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Vacation (after-) effects on employee health
and well-being, and the role of vacation activities,
experiences and sleep
Jessica de Bloom •Sabine A. E. Geurts •Michiel A. J. Kompier
Published online: 12 May 2012
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Most vacations seem to have strong, but rather short-lived effects on health and
well-being (H&W). However, the recovery-potential of relatively long vacations and the
underlying processes have been disregarded. Therefore, our study focused on vacations
longer than 14 days and on the psychological processes associated with such a long respite
from work. In the present study, we investigated (1) how health and well-being (H&W)
develop during and after a long summer vacation, (2) whether changes in H&W during and
after vacation relate to vacation activities and experiences and (3) whether changes in
H&W during and after vacation relate to sleep. Fifty-four employees reported their H&W
before, three or four times during and five times after vacation. Vacations lasted 23 days on
average. Information on vacation experiences, work-related activities and sleep was col-
lected during vacation. Vacation activities were assessed immediately after vacation.
H&W increased quickly during vacation, peaked on the eighth vacation day and had
rapidly returned to baseline level within the first week of work resumption. Vacation
duration and most vacation activities were only weakly associated with H&W changes
during and after vacation. Engagement in passive activities, savoring, pleasure derived
from activities, relaxation, control and sleep showed strong relations with improved H&W
during and to a lesser degree after vacation. In conclusion, H&W improved during long
summer vacations, but this positive effect was short-lived. Vacation experiences, espe-
cially pleasure, relaxation, savoring and control, seem to be especially important for the
strength and persistence of vacation (after-) effects.
Keywords Holiday Recovery Respite Work Stress Positive psychology
J. de Bloom (&)S. A. E. Geurts M. A. J. Kompier
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud
University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands
J Happiness Stud (2013) 14:613–633
DOI 10.1007/s10902-012-9345-3
1 Introduction
Do we need vacations? And how long should a vacation be? In an article of the New York
Times in 1910, William Taft, 27th president of the US stated ‘‘[…] 2 or 3 months’ vacation
[…] are necessary in order to continue work the next year with that energy and effectiveness
which it ought to have.’’ (‘‘How long should a man’s vacation be?,’’ 1910, July 31). Today, the
discussion about the benefits of vacations is still ongoing, evident in the fact that many
countries worldwide (including the US) have not established national vacation rights. Is the
answer to these questions still missing? And besides the ideal length, which factors determine
the extent of ‘‘energy and effectiveness’’ we bring along to our work after vacation?
According to Effort-Recovery Theory (Meijman and Mulder 1998), effort expenditure
associated with working has certain psycho-physiological costs or load effects (e.g., fati-
gue). When these load-effects are intensive, for instance when workers are regularly
exposed to demanding and stressful situations at work, and recovery in-between work
periods is incomplete, health and well-being are jeopardized (e.g. Belkic et al. 2004;
¨rma 2006). Consequently, recurrent and complete recovery from work is crucial to
prevent adverse effects on health and well-being (H&W).
Employees are often unable to recover sufficiently during short respites from work due to
increasingly permeable boundaries between work and home domains, long working hours,
working overtime and prolonged physiological activation as a result of pre-occupation with
work, (e.g. Fritz and Sonnentag 2005; Van Hooff et al. 2007a; Akerstedt 2006). Therefore, a
longer period away from work may be needed to fully recover from work (Dahlgren et al.
2005). Vacations represent the longest period of temporary absence from work and may,
therefore, constitute a more powerful respite opportunity than shorter rest intervals.
Earlier studies found that vacationing was associated with higher life satisfaction (e.g.
Lounsbury and Hoopes 1986), better mood (e.g. Nawijn et al. 2010; Strauss-Blasche et al.
2000), lower levels of health complaints (e.g. Fritz and Sonnentag 2006) and lower levels
of exhaustion after vacation (e.g. Ku
¨hnel and Sonnentag 2011; Westman and Eden 1997).
However, these positive vacation effects seemed to be short-lived and disappeared rapidly
after work resumption (De Bloom et al. 2009).
Following Taft’s argumentation, it may actually be possible that the length of earlier
vacations under investigation was too short to resume work with increased energy levels. If
this was true, longer vacations should have stronger and longer lasting effects.
Regarding the relationship between vacation duration and the strength and persistence
of vacation effects, Lounsbury and Hoopes (1986) found no effect of vacation length on
job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment, turnover intention and life
satisfaction. The median length of the vacations they investigated was 7 days and only 6 %
of the sample went on vacation for more than 14 days. Etzion (2003) found similar levels
of job stress and burnout in vacationers who went on short (7–10 days) or long vacations
(more than 10 days, mean duration and range not reported). Kemp et al. (2008) also
reported no relationship between holiday duration and happiness in vacations ranging from
4 to 14 days (mean 7.5 days). In a similar vein, Nawijn (2010) found no duration effects on
mood in vacations ranging from 2 to 17 days (mean not reported). Recently, De Bloom
et al. (2010) detected no differences in H&W changes during and after vacation in
vacationers who went on holidays for 4.5 or 9 days respectively. Until now, Strauss-
Blasche et al. (2000) were the only researchers who found moderate and positive associ-
ations between ‘days away from home’ and feeling recuperated after a 14-day respite from
work. Hence, whilst it seems theoretically plausible to expect a positive relationship
614 J. de Bloom et al.
between vacation length and H&W changes, the small number of earlier studies generally
did not reveal convincing associations.
However, the vacations examined in the aforementioned studies were mostly shorter
than 14 days. So, it could be that most of the vacations studies thus far were simply not
long enough for vacation length to make a difference. In order to examine the value of an
extended recovery period, our study will therefore focus on changes in H&W during and
after vacations longer than 14 days. Our first research question is:
1. How do H&W develop during and after a long summer vacation ([14 days)?
An important clue in determining the effects of vacation is to study the development of
H&W within a vacation period. Until now, few vacation studies incorporated measure-
ments during vacation. In a cross-sectional study (Nawijn 2010), tourists in the Netherlands
filled in a self-report questionnaire on well-being. Individual scores at different time stages
during vacation were then compared. Vacationers’ mood was generally high during
vacation, but lower in the beginning of the holiday period. Mood levels of vacationers in
the ‘‘core phase’’ of vacation (defined as the medial 70 % of the vacation) were highest.
