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Abstract and Figures

Since the discovery of colossal dielectric constant in CCTO supercapacitor in 2000, development of its practical application to energy storage has been of great interest. In spite of intensive efforts, there has been thus far, no report of proven application. The object of this research is to understand the reason for this lack of success and to find ways to overcome this limitation. Reported herein is the synthesis of our research in ceramic processing of this material and its characterization, particularly with the objective of identifying potential applications. Experimental results have shown that CCTO's permittivity and loss tangent, the two most essential dielectric parameters of fundamental importance for the efficiency of a capacitor device, are intrinsically coupled. They increase or decrease in tandem. Therefore, efforts to simultaneously retain the high permittivity while minimizing the loss tangent of CCTO might not succeed unless an entirely non-typical approach is taken for processing this material. Based on the experimental results and their analysis, it has been identified that it is possible to produce CCTO bulk ceramics with conventional processes having properties that can be exploited for fabricating an efficient energy storage device (EDS). We have additionally identified that CCTO can be used for the development of efficient solid state capacitors of Class II type comparable to the widely used barium titanate (BT) capacitors. Based on high temperature studies of the resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient it is found that CCTO is a wide bandgap n-type semiconductor material which could be used for high temperature electronics. The temperature dependence of the linear thermal expansion of CCTO shows the presence of possible phase changes at 220 and 770 °C the origin of which remains unexplained.
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AIP ADVANCES 3, 062126 (2013)
Applications of CCTO supercapacitor in energy storage
and electronics
R. K. Pandey,1W. A. Stapleton,1J. Tate,1A. K. Bandyopadhyay,2
I. Sutanto,1S. Sprissler,1and S. Lin3
1Ingram School of Engineering, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA
2Department of Physics, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA
3Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical Engineering, Lamar University,
Beaumont, Texas 77710, USA
(Received 24 May 2013; accepted 18 June 2013; published online 25 June 2013)
Since the discovery of colossal dielectric constant in CCTO supercapacitor in 2000,
development of its practical application to energy storage has been of great interest.
In spite of intensive efforts, there has been thus far, no report of proven application.
The object of this research is to understand the reason for this lack of success and to
find ways to overcome this limitation. Reported herein is the synthesis of our research
in ceramic processing of this material and its characterization, particularly with the
objective of identifying potential applications. Experimental results have shown that
CCTO’s permittivity and loss tangent, the two most essential dielectric parameters
of fundamental importance for the efficiency of a capacitor device, are intrinsically
coupled. They increase or decrease in tandem. Therefore, efforts to simultaneously
retain the high permittivity while minimizing the loss tangent of CCTO might not
succeed unless an entirely non-typical approach is taken for processing this material.
Based on the experimental results and their analysis, it has been identified that it is
possible to produce CCTO bulk ceramics with conventional processes having proper-
ties that can be exploited for fabricating an efficient energy storage device (EDS). We
have additionally identified that CCTO can be used for the development of efficient
solid state capacitors of Class II type comparable to the widely used barium titanate
(BT) capacitors. Based on high temperature studies of the resistivity and the Seebeck
coefficient it is found that CCTO is a wide bandgap n-type semiconductor material
which could be used for high temperature electronics. The temperature dependence of
the linear thermal expansion of CCTO shows the presence of possible phase changes
at 220 and 770 C the origin of which remains unexplained. C
2013 Author(s). All
article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. []
In the recent past, many efforts have resulted in devices with high energy-density storage
capacities which have been classified as “supercapacitors”. A supercapacitor is differentiated from
other capacitors by its orders-of-magnitude advantage in energy density. Energy storage is achieved
by means of static charge rather than by an electrochemical process inherent in a battery. The
supercapacitor concept has been around for number of years but it has experienced resurgence in
recent years because of the advancement in newer designs, different dielectric materials such as
the “electrolytic” capacitors, and most importantly in the discovery of new ceramics exhibiting
colossal relative dielectric constant (CDC), exceeding values of 50,000 at room temperature. One
such material is Calcium-Copper-Titanate (CCTO) which was first reported to have the CDC in
early 2000.1Since then CCTO has been researched worldwide in the search for miniaturized
capacitor devices for applications ranging from large scale energy storage systems to advanced
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Author(s) 20133, 062126-1
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It is very important to realize that only superior quality materials with excellent physical
properties can produce reliable working devices. However, it is easily forgotten that engineering
considerations must also be addressed if a device is to be integrated in a system that would make it
commercially viable.
While for a supercapacitor device the colossal dielectric constant and its temperature and fre-
quency dependence are of paramount importance, equally important are its energy storage param-
eters, charge-and-discharge cycles and life span of operation. Also, energy density and breakdown
voltage are important parameters for a capacitor device. The working voltage needs to be below the
breakdown voltage of the dielectric material otherwise the device is not commercially viable. When
making these considerations, the material properties of CCTO prove favorable.
