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Effect of respirator protection equipments wear on heart rate in different workload


Abstract and Figures

Aims: This study was done to evaluate the effect of three kinds of respiratory protective equipments (RPE) on the heart rate in light, moderate and heavy workload. Materials and Methods: This study was performed on eleven healthy university students (male) under controlled thermal conditions in a climatic chamber. The mean (SD) of age, height and body mass index (BMI) were 24.1 (2.34) years, 172 (4.2) cm and 22.4 (1.1) Kg/m2, respectively. Subjects were participated in the four intermittent exercises experiments (without RPE, valve, half-face and full-face) on a treadmill in light, moderate and heavy workload. Duration of light, moderate and heavy activities was 30, 30 and 20 min, respectively. Heart rate was recorded every 5 min. Results: The mean of heart rate in 11 subjects for without RPE trial in light, moderate and high workload was 93.5±13.1, 109.7±18.1 and 119.6±25.8 beats per min (bpm), for valve RPE was 102.8±9.7, 116.7±16.0 and 132.1±23.2 bpm, for half-face RPE was 102.4±11.42, 117.3±15.8 and 132.0±23.1 bpm and for full-face RPE was 109.3±14.7, 125±17.4 and 140.1±23.1 bpm, respectively. In three work load, significant differences between the mean of heart rate by using three kinds of RPE trials showed with without RPE trial were observed (P-value < 0.001). Also, mean of heart rate in three workload levels when using full-face RPE trial was significantly higher than valve and half-face RPE trials. In the valve and half-face RPE trials, significant differences were not detected Conclusions: The results demonstrated that heart rate were significantly increased with wearing of three kinds of RPE. Full-face RPE have a higher effect on increasing heart rate than half-face RPE.
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Internaonal Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 2 • Issue 1 | January-February 2013
In many industrial, workers need to wear personal protective
equipment to protect themselves from hazards.[1] Chemicals
are the most important contaminants of workplace and the
respiratory tract is the most important entrance way of these
contaminants to the body, hence in many cases we are inevitably
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Address for correspondence:
Dr. Habibollah Dehghan,
Department of Occupaonal Health Engineering,
School of Health Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences, Hezar Jerib Avenue, Isfahan, Iran.
Aims: This study was done to evaluate the effect of three kinds of respiratory
protective equipments (RPE) on the heart rate in light, moderate and heavy
Materials and Methods: This study was performed on eleven healthy university
students (male) under controlled thermal conditions in a climatic chamber. The
mean (SD) of age, height and body mass index (BMI) were 24.1 (2.34) years,
172 (4.2) cm and 22.4 (1.1) Kg/m2, respectively. Subjects were participated in
the four intermittent exercises experiments (without RPE, valve, half‑face and
full‑face) on a treadmill in light, moderate and heavy workload. Duration of light,
moderate and heavy activities was 30, 30 and 20 min, respectively. Heart rate
was recorded every 5 min.
Results: The mean of heart rate in 11 subjects for without RPE trial in light,
moderate and high workload was 93.5±13.1, 109.7±18.1 and 119.6±25.8 beats
per min (bpm), for valve RPE was 102.8±9.7, 116.7±16.0 and 132.1±23.2 bpm,
for half‑face RPE was 102.4±11.42, 117.3±15.8 and 132.0±23.1 bpm and for
full‑face RPE was 109.3±14.7, 125±17.4 and 140.1±23.1 bpm, respectively. In
three work load, signicant differences between the mean of heart rate by using
three kinds of RPE trials showed with without RPE trial were observed (P‑value
< 0.001). Also, mean of heart rate in three workload levels when using full‑face
RPE trial was signicantly higher than valve and half‑face RPE trials. In the
valve and half‑face RPE trials, signicant differences were not detected
Conclusions: The results demonstrated that heart rate were signicantly
increased with wearing of three kinds of RPE. Full‑face RPE have a higher
effect on increasing heart rate than half‑face RPE.
Keywords: Heart rate, Respiratory protective equipments, workload
Department of Occupaonal Health
Engineering, School of Health, Isfahan University
of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, 1Department
of Ergonomics, School of Public Health
and Center for Health Research, Hamadan
University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran,
2Department of Biostascs and Epidemiology,
School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences,Isfahan, Iran
Effect of respiratory protection equipments wear on heart
rate in different workload
Behnam Khodarahmi, Habibollah Dehghan, Majid Motamedzadeh1, Mohammad Zeinodini,
Seyed Mohsen Hosseini2
Copyright: © 2013 Khodarahmi B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This article may be cited as:
Khodarahmi B, Dehghan H, Motamedzadeh M, Zeinodini M, Hosseini SM. Effect of respiratory protection equipments wear on heart rate in different
workload. Int J Env Health Eng 2013;2:26.
