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ISSN 1749-3889 (print), 1749-3897 (online)
International Journal of Nonlinear Science
Vol.16(2013) No.2,pp.105-112
Increased and Reduced Order Synchronization of 2D and 3D Dynamical Systems
Samuel Ogunjo ∗
Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Akure
(Received 6 January 2013 ,accepted 5 September 2013 )
Abstract: This paper presents increased and reduced order generalized synchronization (GS) of two differ-
ent chaotic systems with different order based on active control technique. Through this technique, suitable
control functions were designed to achieve generalized synchronization between: (i) 2D Duffing oscillator
as the drive and 3D Lorenz system as the response system and (ii) 3D Lorenz system as the drive and 2D
Duffing oscillator as the response system. Corresponding numerical simulation results are presented to verify
the effectiveness of technique. Reduced order synchronization between the two systems gives faster synchro-
nization time than the increased order synchronization of the two systems.
Keywords:Increased order, reduced order, synchronization, active control, Lorenz system, Duffing oscillator
1 Introduction
Pecora and Carroll [1] pioneered the synchronization of chaotic systems. Since chaotic systems are sensitive to initial
conditions, one would expect the difference of two different systems to diverge exponentially in time. However, the
addition of the right functions to one of the systems will reduce this difference to zero such that the two systems follow the
same trajectory after a period of time. This is the concept of synchronization. It is defined by Boccaleti et al [2] as a process
wherein two (or many) chaotic systems (either equivalent or nonequivalent) adjust a given property of their motion to a
common behavior due to a coupling or to a forcing (periodical or noisy). From its proposition, chaos synchronization has
gained a lot of attention over the last two decades due to its potential applications in vast areas of physics and engineering
sciences. The results of chaos synchronization are utilized in biological sciences[3], economics and finance[4], chemical
reactions, secure communication[5] and cryptography and data encryption.
Over the years, many types of synchronization have been developed by many researchers including complete synchro-
nization [1], phase synchronization [6], lag synchronization [7], generalized synchronization [8], anticipated synchro-
nization [9] and projective synchronization[10]. Projective synchronization was later extended to general class of chaotic
systems and not only partially linear systems and this is called generalized projective synchronization [11, 12]. Projective
synchronization is one of the most interesting synchronization scheme because of proportional relation that exist between
the dynamical state variables of the drive and the response systems, a feature that can be used to extend binary digit to
M-ary digit for fast communication [13]. Bai and Lonnggren [14] proposed the method of identical chaos synchroniza-
tion using active control. The ubiquitous applications of active control technique has encouraged researchers to introduce
active control based on different stability criteria. It was shown recently([15]) that active control is simpler with a more
stable synchronization time and hence, it is more suitable for practical implementation.
Many researchers have attempted synchronization of similar systems using different techniques[14, 16] amongst others
while some authors have synchronized different systems [17, 18]. There are real situations where systems of different
other need to be synchronized e.g the order of the thalamic neurons can be different from the hippocampal neurons,
the synchronization between heart and lungs, the synchronization in neuron systems and certain biomechanical systems
(such as biological implants). Few researchers have done extensive work on increased order synchronization [19–21]
and reduced order synchronization[22–24]. Hence, the investigation of synchronization of different chaotic systems even
though they are of different orders is very important from the perspective of practical application and control theory.
The aim of this paper is to show numerically, the synchronization between the 2D Duffing oscillator and 3D Lorenz
system when either is the master system. Furthermore, it is the aim of this paper to determine which of the synchronization
scheme (reduced or increased) will be more effective using a new quantifier - synchronization time.
Copyright c
⃝World Academic Press, World Academic Union
106 International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.16(2013), No.2, pp. 105-112
2 System description
The Duffing oscillator is given by the expression
¨x+b˙x+dV (x)
dx =g(f, ω, t)(1)
where xdenotes the displacement from the equilibrium position. fis the forcing strength, bis the damping parameter
and g(f, ω, t)is the periodic driving force given by T=2π
ω.ωis the angular frequency of the driving force. V(x)is the
potential giving by Taylor series.
