24 were randomly assigned to an intervention group (IG) (n = 40) or a control group (CG) (n = 40). The IG participated in a 5-minute massage session of the lateral and medial gastrocnemius muscle (LGCM and MGCM respectively). The muscle contractile properties were assessed by tensiomyography (TMG). It measured maximal displacement (Dm), delay time (Td) and contraction time (Tc). Oscillation frequency (F) and stiffness (S) were used to assess muscle passive mechanical properties. These measurements were collected by MytonPro Results There were no differences between the groups in the pre-test measurements. The results of mixed-model ANOVA showed significant (p<0.05) time×group interactions, with greater alteration in the IG compared to the CG in the LGCM for Dm (%diff= 22.5, ƞp2= 0.41), Td (%diff= 3.63, ƞp2= 0.02), Tc (%diff= 13.38, ƞp2= 0.1), F (%diff= 5.55, ƞp2= 0.07) and in the MGCM for Dm (%diff= -14.34, ƞp2= 0.06), F (%diff= -7.53, ƞp2= 0.12). No difference (p>0.05) was noticed in other variables. Conclusions A 5-minute massage session impacts the contractile and passive mechanical properties of the LGCM and MGCM. The size and direction of changes may depend on the muscle type, its geometry as well as other factors.
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Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of proprioceptive exercises and massage on anaerobic performance and some physical fitness factors of women athletes. Methods: 28 women athletes with an average age of 24.8 ± 2.25 and weight of 60.02 ± 6.26 in four groups; the experimental group (1- massage, 2- proprioception exercises, 3- massage+ proprioception exercises) and the control group were randomly divided. In the pre-test session, all the subjects, with a four-minute warm-up in the form of jogging with an intensity of 30-40% HR, performed tests of anaerobic performance and some physical fitness factors and after a 72-hour washout period, the subjects started their activity for 12 minutes, each in their specialized group and according to the established protocol, and immediately the tests of the pre-test stage were repeated. A dependent t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the massage + proprioception group had a significant effect on the anaerobic peak power variable by 36.3%. All three groups of massage, proprioception, and massage +proprioception had a significant effect on the variables of average anaerobic power and fatigue index. In the variables of peak anaerobic power (p=0.001), average anaerobic power (p=0.011), fatigue index (p=0.016), and dynamic balance (p=0.015), there is a significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: In anaerobic activities, the use of proprioception exercises along with massage as part of warming up sports activities will most likely improve the performance of athletes.
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Acute improvements of range of motion (ROM) are widely reported effects of stretching or foam rolling, which are commonly explained with changes in pain threshold, and/or musculotendinous stiffness. Interestingly, these effects were also reported in response to various other active and passive interventions that induce responses such as enhanced muscle temperature. Therefore, we hypothesized that acute ROM enhancements could be induced by a wide variety of interventions other than stretching or foam rolling that promote an increase in muscle temperature. After systematic search in PubMed, Web of Science and SportDiscus databases, overall, 38 studies comparing effects of stretching and foam rolling with several other interventions on ROM and passive properties were included. These studies had 1134 participants in total and the data analysis resulted in 140 effect sizes (ES). Effect size calculations were performed using robust variance estimation model with R. Study quality of the studies was classified as fair (4.58) with low to moderate certainty of evidence. Results showed no significant differences in ROM (ES=0.05, p=0.51), stiffness (ES=0.09, p=0.49) or passive peak torque (ES=-0.13, p=0.07) between stretching or foam rolling compared to the other identified activities. Funnel plots revealed no publication bias. Based on current literature, our results challenge the established view on stretching and foam rolling as a recommended component of warm-up programs. The lack of significant difference between interventions suggests there is no need to emphasize stretching or foam rolling to induce acute ROM and passive peak torque increases, or stiffness reductions.
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Previous studies have demonstrated that an acute bout of static stretching may cause significant performance impairments. However, there are no studies investigating the effect of prolonged stretch training on stretch-induced decrements. It was hypothesized that individuals exhibiting a greater range of motion (ROM) in the correlation study or those who attained a greater ROM with flexibility training would experience less stretch-induced deficits. A correlation study had 18 participants (25 ± 8.3 years, 1.68 ± 0.93 m, 73.5 ± 14.4 kg) stretch their quadriceps, hamstrings and plantar flexors three times each for 30 s with 30 s recovery. Subjects were tested pre- and post-stretch for ROM, knee extension maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) force and drop jump measures. A separate training study with 12 subjects (21.9 ± 2.1 years, 1.77 ± 0.11 m 79.8 ± 12.4 kg) involved a four-week, five-days per week, flexibility training programme that involved stretching of the quadriceps, hamstrings and plantar flexors. Pre- and post-training testing included ROM as well as knee extension and flexion MVIC, drop and countermovement jump measures conducted before and after an acute bout of stretching. An acute bout of stretching incurred significant impairments for knee extension (-6.1% to -8.2%; p < 0.05) and flexion (-6.6% to -10.7%; p < 0.05) MVIC, drop jump contact time (5.4% to 7.4%; p < 0.01) and countermovement jump height (-5.5% to -5.7%; p < 0.01). The correlation study showed no significant relationship between ROM and stretch-induced deficits. There was also no significant effect of flexibility training on the stretch-induced decrements. It is probable that because the stretches were held to the point of discomfort with all testing, the relative stress on the muscle was similar resulting in similar impairments irrespective of the ROM or tolerance to stretching of the muscle.
Massage has often been highlighted as a modality for potentially enhancing psychological regeneration during intense training. Despite numerous anecdotal testimonies to its efficacy, little scientific research exists on the effects of massage on psychological states. This study aimed to investigate massage and the mood response following sports training.
Massage has a long tradition of use in sport and has been used to facilitate recovery in athletes following training sessions, yet its benefits are not fully understood. Recovery from exercise is assumed to involve a host of factors. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of massage on selected psychological and immunological responses in athletes after sports training.
Objectives: Massage is widely used by the athletic population for a variety of purposes such as injury prevention, recovery from fatigue, relaxation, and to increase performance. This paper reviews the scientific literature on the use and effects of massage therapy in sport. Specifically, the review addresses physiological, psychological and performance effects. Method: A literature search was conducted using Medline, Psychlit and Sport Discus databases. In addition, the author's own files were considered. Results: Past studies on blood flow, blood lactate removal and delayed onset of muscle soreness are seen to have produced equivocal results, with blood lactate removal following exercise more efficiently removed through active recovery strategies rather than through massage. Studies on the psychological effects are few in number, however recent research seems to demonstrate massage having positive effects on perceptions of recovery. Few studies exist which assess massage effects on performance, and current findings appear to show little support for the use of massage for performance enhancement. Conclusions: Massage research has been affected by a lack of comparable instrumentation and different research designs that make interpretation and extrapolation of results difficult. It appears the use of massage may largely be based upon anecdotal accounts that convey positive testaments about this form of therapy. The evidence from this review suggests that more scientific research on the effects of massage needs to be undertaken to clarify the precise effects of massage for athletes, however applying scientific principles to the study of massage does pose methodological challenges for the researcher.
Typescript. Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1984. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-67).