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Using the Dualistic Model of Passion (DMP), the purpose of the present paper is to show the role of passion for activities in sustainable psychological well-being. Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that people like (or even love), find important, and in which they invest time and energy on a regular basis. The model proposes the existence of two types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Harmonious passion originates from an autonomous internalization of the activity into one's identity while obsessive passion emanates from a controlled internalization and comes to control the person. Through the experience of positive emotions during activity engagement that takes place on a regular and repeated basis, it is posited that harmonious passion contributes to sustained psychological well-being while preventing the experience of negative affect, psychological conflict, and ill-being. Obsessive passion is not expected to produce such positive effects and may even facilitate negative affect, conflict with other life activities, and psychological ill-being. Research supporting the proposed effects and processes is presented and directions for future research are proposed.
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... Em contrapartida, a PO está associada a uma internalização controlada pela atividade, o que faz com que se envolvam em uma atividade devido a pressões interpessoais e intrapessoais que os incitam a participar (Teng, 2019). Como resultado, o sujeito pode focar apenas na atividade apaixonada, esquecendo de outras áreas da vida consideradas importantes, situação que o leva a experienciar diferentes sentimentos mal adaptativos (ansiedade, afetos negativos), como também manifestar comportamentos poucos flexíveis que influenciam negativamente as esferas intrapessoais e interpessoais (Vallerand, 2012;. ...
... No que concerne à PO, o sujeito tende a experienciar mais afetos negativos, uma vez que apresentam comportamentos inflexíveis que influenciam de forma negativa a vida pessoal, profissional e social (Vallerand, 2012;. Dessa forma, entende-se que os afetos podem ser compreendidos como um papel mediador entre a paixão e o burnout, uma vez que a paixão está associada à vivência de sentimentos e emoções, os quais, dependendo da sua natureza, positiva ou negativa, pode influenciar o desenvolvimento de burnout (Philippe et al., 2009;Schaufeli et al., 2020;. ...
... No que concerne à PO em trabalhadores gerais, os achados corroboram a perspectiva de que o construto apresentaria uma relação negativa com AP (Forest et al., 2011). Ou seja, mostrando-se associada ao atendimento de pressões externas (Teng, 2019), vivência de sentimentos mal adaptativos (Vallerand, 2012; e rigidez (Chichekian & Vallerand, 2022). ...
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This research assessed the mediating role of affect in the relationship between work passion and burnout in two samples (Study 1: general workers and Study 2: sports coaches). Structural equation modeling was employed for data analysis. Study 1 involved a sample of 256 workers from various fields, and the results indicated that affects mediated the relationships, suggesting that harmonious passion facilitates positive feelings, while obsessive passion tends to promote negative feelings in the workplace, contributing to the experience of burnout. Similar results were found in Study 2, which included 172 sports coaches. These results implies that a harmonious relationship with work is a protective factor, unlike an obsessive relationship.
... [43] Enhanced ALQ correlates with heightened passion and academic engagement, ultimately leading to improved individual performance and positive contributions to the academic community. [44,45] Research indicates a positive association between higher ALQ and better academic performance, as highlighted by Kember et al. [46] Moreover, Vallerand [47] underscores that harmonious passion is integral to sustainable psychological wellbeing and life quality.Both ALQ and academic passion emerge as factors positively influencing the academic, psychological, and social aspects of the university experience, contributing to successful learning outcomes, and promoting overall quality of life and well-being among university students. ...
... Conversely, obsessive passion can lead to psychological conflicts during academic activities, adversely affecting ALQ. [67] These findings are consistent with Vallerand's [47] study, which links harmonious passion to sustainable psychological well-being and life quality, and align with Bonneville-Roussy et al.'s [48] research showing a positive correlation between harmonious passion and life quality. Additionally, Tze et al.'s [49] study indicates a decrease in university students' life quality, hindering their intrinsic motivations. ...
