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Abstract and Figures

Many rangeland streams and associated fisheries have suffered from livestock grazing as a cost of upland-forage utilization. Due to damage from intensive usage, restoration of damaged streams is now a common land-management objective. The Squaw Valley Ranch of Elko County, Nevada, US, in cooperation with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Barrick Gold Corp., is attempting to improve those portions of the Rock Creek watershed negatively affected by past ranch operations. The watershed includes both historical and occupied habitat for the threatened Lahonton cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi [Richardson]). From 2003, and continuing to the present, hot-season livestock grazing on Squaw Valley Ranch private and permitted public-land riparian areas was greatly reduced. To assess the effectiveness of this conservation effort, we (1) evaluated BLM archived images of riparian photo points in the watershed, (2) tested for change over time using data from systematic, intermittent, aerial sampling that acquired 2-cm resolution images from low-altitude surveys conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2006, and (3) compared Landsat scenes of the area from before and after 2003. Willow (Salix spp.) cover was chosen as the primary ecological indictor of riparian condition and we introduce willow canopy (m2) per m of stream length in the image field-of-view, as a practical measure of willow status. Archived images from photo points show mostly low-condition riparian plant communities, often with little or no willow canopy evident before 2003, but with conspicuous improvement thereafter. This subjective perception is supported by objective analyses finding, (1) the relative increase in willow cover nearly tripled on one stream, more than doubled on three others, and increased on all but one (fire affected) and (2) a highly significant post-2003 increase in willows in the Landsat record. Thus, the post-2003 increase in willow cover documented in three complementary lines of evidence from ground, air, and space support the predicted ecological benefits of reduced hot-season riparian grazing and the utility of 2-cm imagery as a tool for assessing watershed-wide conservation benefits from a federal cost-share-eligible conservation practice. This appears to be the first use of willow measurements from an aerial survey as a particular indicator of riparian condition and trend and the first demonstration of change detection based on objective measurements from a watershed-scale riparian monitoring effort that used systematic sampling (versus subjective selection) and high sample density to address the large Type II error (false negative) risk common to conventional land-management survey efforts.
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Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519
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Short communication
Willow cover as a stream-recovery indicator under a conservation grazing plan
D. Terrance Bootha,, Samuel E. Coxa,1, Gregg Simondsb, Eric D. Santb
aUS Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, High Plains Grassland Research Station, 8408 Hildreth Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82009, USA
bOpen Range Consulting, 6315 N Snowview Drive, Park City, UT 84098, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 23 July 2010
Received in revised form
26 December 2011
Accepted 29 December 2011
Aerial imagery
Effectiveness monitoring
Ecological indicators
Riparian management
Objective measurements
Watershed-scale sampling
Many rangeland streams and associated fisheries have suffered from livestock grazing as a cost of upland-
forage utilization. Due to damage from intensive usage, restoration of damaged streams is now a common
land-management objective. The Squaw Valley Ranch of Elko County, Nevada, US, in cooperation with the
US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Barrick Gold Corp., is attempting to improve those portions
of the Rock Creek watershed negatively affected by past ranch operations. The watershed includes both
historical and occupied habitat for the threatened Lahonton cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi
[Richardson]). From 2003, and continuing to the present, hot-season livestock grazing on Squaw Valley
Ranch private and permitted public-land riparian areas was greatly reduced. To assess the effectiveness of
this conservation effort, we (1) evaluated BLM archived images of riparian photo points in the watershed,
(2) tested for change over time using data from systematic, intermittent, aerial sampling that acquired
2-cm resolution images from low-altitude surveys conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2006, and (3) compared
Landsat scenes of the area from before and after 2003. Willow (Salix spp.) cover was chosen as the primary
ecological indictor of riparian condition and we introduce willow canopy (m2) per m of stream length in
the image field-of-view, as a practical measure of willow status. Archived images from photo points show
mostly low-condition riparian plant communities, often with little or no willow canopy evident before
2003, but with conspicuous improvement thereafter. This subjective perception is supported by objective
analyses finding, (1) the relative increase in willow cover nearly tripled on one stream, more than doubled
on three others, and increased on all but one (fire affected) and (2) a highly significant post-2003 increase
in willows in the Landsat record. Thus, the post-2003 increase in willow cover documented in three
complementary lines of evidence from ground, air, and space support the predicted ecological benefits
of reduced hot-season riparian grazing and the utility of 2-cm imagery as a tool for assessing watershed-
wide conservation benefits from a federal cost-share-eligible conservation practice. This appears to be
the first use of willow measurements from an aerial survey as a particular indicator of riparian condition
and trend and the first demonstration of change detection based on objective measurements from a
watershed-scale riparian monitoring effort that used systematic sampling (versus subjective selection)
and high sample density to address the large Type II error (false negative) risk common to conventional
land-management survey efforts.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Because of a lack of uniformity in grazing, certain areas may be
sacrifice areas and be overused”; Overuse of these sacrifice areas in
valley bottoms and around water holes is justified if the manager is
Abbreviations: BLM, US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management;
COST, cosine theta; FOV, field of view; GSD, ground sample distance; NAIP, National
Agriculture Imagery Program; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; PIF,
pseudo invariant feature; PRA, potential riparian area; SVR, Squaw Valley Ranch;
RGB, red, green, blue, the primary colors of a color digital image; TM, Thematic
Mapper, the Landsat 5 sensor.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 307 772 2433x110; fax: +1 307 637 6124.
E-mail address: (D.T. Booth).
1Current address: USDI Bureau of Land Management, Cheyenne, WY 82009, USA.
conservative as to the area involved.” (Stoddart and Smith, 1955,
pp. 144 and 279).
1. Introduction
Cattle preference for riparian areas during the hot season
leads to riparian damage (Stoddart and Smith, 1955, pp. 144 and
279; McInnis and McIver, 2009) and management that does not
specifically control this preference is linked with overuse spe-
cially of willow (Salix spp.) (Kauffman et al., 1983; Kovalchik and
Elmore, 1992; Schulz and Leininger, 1990; Scrimgeour and Kendall,
2003). Willow loss along desert streams has critical consequences,
including increased stream temperatures (White and Rahel,
2008; Zoellick, 2004), loss of beaver and associated habitat and
1470-160X/$ see front matter. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519 513
water-storage capacity (Hebblewhite et al., 2005; White and Rahel,
2008), loss of the well-recognized bank-armor function against
high flows (see Vincent et al. (2009), for a recent re-affirmation of
the importance of willows for reducing bank erosion along desert
streams), and adverse effects to native trout fisheries (Harig and
Fausch, 2002; White and Rahel, 2008; Zoellick, 2004). The ecolog-
ical consequences of willow deficiencies along desert streams are
well established. The current issue is how to evaluate the effective-
ness of large-area stream-recovery efforts. How can the biological
benefit be measured to assess return on investment of watershed-
scale stream conservation programs?
In 2003, the Squaw Valley Ranch (SVR) of Elko County, Nevada,
US, in cooperation with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
and Barrick Gold Corporation, instituted a conservation grazing
management program to improve riparian condition in portions of
the Rock Creek watershed affected by SVR operations. The goal is
restoration of aquatic habitat for the threatened Lahonton cutthroat
trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi [Richardson]) (U.S. Federal
Register, 1975; USFWS, 1995;unpublished memorandum: Biolog-
ical opinion for the 2004 through 2024 livestock grazing system for
the Squaw Valley Allotment, Elko County, NV. United States Fish
and Wildlife Service, 2004, File Number 1-5-04-F-05. Reno, NV, 68
pp; the opinion cites historic season-long grazing as a predominant
factor in trout habitat degradation). Poor riparian condition at sur-
vey stations for key streams in the watershed from 1977 through
1997 is documented in Squaw Valley Allotment Multiple Use Deci-
sion: Biological Assessment for Formal Consultation Request (6 July
1998, on file, BLM Elko District Office). Further evidence of poor
riparian condition is found in archived BLM and Landsat images of
the watershed.
