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Critical thinking in adult learners



Abstract The need to identify the role of critical Thinking within teaching and learning is important in order to develop and improve the quality of education at all levels and for all learners. The literature has been divided over the different definitions of what is meant by critical Thinking let alone approaches to develop it within education programmes. The focus of this article is to suggest that there may need to be further consideration of critical Thinking in terms of adult learners and the learning environments, in which they are involved. It suggests that mature learners may have developed critical Thinking skills through experience in addition to the learning opportunities and that these additional experiential skills have yet to be properly accepted or indeed explored. Key words Critical Thinking: Further Education: Life chances: GTS
ARECLS, 2013, Vol.10, 147-176.
The need to identify the role of critical Thinking within teaching and learning is
important in order to develop and improve the quality of education at all levels and
for all learners. The literature has been divided over the different definitions of what
is meant by critical Thinking let alone approaches to develop it within education
programmes. The focus of this article is to suggest that there may need to be further
consideration of critical Thinking in terms of adult learners and the learning
environments, in which they are involved. It suggests that mature learners may have
developed critical Thinking skills through experience in addition to the learning
opportunities and that these additional experiential skills have yet to be properly
accepted or indeed explored.
Key words Critical Thinking: Further Education: Life chances: GTS
The drive for enhancing the quality of education for all has included improving
buildings, facilities but most of all developing how and what we teach. A key
component of developing teaching and learning has been the realisation that ensuring
learners know how to think is pivotal to success not just in terms of education but in
the wider context of society Dewey (1933). I intend to focus on the broad issues,
which relate Thinking skills, but to look at the way in which Further education has
addressed the delivery of Thinking skills.
In order to address the issues raised in improving and developing qualities of Further
Education it is important to consider what is understood as Thinking skills. In seeking
a definition, it is necessary to look at different perspectives, philosophical and
psychological approaches to developing which allow the learner to accept new ideas.
Having considered the meaning of Thinking skills, it is then necessary to look at
different pedagogic approaches used to provide them for adult learners, including
those who come from different educational experiences, considering different
strategies, which will allow the learner to meet the growing challenges of education in
the 21st Century.
So what are Thinking skills or should I say what is critical Thinking?
It is evident that for most of us Thinking is something we do, they key is to identify
what type of Thinking is required in which given situation, Glevey (2006). In
academic terms what is required might be, according to Smith (2002), effective
Thinking, linked to some form of measurable outcome such as a good essay, well
written work, presentation or the ability to conduct reasoned argument Kuhn (1991)
Bailin (1997). We measure this in a critical fashion primarily. It is this debate on
definition and measurement, which has been continuing for some time, and I shall
seek to reflect on the key terms and the issues, which arise from it.
There are contrasting ways of identifying the ability to think in a critical way. Lewis
and Smith (2003) explored two: firstly the philosophical approach- looking at
developing critical Thinking, as evidenced by McPeck (1990), Ennis (1990) amongst
others, which seeks to identify an end product, focusing on the analysis of argument,
driven by theory, Paul (1995) suggested that it was Thinking about your Thinking
while you’re Thinking to make your Thinking better” (p. 91). Secondly the
Psychological approach the Thinking skills process which has a greater preference
to process as Siegel (1995) suggests that it is “… an active process involving a
number of denotable mental operations such as induction, deduction, reasoning,
sequencing, classification and definition of relationships” (p.18).
These conflicts reflect that there are challenges not just to definition but also to what
is expected from the tutor and the learner when seeking to balance their teaching and
learning processes. What does however appear to be clear is that there is a need to
develop these skills or attributes in order to be able to compete not just in terms of
formal education environments but also in vocationally driven programmes. Paul
“…critical Thinking is the essential foundation for education because it is the
essential foundation for adaptation to the everyday personal, social and
professional demands of the 21st century and thereafter.”
Thinking Skills the Debates
There are many reasons as to why it has been difficult to define specifically, what is
meant by Thinking Skills.
It is important to break this term down in order to see where there challenges exist, a
skill according to Moseley et al (2005) brings up a picture of physical expertise
p10, whereas Thinking suggests a combination of “ consideration, reflection and
judgement.’ The combination of these words has led to significant dispute about how
to further refine the definition deciding whether it is right to generalise or to indicate
the Thinking skills are individual to person or subject.
There remains a considered view that as they are skills based they can be taught and
probably can improve if the approach is relevant and appropriate for the needs of the
learner in the given context Garratt et al (2000). The value of this to the learner is
instrumental in affording the opportunity to be able to improve their attainment and
thereby improve life chances Bailin (1997).