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Khodarahmi, et al.: The effects of respiratory protection equipments on heart rate
Internaonal Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 2 • Issue 1 | January-February 2013
equipments valve type (Filtration class FFP2, JFY1021 model,
manufacture by APASCIANI), half‑face mask (included two
cartridge, made of rubber, Duetta P3 model, manufacture
by APASCIANI), full‑face mask (TR2002/BN model, made
of rubber, with a large filter, manufacture by APASCIANI).
These respiratory protection equipments typically are used
in Iran workplaces [Figure 1].
Before the first experiment, the subjects were required to read
an information sheet, on which the purpose, method, and risks
of the study were described, and then sign a consent form.
Then the experimental schedule was communicated to each
subject and was informed has adequate rest the night before
of exercise and avoids coffee or alcohol drinks and fatty foods.
Every subject on arrival to climatic chamber wore a sport
clothe. Then heart rate monitor closed on the chest and wrist,
and subject has to rest in the climatic chamber for 15 min.
At the end of 15 min, resting heart rate was recorded. After
rest the subject was started three exercises on a treadmill.
The exercise consisted of walking on a treadmill at a speed
of 1.34 m/s with no grade at the light (30 min) workload
and with 5 and 10% grade at the moderate (30 min) and the
high (20 min) workload, respectively. Each exercise followed
by 15 min rest period. During these exercises heart rate were
recorded every 5 min. All these steps were performed in four
conditions including: without RPE, valve RPE wear, half‑face
RPE wear and full‑face RPE wear. All subjects carried out
the experiments on four different days with one day off
between the experiment days. The experimental protocol
was approved by the Institution’s Ethical Committee of
Investigations Involving Human Subjects.[13]
Analysis of the data was performed by using repeated
measurement ANOVAs and paired t‑test in software SPSS16.
Mean (SD) heart rate of subjects for without RPE wear trial
in light, moderate and heavy workloads were 93.5 (13.1),
109.7 (18.1), 119.6 (25.8) bpm respectively, for valve RPE trial
were 102.8 (9.7), 116.7 (16.0), 132.1 (23.2) bpm, for half‑face
RPE trial were 102.4 (11.42), 117.3 (15.8), 132.0 (23.1) bpm
and for full‑face RPE trial were 109.3 (14.7), 125 (17.4),
140.1 (23.1) bpm, respectively.
to use respiratory protection equipments.[2‑5] Different types of
the respiratory protective devices including air‑purifying and
air‑supplying respirators are using in the work environment.
Despite respirators can reduce contact with the pollutants,
breathing load created by these devices has followed different
side effects.[2,4,6,7] There are high cardio‑respiratory strains in
jobs that need to wear respiratory protective equipment.[8]
White et al., did an experiment on the protective clothing
and air‑supplying respirator that increasing of heart rate and
rectal temperature were the main reasons for stopping the
experiment.[9] In the study of Louhevaara et al., on respiratory
protection equipment, was found that the use of respiratory
protection equipment can causes cardio‑respiratory strain.[10] In
a study at construction, foundry, shipyard and metal industries
that regularly used such kinds of respiratory protective
equipment, it was found that increase in mean heart rate
when using the respiratory protective equipment is equivalent
to aerobic strain of 12‑57% VO2 max.
[11] Also, another study
that examined the effect of wearing of respiratory protective
equipment on heart rate, was determined that mean heart rate
of subjects from 75‑94 beats per min in the state without use of
respirator was increased to 77‑98 beats per min in the state of
use of respirator in the work environment.[12] Previous studies
mainly have been done on air‑supplying respirators and few
studies on air‑purifying respirators have been conducted. Also
in previous studies, the effect of different masks on heart rate
has not been compared with each other. This study intended
to assess and compare the effect of three kinds of respiratory
protective equipment (valve, half‑face and full‑face) on heart
rate at three levels of workloads (light, moderate andheavy)
in neutral conditions.
This study was performed under laboratory controlled conditions
in climate chamber for two months fromJanuary to February
(2011). Sampling method was simple random. Eleven healthy
medical university students (male) from 18‑30 years participated
in the study, which was approved by the physician. Their physical
characteristics mean (Standard Deviation) were: age 24.1 (2.34)
years, height 172 (4.2)cm and body mass index22.4 (1.1).