Towards the end of the vacation period, mood was lower than during the core phase. In our
study, we will test whether these trends also apply longitudinally.
So far, a vacation has merely been conceived as the possibility to prevent a deficient
state: during stressful working periods employee’ H&W decrease and adverse effects need
to be compensated for by taking a vacation. This argumentation fits into the passive
mechanism underlying recovery: the mere absence from work strain is expected to lead to
recovery (Geurts and Sonnentag 2006). However, it can be hypothesized that vacation not
only ‘repairs’ H&W but also adds something positive to it (i.e. builds resources), repre-
senting the active mechanism underlying vacation (De Bloom et al. 2010; Geurts and
Sonnentag 2006).
Suppositions of Broaden- and Build Theory (Fredrickson 2001) and Self-Determination
Theory (Ryan and Deci 2000) may account for this active mechanism (De Bloom et al.
2010). Positive experiences associated with vacationing (e.g. pleasure derived from
activities, relaxation) may broaden people’s thought and action repertoires and build
personal resources like creativity, skills and social support. The fulfillment of the funda-
mental human needs for autonomy and relatedness during a holiday with family and
friends may also increase well-being and lead to persisting effects (De Bloom et al. 2010;
De Bloom et al. in press; Ryan et al. 2010).
Following this argumentation, in vacation research, a vacation should no longer be con-
sidered merely a control occasion for the absence of work stress (Eden 2001). From a work
psychological perspective, it is essential to open up the black box of vacationing and to study
what vacationers actually do and experience during vacation. Engagement in pleasant
activities and positive experiences like psychological detachment, relaxation and control may
well determine the benefits of vacations. Psychological detachment refers to mentally dis-
tancing oneself from recent work demands, relaxation stands for a state of low activation and
low tension, often resulting from low-effort activities and control refers to autonomy over
time and activities (Etzion et al. 1998; Fritz et al. 2010; Sonnentag and Fritz 2007).
Studies on the effect of specific leisure time and vacation activities are scarce and the
results are yet inconclusive (e.g. Fritz and Sonnentag 2005; Rook and Zijlstra 2006). This
raises the question whether the specific nature of activities people engage in is important or
whether it is may be more important that leisure activities are experienced as enjoyable and
match individual preferences (Pressman et al. 2009; Tucker et al. 2008). Therefore, our
second research question is:
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 615
2. How do vacation activities and experiences relate to changes in H&W during and after
The current study will focus on four common types of vacation activities, that is work-
related, physical, social and passive activities. Regarding vacation experiences, we con-
centrate on experiences that appeared to be related to H&W in earlier recovery research (De
Bloom et al. 2009; Fritz et al. 2010; Van Hooff et al. 2011): pleasure derived from leisure
activities, psychological detachment from work, relaxation and control over leisure time.
Additionally, we will investigate a factor that has not yet been investigated in relation to
H&W changes across vacations: savoring. Savoring refers to ‘‘[…] processes through
which people actively derive pleasure and fulfillment in relation to positive experiences’’
(Bryant and Veroff 2007). For most people, vacationing is a positive life experience and
holidays may therefore constitute an opportunity par excellence to savor. This in turn is
expected to increase H&W during and after vacation.
Besides an opportunity to engage in recovering activities and go through positive
experiences, a vacation may also contribute to recovery because it provides an opportunity
for a good night’s sleep. Sleep fulfills a major restorative function (Akerstedt et al. 2009)
and sleep deprivation negatively affects physical and mental well-being (Nilsson et al.
2001; Wheaton et al. 2011). Optimal sleepers report lower levels of depression and anxiety,
face lower accident risks, and experience higher levels of self-esteem, personal growth,
positive relations with others, purpose in life, and work satisfaction (Hamilton et al. 2007;
Leger et al. 2006). Groeger et al. (2004) found that employees generally sleep less on
workdays than on non-workdays which may, at least partly, be due to prolonged physio-
logical activation resulting from work stress (Akerstedt et al. 2009). Vacation as a period of
absence from work and work stressors may thus be an occasion for workers to sleep well.
Moreover, workers do not have to get up early for work and can sleep in if they went to bed
late. Consequently, our third research question is:
3. How do sleep duration and sleep quality during vacation relate to changes in H&W
during and after vacation?
The objective of the present study is twofold. First, we aim to replicate previous
research regarding vacation (after-) effects on H&W and the role of vacation activities and
experiences in a special type of vacation: a long summer vacation ([14 days). Second, we
seek to extend current knowledge by focusing on (1) detailed developments in H&W
during long vacations and (2) the role of three variables that have hardly received attention
in vacation research yet and that may affect the strength and persistence of vacation
effects: vacation duration, savoring and sleep.
2 Method
2.1 Procedure
Table 1presents our longitudinal research design. Data were collected on ten occasions:
one before vacation, three or four during vacation and five after vacation. In addition,
3 weeks before vacation, the participants filled in a general questionnaire with questions
regarding demographics (e.g. age, marital status, education), basic job information (e.g.
weekly work hours) and vacation characteristics (e.g. planned vacation duration and
616 J. de Bloom et al.
Table 1 Research design
Before vacation During vacation After vacation
GQ Pre Inter Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4
Inter 1 Inter 2 Inter 3 Inter 4 Post 1. 1 Post 1.2
Three weeks
Two weeks
4th day 8th day 12th day 16th day 1st work week 2
Next to last
Demographics H&W H&W H&W H&W H&W H&W H&W H&W H&W
Vac. Act.