V(x) = 1
where αand βare potential parameters. The Duffing oscillator can be single-well (α > 0,β > 0) or double-well
(α < 0,β > 0). The chaotic behaviour of the single-well Duffing oscillator is shown in Figure 1.
−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure 1: Phase space portrait of the single-well Duffing oscillator with parameters α=−0.5, β = 0.5, f = 1, b =
0.1ω= 0.5.
The Lorenz system is perhaps the first chaotic system in existence, proposed by Lorenz in 1963. It is a 3D autonomous
dynamical system given by the expression
The system is chaotic with three equilibria when r > 24.74 and Lyapunov exponent 1.497,0,−22.46. The Lorenz
system has found application in thermal convection and laser dynamics. Phase space of the Lorenz system commonly
referred to as ”butterfly effect” is shown in Figure 2.
3 Methodology
If two systems synchronized due to the addition of a functional relation between the states of the systems, a new form of
synchronization called generalized synchronization is realized [23]. It was shown in [23] that generalized synchronization
exist between a drive system xand yif there exists a function φsuch that y=φ(x). The approach used in this work is
based on the proof given in [23] and active control method in ref. [14].
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−20 −10 0 10 20
Figure 2: The butterfly effect as seen in the Lorenz system with parameters set to σ= 10, r = 28, b =8
3.1 Increased order synchronization
Equation (1) can be written in the form
1+fcos ωt (4)
Taking the Duffing oscillator in the form of equation 1 as the drive system and the 3D Lorenz system equation 3 as the
response system. Adding the control, the response system becomes
The goal is to determine the control functions u1(t), u2(t)u3(t)such that lim
t→∞ ∥y−φ(x)∥= 0.
The error state of the system is obtained as
The case of φ(x)=(gx1−x2, j x1, x2)Tis considered. gand jare positive integers. Using equation 6, the error
dynamical system is obtain the error dynamical system
˙e= ˙y−˙φ= ˙y−Dφ(x)f(x)(7)
where Dφ(x)is the Jacobian matrix of the map φ(x)
In the following, an active control of the form
u(t) = v(t) + Dφ(x)f(x)
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108 International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.16(2013), No.2, pp. 105-112
is adopted to design the controllers. Where v(t) = (v1(t), v2(t), v3(t))T.
˙e=−σe1−gσx1+σx2−σe2−σj x1+v(t)
We re-define the control functions to eliminate all terms which are not linear in e1, e2, e3as follows:
v1(t) = gσx1−σx2+σjx1+w1(t)
v2(t) = y1y3−rgx1+rx2+jx1+w2(t)
v3(t) = −y1y2+b1x2+w3(t)
substituting (10) into (9) the error is obtained as
The error system in (11) to be controlled is a linear system with control input w1(t), w2(t), w3(t)as a function of
e1, e2, e3. As long as these feedbacks stabilize the system, e1, e2, e3will converge to zero as time tends to infinity.
Using the active control method, we choose
There are many possible choices for the elements of the matrix Aprovided that all eigenvalues of Ahave negative real
part. As a result, the system given by (11) will be stable. For simplicity, the following is chosen as suitable value for
−r(λ2+ 1) 0
0 0 (λ3+b)
3.2 Reduced order synchronization
The Duffing oscillator (4) is used as the response while the Lorenz system given in (3) is taken as the drive system to
demonstrate reduced order synchronization. With the controls added, the response system becomes
1+fcos ωt +u2
The goal is to design appropriate active controllers ui(t), i = 1,2such that the trajectory of the slave system (14) asymp-
totically approach the drive system (3) for a given functional relation and finally undergoes generalized synchronization.
The error states are defined as
As in section 3.1, a simple linear generalized synchronization of the φ(x) = (φ1, φ2) = (y3, y2−y1)Tis utilized. Using
the notation in (15), the error dynamical system is given as in (7).
An active control of the form u(t) = v(t) + Dφ(x)f(x)is adopted to design the controllers. Where v(t) = (v1(t), v2(t)).