Inclusion criteria included lack of cardiovascular, respiratory,
epilepsy, diabetes diseases and musculoskeletal disorders,
subjects should not take medicines that affect on heart rate,
and body mass index was in normal range (18.5‑25). Exclusion
criteria also include, on request of the subjects, if subjects
suffered from fatigue during the experiments and were not
able to continued, and if heart rate reach to maximum heart
rate (220‑age).
Mean heart rate was measured using a heart rate monitor (Polar
RS100, Electro, Finland).This heart rate monitor was used
in different researches [11‑13]. Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
index was measured using a Microtherm WBGT (Casella
cel, U.K). We used three kinds of respiratory protection
Figure 1: Respiratory protection equipments used in this
study; (a) Valve (b) Half‑face and (c) Full‑face
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Khodarahmi, et al.: The effects of respiratory protection equipments on heart rate
Internaonal Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 2 • Issue 1 | January-February 2013
Repeated measure ANOVAs showed that mean heart rate
among four trial (without RPE, valve RPE, half‑face RPE
and full‑face RPE) in three levels workloads were a significant
difference (P<0.001). Value of F for light, moderate and heavy
workloads obtained 74.31, 75.58 and 92.23 respectively. Paired
t‑test showed significant differences among mean heart rate in
without RPE trial and three kinds of RPE trials (P<0.001). Pair
wise comparisons among valve, half‑face and full‑face RPE in
three levels workloads showed mean heart rate for full‑face RPE
wear is higher than for valve and half‑face RPE but no significant
differences were observed between valve and half‑face REP in
three levels workloads that the P value for light, moderate and
heavy workloads were 0.599, 0.427 and 0.959, respectively.
In Figures 2‑4 mean heart rate changes for four trials in three
workloads were compared.
The experimental results showed heart rates significantly are
affected by wearing three kinds of RPE. In other words, mean
heart rate in valve, half‑face and full‑face RPE wear trials are
higher than without RPE trial in all workloads. The additional
heart rate caused by wearing valve RPE in light, moderate and
high workloads was 7, 9 and 13 bpm, respectively. For half‑face
RPE was 9, 8 and 13 bpm and for full‑face RPE was 16, 16 and
21 bpm, respectively. Laird et al., studied the effect on heart
rate of half‑face mask air‑filtering respirator, in this study 12
New Zealand workers, while working were examined that the
results showed use of respiratory mask additions to mean heart
rate by 2‑4 bpm.[12] Another study found the physiological
load of working with N95 half‑face mask in two different
workload (40W and 85W) was associated with additional
heart rate ranged from 8.3 to 10.8 bpm.[14] Results of these
studies were similar to our findings. However, Scanlan were
measured physiological effects of S10 full‑face respirator on
four healthy men that found the mean heart rate when using
of mask was less than unmask condition but this difference
was not significant.[15] Mean heart rate in full‑face mask
wearing condition was higher than valve and half‑face masks in
all three workloads. James et al., were measured physiological
responses caused by wearing half‑face and full‑face masks in
both moderate and high workloads that found mean heart rate
of full‑face mask was more than half‑face mask.[16] Result of
this study was similar to our finding. One of the reasons that
heart rate is higher for full‑face RPE, is breathing resistance
in full‑face RPE is higher than valve and half‑face RPE. As
studies is express high breathing resistance made it difficult
for the subject to breathe and take in sufficient oxygen.
Shortage of oxygen stimulates the sympathetic nervous
system and increases heart rate.[17] Perhaps higher weight
of full‑face RPE than valve and half‑face RPE is effective in
increasing heart rate. Hooper et al., compared the mean heart
rate between use of two types light weight and conventional
self‑contained breathing apparatus and found mean heart rate
was significantly lower in lightweight breathing protection
device. Hooper study shows that weight of respiratory
protection device is effective on heart rate.[18] However, weight
factor is considered more about self‑contained breathing
apparatus. In our study, weight difference between half‑face
and full‑face RPE was not high. No significant difference was
observed between valve and half‑face mask. Similar study, that
these two kinds of RPE were compared, was not found. As
Figures 2‑4 demonstrate the pattern of changes in mean heart
rate in three levels workloads amongst four trials (without
RPE, valve RPE, half‑face RPE and full‑face RPE) are similar.