Dewey (1933) indicated that Thinking occurred where the learner moves away from
a point of reflection to inquiry, at this stage they will then apply a critical thought
process to the inquiry ultimately reaching a conclusion that can be supported and
justified by more than individual beliefs. Dewey’s idea being that all the Thinking
flows from one source but that there is no predefined route that the learner takes in
using that information / knowledge each step is based on evidence and understanding.
The purpose is to ensure that the learner also challenges his or her own understanding
and approaches at each step, thereby developing a metacognitive approach to
King, Goodson, Rohani, (2011) suggested that Thinking skills are made up of a range
of different concepts and include critical Thinking, creativity, insight, comprehension,
problem solving and intelligence. They suggest that these are the most significant,
elements, which help to identify and develop higher order Thinking skills (HOTS).
This term is often used when identifying what, is understood to mean Thinking skills.
It can be accepted, therefore, that there are different levels of Thinking, Smith (2002)
and McPeck (1990), King et al (2011). However, it is important to develop higher
order Thinking skills (HOTS) and this has been identified as critical Thinking or
effective Thinking, Garratt et al (2000) as this will allow the learner to carry out
enquiry at any level for any purpose.
Kuhn (1991) Bailin (1997) take a view, which seems to have broad acceptance that in
terms of teaching and learning, critical Thinking relates to the ability to conduct
reasoned argument.
However, Glevey (2006) felt that there has been a fundamental misunderstanding
about what Thinking skills means and this is where Thinking is so readily
substituted for ‘reasoning” p 295. The result is that there is a failure to recognize that
Thinking in general terms is much wider and can encompass a range of different
elements such as “…contemplating and imaginativeness” p 293 and there is also the
non-verbal method of demonstrating Thinking through image. Therefore, Thinking
cannot be easily pigeon holed into one thing and therefore the way to promote it
cannot be narrowed down without reduction in their impact.
Attempts at reviewing how Thinking skills have been taught in schools have also led
to unsatisfactory definitions. The Thinking skills review group Moseley et al.
(2005),carried out its review of 29 different teaching approaches to Thinking skills
stated that the current position was that no one single definition encompassed all
aspects of critical Thinking and further ‘the term is ambiguous and there is
disagreement about how it relates more broadly to aspects of pedagogy.’
An additional issue is that most assessment forms fail to take notice of these non-
subject /knowledge based skills, how you can assess something which is not defined,
recognized as individually valid, but summatively crucial?
What is clear that there is very little consensus as to what Thinking skills are, yet we
know that learners need to have them and teachers should have strategies which will
allow learners to identify, develop and use the skills. However it is clear that the skills
can be identified as metacognitive, with learners using experience, previous learning
and moving beyond acceptance of what is taught they become critical and begin to
question and make meaning their own meaning.
Indeed several countries have set out very different educational policy provision
which focus on different aspects of Thinking skills that are relevant to their needs,
therefore having a specific definition of Thinking skills may not be important for
policy makers as it is for educators Kadir (2011).
Approaches to Thinking skills
Where there is consensus it is that Thinking skills are pivotal to education and the
more developed the Thinking skills are the more effective education appears to be.
The different approaches to defining Thinking skills suggest that there are different
ways of developing them, those methods, which are directed at specific tasks, and
those skills, which can be applied in a general way.
The Generalised Thinking Skills (GTS) movement take a view that Thinking can be
addressed in a way, which is not contextualised and therefore be developed broadly
allowing for flexibility. The result would be the setting of a pattern or template,
which would allow a learner to apply that template to any task, in whatever discipline,
in order to gain a structured and clear outcome, Smith (2002).
Ennis (1991) suggests that it is possible using this process to develop skills, which can
be applied to a range of different criteria not just academic work, but also which
would be applicable to work and life. Since we know that education now is no longer
restricted to formal educational environments such as schools, FE colleges and HEI
recognising that skills can be gained in alternative ways may have value for those
involved in workplace, vocational programmes. The development of Foundation
degrees over the last 10 years has suggested that giving credit through the APEL
system (Accreditation of prior experiential learning) recognises that Thinking skills
exist in a wider context. This recognition has gained support but it faces challenges
in particular when looking to demonstrate success or failure in acquiring skills the
assessment process therefore becomes crucial.
Newman (2002) suggests that in terms of medical training that Learners critical
Thinking skills are crucial if they develop GTS- then this will allow them to apply this
framework of learning to a new programme, this ability to transfer skills reflects the
suggestion that HOTS are not subject specific and might be sufficiently generalisable
to allow progression from one learning environment to another. It also suggests that
the individual skills gained from different environments could be transferred
successfully. This general fluidity has received much criticism- the issue is that in
order to be able to take on board complex issues learners must have the strategies to
cope with variety depth and difficulty of work, some learners develop them and some
do not. Thinking in terms of a framework of skills may not be the best way to
develop specific skills.
