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Structural Repair and Rehabilitation of 3 no. (G+8) Multi-Storeyed Residential Buildings, at ONGC Colony at Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujrat


Abstract and Figures

Although reinforced concrete structures are designed as per codes/standards but enough care is not always taken during construction process. As a result, the structures start showing signs of distress, some times less than 10 years of service life, requiring early repair and rehabilitation work. In this paper, a case study of 3 no. (G+8) multi-storeyed buildings badly damaged due to corrosion and Bhuj (India) earthquake of 2001, rehabilitated in 2003 has been presented. Repair strategy involved removal of delaminated carbonated concrete cover, application of rust remover, anti-corrosion coating, polymer bond coat, polymer modified mortar, injection of low viscosity epoxy grout to beam-column junctions and cracks, repair of masonry cracks with polymer modified mortar & grouting with SBR modified cement grout and jacketing of columns at the ground floor. Extensive material testing was carried out and specifications for acrylic and SBR polymer modified mortar were selected for durable repairs. Strict quality control and assurance both in material and workmanship was adopted. After nine years of successful rehabilitation and functioning, some signs of distress in the form of cracks and spalls due to rebar corrosion have been noted at some locations, requiring rehabilitation again. Some recommendations/conclusions have been given for durable concrete constructions and rehabilitation work.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 64
1877-7058 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.
doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2013.01.011
“Chemical, Civil and Mechani
Conference on Engineering.
Structural Repair and R
Buildings, at ONGC colon
1.Chief Engineer (Civil), ONGC, Ava
Although reinforced concrete st
always taken during constructio
some times less than 10 years
paper, a case study of 3 no. (G+
(India) earthquake of 2001, re
removal of delaminated carbo
coating, polymer bond coat, po
beam-column junctions and cr
grouting with SBR modified ce
material testing was carried ou
were selected for durable rep
workmanship was adopted. Aft
of distress in the form of cracks
requiring rehabilitation again.
concrete constructions and reha
Key words- spalls, delaminatio
SBR polymer
Concrete is the most versatile m
take any shape but it has certai
old and hardened concrete to
ermeability, shrinkage etc. Du
in the form of cracks, spalls, del
of concrete, corrosion of reinf
aggregate reactions etc. Ingres
various forms of chemically
constitutions. The resistance of
orosity, the cement compositi
hardened. In such circumstance
followed by repair and rehabili
al Engineering Tracks of the 3
Nirma Univ
(NUiCONE 2012)
habilitation of 3 no. (G+8) Multi-
at Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujra
Varinder . K. Singh
i Bhavan, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujrat-38242
uctures are designed as per codes / standards
process. As a result, the structures start sho
f service life, requiring early repair and rehab
) multi-storeyed buildings badly damaged due
abilitated in 2003 has been presented. Rep
ated concrete cover , application of rust re
lymer modified mortar , injection of low visc
cks, repair of masonry cracks with polyme
ent grout and jacketing of columns at the gr
and specifications for acrylic and SBR poly
airs. St
ict quality control and assurance b
r nine years of successful rehabilitation and fu
and spalls due to rebar corrosion have been no
ome recommendations /conclusions have be
ilitation work.
, carbonation, corrosion, non- destructive test
an made building material of the recent past be
limitations like lower flexural, tensile strengt
ew and fresh concrete, poor resistance to ch
to these limitations the concrete structures sta
minations and ultimate complete collapse as a
rcement due to moisture penetration, chlori
of dissolved substance from the external en
induced deterioration by reaction with ce
concrete to chemical attack is in general dire
n used in the concrete and condition under
, proper evaluation of damage by visual and
ation using construction chemicals which are
rsity International
eyed residential
ut enough care is not
ing signs of distress,
litation work. In this
o corrosion and Bhuj
ir strategy involved
over, anti-corrosion
osity epoxy grout to
modified mortar &
und floor. Extensive
er modified mortar
th in material and
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ing, acrylic polymer,
cause of its ability to
, poor bond between
micals, porosity and
ts showing distresses
result of carbonation
e attack, and alkali-
ironment may cause
ent paste aggregate
tly influenced by its
which cement paste
non-destructive tests
superior to ordinary
Available online at
56 Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 – 64
study of three no. (G+8) multi-storeyed residential buildings, badly damaged due to corrosion and
Bhuj (India) earthquake of 2001, repaired and rehabilitated in 2003 has been presented.