Figure 2: Heart rate changes due to wear respiratory
protective equipments in light work load
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mean Heart Rate (bpm)
Time (min)
Without mask
Valve mask
Half-face mask
Full-face mask
Figure 3: Heart rate changes due to wear respiratory
protective equipments in moderate work load
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mean Heart Rate (bpm)
Time (min)
Without mask
Valve mask
Half-face mask
Full-face mask
Figure 4: Heart rate changes due to wear respiratory
protective equipments in heavy work load
0 5 10 15 20 25
Mean Heart Rate (bpm)
Time (min)
Without mask
Valve mask
Half-face mask
Full-face mask
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Khodarahmi, et al.: The effects of respiratory protection equipments on heart rate
Internaonal Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 2 • Issue 1 | January-February 2013
Also, when subjects do not wearing RPE have the lowest heart
rate and when wearing full‑face RPE have the highest heart
rate. This study was conducted on men in the laboratory, it
is suggested that similar studies in workplace on women and
with more subjects be done.
Two principal conclusions emerge from the study. First,
wearing respiratory protection devices in different work
load produced a significant increase in heart rate. Secondly,
full‑face RPE have a higher effect on increasing heart rate
than half‑face RPE.
The authors wish to acknowledge to Vice Chancellery of Research
of IUMS for the financial support, Research Project, 289140; the
authors express their gratitude to Dr. Pourabdian and students who
cooperated in this study.
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Source of Support: Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Conict
of Interest: None declared.
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... According to studies, the use of respirators increases the heart rate during work in HCW [72][73][74]. Also, Li et al., (2005) discovered that N95 and surgical facemasks create different microclimate conditions leading to various effects on heart rate, thermal stress, and subjective discomfort among nurses' staff [43]. Fikenzer et al., (2020) also found that wearing N95 and surgical masks among healthy individuals can lead to a decrease in cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort [75]. ...
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One of the major problems of public health is the transmission of respiratory infections in clinical care settings. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are exposed to a wide range of respiratory threats, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), influenza A, and COVID-19. Meanwhile, personal protective equipment (PPE) especially N95 and surgical masks play a key role in preventing transmission and infection of respiratory infections in clinical settings. Despite the advantages and uses of surgical and N95 masks, these also have side effects. This literature review was conducted to examine the various side effects of surgical and N95 masks in HCWs. According to the results of this study, the side effects of surgical and N95 masks include skin, respiratory, cardiac, and neurological. In general, although the use of respiratory protection equipment is essential in HCW, the use of surgical and N95 masks adversely affects communication, physiological, and psychological abilities in HCW. In particular, it is severe in vulnerable people, such as pregnant women, and those with respiratory problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therefore, there is a lack of training guidelines to improve the safety of HCWs.
... In a study conducted in a non-pregnant population, it was found that wearing various respiratory protection equipment increased heart rate [17]. In the aforementioned study, this effect was found to be more pronounced, especially with equipment that covers the whole face. ...
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PurposeThis study aimed to compare the effects of using single and double surgical masks (SM) on maternal oxygen saturation in pregnant women.Methods In this prospective study, single or double SM were worn by term pregnant women who applied for routine controls. The vital signs of the participants such as oxygen saturation, pulse, respiratory rate, fever, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured at admission and 30 min later.ResultsThere were 223 participants in the single SM group and 231 participants in the double SM group. Thirty minutes after putting on the mask, there was no significant difference in the proportion of patients whose oxygen saturation fell below 95 (3.6 vs 5.6%, p = 0.301). No significant difference was observed between the admission and 30 min oxygen saturation levels of the pregnant women in the single SM group. However, maternal oxygen saturation after 30 min of the pregnant women in the double SM group was significantly lower (97.4 ± 1.1 vs 96.6 ± 1.3, p < 0.001). No significant changes were observed in the vital signs of either groups.Conclusion When using double SM, oxygen saturation is significantly reduced compared to pre-mask values. Nevertheless, it seems difficult to say that these decreases have clinical significance.
... During data collection, the MECH temperature and relative humidity were maintained between 24 and 26°C and 50-60%, respectively. The details of the maximal and submaximal exercise tests employed in the present study have previously been described elsewhere [28,29]. Briefly, participants performed experimental protocols based on the percentage of maximum HR that was previously piloted on a separate visit and prior to the actual experiment. ...