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BACKGROUND At a time prioritizing the comprehensive growth and welfare of university students, grasping the profound importance of both the quality of academic life and the intricacies of academic passion emerges as crucial for educators, administrators, and policymakers. This research investigates the levels of academic life quality and academic passion among university students, aiming to uncover the intricate relationship between these dimensions. Additionally, the study explores the feasibility of predicting academic life quality based on academic passion. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 454 male and female students at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University participated in the research. The researchers administered scales for academic life quality and academic passion. They employed a descriptive-analytical approach, specifically the correlational predictive method, to shed light on the relationship pattern between research variables and predict relationships among them. RESULTS The research results showed a high level of academic life quality among the research sample and a high level of academic passion (harmonious) with a low level of academic passion (obsessive). Furthermore, the research results indicated a statistically significant positive correlation between the four dimensions of academic life quality (good social relationships, enjoyable academic integration, meaningfulness, effective time management, and overall satisfaction) and harmonious academic passion. On the other hand, a statistically significant negative correlation was found between certain dimensions of academic life quality (enjoyable academic integration, meaningfulness, effective time management, and overall satisfaction) and obsessive academic passion. However, the relationship between good social relationships and obsessive academic passion was not statistically significant. The results also demonstrated the potential to predict academic life quality from passion within the research sample. CONCLUSION In conclusion, this research contributes valuable insights into the complex dynamics between academic life quality and academic passion among university students. These results offer implications for educational practitioners and policymakers seeking to enhance the holistic well-being and academic engagement of university students. They offer valuable insights for enhancing the overall well-being and engagement of students.
... This discussion highlights the need for a concept that can represent optimal and excessive SL engagement and explain its influence on well-being (Curran et al., 2015;Lee et al., 2023). The concept of dual passions fulfills the need for sustainable psychological well-being in a self-defining activity that individual like and invest time and energy on a regular basis (Vallerand, 2012). Dual passions encompass two distinct psychological mechanisms-harmonious passion (HP) and obsessive passion (OP)which individuals develop after selecting and pursuing an activity where they form an emotional bond and identity. ...
Purpose: This study explored the relationship between roller skaters' athletic identity dimensions and the development of divergent passions in the sport, as well as the mediating effect of serious leisure in this relationship. Methodology: An online survey conducted through a roller derby association email garnered 285 responses from roller derby participants. Structural equation modeling was used to test the path model, examining the direct and indirect effects among athletic identity, dual passion, and serious leisure. Findings: Several direct impacts of athletic identities on dual passion were found, including the influence of roller skaters' exclusivity and positive affectivity on harmonious passion, and positive and negative affectivity on obsessive passion. Serious leisure mediated the relationship between athletic identity and dual passion. Practical Implications: Findings indicate roller skaters' social identity enhances their serious leisure and passion. Managers should build community, recognize contributions, and create a supportive environment to boost engagement. Research Contribution: This study contributes to the understanding that exclusivity in roller derby significantly impacts skaters' passion and how participants integrate roller derby into their daily lives, highlighting the importance of athletic identity in shaping amateur athletes' lives and self-esteem. Originality: The study revealed amateur athletes' identities and emotional experiences shape their passions, offering insights into designing empowering programs for women. ARTICLE HISTORY
... It is also strongly related to negative affect when one cannot engage in the passionate activity. Furthermore, positive affect experienced when fully engaging in an activity out of HP promotes adaptive outcomes such as physical, psychological, and relational well-being (e.g., St-Cyr et al., 2021;St-Louis et al., 2016;Vallerand, 2012Vallerand, , 2013. With OP, such results should not be observed as it leads to fewer positive experiences and even some negative ones. ...
... Research indicates a positive association between higher quality of academic life and better academic performance, as highlighted by Kember et al. (2006). Moreover, Vallerand (2012) underscores that harmonious passion is integral to sustainable psychological well-being and life quality. Both quality of academic life and Passion for learning emerge as factors positively influencing the academic, psychological, and social aspects of the university experience, contributing to successful learning outcomes, and promoting overall quality of life and wellbeing among university students. ...