Pleasure from
Pleasure from
Pleasure from
Pleasure from
Savoring Savoring Savoring Savoring
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
GQ General questionnaire, H&W Health and well-being, Vac. Act. vacation activities
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 617
We took several steps to reduce non-response as suggested by Newman (2009). For
example, each participant got a tailor-made time schedule of his/her individual measure-
ment occasions and each measurement was preceded by a reminder (an email and a cell
phone text message). Before and after vacation, participants were asked to fill in online
diaries directly before going to bed, for which they received an individual log-in code.
The baseline measure of H&W (Pre) was scheduled 2 weeks prior to vacation, because
measurements immediately before vacation may be biased either looking forward to
vacation (Gilbert and Abdullah 2002; Nawijn et al. 2010) and/or pre-vacation work stress
(DeFrank et al. 2000; Westman 2005).
Before the participants went on vacation, they received a cell phone with a prepaid SIM-
card. During vacation, the participants were contacted for an interview on the provided cell
phone between 5 and 8 p.m. at least three times: on the 4th (Inter 1), 8th (Inter 2), and 12th day
(Inter 3) after the start of vacation. Participants whose vacation lasted more than 16 days were
also contacted on the 16th day (Inter 4). If participants could not be phoned, a text message
was sent wherein they were asked to open their ‘emergency envelop’, containing paper
versions of the telephone interviews and to fill in one of these questionnaires. On each
measurement occasion, four or five participants made use of this possibility. Analyses
demonstrated that there were no systematic differences in H&W during vacation between
participants who filled in questionnaires and those who were interviewed by telephone. Most
of the participants went on a vacation for 2–3 weeks. The mean duration of vacation was
23 days (range 15–34 days). Most participants went on vacation to France (24 %), 13 %
went on holidays in the Netherlands, 9 % went to Austria, 7 % to Germany and the same
percentage to Italy. The remaining participants spent their vacation in other countries.
After vacation, the participants were asked to fill in online diaries on five different
occasions: on their first work day (Post 1.1), on the next to last day of their first week of
work resumption (Post 1.2), and on Tuesdays during the 2nd (Post 2), 3rd, (Post 3) and 4th
(Post 4) week of work resumption.
After completion of the data collection, participants were thanked for their participation
and informed about when preliminary results were expected.
2.2 Participants
To recruit participants, flyers were handed out and ads were printed in two local news-
papers. To encourage participation, three lottery prices were announced as an incentive: a
week vacation in Austria, a long weekend in the Netherlands and a €100 cheque.
Participants were told that the more questionnaires they completed, the higher would
be their chance of winning.
Employees who were interested to take part could fill in an online questionnaire in
which inclusion criteria were checked: active command of Dutch, at least 24 h paid work a
week (as work should constitute a substantial part of participants’ lives), internet and
e-mail access at home, no objections to being called during vacation, and a vacation period
of at least 2 weeks between June 15th and August 22nd 2010.
Of initially 65 participants who met these inclusion criteria, 58 decided to take part in
the study. During the study, four participants no longer wanted to take part, because of
personal reasons. This resulted in a general response rate of 83 % (N=54). Time point
completion rates were high and varied between 83 % (Inter 4) and 100 % (general
Mean age of the participants was 42.5 years (SD =10.6) and half of them were women
(N=27). Of the sample, 53 % had a college or university degree, 33 % were medium
618 J. de Bloom et al.
educated (senior general secondary and university preparation education), and 13 % were
lower educated (lower secondary or junior secondary education). About a third (28 %)
were technicians and associate professionals (e.g., nurse, webmaster), 22 % were managers
or senior officers, 22 % were professionals (e.g., doctor or consultant), 11 % worked as
clerical support workers, 11 % as service and sales workers, and the remaining 6 % had
other occupations. A minority (11 %) worked freelance or was self-employed. On average,
the participants worked 35.2 h per week (SD =7.2) with a minimum of 24 h and a
maximum of 55 h a week.
2.3 Measures
2.3.1 Health and Well-Being
The comprehensive construct of H&W was composed of six indicators: health status,
fatigue, satisfaction, mood, tension and energy level. All indicators were assessed with
single-item measures. The basic Dutch grade notation system ranging from 1 (extremely
low/negative) to 10 (extremely high/positive) was adopted and the first and the last grade
were anchored. Health status was measured by the item: ‘‘How was your health today?’’
(1 =‘‘very unhealthy’’, 10 =‘‘very healthy’’). Fatigue was assessed with the item: ‘‘How
tired did you feel today?’’ (1 =‘‘not tired at all’’, 10 =‘‘very tired’’). We measured
satisfaction with the item: ‘‘How satisfied do you feel about this day?’’ (1 =‘‘very dis-
satisfied’’, 10 =‘‘very satisfied’’). Mood was assessed with the question: ‘‘How was your
mood today?’’ (1 =‘‘very bad’’, 10 =‘‘very good’’). Tension was measured with the
question: ‘‘How tense did you feel today?’’ (1 =‘‘very calm’’, 10 =‘‘very tense’’).
Finally, energy level was assessed with the question: ‘‘How energetic did you feel today?’’
(1 =‘‘not energetic at all’’, 10 =‘‘very energetic’’). To find out if there was one under-
lying construct for the six H&W indicators, an exploratory factor analysis was performed
on every single measurement occasion. These factor analyses resulted in one-factor
solutions with Eigenvalues greater than 1 and factor loadings ranging from 0.46 to 0.91.
2.3.2 Vacation Activities
Participants were asked to estimate the time they had engaged in different types of vacation
activities on the first workday after vacation in order to keep telephone surveys during
vacation as brief as possible. They were asked retrospectively which percentage of their
vacation time they had spent on (1) physical, (2) social and (3) passive activities during
their vacation. For all types of activities, four examples were given to help participants
categorize their vacation activities.
2.3.3 Work-Related Activities
Previous research suggests that work-related activities during vacation are not very pre-
valent, which makes it difficult to report the time spent on working in percentages (De
Bloom et al. in press). Therefore, we tried to get a more detailed picture of time engaged in
working by asking participants at Inter 1, 2, 3, and Inter 4 to indicate the number of hours
they had devoted to work-related activities during the preceding 4 days. Moreover, we
asked participants what they actually did by means of an open question.