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Objectives: We investigated how wearing a mask - and its modality (surgical vs. N95) - affect hemodynamic and hematologic function in males and females across two exercise intensities (submaximal (SUB) and maximal (MAX)). Methods: 144 individuals participated in the present study and were randomly allocated to three mask groups of 48 (N95, SURGICAL, and NO MASK) with two exercise subgroups for each mask group (MAX, n = 24; SUB, n = 24) for both sexes. Participants in each experimental group (N95SUB, N95MAX; SURSUB, SURMAX; SUB, MAX) were assessed for their hemodynamic and hematologic function at baseline and during recovery after exercise. Results: No significant differences were noted for either hemodynamic or hematologic function at post-exercise as compared to baseline with regard to mask modality (P > 0.05). Heart rate (HR) for maximal intensity were significantly greater at 1 min post-exercise in N95 as compared to SURGICAL (P < 0.05). No differences were noted for hemodynamic and hematologic function with N95 and SURGICAL compared to NOMASK for either intensity (P > 0.05). Females showed significantly greater HR values at 1 min post-exercise in N95 as compared to NO MASK, but no significant differences were noted for hematological function between sexes (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Our findings show that wearing a face mask (N95/surgical) while exercising has no detrimental effects on hemodynamic/hematologic function in both males and females, and suggest that wearing a mask, particularly a surgical mask, while exercising during the ongoing pandemic is safe and poses no risk to individual's health. Future studies examining physiological responses to chronic exercise with masks are warranted.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have been a standard part of our daily lives. Many continue to wear face masks to this day, and some even double up on their face masks. This research is a continuation of a previous investigation of the effect of face mask types, athletic levels, and caffeine intake on retail employees' performance, productivity, and perception. Findings showed that face mask types significantly affected the feeling of unfit and odor. In addition, the kind of face mask had a significant effect on the body temperature ratings. Also, employees who considered themselves to be athletic gave lower ratings of overall discomfort than other employees. The interaction of different types of face masks with the wearing of eyeglasses has been demonstrated to have a significant effect on the stress levels of workers and the amount of time it takes for them to comprehend others.
Purpose: As consequences of industrial processes, air pollution has led to increased cardiovascular diseases resulting in mortality. However, there are few pieces of evidence expressing physical fitness and gender impacts in such environments. Regarding long-term exposure to air pollution, this study aimed to determine the effect of physical fitness on post-exercise cardiac parasympathetic reactivation among healthy males and females. Methods: 120 individuals (46 ± 5 years) participated and were categorized into two main groups (n = 60; EG, CG); (1) The experimental group included individuals living in an air-polluted environment; (2) The control group included the citizens of a clean air region; and two physical fitness status subgroups (n = 30; active vs. sedentary) across both sexes. The heart rate (HR) changes at different timing after performing an incremental exercise, and T30 were calculated as metrics of cardiac parasympathetic reactivation. Results: The heart rate recovery values were substantially lower in EG in comparison to CG (p < 0.001) at different timing, while, T30 was significantly greater in residents of the air-polluted city compared to CG (p < 0.001). As for heart rate recovery at the 5th minute, the values were significantly lower in the steady-female group in comparison to the active females living in the air-polluted city (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Based on our findings, although physical fitness modifies the adverse impacts of long-term exposure to air pollution on post-exercise cardio-parasympathetic reactivation, it appears to parallel the acute/intermediate recovery of the thermoregulatory and vascular systems, among both sexes, it does not prevent them.
The present study investigated the short-term effects of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and physical workload intensity on human physiological and cognitive performance among 21 males and 19 females. PPE1 consisted of a medical coverall and surgical mask, while PPE2 consisted of impermeable full-body coverall, shoe covers, latex gloves, N95 mask, and face shield. Objective assessments were heart rate, energy expenditure, core body temperature, clothing microclimate temperature and humidity, and cognitive performance were the continuous performance test and N-Back test. Subjective assessments included thermal sensation, perceived fatigue/skin wetness/clothing moisture. Using PPE2 and increased workload intensity significantly increased the values of all physiological parameters and the subjective ratings of fatigue, thermal sensation, skin wetness, and clothing moisture. Moreover, the participants’ cognitive performance was not affected by the type of PPE. Practitioner summary: Healthcare workers are at the highest risk in the fight against pandemics. Therefore, these people are required to use personal protective equipment. Using this equipment may have difficulties. The results show physiological strain and higher subjective ratings associated with using full-body hospital PPE and increased physical workload.
