Conference PaperPDF Available

Driving style influence on car CO2 emissions

Driving style influence on car CO2 emissions
Adriano Alessandrini, Alessio Cattivera, Francesco Filippi, Fernando Ortenzi
CTL Centre for Transport and Logistics, Sapienza University of Rome
via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy.,
Road transport is a major contributor to environmental pollution and driving style is one of the
most significant among factors in the environmental impact of a vehicle. In the past two decades a
new driving style, called eco-driving, has been developed to reduce CO2 emissions in driving and
nowadays it is a climate change initiative not to be overlooked. CTL (Centre for Transport and Lo-
gistics) has developed an innovative tool to acquire data from vehicles and to measure car fuel con-
sumption and emissions on the road. In order to quantify the driving style influence on CO2 emis-
sions CTL also developed an analytic method working with the acquired data and based on eco-
driving rules.
A large on road campaign (10 cars, 270 drivers, 120.000 km) was made using such tools and meth-
ods. CO2 emissions as a function of average speed of the route measured in the campaign overlap on
COPERT specific CO2 speed function based on the EEA emission inventory. If all the monitored
drivers had adopted the eco-driving driving-style CO2 emissions would have been up to 30% lower
than the measured average at the typical urban speed (between 10 and 40 km/h on average) which is
where the driver influence is higher.
Road transport is one of the major causes of the environmental pollution. According to a recent
study1 it is responsible for about 30% on the total emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Among the
actions individuals can take to reduce their green-house gases associated with personal transportation
there is to operate their current vehicles more efficiently2. Quantifying the potential of the latter, of
operating vehicles more efficiently, is the subject of this paper as the environmental impact differ-
ences between drivers, driving the same vehicle, are not negligible.
Recent studies3 have shown that in certain situations the driver's driving style can result in differ-
ences in terms of fuel consumption (and therefore CO2 emissions) up to 40% between a calm driver
and an aggressive one. One of the possible actions to reduce the environmental impact caused by
road transport is therefore to educate drivers to adopt a driving style that is as eco-friendly as possi-
Eco-driving is a new approach to driving style developed since the mid '90s and in the last decade
has been the subject of some initiatives and projects at European level to define it precisely. The lat-
est of these European initiatives is the Ecodriven project4. Beside Europe, the growth of the eco-
driving awareness is also testified by the many websites promoting this driving style in the U.S.5,6,7
and worldwide8.
Though research projects are continuously updating the eco-driving “rules” the basic characteris-
tics of eco-driving remain the same and they can be summarized into the following two main con-
Adopt an anticipatory driving style avoiding unnecessary accelerations and braking. These
situations are the ones, into a driving cycle, consuming more fuel (note that in this paper the
expression driving cycle always refers to a wider concept than usual, containing all possible
factors influencing vehicle emissions16).
Use the engine as efficiently as possible. As the engine efficiency increases with the engine
load and the internal friction loss decreases with decreasing the engine speed, the combina-
tion of high loads and low engine speeds allows to spend less fuel for the same power sup-
plied by the engine.
In this paper the five basic rules of eco-driving resulted from Ecodriven are taken as reference.
They can be found on the project final report9 or on the project website4.
About the effects of eco-driving, over the years some studies9,10,11,12,13 have shown an average re-
duction in fuel consumption of 10% to 15% when eco-driving is adopted. These studies evaluated the
efficiency of eco-driving by analyzing driving behavior before and after eco-driving trainings12 or
else eco-driving efficiency with fixed driving cycles on a chassis dynamometer10 or simply evaluated
differences among different drivers in terms of fuel consumption14.
All these studies stated the efficiency of eco-driving or which of the monitored drivers got the best
results in terms of fuel economy but in general they were not able to state if such an efficiency or
such a result in terms of fuel consumption only depended on the driving style. It is not easy to state to
what a higher or lower value of fuel consumption is due thus two values of fuel consumption are
usually not comparable if the scope of the comparison is to find where their difference come from.
In fact fuel consumption depends not only on driving style but also on car, route, traffic level and
some others unpredictable factors.
The main limitation of the methodologies of the current literature is that they are not completely
able to distinguish the influence of the all factors affecting the fuel consumption from that of driving
style because, to date, a systematic methodology quantifying the driver influence on fuel consump-
tion does not exist yet. The lack of a common methodology guaranteeing the isolation of the con-
sumption rate only due to the driver behavior brings to uncertainties when comparing different fuel
consumption values even coming from tests with fixed route, fixed car and fixed hours (the latter try-
ing to have the same traffic conditions as far as possible). In fact also in these cases the fuel con-
sumption could be affected by many factors: a different number and/or duration of the stops during
the run; a more or less request of energy depending for example on the different number of overtak-
ing or simply depending on the different amount of power needed to keep up with traffic; etc. There-
fore different fuel consumption values could not only depends only on the different driving style
adopted, even in the better designed experiment.
What explained in the two paragraphs above suggested the need to develop a methodology as-
sessing and quantify the influence of the driver on the vehicle’s fuel consumption independently
from other factors as car type, route ambit and traffic level. This methodology, described in the first
section of chapter 2 of this paper, has led to the definition of an Ecoindex quantifying the influence
of the driving style on fuel consumption comparing driver behavior with that of an ideal driver fol-
lowing the eco-driving rules. This system has been applied on a monitoring campaign of 10 vehicles
(section 2.2) equipped with the CTL fleet management devices15,16.
Chapter 3 is about the findings of the work and finally chapter 4 provides the conclusions.
2.1 The algorithm to calculate the Ecoindex
The goal of this work is to isolate the rate of fuel consumption (and therefore CO2 emissions) due
to the behavior of the driver from those due to the vehicle, route and traffic conditions.