There have been considered developments of teaching programmes ; Lipman (1991)
focus on Communities of Inquiry, which encourages learners to look for, shared,
meaningful, and reflective Thinking leading to transferable learning outcomes.
: Feuerstein, (1981) where the mediator works with the learner to develop a process of
Thinking about the Thinking process relevant to situations and De Bono (1985) who
encourages mental habits such as PMI analysis amongst others which provide
practical advice and guidance as to what sort of interventions will best enhance
Thinking for the learner. They were primarily focused on children and young adults
and have been met with traditional scepticism from some educationalists Smith
(2002). The attempts to use these approaches with adults have been limited, the view
where it has been taken, that as adults are already thinkers they don’t need help,
seems to deny the issues which exist in relation to the practical educational gaps in
learning strategies for returning learners.
The critics of GTS approach, such as McPeck (1991), Bailin et al (1993), take a view
that Thinking cannot be seen in an abstract way, in order for learners to appreciate
and formulate understanding they must be able to contextualise, building their
understanding from their surroundings and influences a social constructive
approach. Further, that applying this one size fits all argument creates a homogenised
non-specific approach, which loses its cohesion once challenged, the “power trade off
argument”. McPeck (1991) suggests where there are generalised skills templates for
learning and processing these cannot be as effective as a specifically developed
approach within a subject or discipline. The argument runs that there is no point in
asking a GP to carry out complex surgery they may have generalised medical skills
but their surgical knowledge is not specific the patient might live but the operation
carries more risk of harm, complications and pressure.
McPeck (1991) suggested that in order to develop effective Thinking skills there had
to be structures put in place so that a learner can contextualise his learning- De
Bono’s Thinking hats problem solving questions- the view is based on the premise
that individuals think about something that non-subject specific strategies were
bound to fail as learners could not develop the relevant foundation for Thinking. This
argument has merit. Studies such as that carried out by Soden and Pithers (2007)
indicated that where Thinking skills such as key skills with children and study skills
with adult FE learners were taught separately learners struggled to see how the skills
could be applied in their subjects or indeed why they were doing the module in the
first place. Paul (1995) cited in Lai 2011 indicated that joining with the domain
specific non GTS group “identifies critical Thinking as learning to think within one’s
discipline by appropriating the standards and values embodied in that discipline” p15.
However, Smith (2002) takes the view that Thinking skills, as McPeck/Ennis
considered is too broad, that indeed, whilst most people can think, what is needed is
to have effective critical Thinking skills, delivered in terms of domain rather than
task. Thinking therefore could be delivered through setting down procedures in the
cognitive domain: operationalizing the Thinking and then demonstrating
understanding The suggestion is that the process/product argument can be forgotten
in practical terms, but that in terms of a strategy for developing teaching and learning
incorporation of these three elements will encapsulate the facility to produce critical
Bailin (1997) takes a view that there is a third way to consider integration of
encouraging and developing Thinking within education. Her focus is to generate a
mastery of Norms and values- rather than skills, by so doing she moves beyond the
contrasting positions of the philosophical and psychological approaches and limits her
consideration to the developing Thinking, looking at the what the learner needs in
order to ensure that Thinking takes place and that they come to a reasoned decision.
This seeks to diffuse the power trade off argument and reflect that there is a need to
develop an understanding that encourages Thinking in educational terms, by passing
the challenges to the curriculum developers; this may not be helpful, as it still does
not give a definitive answer that can guide policy in a practical way. It does however
suggest that there is no wrong way to develop Thinking in learners.
Indeed Siegel (1995) tried to link the positions of Ennis (1991) and McPeck(1991),
suggesting that there were two parts to Critical Thinking, one which was based on
Reason Assessment accepting that a person can think in this way and that they can
justify why they do so, and the second, critical spirit which looks at dispositions to
think in this way. This form of compromise was also supported by Dam and Volman
(2004) suggesting that where there was a development of general skills, outlines of
critical Thinking could be transferred from one domain to another, allowing for
transference of skills. However, it is also clear adult learners, in order to develop these
Thinking skills processes, need help to do this and that is where I turn to next.
Frisby (1992) suggests that there are real issues as to what educators perceive
Thinking skills are and this range of academic views is of no real help to those who
have curriculum issues to consider and those who have to teach the programmes,
whether they are bespoke teaching skills classes or integrated skills within the task.
The nature and breadth of adult education is such that it creates innate pressures to
succeed in different learning environments, which are not helped by unclear teaching
and learning approaches.