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This research aims to identify the level of quality of academic life and Passion for learning among university students and to reveal the relationship between the two variables. A sample of 454 male and female students from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University participated in the study. Utilizing scales for assessing the quality of academic life and passion for learning, researchers employed a descriptive-analytical methodology, particularly the correlational technique, to elucidate the relationship between the variables under investigation. The findings revealed a high level of quality of academic life among the research sample and a high level of Passion for learning (harmonious) with a low level of Passion for learning (obsessive). Furthermore, the research results indicated a statistically significant positive correlation between the four dimensions of quality of academic life (good social relationships, enjoyable academic integration, meaningfulness, effective time management, and overall satisfaction) and harmonious academic passion. On the other hand, a statistically significant negative correlation was found between certain dimensions of quality of academic life (enjoyable academic integration, meaningfulness, effective time management, and overall satisfaction) and obsessive academic passion. However, the relationship between good social relationships and obsessive Passion for learning was not statistically significant. This study highlights the importance of nurturing a harmonious Passion for Learning and addressing obsessive Passion for Learning among university students to enhance academic experiences and overall well-being. Recommendations include targeted interventions within academic institutions, while future research could explore innovative methodologies and comparative studies across diverse cultural and educational settings.
... Is it time for scholars to rethink addiction as a negative phenomenon? Some scholars contend that participation in 'happiness-relevant activities' can contribute to psychological well-being (Vallerand, 2012). For instance, responsible and enthusiastic engagement in music consumption can enrich one's life (Cockrill et al., 2011). ...
Purpose Drawing from transformative service research (TSR) and service ecosystem perspectives, the author seeks to provide multi-level insights into gaming service systems and call to action how this knowledge can contribute to cultivating socially responsible gaming by addressing the following research questions: What insights from service ecosystem and TSR literature can help optimise value co-creation and cultivate socially responsible practices in digital gaming services? What future research directions could advance the understanding of digital gaming services and their potential to develop a responsible gaming ecosystem that balances social well-being with commercial success? Design/methodology/approach Adopting a conceptual approach of theory synthesis and adaptation, the author discusses four overarching themes alongside key research gaps and directions crucial for understanding the dynamics of gaming ecosystem. Findings The central themes – “Exploring individuals as game service consumers”, “Gaming service exchange dynamics among meso-level stakeholders”, “A macro lens to gaming service ecosystem” and “The complexities of multi-actor dynamics and interdependencies” – shed light on how responsible services can be fostered. Research limitations/implications Given the absence of a well-defined scope for understanding responsible gaming, future research should develop a typology to capture its multifaceted aspects. Expanding beyond micro-level analysis, conducting consultation interviews with industry practitioners and policymakers can contribute insights into promoting responsible gaming services. Social implications The author offers insights for the game players, designers and developers, service providers and policymakers to promote a healthy gaming culture. Originality/value Through this research, the author advances the understanding of gaming as a service by illuminating value co-creation and co-destruction within an interconnected gaming service ecosystem through the lens of TSR. Such understanding empowers businesses to prioritise consumer welfare in their decision-making and practices.
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Jednym z powszechnie dostępnych i popularnych sposobów poprawy samopoczucia dostępnych dla współczesnego człowieka jest turystyka. Jest to aktywność chętnie podejmowana także w Polsce, ponadto zauważalny jest wzrost zainteresowania tą formą spędzania czasu wolnego. Zarówno dobrostan, jak i turystyka są zjawiskami złożonymi, podlegającymi zmianom, uzależnionymi od społeczno-kulturowych wzorów, wpływów ekonomicznych i politycznych, a także preferowanych stylów życia. Popularność turystyki indywidualnej rośnie wraz z rozwojem mediów społecznościowych. Blogi turystyczne stanowią dokumenty osobiste, na podstawie których zrekonstruować można obraz świata autorów oraz ich cechy (np. intencje, przekonania, cechy osobowości, nastawienie), zidentyfikować tematy przekazywane i przemilczane, opisać wartości, autoprezentacje autorów i ich przemiany. Celem artykułu jest badanie doświadczenia turystyki zindywidualizowanej i pokazanie jej powiązań z dobrostanem jednostki na przykładzie polskojęzycznych blogów podróżniczych. Badanie ma charakter eksploracyjny i polega na jakościowej analizie treści. W artykule poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania, w jaki sposób doświadczenia blogera/turysty odnosi się do dobrostanu? Które z aspektów dobrostanu są dla blogerów na tyle istotne, że zostają włączone do opowieści i upublicznione? Jakie role odgrywa dobrostan w doświadczeniu turysty?
