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European Union (EU) experience reveal that the composite indicators are probably the most useful instruments for measuring the innovative capacities at the regional (sub-national) level. However, some gap exists in the current literature with respect to the elaboration of composite indicators for regional innovation systems (RISs) of developing countries. This article introduces the composite indicators GRIS and GCLS for measuring the regional innovative capacities (for GNUTS1 and GNUTS2 territorial classification levels, respectively). Georgia is a useful case-subject because its smallscale developing economy presents special challenges for elaborating the composite indicators for RISs. This article also includes a brief analysis using these composite indicators and indicates the significant heterogeneity among the innovative capacities of the Georgian regions.
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... Zhang, 2023;Y.-L. Zhang & Zhu, 2014;Zhao et al., 2013Zhao et al., , 2015Zou & Zhu, 2020), Estados Unidos (Burrus et al., 2018;Gogodze, 2013), Rusia (Firsova & Chernyshova, 2020;Khalimova, 2021;Mikhaylov et al., 2019;Parakhina et al., 2015) España (Garcia-Bernabeu et al., 2020;Tania et al., 2022) Polonia (Brodny & Tutak, 2022;Coca et al., 2023), Ucrania (Moyseenko et al., 2019;Zinchenko et al., 2023), Alemania (Alhusen et al., 2021;Broekel et al., 2018;Bund et al., 2015;Coca et al., 2023), Brasil (Beneli et al., 2022;Gohr et al., 2022;Seidel et al., 2013), Chequia (Coca et al., 2023;Zitek et al., 2016), Finlandia (Makkonen & van der Have, 2013), Irán (Ghazinoory et al., 2014;Sadabadi et al., 2022), Hungría (Bajmócy, 2013;Coca et al., 2023), Kazajistán (Vechkinzova et al., 2019), Ecuador (Pérez González et al., 2023), Taiwán (Dai et al., 2022), entre otros. En su gran mayoría los mencionados autores resaltan que sus hallazgos presentados al efectuar las mediciones podían guiar a los formuladores de políticas, y a los implicados en la gestión de los territorios De acuerdo con Guo & Cai (2019) los países occidentales presentan una mayor continuidad en las publicaciones de sus mediciones del desempeño innovador a nivel territorial, en comparación con los países orientales. ...
... Nowadays innovation is no more defined within the context of high-end technology or new products, but it overlaps and includes a broader aspect of business activities (Navickas and Kontautienė, 2013). According to Gogodze (2013) innovation is a system that creates and utilizes new knowledge and strengthens the competitive position of a firm. ...
This study is focused on identifying the current status of innovation management practices in Kosovo firms. The significance of this study relies upon the weight that innovation has in economic growth and job creation in developed and less developed countries. In this study a mixed methodology is utilized in order to provide a more comprehensive view on the topic under research. Findings derived from data analysis are compared and contrasted with the current state of knowledge. Findings indicate that managers associate innovation with ideas and consider innovation as a permanent and systematic process and management with implementation or generation of new services and products. Additionally, managers consider resources as an integrative part in partaking in the innovation management process, which is highly supported by the literature. Findings also show that Kosovo firms are moderately innovative in terms of frequency of innovations and the most common type of innovation is process innovation, followed by new services and product innovation. One neglected form of innovation found is business model innovation. Many authors consider business model innovation as essential in cultivating a culture of innovation. Regarding the organizational structure, hierarchical structures are impacting innovation positively in Kosovo firms although the literature doesn’t support this finding. The majority of Kosovo firms have developed incremental innovations and only a quarter have engaged in radical innovations. The contribution of this research is in providing a base on innovation management practices in Kosovo firms. Conclusively, this is a unique contribution for Kosovar academics and practitioners
... Nowadays, innovation is no more defined within the context of high end technology or new products, but it overlaps and it includes a broader aspect of business activities (Navickas and Kontautienė, 2013). According to Gogodze (2013) innovation is a system that creates and utilizes new knowledge. It is a system that strengthens the competitive position of countries and boosts economic growth. ...
