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Can Explicit Instruction in Social and Emotional Learning Skills Benefit the Social-Emotional Development, Well-being, and Academic Achievement of Young Children?



This study investigated the effect of a social and emotional learning skills curriculum, the You Can Do It! Early Childhood Education Program (YCDI), on the social-emotional development, well-being, and academic achievement of 99 preparatory and grade 1 students attending a Catholic school in Melbourne, Australia. One preparatory and one grade 1 class were randomly chosen to receive structured lessons in YCDI, delivered by their classroom teachers over a period of 10 weeks, while the remaining preparatory and grade 1 class served as the control group. The lessons were designed to teach young children confidence, persistence, organisation and emotional resilience. The educational program consisted of explicit, direct instruction lessons drawn from the YCDI Early Childhood Curriculum taught three times a week, supported by a variety of additional social and emotional teaching practices. The results indicated that YCDI had a statistically significant positive effect on levels of social-emotional competence and well-being for the preparatory and grade 1 students, a reduction in problem behaviours (externalising, internalising, and hyperactivity problems) for the grade 1 students, and an increase in reading achievement (decoding text) for the lower achieving grade 1 students. These findings are discussed with regard to issues concerning the role of explicit instruction in social and emotional learning for the early years.
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Early Childhood Education Journal
ISSN 1082-3301
Volume 39
Number 6
Early Childhood Educ J (2012)
DOI 10.1007/s10643-011-0481-x
Can Explicit Instruction in Social and
Emotional Learning Skills Benefit the
Social-Emotional Development, Well-being,
and Academic Achievement of Young
Daniela Maree Ashdown & Michael
1 23
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Can Explicit Instruction in Social and Emotional Learning Skills
Benefit the Social-Emotional Development, Well-being,
and Academic Achievement of Young Children?
Daniela Maree Ashdown Michael E. Bernard
Published online: 24 September 2011
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
Abstract This study investigated the effect of a social
and emotional learning skills curriculum, the You Can Do
It! Early Childhood Education Program (YCDI), on the
social-emotional development, well-being, and academic
achievement of 99 preparatory and grade 1 students
attending a Catholic school in Melbourne, Australia. One
preparatory and one grade 1 class were randomly chosen to
receive structured lessons in YCDI, delivered by their
classroom teachers over a period of 10 weeks, while the
remaining preparatory and grade 1 class served as the
control group. The lessons were designed to teach young
children confidence, persistence, organisation and emo-
tional resilience. The educational program consisted of
explicit, direct instruction lessons drawn from the YCDI
Early Childhood Curriculum taught three times a week,
supported by a variety of additional social and emotional
teaching practices. The results indicated that YCDI had a
statistically significant positive effect on levels of social-
emotional competence and well-being for the preparatory
and grade 1 students, a reduction in problem behaviours
(externalising, internalising, and hyperactivity problems)
for the grade 1 students, and an increase in reading
achievement (decoding text) for the lower achieving grade
1 students. These findings are discussed with regard to
issues concerning the role of explicit instruction in social
and emotional learning for the early years.
Keywords Social and emotional learning Explicit
instruction Reading achievement Well-being
The development of social-emotional competence is an
important foundation for young children’s later success and
well-being. The Center on the Social Emotional Founda-
tions for Early Learning (CSEFEL) defines social-emo-
tional development as the developing capacity of the child
from birth through 5 years of age to form close and secure
adult and peer relationships; experience, regulate, and
express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate
ways; and explore the environment and learn (Center on
the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional
Learning (CASEL 2003) have outlined five core social and
emotional competencies that are important foundations for
young people’s well-being: self-awareness, social aware-
ness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible
decision-making. Researchers and practitioners have
described key social-emotional skills that young children
need as they enter school, including self-confidence, the
capacity to develop positive relationships with peers and
adults, concentration and persistence on challenging tasks,
an ability to effectively communicate emotions, an ability
to listen to instructions and be attentive, and skills in
solving social problems (Shonkoff and Philips 2000). The
emergence of these social-emotional skills helps young
children feel more confident and competent in developing
The social and emotional learning program used in this research is
published by the Australian Scholarships Group (visit http://www. or
D. M. Ashdown M. E. Bernard (&)
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University
of Melbourne, Level 3, Alice Hoy Building,
Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405
DOI 10.1007/s10643-011-0481-x
Author's personal copy
relationships, building friendships, resolving conflicts,
persisting when faced with challenges, coping with anger
and frustrations, and managing emotions (Parlakian 2003).
The National Academy of Sciences reported that 60% of
children enter school with the cognitive skills needed to be
successful, but only 40% have the social-emotional skills
needed to succeed in kindergarten.
Research has indicated that, in conjunction with cognitive
competence (e.g., reading, writing, and critical thinking
skills), social-emotional competence (e.g., collaboration
skills, motivation, and study skills) is an important predictor
of academic achievement (e.g., DiPerna and Elliot 2002).
For example, based on a meta-analysis of 270 research
studies, Wang et al. (1993) found that affective and moti-
vational factors had greater influence on school learning
than peer group, school culture, or classroom instructional
methods. In another study, Bernard (2004b) found that
social-emotional competence was a significant predictor of
five-year-old children’s levels of reading achievement.
In addition, Bernard found that children considered to be
‘at-risk’’ for academic difficulties displayed significantly
lower levels of competence in the areas of confidence, per-
sistence and organisation.
There is some disagreement in the early childhood field
concerning optimum and developmentally appropriate
ways to teach young children social and emotional skills.
Some early childhood scholars assert that—for develop-
mental reasons—teacher-led, explicit curriculum lessons
are not appropriate for teaching social and emotional skills
to young children (e.g., Whitington and Floyd 2009). They
indicate that social and emotional development is best
fostered by placing children in carefully tailored, caring
environments with adults who respond in particular ways
(e.g., Hyson 2004). Many early childhood educators
advocate the use of games and stories as methods to teach
social and emotional competencies (e.g., Cohen 2001).
Studies have investigated the effectiveness of social and
emotional learning (SEL) programs that include formal
lessons and that begin during the preschool years and have
demonstrated positive results (e.g., Payton et al. 2008).
Joseph and Strain’s (2003) review of the efficacy of eight
social-emotional curricula found that the most successful
social-emotional approaches focus on social skills and
emotional development on a daily basis, use a systematic,
intentional approach for teaching critical skills, and
acknowledge the skills in context.