CCTO crystallizes in cubic phase of the perovskite structure with lattice constant,
ao=0.739 nm and the symmetry group of Im3.1,2The dielectric constant of CCT0 ceramic has been
reported to have as high a value as 104for polycrystalline ceramic and 105for single crystal.14With
optimized processing parameters it is possible, as we will see later, that bulk ceramic samples may
be produced with dielectric constant approaching the value of single crystal. The origin of the CDC
effect in CCTO still remains unresolved. Two theories advanced to explain this phenomenon are
classified as: (a) internal barrier layer capacitances57and (b) surface barrier layer capacitances.812
Environmentally, CCTO is stable and is constituted in the ratio of 1 mole of CaTiO3to 3 moles
of CuTiO3as represented by the following chemical equation:
CaTi O3+3CuTiO3=CaCu3Ti4O12 (1)
Both Ca-titanate and Cu-titanate are members of the perovskite group with Ca-titanate being the
classic example of the perovskite structure. Their mixture assumes a complex perovskite phase when
processed as a pseudo-binary solid solution to yield CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO). Tiny single crystals of
CCTO were grown using the so-called flux method where copper oxide itself acts as the flux.2It is
to be noted that the permittivity of single crystal may reach a value of 105which is at least a factor
of 101to 102greater for the best reported values for ceramics and films. The nonlinear current-
voltage characteristic typically found for varistor devices is reported also for CCTO ceramic.13,14
The discovery of the varistor effect in CCTO is technically important because it might lead to its
applications in electronics. Also, its very high dielectric constant and cubic unit cell structure make
it an excellent gate oxide material which can be seamlessly integrated with oxide semiconductors.15
On the one hand, CCTO shows the “colossal dielectric constant (CDC)” effect which is tempera-
ture independent over a wide range of temperature; on the other hand, it is also a very lossy dielectric
material which is a serious drawback so far as its applications are concerned. Its loss tangent (or,
loss factor), tan δ, remains high and as we will see later that the dielectric constant and tan δare
intrinsically coupled together making CCTO a less attractive material for many applications espe-
cially as a capacitor material. Serious efforts have been made in the past decade to retain the CDC
in CCTO ceramics while drastically minimizing its loss factor (tan δ). Unfortunately this problem
still remains unsolved and as a consequence CCTO has found almost no commercial viability as a
capacitor material or as an energy storage medium.
The standard processing steps were followed to produce CCTO ceramic samples as cylindrical
pellets of approximately 13 mm in diameter and 3-4 mm high using a stainless steel die. A mixture
consisting of high purity grade powders of CaTiO3, CuO and TiO2in appropriate weight ratio was
ball milled to get particle sizes varying between 100 to 150 nm using a high speed vibratory bill
miller ((MTI Corporation’s SFM-3Desk). Small particle size promotes the grain growth and inter-
connectivity between the grains during the process of high temperature sintering and annealing steps.
The annealed mixture was ground to fine powder which was used for pressing of ceramic pellets
after confirming it to be CCTO by x-ray diffraction analysis. Multiple samples were made by varying
processing parameters such as maximum pressure applied, die temperature, pressure holding time,
etc. to determine the optimum conditions for reproducibly producing high quality ceramic.
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AIP Advances 3, 062126 (2013)
FIG. 1. Comparative representation of ceramic processing parameters Legend :1. Ratio CCTO: PVA by weight; 2. Die
Temperature in C; 3. Force in pounds; 4. Time of pressing in hours; 5. Annealing temperature in C; and 6. Annealing time
in hours.
After the completion of the final pressing step the green pellets were carefully released from
the stainless die and transferred to an annealing furnace in a platinum boat. The annealing was done
at 1050-1150 C in air for 6-11 hours. This produced shiny black ceramic pellets.
In Figure 1the ceramic processing parameters are summarized for five of the best pellets
considered suitable for detailed analysis and evaluation for identifying the best candidate for energy
storage and other applications. The selection criteria were the maximum value of the dielectric
constant, the minimum value of the loss tangent and some samples having both the dielectric
constant and loss tangent between these two extremes of the spectrum. The sample labeling was
strictly followed to prevent any error because of the large number of samples processed (25-30);
here B denotes the batch number of the ceramic powder and S the specific pellet made from this
charge. In ceramic science it is desirable to process highly dense and homogenous ceramic samples
for scientific studies and practical applications. The density of each pellet was determined by the
standard Archimedes method after the completion of the annealing process. Highest density of
4.75 g.cm3was achieved which is about 94 % of the theoretical density of 5.0 g.cm3. For this
experiment one large pellet was pressed for each pressure corresponding to each data point shown
in Figure 2. The die temperature was maintained at 400 C during pressing. Annealing time and
temperature were kept the same for each pellet. From a total of 9 pellets 2-3 wafers were cut from
each pellet and polished for density measurements. Each data point represents the mean of the
values for density obtained for all samples of the same pellet. The values varied by ±5% between
the samples of the same set. In all about 20-22 samples were used for finding the density as a function
of pressure which is shown in Figure 2. We notice here that between 50 and 230 MPa of pressure the
density rises rather rapidly and then reaches its maximum value gradually as the pressure increases.
This threshold appears to be reproducible.
In Figure 3the XRD diffractogram is shown for B2S2 and B2S4 samples. Comparing the peaks
of this figure with the published XRD patterns we find that all the major peaks are present in our
samples.13,16 Besides these peaks the plot also includes two minor peaks belonging to CaTiO3.Also
the peaks for each of the two samples overlap each other. The XRD pattern for other samples was
identical to the one shown in this figure.
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TABLE I. Elemental analysis of CCTO ceramic.
Elements Nominal % EDAX % Deviation
Ca 5 4.21 0.79
Cu 15 12.12 2.88
Ti 20 15.15 4.85
O260 68.51 8.51
FIG. 2. Density vs. pressure for CCTO ceramic.
FIG. 3. XRD diffractogram of CCTO ceramic.
Table Igives the compositional analysis done by EDAX. We find that the sample is slightly
deficient in Ca, Cu, and Ti and excess in oxygen. A similar trend was found also for the other
In Figure 4we show a typical SEM micrograph of the B2S2 sample. The grains are well
developed and the grain boundaries between them also clearly defined.