The basic concept to reach such goal is the following: given a real driving cycle recorded by an on
board device it is possible to calculate the ideal minimum fuel consumption that the driver could get
with the same vehicle, on the same route and with the same traffic conditions if he had followed the
eco-driving rules. Being able to perform this calculation means having a minimum reference con-
sumption that differs from the measured one only by the rate due to the driver. The difference be-
tween the two fuel consumptions (the measured and the minimum ideal calculated applying the eco-
driving rules) is therefore due only to the driver and it could be saved by driving following the eco-
driving rules.
An algorithm has been developed with the task to modify an acquired driving cycle remodeling it
as if the driver had adopted the eco-driving driving style and with the task to recalculate the fuel con-
sumption (and the CO2 emissions) on the modified cycle.
The main steps the algorithm performs are the following:
it takes a real driving cycle;
it modifies the real driving cycle according to the eco-driving rules utilizing a vehicle motion
it computes the fuel consumption (and therefore the CO2 emissions) of the modified cycle
(that is the minimum ideal fuel consumption obtainable following the eco-driving rules);
it calculates the Ecoindex that is the ratio between the fuel consumption of the modified cycle
and the fuel consumption of the real cycle.
The objective of the algorithm is to recalculate a driving cycle and the power needed to run this
cycle so first action the algorithm does is to extract from a database the data of a driving cycle gath-
ered with the CTL on board acquisition tool. These data include instantaneous values (every Δt = 0.5
seconds) of speed, traveled distance, engine speed, engine load, gear engaged and many others useful
for the modification process.
In addition to these data, the algorithm also needs the characteristics of the vehicle by which the
driving cycle has made: the rolling resistance coefficients, the front section of the vehicle, the air
drag force coefficient, the mass of the vehicle and the apparent mass value for each gear ratio (this
value takes into account all the rotating parts from the engine to the wheels involved in the accelera-
tion process), the total transmission ratio for each gear, the wheel rolling radius, the map expressing
the power delivered by the engine to the wheels (depending on load and revolutions), the map ex-
pressing the equivalent force to the wheels due to the engine braking during the release phases (as a
function of the engine revolutions and the engaged gear).
An in depth description of how the algorithm works is not the objective of this work. Upcoming
papers will deal with that topic. What is worthwhile to report here is a brief description on which are
the contents it is based on.
First of all the modified driving cycle has to respect all the constraints of the original: the same
number of stops and their spatial position, the same number of local minima of the original speed di-
agram and the same spatial position of the local minima of the original speed diagram. Respecting
these constraints allows to generate a modified cycle theoretically coming from the same “environ-
mentof the original in terms of traffic conditions and more in general of every event affecting the
speed diagram (e.g. pedestrian crossing, status of traffic lights, actual traffic, etc.).
The two cycles have to differ only for the driving style adopted thus the algorithm contains the
translation of the practical eco-driving rules for the drivers into analytical rules on the basis of which
modify a driving cycle. Essentially the two main concepts of eco-driving reported in the bullet point
list of the chapter 1 of this paper have been translated into analytical rules.
Referring to “adopt an anticipatory driving style” it has been decided every local minimum of
the speed-distance plot has to be reached in the most efficient way. This means getting there
leaving the accelerator in time and the gear engaged (with a manual transmission) in order to
take advantage of the cut-off mode of the engine (zero instantaneous fuel consumption).
Referring to “use the engine as efficiently as possible” every instantaneous working condition
of the engine has been recalculated in order to respect the suggested limits of engine speed:
2000 RPM for diesel engines and 2500 RPM for gasoline engines.
Finally the total trip time has to be the same as the original. Driving adopting the eco-driving style
does not mean driving slower but means driving smarter, in a more efficient way.
The calculation of the modified cycle is based for each time interval Δt on equation 1 during de-
celeration phases and on equation 2 during accelerations phases. Both the equations come from the
balance of forces acting on the vehicle wheels.
  
    
   
where Fres engine is the force equivalent to the wheels due to engine braking during release
f0 and k are the rolling resistance coefficients
v is the vehicle speed
m is the vehicle mass
α is the road slip angle
ρ is the air density
SF is the vehicle frontal section
Cx is the air drag force coefficient
is an additional drag force term due to the uncertainty on the actual value of all the
coefficients in the equation
mc is the apparent mass value
 
    
   
where Peng is the engine power of the original cycle or, if the acceleration of the original
driving cycle is too high to be obtained by following the eco-driving rules, is the max-
imum engine power achievable following the eco-driving rules
In the ideal case that a driving cycle is executed properly applying all the eco-driving rules the al-
gorithm will run in any case (it cannot know a priori the "goodness" of a driving style) but it will get
a modified ideal driving cycle very similar to the original which will generate a minimal fuel differ-
ence between the two cycles.
Figure 1 shows the comparison between a modified driving cycle and the corresponding original
as a function of the traveled distance. It can be seen that each of the local minimum remains in the
same space abscissa so that it can be said the two driving cycles come from the same route in the
same conditions. They perfectly match on a speed-space plot even if one is real and the other one is
theoretical. It can be seen that on the one hand some parts of the modified driving cycle are well
overlapped over the original driving cycle (for example the section between 2.7 and 3.2 km). It
means that the original driving style adopted is compatible with the eco-driving driving style.
Figure 1. Comparison between a modified cycle and the corresponding
original one as a function of the traveled distance.
0 1 2 3 4
Speed (km/h)
Distance (km)
Modified driving cycle Original driving cycle
On the other hand some other sections, like the one between 0.8 and 1.4 km, are on the contrary
not overlapped so it means that the original driving style adopted there in that section has been not
compatible with the eco-driving rules and so, as a result, the outcome speed shape is quite different
from the original one.