In a meta-analysis of 34 universal and targeted pre-
school prevention programs, Nelson et al. (2003) found
that, overall, SEL programs had positive effects on both
cognitive and academic outcomes in the short term (pre-
school), medium term (primary school), and long term
(high school). The results also indicated that the programs
that contained a direct teaching component (including
explicit lessons in curriculum format) and those that were
of greater intensity and longer duration had a bigger
positive effect on outcomes.
A recent review of research on the effects of pre-school
education yielded an integrated model of both approaches.
Effective teaching in early childhood education is seen to
require skillful combinations of explicit instruction, sensi-
tive and warm interactions, responsive feedback, and ver-
bal engagement or stimulation intentionally directed to
ensure children’s learning while embedding these interac-
tions in a classroom environment that is not overly struc-
tured or regimented (Pianta et al. 2009).
Some of the more popular early childhood social-emo-
tional curriculum written about in the literature include: I
Can Problem Solve (Shure and Spivack 1980), First Steps
to Success (Walker et al. 1997), and Second Step
(McMahon et al. 2000). There is some empirical evidence
about the effectiveness and implementation of these pro-
grams to teach social skills to young children and prevent
or address challenging behavior; the strength of the evi-
dence varies by program or approach (Hemmeter et al.
A SEL program that involves teachers presenting
activities from a formal curriculum that explicitly teach
young children social and emotional competencies and
which are currently being implemented in hundreds of
schools throughout Australia, is You Can Do It! Education
(YCDI) (e.g., Bernard 2002,2004a,2007). YCDI is a
cognitive-behavioural approach to teaching social and
emotional skills and competencies. It is based on a number
of social learning, educational, and cognitive-behavioural
theories, including those of Vygotsky, Ellis, Bandura, and
Seligman, which together highlight the impact of the
important role of children’s thinking and self-talk on their
emotions and behaviours.
The aim of YCDI (Bernard 2002,2004a,2007) is for all
young people to achieve positive, social, emotional, and
behavioural and achievement outcomes. According to
Bernard, these objectives can be achieved by providing
children with explicit instruction in five key social-emo-
tional competencies (the ‘Five Foundations’)—Confidence,
Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along, and Emotional
Resilience. These Foundations are supported by the explicit
teaching of 12 particular ways of thinking (‘Habits of the
Mind’)—I Can Do It, Accepting Myself, Taking Risks,
Being Independent, Giving Effort, Working Tough, Setting
Goals, Planning My Time, Being Tolerant of Others,
Thinking First, Playing by the Rules, and Being Socially
There have been a number of studies that have dem-
onstrated positive results for YCDI (Bernard 2006,2008;
Bernard and Walton 2011) with older school-age children.
In order to provide younger children with the opportunity
398 Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405
Author's personal copy
to further develop the competencies and skills emphasised
by YCDI, Bernard (2004a) developed the You Can Do It!
Early Childhood Education Program, a curriculum-based
program designed to be run by teachers with children aged
from four- to seven-years-old.
There has not yet been a controlled study that has
investigated the effect of the You Can Do It! Early
Childhood Education Program on the social and emotional
competencies, well-being, and academic achievement of
young children in Australia. This study was therefore
designed to address this issue. Three main hypotheses were
proposed. First, it was hypothesised that young children
who received the YCDI program would display signifi-
cantly greater gains in their levels of social and emotional
competence than those who did not receive the program.
Second, it was hypothesised that the young children who
received the YCDI program would also display signifi-
cantly greater gains in their levels of social and emotional
well-being than those who did not receive the program. If
this hypothesis was supported, then the YCDI group would
show a greater decrease in problem behaviours, as well as a
greater increase in positive social-emotional well-being.
Third, it was hypothesised that young children who
received the YCDI program would display significantly
greater gains in their levels of academic achievement than
those who did not receive the program. If this hypothesis
were supported, the YCDI group would show a greater
increase in their independent reading levels than the non-
YCDI group.
The participants were four teachers and 100 students (from
two Prep and two Grade 1 classes) from a Catholic school
in the western suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. The par-
ticipating school had been identified as being of ‘low socio-
economic status’ according to the Catholic Education
Office (Melbourne). Approximately two-thirds of the stu-
dents who attend the school speak English as a second
language. One student departed the school during the
course of the study, leaving total of 99 (45 female and 54
male) students for whom a complete data set was available.
Of the 99 students, 42 (42.4%) were in preparatory classes
(five year olds) and 57 (57.6%) were in grade 1. English
was the main language spoken at home for 46% of stu-
dents. The next highest percentage of students (37.4%)
spoke an Asian language other than Chinese at home.
Comments written on the teachers’ questionnaires indi-
cated that the majority of these students spoke Vietnamese.
The remaining students spoke various African (4%),
Chinese (3.0%), European (8.1%), and Pacific Island (1%)
languages at home.
One preparatory and one grade 1 class were randomly
assigned to receive the YCDI curriculum. These students
received lessons from the You Can Do It! Early Childhood
Education program (Bernard 2004a,b) and delivered by
their regular classroom teachers over a 10-week period
during Terms 2, 3, and 4, 2009. The students from the
remaining preparatory and grade 1 class did not receive the
program during the study, thereby serving as a comparison
group. However, in order to avoid disadvantaging the
comparison group, the teachers of these classes began
implementing the program after the completion of the post-
program measures (in Term 4).
All four teachers participating in the study were asked to
complete two questionnaires for each student. These sur-
veys were completed immediately before and after the
implementation of the program for the YCDI classes, and
at similar times for the non-YCDI classes. Information on
the student’s gender and main language spoken at home
was also collected.
The first questionnaire used was the ACER Well-being
Survey (Teacher FormEarly Years) (Bernard et al.