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 619
2.3.4 Pleasure from Activities
Participants were asked to rate the pleasure they derived from their vacation activities
during the previous 4 days (1 =‘‘very unpleasant’’, 10 =‘‘very pleasant’’).
2.3.5 Recovery Experiences
To measure relaxation, psychological detachment and control over leisure time during
vacation, we applied scales of the Recovery Experience Questionnaire (Sonnentag and
Fritz 2007). Each construct was measured with three items that were adapted to the
vacation context. Participants could respond on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from
‘‘1 =strongly disagree’’ to ‘‘5 =strongly agree’’. An example item for psychological
detachment from work is: ‘‘During this vacation, I don’t think about work at all’’.
Relaxation was assessed with items like: ‘‘During this vacation, I use the time to relax’’,
and an example item for control is: ‘‘During this vacation, I determine for myself how I
will spend my time’’.
2.3.6 Savoring
The four questions regarding savoring during vacation were adapted from the ‘‘Savoring
Beliefs Inventory’’ (Bryant 2003) and also adjusted to the vacation context. Example-items
are: ‘‘I don’t enjoy things as much as I should during this vacation’’ and ‘‘I feel fully able to
appreciate good things during this vacation’’ (1 =‘‘completely disagree’’, 7 =‘‘com-
pletely agree’’). An exploratory factor analysis resulted in a one-factor solution with an
Eigenvalue greater than 1 and factor loadings ranging from 0.83 to 0.92.
2.3.7 Sleep
Regarding sleep, we measured sleep duration (quantity) as well as sleep quality, because
they are related but not identical constructs (Pilcher et al. 1997).In order to assess sleep
quantity during vacation, we asked the participants to indicate how many hours they slept
on average during the previous four nights. To assess sleep quality we asked the partici-
pants: ‘‘How did you generally sleep during the previous four nights?’’ (1 =‘‘very
poorly’’, 10 =‘‘very well’’).
2.3.8 Statistical Analyses
First of all, we calculated means, standard deviations and zero-order correlations for all
study variables (see Table 2).
2.3.9 Research Question 1
The development in H&W during and after long vacations was tested in a repeated
measures analysis. To retain as many cases as possible in this general analysis (as every
participant with a single missing value on any occasion would be discarded from analysis),
the four occasions during vacation (i.e. Inter 1,Inter 2, Inter 3,Inter 4 =Inter) were
averaged as well as the two occasions in the first week after vacation (Post 1.1,Post
1.2 =Post 1). We applied an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on
the six occasions before, during and after vacation (Pre, Inter, Post 1, Post 2, Post 3,
620 J. de Bloom et al.
Table 2 Means, standard deviations, and zero-order correlations between study variables
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M1.5 42.5 7.0 7.9 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.2 23.0 0.6
SD 0.5 10.6 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 4.4 1.6
Min 1.0 24.0 3.0 5.3 4.1 3.0 3.5 4.0 15 0
Max 2.0 64.0 9.8 9.7 9.3 9.2 9.5 9.3 34 8.0
Possible range 1–2 18–65 1–10 1–10 1–10 1–10 1–10 1–10 14–35 0–96
N54 54 50 53 53 53 49 50 54 53
1. Sex –
2. Age -0.11
3. H&W Pre -0.17 0.18 (0.89)
4. H&W Inter -0.23 0.28* 0.47* (0.90)
5. H&W Post 1 -0.21 0.16 0.59* 0.71* (0.88)
6. H&W Post 2 -0.16 0.09 0.51* 0.56* 0.61* (0.84)
7. H&W Post 3 -0.22 0.07 0.67* 0.50* 0.45* 0.61* (0.84)
8. H&W Post 4 -0.04 0.13 0.50* 0.62* 0.69* 0.57* 0.55* (0.79)
9. Vacation duration 0.09 -0.05 -0.24 -0.07 -0.13 -0.08 -0.04 0.15 –
10. Nr of hrs work related
-0.26 -0.02 -0.06 0.11 0.04 -0.09 -0.08 -0.05 -0.08 –
11. % time physical activities -0.07 0.40* -0.07 0.03 0.01 0.17 -0.07 0.00 -0.23 -0.29*
12. % time social activities 0.01 -0.20 0.07 0.23 0.14 -0.01 0.06 0.19 0.10 0.01
13. % time passive activities 0.06 -0.16 -0.08 0.29* 0.27 0.27 0.12 0.28 0.08 0.37*
14. Pleasure from activities -0.08 0.29* 0.34* 0.72* 0.51* 0.40* 0.38* 0.55* 0.07 -0.11
15. Detachment -0.11 0.05 0.14 0.20 0.28* 0.20 0.15 0.23 0.10 -0.32
16. Relaxation -0.03 0.24 0.22 0.67* 0.51* 0.41* 0.41* 0.41* -0.02 -0.13
17. Control -0.09 -0.04 0.26 0.46* 0.42* 0.42* 0.38* 0.45* 0.03 -0.01
18. Savoring -0.06 0.14 0.35* 0.68* 0.51* 0.40* 0.41* 0.55* -0.06 -0.12
19. Nr of hrs sleep -0.18 0.09 0.07 0.38* 0.25 0.30* 0.19 0.14 0.13 0.04
20. Sleep quality -0.15 0.16 0.33* 0.48* 0.38* 0.39* 0.30* 0.29* 0.10 0.19
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 621
Table 2 continued
Variables 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
M26.9 18.7 25.2 8.1 4.2 4.4 3.8 5.7 7.4 7.2
SD 16.2 9.8 13.6 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0
Min 5 0 5 4.5 2.2 2.2 1.3 3.1 5.0 4.3
Max 70 50 60 9.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 9.0
Possible range 0–100 0–100 0–100 1–10 1–5 1–5 1–5 0–7 1–24 1–10
N51 51 51 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
1. Sex
2. Age
3. H&W Pre
4. H&W Inter
5. H&W Post 1
6. H&W Post 2
7. H&W Post 3
8. H&W Post 4
9. Vacation duration
10. Nr of hrs work related activities
11. % time physical activities –
12. % time social activities -0.22 –
13. % time passive activities -0.39* -0.06 –
14. Pleasure from activities 0.18 0.11 0.06 –
15. Detachment 0.11 0.35* -0.08 0.08 (0.91)
16. Relaxation 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.75* 0.18 (0.85)
17. Control 0.04 0.26 0.19 0.47* 0.24 0.60* (0.88)
18. Savoring 0.12 0.22 0.02 0.78* 0.34* 0.78* 0.45* (0.86)
19. Nr of hrs sleep 0.05 -0.09 0.17 0.23 -0.10 0.24 0.05 0.12 –
20. Sleep quality 0.01 0.11 0.04 0.39* -0.15 0.41* 0.31* 0.27* 0.53* –
*p\.05 two-tailed. H&W Inter =Mean H&W Inter 1, 2, 3 & 4. H&W Post 1 =Mean H&W Post 1.1 & Post 1.2. Nr of hrs =number of hours. % time =percentage of time spent on activity.