To evaluate the biological outcome of their conservation-
grazing program, SVR cooperated with the US Department of
Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service in sequential aerial sur-
veys of the Rock Creek watershed. Aerial photography can be a
cost-effective means for collecting riparian data (Clemmer, 2001;
Manning et al., 2005; Marcus et al., 2003), but the value of such
assessments depends largely on the spatial resolution of the data
(Congalton et al., 2002; Davis et al., 2002; Johnson and Covich,
1997; Muller, 1997; Prichard et al., 1999). Low-altitude, 2-cm GSD
(a measure of digital-image resolution), intermittent-capture aerial
imagery allows superior riparian assessments at a cost less than half
that of ground-based methods (Booth et al., 2006a).
Given the reports of poor riparian condition in the Rock Creek
watershed cited above, we predicted (1) willow cover would be reli-
ably measured from low-altitude, 2-cm GSD, intermittent-capture
aerial imagery thereby allowing detection of willow-cover changes
over time, (2) that BLM archived photographs, and (3) the Land-
sat image record, would be consistent with cited documents for
pre-2003 conditions; therefore, that (4) the conservation effec-
tiveness of SVR’s reduced hot-season riparian grazing could be
objectively determined, and (5) that analysis of these three lines of
willow-abundance evidence would provide an objective test of the
biological benefit of the SVR conservation-grazing program. This
appears to be the first attempt to use willow measurements from
an aerial survey as a particular indicator of recovery in a degraded
stream system.
2. Methods
2.1. Study area
Aerial surveys were conducted in 2003, 2004, and 2006 over
the 330,000-ha Rock Creek watershed (4117N, 11623W) in the
Tuscarora Mountains of north-central Nevada, US (Fig. 1). The BLM
manages 66% of the watershed but 90% of riparian areas are owned
Fig. 1. Photo locations (·) by year for the major streams of the Rock Creek watershed
in north-central Nevada, shown against 100-m contour intervals. The black arrow
indicates the location of Fig. 3, Landsat TM series.
by the SVR. Watershed elevation is 1500–2400 m. Precipitation is
250–300 mm (SCAS, 2005). The riparian zones contain coyote and
yellow willow (Salix exigua (Nutt.) and Salix lutea (Nutt.), syn. rigida)
and are characterized by shallow, low-volume streams of which
Rock Creek is the primary drainage (plant nomenclature follows
NRCS, 2009). Rock Creek flow is highly variable with mean monthly
flows March through May between 2.9 and 4.2 m3s1falling to
0.05 m3s1in August (stream gauge 10324500 near Battle Moun-
tain, Nevada [USGS, 2006]). Sampled streams are 1500–2200 m in
elevation, and fall into eight distinct geomorphological valley bot-
tom types (unpublished 1995 report: Inventory and assessment of
riverine/riparian habitats-Rock Creek Basin, Nevada. White Horse
Associates, Logan, UT). We used White Horse Associates’ inventory
and definition of stream reaches and divided our aerial sampling
by reach.
514 D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519
Table 1
Willow cover for nine streams by year. Cover data are m2m1of stream in image ±S.D. and the relative increase factor over 2 or 3 years is in multiples of 2003 or 2004 cover.
Creek 2003 2004 2006 Relative increase
Willow cover nWillow cover nWillow cover n
Frazera2.9 ±3.1 42 3.9 ±4.5 30 7.3 ±6.0 36 2.5×
Lewis 9.5 ±4.8 30 9.9 ±6.3 21 11.0 ±6.8 46 1.2×
Middle Rocka0.9 ±1.1 28 0.2 ±0.5 36 1.0 ±2.0 51 1.1×
Nelson 7.2 ±4.3 21 8.4 ±6.7 12 16.8 ±8.8 36 2.3×
Upper Rocka18.2 ±17.0 28 10.2 ±10.1 25 10.2 ±8.0 87 0.6×
Soldiera 1.2 ±1.7 21 1.7 ±2.1 26 1.4×
Toejam 3.8 ±4.0 71 6.4 ±6.4 54 8.7 ±8.8 81 2.3×
Trout 4.1 ±3.9 40 4.2 ±6.2 56 1.1×
Willowa1.8 ±3.2 64 3.6 ±5.8 40 5.2 ±6.9 146 2.9×
All 5.2 ±7.9 284 4.9 ±6.3 279 7.1 ±7.9 565 1.4×
aPortions of this stream were within a 2005 burn perimeter.
The stream reaches averaged 3.4 ±2.1% slope (mean ±std. dev.),
meaning channel elevation dropped 34 mkm1, on average, across
the watershed. Isaak and Hubert (2000) reported this channel-slope
range was associated with the highest cutthroat trout (O. clarki)
density in southeastern Idaho. While 27% of Rock Creek watershed
reaches fall in the high-slope category of >4.3%, over 66% fall into the
medium slope category of 1.8–4.3%, indicating that the watershed
provides prime (potential) trout habitat.
From 2003 to the present, there has been no intentional hot-
season livestock grazing on riparian areas; however, instances
of 100–200 head of non-permitted, late-season riparian use are
known for the first 2 years. (The non-permitted use is 6–10% of
permitted grazing and began in late July 2004 and in September
2005.) Three major wildfires in 2005 and 2006 burned upland areas
surrounding 15 of the 27 stream reaches photographed, inflicting
varying degrees of damage to riparian vegetation (Table 1).
2.2. Ground images
The BLM Elko Field Office provided us with 743 landscape-
view photographs from 111 riparian photo points associated with 7
streams in the watershed. These included upstream, downstream,
and across-stream views. Image acquisition dates ranged from
1977 to 2009. Because the conservation grazing management pro-
gram was begun in 2003, we selected 92 image sets having at least
one pre-2003 image, a 2003 image, and 2 images from 2004 to 2009.
All image sets exceeded the 4-image minimum. We asked 5 people
to rate the photo-point sequences for change in willow abundance
between 2003 and earlier versus 2004 and later, using a rating
where 0 = no rating due to apparent movement of the photo-point
or other irregularity, 1 = large decrease, 2 = moderate decrease,
3 = no change, 4 = moderate increase, and 5 = large increase. We
then counted the number of ratings in each category. Among the
five observers were 3 college students between 20 and 30 years of
age, and 2 rangeland professionals over 40 years of age. Four were
females. None of the observers was a co-author on the paper or
associated with either the SVR or the BLM.
2.3. Aerial images
Color digital, 2-cm GSD images were acquired from a light sport
airplane (FAA, 2010) equipped with: (1) a navigation system; (2)
11- and 16-megapixel, single lens reflex digital cameras (RGB) fit-
ted with 100 mm f/2.0 and 840 mm f/5.6, lenses respectively; (3)
a laser altimeter; and (4) two laptop computers (Booth and Cox,
2006, 2008; Booth et al., 2006b,c). This is a sampling, not a mapping,
method. Flight plans were created using ArcView 3.3 and ArcMap
9.0 (ESRI, Redlands, CA). All images were captured with associated
time and location data (Booth et al., 2006c).
Segments of 11 streams (27 reaches), totaling 170 km, were
surveyed July 17–18, 2003, September 9–10, 2004 and September
12–13, 2006 (Fig. 1). Each stream was sampled at approximately
100-m intervals along a continuous length starting at the source
and ending at either the junction with a larger stream, or when the
stream exited the survey boundary. Because images were triggered
manually by the pilot and not pre-programmed, photographic over-
lap between years was coincidental. Target flight altitude AGL was
200 m in 2003 and 2004, and 250 m in 2006, a change made to
increase image FOV.
2.3.1. Cover measurements
We used SamplePoint (Booth et al., 2006c) to measure cover from
images of nine streams that represent the watershed’s geomorpho-
logical variation. We used 100 points per image with the following
cover-type categories: (1) non-riparian area, (2) water, (3) willow,
(4) riparian vegetation and (5) other. Vegetation color, indicating
higher moisture, defined the riparian area. Points outside the ripar-
ian area were classified as non-riparian. Only points falling inside
the riparian area were classified into the other four categories. This
method required subjective delineation of riparian boundaries, as
do all methods that measure riparian indicators. Cover percent-
ages were converted into actual area (m2), and then normalized by
dividing actual area by the stream length within the image (see
below) to allow inter-year comparison. Thus, cover is reported
in m2m1stream. Stream length was used for normalization
because it shows higher annual consistency than riparian width
or area.