Finally, after reconstructing all the modified cycle starting from the original, the algorithm calcu-
lates the Ecoindex using the equation 3.
where calculated_ideal_fuel consumption = is the fuel consumption calculated for the modi-
fied cycle
real_fuel_consumption = is the fuel consumption measured in the real cycle
To calculate the fuel consumption of the vehicles (and therefore the consequent CO2 emissions)
specific models have been developed: a different set of models were developed and validated for ve-
hicles equipped with gasoline and diesel engines. Such models are based on the instantaneous pa-
rameters collectible from the OBD/CAN line of the vehicles. As the engines are equipped with dif-
ferent fuel injection systems and therefore different kind of sensors on board (and therefore different
parameters running on the OBD/CAN line), if some sensors are missing (for example the intake air-
flow sensor), different models to calculate them are needed.
In general to calculate the fuel consumption the intake airflow and the air fuel ratio are needed,
both for gasoline and diesel engines: if the engine is equipped with these sensors and their values are
available from OBD/CAN line the consumption is directly calculated; if any value is not available, a
model has to be developed. If the intake airflow is missing it can be calculated as in a recent study17:
for each RPM a linear correlation between the Calculated Engine Load (an index of engine torque
supplied by the engine, always available from OBD instrumentation) and airflow is observed. With
this correlation, to calculate the airflow only two points for each RPM are needed: the chosen points
are those at full throttle and those at idle (a pair of points for each RPM). Two curves are then need-
ed: the airflow curve at full throttle (during the dynamometer acceleration test) and the airflow curve
in idle when the engine is set to different RPM. All the values for all the conditions of the engines lie
on the straight lines between these two curves.
The air-fuel ratio, if not available from the instrumentation, can be calculated in two different
ways for gasoline and diesel engines. For gasoline engines when the engine is at partial loads, the air-
fuel ratio is always stoichiometric with a little addiction of fuel due to the positive accelerator pedal
gradients, as in some studies15,18, while at full loads is a function of RPM only. Diesel engines have a
different system of fuel dosage and the air-fuel ratio is directly influenced by the torque supplied (so
by the engine load) so the air/fuel ratio is a function of engine load with an exponential equation19.
2.2 On road campaign
The sample of vehicles monitored in the on road campaign on which the following results come
from has been selected to respect the proportionality between the number of cars monitored for each
market segment and the percentage of cars sold each year in that segment. Further restriction that it
has chosen to follow is to have at least two cars for each maker and model so that the results are ro-
bust and less dependent on possible anomalies of every kind in one vehicle.
Ten car rental vehicles have been monitored from April to December 2010, collecting data for a
total of about 115 000 km. The sample consists of 278 different drivers, of which 215 men (77%)
and 63 women (23%).
Rental vehicles have the advantage that each vehicle is driven by many different drivers. On the
other hand users rent unknown vehicles (they need adjustment) usually in situations where their own
are not available (non-systematic trips). The rental therefore solves the problem of the driver's
awareness of being monitored and generates a problem of naturalness while driving. To offset this
negative effect in this campaign it has been chosen to monitor some car-sharing vehicles, which are
often used by the same users as their own, and some vehicles of rent-a-car who are rented for longer
periods so that the user has enough time to adjust to the vehicle. The proper combination of the two
types of rental allows overcoming both the problem of habit to use the vehicle and the problem to use
the vehicle on unusual paths.
To get the cars to be monitored two collaboration agreements were done. First agreement with
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità Srl (Rome car-sharing service provider) for monitoring four vehicles of
its fleet, the second one with AVIS Autonoleggio Spa (established car-rental society) for monitoring
six vehicles.
The results reported in this chapter are aggregated results compiled from the instantaneous data
collected on the on road campaign described in section 2.2. Data aggregation set is formed by routes.
In this work it has been considered a route all the amount of instantaneous data gathered from the
vehicle (from the CAN line through the CTL acquisition tool15,16) included between two stops longer
than 15 minutes. Routes shorter than one kilometer were not considered because they are too short to
properly run the algorithm to calculate the Ecoindex and so to properly evaluate the influence of the
driver on the car fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
3.1 Ecoindex
Figure 2 shows the results from the acquisition campaign in terms of Ecoindex as a function of the
average speed of each route. Lower values of the Ecoindex lie on about 0.5 till an average speed of
about 70 km/h. Beyond that average speed threshold the lower values lie on 0.8-0.85 and the values
spread decreases. This finding means that under an average speed of 70 km/h the driver has a great
influence on car fuel consumption: the Ecoindex spread is almost 50%; over that threshold the influ-
ence of the driver diminishes: the Ecoindex spread is about 10-15%.
Driving cycles with an average speed less than 70 km/h are thus the better situations to rightly
evaluate how the driver influences the fuel consumption of a vehicle because they are cycles where a
driver can accelerate, decelerate and change gear frequently and more in general there are a lot of
situations in which his driving behavior can differ from an ideal fuel efficient behavior.
Driving cycles with an average speed over 70 km/h, mainly highways routes, are on the contrary
less suitable to evaluate how the driver influences the fuel consumption of a vehicle because they are
cycles where a driver mainly use the final gear available and the high cruising speed becomes the
main factor influencing the car fuel consumption. In these cases the driver’s behavior has less oppor-
tunity to differ from an ideal fuel efficient behavior and thus to have a considerable influence on the
car fuel consumption.
Continuing at looking at Figure 2, but this time restricting the analysis under the 70 km/h thresh-
old, the plot shows the Ecoindex mean value does not depend on average speed of the route and the
values variance remains almost constant. As route type (urban, extra urban or highway) and traffic
congestion can be measured with the average speed, in a first approximation it can be said the Ecoin-
dex does not depend on route type and traffic conditions.