2009). This survey consists of 50 items. Teachers are asked
to indicate their agreement or disagreement with each item
(e.g. ‘‘The student appears to do what is asked of him/
her.’’) on a four-point Likert scale (1 =strongly disagree,
4=strongly agree). Part 1 consists of 22 items and mea-
sures students’ levels of social-emotional well-being.This
is defined as the presence of positive emotions and
behaviours (e.g. ‘‘The student appears to be generally
happy and cheerful’’) and the absence of negative emotions
and behaviours (e.g. ‘‘The student appears to say ‘mean’
things to intentionally hurt someone else’’). Part 2 consists
of 28 items and measures students’ social-emotional
competence. Within Part 2, three clusters of items are
represented: Positive Self-Orientation, Positive Social
Orientation, and Positive Work Orientation. The Positive
Self-Orientation subscale measures resilience (in terms of
attitudes and coping skills). An example item is: ‘‘The
child appears to control his/her behaviour when he/she is
very angry and feels like lashing out’’. The Positive Social
Orientation subscale measures social skills and values.An
example item is: ‘‘The child appears to value doing things
to help others.’’ The Positive Work Orientation subscale
measures work management and engagement skills.An
example item is: ‘‘The child appears to raise his/her hand to
answer a difficult question even when unsure if the answer
is correct.’’ The ACER Well-being Surveys (Teacher
Forms; Student Forms) have been validated from data
Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405 399
Author's personal copy
provided by over 6,000 teachers. Cronbach alpha reliabil-
ities in the order of 0.9 are reported (Bernard et al. 2007).
Validity of the survey has been determined through the use
of Rasch measurement methods (Bond and Fox 2007),
including item characteristic curves confirming that all
items on the survey measured the construct of well-being
of students and that the requirements of measurement are
satisfactorily met (Bernard et al. 2007).
The second questionnaire used was the Social Skills
Rating SystemTeacher Form (SSRS-T) (Gresham and
Elliot 1990). This survey consists of 57 items divided into
three scales: Social Skills, Problem Behaviours and Aca-
demic Competence. According to the manual, the SSRS-T
has demonstrated high internal consistency and test–retest
reliability as well as adequate content and criterion valid-
ity. On the Social Skills scale (30 items) teachers rate how
often the student engages in each of the behaviours
described (e.g. ‘‘Introduces herself or himself to new
people without being told’’) from 0 (never) to 2 (very
often). Within the Social Skills scale there are also three
subscales, each consisting of 10 items: Co-operation,
Assertion, and Self-control. Teachers can also rate how
important each of these behaviours are for success in their
classroom from 0 (not important) to 2 (critical); however,
these ratings were judged as unnecessary in this study, and
were therefore not used. On the Problem Behaviours scale
(18 items) teachers rate how often the student engages in
each of the behaviours described (e.g. ‘‘argues with oth-
ers’’) from 0 (never) to 2 (very often). Within the Problem
Behaviours scale there are also three subscales, each con-
sisting of six items: Externalizing Behaviours,Internaliz-
ing Behaviours, and Hyperactivity. Finally, on the
Academic Competence scale (9 items) teachers rate how
the student’s levels of academic achievement compares to
other students in the class, from 0 (in the lowest 10%) to 5
(in the highest 10%). This scale was judged to be inap-
propriate for investigating mean group changes over time
and was, therefore, not used in this study.
As an alternative to the SSRS-T Academic Competence
scale, teachers were asked to report each student’s Inde-
pendent Text Reading Level at each time point. These
reading levels range from 0 (lowest) to 28 (highest), and
indicate the text difficulty level that the child can read
independently. The school reported that they expect stu-
dents to achieve Level 5 by the end of Prep, Level 20 by
the end of Grade 1, and Level 28 by the end of Grade 2.
Treatment Integrity
A classroom observation form was developed to investigate
program implementation integrity. This observer rating
form measured the extent to which teachers: followed the
YCDI lesson plans, were well-prepared and presented the
lessons as intended in the lesson plan, provided helpful
feedback to children, checked understanding with indi-
vidual children and presented the lesson in a positive and
enthusiastic fashion. Each teacher’s behaviours in each of
these areas was rated on a three-point scale from 1 (=not at
all) to 3 (=very much). The first author completed this form
twice for each YCDI teacher while observing the lessons
being presented.
Education Program
Teachers in the YCDI groups were trained in the use of the
following different components of the YCDI Early Child-
hood program. (1) The YCDI Social and Emotional
Learning Curriculum consisting of many structured lessons
containing activities that presented the emotional, behav-
ioural and attitudinal (self-talk) characteristics of confi-
dence, persistence, organisation and emotional resilience.
The activities incorporate the following explicit and direct
instructional practices: operationally defining social and
emotional skills in terms of concrete, observable behav-
iours that are described, modelled and role played, com-
munication of behaviour-specific feedback when children
display social and emotional learning behaviour, explicit
teaching (e.g., present new material in small steps, giving
clear and detailed instructions and explanations, providing
active practice for all learners, asking questions to check
for understanding, guiding learners during initial practice,
continued practice until learners are independent and
confident) and explicit teaching of self-talk; (2) use of hand
puppets to explain and illustrate ideas to young children
(e.g., Connie Confidence, Pete Persistence) (3) four songs
for children to sing that contain lyrics supporting what
young children learn in their lessons (e.g., ‘‘I’m Connie
Confidence and I like to take a chance, I tell myself I can
do it.’’) (4) multiple colourful posters of each character
(Connie Confidence, Pete Persistence, Oscar Organisation
and Ricky Resilience) that illustrate each character learning
the relevant behaviours and positive self-talk, and (5) good
classroom practices for establishing a social and emotional
learning environment (e.g., select examples of stories from
young children’s literature to read aloud and songs to sing
that portray a character demonstrating one or more social
and emotional learning skills, daily reminders and reflec-
tions, wall displays).
One Preparatory and one grade 1 class were randomly
selected to implement the program (the YCDI classes) and
the other two classes served as a comparison group (the
non-YCDI classes). All four teachers completed both the
two questionnaires and the reading levels for each student.
400 Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405
Author's personal copy
Following this, the teachers from the YCDI classes were
trained in the implementation of the You Can Do It! Early
Childhood Education Program, by Professor Michael E.
Bernard, the Founder of YCDI, during a 2-h professional
development session at the school. The YCDI teachers then
began implementing the program in their classrooms at the
end of Term 2. This involved running approximately three
20-min YCDI lessons per week, as well as supporting the
students to practice the YCDI skills they were learning on
an ongoing basis throughout the school day.
Preparatory and grade 1 teachers presenting YCDI spent
2 weeks (approximately six lessons) providing direct
instruction in four social and emotional competencies:
confidence, persistence, organisation and emotional resil-
ience. It is important to note that because the two YCDI
teachers independently selected the YCDI lessons that they
delivered to their classes, the Prep and Grade 1 students did
not receive exactly the same program content.