In Ahmedabad Asset of ONGC, three no. multi-storeyed (G+8) buildings viz. Heera ( C3), Panna
(B5) and Ratna (B6) each having 68 quarters with half G.F as parking were constructed in year
1989-1990. These buildings were already sick due to severe reinforcement corrosion as evident from
so many spalls, delaminations on column corners located at different heights, beam/ fin soffits, slab
soffits, leached plaster on parapets corroded and leaking drainage pipes, water supply lines and
stagnated water on terraces due to improper gradient etc. These were further damaged by the Bhuj
earthquake on 26
Jan, 2001 in the form of separation cracks at beam-column junctions, RCC-
masonry wall interfaces (Fig 6), cracks in masonry in-fills(Fig 5); even complete crumbling at some
places, heavy de-bonding and dismantling of plaster at both exterior and interior surfaces etc. Due to
fast deterioration, it was decided to rehabilitate these buildings at the earliest.
Visual inspection of the buildings indicated heavy rebar corrosion as a result of carbonation
due to environmental attacks. At certain locations of beams, columns, fins and slabs concrete
cover had got spalled (Fig 3) and some shear stirrups were totally eaten up by corrosion (Fig1).
Beam - column junctions were badly cracked (Fig 2). Some masonry walls at GF level were
totally cracked due to earthquake. A number of columns had continuous vertical cracks along
the line of concrete cover thickness (Fig 4). The visual inspection necessitated the need for
detailed evaluation for design of the rehabilitation design.
Fig.1 De-lamination of beam concrete cover due to rebar corrosion. Fig.2- Severe corrosion and spalling of beam –
column junction due to poor workmanship and in-adequate cover at GF level.
Fig.3 De-lamination of concrete cover due to severe corrosion of rebars of roof slab. Fig. 4-Continuous wide
crack in column due to corrosion of longitudinal steel at concrete cover depth.
Rebound hammer test was carried out at different points to access the
strength of the structural elements. Rebound numbers were determined after exposing the concrete
surface by removing plaster and removing slurry and by taking at least five readings at a point and
Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 64
averaging them the results showed that compressive strength in columns and beams varied from
11.2 N/mm
to 32.6 N/mm
3.2 CORE TEST: Three no. core Tests were also carried out one in each building (Table 1). The
results obtained were –
Table 1. Core test results
The USPV Test was carried out on 34 nos of columns and 6 nos beams and the results obtained are -
In general, the tests on columns showed good quality of concrete. Out of 34 columns, 28 columns
(about 82%) mean observation showed good quality of concrete, 3 (about 9%) showed doubtful
quality and 3no.columns showed fair quality of concrete. In all columns including those of good
quality category, the quality of concrete either near the junction with the beams or near the floor or
both had spots of relatively lower value of USPV.
The test results showed that consistency of inferred quality was low. Observations in 7 columns of
28 good quality columns were having high (more than 10%) value of coefficient of variation (CV).
In fair and doubtful quality columns, the inconsistency was poorer. This means that the quality of
concrete was erratic in general. Only 25% of columns showed consistent quality (CV <5%). This
means that barring those columns with CV < 5%, rest columns have patches of variable quality of
concrete in general. The range of Pulse velocity ranges from low value of 2320 m/sec. in col.C21 in
B6 Panna Block to high value of 4333 m/s for columns C-230 in the same block. In Block B5 Ratna,
the variation range from 3757 m/s to 4112 m/sec. with all having doubtful junction. Heera building
had more columns with doubtful and fair quality. Panna building had one columns of doubtful
quality of concrete.
A sample of 5 columns and 6 beams were taken up for combined UPV and RH test. The probable
estimated strength of concrete varied from 10
for columns C14 of C3 block to 24 N/mm
col. C-26 of block C-3. This is indicative of large variation on quality.
3.3.2 BEAMS
Six beams were tested, 3 each in B6 (Panna) building and B5 (Ratna) building. The beam in B6
showed good quality consistently. In Block B5 Ratna building, two beams showed fair quality of
concrete with high value of coefficient of variation (CV) and one beam with good quality. On the
whole USPV values in beams were on lower end of good quality range.