Sex: 1 =male, 2 =female. Cronbach’s alphas are displayed in parentheses on the diagonal
622 J. de Bloom et al.
Post 4) and Least Significant Difference (LSD) post hoc tests to compare meaningful
measurement occasions following previous definitions of vacation effects and vacation
after-effects (De Bloom et al. 2009). Vacation effects on H&W are present if H&W before
vacation differ significantly from H&W during vacation (Pre versus Inter). Vacation after-
effects represent a significant difference between H&W before compared to H&W in the
weeks after vacation (Pre versus Post 1,Post 2,Post 3, and Post 4 respectively). We also
calculated Cohen d’s for paired observations as an effect size for significant differences
between these occasions (Cohen 1988) and we distinguish small (0–0.5), medium (0.5–0.8)
and large ([0.8) effects.
To study the development in H&W in greater detail and to test whether H&W levels
differed on the occasions during vacation, we conducted a second repeated measures
ANOVA on all 10 measurement occasions across vacation (H&W means of this analysis
are displayed in Fig. 1). Please bear in mind that the missing cases on each of our 10
occasions (response rate [82 % on all occasions) reduce the total number of cases in this
ANOVA, resulting in 31 % reduced sample size (N =54–17 =37).
In order to verify whether results from this second analysis also hold for the full sample,
we additionally analysed the data with paired samples t-tests in which we merely compared
two occasions at a time (and therefore retained a greater sample). Moreover, we conducted
Little’s MCAR test (Little 1988) to examine whether missing values were distributed
randomly. Results of the ttests strongly resembled the results of the ANOVA’s and Little’s
MCAR test was non-significant (v
(103, N =54) =113.61, p=.22). Therefore, we are
confident that results in this smaller subsample also hold for the entire sample.
To examine the relation between vacation duration and H&W changes during and after
vacation, we calculated partial correlations between vacation length (in days) and H&W
Inter,Post 1,Post 2,Post 3 and Post 4, controlling for H&W Pre (as we were interested in
the change from Pre to Inter and to Post), sex and age (see Table 3).
2.3.10 Research Question 2 and 3
To investigate the relationship between vacation activities, experiences and sleep on the
one hand and H&W changes during and after vacation on the other hand, we calculated
partial correlations (Table 3). We again controlled for sex, age and pre-vacation H&W (as
we were interested in the change in H&W). To obtain a more robust measure of activities
and experiences for the whole vacation period, we averaged the four vacation scores of
engagement in work-related activities, vacation experiences (i.e. pleasure, detachment,
relaxation, control and savoring, respectively) and sleep (i.e. quantity and quality).
3 Results
3.1 Development of H&W During and After Long Vacations (Research Question 1)
The development of H&W in relation to baseline H&W before vacation (Pre) is displayed
in Table 2and Fig. 1.
Multivariate analysis of variance on the six occasions before, during and after vacation
(Pre, Inter, Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4) revealed a main effect across time (F(5,
39) =7.34, p\.001), meaning that H&W levels varied across the six measurement
occasions. Post hoc LSD tests further demonstrated that H&W during vacation was sig-
nificantly higher than H&W before and after vacation. In terms of effect sizes, the average
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 623
change in H&W from Pre to Inter represented a medium effect size (d=0.73). Regarding
vacation after-effects, none of the differences between Pre (before vacation) and Post
(after vacation) was significant (all p’s [.20). So, within the first week of work
resumption, H&W levels were comparable to those before vacation.
Regarding the detailed development across all 10 occasions, a second repeated mea-
sures ANOVA once more showed a main effect across time (F(9,28) =4.53, p\.001).
Post hoc LSD tests confirmed the results above: H&W on each single measurement
occasion during vacation was significantly higher than H&W on each occasion before and
after vacation. Moreover, baseline H&W (Pre) did not differ from any occasion after
vacation, meaning that positive vacation effects have faded out on the first work day within
the first week of work resumption.
Regarding the development of H&W during vacation, LSD tests showed that H&W on
Inter 1 already differed from baseline, which means that H&W increased during the first
four vacation days (d=0.39). Between the 4th (Inter 1) and the 8th (Inter 2) vacation day,
H&W further increased significantly (d Inter 1 vs. Inter 2 =0.48, Pre vs. Inter 2 =0.79).
All other pairwise comparisons during vacation (Inter 1 vs. Inter 3;1vs. 4; 2 vs. 3;Inter 2
vs. 4;Inter 3 vs. 4) were non-significant.
In sum, H&W levels rapidly improved during vacation and appeared to peak on the 8th
day of vacation. In the first week of work resumption, H&W has decreased and resembled
baseline levels of H&W before vacation.