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FIG. 4. SEM micrograph of B2S2 sample.
In order to understand the semiconductor nature of CCTO electrical resistivity and Seebeck
coefficient were determined from 150 to 650 C. The high temperature regime was chosen to get
some information in the intrinsic nature of CCTO semiconductor as well as to determine if CCTO
would be a good material for high temperature electronics. The measurements below 150 C could not
be taken because the resistivity increased to a level that exceeded the instrumental range for reliable
measurement. Both these parameters were determined using the latest model of the Thermoelectric
Test Set (ULVAC-RICO ZEM-3 M8, Yokohama, Japan).
The electrical resistivity, ρ, was measured by the four-point probe method. The temperature
dependence of ρshowed the typical behavior found for semiconductors, that is, as the temperature
decreases the resistivity increases rapidly such that all semiconductors tend to be insulators close to
In intrinsic region (at high temperatures) the temperature dependence of a semiconductor is
given by the well- established exponential law:
σ=T3/2exp Eg
where, Egdenotes the band gap, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature in K. In
equation (2) the exponential part dominates over the T3/2 part.17
The slope of (ln σ)vs.T
1plot, shown in Figure 5, gives the value of the (Eg/2 k) term
enabling us to estimate the band gap of CCTO to be 3.40 eV. This is comparable to the values of Eg
for many oxides.
The Seebeck coefficient, κ, is defined as the thermoelectric potential (dV) developed per unit
temperature difference, or
dT =dV
where, temperature T2represents the hot junction and T1the cold junction of the sample.
The Seebeck coefficient can have both negative and positive signs depending upon the nature
of the semiconductor material. For CCTO it is negative for the entire temperature regime indicating
that CCTO is an n-type semiconductor which is in agreement with the reference.13 The bandgap of
3.4 eV and n-type nature makes CCTO also a wide bandgap material. The temperature dependence
of the Seebeck coefficient of CCTO is given in Figure 6. From the slope of this plot we get for CCTO
ceramic the value of the thermoelectric dV ≈−0.12 mV. In comparison it is +0.643 mV for a 90%
Pt-10% Rh thermocouple which is a widely used thermocouple at high temperatures.17 Also we find
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FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of conductivity (σ) for CCTO ceramic.
FIG. 6. Temperature dependence of Seebeck coefficient.
that the data points deviate from the ideal linear curve at higher temperatures. This trend has been
reported also for many other ceramic materials.
The third parameter measured at high temperature was the coefficient of thermal expansion
(CTE). It is an important parameter for understanding the high temperature induced changes for
ceramic processing as well as for determining the temperature range of operation of a ceramic based
device such as a capacitor or a varistor. The equipment used for measuring CTE was a thermo -
mechanical analyzer, TMA (of TA Instruments, model TMA Q400 with vertical furnace). The linear
CTE is ratio of axial thermal strain and change in temperature. Our TMA precisely measures change
in length of a specimen with respect to change in temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion
is defined as:
where, αis the linear coefficient of thermal expansion, εthermal the axial thermal strain, Tthe
temperature gradient and L the change in original length, L.
For the determination of CTE of CCTO we used the temperature ramp rate of 2 oC/min from
room temperature to 1000 oC. Argon was used as the purge gas with flow rate of 5 mL/min to create
an inert atmosphere in the chamber. The change in dimensions (μm) of the CCTO sample was
measured precisely with the data sampling rate of 60 points/minute. The total numbers of data points
collected were over 29,000. The reason for large number of data points was to capture all important
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FIG. 7. Temperature dependence of linear dimensional change.
events of phase changes. Figure 7displays the change in length with respect to temperature. The
value for CTE was determined from the slope between 300 and 500 oC which is found to be 8.92
×106deg1for CCTO. It is comparable to the literature value for Al2O3of 8.1 ×106deg1.
We see in this figure the evidence of two phase transitions; one at 220 C and the other at
770 C. The presence of some sort of phase changes at these temperatures is supported by the
visual observation of dimensional changes around these temperatures. There has been no other
report in literature that would support this experimental fact; perhaps because there is almost no
high temperature properties of CCTO reported in open literature. There is a need to investigate this
phenomenon further to ascertain the existence of a phase change and its nature. But this is beyond
the scope of this paper. On the other hand, there have been numerous reports of phase transitions
in CCTO at low temperatures. It was reported first when the material was discovered in 2000.
It was observed both in the temperature dependence of the permittivity and of loss tangent that
abrupt changes take place below 100 K.1This has been supported by many subsequent publications
including in the low temperature behavior of magnetic susceptibility, ac conductivity, and specific
For the determination of the frequency dependence of the permittivity and loss factor samples
from each pellet were made by cutting into square pieces of approximately 3 mm ×3mm×1 mm.
The opposite large faces were polished to high shine and visually inspected for any evidence of hair
line cracks or other obvious surface deformity. Only those samples that appeared to be without micro
cracks or other surface defects were selected. The flat opposite faces were gold plated by sputtering.
Permittivity as well as loss tangent were determined at room temperature using a precision LCR meter
(Wayne Kerr 6500B) with frequency range of 20 Hz to 10 MHz. The samples were clamped between
the spring loaded pins of an Agilent 16034 ECV fixture for data collection. This fixture enables one
to determine precisely the values of the permittivity and tanδwithout the superimposition of parasitic
effects caused by connecting wires. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) represent the frequency dependence of the
permittivity of the best sample from each pellet. The labeling of individual samples was done by
identifying first the pellet number followed by the sample number; for example, B2S2-1 means the
sample #1 of the pellet B2S2. The sample B2S2-1 exhibits the highest permittivity of approximately
52,500 and practically dwarfs the values for all other samples (Figure 8(b)). Also it goes through a
sharp resonance at about 550 kHz. The next highest permittivity was found for the B2S2-an sample.