2.3.2. Repeat measurements
Random airplane movement and manual triggering make it
impossible to plan riparian aerial surveys at this resolution in a way
that will reliably capture the same piece of ground in repeat flights;
however, the acquisition of hundreds of images resulted in some
chance overlap. These partially overlapping images were used to
measure change directly for individual willow canopies using rocks
for accuracy calibration. Using paired photos in ImageMeasurement
(Booth et al., 2006b), we measured canopy diameter of individual
willow plants. Repeat samples are also valuable in tracking changes
in channel sinuosity and bank erosion.
2.3.3. Stream length
Stream length within each image used to measure willow cover
was measured on a line with a minimum of 20 segments placed
down the center of the bank full channel using ImageMeasurement.
Additionally, the distance from each sample to the upstream end
of the stream reach containing the sample was measured from
topographical maps (1:100,000-scale) in ArcMap 9.0.
D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519 515
2.3.4. Statistics
A paired t-test was used to compare willow canopy on repeated
measures of 24 willow plants. Comparisons of willow cover among
years used unpaired samples because of the limited number of
repeated samples.
Spatial autocorrelation was assessed with Moran’s I z-scores
generated by ArcMap 9.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA). Because most
data were spatially autocorrelated, we condensed the data into
means for stream reaches (personal communication: P. Chapman,
Colo. State Univ. Dept. Statistics, 2010). The condensed data had
insufficient sample size to calculate Moran’s I z-scores or fit an auto-
gregressive model to check for spatial autocorrelation, so we used
Proc Mixed in SAS (SAS v 9.1, SAS Institute, Nashville, TN, USA) to
test for a random creek effect using stream reaches to determine if
intra-stream values were more correlated than inter-stream values
where creek was tested as a random effect (P. Chapman, op cit.). We
omitted 2003 data in all cases from the random-effect test due to
limited data. Willow-cover data were square root transformed to
satisfy the equal variance assumption. The 2005 fire burned two
reaches of Upper Rock Creek, reducing willow cover for both and
resulting in loss of statistical independence between them. There-
fore, these data were averaged together and treated as one reach.
Other reaches burned, but they were not combined because we had
no evidence that these riparian areas sustained significant dam-
age. Annual change was tested using t-tests paired by years for
individual streams.
2.4. Landsat TM record
The assessment of riparian habitat over time from Landsat
imagery was accomplished by first delineating potential ripar-
ian areas (PRAs) for nine streams using Feature Analyst Software
(Visual Learning Systems, Missoula, Montana, US) with NAIP
images (1-m resolution, aerial, 2006, color infrared). The PRAs were
defined laterally by topographic limits and we used plant commu-
nity at the riparian-upland interface to deduce that topographic
limit. Thus, the PRAs were low-lying lands supporting riparian,
or remnant riparian, communities with associated upland vegeta-
tion and judged capable of supporting a larger riparian community
given a higher water table and (or) greater soil-water storage.
After the PRAs were defined on NAIP imagery, the image loca-
tions were used to ensure geographic precision of the area for
temporal analysis in sequential Landsat images. The riparian veg-
etation within the PRA for each stream reach was measured from
Landsat images by developing NDVI values and images for each
reach (Lyon et al., 1998). These were then used to determine the
percent of potential riparian area actually occupied by riparian
vegetation. This allowed the Landsat archive to be used to assess
the 1989–2003, and 2004–2009, trends in riparian condition (the
years 1995 through 1998 were not used due to cloud-cover issues
with scenes of interest). Differences in atmospheric conditions,
sun angle, and sensor calibration make it necessary to calibrate
multi-temporal imagery and we used COST and PIF normaliza-
tion to correct for these effects (Schott et al., 1988; Chavez, 1996;
Sant, 2005). The above two methods of radiometric correction were
applied to our Landsat scenes using publicly available tools (Utah
State University, 1999, 2011) to make the COST corrections, and PIF
Between sensor differences and changes in intra-sensor cali-
bration was accounted for by applying the appropriate published
calibration values for the different Landsat TM sensors. The 1994
TM image was acquired on a clear day and is temporally in
the center of the dates represented by the TM image dataset.
Therefore, we selected it to be the master image. The rest of
the images were normalized to the master using PIF normaliza-
tion. Because there are few manmade features on our images,
we used salt flats for bright area-calibration and north facing
slopes (shadow) and water for dark area-calibration. We restricted
our scenes to early September to reduce the variation from
inter-annual precipitation. In this summer-dry climate, upland
herbaceous vegetation is senesced by September regardless of
the amount of preceding winter and spring precipitation. The
sharp contrast in herbaceous vegetation senesced on the upland
and green in the riparian zones facilitated an accurate delin-
eation of the riparian areas. Change over time of the percent
of the PRA occupied by riparian vegetation of the nine streams
was calculated from NDVI values and those values compared
across streams for the years 1989–2003 versus 2004–2009 using a
paired t-test.
2.5. Precipitation analysis
Precipitation data were downloaded for the five closest Snotel
stations (29–46 km away; NRCS, 2007), and monthly precipitation
was averaged across all stations for 2004, 2006 and for the 29-year
period from 1982 to 2010 (extent of data) by using the first 28 days
of each month to standardize the observations among months and
3. Results
3.1. Ground images
The 5 observers rating the 92 image sets produced 460 total
ratings of which 4 were rated as showing moderate decrease, 103 as
showing no change, and 353 as showing either a moderate or large
increase in willow abundance for the period 2004–2009 relative to
2003 and earlier.
3.2. Aerial images
3.2.1. Data acquisition
The aerial surveys produced 723 useable images in 2003, 590 in
2004 and 959 in 2006. Mean image GSD was 1.8 cm in 2003, 2.0cm
in 2004 and 2.3 cm in 2006. Twenty image FOVs from 2006 par-
tially overlapped 2004 image FOVs, and were used for direct repeat
measurements of willow canopy. ImageMeasurement analysis accu-
racy was confirmed by comparing measurements of unchanging
objects made from the 2004 to 2006 images. Absolute mea-
surement error (average of under-measures and over-measures
without regard to sign) was 7.2 cm, or 3.8% (n= 12), which agrees
with the <10% measurement error previously reported (Booth et al.,
2006b). Stream length captured by images averaged (mean ±std.
dev.) 72.5 ±23.1 m (n= 161) and 94 ±24.3 m (n= 436) in 2004 and
2006 respectively.
3.2.2. Willows
Willow cover (m2m1stream) increased 3.1% between 2003
and 2006 (p= 0.02, n= 12 reaches) and 2.0% between 2004 and 2006
(p= 0.004, n= 20 reaches), but there was not a significant increase
between 2003 and 2004 (p= 0.18, n= 12 reaches; Table 1). Measure-
ment of 24 individual willow plants across 20 pairs of repeat sample
images (2004–2006) revealed an average increase in canopy size of
55 ±66.2% (Fig. 5A and B).
3.3. Landsat TM record
All nine streams for which change-over-time differences in
NDVI values were calculated had riparian-vegetation increases
within PRAs for 2004–2009 as compared to 1989–2003 (p< 0.001;
Figs. 2 and 3).
516 D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519
Fig. 2. Change over time in the percent of the potential riparian area occupied
by riparian vegetation of nine streams and measured from Landsat images using
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index values and images as illustrated in Fig. 4
(p< 0.001 across all streams). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean.
3.4. Precipitation analysis and stream flow
Cumulative precipitation in 2006 was above the 29-year
average preceding, and throughout, the growing season (Fig. 4),
and is reflected in measured stream flow. Annual runoff in 2006
was 118.0 ×106m3compared to 100.0 ×106, 20.9 ×106, and
5.5 ×106m3in 2005, 2004, and 2003 respectively, and to an
average 36.9 ×106m3for 1918–2006 (Bonner et al., 2005; USGS,
2006). The September 2006 flow of 1.08 m3s1was the greatest
recorded flow for any September up to that time (USGS, 2006).