From the USPV tests of beams and columns, it was concluded that-
i. Quality of concrete varied significantly.
ii. Weak patches are observed either near the junction of beam or at bottom near the floor or at
iii. The quality variation is reflected in probable estimated strength. The probable variation is from
10 N/mm
to 24 N/mm
. Generally the values found were between 14-16 N/mm
in sample
Location Core
Area Load
( N/mm
Heera bldg
Panna bldg
Ratna bldg
58 Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 – 64
columns. The values of estimated possible strengths of concrete in beam varied from 13 N/mm
to 23 N/mm
in sample beams. In B5 block, these were from 19 N/mm
, 22 N/mm
and 23
. Those in sample beams in B6 were 13, 14, 22 N/mm
The buildings were constructed with cement concrete (1cement:1.5fine aggregate:3coarse aggregate)
with minimum cube strength of 20 N/mm
, but the NDT showed that compressive strength was
found less than minimum strength required at many locations. Some members showed compressive
strength even less than 10 N/mm
indicating poor quality of concrete in all the three buildings.
Test for carbonation of concrete was carried out at site as per standard practice
and found that depth
of carbonation was found 78mm for columns and 35 mm for beam soffits. It means that carbonation
had already penetrated deeply beyond the clear cover of 40 mm of columns and 25 mm of beams
resulting in to severe corrosion of the rebars and hence delamination and spalls in the structure.
Spalls of concrete were collected from the site for chloride content and got tested from the
laboratory. As per lab test, the water soluble chloride content was found to be 1.84, 1.85 and1.06
gms / kg of concrete weight in Heera, Panna and Ratna buildings resp. As per IS 456-2000, the
permissible values of total acid soluble chloride in concrete at the time of placing are 0.6 Kg/ cubic
meter i.e 0.25 gm / Kg of concrete which means that chloride content in concrete is beyond the
permissible limits. The higher the chloride content during the construction stage or if subsequently
exposed to warm and moist conditions, the greater is the risk of corrosion of reinforcement. Due to
carbonation of concrete, excess chloride in concrete and poor workmanship in providing effective
concrete covers especially at beam column junction has led to spalling and delamination of concrete
covers exposing the reinforcement steel badly affecting the structural integrity of the multi-storeyed
On 26
Jan, 2001, an earth quake of magnitude 7.9 on Richter scale struck Gujarat and other parts of
India. The epicentre of the quake was Dhori Village, 20KM off Bhuj. Many buildings were
destroyed and some buildings developed cracks and other structural defects due to inadequate design
and poor quality of material and workmanship in construction. These buildings safely resisted the
earthquake loads but masonry walls were badly cracked while acting as shear walls for resisting
lateral loads due to earthquake. There was lot of diagonal shear cracks observed in GF quarters (Fig
5). Due to earth quake vibration, there were separation cracks between masonry walls and beams at
top and also between walls and columns (Fig 6). Plaster of walls simply got dismantled of its area
due to shaking. The same thing happened with plaster on columns and beams. Some cracks in beam-
column junctions were also observed.
Fig. 5- Diagonal shear cracks at GF Fig. 6- Separation cracks at GF quarter
Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 64
5. REPAIR STRATEGY - The following strategy was adopted for rehabilitation of buildings [2]
i. Removal of damaged plaster / concrete.
ii. Removal of corrosion on steel reinforcement by mechanical and chemical action and
further application of corrosion inhibitor.
iii. Application of bond coat of polymer - cement mix to join old concrete with new mortar.
iv. Repair of RCC columns, beams, slabs by polymer modified mortar.
v. Jacketing of some columns with concrete.
vi. Epoxy grouting in RCC columns, beams to repair cracks.
vii. Crack sealing in masonry walls with polymer modified mortar.
viii. Polymer modified non-shrinkage grouting in cracks of masonry walls.
ix. Concrete grading on terraces
x. Replacement of damaged cast iron drainage pipes and water supply GI lines.
xi. Sealing of drainage pipe joints with PMM.
xii. Re-plaster and Acrylic paint to exterior walls.
6. REPAIR METHODOLOGY- The repair of structural members were carried out as follows-
At the location, where concrete cover had already spalled eg. Columns corners, soffit of beams, slabs
and fins, loose concrete was removed 25cm more than the length of spall. For other areas which were
not spalled, hammer sounding method was used to locate delaminated concrete and marked with
paint. Surface repair boundary with 5mm groove using concrete saw cutter with minimum edge
length was prepared. The beams, slabs were supported with props before removal of damaged
concrete. After it was ensured that the surface to which cement based polymer modified mortar was
to be bonded was sound, it was cleaned off all loose and foreign materials by means of stiff wire
brushing. All dust and loose particles resulting from such pre-treatments was removed by washing
with water under pressure[1].
