
The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2012)—Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Society, November 20–23, 2012, Tokyo, Japan

Springer Nature
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
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EcoBalance 2022 took place in Fukuoka, Japan between 30 October and 2 November 2022. This report presents a brief summary of the conference including plenary talks, organized sessions, oral sessions, and EcoBalance awards. An overview and a future prospect of the conference are also mentioned.
For the first time in the history of humanity, more them half of the population is now living in big cities. This scenario has raised concerns related systems that provide basic services to citizens. Even more, those systems has now the responsibility to empower the citizen with information and values that may aid people on daily decisions, such as related to education, transport, healthy and others. This environment creates a set of services that, interconnected, can develop a brand new range of solutions that refers to a term often called System of Systems. In this matter, focusing in a smart city, new challenges related to information security raises, those concerns may go beyond the concept of privacy issues exploring situations where the entire environment could be affected by issues different them only break the confidentiality of a data. This paper intends to discuss and propose 9 security issues that can be part of a smart city environment, and that explores more them just citizens privacy violations.
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