Highway routes have to be considered as a separate case. The average speed has no influence on
the mean Ecoindex value too but the mean value increases up to 0.9 and the values spread diminish-
es. These results reflects the aim to define a parameter representing the influence of the driver on the
vehicle fuel consumption independently from other factors such as route type and traffic conditions:
looking at Figure 2, considering a congested urban driving cycle with a 10 km/h average speed, or
considering an urban driving cycle in more flowing conditions with an average speed of 30 km/h, or
considering an extra-urban driving cycle with a 50 km/h average speed does not affect on what val-
ues the Ecoindex can assume. All these three situations are comparable in terms of quantifying the
driver influence on car fuel consumption. Directly considering the fuel consumption value to quanti-
fy the driver influence on car fuel consumption is not completely proper because in this manner there
is no possibility to separate the driver influence from the influence of the average speed on the vehi-
cle fuel consumption. Aiming at comparing different drivers, the route, the traffic conditions and
more in general the average speed have to be fixed and this is almost always not possible. It requires
specific tests and more in general the definition of constraints to be rigidly respected to make the re-
sults comparable. And, as said in the introduction chapter of this paper, there is no certainty to get
fully comparable results.
On the contrary the Ecoindex represents not only a tool to rightly quantify the influence of the
driver on car fuel consumption but represents also a tool to compare the influence on car fuel con-
sumption of different drivers driving in different situations and conditions. There is no more need to
fix the route, the traffic conditions and in general the average speed. The Ecoindex can be successful-
ly applied on large campaigns free from constraints or parameters to be respected.
Figure 2. Ecoindex as a function of average speed.
3.2 Obtainable reductions of CO2 emissions
The curves in Figure 3 and Figure 4 represent the fitting of the CO2 emissions, both from the real
cycles and from the modified cycles, coming from each of the routes monitored in the campaign de-
scribed in the section 2.2. CO2 emissions from the real cycles overlap on COPERT20 (COmputer
Programme to calculate Emissions from Road Transport) specific CO2 speed function based on the
EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook21 (this inventory is the reference emissions inventory in
Europe, coming from many years of researches and campaigns). This finding testifies the goodness
both of the sample of vehicles chosen for the campaign and of the fuel consumption and emission
models utilized here (see the last part of section 2.1 for a brief description of such models).
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the obtainable average CO2 reductions if all drivers had adopted the
eco-driving style. Such reductions are shown as a function of the average speed of the route
respectively for gasoline and diesel cars. Comparing the emission values between the real and the
ideal mean curves (Figure 3 and Figure 4) the average saving in terms of CO2 can be quantified as a
function of the average speed of the route. This theoretical saving is obtainable teaching to every
driver the eco-driving driving style.
Figure 3 (it refears to gasoline vehicles) shows that the reduction is higher at low average speeds
020 40 60 80 100 120 140
Average speed (km/h)
and diminishes gradually with increasing of average speed. It starts from a reduction of 30% at an
averge speed of 10 km/h, it flattens on a reduction af about 25% from 15 to 40 km/h and finally, over
this value, the obtainable reduction diminishes gradually until 80-90 km/h from which the driver
influence on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions expires. Analyzing Figure 3 it could seem that the
difference between the measured and the minimum ideal CO2 curves becomes constant over 90 km/h
of average speed of the route but it is only due to the fact that over this value of speed there are not
enough data from the acquisition campaign to validate the fitted curve there.
The outlined findings strengthen the fact (previously outlined in section 3.1) that beyond a certain
average speed of the route, typical of highway routes, the influence of the driver on car fuel
consumption diminishes than routes with lower average speed. The reason of that comes from the
fact that in an urban or rural route there are typically a lot of acceleration, deceleration, gear changes
and other unpredictable driving behaviors so the driving style can greatly influence the trend of the
driving cycle and therefore the fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions of a vehicle. In a motorway
route, on the contrary, this is not true. Speaking of driving style running on a highway at a steady
speed makes little sense (as long as the driver uses the correct gear). For this reason, since the ideal
fuel consumption is calculated by modifying the original driving cycle respecting the total travel
time, the modification of a route section at a steady speed always provides a section at the same
steady speed and the fuel consumption will be obviously the same.
Finally, the more the average speed of the route is low the more the driver’s driving style is
important in vehicle fuel consumption. Lowering the average speed of the route the obtainable CO2
reductions following the eco-driving rules increase and, on the other hand, increasing the average
speed of the route the obtainable CO2 reductions following the eco-driving rules diminish.
Figure 3. Obtainable CO2 average reduction for gasoline vehicles
adopting the eco-driving driving style.
Regarding the diesel fuelled vehicles (Figure 4), findings are quite the same of gasoline vehicles
however the obtainable CO2 reductions at low average speeds are lower than those obtainable with
gasoline fuelled vehicles.
The main reason of this difference is mainly due to the fact that diesel vehicles are tipically easier
to drive at low speed. The intrinsic charactristic of diesel powered vehicles is to have an adequate
engine torque at low revolutions that allows drivers to start the vehicle easily without wasting too
much energy (and fuel) when engaging the clutch. In general this is less true with the gasoline
fuelled vehicles, expecially for those monitored in the campaign of this work, due to the fact they
have small engine torque at low RPM compared to diesel fuelled vehicles. Starting driving these
vehicles is not as easy and requires on average to use the clutch more than diesel vehicles and so fuel
waste is higher. For this reason when modifying the original driving cycle on the basis of eco-driving
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
CO2 reduction (%)
CO2 specific emissions (g/km)
Average speed (km/h)
Fitted ideal CO2 Fitted measured CO2 Difference %
rules the obtainable CO2 (and fuel) reductions are lower with diesel cars at low average speeds
because on average people use to drive this kind of vehicles better than gasoline vehicles.