Adult Learning and Thinking skills
Whilst there have been significant curriculum changes for children in compulsory
education, with ensuing philosophical debates about how this has worked, adult
education - Further Education (FE) in particular has been largely left to look after
itself Lingfield (2012). However, with a growing number of mature learners returning
to education, in FE colleges, university or in employment, the skills gap has begun to
be evident Leese (2010). In Higher Education there has been recognition that mature
learners who come to university may not have the necessary Thinking skills,
Ecclestone et al. (2009) which will allow them to feel confident integrating into
challenging programmes. Students coming straight from FE also seem to be lacking in
certain skills, which allow progression Lowe and Cook (2003) suggest that
universities have identified that such learners are not equipped with effective
Thinking skills, that they have been programmed in school and are slow at adapting to
transition, leading to a high dropout rate linked to poor study skills which include
Thinking skills.
Knowles (1967) set out his theory of adult learning, Andragogy, based on the view
that adults unlike children do not need direction and control the way in which younger
less mature learners did. The method has been considered and has been accepted as a
teaching and learning strategy for adult learners it is however not without controversy
Hartree (1984) Grace (1996). There is a significant diversity in adult learners
educational experiences, Knowles view was that they are all willing and able to learn
may not be applicable to all learners Knowles (1979); Grace (1996). The motivation
for attending HE/ FE courses is not consistent and for many learning is not an
opening, which they gladly take, it is more out of necessity that they return to
education, especially in the Further Education environment. This position reflects one
of the key criticisms of Knowles; his subjects were mainly middle class returners to
education at a particular level, whereas many learners today face pressures, which
were not contemplated in his study Holton E. f (2001 ). It is therefore important to
look further into teaching and learning frameworks, which consider learning in a
vocational as well as academic framework. Towler et al (2011) suggest that in certain
FE programmes learners felt that they needed direction in order to give them a
learning framework supporting the contention that adult learners are not always able
to learn in the way Knowles anticipated.
King and Kitchener’s (1981) adult learning framework suggests that a learner needed
to go through 5 stages in their development in order to get to the point where they
could start to be critical and a further 2 in order to act upon their ability to be critical
in their own Thinking. This seems to be contrary to Knowles position at first glance,
but on review it fleshes out further what Knowles was contending, that whist adult
learners are perhaps more open to learning there are some significant challenges to
their own understandings which have to go through, and that adult learners are
prepared to do this. The disposition of a learner is therefore crucial to their openness
to challenge their own knowledge Siegel (1995). Where perhaps King and Kitchener
(1981) part company with Knowles is that they see adult learning to involve an
approach which demands more than problem solving, it envisages that the learner will
be able to move across learning boundaries and contexts adding to their knowledge
and being aware knowledge and understanding are different.
Craft (1991) posits that for her Thinking skills belong in the cognitive domain and
are more likely to be considered as solving skills and as such adults have displayed
them already in life, but may not be attuned to academic formal study. This position is
supported by Brookfield (1997) who intimates that adults tend to think in a practical,
short term, problem based way, developing ideas may not be what they intend to
achieve but may occur nevertheless. Ennis (1991) suggests that as Thinking Skills are
overlapping constructs of life, knowledge and creativity with the sum of the whole
being greater than the parts.
The above presupposes that the learner is also ready to learn, however there are
challenges to this position, which suggest that there is no clear age defining moment
when the learner begins to, think critically. The issue is when does a person begin to
develop the potential to learn at the higher order level, if we can determine this then
the teaching and learning strategies for delivering the skills to think critically can be
identified and put in place.
According to Piaget, in Sutherland (1999) children begin to have the potential for
higher order Thinking skills at about 12, however less than 50 % go on to develop
those additional skills in a formal school framework. If Piaget was right then all adults
have the capacity to think at the higher order level but they may not act on this and
therefore do not practice those skills in order for them to become effective thinkers as
Smith so wanted. However, Dirkx (1998) reflects that perhaps adults apply these
higher order Thinking skills in different ways, non-academic, non-assessable ways
every day, arguing that adult learners make meaning through life rather than through
subjects. Therefore, in order to harness this when the learner returns to education it
becomes important to scaffold the learning approach to their natural learning process
rather than an imposed method.
Overseas Students and Critical Thinking
There is an increasing awareness that students from different learning cultures may
find that criticality is not a skill, which has been developed in their undergraduate
education Tian and Low (2011). In a recent study considering issues which students
from China faced when studying in UK reflected that in many instances the ability to
think critically in terms of life and education comes with maturity . This opens a
further aspect of study within Critical Thinking as to whether or not it us a purely
Western construct which is deserving of further consideration at a later date. The
broader issue of criticality and cultural criticality was also raised by Tian and Low
(2011) and for postgraduate study Tian and Low (2012) Leedham (2011).