Fig.7 - Column rebars with anti -corrosive coating
All concrete sticking to the rebars was removed by light hammering and manual chipping. Wire
brush was used to remove unwanted oxide from steel surface completely. One coat of rust remover
was applied all round the steel rebars. The coverage rate of rust clear coating on the steel bars came
out to be about 3.86 sq. m per litre only much lesser than the claim in the technical brochures. Care
was taken that the backside of the bars also gets coated with the rust remover. The rust remover was
allowed to act for 24 hrs and then steel bars were rubbed with wire brush to remove the rust followed
60 Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 – 64
with washing with water jet to completely remove the rust. If the rust was not removed effectively
than another coat of rust remover was applied, waited for 10 minutes and then again rubbed with
wire brush[1].
Anti corrosive zinc primer was coated on freshly cleaned and dry reinforcing steel on complete
periphery as per manufacturer’s specifications and allowed the primer to dry for 4 hrs (Fig 7). The
second coat of zinc primer after 4hrs of the application of first coat was also applied. Care was taken
to cover all the steel without leaving even the smallest part of steel uncovered. The coverage rate of
zinc based anti –corrosion coating on the steel bars came out to be about 2.4 sq. m per litre of the
which was much lesser than the claims in the technical brochures. The bars having more
than 20% of the reinforcement steel bar cross sectional area corroded were replaced with the
additional reinforcement by welding with existing bars or by drilling holes in to concrete and
inserting the steel bars with epoxy mortar. There was severe corrosion of shear stirrups in beams
resulting in decrease in diameter by more than 25%, so these were also replaced with new U- shape
All concrete surfaces prior to application of bond coat was thoroughly inspected and made free
from any deleterious materials such as oil, dust, dirt etc. The surface was kept wet for 24hrs
ensuring that they are well saturated but free of surfaces water after natural drying. A bonding
slurry of cement and Acrylic polymer in the ration 1:1 (I cement: 1 acrylic polymer) by volume
with required quantity of water was prepared to a lump free creamy consistency. The coverage
rate was found to be 0.8-1.1 sq.m of the concrete substrate. The bonding slurry was worked
well into surface of the parent body using a stiff brush ensuring that no pin holes are visible. If
a second coat was felt necessary, the same was applied at right angle to first coat to ensure
complete coverage after the first coat was touch dry. The bonding slurry was applied to
prepared concrete substrate after tying in new reinforcement wherever specified. Care was
taken that cement based polymer modified mortar was applied as soon as possible after
application of bonding coat, but always during the open time of adhesive [1].
There are no codes/standards available for preparation of polymer modified mortar for rehabilitation
of concrete structures, so extensive testing was carried out for different polymer samples from
different manufacturers yielding different strengths [2]. The buildings were originally constructed
with concrete mix (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 coarse aggregates) with minimum strength requirement of
20 N/mm
min., so it was decided that the polymer modified repair mortar must have compressive
strength of 25 N/mm
. Based on the polymer test reports, concrete mix used in the construction of
these buildings, extent of damage and technical guidance from CBRI, Roorkee, the following
specifications for polymer modified mortar preparation were designed.
Solid Content- 46% mini., Compressive strength -25 N/mm
min.,Tensile strength-3.5 N/mm
,Flexural strength- 8.5 N/mm
mini. ,Direct shear bond strength- 2 N/mm
Polymer modified mortar mix was prepared in the proportion Cement (OPC) 50 kg : sand (graded
Zone II )150 kg :Acrylic polymer @ 20-25% of cement content by weight and water cement ratio
was kept below 0.4 (by weight). With this mix, the laboratory test reports of one batch of acrylic
polymer yielded following strengths-
Solid Content- 51.2 %, Compressive strength- 42.13 N/ sqmm, Tensile strength- 4.01 N/sqmm,
Flexural strength -14.25 N/sqmm, Direct shear bond strength- 2.77 N/sqmm.