3.2 Vacation Duration (Related to Research Question 1)
Vacation duration ranged from 15 to 34 days (SD =4.4), with an average of 23 days. A
quarter of the sample (26 %) was on vacation for less than 22 days, 44 % for 22 to 24 days
and 30 % were on holiday for more than 24 days. Table 3demonstrates that vacation
duration was not associated with changes in H&W during and after vacation, with the
exception of the fourth week after work resumption: changes in H&W 4 weeks after
vacation were positively related to vacation duration (r=0.32, Table 3). In short, the
development in H&W during and shortly after vacation was independent of vacation
8,4 Vacation period
Fig. 1 Mean levels of H&W (1–10) before, during and after vacation
624 J. de Bloom et al.
3.3 Vacation Activities (Research Question 2)
For each activity and experience, we will first report the descriptives (Table 2). In order to
answer research question 2, we will then focus on the partial correlations between vacation
activities and experiences on the one hand, and changes in H&W from Pre to Inter and to
Post on the other hand (Table 3).
3.3.1 Work-Related Activities
Spending time on work-related activities was reported by 15 vacationers (28 %). Mean
working time over the course of 4 days was 0.6 h for all vacationers and 2.2 h for working
vacationers (that is about 33 min per day). Maximum working time was 8 h within 4 days.
Of those who engaged in work-related activities during vacation, 47 % emailed, 53 %
made phone calls and 53 % reported other activities (such as updating calendars, fixing a
Table 3 Partial correlations of health and well-being during vacation (Inter) and after vacation (Post 1, Post
2, Post 3, Post 4) with vacation duration, activities, experiences and sleep controlled for health and well-
being before vacation (Pre), sex and age
Variable H&W Inter
H&W Post 1
1st week after
H&W Post 2
2nd week after
H&W Post 3
3rd week after
H&W Post 4
4th week after
Vacation duration 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.17 0.32*
Nr of hrs
0.12 0.06 -0.10 -0.10 -0.00
% time
-0.03 0.04 0.27* -0.02 0.04
% time
0.29* 0.15 -0.05 0.01 0.19
% time
0.43* 0.41* 0.38* 0.23 0.38*
0.67* 0.41* 0.29* 0.25 0.47*
Detachment 0.14 0.24 0.15 0.07 0.19
Relaxation 0.65* 0.49* 0.37* 0.40* 0.35*
Control 0.43* 0.34* 0.35* 0.28* 0.40*
Savoring 0.63* 0.40* 0.28* 0.27* 0.46*
0.38* 0.24 0.30* 0.18 0.14
Sleep quality 0.38* 0.23 0.27* 0.11 0.16
*p\.05 one-tailed, Nr of hrs =number of hours, % time =percentage of time spent on activity
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 625
malfunction or organizing a dinner for a colleague). Time spent on work-related activities
during vacation was not linked to changes in H&W during and after vacation (see Table 3).
3.3.2 Physical Activities
On average, vacationers spent 27 % of their vacation on physical activities. Time spent on
physical activities during vacation was generally not associated with changes in H&W
during and after vacation, with the exception of H&W on Post 2 (r=0.27; Table 3).
3.3.3 Social Activities
Vacationers spent 19 % of their vacation time on social activities. Partial correlations
revealed that more time spent on social activities was related to improvements in H&W
during vacation (r=0.29; Table 3). After vacation, time spent on social activities was
unrelated to H&W changes.
3.3.4 Passive Activities
On average, vacationers spent a quarter of their vacation time on passive activities. Time
spent on passive activities was substantially related to increases in H&W during (r=0.43)
and after vacation (r=0.41, 0.38, 0.23 and 0.38; Table 3) with the exception of H&W Post 3.
3.4 Vacation Experiences (Research Question 2)
3.4.1 Pleasure from Activities
Most participants derived pleasure from their vacation activities, reporting 8.1 points on a
10-point scale. Pleasure from activities was substantially related to improvements in H&W
during (r=0.67) and after vacation (r=0.41, 0.29, 0.25 and 0.47; Table 3) with the
exception of H&W Post 3.
3.4.2 Detachment
Vacationers were generally well able to detach psychologically from work, as evidenced
by a mean score of 4.2 points on a 5-point scale. Detachment was not related to changes in
H&W during vacation and after work resumption (see Table 3).
3.4.3 Relaxation
The mean level of relaxation during vacation was high: 4.4 on a 5-point scale. Partial
correlations showed that relaxation was clearly linked to increases in H&W during
(r=0.65) and after vacation (r=0.49, 0.37, 0.40 and 0.35; Table 3).
3.4.4 Control
On average, participants scored 3.8 on a 5-point scale. Control over how to spend vacation
time was positively related to improvements in H&W on all measurement occasions, that is
during (r=0.43) and after vacation (r=0.34, 0.35, 0.28 and 0.40; Table 3).
626 J. de Bloom et al.
3.4.5 Savoring
Participants reported high levels of savoring: 5.7 on a 7-point scale. The more people
savored during vacation, the more their H&W increased during (r=0.63) and after
vacation (r=0.40, 0.28, 0.27 and 0.46; Table 3).
3.5 Sleep (Research Question 3)
3.5.1 Sleep Duration
On average, participants reported to sleep 7.4 h per night during vacation (before vacation,
mean sleep time was 6.7 h, which is significantly less than during vacation, t (48) =-4.6).
Sleep duration was related to increases in H&W during (r=0.38) and to a lesser degree
after vacation (r=0.24, 0.30, 0.18 and 0.14; Table 3).
3.5.2 Sleep Quality
Vacationers reported high levels of sleep quality: 7.2 points on a 10-point scale. Sleep
quality was also associated with positive changes in H&W during (r=0.38) and to a
lesser degree after vacation (r=0.23, 0.27, 0.11 and 0.16; Table 3).
4 Discussion
4.1 Development of H&W During and After Long Vacations (Research Question 1)
The first aim of this longitudinal field study on long summer vacations was to investigate
vacation (after-) effects on employee H&W. We found that H&W increase during long
vacations (effect size Cohen dfor the vacation effect was 0.73). The vacation effect in this
study is comparable to the vacation effect reported in studies which measured H&W during
winter sports (De Bloom et al. 2011) and during short vacations (De Bloom et al. 2011) and
indicates that a holiday serves as a respite which enables employees to recover from work.