This sample was identical to B2S2-1 in every respect except that gold had diffused into it during the
annealing at 1100 C after the electrodes were sputtered. All other samples were only heat treated at
about 200–300 C after sputtering of gold electrodes.
In both Figure 8(a) and 8(b) we find that not all samples undergo resonance; most probably
because the condition of resonance is not met in these samples. Both B2S2-an and B3S1-2 show
strong frequency dependence whereas the others practically remain flat for the entire range of
frequency covered. The quasi independence with log (frequency) of the permittivity has also been
reported by other investigators.
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FIG. 8. (a) Frequency dependence of permittivity for B1S2-1, B2S2-an, B2S3-1,B3S1-2 and B3S2-4. (b) Frequency depen-
dence of permittivity for B1S2-1, B2S2-1 and B2S2-an.
The frequency dependence of the tanδis given in Figure 9(a) for all the samples except the
sample B2S2-1. Here we see that sample B1S2-1 shows strong resonance around 450 kHz. The sharp
resonances of the B2S2-1 sample, (Figure 9(b)) occur at 550 kHz. For all other sample the curves
remain almost unchanged as log (frequency) increases which is consistent with the conclusion made
In Table II the frequency dependence of the permittivity and loss tangent for all samples have
been tabulated at the set frequencies of 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz. This gives an insight
into the interdependent nature of the permittivity and loss tangent of CCTO.
The relationship between the loss tangent and the permittivity for CCTO is represented graph-
ically in Figure 10. We can conclude that a strong coupling exists between these two parameters
and that they increase or decrease in tandem with each other. The interdependence of these two
parameters follow the empirical relationship of tanδ=aln(εr)–c.Herea0.057 and c =0.36.
This coupling appears to be the intrinsic nature of CCTO and is indicative of the fact that it is almost
impossible to produce CCTO ceramic with giant dielectric constant but very low loss tangent. Unless
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TABLE II. Permittivity and loss tangent of selected CCTO samples.
Frequency B1S2-1 B2S2-1 B2S2-an* B2S3-1 B3S1-2 B3S2-4
(Hz) tan δε
rtan δε
rtan δε
rtan δε
rtan δε
rtan δε
1×1030.092 3407 0.414 524647 0.192 19144 0.030 1633 0.131 3108 0.133 3282
10 ×1030.025 3238 0.441 325142 0.310 13551 0.012 1602 0.080 2630 0.076 2780
100 ×1030.014 3193 0.872 187012 0.426 8641 0.019 1580 0.068 2437 0.042 2580
1×1060.076 3433 1.18 46099 0.936 5614 0.075 1655 0.303 2386 0.047 2644
FIG. 9. (a) Frequency dependence of loss tangent for of B3S2-4, B3S1-2, B3S1-2, B2S2-an and B1S2-1. (b) Frequency
dependence of loss tangent for B1S2-1, B2S2-1 and B2S2-an.
a dopant can be discovered which can reverse this trend, the loss tangent and permittivity will rise
or fall in tandem for CCTO bulk ceramic.
Irrespective of the fact that the ideal combination of loss factor and giant dielectric constant has
not been found, it is still possible to identify practical applications of CCTO bulk ceramic. Some of
the possible applications are discussed briefly in this section.
Electronics: CCTO being a non-polar cubic perovskite with dielectric with giant dielectric
constant appears to be a good material for integration with microelectronics technology as a high-k
gate oxide.15 Additionally, its nonlinear current-voltage characteristics similar to those found for
good varistors might pave the way for CCTO in general stream of integrated circuit technology
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FIG. 10. Interdependence of loss tangent and permittivity at 1 kHz for all samples.
as protective devices.13,14 As a wide bandgap n-type semiconductor with excellent temperature
dependence of resistivity it is poised to be a potentially good material for high temperature electronics.
Energy Storage: Energy storage devices (ESD) are characterized by two interdependent param-
eters: the energy density and the power density when a load is present. There are variety of ESD
devices; some of which are batteries, SEMS (superconducting magnetic energy storage devices),
flywheels, supercapacitors, electrolytic capacitors, and film capacitors. Their energy density and
power density cover a broad range of spectrum which is represented by the so-called Ragone plot.20
According to this plot, in general, a device with high energy density shows low power density.
Batteries and capacitors are two prominent ESDs and widely used in all sorts of applications.
Batteries have the high energy density and low power density. In comparison, capacitors have
high power density but low energy density. There are many factors in the favor of supercapacitors as
an ESD rather than batteries; they are: higher power density and faster charge-discharge time; wide
temperature range of operation: 40 to +300 C and long life cycle >106cycles.
The guiding forces behind batteries are embedded in the transport of ions and electrons, acti-
vation barriers, and the impedance of the electrode interface. For a capacitor the guiding force is
embedded in its parallel plate configuration, which is the most used capacitor configuration in real
world applications (as well as for film and electrochemical capacitors). The stored energy (E) for a
capacitor given by one-half of the product between the capacitor C and the square of the potential V
being applied:
The energy density () is defined as the energy stored per unit volume. That is for a parallel plate
capacitor device it is:
Ad =1
Ad =εrε0
where, A is the area of the metal electrode, d the thickness of the dielectric, Q the charge accumulated
on the electrodes, V the voltage applied and ε0the permittivity of free space. We find from equation (6)
that the energy density is directly proportional to the stored charge in a capacitor. By increasing the
charge one automatically increases the energy density of the capacitor. ED also increases as square
of the applied potential. Since CCTO is expected to have a very high break-down voltage like barium
titanate (BaTiO3), a large potential can be applied to its device resulting in very large ED.