Data Analysis
The data collected from the two questionnaires, as well as
the teacher-reported student reading levels, were entered
into the statistical package SPSS v.15 for analysis. The
WBS was recoded from a four-point scale to a five-point
scale, and any missing data was estimated using the
Expectation Maximization (EM) method. Based on the
internal consistency and normality of each scale of the
WBS and SSRS-T, five variables (scales) were selected for
further analysis. Two variables were chosen to measure
social-emotional well-being: Positive Social-Emotional
Well-being (all items from Part 1 of the WBS) and Total
Problem Behaviours (items 31–48 from the SSRS-T). Two
variables were chosen to measure social-emotional com-
petence: Total Social-Emotional Competence (all items
from Part 2 of the WBS) and Total Social Skills (items
1–30 from the SSRS-T). Reading Level was retained as the
measure of academic achievement.
Treatment Integrity
The ratings of each YCDI teacher on the classroom obser-
vation form indicated that both YCDI teachers were well
prepared, provided helpful comments to children, checked
that individual children understood the lessons, and pre-
sented the lessons with enthusiasm. However, neither tea-
cher closely followed the scripted lesson plans in the YCDI
curriculum manual. The Prep teacher covered the general
content of the lesson plan during both observations, but
significantly modified the lesson plans contained in the
YCDI curriculum manual. On both occasions that the Grade
1 teacher was observed, she presented activities from the
curriculum as well as additional ones that she had created
based on the lessons in the YCDI curriculum program. For
example, during the first observation she read the children a
story about a character that demonstrated persistence and
then gave them a worksheet that she had adapted from an
YCDI lesson, which asked questions about how the char-
acter had shown persistence. As the Grade 1 YCDI class
showed more robust improvements than the Prep YCDI
class, it may be the case that the impact of the YCDI
intervention is greater when teachers rely on the explicit
teaching guidance contained in the YCDI curriculum con-
cerning how the content of the lesson should be delivered.
Impact of Treatment
As will be seen below, the data was examined in two ways.
First, the impact of YCDI across all social-emotional
measures (called the combined variable) was examined
using a multivariate analysis of variance. The dependent
variables included in the combined variable included:
Positive Social-Emotional Well-being, Total Problem
Behavior, Total Social-Emotional Competence and Total
Social Skills. Second, the impact of YCDI on the separate
dependent measures including Reading Level was exam-
ined using an analysis of variance.
For both the MANOVA and ANOVA analyses, tests of
interactions enabled the determination to be made as to
whether YCDI produced greater gains over time for the
YCDI group of students. As well, tests of interaction
enabled a judgment to be made as to whether the impact of
YCDI over time was consistent or different for Prep and
Grade 1 classes.
Measures of Social-Emotional Well-being
and Social-Emotional Competence
A mixed within-between subjects MANOVA was carried
out in order to determine whether group (YCDI: non-YCDI
class) and grade (Prep; Grade 1) influenced the students’
levels of social-emotional well-being and competence. The
results indicated that there were significant multivariate
effects (Pillai’s F
=12487.40, p\0.01, partial g
0.99). Further interpretation revealed that there were no
significant differences between the Prep and Grade 1 stu-
dents on the combined dependent variable (Pillai’s F
0.82, ns, partial g
=0.03). However, there was a signifi-
cant difference between the YCDI and non-YCDI groups
(Pillai’s F
=6.93, p\0.01, partial g
=0.23), as well
as a significant interaction between grade and group (Pillai’s
=15.19, p\0.01, partial g
=0.40) on the combined
dependent variable.
Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405 401
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The MANOVA results also revealed that a significant
interaction between Time (pre-test; post-test) and group
(YCDI vs. non-YCDI class) had an effect on the combined
dependent variable (Pillai’s F
=14.69, p\0.01, par-
tial g
=0.39). When the results for the dependent vari-
ables were considered separately, analyses revealed that
this interaction had a significant effect on Positive Social-
Emotional Well-being (Pillai’s F
=18.52, p\0.01,
partial g
=0.16), Total Social-Emotional Competence
(Pillai’s F
=25.99, p\0.01, partial g
=0.22), and
Total Social Skills (Pillai’s F
=43.92, p\0.01, partial
=0.32). An inspection of the table of means indicates
that the YCDI classes made greater gains in these three
areas than the non-YCDI classes. However, the interaction
between time and group had no significant effect on Total
Problem Behaviors (Pillai’s F
=1.24, ns, partial
=0.013). This indicates that YCDI did not result in an
overall reduction in problem behaviors.
Furthermore, the MANOVA results also indicated that a
significant interaction between time (pre-test; post-test),
grade (Prep; Grade 1), and group (YCDI; non-YCDI) had an
effect on the combined dependent variable (Pillai’s F
6.84, p\0.01, partial g
=0.23). When each dependent
variable was analyzed separately the results revealed that
this interaction had a significant effect on Total Problem
Behaviors (Pillai’s F
=22.89, p\0.01, partial g
0.19) and Total Social Skills (Pillai’s F
p\0.01, partial g
=0.16). With regard to Total Problem
Behaviors, inspections of Table 1indicate that, while the
grade 1 YCDI class displayed a reduction in problem
behaviors, the preparatory YCDI class did not. The grade 1
non-YCDI class displayed an increase in problem behav-
iors, while the Prep non-YCDI class displayed a decrease.
With regard to Total Social Skills, inspection of Table 1
indicates that the Prep and Grade 1 YCDI classes both
displayed an increase in Total Social Skills over time;
however, the increase for the grade 1 students was larger
than that for the preparatory students. In addition, while the
preparatory non-YCDI class displayed similar levels of
Total Social Skills at Time 1 and Time 2, the grade 1 non-
YCDI class displayed a large decrease in Total Social Skills
over time.
There were a number of differences between the mean
scores of male and female students in both the YCDI and
non-YCDI classes on each of the dependent variables at both
time points. Males displayed higher levels of problem
behaviors, and lower levels of social-emotional well-being,
social-emotional competence, and social skills. Therefore, a
separate mixed within-between subjects MANOVA was
carried out in order to determine whether gender influenced
the effectiveness of YCDI. The results revealed that gender
had a significant main effect on the combined dependent
variable (Pillai’s F
=6.45, p\0.01, partial g
When each of the individual dependent variables was con-
sidered separately, the results indicated that males and
females differed significantly on all four measures: Positive
Social-Emotional Well-being (Pillai’s F
=13.71, p\
0.01, partial g
=0.13), Total Problem Behaviors (Pillai’s
=7.13, p\0.01, partial g
=0.07), Total Social-
Emotional Competence (Pillai’s F
=22.07, p\0.01,
partial g
=0.19), and Total Social Skills (Pillai’s F
22.35, p\0.01, partial g
=0.19). However, there were no
significant interactions between gender and time, gender and
group, or gender, group and time. These results indicate that
there were no differences in the effectiveness of YCDI
between males and females.