There are 6 periods prior to 2003 where cumulative water-year
(October–September) precipitation exceeded the 29-year average
of 697 mm: 1980, 1982–1984, 1986, 1989, 1993, and 1995–1998;
cumulative annual precipitation for these years ranged from 729
to 1108 mm (NRCS, 2007).
Fig. 4. Average cumulative precipitation for the five closest weather stations to the
study site, all located within the same mountain range and within 50 km of the
study site, for water years 1989, 2004, 2006 and the 29-year period 1982–2010
(full data extent for the 5 stations). We used 28 days per month to standardize the
observations among months and years.
4. Discussion
Ground and space images give supporting evidence for the poor
pre-2003 condition of key streams as documented in Squaw Val-
ley Allotment Multiple Use Decision: Biological Assessment for Formal
Consultation Request (6 July 1998, on file, BLM Elko District Office).
The pre-2003 condition contrasts sharply with post-2003 condi-
tions where the relative increase in willow cover nearly tripled
on Willow Creek during the first 3 years of the new grazing plan
and more than doubled during the same period on three other
streams (Table 1). The trend of increasing willow cover is consistent
with reduced livestock grazing (Brookshire et al., 2002; Case and
Kauffman, 1997; Holland et al., 2005; Schulz and Leininger, 1990)
and is thought to result primarily from established-plant growth
under a reduced-herbivory regime (Fig. 5).
Why should changes in willow cover be ascribed to reduced live-
stock grazing and not to above-average precipitation and greater
stream flow? We propose four reasons: (1) we found no reports of
a similar willow-growth response from a season of increased pre-
cipitation, (2) such a growth response would be phenomenal, and
inconsistent with reported annual growth rates (see Brookshire
et al., 2002), (3) there are reports (cited above) documenting
Fig. 3. A September sequence of Landsat TM scenes showing a nearly static riparian condition between 1989 and 2003, but a large improvement by 2008. The 2008 image
is consistent with the improvements documented using BLM photo-point images and 2004 and 2006 aerial surveys after the 2003 change to reduced hot-season grazing on
riparian areas. The images are true color composites using a band 7-4-3 combination. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519 517
Fig. 5. Images of a particular location on Middle Willow Creek photographed in 2004 (A) and 2006 (B) with white lines indicating measurements. The willow canopy diameter
in the upper left was 1.7 m in 2004, and 2.3m in 2006, and the willow canopy in the lower right increased from 1.7 m in 2004 to 3.0 m in 2006. The width of the open water
increased from 1.3 m to 3.4 m.
a willow-growth response to multi-year protection from graz-
ing that is consistent with our findings, and (4) willows along
the streams are accessing the water table so that growth is sup-
ported in both dry and wet years unless (a) the water table drops
beyond reach of the willow roots (Bilyeu et al., 2008)or(b)
rises significantly, putting roots in an anaerobic situation (Bourret
et al., 2005). Thus the water from a year–or even a multi-year
sequence–of above-average precipitation is unlikely to stimulate
above-average growth of established willows but it could reduce
willow growth if it produced a significant sustained elevation of the
water table.
There is evidence that above-average precipitation has the
potential to bring more nitrogen into a riparian system, particularly
in overland flow from rainfall events, and that the added nitrogen
will contribute to willow growth (Schade et al., 2002; Schade and
Welter, 2005; Welter et al., 2005). The time period covered by our
ground and Landsat images includes several pre-2003 wet peri-
ods (1989 for example), and images for those periods do not show
the same increases in willow growth that occurred after 2004 (e.g.,
Fig. 4). Given our data, we doubt that nitrogen added by wet years
made a difference in pre-2003 willow cover due to the ongoing hot-
season grazing. We suspect nitrogen added by wet years is a factor
in the post-2003 willow-cover increases.
The increases in willow cover herald structural changes,
including increased stream shading, bank armor, and chan-
nel obstructions–especially the development of beaver (Castor
canadensis [Kuhl]) dams–that are consistent with long-term
progress toward slowing runoff, increasing water retention, and
promoting perennial stream flow.
This study appears to be the first use of willow measure-
ments from an aerial survey as a particular indicator of recovery
in a degraded stream system. Our results demonstrate that 2-cm
imagery and associated image-analysis tools can detect, document,
and facilitate measurement of temporal change in this, and other,
key indicators including changes due to weather, fire, and man-
agement. We demonstrate that the 2-cm imagery fills a critical
gap between conventional field methods and the lower-resolution
imaging methods cited by Clemmer (2001),Marcus et al. (2003),
and Manning et al. (2005). We also demonstrate the benefit of using
space, aerial, and ground images to address a question.
518 D.T. Booth et al. / Ecological Indicators 18 (2012) 512–519
Riparian systems are important in all parts of the world. The
aerial methods we used are applicable to any place that can be
safely flown by a light sport airplane at 100–300 m altitude AGL,
and that have one or more indicators that, like willow cover can
be measured from acquired imagery.
5. Conclusions
Willow cover and canopy-size increases suggest an upward eco-
logical trend for surveyed streams of the Rock Creek watershed
after 2003. Ground photographs and the Landsat record provide a
historical context for the aerial-survey data and allow us to con-
clude that willow cover, measured from 2-cm GSD aerial imagery,
increased significantly during the first 3 years of the current SVR
grazing-management program. The findings imply that reduced
hot-season grazing will increase remnant willow populations along
desert streams in the western United States where stream incision
has not substantially lowered the water table. The improvement we
measured bodes well for the restoration of flow-regulating, water-
storing components of the hydrologic system and the concurrent
recovery of habitat for Lahonton cutthroat trout. We conclude
that the low-altitude, 2-cm GSD aerial surveys, and related image
analyses allowed us to detect and quantify these riparian-system
changes better than could be done with any other currently avail-
able monitoring method or combination of methods. Aerial surveys
like those used in this study make high sample density and sys-
tematic sampling (versus subjective selection) of watersheds and
other landscape-scale units practical, thereby addressing the large
Type II error (false negative) risk common to conventional land-
management survey efforts.
Role of the funding entities
Barrick and BLM had no role in study design; or in the collection,
analysis, or interpretation of data, or in writing the report except
that S.E. Cox entered on duty in his current position in 2011, and has
participated in post-submission revision. USDA-ARS approved sub-
mission of the manuscript upon successful pre-submission external
peer review.
Open Range Consulting is retained by Barrick to manage the SVR.
The research was funded in part by Barrick Gold Corporation
(Barrick), Elko, Nevada; the USDA-ARS; and the Wyoming State
Office of the BLM. Carol Evans, Fisheries Biologist for BLM, Elko
Field Office, provided valuable assistance. Barrick provided aviation
facilities and crew lodging. Joe Nance, CloudStreet Flying Services,
acquired aerial images. Carmen Kennedy, USDA-ARS, provided
technical assistance. Dr. Phil Chapman, Colorado State University
Department of Statistics, consulted with us on the statistical anal-
yses, and Larry Griffith, USDA-ARS assisted in the analysis. We
thank Drs. G. Perry and D. W. Bailey, also C. Evans and M. Bishop
for reviewing an earlier version of the manuscript. Throughout
this manuscript, mention of products and proprietary names is for
information only and does not constitute an endorsement by the
authors, Barrick, USDA, or BLM.
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... These models would provide insights into the riparian distribution of Salix as a taxon, as well as for individual species ( Stromberg and Merritt 2016 ;Lytle et al. 2017 ) across the surveyed area. Understanding stream reach settings that support willows will help identify areas where land management actions may have reduced the presence, cover, and height of willows ( Booth et al. 2012 ;Averett et al. 2017 ;Kaczynski et al. 2018 ). ...