These strengths satisfied our specifications and hence rehabilitation of structural members was
Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 64
carried out with this mortar mix. The test cubes of size 7.06 cm x7.06 cm of the PMM prepared at
site for concrete repair were also got tested from the laboratory as quality assurance measure which
showed compressive strengths between 26 to 32.40 N/mm
meeting the specifications.
Fig.8 -A view of the building repaired with PMM
Some of the columns were badly cracked throughout their height in the parking area and some had
deep spalls at corners due to rebar corrosion. Some columns were badly damaged at floor level.
These columns were jacketed with new rebars and jacketing concrete by 75mm thickness all-round
to increase its strength and stiffness and to protect its reinforcement from further corrosion (Fig 9).
The ready to use jacketing concrete in which coarse aggregate of 6-10 mm down size was to be
added as per recommendation of the manufacturer was used. The Jacketing concrete was of
following properties with water powder ratio of 0.21 at 30
C and with 100% aggregates:
Compressive strength- 30N/sqmm mini at 30days, Flexural strength -3.0N/sqmm mini at 30days ,
Young’s Modulus- 22 KN/sqmm.
Fig.9 Jacketing of columns from the footing level.
The plasticized expanding grout admixtures along with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) polymer
was used for sealing of masonry wall cracks. The SBR polymer with the same specifications as that
for acrylic polymer was added to grout admixture for enhancing its bonding with cracked masonry
inside. The laboratory test of one of the batch of SBR polymer used in the work had following
62 Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 – 64
Total solid content- 51.1%, Compressive Strength- 42.80N/sq mm, Tensile strength- 4.91 N/sq mm,
Flexural strength- 11.86 N/sq mm, Bond strength - 3.06 N/ sq mm.
Cracks in RCC members especially beam-column joints were grouted with epoxy grout of the
following composition specially formulated to meet the required specifications (100 gms GY257+21
gm Aradur 21 + 4 gms Aradur 2958) from Araldite and the grout was of the following properties:
Viscosity at 25
C max: 2 N/ sq m, Minimum Gel time: 30 minutes,14 days bond strength at 25
C -
3.5 N/ sq mm, Compressive yield strength at 7 days: 60 N/ sq mm, Tensile strength at 7 days: 45 N/
sq mm, Elongation at break min: 1 %.
Fig.10- Epoxy injection in beam-column junctions
All the construction materials were prior tested from reputed laboratories like Ahmedabad Textiles
Industrial Research Association (ATIRA), Nirma University, Ahmedabad & IIT-Mumbai to check
conformity to standards. Construction chemicals from reputed companies like STP, Roffe, Fosroc,
Sunanda, Ventico performance polymers were used for this work. The non-destructive testing was
carried out by M/s. KCT Consultancy Services and M/s. KBM Engineering Research Laboratory,
The buildings rehabilitation was completed in 2003. All visible cracks, spalls and de-laminations of
concrete in beams, columns, fins and slabs were rehabilitated as per standard procedures, best quality
workmanship and strict supervision at site. Extensive material testing of every polymer stock
received at site was tested before use at site. The work was completed in 18 months as per desired
quality standards. After structural rehabilitation, the building exterior was painted with acrylic paint
Fig.11-Cracked column at the parking level Fig.12-Damaged slab below the toilet due to rebar corrosion
Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 64
“Apex” from Asian paints. After 9 years of successful performance of these buildings, some cracks,
spalls have been noticed mostly in parking level columns (Fig11), beam / slab soffits under the toilet
area, roofs (Fig 12) and fins due to reinforcement corrosion requiring some structural rehabilitation
work to avoid further deterioration due to corrosion of rebars.
The detailed investigation of the buildings with rebound hammer test, ultrasound pulse velocity test
and core tests, carbonation test and chloride tests have indicated that there is lot of variation in the
compressive strengths of concrete in beams as well as columns. At certain locations, the strengths
were found around 10 N/mm
only indicated poor quality of concrete practices adopted in the
original construction. Lower value of compressive strengths also indicates higher permeability of the
concrete leading to ingress of harmful agents like carbon dioxide gas , chlorides etc from the
environment resulting in corrosion of steel bars and disintegration of concrete covers. From this case
study, following recommendations / conclusions are drawn for durable concrete constructions
requiring minimum structural rehabilitation at later stages of life.