We find that B2S2-1 meets the benchmark requirement of a practical ESD if it could be
produced as 0.5 μm tick film with the permittivity equal to that found for B2S2-1 ceramic.
For many applications the requirement for the ED is 5 J.cm3. Using the dielectric param-
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AIP Advances 3, 062126 (2013)
FIG. 11. Frequency dependence of energy density () of B2S2-1 with different dielectric thickness.
FIG. 12. (a) Comparison between the permittivity of CCTO and BT (BaTiO3). (b) Comparison between loss tangent of
CCTO and BT (BaTiO3).
062126-12 Pandey
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AIP Advances 3, 062126 (2013)
eters that we measured for the B2S2-1 sample, we have calculated the ED using the thick-
ness d =1.1 mm (actual sample thickness) and V =100 V, d (film of B2S2-1) =1umfor
V=10 V and d =0.5 um for V =10 V. The ED is plotted as frequency dependent parameter in
Figure 11. Clearly the film with 0.5 um meets the benchmark below 100 Hz.
Class II capacitors: Some samples of CCTO also meet the requirements of Class II capacitors
and are in fact quite competitive with barium titanate (BT) capacitor, which is the current state-of-art
standard of solid state capacitors. The materials requirements for a Class II capacitor are: 1 ×103
r<20 ×103and 0.03 <tanδ<0.10. Also, they should have very high breakdown voltage. In
Figure 12(a) we present the permittivity of three CCTO samples in comparison with BT; and in
Figure 12(b) we compare the loss factor, tanδ, of these samples with the values found for BT
ceramic. We see in these figures that all the three samples of CCTO have permittivity higher than
BT and their tanδat 1 MHz compares favorably with BT. Even at lower frequencies their values for
all the three samples lie in the acceptable range for a Class II capacitor.
CCTO’s perovskite cubic structure, high temperature stability, high permittivity, wide bandgap
and n-type semiconductor nature are favorable for applications in many areas of technology as
discussed above. A large number of ceramic samples were made for this research and character-
ized for their permittivity and loss tangent in a wide range of frequency from 20 Hz to 10 MHz.
The maximum value of permittivity at 1 kHz was found to be greater than 50x103and the low-
est tanδto be about 0.09. However, these two best values did not exist simultaneously for the
same sample. In fact, we conclude that permittivity and tanδare strongly coupled; and their rela-
tionship follows an empirical law given by tanδaln(εr). The high permittivity goes with high
tanδ. That is a serious drawback and has greatly handicapped CCTO for its adoption in practical
applications. It is a challenge for materials scientist to minimize the tanδwhile still retaining its
“giant” permittivity. In spite of this serious drawback we have identified its potential as a relevant
material for energy storage and class II capacitor as its appeal for high temperature electronics and
We acknowledge the support of the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), STTR
- Contract # FA8650-10-M-2117, and of U.S. Ferroics Company for the subcontract to Texas State
University. We also acknowledge the support of NSF Grant # CBET- 1126745 (Lamar University), the
support of the Office of the Associate Vice President for Research and Ingram School of Engineering
at Texas State University-San Marcos; as well as of Lamar University Research Enhancement Grant
under Grant # 420254 for this research.
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... Doping CCTO with metals like Sr and W has been explored to enhance its photoluminescence (PL) response (Jumpatam et al. 2021a, b;Jumpatam et al. 2021a, b;Moreno et al. 2021). CCTO's structural characteristics, including oxygen vacancies and surface defects (Ti 3+ and Cu + ), increase light absorption and act as electron capture components, enhancing its photodegradation activity (Clark et al. 2011;Pandey et al. 2013;Ahmadipour et al. 2020a, b, c;Ahmadipour et al. 2020a, b, c;Ahmadipour et al. 2021). However, the rapid recombination of electrons and holes, requiring UV light for the photodegradation process, has been a drawback (Passi and Pal 2021). ...
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Abstracts The objective of this research is to create a highly effective approach for eliminating pollutants from the environment through the process of photocatalytic degradation. The study centers around the production of composites consisting of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) using an ultrasonic-assisted method, with a focus on their capacity to degrade ibuprofen (IBF) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) via photodegradation. The impact of rGO on the structure, morphology, and optical properties of CCTO was inspected using XRD, FTIR, Raman, FESEM, XPS, BET, and UV–Vis. Morphology characterization showed that rGO particles were dispersed within the CCTO matrix without any specific chemical interaction between CCTO and C in the rGO. The BET analysis revealed that with increasing the amount of rGO in the composite, the specific surface area significantly increased compared to the CCTO standalone. Besides, increasing rGO resulted in a reduction in the optical bandgap energy to around 2.09 eV, makes it highly promising photocatalyst for environmental applications. The photodegradation of IBF and CIP was monitored using visible light irradiation. The results revealed that both components were degraded above 97% after 60 min. The photocatalyst showed an excellent reusability performance with a slight decrease after five runs to 93% photodegradation efficiency.
... Supercapacitors are an example of an energy storage and delivery technology that can store and deliver energy quickly and provide high current for a short period of time. Because of their high specific surface area and excellent energy storage, carbon and carbon-based materials have become more popular as supercapacitor electrode materials [195][196][197][198][199]. From Figure 2, the supercapacitor had high energy storage and a long cycling life. ...