... Our evaluation of nearly 1 900 stream reaches within the inland Pacific Northwest found that two-thirds of these reaches were home to at least one willow species. This finding reiterates the importance willow species could have in influencing low gradient stream systems across the study area ( Booth et al. 2012 ;Hough-Snee et al. 2013 ;Hough-Snee et al. 2015a ). Distribution maps presented in Argus (2007) indicated approximately 38 willow species overlapped our study area. ...
... Domestic and wild ungulates consume willows ( Pelster et al., 2004 ;Averett et al. 2017 ) and reduce aboveground biomass in a manner that can simplify riparian areas and streams ( Ripple and Beschta 2004 ;Holland et al. 2005 ). Reducing livestock grazing intensity along streams can increase willow cover along the streambank ( Booth et al. 2012 ;Batchelor et al. 2015 ;Nusslé et al. 2017 ). The exact stream or riparian response will depend on the willow species, stream size, elevation of the water table, and presence of beaver dams ( Bilyeu et al. 2008 ). ...
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Willows are an important component of western riparian zones as their roots stabilize streambanks, their overstory mediates stream temperature, and aquatic biota use their stems and leaves as forage and build- ing material. We evaluated 1894 stream reaches in the Inland Pacific Northwest for the presence of wil- lows and detected one or more willow species at 1 247 (66%) of those reaches. Most stream reaches where willow was present had two or more willow species. We identified 23 unique species, of which 11 were found in 50 or more stream reaches. Across all sites, stream reaches with willow were more likely to be in the southern high-elevation portion of the study area. Distribution models constructed using random forests included a measure of spatial location (latitude, longitude, elevation) as one of the top predictors for 10 of the 11 common species. Only one species included a stream reach-scale attribute (bankfull stream width) as a top predictor, although two species had gradient or percent of the reach forested as a secondary predictor. While spatial location within the study area was a key factor in deter- mining species presence, differences among species resulted in willows being found across the range of landscape and stream reach conditions except where forest cover in the reach was high ( > 75%). Given that willows share characteristics such as rapid root growth, rhizomes, flexible stems, and vegetative re- production, in many situations different species may respond as functional equivalents when it comes to protecting streambanks, providing habitat for fish and wildlife, and promoting stream heterogeneity. Ongoing threats to willows near streams on public lands include grazing, water diversion, mining, and climate change. Each of these threats can be at least partially addressed by identifying stream reaches inhabited by willow and establishing reach-scale management objectives for this taxon.
... Warm, dry summers can lead to warm (>20 °C) stream temperatures and the loss of surface stream flows [28,53,54]. The dominant land use of the contributing watersheds to these stream networks includes mining, livestock grazing (cattle and sheep), and irrigation to provide additional forage for livestock [55][56][57]. Limited surface water withdrawal occurs within both watersheds. Both stream networks were affected by wildfires in the summer of 2012, including the Holloway Fire and Willow Fires in WW and WR, respectively (Figure 1). ...
... Wildfires can cause dramatic changes in land cover, particularly riparian vegetation, which can lead to changes in stream temperatures, and potentially stream flows [28]. More detailed descriptions of each stream network can be found in [56] (WR) and [28] (WW). ...
... More broadly, NDVI has been directly applied across the Great Basin to quantify habitats for terrestrial species, such as the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; [105,106]), and as an indicator of (1) riparian recovery in response to improved grazing management, influences of beaver, and wildfire [56,57,80,107,108]; and (2) longer-term climate-related changes in hydrologic and vegetative conditions [104,109]. Interestingly, direct associations between NDVI and instream responses of macroinvertebrates or fish can be less apparent [110,111]. ...
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The seasonal and inter-annual variability of flow presence and water temperature within headwater streams of the Great Basin of the western United States limit the occurrence and distribution of coldwater fish and other aquatic species. To evaluate changes in flow presence and water temperature during seasonal dry periods, we developed spatial stream network (SSN) models from remotely sensed land-cover and climatic data that account for autocovariance within stream networks to predict the May to August flow presence and water temperature between 2015 and 2017 in two arid watersheds within the Great Basin: Willow and Whitehorse Creeks in southeastern Oregon and Willow and Rock Creeks in northern Nevada. The inclusion of spatial autocovariance structures improved the predictive performance of the May water temperature model when the stream networks were most connected, but only marginally improved the August water temperature model when the stream networks were most fragmented. As stream network fragmentation increased from the spring to the summer, the SSN models revealed a shift in the scale of processes affecting flow presence and water temperature from watershed-scale processes like snowmelt during high-runoff seasons to local processes like groundwater discharge during sustained seasonal dry periods.
... In allotments where protection of cold water salmonid habitat is a key management goal, sampling protocols must reflect this objective and stubble height standards that protect streambanks and riparian vegetation may be required if other strategies for restoring and maintaining needed vegetation are not employed. [3][4][5] Use of Stubble Height to Protect Cold-water Salmonid Habitat Protocols used for stubble height assessments in terrestrial situations may not be adequate if the use of this metric is to assess the conditions of coldwater salmonid habitat. When evaluating stubble height to estimate stream habitat conditions, the protocol should evaluate the height of herbaceous vegetation that is the first to form linearly along the stream water's edge (greenline 6 ) rather than key species across the riparian area. ...
... Failures in a few allotments makes it more difficult for federal management agencies to tell the broader story that most ranchers are properly managing cattle in riparian areas on public lands and that the conditions of these ecosystems are improving across the arid west. 4,13 My intent is not to argue what specific value a standard for riparian stubble height should be or how it should be determined, but to suggest that in most situations having a standard for stubble height (or a number of other metrics such as streambank alteration 18 or woody browse 4 ) near streams on public lands will serve to protect the fish, the permittee, the land management agency, and the ranching industry. Laws such as the Endangered Species Act and National Forest Management Act require goals, objectives, guidelines, and standards to achieve desired conditions in an allotment. ...
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On the Ground •The measurement of utilization and residual vegetation (stubble height) is a valuable tool in managing livestock disturbance but it is often improperly measured, and results misinterpreted. A common situation for these concerns is when stubble height protocols and rationales used for terrestrial areas are applied to riparian zones and the protection of fish habitat. •Protocols used to assess stubble height near streams and serve as a surrogate for fish habitat may differ from approaches used to protect upland plant vigor. Measurements of stubble height designed to protect fish habitat can include the measurement of all herbaceous vegetation along the greenline and should be evaluated following the removal of livestock and after the growing season ends. •In allotments with threatened salmonids or other at-risk aquatic species, stubble heights necessary to protect fish habitat may exceed what is necessary to maintain forage production for livestock. Properly determined and applied near stream stubble height standards can protect important fish habitats while providing accountability for grazing management. Consistent livestock management above standards will improve salmonid habitats and undermine arguments used by organizations that would like to limit livestock grazing on public lands. •If range conservationists and fisheries biologists work together to develop monitoring protocols for stubble height or other metrics that can be used to improve fish habitat, the application of proper standards to manage livestock disturbance near streams should benefit the fish, the land management agencies, and the ranchers that rely on grazing public lands.
... Response ( Multiple studies have shown that woody riparian vegetation communities in poor condition from season-long, hotseason grazing can recover under conservation grazing regimes implemented to promote riparian and stream health (Swanson et al. 2015). Booth et al. (2012) showed that riparian willow communities increased two-to threefold on Great Basin streams 2 to 3 years after implementation of a conservation grazing plan. Others have also shown recruitment of aspen Populus spp. to increase substantially in the Great Basin after cessation of livestock herbivory (Beschta et al. 2014). ...
... A second novel aspect of our study was the use of remote sensing imagery to evaluate temporal changes to riparian vegetation in response to the exclosures. While some have used remotely sensed data to evaluate riparian vegetation recovery (Booth et al. 2012;Hausner et al. 2018), many riparian exclosure studies lack this important temporal dimension that can be achieved with satellite or aerial imagery (Sarr 2002). Studies that do have a temporal dimension usually only have field data from a few years over a longer timeframe (Nussl e et al. 2017). ...