[1] There is no substitute for good quality concrete construction practices for durability of
reinforced concrete structures. The quality control of materials and workmanship viz. water-
cement ratio, concrete cover, compaction and curing etc. which are prerequisites for good
quality construction are very important parameters and must be strictly observed at site. Poor
quality concrete construction done cannot be rectified at a later date except repeated costly
repairs to keep the structure functional.
[2] To achieve the quality at site, the role of manpower is very significant. The engineers and
workers responsible for construction should be well experienced, quality conscious and must
be fully aware of the repercussions of poor quality work. Also sufficient technical staff
should be deputed for achievement of quality construction with full support and
encouragement from top management.
[3] The early deterioration of concrete structure is also due to poor maintenance practices. The
water supply and drainage system should be kept intact so that there is no leakage/ seepage
on the walls and no stagnated water on roofs due to overflow of water tanks or rains which
acts as an enemy to the structural integrity of the buildings.
[4] The repair/ rehabilitation of damaged structure should be carried out urgently to avoid further
deterioration with time so that the life of the structure and the occupants is not jeopardized.
[5] The design for structural rehabilitation should be carried out after laboratory testing of the
repair materials because the claimed strengths in the brochures from the manufacturers may
not always be achievable
[6] Structural rehabilitation is more challenging then new concrete construction. It requires
special considerations for evaluation of damage, selection of suitable material, technical
specifications, and techniques for repair and quality control of material and workmanship.
Therefore sufficient time and cost allocations should be made for durable rehabilitation work.
64 Varinder.K.Singh / Procedia Engineering 51 ( 2013 ) 55 – 64
The author is thankful to ONGC Academy, Dehradun for granting permission to publish this
technical paper based on the rehabilitation project completed in 2003 in Ahmedabad Asset which
was awarded ACCE-ESSEN award in 2006 by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers
,Bangalore, for “Appropriate Use of Construction Chemicals and Epoxy for Rehabilitation /
Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures. “ The technical guidance and support from Central
Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee is deeply acknowledged.
[1] Peter Pullar-Strecker, 1987. Corrosion Damaged Concrete Assessment and Repair,
Butterworths, London,UK
[2] Singh.V.K , 2005, Selection of polymers for repair and rehabilitation of RC structures, Point
of view, Indian Concrete Journal, p 35-38
... Furthermore, it may do repairs such as jacketing on the foundation structure [29]. Column structures that are less strong in the building structure, the dimensions of the columns can be increased using the column jacketing technique [31]. For cracks that occur in the beam and stem walls, the beam jacketing technique can also be used [32]. ...
... Several studies provide solutions for crack handling, such as research conducted [29] on dr Sugiri Hospital in Lamongan. Another research, [31] provided repair and rehabilitation solutions to the building in Ahmedabad Asset of ONGC. The research on how to strengthen the structure of reinforced concrete was conducted by [32]. ...
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Natural disasters and human error factors can cause damage to buildings. Human error causes various issues, including inadequate craftsmanship in the mixing of building materials and preliminary structural design and specification. Inadequate knowledge of the building's structure and the type of soil on which it stands is also one of the fault designs in construction. This study utilises a case study methodology divided into three sections: soil analysis, building analysis, and techniques for avoiding and repairing the research object. A literature review is essential to ascertain the type of soil and the proper footing to utilise when examining the soil. In the building analysis, it is necessary to determine the damage of the building and its repair. These steps demanded were to prevent further damage by adding structures to reinforce existing structures in load distribution. After determining that the structure is safe from further damage, the final step is to repair the walls, floor, and ceiling. These improvements are part of an effort to ensure the building's long term sustainability. The final phase in home restoration is to decorate the interior to make the residents feel comfortable.
... Furthermore, it may do repairs such as jacketing on the foundation structure [29]. Column structures that are less strong in the building structure, the dimensions of the columns can be increased using the column jacketing technique [31]. For cracks that occur in the beam and stem walls, the beam jacketing technique can also be used [32]. ...
... Several studies provide solutions for crack handling, such as research conducted [29] on dr Sugiri Hospital in Lamongan. Another research, [31] provided repair and rehabilitation solutions to the building in Ahmedabad Asset of ONGC. The research on how to strengthen the structure of reinforced concrete was conducted by [32]. ...