Whilst Paton (2005), Durkin (2008) suggest that this is a significant issue there is
little evidence at present to indicate that critical Thinking at undergraduate level is not
However, it is right to say that there is an increase in the number of overseas students
moving directly on to Masters level programmes, which demand a more stringent area
of criticality than Undergraduate programmes. These learners therefore not only have
to take on board new surroundings, language but also a new system of engaging
critically with ideas. Limited studies have taken place, which considers the
implications of studying abroad, in particular for Chinese students, and even less has
taken place in terms of comparing mature home and overseas students Tian and Low
(2011). However, what is clear is that there are potentially significant cultural and
educational barriers, which overseas students may face in terms of engaging critically
with philosophies of learning. Further that these barriers are perhaps driven by their
own educational experiences, which tend not to demand the same degree of criticality
or overt engagement in the learning process and their understanding of the technical
language and vocabulary of education Leedham (2011). Whilst some institutions
support learners through integration programmes prior to engagement with the course
proper there appears to be limited evidence that this has involved the relevant
departments in terms of teaching relevant subject technical vocabulary. An increase in
the number of overseas students recruited to UK and US based universities makes it
an organizational issue to ensure learner opportunity to gain success and satisfaction
on their programme. Further that they should be able to engage with similar
understanding as those who progress with fewer overt barriers Wang and Farmer
Broader perspectives on critical Thinking:
Freire in The Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970) sought to raise critical consciousness
amongst groups of adult learners through teaching and developing literacy and
numeracy skills focusing the issue of criticality on democratic perspectives. The
curriculum was delivered focusing on what Freire thought were relevant to the
learners, thereby encouraging ownership of understanding, linking thoughts and views
to the learners own dispositions. Freire influenced by Dewey, saw that education was
pivotal for social change. The challenge with Freire’s model for developing Critical
Thinking was that it sought to change social perspectives through the challenging the
educator / student relationship. In addition, Freire identified that in his view that there
was a conspiracy of silence in the way in which certain groups were seen to be the
oppressed they were he felt limited because they were not allowed to challenge
accepted norms within the development of curriculum or teaching / student
Mezirow’s (1981) views were based on three aspects of teaching and learning,
experience, critical reflection and rational discourse, all embedded in the principle
that communication is the most effective way to encourage growth and change. The
key for Mezirow was to ensure that change took place the learner had to use all three
aspects to move away from their own narrow world view of knowledge, to something
which encompassed a wider world view and thereby leading to greater autonomy in
their own choices and awareness within society, again like Freire a bigger picture
outcome based on meaning and dispositions. These skills can be formally identified
through either the APL (accreditation of Prior learning) scheme, more relevant to
formal qualifications but also the APEL process which takes on board the informal
experiential learning of an individual as evidenced in Wilcox and Brown (2011) as
well as the Open University qualifications focused specifically on the skills gained in
employment in addition of course to the process of recognizing skills in the
foundation degree scheme. A view which runs somewhat counter to Mezirow’s
Transference has been developed by Boyd et al (1988) and supported by Merriam
(2004), where the rationality is given a broader context, allowing the experience,
individuality of the subject to play a greater part on making meaning from experience
and discourse. Accepting that in some circumstances making meaning of situations
does not always involve rationality to the same degree as Mezirow suggests.
In the field of lifelong learning, the policy of widening participation plays a vital role
in determining change in adult education. Adults are returning to various types and
levels of further and higher education more equipped by life experiences than ever
before, but their prior educational experiences either at school or undergraduate level
may not have equipped them to use these experiences. Indeed, it may also be
suggested that neither FE nor HE is necessarily as equipped to support them in their
educational journey as perhaps we once thought.
What we can say from the literature is that there are different approaches to Thinking
skills: those with a psychological focus are seen to be more process oriented rather
than philosophical where the product of learning is critical. Further that the learner
will gain skills because of the dispositions which they have and that these dispositions
are identified through the attitudes and values, which the learner has at the outset of
the intervention as well as those that they gain during the process.