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Improper riparian grazing can alter riparian vegetation and reduce streambank stability, therefore negatively impacting aquatic habitat and biota. We evaluated differences in riparian and instream habitat, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish inside versus outside seven riparian exclosures constructed from 1982 to 2005 in Idaho, U.S.A. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Landsat imagery (1985 to 2015) showed significant increases in riparian vegetation productivity after some but not all exclosures were constructed. Field data collected in 2015 showed woody riparian vegetation to be more abundant, streambanks less altered, and stream channels narrower inside versus outside exclosures as we expected. However, instream habitat, a benthic macroinvertebrate index, fish species richness, and adult trout density showed no response. Higher age‐0 trout densities were the only aquatic organism response observed. Broader watershed‐scale factors likely limited strong and consistent responses by aquatic biota to exclosures. We conclude that riparian exclosures have localized effects on stream systems such as increased riparian vegetation, reduced streambank alteration, and improved channel stability, but may not always influence aquatic biota that commonly reflect larger watershed‐scale processes and conditions. Therefore, well‐maintained riparian exclosures should be used to eliminate livestock use in localized areas of stream corridors sensitive to disturbance. To improve stream health at the larger, watershed‐scales relevant to most aquatic biota, exclosures should only be one of several grazing management tools implemented simultaneously to reduce the impacts of improper livestock grazing. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Implementation is usually followed by a marked improvement in vegetation cover. After release from livestock grazing, recovery of streamside vegetation may take from 1 to 3 years (Case and Kauffman 1997, Manoukian and Marlow 2002, Lucas et al. 2004, Beever et al. 2005, Booth et al. 2012) to up to 30 years (Schulz and Leiniger 1991, Popolizio Small Mountain Stream Passive Restoration et al. 1994, Holland et al. 2005). An increase in vegetation cover and complexity may also support the return of some of the lost ecosystem benefits. ...
Abstract In this study I document the results of 11 years of passive restoration of a small mountain stream in northeastern Oregon. Removal of the main stressors on the system, grazing and agricultural practices, resulted in a strong recovery of the riparian vegetation over the middle two thirds of the reach. Cover of trees and shrubs tripled, tree density increased 7-fold and stream shading 4-fold over the period 2007–2018. Average maximum daily stream temperature declined by 2.1–2.8 oC and average maximum diurnal temperature range narrowed by 3.7–4.6 oC. Recolonizing American beavers (Castor canadensis) played an essential role in improving the condition of the streambed over 18% of the reach. Their dams and ponds initiated the process of streambed aggradation and transformed the single-thread, incised channel into a multi-thread configuration within beaver complexes. Vegetation expansion was much stronger in impounded- than in un-impounded parts of the stream. Passive restoration was not effective in two sections together comprising one third of the reach. In the upper part of the stream recovery stalled because of continued (unauthorized) trespass grazing during late summer and fall. The channelized lower section of the stream was too severely modified for measurable recovery to occur. Using a recently developed Stream Evolution Model I concluded that 11 years of passive restoration improved the condition of the stream from 24% to 32%, and within beaver complexes, up to 57%.
... The modal rate of tree line growth is <1 m year-1 ( Figure 10A), the mean is 1.48 m yearÀ1 , and individual transects show tree line movement of up to 7 m year À1 . Overall, these recovery rates exceed the increases of 0.63 m year À1 found in drier floodplains in Nevada negatively affected by past ranching operations (Booth et al., 2012). Vegetation expansion reduces the floor of the active channel by stabilizing more of the corridor. ...
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Anthropogenic impacts in large rivers are widely studied, but studies of recovery once a disturbance has stopped are uncommon. This study examines the biogeomorphic recovery of a 40‐km river corridor on the mid‐Apalachicola River, Florida following the cessation of dredging, disposal, and snag removal in 2002. This failed navigation project resulted in vegetation losses (~166 ha between 1941 and 2004), river widening, and increased point bar areas. We used paired sets of imagery for a 10‐year period during the recovery process at two different flow levels to assess sand bar change, land cover change, and their spatial variations. Most large sand bars decreased significantly in area due to growth of pioneer species, typically from the bankside of the bar. Mean bar area shrank 0.17 and 0.20 ha for the 30th and 1st percentile flows, respectively. For the entire study area, both water‐level comparisons showed gains in vegetation (23.36 and 15.83 ha), compensated by losses in the extent of water (16.83 and 8.55 ha) and sand bar losses (6.53 and 7.28 ha). Overall, these gains during the 10‐year passive recovery period are equivalent to ~15% of the vegetation losses that resulted from the navigational dredging. As found in other studies, most of the pioneer vegetation grew approximately 2 m relative elevation above the low‐water surface. The initial length of the tree line and the area of herbaceous growth both had a significant and positive relationship with the area of new vegetation growth over the study interval. As parts of the river are healing, reduced channel capacity from narrowing and tree growth will benefit the floodplain. As elsewhere, understanding of a river's biogeomorphology, hydrology, and disturbance history can help in selecting appropriate recovery metrics to further advance the understanding and management of disturbed floodplains. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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The earth’s mountains continue to lose water. Glaciers are melting and mountain snow/rain balance tilts increasingly liquescent. Water is running off sooner—sometimes overfilling reservoirs, causing flooding, and setting the stage for late-season shortages. One adaptive strategy is to recover and enhance water-storage capacities of headwater riparian systems. Grazing, a common use of headwater lands, affects both soils and vegetation. To better understand how grazing might affect water storage and other ecosystem services of high elevation riparian wetlands, we measured soil-profile temperatures, soil organic matter (SOM), and phytomass at six sites in the upper Sweetwater River sub-basin of Wyoming, USA, where fence lines allowed us to contrast grazing management. We found grazed wetlands consistently had warmer soils than fenced wetlands. We found added evidence that SOM is important in both soil temperature control and water-storage potential of wetlands. We review evidence that warmer soil temperatures and drying cause loss of SOM with the implied concomitant C losses through erosion and emissions. We recommend land managers of temperate-climate headwater systems consider the need to end growing seasons with full stands of riparian vegetation to reduce soil warming and to build organic matter—particularly on lands where municipalities and other downstream water users are seeking long-term increases in water yields and less flooding.
Abstract In this study I documented the results of 11 years of passive restoration of a small mountain stream in northeastern Oregon. Removal of the main stressors on the system, grazing and agricultural practices, resulted in a strong recovery of the riparian vegetation over the middle two thirds of the reach. Cover of trees and shrubs tripled, tree density increased sevenfold and stream shading fourfold over the period 2007–2018. Average maximum daily stream temperature declined by 2.1–2.8 oC and average maximum diurnal temperature range narrowed by 3.7–4.6 oC. Recolonizing American beavers (Castor canadensis) played an essential role in improving the condition of the streambed over 18% of the reach. Their dams and ponds initiated the process of streambed aggradation and transformed the single-thread, incised channel into a multi-thread configuration within beaver complexes. Vegetation expansion was much stronger in impounded than in un-impounded parts of the stream. Passive restoration was not effective in two sections together comprising one third of the reach. In the upper part of the stream recovery stalled because of continued (unauthorized) trespass grazing during late summer and fall. The channelized lower section of the stream was too severely modified for measurable recovery to occur. I concluded that 11 years of passive restoration improved the functionality of the stream from 24% to 32%, and within beaver complexes, up to 57% of its pre-disturbance condition.
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Riparian and aquatic habitats support biodiversity and key environmental processes in semi-arid and arid landscapes, but stressors such as conventional livestock grazing, wildfire, and drought can degrade their condition. To enhance habitat for fish and wildlife and increase resiliency in these critical areas, land managers in the interior western United States increasingly use alternative grazing strategies, beaver management, or beaver dam surrogates as low-effort, low-expense restoration approaches. In this study we used historical archives of satellite and aerial imagery spanning three decades to characterize riparian vegetation productivity and document beaver dam occurrences, then evaluated vegetation productivity relative to land management associated with livestock grazing and beaver dam densities while accounting for climate and wildfire. After controlling for stream characteristics such as stream size, elevation, and stream slope, we demonstrate a positive response of riparian area vegetation to conservation-oriented grazing approaches and livestock exclosures, extensive beaver dam development, increased precipitation, and lack of wildfire. We show that livestock management which emphasizes riparian recovery objectives can be an important precursor to beaver activity and describe 11–39% increases in floodplain vegetation productivity where conservation-oriented grazing approaches or livestock exclosures and high beaver activity occur together on low-gradient sites. Land management decisions can therefore potentially confer resiliency to riparian areas under changing and variable climate conditions–the increased vegetation productivity resulting from conservation-oriented grazing or exclosures and high amounts of beaver activity at our sites is the equivalent to moving conventionally-grazed, low-gradient sites without beaver up at least 250 m in elevation or increasing water year precipitation by at least 250 mm.