Natural disasters and human error factors can cause damage to buildings. Human error causes various issues, including inadequate craftsmanship in the mixing of building materials and preliminary structural design and specification. Inadequate knowledge of the building’s structure and the type of soil on which it stands is also one of the fault designs in construction. This study utilises a case study methodology divided into three sections: soil analysis, building analysis, and techniques for avoiding and repairing the research object. A literature review is essential to ascertain the type of soil and the proper footing to utilise when examining the soil. In the building analysis, it is necessary to determine the damage of the building and its repair. These steps demanded were to prevent further damage by adding structures to reinforce existing structures in load distribution. After determining that the structure is safe from further damage, the final step is to repair the walls, floor, and ceiling. These improvements are part of an effort to ensure the building’s long term sustainability. The final phase in home restoration is to decorate the interior to make the residents feel comfortable.
... Retrofit is usually done when the detailing of the beam reinforcement is not done adequately at the design/construction stage and subsequently there is a danger of potential plastic hinge cracks penetrating to the joint core. FRP strengthening can help in both situations, as reported by previous researchers (Chellapandian and Prakash, 2018;Faleschini et al., 2019;Roy and Laskar, 2018;Singh, 2013). The application of FRP as an external reinforcement to strengthen the RC beam-column joint has received much attention from researchers (Allam et al., 2019;Attari et al., 2019;El-Armoury and Ghobarah, 2002;Karayannis and Sirkelis, 2008;Mahini and Ronagh, 2010;Niroomandi et al., 2010;Obaidat et al., 2019). ...
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This paper presents the results of experimental and numerical investigations performed on nine one-third scaled exterior beam–column joints. They were first damaged in a displacement-controlled manner with constant column axial load and reverse cyclic load at the tip of the beams. The damaged joints were then repaired with new concrete and strengthened with hybrid-fibre-reinforced polymer laminates. These had combinations of natural and glass fibre mat and chopped laminations together with eight layers of glass-fibre-reinforced polymer wrapping. The aim was to restore and enhance seismic capacity parameters such as strength, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation. It was observed that specimens with hybrid fibre mat laminations and glass-fibre wrapping exhibited a better performance in terms of ductility, with up to 81% increase. Numerical investigations were carried out using finite-element software to validate the experimental results. It was observed that the numerical results were in good agreement.
... Although reinforced concrete structure standard but not enough care is not always taken during construction some times less than 10 years of service live. Requiring early care and rehabilitation work [1]. A proposed repair method is to use mini pile and pile cap enlargement for improving its foundation bearing capacity, column concrete jacketing for some parts of its structure component and epoxy resin injection in the existed cracked wall [2]. ...
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The crack of the structure is considered as a main issue of the damaged buildings. The solutions to face this problem are different in the theory and application; therefore, it should be finding the successful and economic method compared with the reconstruction. In this paper, a real problem is presented as crack failure in building which damaged due to this reason. A proposed method is applied for a damaged building practically in the field and analysed theoretically, this method represented by using the alternative foundation instead of the damaged one to reduce the differential settlement and stopping the cracking effect on building. The alternative foundation is tried in the site and succeed to repair and rehabilitate the damage due to cracking and save the cost of reconstruction. This method can be applied for similar problems with the same mechanism considering the loading and design requirements in the field.
... Although reinforced concrete structure standard but not enough care is not always taken during construction some times less than 10 years of service live. Requiring early care and rehabilitation work [1]. A proposed repair method is to use mini pile and pile cap enlargement for improving its foundation bearing capacity, column concrete jacketing for some parts of its structure component and epoxy resin injection in the existed cracked wall [2]. ...
The crack of the structure is considered as a main issue of the damaged buildings. The solutions to face this problem are different in the theory and application; therefore, it should be finding the successful and economic method compared with the reconstruction. In this paper, a real problem is presented as crack failure in building which damaged due to this reason. A proposed method is applied for a damaged building practically in the field and analysed theoretically, this method represented by using the alternative foundation instead of the damaged one to reduce the differential settlement and stopping the cracking effect on building. The alternative foundation is tried in the site and succeed to repair and rehabilitate the damage due to cracking and save the cost of reconstruction. This method can be applied for similar problems with the same mechanism considering the loading and design requirements in the field.
... Although reinforced concrete structure standard but not enough care is not always taken during construction some times less than 10 years of service live. Requiring early care and rehabilitation work [1]. A proposed repair method is to use mini pile and pile cap enlargement for improving its foundation bearing capacity, column concrete jacketing for some parts of its structure component and epoxy resin injection in the existed cracked wall [2]. ...