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El estado de emergencia sanitaria por el virus SARS-CoV- 2 ha incrementado la demanda del uso de mascarillas, las que forman parte de los materiales de bioseguridad y contribuyen a disminuir el riesgo de la propagación de enfermedades través de gotitas respiratorias, es por tal motivo la Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda el uso de la mascarilla durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Objetivos: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo general determinar la variabilidad de la saturación de oxígeno con y sin el uso de mascarilla en el personal sanitario del Hospital General Ambato-IESS. Metodología: Es un estudio observacional descriptivo prospectivo de cohorte transversal. Se realizará la medición de la saturación de oxígeno por medio del Monitor EDAN M3 en el personal sanitario del HGA-IESS bajo consentimiento informado, en quienes utilizan mascarilla durante la pandemia. El análisis estadístico se lo realizó con el método de tablas cruzadas con el objetivo de comparar las variables independientes con la dependiente, el IC es del 95% y con un valor p menor a 0.05 para que muestre significancia. Resultados: De 129 objetos de estudio el grupo de edad representativo y significativo según p<0.05 es menor de 33 años en un rango de 24 a 32 años de edad; el género femenino prevalece 2 a 1 sobre el masculino, el tipo de mascarilla más utilizada es la N95 en 59.7%, la variabilidad de saturación de la población de estudio con y sin mascarilla es mayor en hombres que en mujeres, reflejando una diferencia de 1.2 y 0.9 respectivamente (p=0.02 y p=0.01). Conclusiones: La variabilidad de saturación con o sin el uso de mascarilla representa mínimos cambios, en este grupo de estudio, pues en hombres y mujeres existe la misma tendencia, es decir a elevar la SPO2, aunque en proporciones mínimas.
BACKGROUNDː Wearing a facemask affects physiological responses to exercise. We explored how exercising with a facemask affects the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, ACE2,) and some associated genes (angiotensin type-1 receptors, AT1R; Mas receptor, MasR; hypoxia inducible factor 1α, HIF-1α; endothelial nitric oxide synthase, eNOS), among healthy males and females. METHODSː One hundred forty-four apparently healthy individuals (72 females; age = 30 ± 6) allocated to three mask groups of 48 (N95, SURGICAL, NO MASK) with two exercise subgroups for each mask for both sexes. Participants in each experimental group performed either a submaximal (walking with no grade) or maximal (a modified Bruce protocol) treadmill exercise test. Blood samples were collected before and after each exercise test and used to analyze the mRNA expression of genes studied. RESULTSː The post-exercise expression of genes examined were comparable between SURGICAL, N95, and NO MASK (P > 0.05). ACE2 was significantly greater in SURGICAL and N95 against NO MASK at baseline and following moderate-intensity exercise (P < 0.05). Whilst similar expressions were noted for MasR and eNOS (P > 0.05), AT1R was greater in N95 than SURGICAL following high-intensity exercise (P < 0.05). HIF-1α following either exercise intensity was significantly lower in N95 than SURGICAL (P < 0.05). AT1R and HIF-1α were similar between SURGICAL and N95 against NO MASK (P > 0.05). ACE2 and AT1R were significantly higher in either mask modality than NO MASK in males at baseline and post-exercise (P < 0.05). HIF-1α, MasR, and eNOS expressions were comparable between all mask groups in either sex (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that wearing a facemask does not differentiate the gene expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor following exercise among both sexes
Introduction: Countries are mandating the use of face masks to stem the spread of COVID-19. Face mask use has been associated with discomfort due to its effects on thermoregulation, breathing and oxygenation. We evaluated the prevalence and severity of self-reported cardiovascular symptoms before and during face mask use. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 1001 participants residing in Singapore, who participated in a self-administered questionnaire between 25th April 2020 to 4th May 2020. Symptom severity before and during mask use and health-seeking behaviour information were collected. The study outcome was the self-reported worsening of cardiovascular symptoms, and its association with the type of mask worn, duration of mask worn per day, and intensity of physical activities during mask use. Results: The commonest symptom reported during mask use was dyspnoea. Independent predictors for self-reported cardiovascular symptoms during mask use were moderate-high physical activity during mask use (OR 1.634, 95% CI 1.176-2.270, p=0.003), duration of mask use ≥3 hours (OR 1.672, 95% CI 1.189-2.352, p=0.003) and the type of mask used, after adjusting for age, sex, healthcare-based worker status and presence of comorbidities. N95 mask was associated with worse symptoms when compared to surgical mask. Participants with ≥3 worsening symptoms, or worsening dyspnoea, palpitations, fatigue and dizziness were more likely to seek medical help. Conclusion: Face mask use is proven to be an effective way in curbing COVID-19 transmission. However, participants in this study had concerns regarding its use and these concerns should be urgently addressed to enable mask-use policies to be enacted. Keywords: COVID-19; cardiovascular symptoms; face mask use.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a plant belonging to the family of grasses, Gramineae. During the paddy cultivating time, huge numbers of agricultural workers work manually in the agricultural field irrespective of variations in weather conditions, which may have some impact on the cardiac performance of the human resources engaged in paddy cultivation. Keeping this in view a study has been undertaken, to assess the thermal environmental conditions and impact of workplace heat exposure and workload on cardiac response profile in 39 male paddy cultivators (age range 21-30 years) primarily engaged in manual reaping task during 'Boro' type of paddy cultivation in the southern area of Hooghly district. Physical and physiological parameters of study participants were collected. Indicators of cardiac strain were calculated. The result of the present study indicated that there is strain in Bengalee male individuals primarily engaged in reaping task in paddy cultivation because of the nature of the work and the exposure to the thermal environment.