Table 1 Mean levels of social-emotional well-being, social-emotional competence, social skills, and reading levels by grade and group
Measure Group Grade
Prep (N=42) Grade 1 (N=57)
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
Positive social-emotional well-being YCDI 90.57 11.17 96.38 8.49 90.07 9.65 95.02 8.06
Non-YCDI 83.33 8.03 85.19 9.98 89.39 7.23 85.42 7.93
Total problem behaviors YCDI 2.02 1.21 2.37 0.99 2.17 0.72 1.44 0.79
Non-YCDI 2.66 1.21 2.45 0.74 2.97 0.87 3.15 0.67
Total social-emotional competence YCDI 102.57 14.85 110.87 10.70 105.31 15.05 116.85 12.56
Non-YCDI 99.97 7.80 101.80 10.81 98.37 9.06 97.37 11.72
Total social skills YCDI 42.94 10.31 45.66 9.60 40.59 9.12 46.28 8.62
Non-YCDI 38.46 8.51 38.33 5.49 42.50 6.45 34.98 5.83
Reading level YCDI 5.10 7.10 17.96 7.40 7.86 7.98 24.48 4.86
Non-YCDI 2.05 2.04 18.24 4.46 5.48 6.29 22.98 5.64
402 Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405
Author's personal copy
Reading Level
A mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was conducted to explore the impact of YCDI
and grade on reading levels. There was a significant main
effect for time (Pillai’s F
=128.91, p[0.01, partial
=0.58), indicating that the students’ reading levels
increased over time. There was also a significant interac-
tion between time and grade on reading level (Pillai’s
=10.87, p=0.01, partial g
=0.10); however, the
interaction between time and group was non-significant
(Pillai’s F
=0.51, ns, partial g
=0.01), indicating that
gains in reading achievement were unrelated to YCDI. A
second mixed between-within subjects ANOVA was car-
ried out in order to explore the impact of YCDI and grade
on the reading levels of the 50% of children who had the
lowest reading levels at Time 1 (see Table 2). The results
of this ANOVA showed that an interaction between time
and group had a significant effect on reading levels (Pillai’s
=6.56, p\0.05, partial g
=0.12). This indicates
that YCDI had a positive effect on the reading achievement
of the less advanced readers in the study. There was also an
interaction between time, group, and grade that had a sig-
nificant effect on reading levels (Pillai’s F
p\0.01, partial g
=0.18). An examination of the group
means indicates that students in the grade 1 YCDI class
showed a greater gain than the grade 1 non-YCDI class, but
the Prep YCDI and non-YCDI classes showed similar
gains. This indicates that YCDI only had a positive effect
on the reading levels of the less advanced readers in
grade 1.
Overall, the pattern of results are consistent with growing
research evidence that indicates that a social and emotional
learning program that includes explicit instruction in the
form of teacher-led lessons has a place in the early years
(e.g., Joseph and Strain 2003). While this study did not
isolate the relative effects of the curriculum lessons
employed from the modelling, reinforcement and general
conversations between teacher and young children that
supported the social and emotional learning skills taught in
the lessons, it would seem that the combined effects are
stronger than the effects of teachers responding in less
structured ways to children in particular ways surrounding
their social and emotional development.
The results of this study indicate that the You Can Do It!
Early Childhood Education Program was an effective way
of improving the social and emotional competence of
young children. Specifically, the students in the study who
received YCDI, delivered by their teachers as part of the
curriculum, displayed significantly greater gains in their
teacher-rated levels of social-emotional competence
(measured in terms of items associated with positive self-
orientation, positive other-orientation, and positive work-
orientation) and social skills (measured in terms of items
associated with co-operation, assertion, and self-control)
than the students who did not receive the program. Espe-
cially at Grade 1, the degree of improvement is substantial
and suggests the impact of the YCI program is likely to
have practical significance for young children. According
to their teachers’ ratings, after the YCDI program the
students in the YCDI classes were considerably more able
to manage their emotions, get along with others, and
engage in their academic learning, than the students in the
non-YCDI classes. These results support previous research
that has shown that YCDI (in its various formats) is an
effective way of teaching key social and emotional skills
(e.g., Bernard 2006,2008; Bernard and Walton 2011), as
well as more general research showing the effectiveness of
a range of SEL programs (e.g. Nelson et al. 2003; Payton
et al. 2008).
The results also indicated that that, although the prepa-
ratory and grade 1 students improved in their teacher-
reported levels of social skills, the grade 1 students showed
a greater improvement than the preparatory students.
However, there were no differences between males or
females, or between the students who spoke different first
languages, on the impact of YCDI on social-emotional
competence. This indicates that the program was equally
effective for male and female, and English and non-English
speaking students.
Table 2 Mean reading levels for the 50% of students with the lowest reading levels at time 1
Measure Group Grade
Prep (N=39) Grade 1 (N=14)
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
Reading level YCDI 2.78 3.51 5.56 4.64 9.25 3.73 19.12 4.79
Non-YCDI 2.05 2.04 5.48 4.46 10.50 3.21 15.24 3.68
Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405 403
Author's personal copy
The students in the YCDI classes also displayed signif-
icantly greater gains in their levels of positive social-emo-
tional well-being (measured in terms of items associated
with the presence of positive emotions and behaviours, and
the absence of negative emotions and behaviours) after the
program than the students in the non-YCDI classes. Fur-
thermore, both YCDI classes showed similar increases in
positive social-emotional well-being, indicating that the
program was equally effective for the preparatory and grade
1 students. Among the non-YCDI classes, the preparatory
students made small gains in social-emotional well-being,
while the grade 1 students displayed a reduction in this area.
There were no differences between males or females, or
between the students who spoke different first languages, on
the impact of YCDI on positive social-emotional well-
being. These results further support and extend past
research (e.g., Bernard 2007) by indicating that teaching
key social and emotional skills, in the format of YCDI, was
an effective way of improving the social-emotional well-
being of the preparatory and grade 1 students in this study.