The crack of the structure is considered as a main issue of the damaged buildings. The solutions to face this problem are different in the theory and application; therefore, it should be finding the successful and economic method compared with the reconstruction. In this paper, a real problem is presented as crack failure in building which damaged due to this reason. A proposed method is applied for a damaged building practically in the field and analysed theoretically, this method represented by using the alternative foundation instead of the damaged one to reduce the differential settlement and stopping the cracking effect on building. The alternative foundation is tried in the site and succeed to repair and rehabilitate the damage due to cracking and save the cost of reconstruction. This method can be applied for similar problems with the same mechanism considering the loading and design requirements in the field.
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Unexpected differential settlement due to the soil disturbance that result from the unplanned urbanization in large cities causes the cracking and may be a severe damage to the adjacent buildings. Thus, the reinforced concrete frames at the basement floors should be designed and constructed to resist the effects of the differential settlement. This goal can be achieved by the strengthening of the Reinforced Concrete (RC) frames by the appropriate techniques. This paper presents the impact of both differential settlement and lateral loads on the cracking of the reinforced concrete frames. Then, the study presents a literature review of the previous efforts to investigate the various strengthening strategies including the complete/partial infill of the RC frames using reinforced concrete or masonry, applying steel bracing systems and the application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) sheets to restore the strength of the RC frames after cracking.
Reinforcing steel corrosion is one of the major cause of degradation in Reinforced Concrete (RC) construction. Corrosion is caused by the processes of carbonation and chloride attack, which results in a reduction in the structural performance of structures over time. The time-dependent corrosion process has an impact on structure safety and serviceability, and it can even lead to progressive failure. Corrosion causes reinforcing bar diameter reductions, concrete fissures, concrete cover expulsion, concrete and steel strength reductions, and the breakdown of the link between the concrete and imbedded steel. When it comes to multistory concrete buildings, corrosion is a considerably bigger issue in terms of seismic performance. As a result, accurately assessing and establishing the current corrosion degree of structural parts, as well as evaluating the local and global seismic capacity of existing corroded RC buildings, has been a major challenge around the world. The current study used a methodology in which revised properties were applied for seismic evaluation and establishing the correct restoration scheme for existing two-story RC framed buildings based on non-destructive and destructive material site as well as laboratory testing. The findings of linear seismic analysis and non-linear static pushover analysis for sound, corroded, and retrofitted buildings have been compared and analyzed and a new corrosion evaluation model is being proposed based on NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) and other established analytical models.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel is a primary cause of degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The process of carbonation and chloride attack are the factors responsible for corrosion which lead to loss in the structural performance of buildings during their service life. The time dependent corrosion process effects the safety and serviceability and may even lead to progressive failure of structures. Corrosion leads to reduction of reinforcing bars diameter, cracks in concrete, concrete cover expulsion, decrease in concrete and steel strength and loss of bond between concrete and embedded steel. In multistorey concrete buildings, corrosion is a much more serious concern with regard to their seismic performance. Hence, steps of the accurate assessment and establishment of the existing corrosion level of the structural elements and evaluation of the local and global seismic capacity of existing corroded RC buildings have been a great challenge globally. In the present study, a methodology has been adopted where based upon the non-destructive and destructive material’s site as well as laboratory tests, revised properties have been adopted for seismic evaluation and establishing the proper rehabilitation scheme for the existing two-storey RC framed buildings. Obtained results for sound, corroded and retrofitted building from linear seismic analysis and nonlinear static pushover analysis have been compared and discussed.
To understand the properties of polymer-modified mortars actually achievable in laboratory, the acrylic and SBR polymers from five different manufacturers were collected and tested. Manufacturers must completely provide data on physical, chemical, and mechanical properties as realistically obtained with standard testing procedures. The product datasheet should mention application methodology, curing requirements, materials requirements for various uses, coverage rates. It was observed that to test a given property of a polymer, ASTM, British standards, or other international standards can be followed.
Corrosion Damaged Concrete Assessment and Repair
  • Peter Pullar-Strecker
Peter Pullar-Strecker, 1987. Corrosion Damaged Concrete Assessment and Repair, Butterworths, London,UK