... Supercapacitors are an example of an energy storage and delivery technology that can store and deliver energy quickly and provide high current for a short period of time. Because of their high specific surface area and excellent energy storage, carbon and carbon-based materials have become more popular as supercapacitor electrode materials [195][196][197][198][199]. From Figure 2, the supercapacitor had high energy storage and a long cycling life. ...
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The rising demand for energy storage systems with high power density, rapid charge/ discharge capabilities, and long cycle life has pushed extensive research into advanced materials for supercapacitor applications. There are several materials under investigation, and among these materials, conductive polymer composites have emerged as promising candidates due to their unique combination of electrical conductivity, flexibility, and facile synthesis. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of recent advancements in the development and application of conductive polymer composites for supercapacitor applications. The review begins with an overview of the fundamental principles governing electrical conductivity mechanism, applications of conductive polymers and the specific requirements for materials employed for these devices. Subsequently, it delves into the properties of conductive polymers and the challenges associated with their implementation for supercapacitors, highlighting the limitations of pristine conductive polymers and the strategies employed to overcome these drawbacks through composite formation. In this review, conductive polymer composites and their applications on supercapacitors are explored, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Finally, the electromechanical properties of each conductive polymer composite are elaborated.
... Supercapacitors (SC) are a class of energy storage devices that have recently gained noteworthy attention in owing to their high energy and power densities, long lifetimes, and fast charging and discharging speeds. Unlike batteries that store energy through electrochemical reactions, SCs store energy in electrostatic charge on the surface of electrodes [3,4]. Pseudocapacitors are a SC subtype that store energy using Faraday redox reactions at the electrode-electrolyte interface. ...
... Fig. 2c and a, b), it can be assumed that their grain boundary width and resistivity of grain boundaries are increased. It should be noted that there is a relationship between tan δ and ε′, which is described by the empirical relation tan δ = a × ln (ε′) -c, where a and c are constants [71]. This relation shows that ceramics with both a very high dielectric constant and a very low dielectric loss cannot be prepared. ...
Ceramics with nominal chemical composition CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO), CaCu3Ti3.96Al0.04O11.96F0.04 (CCTOAF), and Ca0.98Mg0.08Cu2.94Ti3.96Al0.04O11.96F0.04 (CCTOMAF) were prepared by the solid-state reactions technique. Using SEM, EDX, XPS, EPR, NMR, and complex impedance spectroscopy, the microstructure, elements distribution, chemical composition of grains and grain boundaries, and the dielectric response of ceramics were investigated. In the ССТО, CCTOAF, and CCTOMAF series, the average grain size increases, the degree of copper segregation at the grain boundaries is inversely related to grain size, and the dielectric loss decreases from 0.071 to 0.047 and 0.030, respectively, while dielectric permittivity ε′ at 1 kHz is 5.6 × 104, 7.1 × 104, and 4.3 × 104, respectively. Additives of Al, Mg, F and milled particles (ZrO2, Al2O3, and SiO2) can either partially introduce into the perovskite structure or form low-melting eutectics at the grain boundaries, causing abnormal grain growth. The presence of copper ions in various oxidation states, as well as evidence of exchange spin interactions between them, was confirmed in all samples.
... Among perovskite materials, such as SrTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 , a new class of ceramic calcium copper titanate (CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 / CCTO) has now been extensively researched due to its unique structure and extraordinary properties. 1 Supercapacitors, resistors, varistors, resistive switching, sensors to detect gases, and high-frequency antennas have all benefited from this material's enormous permittivity and electrical properties. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Despite their typical dielectric and electrical properties, 11,12 they are currently being utilized extensively in the fields of energy storage and energy conversion. In addition, commercial applications such as photocatalysts for water treatment and degradation of industrial effluents [13][14][15] have benefited from the bandgap of CCTO in the visible light spectrum. ...
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Gadolinium-doped (CaCu3Ti4O12/CCTO)x ceramics were fabricated using conventional (CS) and microwave sintering (MWS) at x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3. The green compacts were sintered at 1100°C via muffle and microwave furnace at 5°C min−1/12 h and 50°C min−1/30 min, respectively. A single pure cubic phase of CCTO for MWS and minor secondary phases for CS were revealed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed a reduction in grain size from ~ 20.04 ± 8.43 µm to ~ 17.52 ± 7.77 µm and ~ 1.99 ± 0.44 µm to ~ 1.32 ± 0.27 µm for both CS and MWS. The charge carrier hopping between Cu+ and Ti3+ was probed using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which confirmed the conductivity of grains and internal barrier layer capacitance (IBLC) effect. Broadband dielectric spectrometer findings revealed a dielectric constant of ɛ > 104 at 10 Hz and ɛ > 103 at 100 kHz for CS at x = 0.2 and ɛ > 102 at 10 Hz (x ≤ 0.2) for MWS. A very minimal tanδ of 0.08 (x = 0.2) was recorded at 100 kHz.
Flexible dielectric materials composed of polymer matrix and ceramic fillers with high dielectric constant have attracted more and more attention in microcelectronic device field. In this work, conductive polyaniline (PANI) organics were in-situ synthesized and coated on the surface of CCTO particles, and then the mulberry-like CCTO@PANI particles were incorporated into natural rubber (NR) to prepare the polymer composites. Coulomb-blockade effect is observed when the conductive clusters PANI is embedded in an insulating matrix. Compared with CCTO/NR composites, although the dielectric constant of CCTO@PANI/NR composites decreased slightly, but it still maintained excellent breakdown strength. The method provides a promising way to coordinate and prepares dielectric composites with dielectric properties.