Oil and natural gas (ONG) development can affect aquatic ecosystems through water contamination, water withdrawals and disturbance of soil and vegetation (surface disturbance) from infrastructure development. Research on how these potential sources of watershed and aquatic ecosystem impairment can affect fish assemblages is limited. Fish–habitat relationships were evaluated across stream sites experiencing differing levels of ONG development. Colorado River cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus (Cope), and mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdii Girard, presence and abundance were associated with habitat conditions predominantly found in the less disturbed streams, such as higher proportion of shrub cover, greater stream depths and gravel substrate. Mountain sucker, Catostomus platyrhynchus (Cope), appeared to be a habitat generalist and was able to persist in a wide range of conditions, including degraded sites. Natural resource managers can use habitat preferences of these fish species to establish the development plans that mitigate negative effects of ONG development by protecting the aquatic habitats they rely upon.
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Density and biomass of redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) relative to stream temperature were examined in headwater reaches of Big Jacks and Little Jacks Creeks in southwestern Idaho. Stream shading was greater (mean of 80% versus 46%) and solar insolation was lower (mean of 7.9 versus 15.1 mJ · m-2 · day-1) in Little Jacks Creek (P < 0.04); otherwise the 2 streams were similar (e.g., width, depth, gradient, median substrate size). Maximum water temperatures increased with distance from headwater springs in both streams (P ≤ 0.07) but increased more rapidly and to higher levels (24°-26°C) in Big Jacks Creek. Daily maximum water temperatures (23 km downstream of headwater springs) during July 1996 were lower in Little Jacks Creek (ranged from 18° to 22°C) than in Big Jacks Creek (20.2° to 26°C, P < 0.001). Daily temperature fluctuations also differed between streams, averaging 3.6°C for Little Jacks Creek and 7.8°C for Big Jacks Creek (P < 0.001). Redband trout density and biomass were greater in Little Jacks Creek (means of 0.8 fish · m-2 and 25.0 g · m-2) compared to Big Jacks Creek (0.3 fish · m-2 and 8.9 g · m-2, P = 0.01). Trout density was negatively correlated with increases in water temperature (P = 0.03) and solar insolation (P = 0.09) in both streams. Trout biomass increased with stream shading and was negatively correlated with solar insolation (P < 0.1). Warmer water temperatures in Big Jacks Creek were likely due to historical summerlong livestock grazing, which drastically reduced riparian shading.
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Vegetation indices [m) have long been used in remote sens-ing for monitoring temporal changes associated with vegeta-tion. In this study, seven vegetation indices were compared for their value in vegetation and land-cover change detection in part of the State of Chiapas, Mexico. VI values were devel-oped from three different dates of Landsat Multispectral Scanner [MSS) data. The study suggested that (1) if normali-zation techniques were used, then all seven vegetation indi-ces could be grouped into three categories according to their computational procedures; (2) vegetation indices in different categories had significantly different statistical characteris-tics, and only NDVI showed normal distribution histograms; and [3), of the three vegetation index groups, the NDVI group was least affected b y topographic factors i n this study. Com-parisons of these techniques found that the NDVI difference technique demonstrated the best vegetation change detection as judged b y laboratory and field results.
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Multiple age-classes of Bonneville cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii utah throughout two Rocky Mountain watersheds were influenced by interactions among geomorphology, land use, activity by beavers Castor canadensis, and drought. Age-0 trout were present in a limited portion of the watersheds, and their distribution became increasingly restricted as drought conditions developed over a 3-year period. The Coal Creek watershed (including Huff Creek) produced the most age-0 trout in the first 2 years of the drought, lacked beaver activity, and was affected by land use, suggesting that spawning habitat was determined by geomorphology rather than land use or beaver activity. However, the high abundance of age-0 cutthroat trout in Huff Creek did not result in a high abundance of juvenile and older age-classes of fish in subsequent years, most likely because of the lack of complementary habitats providing refuge for older fish. A nearby watershed and its major stream, Water Canyon, had less spawning habitat and produced fewer age-0 fish during the first 2 years of the study but had more trout in the juvenile and adult age-classes, most likely because of a higher degree of habitat complementation. In Water Canyon, less-intense livestock grazing and the presence of beavers allowed for the development of pools and woody riparian vegetation that provided cover for older trout. Water Canyon was also the only stream to produce age-0 trout during the most severe year of drought, suggesting that streams with more natural habitat may provide a spawning refuge during low-flow conditions that occur periodically in the region. These results demonstrate that habitat complementation is important for the coexistence of multiple age-classes of fish and that the adjacency of spawning habitat and refugia is crucial for the persistence of fish in the face of environmental stress associated with drought.
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Ecological assessment of ground cover by conventional on‐the‐ground point sampling is labor intensive, expensive, and biased by access. Historically, motion blur has prevented high‐resolution aerial photography from being used for ground cover measurements. To reduce motion blur we used a fixed‐wing, 225‐kg (empty weight) airplane flown at 72 km/hr ground speed 100 m above ground level with both a modified Hulcher 70 mm camera (500 mm lens, Kodak Aerocolor HS SO‐846 film, 1/4,000‐second shutter speed), and a Canon 11. 1 ‐megapixel, automatic, digital single lens reflex, color camera (420 mm focal‐length lens). The resulting very‐large scale aerial (VLSA) photography had resolutions of 5.0 and 2.1 mm GSD (Ground Sample Distance) for the scanned film and digital‐camera images, respectively. Motion blur was minimal. The cost for obtaining 450 VLSA photographs over a 70,800‐ha watershed was $0.07 ha. We found our methods well adapted for extensive aerial surveys to monitor the ecological condition of rangeland watersheds.
Restoration of degraded riparian ecosystems is of great importance for the recovery of declining and endangered stocks of Columbia River salmonids as well as riparian-obligate wildlife species. Willows (Salix spp.), thin-leaf alder (Alnus incana), and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) are important features of western riparian ecosystems having multiple functional roles that influence biological diversity, water quality/quantity, and aquatic/terrestrial food webs and habitats. Removal of domestic livestock and the construction of big game exclosures have been hypothesized to be effective restoration techniques for riparian ecosystem as well as for salmonid habitat recovery. Following more than a century of livestock grazing, cattle were removed from Meadow Creek in 1991 and the rates of riparian shrub recovery were measured for the two years following. Elk and deerproof exclosures were constructed to quantify the browsing influences of native large ungulates. The initial mean height of 515 deciduous trees and shrubs (14 species) was 47 cm. After two years in the absence of livestock, significant increases in height, crown area, crown volume, stem diameter and biomass were measured both outside and inside of the exclosures. Mean crown volume of willows increased 550% inside of wild ungulate exclosures and 195% outside. Black cottonwood increased 773% inside and 808% outside, while thin-leaf alder increased 1046% inside and 198% outside. Initial shrub densities on gravel bars were low averaging 10.7 woody plants/100m2. Shrub numbers significantly increased ≃50% (to 15.8 plants/100m2 m or one new shrub for every 9 meters of transect length) outside of elk and deer proof exclosures through both clonal and seedling establishment. At the beginning of the study (1991), catkin production on willows was low (i.e., only 10% produced catkins). Wild herbivores had a significant influence on the reproductive output of willows; in 1993 catkins were produced by 34% of the tagged willows within exclosures but only 2% outside of exclosures. Wild herbivores were found to have significant influences on the rate of height growth of black cottonwood. For willows, wild herbivores had a significant influence on the rate of growth for the parameters of height, crown area, crown volume, and standing biomass. Nevertheless, due to the inherent resilience and adaptions to natural disturbance processes displayed by the riparian species, there was a rapid and positive response to cessation of those land use activities (i.e, cattle grazing) that caused habitat degradation and/or were preventing recovery.