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Traditionally, nostalgia has been conceptualized as a medical disease and a psychiatric disorder. Instead, we argue that nostalgia is a predominantly positive, self-relevant, and social emotion serving key psychological functions. Nostalgic narratives reflect more positive than negative affect, feature the self as the protagonist, and are embedded in a social context. Nostalgia is triggered by dysphoric states such as negative mood and loneliness. Finally, nostalgia generates positive affect, increases self-esteem, fosters social connectedness, and alleviates existential threat.
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Based on the Dualistic Model of Passion (Vallerand et al., 2003), a sequence involving the determinants and affective experiences associated with two types of passion (harmonious and obsessive) toward sport was proposed and tested. This sequence posits that high levels of sport valuation and an autonomous personality orientation lead to harmonious passion, whereas high levels of sport valuation and a controlled personality orientation facilitate obsessive passion. In turn, harmonious passion is expected to lead to positive affective experiences in sport but to be either negatively related or unrelated to negative affective experiences. Conversely, obsessive passion is hypothesized to be positively related to negative affective experiences in sport but to be either negatively related or unrelated to positive affective experiences. Results of three studies conducted with recreational and competitive athletes involved in individual and team sports provided support for the proposed integrative sequence. These findings support the role of passion in sport and pave the way to new research.
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In this article, the author describes a new theoretical perspective on positive emotions and situates this new perspective within the emerging field of positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. Preliminary empirical evidence supporting the broaden-and-build theory is reviewed, and open empirical questions that remain to be tested are identified. The theory and findings suggest that the capacity to experience positive emotions may be a fundamental human strength central to the study of human flourishing.
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Previous research on entrepreneurship as well as goal, social-cognitive, and leadership theories has guided hypotheses regarding the relationship between entrepreneurial traits and skill (passion, tenacity, and new resource skill) and situationally specific motivation (communicated vision, self-efficacy, and goals) to subsequent venture growth. Data from 229 entrepreneur-chief executive officers and 106 associates in a single industry were obtained in a 6-year longitudinal study. Structural equation modeling revealed a web of relationships that impact venture growth. Goals, self-efficacy, and communicated vision had direct effects on venture growth, and these factors mediated the effects of passion, tenacity, and new resource skill on subsequent growth. Furthermore, communicated vision and self-efficacy were related to goals, and tenacity was related to new resource skill.
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Social, psychological and physical consequences of pathological gambling reported by 42 pathological gamblers recruited mainly by advertising were compared with data on 63 pathological gamblers identified by case-finding within districts of probation, in- and out-patient psychiatric care and social welfare authorities. The two studies gave similar results. Financial breakdown, impaired relations with family and friends, and psychological problems occurred in about 50% of the pathological gamblers. Physical consequences were perceived to be of minor significance. Gambling became a solitary behavior as illegal behaviors to finance gambling increased. The pathological gamblers frequently abused alcohol. Despite these signs of social decay the pathological gamblers strove not to be a burden in society.
This article reports the development and validation of a scale to measure global life satisfaction, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Among the various components of subjective well-being, the SWLS is narrowly focused to assess global life satisfaction and does not tap related constructs such as positive affect or loneliness. The SWLS is shown to have favorable psychometric properties, including high internal consistency and high temporal reliability. Scores on the SWLS correlate moderately to highly with other measures of subjective well-being, and correlate predictably with specific personality characteristics. It is noted that the SWLS is suited for use with different age groups, and other potential uses of the scale are discussed.
In this article, the author describes a new theoretical perspective on positive emotions and situates this new perspective within the emerging field of positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. Preliminary empirical evidence supporting the broaden-and-build theory is reviewed, and open empirical questions that remain to be tested are identified. The theory and findings suggest that the capacity to experience positive emotions may be a fundamental human strength central to the study of human flourishing.
The SWLS consists of 5-items that require a ratingon a 7-point Likert scale. Administration is rarely morethan a minute or 2 and can be completed by interview(including phone) or paper and pencil response. The in-strumentshouldnotbecompletedbyaproxyansweringfortheperson.Itemsofthe SWLSaresummedtocreatea total score that can range from 5 to 35.The SWLS is in the public domain. Permission isnot needed to use it. Further information regardingthe use and interpretation of the SWLS can be foundat the author’s Web site∼ediener/SWLS.html. The Web site alsoincludes links to translations of the scale into 27languages.