In contrast to the finding that YCDI was effective at
promoting an increase in positive social-emotional well-
being, there was no evidence that YCDI resulted in an
overall reduction in total problem behaviours (measured in
terms of externalising, internalising, and hyperactivity
problems). However, these results did differ between the
YCDI classes. Specifically, the grade 1 YCDI students did
display a significantly greater reduction in their levels of
problem behaviours than the grade 1 non-YCDI students,
while the preparatory YCDI students did not. This indicates
that the program was effective at reducing the problem
behaviours displayed by the grade 1 students, but not by the
Prep students.
In terms of the impact of YCDI on academic achievement,
the results of this study showed no significant differences in
reading levels between the YCDI and non-YCDI students
after the program. However, when the progress of the 50% of
students who displayed the lowest reading levels before the
program was investigated, the students from the YCDI
classes displayed greater gains in their levels of reading
achievement than the students in the non-YCDI classes. The
magnitude of improvement for the YCDI class was robust
exceeding two standard deviations suggesting that the YCDI
intervention had not only statistical but practical signifi-
cance. However, once again these results varied by grade
with only the grade 1 YCDI lower achievers displaying a
significantly greater gain in reading achievement relative to
their peers. These results provide some support for the third
hypothesis, by indicating that YCDI was an effective way of
improving the reading levels of low achievers.
The results also indicated that the program was equally
effective for children from a range of cultural backgrounds.
This is an important finding, given that 54% of the students
in the study did not speak English as their first language.
This finding is also important given that researchers have
argued that there is a need for further research into the
cultural relevance of various SEL programs (e.g. Humph-
ries and Keenan 2006).
Methodological Limitations
The first limitation is that the study was conducted in only
one school, meaning that it is not possible to generalise
these results to other schools, particularly those who have
students from different socio-economic or cultural back-
grounds. A second limitation of the study was that the
sample size was relatively small, with only 99 students and
four teachers participating. This meant that it was only
appropriate to investigate a small number of dependent
variables. Therefore, it was not possible to state whether
the YCDI students improved in particular areas of social-
emotional competence (e.g. resilience, academic engage-
ment, cooperation) or well-being (e.g. externalising or
internalising problems). A third limitation to this study was
the choice of measurements used to estimate the students’
levels of academic achievement. Independent text reading
levels were used, as they were easy for teachers to com-
plete and did not require the students to undergo any
additional assessment. However, this measure is only a
rating of the students’ ability to decode text. Therefore,
although some positive results were found for the effect of
YCDI on reading levels, it is not appropriate to state that
YCDI has a positive effect on students’ overall levels of
academic competence without further research. Another
limitation of the study was that the teachers knew which
group they were in (e.g., YCDI or non-YCDI) which could
have biased their ratings of their students. The final limi-
tation was that the results of this study are based only on
teacher-reported levels of social-emotional competence
and well-being. Although teacher reports are one way in
which to obtain information on students’ functioning, they
should ideally be supplemented by parent-reports and/or
direct observations.
It would be beneficial for future research to investigate
whether the benefits of the program are maintained in the
long term. Longitudinal research into the effectiveness of
other programs has shown that some do have long-term
benefit; however, these do tend to decrease over time
(Nelson et al. 2003; Payton et al. 2008).
In summary, the results of this study provided further
support for the view that social-emotional competence is
foundation for the achievement and well-being of young
404 Early Childhood Educ J (2012) 39:397–405
Author's personal copy
children (Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for
Early Learning 2008). The results also support the findings
of a number of other researchers who have argued that, by
improving children’s levels of social-emotional compe-
tence through explicit instruction, it is possible to improve
their levels of social-emotional well-being and academic
achievement (e.g. Nelson et al. 2003; Payton et al. 2008).
Future research into the long-term benefits of the program,
as well as the conditions under which it is most effective,
would provide additional insight into the value of YCDI as
a pro-active universal mental health prevention program
for young children. It is suggested that, given the com-
plexity and difficulty of teaching social and emotional
skills effectively, early childhood educators (and young
children) can benefit from the use of explicit and direct
instructional practices contained in formal social and
emotional curriculum lessons.
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... Children begin talking to themselves almost as soon as they can speak. Self-talk is the term used to describe this phenomenon, and studies have shown that children utilize self-talk to control their thoughts and actions (1) This aids in children's intellectual (2), motor (3), and social and emotional competence (4). Youngsters who talk to themselves more often exhibit more emotional control, as well as greater effort and perseverance (5). ...
... These social and emotional skills are developed through interactions with others in social settings including early childhood classrooms (Rakap et al., 2018). Early childhood educators have been found to have profound influence on the social emotional learning (SEL) of young children through explicit teaching of social and emotional skills (Ashdown & Bernard, 2012;Schonert-Reichl, 2017), the enactment of formal social curricula (Brownell & Parks, 2022;Hunter & Hemmeter, 2009;Soroko, 2016), and informal day-to-day interactions (DeVries & Van, 2012). Teachers who receive training on developing positive child-teacher relationships, supporting children's SEL, and navigating children's disruptive behaviors have been found to establish stronger relationships with their students (Haslip, 2018) and lead classrooms with lower levels of peer-to-peer and child-teacher conflict (Morris et al., 2013). ...
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Despite the well-established need for teacher preparation in child guidance and social emotional learning, studies have found a lack of robust course offerings in these areas. Further, the United States context for children’s social emotional development is changing due to the global pandemic, racial unrest, and increased gun violence. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has put forth updated teacher competencies to address the changing context as well as new research on early learning. However, little is known about how teacher education programs have implemented the updated guidelines around teacher competencies. For this journal article, we systematically examined 314 early childhood education programs of study from U.S. universities. We share a content analysis of 237 course descriptions from courses dedicated to children’s social emotional learning. We found 26% of programs require no course on social emotional learning. We also identifed the four most and three least represented competencies around social emotional learning. Our content analysis reveals that behaviorist theory is predominant in the design of courses and sociocultural influences are under-represented. We provide implications for regularly updating course descriptions to address the needs of children and families in the ever-changing context of education.