Translocation is an important management strategy in conservation programs for endangered or threatened species, including native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) in the western United States. Most subspecies of cutthroat trout have declined to <5% of their historical range, and both historical and translocated populations now persist in small isolated fragments of habitat. Success rates for translocations of fishes are generally <50%, and habitat quality or quantity are frequently cited as the cause of failure. Therefore, we conducted field surveys of stream-scale habitat and measured basin-scale habitat using a Geographic Information System for 27 streams where two subspecies of cutthroat trout were translocated in Colorado and New Mexico, to identify specific habitat attributes that contribute to the success of translocations. We used polytomous logistic regression to develop models that predict three categories of cutthroat trout translocation success (high, low, absent) from habitat attributes at two spatial scales. Models based on stream-scale habitat attributes indicated that cold summer water temperature, narrow stream width, and lack of deep pools limited translocations of cutthroat trout. Cold summer temperatures are known to delay spawning and prolong egg incubation, which reduces the growth of fry and likely limits their overwinter survival. Furthermore, small streams with few deep pools may lack the space necessary to permit overwinter survival of a sufficient number of individuals to sustain a population. Models based on basin-scale habitat were not as effective as stream-scale habitat models for distinguishing among translocation sites with high, low, or absent population status but indicated that a minimum watershed area of 14.7 km(2) was useful as a coarse filter for separating sites with high numbers of cutthroat trout from those with low or absent status. Watersheds larger than this are expected to encompass low-elevation habitat that provides warmer summer temperatures and to have relatively wide stream channels of sufficient length to provide an adequate number of deep pools. These results indicate that the appropriate scale of habitat measurement for predicting cutthroat trout translocation success in fragmented watersheds is at the patch rather than landscape scale, which is similar to results for other salmonids and vertebrate taxa in general.
The valuable role that healthy riparian ecosystems play in regional diversity of plant and wildlife communities is just beginning to be recognized. Resource managers need to know how degraded riparian areas respond to changes in management, such as reduction and elimination of grazing. Differences in vegetation structure were examined in a montane riparian zone in northcentral Colorado after 30 years of cattle exclusion and continued, but reduced, grazing pressure. In order to assess the changes in the riparian community, canopy coverage, density, and standing crop of important riparian species were measured in 1985 and 1986. Total vascular vegetation, shrub, and graminoid canopy cover was greater (P≤0.05) in the exclosures as compared to grazed areas, while forb canopy cover was similar (P>0.05) between treatments. Exclosures had nearly 2 times the litter cover, while grazed areas had 4 times more bare ground. Willow canopy coverage was 8 1/2 times greater in protected areas than in grazed areas. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cover was 4 times greater in grazed areas than exclosures, while the cover of fowl bluegrass (Poa palustris L.) was 6 times greater in the protected sites. Canopy cover of other important riparian species, such as tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.), Nebraska sedge (Carex nebraskensis Dewey), and beaked sedge (C. rostrata Stokes), was similar (P>0.05) between treatments. Mean peak standing crop over the 2 years of the study ws 2,410 kg/ha in the exclosures and 1,217 kg/ha in caged plots within grazed areas. Cattle utilized approximately 65% of the current year's growth of vegetation during the 1985 and 1986 grazing seasons.
Translocation is an important management strategy in conservation programs for endangered or threatened species, including native cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki) in the western United States. Most subspecies of cutthroat trout have declined to ,5% of their historical range, and both historical and translocated populations now persist in small isolated fragments of habitat. Success rates for translocations of fishes are generally ,50%, and habitat quality or quantity are frequently cited as the cause of failure. Therefore, we conducted field surveys of stream-scale habitat and measured basin-scale habitat using a Geographic Information System for 27 streams where two subspecies of cutthroat trout were translocated in Colorado and New Mexico, to identify specific habitat attributes that contribute to the success of translocations. We used polytomous logistic regression to develop models that predict three categories of cutthroat trout translocation success (high, low, absent) from habitat attributes at two spatial scales. Models based on stream-scale habitat attributes indicated that cold summer water temperature, narrow stream width, and lack of deep pools limited translocations of cutthroat trout. Cold summer temperatures are known to delay spawning and prolong egg incubation, which reduces the growth of fry and likely limits their overwinter survival. Furthermore, small streams with few deep pools may lack the space necessary to permit overwinter survival of a sufficient number of individuals to sustain a population. Models based on basin-scale habitat were not as effective as stream-scale habitat models for dis- tinguishing among translocation sites with high, low, or absent population status but in- dicated that a minimum watershed area of 14.7 km 2 was useful as a coarse filter for separating sites with high numbers of cutthroat trout from those with low or absent status. Watersheds larger than this are expected to encompass low-elevation habitat that provides warmer summer temperatures and to have relatively wide stream channels of sufficient length to provide an adequate number of deep pools. These results indicate that the appropriate scale of habitat measurement for predicting cutthroat trout translocation success in fragmented watersheds is at the patch rather than landscape scale, which is similar to results for other salmonids and vertebrate taxa in general.
Timing of grazing by cattle may be a critical consideration to minimize impacts on stream banks. Damage to stream banks may be less when cattle preferentially graze uplands. We tested the hypothesis that early summer grazing (28 days; mid-June to mid-July) would have less impact on stream bank cover and stability compared to late summer grazing (28 days; mid-August to mid-September). The two-year study was conducted at the Eastern Oregon Agriculture Research Center in northeastern Oregon. Three replications each of three grazing treatments were examined: (1) nongrazed, (2) early summer grazing, and (3) late summer grazing. Each grazed pasture (approximately 11.5 ha [28.4 ac]) was stocked with cow-calf pairs for a mean stocking rate of 0.7 ha per animal unit month (AUM-1) (1.7 ac AUM-1) (range 0.5 to 9.0 ha AUM-1 [1.2 to 22.2 ac AUM-1]) to achieve moderate grazing intensity of 35% to 50% utilization. Estimates of stream bank cover ("covered" or "uncovered") and stability ("stable" or "unstable") were taken before and after each grazing period by examining plots approximately 0.5 × 0.3 m (19.7 × 11.8 in) placed on the greenline (the first vegetation at water's edge). Additionally, frequency of cattle hoof prints (plots with hoof prints ÷ total number of plots within the treatment pasture) was measured as an indicator of cattle presence. Treatments were compared using multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Stream bank effects were consistent with observations of cattle distribution, with 53% (standard error [SE] ± 11%) of the greenline in early summer pastures showing cattle presence (hoof prints), versus 90% (SE ± 1%) for late summer pastures. In early summer, cattle spent more time in the uplands, resulting in the development of just 3% (SE ± 2%) uncovered stream banks, compared to 8% (SE ± 2%) late season. Similarly, early summer grazing resulted in 13% (SE ± 2%) unstable stream banks compared to 31% (SE ± 2%) in late summer. The primary cause of instability was sloughing of the bank into the stream channel. An "erosion index" indicated potential erosion was 1.62 times greater during late summer compared to early summer grazing. Our study suggests that grazing riparian areas when adjacent uplands are attractive to cattle may help reduce deleterious impacts on stream banks. Land managers should consider impacts of timing of grazing on individual streams when developing best management practices to meet grazing objectives in riparian areas.
Early fur trappers reported seeing extensive willow stands throughout western rangelands. By the early 1900's, many ofthese stands were severely damaged or eliminated through cattle overuse. The Taylor Grazing Act of1934 helped improve upland range conditions, but rangeland management strategies have been slow to im­ prove willow riparian zone conditions, a factor largely due to grazing systems that include mid- and late-summer use. Eleven common cattle grazing systems are ranked by their impacts on willow plant associations.