We can also reflect that mature learners appear to be more ready to evaluate
understanding differently, King and Kitchener (1991), Mezirow (1981), Freire, (1970)
that some of the dispositions they have been informally developed are nonetheless
useful, practical and relevant to Thinking in an effective way. The learner therefore
should be encouraged to channel their experiences in a way, which satisfies the needs
of the programmes. There is also a wider implication, that perhaps many of the
programmes offered in FE and HE fail to take on board the informal skills and
abilities which learners have, that there needs to be reevaluation on the content as well
as the method of delivery of the programmes offered in order to ensure that learners
gain value in educational terms for the informal life experiences. Whilst some
evidence of this has been taken on board through APEL, many organizations are
unsure of how to do this, or indeed, they are not convinced that this process satisfies
the relevant rigour demanded of their professional body or institution.
One of the ways to develop the programmes is to look at the methods of building in
life skills in an academic fashion, the McPeck /Ennis discussion about the concept of
Thinking skills depends on individual dispositions and the willingness to be open to
change in new ideas. Knowles, King and Kitchener and Mezirow amongst others
reflect that adults, mature learners are more ready for this type of intellectual
development although learners who are mature by experience have developed life
skills or dispositions which also equip them to become effective critical thinkers, in
that context age therefore may not be the only indicator of openness to higher order
Thinking skills.
As indicated earlier also that there is now also a different set of mature learners to
consider when looking at criticality in Thinking. The principles set out in McPeck et
al (1990) seem to relate primarily to the theoretical issue of Thinking skills, there is a
wider additional picture, which also needs to be addressed in terms of adult learners
coming from different learning cultures such as China.
Despite all of the issues set out above, it remains clear that many governments are
demanding the development of education systems, which allow learners of all ages to
develop relevant Thinking skills. They may not have the same focus but they serve a
very real educational and cultural purpose.
About the author:
Admitted as a lawyer in 1990, practised in south of England, specialist in Domestic
violence, family and mental health related matters, with a hint of advocacy
throughout. I became a teacher in FE and HE, taking my PGCE through distance
learning with the University of Greenwich with law as a specialist area. As a result of
my legal knowledge, teaching practice I have developed a FdA legal practice course
taking on board e learning / integrated and blended learning for adult professional
Second year Ed D candidate working on skills and knowledge needed to produce an
effective paralegal learning experience.
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... Therefore, this study tends to uncover the impact of teaching experience on teachers' level of use critical thinking in teaching practice. Critical thinking is one of the skills people might own to enhance lifelong active learning roles (Gibby, 2013). Jackson, (2006) confirmed that critical thinking ''implies we are open to all aspects, and willing to see issues from a multitude of views, always questioning and challenging the current state'' (p.3). ...
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Critical thinking is very important in the area of education, because it is an essential tool for solving problems and making good decisions. Through applying critical thinking in learning, students can become creative in discovering the best method of learning and organizing their work. Therefore, critical thinking is not an educational choice and all learners should be taught to think critically. The primary objective of this paper is to study whether teaching experience played a role in teachers’ level of use of critical thinking. The quantitative method was used. The respondents of the study were Moroccan English high school teachers. A questionnaire was used to collect data from teachers. Both the online version and the paper-based version of the questionnaire were used to gather data from the participants. A total of 423 questionnaire were collected from the respondents. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19 was used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that teaching experience significantly impacts teachers’ level of use of critical thinking. This suggests that there is a connection between teachers’ effectiveness and years of experience.
... Health workers in training are adults and upon graduation, their health care job is often with adults. Adult learning involves critical thinking and reflection on what is already known in order to change and adopt a new way of doing things (Gibby, 2013). Sharing of knowledge that will produce positive result requires that health workers should believe and be convinced of the right values and practices. ...
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This study investigated transformative learning and the influence of learning experiences and demographic characteristics of the learners on transformative learning of trainee health workers in Nsukka, Enugu state Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a fixed-choice and open-ended questionnaire. Frequencies and ANOVA were computed. Thematic content analyses for open-ended questions were done. Participants indicated a high degree of transformative learning. Programme type, gender, age and level of study had no significant influence on the transformative learning potentials of the students. The most frequently selected learning components were field trips and presentations. Students’ responses to the open-ended questions covered themes such as; better understanding of health, illness and health care. The study demonstrated the importance of discussion and debate as a method of teaching, inclusive of critical reflection and consciousness-raising of cultural, social, economic, and political influences on individual health outcome. Keywords: Transformative learning, critical reflection, change, Health Workers, Health, Illness and Health care.
... They also found that self-regulation strategies could predict critical thinking and language achievement of the learners. Gibby (2013) discussed that critical thinking skill in adult EFL learners could be increased through practicing. Therefore it can be stated that both critical thinking strategies and self-regulation strategies could help the learners achieve English vocabularies highly well. ...