Samarium iron garnet, Sm3Fe5O12, co-doped with Gd³⁺ and Pr³⁺ ions, having the chemical formula Sm3-2xGdxPrxFe5O12 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8), were synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The structural study confirmed the cubic crystallization of the Sm3Fe5O12 phase in the addition of two secondary phases, α-Fe2O3 and SmFeO3. The variation of the lattice parameters and crystalline size indicated that both Gd³⁺ and Pr³⁺ ions were incorporated into the lattice. The elemental analysis confirmed the stoichiometry proposed for Sm3-2xGdxPrxFe5O12. The co-doping process of SmIG affected the absorbance of photo-radiations, making them possible candidates for transparent electrodes and optoelectronic devices. Energy band gap values were in the range of 2.921–3.004eV. DC electrical conductivity measurements studied the transport properties through which two activation energies were determined. The co-doping process affected the dielectric constants (ε′, ε″, tan δ), which reached a maximum value for x = 0.2. Dielectric relaxation was observed in the measurements, which could be due to the presence of oxygen vacancies as detected in XPS results. The Nyquist plots revealed that all the samples exhibited a negative temperature coefficient of impedance, where the arc of the semicircles decreased as the temperature increased from 413 to 743K. Also, the contribution of the resistance at high-frequency was related to the grains and grain boundaries. The ac conductivity mechanism followed the small polaron and the correlated barrier hopping models. In the temperature range between 333 and 583K, the prepared samples are promising for ion-conducting glasses and ionic crystals.
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Bi(2/3)−xDyxCu3Ti4O12, BDCTO ceramic with compositions x = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 as designated BDCTO-0.05, BDCTO-0.1 and BDCTO-0.2 respectively, were synthesized through semi wet route and at a sintering temperature of 1173 K for 8 h. The effects of A-site Dy-doping on the structure, magnetic, and dielectric characteristics of BCTO were investigated extensively. The X-ray diffraction pattern and Le-bail analysis reveal the occurrence of all the peaks of parent BCTO ceramic which confirm the formation of a single phase on doping of Dy up to composition 0.2 with the fine crystal structure. Further, it observed that the lattice parameter of the synthesized ceramics decreases with increasing Dy concentration. The phase space group Im-3 of the ceramics was determined by Le-bail analysis of X-ray diffraction data. The particle size of the BDCTO ceramics obtained from the transmission electron microscopy images was found in the ranges of 80–101 nm. The phase composition and conventional change in the microstructural properties of BDCTO ceramics were studied by X-ray diffraction and Scanning electron microscopy. The average grain sizes of the BDCTO-0.05, BDCTO-0.1 and BDCTO-0.2 ceramics were found to be 123.44 nm, 125.36 nm, and 132.11 nm, respectively. Oxidation state of various ions was studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The dielectric permittivity and tangent loss of the BDCTO ceramic deceases with increasing frequency. Impedance analysis showed the evidence of the existence of the thermally assisted ionic phenomenon in ceramics. M–T and M–H curve shows the antiferromagnetic characteristics of the weak ferromagnetic or para magnetic behaviour of BDCTO ceramics.
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CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics doped with rare earth (RE) oxides, including Y2O3, La2O3, Eu2O3, and Gd2O3, were prepared by the traditional solid–state reaction method in order to investigate the effect of RE oxide dopants on the electrical properties as a varistor. The phase identification and morphology of the ceramics were investigated by x–ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), respectively. A high voltage measuring unit and precision impedance analyzer were used to determine the nonohmic (J–E) behaviors and measure the dielectric properties and impedance spectroscopy of the ceramics, respectively. The results showed that RE oxides enhanced greatly the breakdown electric flied but reduced the nonlinear coefficient and the mean grain size of CCTO ceramics. There was a good linear relationship between ln J and E1/2, which demonstrated that the Schottky barrier should exist at the grain boundary. A double Schottky barrier model composed of a depletion layer and a negative charge sheet was proposed, analogous to the barrier model for ZnO varistors. The depletion layer width determined by diffusion distance of RE ions and the effective surface states played important roles on the electrical properties of the ceramics.
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The dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 , a material showing colossal values of the dielectric constant, were investigated over a broad temperature and frequency range extending up to 1.3GHz . A detailed equivalent-circuit analysis of the results and two crucial experiments, employing different types of contacts and varying the sample thickness were performed. The results provide clear evidence that the apparently high values of the dielectric constant in CaCu3Ti4O12 are nonintrinsic and due to electrode polarization effects. The intrinsic properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 are characterized by charge transport via hopping of localized charge carriers and a relatively high dielectric constant of the order of 100.
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Experimental evidence is provided that colossal dielectric constants ɛ′>~1000, sometimes reported to exist in a broad temperature range, can often be explained by Maxwell-Wagner-type contributions of depletion layers at the interface between sample and contacts or at grain boundaries. We demonstrate this on a variety of different materials. We speculate that the largest intrinsic dielectric constant observed so far in nonferroelectric materials is of order 102.
