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Human-Robotic Interaction for Lunar Exploration in the Development of a Lunar Far-Side Radio Observatory


Abstract and Figures

Space robotics has enabled tremendous discoveries in planetary sciences and has emerged as an incubator of technologies with major impacts on the quality of life for the Earth’s growing population and with important commercial potential. The purpose of this research is to develop new paradigms for space robotics, such as quick construction, less expensive components that can be used for different types of robots, and improved user operability, and to determine how robots and humans can best interact in order to add value to human-robotics space missions. The mission-oriented approach adopted in this context consists of the investigation of several lunar exploration scenarios with the purpose of analyzing the appropriate task distribution among humans and robots. Presented in this work is a mission concept study of a lunar far-side radio observatory optimized to observe the neutral 21-cm emission from the intergalactic medium during the dark ages of cosmic structure formation and the early stages of cosmic reionization. The Self-Tending Array Node and Communication Element (STANCE) model is the concept being investigated, which combines four helices into a single interferometer element (stance) with more than 5000 stances deployed in a relatively flat area at least 10 km across on the far side of the Moon. The discussion will illustrate the scientific requirements as well as the technical requirements which they drive. Details will be provided about the elements under study, such as array configuration, deployment, site selection, power systems and thermal management, data transport and transmission to Earth. Finally, the role of astronauts and robots in the implementation of this observatory and its operations will be shown to have an impact on the design of such a complex mission, and it will be seen how this interaction poses further constraints to the different subsystems in terms of mass, power, size, and cost.
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Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) is the measurement and control of spacecraft position, velocity, and attitude in support of mission objectives. This paper provides an overview of a preliminary design of the GN&C system of the Lunar Lander Altair. Key functions performed by the GN&C system in various mission phases will first be described. A set of placeholder GN&C sensors that is needed to support these functions is next described. To meet Crew safety requirements, there must be high degrees of redundancy in the selected sensor configuration. Two sets of thrusters, one on the Ascent Module (AM) and the other on the Descent Module (DM), will be used by the GN&C system. The DM thrusters will be used, among other purposes, to perform course correction burns during the Trans-lunar Coast. The AM thrusters will be used, among other purposes, to perform precise angular and translational controls of the ascent module in order to dock the ascent module with Orion. Navigation is the process of measurement and control of the spacecraft's "state" (both the position and velocity vectors of the spacecraft). Tracking data from the Earth-Based Ground System (tracking antennas) as well as data from onboard optical sensors will be used to estimate the vehicle state. A driving navigation requirement is to land Altair on the Moon with a landing accuracy that is better than 1 km (radial 95%). Preliminary performance of the Altair GN&C design, relative to this and other navigation requirements, will be given. Guidance is the onboard process that uses the estimated state vector, crew inputs, and pre-computed reference trajectories to guide both the rotational and the translational motions of the spacecraft during powered flight phases. Design objectives of reference trajectories for various mission phases vary. For example, the reference trajectory for the descent "approach" phase (the last 3-4 minutes before touchdown) will sacrifice fuel utilization efficiency in order to provide landing site visibility for both the crew and the terrain hazard detection sensor system. One output of Guidance is the steering angle commands sent to the 2 degree-of-freedom (dof) gimbal actuation system of the descent engine. The engine gimbal actuation system is controlled by a Thrust Vector Control algorithm that is designed taking into account the large quantities of sloshing liquids in tanks mounted on Altair. In this early design phase of Altair, the GN&C system is described only briefly in this paper and the emphasis is on the GN&C architecture (that is still evolving). Multiple companion papers will provide details that are related to navigation, optical navigation, guidance, fuel sloshing, rendezvous and docking, machine-pilot interactions, and others. The similarities and differences of GN&C designs for Lunar and Mars landers are briefly compared. Copyright © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
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This essay presents a comparison between the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) and the current concepts and requirements for the Altair Lunar Lander. The basis of comparison reflects the difference between the Apollo Program, pursuing a Cold War era "Flag and Footsteps" mission, and the Constellation Program creating a more expansive program of exploration leading to a permanent human presence on the moon. The specific areas of comparison derive largely from the changes in mission philosophy and exploration strategy - not from technology or engineering. These factors illuminate the differences in the current design drivers for the Altair compared to the Apollo LM.
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M. Sc. thesis submitted to the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, 2003. Thesis (M. Sc.)--University of Glasgow, 2003. Includes bibliographical references.
The Lunar Radio Array (LRA) is a concept for a telescope sited on the farside of the Moon with a prime mission of making precision cosmological measurements via observations of neutral hydrogen.
Human space exploration, while a clear imperative for the progression of human civilization, can be severely impeded by excessively high operational costs and perceived high risk. A cost effective method of accomplishing every phase of exploration transport is mandatory to avoid this trap. Centaur, the upper stage on the current Lockheed Martin Atlas V rocket, is an excellent candidate for modification as a robotic and possible human transport vehicle to our nearest neighbor. The Centaur is produced in Denver, Colorado. Centaur has proven to be extremely robust and reliable, with 77 consecutive successful flights. Modifications to the current design would allow the Centaur to function as an in‐space propulsion system. With its present capability Centaur can directly support robotic probe landings on the moon and is directly extensible to larger landing tasks including high‐mass crewed missions. Lunar descent would be accomplished in two phases: primary descent using the RL10 engine and a final horizontal terminal phase powered by pressure fed thrusters mounted along the Centaur tank. Utilizing the Centaur for human exploration would greatly reduce cost by leveraging an already designed and manufactured stage. It would increase safety by its robustness and redundancy that the Centaur has proven in many successful launches. With the Centaur concept for human exploration, NASA can have the safety and cost effectiveness needed to explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
Observations of the high-redshift Universe with the 21 cm hyperfine line of neutral hydrogen promise to open an entirely new window onto the early phases of cosmic structure formation. Here we review the physics of the 21 cm transition, focusing on processes relevant at high redshifts, and describe the insights to be gained from such observations. These include measuring the matter power spectrum at z~50, observing the formation of the cosmic web and the first luminous sources, and mapping the reionization of the intergalactic medium. The epoch of reionization is of particular interest, because large HII regions will seed substantial fluctuations in the 21 cm background. We also discuss the experimental challenges involved in detecting this signal, with an emphasis on the Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds. These increase rapidly toward low frequencies and are especially severe for the highest redshift applications. Assuming that these difficulties can be overcome, the redshifted 21 cm line will offer unique insight into the high-redshift Universe, complementing other probes but providing the only direct, three-dimensional view of structure formation from z~200 to z~6. Comment: extended review accepted by Physics Reports, 207 pages, 44 figures (some low resolution); version with high resolution figures available at; minor changes to match published version
Orion: America's Next Generation Spacecraft National Aeronautics and Space Administration NP-2010-10-025-JSC. [12] Centaur Application to Robotic and Crewed Lunar Lander Evolution From Apollo LM to Altair: Design, Environments, Infrastructure, Missions, and Operations
  • Johnson Space
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  • Frank Kutter
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FS-2012-06-59-MSFC. [9] NASA Commercial Crew and Cargo Program: Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Orion: Quick Facts
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The Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar Studies [7] NASA ESAS: Exploration Systems Architecture Study
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Kasper, " The Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar Studies ", 2011. [7] NASA. " ESAS: Exploration Systems Architecture Study ", 2005. [8] NASA. " Space Launch System " National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lyndon B.