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The present study was set to investigate the effects of the instruction of self-regulation strategies (SSs) and critical thinking strategies (CTSs) on the second language (L2) vocabulary achievement among Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. In so doing, ninety intermediate level adult female students in a language institute in Tehran were selected as the main participants of the study according to their performance on the Preliminary English Test (PET). The participants were divided into three equal and homogenized groups (i.e., one control group and two experimental groups). The learners in all groups underwent pretesting, intervention, and post testing. The experimental groups were provided with the instruction of self-regulation strategies and critical thinking strategies, whereas the control group did not receive any instruction in self-regulation or critical thinking strategies. The effects of the two experimental interventions on the L2 vocabulary achievement of the EFL learners were measured. Furthermore, the degree of the improvement of both of these strategies was also studied via comparing the students’ achievement scores on pre- and post-tests of CTSs and SSs. Analyses of one-way ANOVA, post-hoc Scheffe’s tests, and paired-samples t-tests were used to analyze the collected data. The results of data analyses revealed that applying critical thinking strategies as instructional aid had a significant impact on EFL learners’ L2 vocabulary achievement. Likewise, the findings revealed that the instruction of self-regulation strategies significantly improved EFL learners’ vocabulary achievement. Moreover, it was found that self-regulation strategies were more effective than critical thinking strategies in helping the EFL learners develop their L2 vocabulary.
... Critical thinking is organized for the students to take responsibility for their own learning, to become active learners, and seek to enhance their own individual characteristics (Cırık, Çolak, & Rich, 2015;Marlowe & Page, 2005;Tuncel & Bahtiyar, 2015). Developing critical thinking means developing the active role of lifelong learning (Gibby, 2013), a requirement for individuals to become active members of democratic societies, and can solve the social problems they will face (Oğuz & Sariçam, 2015). ...
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Improving students’ critical thinking is very important in learning process because one of the goals of critical thinking is to develop students ' critical thinking in the perspective of collectable information. The approach used to address the problem of critical thinking is through learning style and metacognitive skill. The Student Creativity Program is a great way to hone critical thinking at the university level. This research is intended to find out the level of metacognitive skills, learning style, and critical thinking and the influence of metacognitive skills and learning styles among a total of 55 students of a Korean Education Study Program at a state university in Indonesia in the context of Student Creativity Program. This research used survey to find about students’ learning styles and their level of metacognitive skill. A test was also conducted to find out the level of students’ critical thinking. The data were calculated by the SPSS to test the hypothesis. The research results for learning styles show that 33 (60%) of the students were in the “medium” category and 22 (40%) were in the “high” category, and there was no student categorised into the “low” category. In terms of metacognitive skills, 53 students (98.2%) were in the “high” category and 2 (1.8%) in the “medium” category, and no one was in the “low” category. All students were identified to have “high” level critical thinking. Based on the significance test, there learning style had no significance influence on critical thinking; however, there metacognition skills had significant influence on critical thinking because.
... Constructivist learning environments are organized for students to take the responsibility for their own learning, become active learners, and endeavor to enhance their own individual characteristics (Cırık, Çolak, & Kaya, 2015; Marlowe & Page, 2005; Tuncel & Bahtiyar, 2015). Critical thinking is one of the skills individuals might possess to develop lifelong active learning roles (Gibby, 2013). Developing critical thinking skills is also one of the requirements for individuals to be active members of a democratic society (Dam & Volman, 2004; Lai, 2011). ...
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The aim of the current research study was to examine the link between critical thinking dispositions and locus of control in pre-service teachers. The participants of this study were selected via easily accessible sampling technique. The participants consist of 347 pre-service teachers (203 female, 144 male) in Kütahya, Turkey. The Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale and Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale aided in data collection. Once the data was transferred to an electronic environment and did not show a normal distribution in terms of gender and grade variables, so Mann Whitney-U test was used in order to comparing analysis and Spearman’s correlation analysis was used for examining the level of relationship between variables. According to comparison analysis, the external locus of control and critical thinking dispositions differentiated with respect to gender and grade. In correlational analysis and regression analysis, there was a negative relationship between external locus of control and critical thinking dispositions. Results were discussed by the light of the related previous studies.
This research aims to determine the misconceptions of students of SMPN 1 Negeri Besar with high initial ability, moderate and low in solving the problem SPLDV based on critical thinking process. The research was a qualitative research. The subjects of the research were taken by using purposive sampling. The method used is test method and interview method equipped with CRI (Certainty of Response Index). The result of the research is that students with high initial ability do not experience misconception at every stage of critical thinking process, students with initial ability is experiencing misconception at analytical stage that is the concept of negative integer operation on both sides, whereas students with low initial ability have misconception at analysis stage and alternative settlement stage.