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The aim of this study is to discover the barriers to innovation in Kosovo service and manufacturing firms. In accordance with the research objectives, this study presents a comparison between service and manufacturing firms regarding barriers to innovation. The study is exploratory and a mixed methodology is used, while the findings are compared with the most recent literature. The findings indicate that traditional management practices and state policies are hindering innovation, although there is a general recognition for change. Additionally, resistance to change and traditional operational practices are found to impede innovation. Lastly, lack of planning skills, lack of financial resources, fear of failure and lack of adoption of an innovation culture are found to be fundamental factors in impeding innovation in Kosovo firms. The contribution of this research is in enriching and extending the current knowledge of barriers to innovation for academia, practitioners and readers. Notably, this is a unique contribution for Kosovar academics and practitioners interested in the main factors that impede innovation.
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International institutions that promote economic development have pointed out, in recent years, that the small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) development enables the economic growth of countries and regions, providing a greater economy dynamism and improving its indicators, such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). SMEs also show greater diversity in the labor market and thus are also responsible for many of the innovation generated by the countries. For these companies to grow, it is essential that they develop strategic management of their innovations, including all the risks, possibilities and all actors involved in the process. Pharmaceutical industry is part of a high risk sector, because it needs a high investment in research and development of specific diseases treatments without the guaranteed success and therefore, they need a management model that deals with all its specificity, thus this the hypothesis considered in this work. A theoretical grounding was made based on an exploratory and bibliographical research on scientific basis. In this way, it was possible to analyze how happens the innovation process in SMEs and in the pharmaceutical sector and to suggest future studies that will allow a better management of these companies.
Due to the importance of innovation in economic growth, many differents indicators are used to assess its characteristics at regional level. This paper presentes a systematic literature review that has analized 96 of a initial set of 276 papers. The most productive period starts at 2009 and extends to 2014. There was a total of 214 authors and 98 of them were from chinese institutions. There were found 52 papers that presentes composite models for representing regional innovation indicators, but there is no consensus about their levels, grouping or quantity.
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This chapter explores the role of regional innovation systems supporting capability building among indigenous SMEs in two different RIS in Mexico. It explicitly attempts at testing the validity of the underlying assumptions in RIS literature in the context of developing countries, such as the importance of interactive learning with foreign subsidiaries, universities and research centers or among firms in the system of innovation. Empirically, it proposes a new method for comparing capabilities at organizational and system level. The paper shows that regional innovation systems in developing countries share central characteristics with RIS in developed countries and, in that respect, the approach is valid for the analysis of RIS in developing countries. The analysis also highlights the importance of local conditions for catching-up and development. The same industry in the same country might perform very differently depending on the characteristics of local systems.
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Abstract In our view there has been a "Neoclassical Revival" in growth economics spurred by the empirical findings of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992), Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995), and Young (1994 and 1995). By this we mean a revival of the neoclassical growth model,which features a common level of productivity but different levels of human,and physical capital across countries,as a viable candidate for explaining the major part ofcountry differences in levels and growth rates of output per worker. Marshaling,evidence from the labor literature on the returns to schooling and experience, we construct new measures of human capital across countries. We find that productivity differences are the dominant source of the large international dispersion in levelsand growth rates of output per worker. We conclude that, although models that focus on physical and humancapital are clearly important, research needs to be re-focused on explaining the causes of productivity differences across countries. 1
Technical Report
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Lifelong learning is crucial to a country¿s continued competitiveness, prosperity and social cohesion and yet no country has had a means of gauging the extent of lifelong learning within its population. The Composite Leaning Index (CLI) developed by the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) shows how this gap might be filled by assessing the state of lifelong learning over time, for individual communities and across Canada using the conceptual four-pillar framework of lifelong learning proposed by UNESCO's International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. This report aims at validating and critically assessing the methodological approach undertaken by the CCL to build the CLI. Our focus is on the robustness assessment of the index, with a view to identify whether certain methodological choices distort the messages provided by the CLI. Data-driven narratives on lifelong learning issues in Canada are also discussed in this report with a view to show directions of discussions and messages that stem from an index-based analysis of lifelong learning and are related to identifying weaknesses, proposing remedial actions, allowing for easy spatial and temporal comparisons (benchmarking), prioritizing areas in Canada of relatively low lifelong content, monitoring and evaluating policies effectiveness and ultimately funneling resources to provinces through, for example, multilateral and bilateral agreements between Canadian cities. The conceptual and methodological framework of the CLI bear the appealing and necessary features to render the Canadian Composite Learning Index a forerunner to a European counterpart.