Figure 4. Obtainable CO2 average reduction for diesel vehicles adopting the eco-driving driving
The objective of this work has been to define an index to quantify the driver influence on car fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions. This index has been called Ecoindex. The Ecoindex is the ratio be-
tween the fuel consumption on the modified cycle and the fuel consumption on the real cycle.
The methodology to calculate the Ecoindex is based on an algorithm that modifies a real driving
cycle imposing retrospectively the eco-driving rules and respecting all the constraints of the driving
cycle (i.e. number and position of stops, average speed, accelerations and decelerations, etc.). The
modified cycle differs from the real one only for the adopted driving style. The fuel consumption and
the CO2 emissions are recalculated on the modified cycle and they represent the minimum values ob-
tainable on the considered route, with the same traffic conditions and with the same car if the driver
had adopted the eco-driving style. So the difference in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions between
the original cycle and the modified cycle is only due to the driver behavior and to the driving style
and it could be saved following the eco-driving rules.
The Ecoindex allows to compare the influence of the driving style on the vehicle’s fuel consump-
tion independently from other external factors affecting the fuel consumption like the average speed
of the route, the traffic conditions, the vehicle’s characteristics and others. There is no need to set a
test fixing the route, the hours of the trip, the car and other factors. The Ecoindex can be applied in
any campaign free from constraints.
A large on road campaign has been carried out and lasted six months. It comprised ten rental cars
and a total of 278 different drivers. Data from driving cycles (instantaneous kinematic parameters
and engine parameters) have been acquired with the CTL onboard acquisition tool connected to the
CAN bus of the vehicles.
Findings from this campaign show that the Ecoindex values spread is almost 50% for an average
speed of the route under 70 km/h and reduces to 10-15% over that threshold. So the driver influence
on car fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is higher at low average speeds of the route and diminish
with increasing of average speed.
Considering only the routes with an average speed under 70 km/h, the average speed does not
have influence on the mean Ecoindex value and the variance remains almost constant. As route type
(urban, extra urban or highway) and traffic congestion can be measured using the average speed as a
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
CO2 reduction (%)
CO2 specific emissions (g/km)
Average speed (km/h)
Fitted ideal CO2 Fitted measured CO2 Difference %
quantification indicator, as a consequence of that the Ecoindex does not depend on route type and
traffic conditions so the aim to define a parameter representing the influence of the driver on the ve-
hicle fuel consumption independently from other factors affecting the fuel consumption (such as
route type and traffic conditions) has been reached. Future developments will consolidate these first
results on this topic.
In terms of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, results show that if all the drivers had adopted
the eco-driving style the obtainable reductions are higher at low average speed of the route and de-
crease with increasing average speed. In particular the maximum obtainable reduction is about 30%
at 10 km/h of average speed of the route for gasoline fuelled vehicles and about 22% at 40 km/h for
diesel fuelled vehicles. In both cases, however, obtainable reductions cancel over 80-90 km/h of av-
erage speed of the route where the driver influence on car fuel consumption is almost negligible. So
in general the driver influence on car fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is higher at low average
speed of the route and diminishes with increasing the average speed. For this reason the benefits of
eco-driving are variables as a function of average speed and are higher in situations (typically urban
and medium-low average speed extra urban ambits) where driving cycles shape is greatly influenced
by driver behavior (in terms of gear box, engine, clutch and throttle usage).
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16. Alessandrini, A.; Filippi, F.; Orecchini, F.; Ortenzi, F., A New Method to Collect Vehicle Be-
havior in Daily Use for Energy and Environmental Analysis”, Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers -Part D- Journal of Automobile Engineering ISSN: 0954-4070 vol. 220
Issue 11 Nov2006.
17. Ortenzi, F.; Ragona, R.; Villatico Campbell, F.; Zuccari, F., Experimental measurements of the
environmental impact of a Euro IV vehicle in its urban use”, SAE 2007-01-0966.
18. Cattivera, A.; Ferrer, J.; Ortenzi, F.; Rambaldi, L., Data utilization from vehicle diagnostic sy-
stem to calculate fuel consumption and CO2 emissions” (original Italian title: “Utilizzo dei dati
provenienti dalla diagnostica dei veicoli per il calcolo dei consumi e della CO2”), Presented at
the 66th ATI National Congress, Italian Thermotechnics Association, Rende (Cosenza), Sep-
tember 5-9, 2011.
19. Alessandrini, A.; Forina, A; Ortenzi, F., “Real time evaluation method of the energetic-emissive
behavior of a diesel vehicle” (original Italian title: “Metodo di valutazione in tempo reale del
comportamento energetico-emissivo di un veicolo diesel”), Presented at the 65th ATI National
Congress, Italian Thermotechnics Association, Cagliari, September 13-17, 2010.
Driving style
CO2 emissions
Fuel consumption
... These behaviors can increase or decrease GHGs for the same distance traveled. Fuel economy can be increased through fuel-efficient driving measures, and conversely increase fuel consumption and emissions through aggressive driving (AD) [15,16,17,18]. Driver behavior and its effect on fuel consumption and emissions have been well studied in the field of eco-driving. ...