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This research focused at analyzing the differences of students’critical thinking skills who learned Basic Chemistry II via discovery learning based on constructing concept mapping and based on mind mapping. This quasi-experimental research used non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group design. The subject was students in Science Education Study Program, the Ganesha University of Education on 2 nd semester, consists of 34 students who were divided equally into two groups (A and B). Class A and class B correspond to a group who learned Basic Chemistry II through discovery learning based on concept mapping and mind mapping construction, respectively. A test was conducted to examined students’ critical thinking skills. The results demonstrated that there is no significant differences in critical thinking skills of both groups. However, there are differences in their indicators i.e. interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation indicators.
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The critical thinking movement, it is suggested, has much to gain from conceptualizing its subject matter in a developmental framework. Most instructional programs designed to teach critical thinking do not draw on contemporary empirical research in cognitive development as a potential resource. The developmental model of critical thinking outlined here derives from contemporary empirical research on directions and processes of intellectual development in children and adolescents. It identifies three forms of second-order cognition (meta-knowing)—metacognitive, metastrategic, and epistemological—that constitute an essential part of what develops cognitively to make critical thinking possible.
This paper investigates the extent to which Chinese students are prepared for academic writing in higher education in the UK, by seeking evidence from a group of 40 Chinese students at a UK university. A mixed-methods approach combining both questionnaires and interviews was adopted to generate data. The main conclusion was that the training that Chinese students received in China may not have prepared them well for academic writing at an advanced level in the UK. This is based on the findings that there were significant differences between writing in the UK and writing in China, that writing was more emphasised in the UK than in China, that the students did not receive appropriate feedback on their work in China, and that they still had language barriers when they were writing in English in the UK. However, the results also showed that there were individual differences among the Chinese students, implying that they should not be treated as a homogenous group. This paper calls for further research on current popular teaching and learning practices at the undergraduate level in China and for information on the views of Chinese teachers.
In this paper, I advocate for enhancing critical thinking skill development in undergraduate education by taking advantage of the increased experiential maturity of today's students. I argue that many undergraduates are in fact ‘adults’, by virtue of their age or experiential maturity, and they should be educated as such. Undergraduates who have not yet transitioned into ‘adulthood’ would also benefit greatly from exposure to the adult education teaching techniques that emphasize critical thinking development. The demographics of higher education today demand a reexamination of outdated pedagogical practices. Considering college and university students to be the adults that most of them are, or soon will be, would more effectively educate all of today's undergraduate students.
In this response to McPeck’s reply to my paper, I briefly summarize my earlier essay, and make four major points: (a) that the vagueness of the concepts, domain, field, and subject, is a problem when subject specificity serves as a basis for prediction, though not necessarily when it serves as a slogan or a vague warning; (b) that the distinction between the subject matter of schools and the subject matter of everyday life is a viable one, though not the mutually exclusive one that McPeck seems to attribute to me; (c) that the distinction between topic and school subject serves to help avoid a tempting equivocation that starts with the premise that all thinking is about some subject; and (d) that “relatively narrow” general thinking abilities can be very broad in the range of their application, and that many, though perhaps obvious at times to some, are not trivial, because numerous people seem not to employ them in important situations. An underlying concern is McPeck’s apparent assumption that showing something (e.g., subject-matter knowledge) to be a necessary condition for critical thinking establishes that it is essentially a sufficient condition, or at least that all other things (e.g., general abilities) are unimportant. There is yet much research to be done before the basic issues can be resolved; I hope that this conceptual clarification will facilitate this research.
Robert Ennis' recentEducational Researcher article (1989) helps to clarify the troublesome notion of subject specificity in the growing literature on critical thinking. It brings a welcome breath of fresh air to a set of questions that has vexed research efforts and educational programs that attempt to promote critical thinking. In calling for clarification on this matter, Ennis has also raised the level of discussion about the meaning of the terms subjects, domains, and even psychological transfer. No longer can we simply gloss over questions about the precise scope and limits of the putative skills that various critical thinking programs are alleged to promote. The recent paper in this journal by Perkins and Salomon (1989) also provides a useful historical overview of just how vexing this problem has been over the past 30 years. This article both replies to Ennis and continues the discussion.
Based on the Situational Leadership model of Hersey and Blanchard (1988), the Staged Self-Directed Learning Model proposes that learners advance through stages of increasing self-direction and that teachers can help or hinder that development. Good teaching matches the learner's stage of self-direction and helps the learner advance toward greater self-direction. Specific methods are proposed for teaching students at each stage, although many different teaching styles are good when appropriately applied. Several pedagogical difficulties are explained as mismatches between teacher style and learner stage, especially the mismatch between a student needing direction and a non-directive teacher.