Problem Statement: This article addresses the question and role of organizational change and change management in building long term organizational sustainability. Organizations need to recognize the need for different types of organizational changes that help them to achieve congruence with their environment. Business practice has shown that successful adaptation to changing environment can be considered as one of the major source of sustainable competitive advantage and a source of longevity. Method: Based on the existing literature on change management and organizational long term sustainability we have presented review of studies done among USA and Europe’s long living companies. The goal was to determine which elements can be recognized as key ones for long term longevity and how important is change management in building sustainable competitive advantage and overall organizational behavior. Findings: Understanding how organizations grow, develop and decline, that is how they change over time, becomes crucial in building competitive advantage and enabling long term development and growth. This article has presented and analyzed results of different research among long living and successful organizations. Results show that successful adaptations to changing environment and successful change management can be seen as one of the major sources of sustainable competitive advantage and a source of longevity. Implications: Long living companies differ from companies whose life expectancy was very short by having successfully recognized needs of their organizations to change in order to avoid different declines and crisis in their life cycle. The capability to adapt to the environment, but at the same time to maintain stability necessary for daily activities, becomes a critical issue. Organizations need to have a built in mechanism for recognizing different
needs for change and developed mechanism for successful change management. Originality: The paper has showed, based on previous research, that change management can be considered as an important determinant of organizational longevity. The review reveals different sets of assumptions that can be considered as set of guidelines and principles organizations should follow to ensure long term sustainability and competitiveness.