... The intent is to ensure the most efficient use of the engine possible. As Alessandrini et al. [17] explain, …the engine efficiency increases with the engine load and the internal friction loss decrease with decreasing the engine speed, [thus] the combination of high loads and low engine speeds allows spending less fuel for the same power supplied by the engine. These goals can be achieved through two macro strategies. ...
div>In the United States (USA), transportation is the largest single source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, representing 27% of total GHGs emitted in 2020. Eighty-three percent of these came from road transport, and 57% from light-duty vehicles (LDVs). Internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, which still form the bulk of the United States (US) fleet, struggle to meet climate change targets. Despite increasingly stringent regulatory mechanisms and technology improvements, only three US states have been able to reduce their transport emissions to the target of below 1990 levels. Fifteen states have made some headway to within 10% of their 1990 baseline. Largely, however, it appears that current strategies are not generating effective results. Current climate-change mitigation measures in road transport tend to be predominantly technological. One of the most popular measures in the USA is fleet electrification, receiving regulatory and fiscal encouragement from 45 US states and federal bills. However, zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) might not be the climate change panacea for the transport sector. ZEVs are facing adoption issues ranging from affordability, equity, and charging infrastructure to vehicle class availability limitations. Despite increasing sales, US electric vehicle (EV) adoption has been behind the curve with a current market penetration of 4.5%. Outside of ZEVs, emission reduction in the US road transport sector has been sluggish. In road transport, which contributes the bulk of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP), there are clear gaps between policy targets, technology-based expectations, and actual results. For a sector that is struggling to meet climate change targets, broadening its scope of climate change mitigation measures for road transport would be useful. Driver behavior may be an underexplored strategy. Eco-driving is a known strategy and has been attributed to reducing TRAP by up to 50% (through nontechnological means) in various studies in the USA and across the world. If technological eco-driving measures are included, they can improve fuel economy in excess of 100%. But the extent to which it is included in driver education and licensing protocols in US states is unclear. This study, therefore, evaluates eco-driving in state-sponsored non-commercial Driving License Manuals (DLMs). Provisions in state DLMs were assessed based on the intent of the prescribed practices (collision safety, environmental exposure, or both), the extent to which these were included, and the strength of the recommended mechanisms (prescriptive or regulatory). The scores were converted into Grades A–D. The results are revealing. Despite thirty-three US states (66%) with extant climate change commitments, almost the same percentage (62%) of states received a “D” grade and entirely omitted to mention driver influence on fuel consumption and emissions. Only five states (10%) received an “A” grade with substantive eco-driving measures in their DLMs. There is thus significant scope for eco-driving content in DLMs, which can range from the state’s communicating climate change commitments to how drivers influence fuel consumption through their driving practices to empowering drivers with strategies they can adopt to save fuel and money and reduce emissions. This inclusion has the potential to improve vehicular fuel economy and help states meet their climate change goals. Driver education is the first step. Eco-driving principles can be further bolstered through subsequent inclusion in the driver training and testing phases of driver licensing.</div
... On highways, velocity limits are generally higher, and the distance covered in one go is longer. This results in lower fuel consumption and lower CO 2 emissions with respect to urban driving [29]. In turn, satellite navigation systems (GNSS-Global Navigation Satellite Systems), by providing precise location data, also contribute to optimizing vehicle velocity and reducing CO 2 emissions in road transport, regardless of the driving mode [30]. ...
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The article analyzes the impact of selected operational parameters of internal combustion engine vehicles on CO2 emissions. The study was preceded by a detailed analysis of the issues related to CO2 emissions in the EU, with a focus on Poland, where the tests were conducted. The key scientific assumption is that individual vehicle users’ behaviors significantly impact global CO2 emissions. Daily use of private vehicles, driving style, and attention to fuel efficiency contribute to cumulative effects that can drive the transformation toward more sustainable transport. Therefore, the study was conducted using real-time empirical data obtained from the vehicles’ OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) diagnostic systems. This approach enabled the creation of a diagnostic tool allowing each vehicle user to assess CO2 emissions and ultimately manage its levels, which is the biggest innovation of the work. Two levels of CO2 emissions were identified as categorical variables in the model, considered either ecological or non-ecological from the perspective of sustainable transport. The CO2 emission threshold of 200 g/km was adopted based on the average age of vehicles in Poland (14.5 years) and Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Three models of logistic regression dedicated to different driving cycle phases—starting, urban driving, and highway driving—were proposed and compared. This study demonstrated that during vehicle starting, the most significant factors influencing the probability of ecological driving are vehicle velocity, relative engine load, and relative throttle position, while for the other two types of movement, engine power and torque should also be considered. The logistic regression model for vehicle start-up obtained a value of sensitivity at about 82% and precision at about 85%. In the case of urban driving, the values of the discussed parameters reach significantly higher levels, with sensitivity at around 96% and precision at about 92%. In turn, the model related to highway driving achieved the highest values among the created models, with sensitivity at around 97% and precision at about 93%.
... Vehicle kinematics are commonly used to categorize driving styles (Feng et al., 2018;Kalsoom and Halim, 2013;Mohammadnazar et al., 2021;Wang and Lukic, 2011). Thus, driving styles such as aggressive, normal, and calm/passive behavior contribute significantly to an increase or decrease in energy efficiency (Knowles et al., 2012;Ranacher et al., 2016), fuel economy (Alessandrini et al., 2012), and emissions (Van Mierlo et al., 2004). Hazardous locations within roadways such as work zones and curves are major disruptors of traffic and cause significant variations in driving behavior and vehicle performance. ...
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Consumption of fossil fuel-based energy for vehicle propulsion and associated emissions are a global concern. One pathway to energy reduction is to examine situations where high-energy consumption occurs on roadways, e.g., speed volatility at work zones, or on sharp curves, which has been understudied. Harnessing second-by-second data from the naturalistic driving study and using the concept of driving volatility, this paper explores driving styles in work-zones and curves using machine learning approaches (k-medoids, hierarchical clustering) and drive-cycle simulations from Autonomie®. Results show that aggressive driving account for 12.2 % and 15.4 % of events that occurred in work zones and on curves and leads to 23 % increase in fuel consumption as opposed to normal driving. These results have implications for transportation agencies to improve work-zone configurations and provide signage or technology on curves to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Moreover, automated and connected vehicles can smooth out traffic flow with advanced advisories and warnings.