1+fcos(ωt) + v2(t)(16)
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The control functions are re-defined to eliminate all terms which cannot be shown in the form e1, e2as follows:
v1(t) = −y2+y1+w1(t)
v2(t) = by2−by1+αy3+βx3
1−fcos(ωt) + w2(t)(17)
substituting (17) in (16), we get
The error system (18) to be controlled is a linear system with a control input w1(t), w2(t)as functions of e1, e2. As long
as these feedbacks stabilize the system, e1, e2will converge to zero as time tends to infinity. This implies that systems (3)
and (4) are synchronized in a generalized differentiable transformation y=φ(x). Using the active control method, we
where A is a constant matrix. There are many possible choices for the elements of the matrix A provided that all eigen-
values of A have a negative real part. As a result, the system 18 will be stable[23].
4 Results and discussion
The parameters of the Duffing oscillator are chosen as b= 0.1, α = 0.5, β = 0.5, f = 0.95, ω = 0.75 and the
parameters of the Lorenz systems are chosen as σ= 10, r = 28, b =8
3so that both exhibit chaotic behaviour without
the controller. In the case of increased-order synchronization, the initial conditions are taken arbitrarily as (0,0.1) and
(0,3,12) for the drive and response system respectively while for the reduced-order synchronization scheme the initial
conditions for the drive system is (0,1) and the response system (1,1,0). The simulation results for the errors in the
increased order synchronization scheme are shown in figure (3) while that of the reduced order scheme is shown in figure
(4) when controllers are activated at time t= 0. The average error propagation on the state system variable is defined in
ref [26, 27] as |e|=√(e2
2)and |e|=√(e2
3)for both reduced order and increased order synchronization
respectively. For both cases, each of the eigenvalues are taken to be −1. Furthermore, the synchronization in both cases is
seen to be effective for both single well and double well Duffing oscillators as the error vector become zero as time tends
to infinity in both cases shown in figures (3) and (4).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 3: Error in the synchronization scheme between drive (Duffing) and response (Lorenz) in Increased-order synchro-
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110 International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.16(2013), No.2, pp. 105-112
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 4: Error values in the synchronization scheme between drive(Lorenz) and response (Duffing) in Reduced-order
4.1 Synchronization time
Synchronization between two systems occur at a time tafter the activation of the control function. The time taken for the
response system x(t)to attain the dynamics of the drive system y(t)after the activation of the control function is regarded
as the synchronization time. In Figure 5, this is represented by b. The region ahas significant error associated with
the transmitted signal, hence recovered signal cannot be trusted. The synchronization time can be used to quantify the
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 5: Synchronization between the drive and response system of an arbitrary synchronized system. Point bis the
synchronization time. In the region a, received signal will ’noisy’ due to the error.
effectiveness of a synchronization scheme as a short time interval means an efficient synchronization. Hence, information
can be received faster without much error. According to Zhang et al., [25], perturbation by noise from measurement and
environment cannot be ignored in synchronization as is time. At the port of the response system, the input signal is not at
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the same time instant as that of the drive system such that the drive and response system can be written as:
t, x(¯
dt =ˆ
f(t, ˆy, x(¯
The time taken for the magnitude of error in each of the synchronization scheme (increased and reduced order) to approach
zero is used to determine their efficiency. The graph is shown in figure (6). Synchronization time is seen to decrease
with increasing coupling strength. This implies that in synchronizing a Duffing oscillator to Lorenz system, the time
for synchronization decreases with time and better time is obtained for reduced-order active control synchronization.
Practically, encoded message between the two chaotic system will be received in shorter time using reduced-order active
control and as the coupling strength is reduced better results are obtained.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Synchronization time
Coupling strength
Figure 6: Synchronization time for both increased order and reduced order synchronization between the Duffing oscillator
and Lorenz chaotic system.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, the generalized synchronization of 2D Duffing oscillator and 3D Lorenz systems for both increased order
and reduced order using active control technique. Suitable control functions which achieve both increased and reduced
synchronization were designed. Simulation results were presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Furthermore, the efficiency of the two schemes were compared using a quantity - synchronization time. The result can
be extended to both single-well Duffing oscillator. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that reduced order
synchronization offers a faster time to synchronization than increased order. The Duffing oscillator has been extended to
the triple-well, Duffing-van-der Pol Oscillator and ϕ6Duffing oscillator. Therefore, experimental research can be done to
see which system offers the best synchronization time and practical application to secure communication.
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