This article discusses the current trends in science and technology (S&T) indicators in Pakistan which rely on the S&T/R&D expenditures, research organisations/institutes, qualified personnel, and publications and patents granted. It then identifies the need to integrate the innovation indicators in order to enable better evaluation and development of S&T policies. New innovation indicators are proposed, based on the conceptual learning from the OECD Blue Sky Forum held in 2006. This forum considered global interest in the direction of integrating S&T and innovation indicators and evidence-based policy development. The learning achieved from this forum is applied in the context of Pakistan to discuss the utility of three major innovation indicators: establishment of linkages and networks; diffusion of innovative knowledge and technology; and management of innovative knowledge inside Pakistan. Copyright The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:, Oxford University Press.
National policy makers have shown a growing interest in the regional dimension of innovation processes, and regional policy makers are seeking to promote their own competitiveness by supporting innovation. To advance the OECD quantitative research on regions and innovation, a categorisation of regions was developed using socio-demographic, economic, and innovation-related variables. Many different categorisations are possible depending on the purpose of the peer group comparisons. This categorisation was developed with the main goal of highlighting the diversity of regional profiles across OECD regions. Similar types of analysis have been performed with regions of the European Union. This analysis identifies eight groups of regions based on the similarity of their performance on the 12 variables used in the statistical cluster analysis. These eight groups were then classified into three macro categories based on relevance for policy recommendations. Possibilities for further research to develop different forms of regional peer groupings are discussed.Les responsables politiques nationaux montrent un intérêt croissant envers la dimension régionale des processus d’innovation, et les responsables politiques régionaux cherchent à promouvoir leur propre compétitivité en soutenant l’innovation. Afin d’améliorer la recherche quantitative de l’OCDE sur les régions et l’innovation, une catégorisation des régions a été développée en utilisant des variables socio-démographiques, économiques et liées à l’innovation. De nombreuses catégorisations sont possibles en fonction de l’objectif des comparaisons entre « groupes de pairs ». La présente catégorisation a été développée avec l’objectif principal de mettre en évidence la diversité des profils régionaux au sein des régions de l’OCDE. Des types d’analyse similaires ont été réalisés avec les régions de l’Union européenne. Cette analyse identifie huit groupes de régions sur la base de la similitude de leur performance dans les 12 variables utilisées pour l’analyse statistique en « cluster ». Ces huit groupes ont ensuite été classés en trois macro-catégories suivant leur pertinence pour les recommandations politiques. Les possibilités de continuer les recherches pour développer différentes formes de groupes de pairs régionaux sont également abordées.
The aim of this study was to devise a method for computing a composite indicator that measures the regional degree of exposure to external knowledge sources. On the basis of this indicator, we propose a typology of regions according to their potential capacity to access extra-local items of knowledge, which might help them to recombine complementary elements of such an asset to produce a higher number of new ideas. Building on various research streams that have been relatively independent to date, we summarize a non-exhaustive instrumental list of recent studies that motivates our approach and the construction of our complex indicator, which can be used to appraise the extent to which each region is in an optimal position to access external innovative resources.
This paper devises a new indicator (ArCo) of technological capabilities that aims at accounting for developed and developing countries. Building on similar attempts as those devised by UN Agencies, including the UNDP Human Development Report's Technology Achievement Index (TAI) and UNIDO's Industrial Performance Scoreboard, this index takes into account a number of other variables associated with technological change. Three main components are considered: the creation of technology, the technological infrastructures and the development of human skills. Eight subcategories have also been included. ArCo also allows for comparisons between countries over time. A preliminary attempt to correlate ArCo to GDP is also presented.