... Based on the study [1] the influence of driving style is calculated through speed, so we will have that the higher the speed the lower the influence of driving style. The present study focuses on the development of a general, context-aware framework, called EcoPoints, designed to calculate driving style. ...
Conference Paper
Mitigating the negative effects of climate change remains a big challenge. Changes in individual human behaviors are recognized to be strategic for climate change mitigation and scientists agree that solutions must be devised which guide people towards sustainable behaviors. In this paper, we present EcoDrive, a mobile application, which allows users to analyze their driving style in real-time, and correct it accordingly, in a nonintrusive way, using the concept of eco-feedback. As a distinguished aspect, in EcoDrive eco-feedback is accompanied by the motivational technique of gamification. The app was designed to use gamification in a non-intrusive manner, in order to preserve driver’s safety. An experimental study proves that higher engagement is achieved when eco-feedback is combined with gamification mechanisms. 4 lessons learned from it, showing how the concept of gamification can be a mechanism to encourage citizens to adopt a more sustainable driving style.
... Assessing the impact of driving style and operation of a vehicle on fuel consumption and exhaust emission is of significant importance. According to previous studies, fuel consumption and exhaust emission may vary depending on driving behavior and may decrease up to 40% from an aggressive driver to a calm one (Alessandrini et al. 2012) One of the important factors that noticeably impact driving behavior, traffic flow, and safety of a traffic network is the adverse weather conditions namely snow, rain, and fog which affect sight distance and pavement conditions. According to the federal highway administration, weatherrelated crashes account for approximately 21% of 5,891,000 annual crashes (FHWA 2022). ...
... During the later stages of product development, testing and validation of the concept, the insights in customer behaviour can give rise to more accurate testing and validation scenario's. In the case of vehicle development, these testing and validation scenarios would not only include a digital representation of the environment the asset is used in, but also a digital twin of the driver's behaviour, which can have a significant influence on vehicle emissions [55], energy usage [56] and loads [57]. ...
... This result indicated that the lower driving speed produces higher CO2 emission factors for LDVs, which could be attributed to idling conditions with high fuel combustion and emission rates [20]. It also reflected the higher fuel consumption and the lower fuel economy rates when decreasing vehicle speed [12,29]. Our findings are consistent with previous research [30,31]. ...
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Correct emission factors are necessary for evaluating vehicle emissions and making proper decisions to manage air pollution in the transportation sector. In this study, using a chassis dynamometer at the Automotive Emission Laboratory, CO2 and CH4 emission factors of light-duty vehicles (LDVs) were developed by fuel types and driving speeds. The Bangkok driving cycle was used for the vehicle’s running and controlling under the standard procedure. Results present that the highest average CO2 and CH4 emission factors were emitted from LDG vehicles, at 232.25 g/km and 9.50 mg/km, respectively. The average CO2 emission factor of the LDD vehicles was higher than that of the LDG vehicles, at 182.53 g/km and 171.01 g/km, respectively. Nevertheless, the average CH4 emission factors of the LDD vehicles were lower than those of the LDG vehicles, at 2.21 mg/km and 3.02 mg/km, respectively. The result reveals that the lower driving speed emitted higher CO2 emission factors for LDVs. It reflects the higher fuel consumption rate (L/100 km) and the lower fuel economy rate (km/L). Moreover, the portion of CO2 emissions emitted from LDVs was 99.96% of total GHG emissions. The CO2 and CH4 emission factors developed through this study will be used to support the greenhouse gas reduction policies, especially concerning the CO2 and CH4 emitted from vehicles. Furthermore, it can be used as a database that encourages Thailand’s green transportation management system.
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The article offers a comprehensive examination of vehicle emissions, with a specific focus on the European Union’s automotive industry. Its main goal is to provide an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing the emission of microcontaminants from light-duty vehicles and the challenges associated with their removal via exhaust aftertreatment systems. It presents statistical insights into the automotive sector and explores the relationships between vehicle categories, fuel types, and the emission of regulated and nonregulated pollutants, as well as relevant legal regulations such as the European Emission Standard. The article delves into the characteristics of vehicle exhaust, compares exhaust-gas aftertreatment systems, and introduces factors affecting emissions from gasoline engines, including downsizing, fuel composition, and engine operating parameters. It also considers the impact of driving style, start–stop systems, and related factors. Concluding, the article offers an overview of vehicle-testing procedures, including emission tests on dynamometer chassis and real driving emissions. With the growing global vehicle population and international environmental regulations, a focus on solid particles containing microcontaminants is paramount, as they pose significant risks to health and the environment. In summary, this article provides valuable insights into vehicle emissions, significantly contributing to our understanding of this crucial environmental issue.
What happens when motor fuel prices rise? In the US, the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) collects information about car ownership and use, and travel during a typical day, for over 100,000 households. It is conducted only once every eight years, and does not include a longitudinal component, making it difficult to observe drivers’ adjustments to changing gasoline prices. We experiment with combining the 2017 NHTS with eight waves of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), which tracks trips, time spent traveling, and other characteristics of each trip. We find that the two datasets document remarkably similar behaviors—whether we use the eight waves of the ATUS or limit the comparison to the period when the two surveys overlap (April 2016 to April 2017). They also document similar responsiveness to prices—at least for the decision to take a car or a public transit trip. By contrast, minutes on the road and miles in the NHTS appear to be strongly responsive to gasoline prices, whereas minutes on the road from the ATUS are unrelated to fuel prices, despite the much greater price variation therein. The results are robust to extensive checks and efforts to reduce measurement error in gasoline prices. A 25-cent increase in the price of gasoline is predicted to reduce CO2 emissions by 1–5%.