Social robots equipped with conversational artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly common in educational settings. However, the long-term consequences of such uses remain relatively unknown due to their novelty. To ensure children's safe use of social robots, and proper adoption of the technology, it is crucial to scrutinize potential concerns regarding their usage. This exploration will provide insights to inform the design and development of this technology. Thus, this study investigated parents' and educators' perceptions of social robot use by children in the home and school settings. Our main objectives are to; 1) explore whether the types and/or levels of concern are tied to the role that individuals take (i.e., parents vs. educators); 2) explore if the levels of concern vary based on the gender and age of the potential child user; and 3) compile a catalogue of parents' and educators' concerns, both from the literature and those that are overlooked, surrounding children's use of SRs for learning. To address those inquiries, a cross-national online survey study was conducted with parents and educator participants (N = 396). Overall, participants indicated high levels of concern but recognized the potential in responsibly applying such technology for educational purposes.
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هدف البحث الحالي إلى التعرف على فاعلية المقرر المقترح القائم على التعلم الاجتماعي الوجداني للفئات الخاصة لتنمية مهارات التدريس المتمايز والاتجاه نحو مهنة التدريس لدي طلبة الدبلوم العام التربوي بكليات التربية و قد تم اختيار مجموعة من طلبة الدبلوم العام التربوي بلغ عددهم(17) طالب و طالبة معلمة من كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس ، وأعدت الباحثتان مقرر مقترح قائم علي التعلم الاجتماعي الوجداني لمعلمي الفئات الخاصة (من خلال الاطلاع على الدراسات و البحوث و المشروعات المتعلقة بموضوع البحث) ،وتدريسه من خلال بعض استراتيجيات التدريس النشطة (التعلم بالأقران - المفاهيم الكرتونية- استراتيجية من أنا- التعلم التعاوني- الخرائط الذهنية- خرائط المفاهيم- التخيل - التعلم المرتكز حول المشكلة- البحث الجماعي - دراسة الحالة - فكر، زاوج، شارك - استراتيجية KWL- نموذج فيراير). وتضمنت أدوات البحث (" مقياس الاتجاه نحو مهنة التدريس"، و "بطاقة ملاحظة مهارات التدريس المتمايز") طبقت قبلياً وبعدياً على مجموعة البحث. وأظهرت نتائج البحث وجود فرق دالاً احصائيًا بين متوسطي درجات طلاب مجموعة البحث في التطبيقين القبلي والبعدي لصالح التطبيق البعدي. وهذا يدل على فاعلية المقرر المقترح القائم على التعلم الاجتماعي الوجداني باستخدام بعض استراتيجيات التدريس الفعالة في تطوير وتحسين مستوى مهارات التدريس المتمايز والاتجاه نحو التدريس لدي طلبة الدبلوم العام التربوي بكلية التربية.
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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted education for all children, particularly for children with disabilities. Many preschools closed, offered distance learning or nothing at all, or operated in a hybrid format. We examined the impact of enrollment on young children’s social and emotional adjustment for children with and without disabilities, as well as caregiver stress during the pandemic as reported by 229 caregivers of 3 to 5 year old children. Respondents were predominantly White (n = 175) and female with high levels of education and income. In addition, 94% of caregivers were biological/parental caregivers. Children enrolled in preschool and who experienced in-person instruction received more favorable ratings of their social and emotional skills compared to those who were not enrolled or did not receive in-person instruction. However, the benefit of being enrolled and receiving in-person instruction disappeared when children had a stressed caregiver. Of note, children with disabilities had significantly higher ASQ scores than those without disabilities and caregivers with children with disabilities had a higher PSI score. Further research is needed to understand mitigation efforts employed by families and the unique experiences of culturally, linguistically, and racially/ethnically diverse children and their families.
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Adolescence is a time of heightened susceptibility to social influence; teens look to important social figures to help guide their decision-making. Thus, their social relationships hold power in shaping how adolescents regard their education. Three main factors that impact a student’s academic performance are social relationships with parents, teachers, and peers. These relationships vary in how they influence academic achievement: for parent-child relationships, the parent’s involvement with the child’s education affects academic performance, for peer-to-peer relationships, social norms regarding education is the key source of influence, and for teacherstudent relationships, the teachers’ perception and expectations of their students has the greatest impact on students’ academic performance. This paper discusses current research on the effects of social relationships (i.e., parent-child, peer-to-peer, and teacher-student) on adolescent academic success and offers explanations as to why these social relationships have such a significant impact on academic success.
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A depressão infantil é um transtorno muitas vezes menosprezado, mas de impacto profundo na saúde mental dos pequenos ao redor do mundo. Estimativas do ano de 2019 especulam que cerca de 23 milhões de crianças e adolescentes em todo o mundo vivem com depressão, embora essa cifra possa ser subestimada, coberta pelo véu da peculiaridade e desafio que os sintomas apresentam. Portanto, este artigo possui por objetivo explorar e sintetizar os principais fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de depressão infantil. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, com busca em bases de dados científicas renomadas, confiáveis e relevantes, como PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, BIREME e outras fontes acadêmicas pertinentes. Utilizando uma combinação de palavras-chave, como "Psiquiatria Infantil", "Depressão", "Fatores de Risco", foram realizadas buscas detalhadas para encontrar estudos publicados em língua portuguesa, inglesa ou espanhola, com enfoque em artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos, mas abrindo espaços para artigos mais artigos que permaneçam relevantes dentro do escopo desta pesquisa. Fatores genéticos e biológicos entrelaçam-se com o ambiente familiar, relacionamentos sociais e adversidades na infância, formando um denso emaranhado de fatores que aumentam as taxas de desenvolvimento de depressão na infância. Os padrões genéticos associados ao processamento de neurotransmissores e resposta ao estresse revelam-se como um dos pilares nesse cenário. No entanto, a interação com o ambiente também desempenha um papel crucial, onde disfunções familiares, eventos traumáticos, abusos sofridos, negligências e mudanças de ambiente disruptivas erguem-se como problemas persistentes. O contexto socioeconômico e cultural adiciona camadas complexas, influenciando a percepção e afetando a saúde mental da criança, especialmente em contextos de disparidade e dificuldade de acesso a recursos e serviços de saúde. Mais estudos são necessários a fim de avaliar a eficácia a longo prazo de medidas preventivas com enfoque nesses fatores de risco, com o objetivo central de proteger a saúde das crianças em um mundo repleto de adversidades.