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There has been much recent interest in a so-called “giant-dielectric phenomenon” displayed by an unusual cubic perovskite-type material, CaCu3Ti4O12; however, the origin of the high permittivity has been unclear [M. A. Subramanian, L. Dong, N. Duan, B. A. Reisner, and A. W. Sleight, J. Solid State Chem. 151, 323 (2000); C. C. Homes, T. Vogt, S. M. Shapiro, S. Wakimoto, and A. P. Ramirez, Science 293, 673 (2001); A. P. Ramirez, M. A. Subramanian, M. Gardel, G. Blumberg, D. Li, T. Vogt, and S. M. Shapiro, Solid State Commun. 115, 217 (2000)]. Impedance spectroscopy on CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics demonstrates that they are electrically heterogeneous and consist of semiconducting grains with insulating grain boundaries. The giant-dielectric phenomenon is therefore attributed to a grain boundary (internal) barrier layer capacitance (IBLC) instead of an intrinsic property associated with the crystal structure. This barrier layer electrical microstructure with effective permittivity values in excess of 10 000 can be fabricated by single-step processing in air at ∼1100 °C. CaCu3Ti4O12 is an attractive option to the currently used BaTiO3-based materials which require complex, multistage processing routes to produce IBLCs of similar capacity. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
An anion substitution route was utilized for lowering the dielectric loss in CaCu{sub 3}Ti{sub 4}O{sub 12} (CCTO) by partial replacement of oxygen by fluorine. This substitution reduced the dielectric loss, and retained a high dielectric constant that was essentially temperature independent from 25 to 200 deg. C. In particular, CaCu{sub 3}Ti{sub 4}O{sub 11.7}F{sub 0.3} exhibited a giant dielectric constant over 6000 and low dielectric loss below 0.075 at 100 kHz within a temperature range of 25-200 deg. C. Fluorine analysis confirmed the presence of fluorine in all samples measured. - Grapical Abstract: An anion substitution route was utilized for lowering the dielectric loss in CaCu{sub 3}Ti{sub 4}O{sub 12} (CCTO) by partial replacement of oxygen by fluorine. This substitution, confirmed by fluorine analysis, reduced tan {delta}, and retained a high dielectric constant that was essentially temperature independent from 25 to 200 deg. C at 100 kHz.
High dielectric constants have been found in oxides of the type ACu3Ti4O12. The most exceptional behavior is exhibited by CaCu3Ti4O12, which shows a dielectric constant at 1 kHz of about 12,000 that is nearly constant from room temperature to 300°C. The cubic structure of these materials is related to that of perovskite (CaTiO3), but the TiO6 octahedra are tilted to produce a square planar environment for Cu2+. The CaCu3Ti4O12 structure down to 35 K has been examined by neutron powder diffraction. The structure remains cubic and centric. Most compositions of the type A2/3Cu3Ti4O12 (A=trivalent rare earth or Bi) show dielectric constants above 1000. The dielectric properties of isostructural compounds of the type ACu3Ti3FeO12 are also presented.
ACu3M4O12 phases crystallize in perovskite-related structure (space group: Im3). Dielectric constants for ACu3Ti4O12 phases are found to be much higher than expected based on the dielectric polarizabilities of the constituent atoms, and this property seems not to be related to either underlying ferroelectric or relaxor behavior. New data on these compounds is presented. Valence degeneracy between Cu and Ru is shown to exist for ACu3Ru4O12 phases where A may be a +1, +2, or +3 cation. Structural refinements based on single crystal X-ray diffraction data are given for CaCu3Ti4O12, CaCu3Ru4O12 and NaCu3Ru4O12.
We conducted an investigation into the thermodynamic properties of two stoichiometric CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) samples prepared by solid-state reaction and soft chemistry methods to probe the stability of the material relative to simpler oxide constituents (e.g., CaO, CuO, and TiO2) over a wide temperature range. Thermodynamic functions (i.e., heat capacity, formation enthalpies, entropies, and Gibbs free energies) have been measured from near absolute zero to 1100 K using calorimetric methods, including drop solution, low-temperature adiabatic relaxation, and differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the magnetic-phase transition from the antiferromagnetic to the paramagnetic state are reported. It has been shown that CCTO is very stable relative to constituent oxides and calcium titanate at room temperature and higher, independent of the synthesis route. The enthalpic factor is dominant in the thermodynamics of CCTO, with the entropic factor having almost no effect on the stability of the compound relative to other oxide assemblages. The recommended values for the standard molar enthalpy of formation from constituent oxides and from elements at 298.15 K are −122.1 ± 4.5 and −4155.7 ± 5.2 kJ/mol−1, respectively. The mean of the third law entropy at 298.15 K is 368.4 ± 0.1 J/mol−1/K−1. Based on the thermodynamic data reported, the study confirms the possibility of CCTO decomposition in a reducing atmosphere or CO2 under conditions recently observed in experiments.
The CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) compound shows an unusually high and almost temperature independent dielectric constant at low frequencies. CCTO powders have been synthesized by an organic gel-assisted citrate process. The ceramic microstructure was optimized for a given sintering process. Both the grain size and density are shown to be maximum when PVA is introduced in powder before the complete formation of CCTO. A correlated increase of the dielectric constant is evidenced by impedance spectroscopy measurements. Results support the IBLC model proposed to explain the high dielectric constant of CCTO.
The general theory of Ragone plots for energy storage devices (ESD) is discussed. Ragone plots provide the available energy of an ESD for constant active power request. The qualitative form of Ragone plots strongly depends on the type of storage (battery, capacitor, SMES, flywheel, etc.). For example, the energy decreases as a function of power for capacitive ESD, but increases for inductive ESD. Analytical results for a representative set of ideal ESD (battery, capacitor, and SMES) are compared. Furthermore, the effect of leakage and of the specific loss type (Coulomb, Stokes, and Newton friction) is discussed for inductive ESD. Finally, we address the problem of how composite ESD should be treated, and illustrate it for a battery with inductance.