Existing methods for estimating heat stress, enshrined in British/International Standards (the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index [BS EN 27243] and the Required Sweat Rate equation [BS EN 12515; ISO 7933 modified]), assume that the clothing worn by the individual is water vapour permeable; the WBGT index also assumes that the clothing is relatively light. Because most forms of personal protective equipment (PPE) either have a higher insulative value than that assumed or are water vapour impermeable, the Standards cannot be accurately applied to workers wearing PPE. There was, therefore, a need to develop a British Standard which would allow interpretation of these existing Standards for workers wearing PPE. Relevant information was obtained through reviewing the literature and consulting experts. Two questionnaire surveys of potential users of the Standards were conducted, and physiological data collected both experimentally and in work situations were considered. The information collected was used to develop the draft British Standard. It provides information and data on: . The general eAect of PPE on heat balance of the body (the ability of the body to maintain its ‘core’ temperature within an acceptable range) . The eAect of specific forms of PPE on metabolic heat production rate . The thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of types of PPE . The eAect of the closure of the garments to the body on heat transfer . The eAect of the PPE on the proportion of the body covered . The eAect of an air supply (for example, Breathing Apparatus [BA]) to the wearer Guidance is given on conducting an analysis of the work situation, taking account of the impact of PPE. Detailed methods of interpreting both BS EN 27243 and BS EN 12515 for workers wearing PPE are given, taking account of the factors listed above. Three worked examples using BS EN 27243 and BS EN 12515 are given in the Annex of the draft Standard. # 1999 British Occupational Hygiene Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Users of respiratory protective equipment are aware that wearing a respirator increases the physical demands imposed on the user. The user is required to breathe through a filter and valve system which offers greater resistance to respiration than breathing naturally. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that wearing a respirator is uncomfortable due to encapsulation and subsequent facial heating. However, there is little quantitative data that indicates the proportion of heat stress related to wearing a respirator as a function of the total Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) protective ensemble. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study is to use the novel technique of Thermal Imaging (TI) to assess the heat status of the face and the thermal burden associated with wearing the S10 respirator and to determine if design modifications are required to reduce the thermal load. In this study we recorded the physiological and psychophysical responses, together with the thermal images of the faces in four healthy males. Each subject completed two 45 min trials consisting of acclimation, treadmill walking and a resting phase under a hot ambient environment, while wearing the UK MK IV protective overgarment with (MASK) and without (CON) the S10 respirator. Generally, there was no additional heat stress recorded while wearing the S10 respirator. As expected subjects reported their face as being more unconfortable while wearing the S10 respirator than without. It is therefore recommended that the design of the S10 respirator require alteration to address user comfort and acceptance, however no modifications are required to reduce thermal load. It is well accepted that wearing a respirator increases the physiological load imposed on the user. However, there is little quantitative evidence of the impact of respiratory protection on thermal strain imposed on the user as a function of the total individual protective ensemble (IPE). This pilot study aims to use the novel technique of Thermal Imaging (TI) to assess the heat status of the face and thermal strain associated with wearing the S10 respirator. The physiological (rectal and tympanic temperatures, heart rate), psychophysical (thermal sensation and discomfort, perceived exertion) and thermal effects (thermal imaging) of the S10 respirator were measured in four healthy males (31±4.5yrs). Each subject completed two 45 min trials consisting of acclimation (10 min), treadmill walking (30 min) and rest (5 min) in a hot environment (30°C dry bulb and 60% relative humidity), while wearing the UK MK IV overgarment with the S10 respirator (MASK) and without (CON). Generally, there was no additional thermal strain while wearing the S10 respirator. However, subjects reported thermal discomfort of the face as being significantly (p<0.05) more uncomfortable after 30 mins of exercise compared to being unmasked. In conclusion, the mask partially inhibited evaporative cooling of the face giving the user the perception of being more heat stressed than when unmasked, which was not matched by the recorded physiological strain. It is recommended that the design of the respirator require no significant alteration to reduce any perceived thermal load. DGLD
