... The same diversified perspective was found in our systematic review, as scholars have studied brand names (Kohli, Harich, & Leuthesser, 2005), colour (Bottomley & Doyle, 2006;Labrecque & Milne, 2013), logos (Fajardo, Zhang, & Tsiros, 2016), identity standard manuals (Jordá-Albiñana, Ampuero-Canellas, Vila, & Rojas-Sola, 2009), visual brand identity in advertising (Phillips, McQuarrie, & Griffin, 2014a, 2014b, advertising archetypes in healthcare (Woodside, Persing, Ward, & DeCotiis, 2018), merchandising in retail stores (Roggeveen et al., 2021), structures and patterns in luxury advertising (Gurzki, Schlatter, & Woisetschläger, 2019), rebranding (Zhao, Calantone, & Voorhees, 2018), copycats (Nguyen & Gunasti, 2018), and aesthetics management (Schmitt, Simonson, & Marcus, 1995). ...