Concerning the development of H&W during vacation, our results showed that H&W
rapidly increase after the start of the holiday and seemed to peak on the eighth vacation
day. This finding corroborates earlier research which suggests that it takes some time to
wind down after a stressful work period and acclimatize to vacation (Nawijn 2010; Van
Heck and Vingerhoets 2007). More research in larger samples is necessary to further
unravel the development in H&W and its determinants during vacation.
On the first day of work resumption, positive vacation effects on H&W have already
entirely faded out. This finding is consistent with earlier studies in which mostly no or only
small increases in well-being after vacation were found (e.g. Gilbert and Abdullah 2004;
Lounsbury and Hoopes 1986; Westman and Etzion 2001). However, inspections of the
means after vacation suggest that we might have found positive after-effects if we had used
a larger sample size and consequently would have had more power. More research on this
issue is therefore needed.
The present study makes a contribution to understanding long term recovery: frequent
respites might be more important to preserve well-being than the duration of one single
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 627
recovery episode. Our results regarding the rapid fade-out of a positive vacation effect also
accentuate the methodological importance of on-vacation measures in vacation research.
4.2 The Role of Vacation Activities and Experiences (Research Question 2)
The second aim of this study was to examine the role of different vacation activities and
experiences in the strength and persistence of vacation effects. Concerning vacation
activities, merely engagement in passive and social activities was linked to positive
changes in H&W during vacation, whereby only the positive effects of passive activities
persisted after vacation. In combination with the fact that (1) most subjective experiences
under study were quite strongly associated with improvements in H&W during and after
vacation and (2) previous research on the recovery potential of leisure activities showed
mixed results, our results support the idea that vacation experiences may be especially
important for vacation (after) effects. However, we need to keep in mind that engagement
in certain vacation activities often constitutes the basis for experiences (e.g. pleasure),
meaning that experiences and activities are by definition closely related.
A notable finding is the positive relation between engagement in passive activities and
improvements in H&W, as earlier studies on recovery revealed no or even negative
relations between passive activities and well-being (De Bloom et al. 2011; Rook and
Zijlstra 2006). However, summer vacations are mostly intended to be relaxing vacations.
For many summer vacationers, relaxing and simply ‘‘doing nothing’’ is therefore indicative
of a successful vacation: vacationers could do what they came for. Consequently, our
findings seem to underscore the importance of autonomy. If vacationers are able to decide
how to spend their leisure time, their H&W increase.
Regarding vacation experiences, relaxation, pleasure derived from activities and
savoring were most strongly and consistently associated with improvements in H&W
during and after vacation. However, relaxing is generally associated with few social
demands, low physical and intellectual activation and high positive affect (Stone et al.
1995; Tinsley and Eldredge 1995). Therefore, relaxation may also be seen as an outcome
of vacation rather than a determinant of positive H&W changes during vacation. So, the
causal direction of the relation between H&W and relaxation is not entirely clear. Pleasure
derived from leisure activities was shown to be important in other studies on recovery as
well, which emphasizes the benefit of self-determined behavior (De Bloom et al. in press;
Ryan et al. 2010; Van Hooff et al. 2011). It may not be most crucial which specific activity
vacationers pursue during vacation, as long as they perceive engaging in this activity as
pleasant. This reasoning is also in line with our finding that control or the freedom to
decide which activity to engage in is strongly associated with improvements in well-being
across a vacation period.
The degree to which vacationers were able to savor positive vacation experiences was
also strongly linked to improvements in H&W during and after vacation. Despite the fact
that people may differ in the extent to which they tend or are able to savor positive
experiences, research suggests that strategies to savor can be learned (Bryant et al. 2005;
Bryant and Veroff 2007), which may probably increase the benefits of vacation as well.
Whilst psychological detachment from work was associated with well-being in earlier
vacation studies (De Bloom et al. in press; Fritz and Sonnentag 2006), we found no
significant associations with improvements in H&W during and after vacation. A possible
explanation could be the high mean level of detachment, which possibly led to a restriction
of range.
628 J. de Bloom et al.
4.3 The Role of Sleep (Research Question 3)
Another aim of this study was to examine the relationship between sleep and changes in
H&W across a vacation period. Both sleep quantity and quality were related to positive
H&W changes. The longer and the better vacationers slept, the more their H&W increased
during vacation and 2 weeks thereafter. Yet, the causal direction in these relationships
remains unclear. It could be that a holiday enables vacationers to get a ‘‘good nights’
sleep’’ which in turn improves well-being. But it may also be that vacationing improves
well-being which in turn leads to higher sleep quality and quantity.
4.4 Limitations and Strengths
First and foremost, the small sample size, the accompanying limited statistical power and
the relatively high level of education of the participants may limit the external validity of
our study. In a similar vein, we should keep in mind that long vacations are mostly reserved
for Europeans. Nevertheless, research on the effects of long vacations enables us to better
understand underlying long term recovery processes and we have no reason to believe that
these processes would proceed in a different way in different samples or countries.
Secondly, the diversity in vacation length gave us the opportunity to study the role of
vacation duration. However, this variation makes comparisons of H&W towards the end
of the holiday complicated. For example, for somebody who returned home after 18 days
of vacation, H&W on the 16th vacation day might have been different (due to leaving
already a couple of days later) than for somebody who stayed 25 days (and for whom a
long respite still lies ahead). For the few vacationers who went on very long vacations (e.g.
seven vacationers went on a holiday for more than 30 days), information on H&W during
the second half of their vacation is not available. Still, our analyses do not propose any
structural differences between vacationers with varying vacation lengths during and after
vacation. It is therefore unlikely that H&W would suddenly peak in the second half of a
very long vacation.
Thirdly, the retrospective assessment of vacation activities (social, physical and passive)
may be biased, because vacationers may not be able to estimate the exact percentages of
time they devoted to certain activities. In this respect, on-vacation measures would have
been more precise. However, we preferred a one-shot measurement, because it restricted
the effort and time demanded from the vacationers during their holiday and prevented
nonresponse (see Newman 2009). Moreover, an estimation of the percentage spent on
certain activities during the whole vacation may render a better, more general picture than
the recordings of activities of three or four specific days in a long vacation period of
23 days.