The physiological and subjective effects of working with different respirators while wearing lightweight disposable (Tyvek 1412 polyolefin) coveralls commonly used by the asbestos abatement industry were studied. Nine healthy men (mean age = 27.3 yr, weight = 76.9 kg) each performed a series of four exercise tests with four different respirator ensembles in counterbalanced order. Treadmill work was performed at a set walking speed of 4 kph (2.5 mph), 0 percent elevation (220 kcal/hr), a controlled environmental temperature of 33.9 degrees C, and 50% relative humidity. Each test continued up to 120 min, with repeated work/rest intervals of 26 min of work and 4 min of rest. Tyvek disposable coveralls and hoods were worn with each of these four different respirator ensembles: (1) control--a lightweight, low resistance mask; (2) HEPA--an air purifying, full facepiece respirator with dual high efficiency filters; (3) SAR--a supplied-air, pressure-demand respirator with escape filter; (4) SCBA--an open circuit, pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus. Physiological measurements obtained every minute during each test included heart rate and skin and rectal temperatures. Subjective evaluations of clothing, respirator, and facepiece comfort, ease of breathing, temperature and perspiration in the mask and clothing, and respirator load also were measured at the end of the test. Data were analyzed using an analysis of variance. Results indicated that heart rate at the end of the test differed by less than 8 BPM between the control condition and the SCBA (heaviest) condition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This study examined work tolerance and subjective responses while performing two levels of work and wearing four types of protective ensembles. Nine males (mean age = 24·8 years, weight = 75·3 kg, [Vdot]O2 max = 44·6 ml/kg min) each performed a series of eight experimental tests in random order, each lasting up to 180 min in duration. Work was performed on a motor-driven treadmill at a set walking speed and elevation which produced work intensities of either 30% or 60% of each subject's maximum aerobic capacity. Work/rest intervals were established based on anticipated SCBA refill requirements. Environmental temperature averaged 22·6°C and average relative humidity was 55%. The four protective ensembles were: a control ensemble consisting of light work clothing (CONTROL); light work clothing with an open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); firefighter's turnout gear with SCBA (FF); and chemical protective clothing with SCBA (CHEM). Test duration (tolerance time) was determined by physiological responses reaching a predetermined indicator of high stress or by a 180-min limit. Physiological and subjective measurements obtained every 2·5 min included: heart rate, skin temperature, rectal temperature, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, and perspiration.The mean tolerance times were 155, 130, 26, and 73 min, respectively, for the CONTROL, SCBA, FF, and CHEM conditions during low intensity work; and 91, 23, 4, and 13 min, respectively, during high intensity work. Differences between ensemble and work intensity were significant FF and CHEM heart rate responses did not reach a steady state, and rose rapidly compared to CONTROL and SCBA values. SCBA heart rates remained approximately 15 beats higher than the CONTROL ensemble during the tests. At the low work intensity, mean skin.
The effects of a pressure demand-type self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) (total weight, 15.5 kg) on breathing pattern, gas exchange, and heart rate were studied in 13 firemen. The subjects performed sequential progressive exercise tests on a treadmill both without and with an SCBA. The use of an SCBA consistently limited tidal volume. During submaximal exercise oxygen consumption and heart rate increased remarkably more with the SCBA than without it. Four subjects reached their maximal heart rate with the SCBA. Their mean ventilation rate was 68% and oxygen consumption was 83% of the maximal values attained without the SCBA. The shoulder harness of the heavy SCBA prevented free motion of the thorax, affecting the regulation of breathing, and thus seriously disturbed ventilation and gas exchange, particularly at heavier exercise levels.
Twenty-one workers in the construction, foundry, shipyard, and metal industries, and nine firemen were studied in jobs that require the regular use of various industrial respirators. The subjects' heart rates (HR) were continuously recorded during 1 to 2 workshifts or during special tasks. Their oxygen consumption (VO2) and ventilation rates were measured during main work phases. The subjects' VO2max were determined by a submaximal bicycle-ergometer test. In construction and industrial jobs, when a filtering device or an air-line apparatus was worn, the subjects' mean HR-values ranged from 66 to 132 beats min-1, which is equivalent to a relative aerobic strain of 12 to 57% VO2max. In smog-diving and repair and rescue tasks with self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing, the corresponding mean values were 142 to 160 beats min-1 and 54-74% VO2, respectively. The field results were compared with those measured in the laboratory with the same type of respirator. The suitability of different respirators in practical work situations was then evaluated, as were the physical qualifications required of the wearer.
Several types of filtering (air-purifying) devices, air-line (supplied-air) apparatus, and self-contained breathing apparatus are used at work. The most important parameters of the respiratory protective devices that affect physical work capacity are additional inspiratory and expiratory breathing resistance, dead space, and weight. The main physiological effects of the respirators are alterations in breathing pattern, hypoventilation, retention of carbon dioxide, and increase in the work of breathing. The undesirable effects are accentuated during heavy physical work, maximal physical work capacity thereby being reduced.