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Export Date: 11 October 2013, Source: Scopus, References: Alessandrini, A.F.F., Orecchini, F., Ortenzi, F., A New Method to Collect Vehicle Behavior in Daily Use for Energy and Environmental Analysis Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Part D:J.Automobile Engineering, Accepted for Publication;
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The power supply, fuel consumption, and noxious emissions of a vehicle depend on the use that is made of it. Usually [1] only the driving cycle is considered to be a sufficient way to gauge a vehicle's usage. It is not, however, enough. Experimental tests have proved that, while similar driving cycles entail similar power demand, fuel consumption and emissions differ. In addition, a driving cycle, usually a synthesis [1-7] of several cycles collected experimentally, represents neither a specific link of the road network nor a specific user. Vehicle use must, accordingly, be described by something more comprehensive than the driving cycle, and this might be called the ‘use cycle’, for which a definition needed to be found. For a definition of the use cycle, all possible factors influencing vehicle emissions had to be examined. It was thus necessary to develop a tool both for gathering data that might reveal a different use of the vehicle and for identifying factors that might have an influence on emissions. The easiest, cheapest, and most versatile way to collect real data on the use of a vehicle is to use the vehicle's own sensors connected to the on-board diagnostic (OBD-2) port. Readings from a GPS can provide some characteristics related to the vehicle's position. This paper describes the development of a tool for collecting real-time OBD and GPS information. The acquisition tool was validated by a number of tests on a dynamometer chassis and differences are never higher than 3 per cent (e.g. on speed max 2 km/h). The first result obtained on vehicle usage is that driver behaviour influences throttle position independently of the driving cycle. Even with similar driving cycles, the accelerator pedal position and its variations turned out to be heavily different, suggesting a new definition of driver behaviour linked to the way the driver uses the pedals. Such pedal movement does have an influence on the air-fuel ratio, which remains stable around the stoichiometric value with ‘calm’ use of the accelerator, while it changes continuously, never becoming stoichiometric, with ‘aggressive’ accelerator behaviour. The continuous use of the developed tool on large fleets of vehicles will allow progress along this path and help define use cycles that may then be used by car manufacturers to design vehicles more efficient in their different uses and by the authorities to force more stringent homologation rules.
Driving patterns (i.e., speed, acceleration and choice of gears) influence exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. The aim here is to obtain a better understanding of the variables that affect driving patterns, by determining the extent they are influenced by street characteristics and/or driver-car categories. A data set of over 14,000 driving patterns registered in actual traffic is used. The relationship between driving patterns and recorded variables is analysed. The most complete effect is found for the variables describing the street environment: occurrence and density of junctions controlled by traffic lights, speed limit, street function and type of neighbourhood. A fairly large effect is found for car performance, expressed in terms of the power-to-mass ratio. For elderly drivers, the average speed systematically decreases for all street types and stop time systematically increases on arterials. The results have implications for the assessment of environmental effects through appropriate street categorisation in emission models, as well as the possible reduction of environmental effects through better traffic planning and management, driver education and car design.
The actions individuals can take to mitigate climate change are, in the aggregate, significant. Mobilizing individuals to respond personally to climate change, therefore, must be a complementary approach to a nation's climate change strategy. One action item overlooked in the United States has been changing driver behavior or style such that eco-driving becomes the norm rather than the exception. Evidence to date indicates that eco-driving can reduce fuel consumption by 10%, on average and over time, thereby reducing CO2 emissions from driving by an equivalent percentage. A sophisticated, multi-dimensional campaign, going well beyond what has been attempted thus far, will be required to achieve such savings on a large scale, however, involving education (especially involving the use of feedback devices), regulation, fiscal incentives, and social norm reinforcement.
Drive-style emissions testing on the latest two Honda hybrid technologies
  • A Alessandrini
  • F Orecchini
  • F Ortenzi
  • F Villatico Campbell
Alessandrini, A.; Orecchini, F.; Ortenzi, F.; Villatico Campbell F., "Drive-style emissions testing on the latest two Honda hybrid technologies", European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), 2009, DOI 10.1007/s12544-009-0008-3.
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Ecodriving USA, 2008 (found at:
Denver's driving change program reduces vehicular CO2 emissions
Denver's driving change program reduces vehicular CO2 emissions", Enviance, 2009, January 27 (found at:
The effects of a range of measures to reduce the tail pipe emissions and/or the fuel consumption of modern passenger cars on petrol and diesel
  • R J Vermeulen
Vermeulen, R. J. "The effects of a range of measures to reduce the tail pipe emissions and/or the fuel consumption of modern passenger cars on petrol and diesel", TNO Report, 2006, December 22.
Findings and messages for policy makers
  • International Transport Forum
International Transport Forum, "Findings and messages for policy makers", Workshop on Ecodriving, Paris, 2007, November 22-23 (found at:
Impatto energetico-ambientale dello stile di guida Ecodriving"), Presented at the 65 th ATI National Congress
  • A Alessandrini
  • A Cattivera
  • F Ortenzi
Alessandrini, A.; Cattivera, A.; Ortenzi, F.,, "Energy and environmental impact of EcoDriving driving style" (original Italian title: "Impatto energetico-ambientale dello stile di guida Ecodriving"), Presented at the 65 th ATI National Congress, Italian Thermotechnics Association, Cagliari, (2010) September 13-17.