Fourthly, not all measures included in this study were extensively validated measures
(although ‘recovery experiences’ as well as ‘savoring’ were adapted from validated
instruments; Bryant 2003; Sonnentag and Fritz 2007). Because of the study design (‘diary
design’, repeated measures) and setting (e.g. across vacation), we employed single-item
measures (i.e. report marks) to measure H&W as well as pleasure and sleep quality. There
are good arguments in favor of this choice. First, participants generally value the directness
of single-item measures and the lack of repeated comparable items (Elo et al. 2003; Van
Hooff et al. 2007b). Minimizing effort and maximizing user-friendliness for the partici-
pants in a time-consuming research as ours are vital ingredients to reduce non-response.
Second, single-item measures are often good equivalents of well-validated multiple item
measures. For instance, Van Hooff et al. (2007b) provided convergent and discriminant
Vacation (after-) effects, activities, experiences and sleep 629
validity evidence of a single item measure of fatigue that was by no means inferior to a
well-validated six-item fatigue scale.
Concerning strengths, especially our telephone interviews which enable participant-
friendly and reliable measurements during vacation deserve to be mentioned. In addition,
our repeated measures after vacation made it possible to study fade-out processes in detail.
Moreover, our baseline measurement of H&W may be more representative for general
H&W and therefore more valid than baseline measurements immediately before vacation.
Last but not least, we succeeded in keeping non-response rates very low by taking actions
as suggested in Newman’s theoretical model of survey response (Newman 2009), including
for example tailor-made, polite invitations, follow-up reminders, valuable lottery prices,
the use of attractive new media (SMS, personalized emails) and short questionnaires.
4.5 Practical Implications
This research has, like several studies before, shown that employee’ well-being improves
during but not after vacation. Regarding vacation duration, findings of individual studies
may have their weaknesses, but the general preponderance of studies, including our own,
indicates that vacation duration is hardly important for the strength and persistence of
vacation effects. So, if vacationing ‘recharges the batteries’ and replenishes lost resources,
why does this ‘reload’ not persist after work resumption? Or stated differently: why should
we spend time and money on a vacation which seems to have fleeting effects? First and
foremost, research suggests that not taking annual vacations is associated with illness or
even premature death (Gump and Matthews 2000). Secondly, it is possible that vacation
research so far has not embraced all crucial aspects of H&W that may be influenced by a
holiday. Think for instance of psycho-physiological health (e.g., cardiovascular parame-
ters), performance and long term workability, the ability to get another perspective on life,
creativity and relationship quality. Vacations may also prevent demoralization in the
workforce and create psychological resilience to buffer future stress. Thirdly, it could also
be that general H&W return to baseline levels rapidly after vacation, but that vacation
memories have the power to increase well-being again, but only temporarily. Asking why
we should keep going on vacations is therefore comparable to asking why we should go to
sleep considering the fact that we get tired again. A period of effort investment at work
should necessarily be alternated with periods of recovery in order to remain healthy in the
long run. Therefore, instead of skipping vacations or taking only one long vacation in
years, it seems much more reasonable to schedule several shorter vacations across a work
year in order to maintain high levels of H&W (see also Etzion 2003).
Our results also indicate that vacation experiences (often derived from the activities
vacationers engage in) may be more important for H&W improvements than vacation
activities per se. It is important for workers to derive pleasure from their activities. This
can probably be achieved by freely deciding which activity to pursue during vacation and
this form of control also seem to be directly linked to increases in H&W during vacation.
Recent research suggests that it may be possible to teach individuals how to recover
successfully by promoting recovery experiences like control and relaxation (Hahn et al.
Concerning our results about sleep, it would be useful to pay special attention to
favorable sleeping conditions during vacation. About 8 h sleep per night and sleeping in a
comfortable environment during vacation (e.g. in a dark, quiet, well-tempered room) seem
to enhance well-being during and even after vacation.
630 J. de Bloom et al.
4.6 Future Research
First, studies on the effect of not taking holidays for a longer time are highly needed. A
study by Gump and Matthews (2000) demonstrated in a longitudinal study covering a
9 year period that not taking annual vacations was associated with a higher risk of mor-
tality, in particular attributed to cardiovascular diseases. Similar longitudinal studies on
healthy men and women could help to develop vacation schemes for optimal recovery
across a work year. Second, other determinants of vacation (after-) effects deserve a place
on the agenda for future research as well. Worrying about work during vacation, person
characteristics (e.g. workaholism, personality traits), type of job or vacation location
(especially at home vs. abroad) may be possible candidates.
Third, methodologically, vacation studies would benefit from data triangulation in the
form of additional physiological measures (e.g. blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol), and
supervisor and partner ratings.
Fourth, it is possible that vacations promote health over the life span and have longer
lasting effects on aspects, which we have not yet assessed. Future studies could for
example focus on vacation effects on long term workability and performance, the ability to
put life into perspective, creativity, relationship quality or psychological resilience.
Fifth, it would be interesting to study pre-vacation time. Some researchers argue that the
time before vacation may be characterized by stress due to for instance high pre-vacation
workload or travelling stress (DeFrank et al. 2000; Nawijn et al. 2011). This pre-vacation
stress may even be higher in case of long vacations as these often need more cautious
preparations. Last but not least, it would be desirable to develop, implement and evaluate
interventions aimed at increasing and prolonging the positive effects of vacation.
Acknowledgments We thank Desiree Traanman, Jennifer Reinders, Stefan Bernritter and Mirjam Huijs
for their help in collecting the data for this study. Moreover, we thank Pieter van Groenestijn and William
Burk from the RTOG for helping digitalizing and analyzing the diaries and Lorraine Hagemeijer and
Jennifer Reinders for analyzing parts of the data in order to write their bachelor/master theses.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the
source are credited.
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