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This study examined the effect of the You Can Do It! Education (YCDI) cognitive-behavioural intervention program on the emotional resilience of students in grades 4 to 6 who were identified with achievement, behavioural, social and/or emotional challenges. 61 students were randomly assigned to either small groups receiving an eight week YCDI cognitive-behavioural intervention or small groups receiving "eclectic" counselling other than cognitive-behavioural. Results indicated a positive impact of the YCDI program on the resilience items contained in the ACER Social and Emotional Well-Being Surveys (student self-report; teacher survey) with no positive impact found for students receiving "eclectic" counselling. Results are discussed in terms of the need for social and emotional learning programs that explicitly teach emotional resilience skills. Children of all ages face situations on a daily basis that can evoke negative feelings of anger, anxiety and sadness. The failure to develop age-appropriate emotional control for regulating intense emotional states is associated with th e development of behaviour problems in children and can lead to a variety of psychopathologies such as character disorders , anxieties and phobias, psychotic symptoms, depression, bi polar disorder, conduct disorder with aggression, drug and alcohol abuse, and obsessive-compulsive disorders (e.g., Chandler & Shermis, 1985; Landy, 2002). Regulation of emotion is a construct that researchers have been interested in for many years (e.g., Brenner & Salovey , 1997; Jersild & Meigs, 1943). However, it has only been since th e early 1960s that cognitively-oriented behavioural research ers began to examine the extent to which human behaviour is moderated by thought processes and associated emotional st ates. Specific attention has been directed in child developmental research on the extent to which children are able to m oderate their emotions and behaviours when faced with stressf ul events. The construct of emotional resilience is sometimes c alled emotional or affect regulation. Although there are many studies that conceptualize how children cope with adversity (e.g., Altshuler & Ruble, 1989; Band & Weisz, 1988), there have not been extensive studies of intervention strategies designed to teach students differe nt cognitive and behavioural coping skills for managing emotion s. Some studies of the impact of emotional regulation program s include children who participated in coping skill-building programs. In these cognitive-behavioural studies, childr en demonstrated more internal locus of control, higher self -concept, and higher levels of confidence (Henderson, Kelbey, & Engebretson, 1992), revealed lower levels of stress when f aced with adverse circumstances (Treiber, 1985), showed an incre ase in the number and improvement in the quality of coping strategies generated and increased performance on subtests of IQ measures (Stevens & Pihl, 1983), and manifested lower levels of anxiety (LaMontagne, 1985). and exhibited fewer maladaptive behaviours when Adolescents who participated in coping ski ll- building programs showed significant reductions in anxiety, anger, and depression levels (e.g., Hains, 1994), and an incr ease in their use of adaptive cognitive coping strategies (DeAnd a, 1998).
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This article discusses the non-academic, social-emotional factors that contribute to student academic achievement, including the cognitive-behavioral characteristics of underachieving students and those with learning disabilities; the “You Can Do It! Education” (YCDI) theory of achievement; derivative research on social-emotional capabilities, called the Five Foundations (Academic Confidence, Work Persistence, Work Organization, Getting Along, Emotional Resilience) that, when delayed, produce achievement problems; and recommendations for developing students' social-emotional competence. The research reviewed demonstrates that the Five Foundations and associated Habits of the Mind can be taught to young people, producing increased effort with schoolwork and better achievement.
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his article reviews eight comprehensive social-emotional curricula for children under 6 years of age and describes two promising curricula currently under in- vestigation. These programs have been successful in the promotion of interper- sonal skills and the reduction or prevention of challenging behavior for a wide range of children. Particular attention is paid to the level of evidence or scientific believabil- ity associated with criteria that reflect efficacious adoption of curricula. Areas for fu- ture research are discussed.
Emotion understanding is an important skill related to children’s school readiness (Denham, 2007). The best predictor of child emotional health is the mental health of the child’s primary caregiver (Helliwell, Layard & Sachs, 2017). Given that a high proportion of children’s social interactions with caregivers are now digitally mediated, it is important to understand whether children can recognise and understand emotional facial expressions presented on digital content and to explore the role of dialogic questioning techniques (Zevenbergen & Whitehurst, 2003) during media use. Seventeen 3 year old children (M = 43.82 months, SD = 7.75 months) watched videos with (n = 7) or without accompanying dialogic questioning from the experimenter (n = 10). Eight videos were created with two adults acting out simple vignettes (e.g., one adult receives a gift from the other) followed by a facial expression depicting an emotion (e.g., happiness). Four emotions were used in the videos; happiness, sadness, anger and fear. Children’s recognition of emotional facial expressions was assessed using a 4-choice picture pointing task using pictures of the facial expressions shown in the video (Figure 1). Emotion understanding more broadly was tested with The Puppet Interview (Denham, 1986). Overall, there was no difference in children's emotional facial expression recognition between conditions, t(14.86) = 0.14, p = .89 and performance did not differ from chance in the video, t(9) = -.064, p = .54 or video with dialogic questioning, t(6) = -0.51, p = .63 condition. There was also no difference between conditions in children's ability to label, t(10.40) = 0.04, p = .97 and recognise emotions, t(12.61) = 0.56, p = .59. We are currently running the study with a storybook version of the videos to determine whether chance performance on the emotional facial expression recognition test was due to the use of digital content.
The purpose of this article is to identify and estimate the influence of educational, psychological, and social factors on learning. Using evidence accumulated from 61 research experts, 91 meta-analyses, and 179 handbook chapters and narrative reviews, the data for analysis represent over 11,000 relationships. Three methods—content analyses, expert ratings, and results from meta-analyses—are used to quantify the importance and consistency of variables that influence learning. Regardless of which method is employed, there is moderate to substantial agreement on the categories exerting the greatest influence on school learning as well as those that have less influence. The results suggest an emergent knowledge base for school learning. Generally, proximal variables (e.g., psychological, instructional, and home environment) exert more influence than distal variables (e.g., demographic, policy, and organizational). The robustness and consistency of the findings suggest they can be used to inform educational policies and practices.
The purpose of this article is to identify and estimate the influence of educational, psychological, and social factors on learning. Using evidence accumulated from 61 research experts, 91 meta-analyses, and 179 handbook chapters and narrative reviews, the data for analysis represent over 11,000 relationships. Three methods—content analyses, expert ratings, and results from meta-analyses—are used to quantify the importance and consistency of variables that influence learning. Regardless of which method is employed, there is moderate to substantial agreement on the categories exerting the greatest influence on school learning as well as those that have less influence. The results suggest an emergent knowledge base for school learning. Generally, proximal variables (e.g., psychological, instructional, and home environment) exert more influence than distal variables (e.g., demographic, policy, and organizational). The robustness and consistency of the findings suggest they can be used to inform educational policies and practices.