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Abstract and Figures

Carotenoid pigments are involved in different physiological processes (e.g., immunoenhancement, antioxidant activity) in addition to coloring plumage and integuments. As animals cannot synthesize these pigments de novo, it has been proposed that carotenoids constitute a limiting resource that birds may specifically seek in their food. Confirming this hypothesis, it was recently found that birds can discriminate between carotenoid-enriched diets and control diets, even if both have the same color, suggesting that there may be underlying non-visual (e.g., olfactory, taste) mechanisms for detecting carotenoid presence or enrichment in foods. In this study, we performed two experiments with male House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) to test if this species is able to discriminate between (1) carotenoid-enriched and plain sunflower seeds (while controlling for food coloration), and (2) plain seeds scented with β-ionone, which is a carotenoid-degradation product that is common in many fruits and is one of the most powerful flavor-active organic compounds, or a sham odorant. We found that finches did not show significant food preferences in either experiment, indicating that they did not use odor or flavor cues associated with carotenoids to discriminate between foods. However, our results do not rule out the possibilities that other flavors or odors can be used in discrimination or that finches may learn to discriminate flavors and odors over longer periods of time or at other times of year through post-ingestive feedback mechanisms.
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Can House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) use non-visual cues
to discriminate the carotenoid content of foods?
Mathieu Giraudeau Matthew B. Toomey
Kevin J. McGraw
Received: 19 July 2011 / Revised: 20 November 2011 / Accepted: 15 January 2012 / Published online: 22 February 2012
ÓDt. Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. 2012
Abstract Carotenoid pigments are involved in different
physiological processes (e.g., immunoenhancement, antioxi-
dant activity) in addition to coloring plumage and integuments.
As animals cannot synthesize these pigments de novo, it has
been proposed that carotenoids constitute a limiting resource
that birds may specifically seek in their food. Confirming this
hypothesis, it was recently found that birds can discriminate
between carotenoid-enriched diets and control diets, even if
both have the same color, suggesting that there may be
underlying non-visual (e.g., olfactory, taste) mechanisms for
detecting carotenoid presence or enrichment in foods. In this
study, we performed two experiments with male House Fin-
ches (Carpodacus mexicanus) to test if this species is able to
discriminate between (1) carotenoid-enriched and plain sun-
flower seeds (while controlling for food coloration), and (2)
plain seeds scented with b-ionone, which is a carotenoid-
degradation product that is common in many fruits and is one
of the most powerful flavor-active organic compounds, or a
sham odorant. We found that finches did not show significant
food preferences in either experiment, indicating that they did
not use odor or flavor cues associated with carotenoids to
discriminate between foods. However, our results do not rule
out the possibilities that other avors or odors can be used in
discrimination or that finches may learn to discriminate flavors
and odors over longer periods of time or at other times of year
through post-ingestive feedback mechanisms.
Keywords Carotenoids Foraging Olfaction
House Finch
¨nnen Hausgimpel (Carpodacus mexicanus) andere als
optische Informationen verwenden, um den Karotinoid-
Gehalt ihrer Nahrung einzuscha
¨ber die Farbgebung von Gefieder und Haut hinaus sind
Karotinoid-Farbstoffe an diversen physiologischen Pro-
zessen beteiligt (Sta
¨rkung des Immunsystems, Antioxidant-
¨t). Da Tiere diese Farbstoffe nicht selbst
synthetisieren ko
¨nnen, wurde bereits die Idee pra
Karotinoide stellten einen Ressource-Faktor dar, den Vo
gezielt in ihrer Nahrung suchen. Als Besta
¨tigung dieser
Hypothese wurde ku
¨rzlich herausgefunden, dass Vo
zwischen Karotinoid-angereicherter und Kontroll-Nahrung
unterscheiden ko
¨nnen, auch wenn beide die gleiche Farbe
haben. Dies legt nahe, dass es außer optischen noch andere
Informationen geben muss (z. B. Geruch, Geschmack), die
als Mechanismen dienen ko
¨nnen, das Vorhandensein von,
und den Gehalt an, Karotinioden in der Nahrung festzu-
stellen. In unserer Untersuchung fu
¨hrten wir ein Zwei-Stu-
fen-Experiment mit ma
¨nnlichen Hausgimpeln (Carpodacus
mexicanus) durch, um zu testen, ob diese Art unterscheiden
kann zwischen (1) Karotinoid-angereicherten und reinen
Sonnenblumensamen (bei gleicher Farbe), und (2) reinen,
mit b-Iononen parfu
¨rmierten Samenko
¨rnern und solchen
Communicated by F. Bairlein.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10336-012-0829-z) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
M. Giraudeau (&)M. B. Toomey K. J. McGraw
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501, USA
Present Address:
M. B. Toomey
Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
J Ornithol (2012) 153:1017–1023
DOI 10.1007/s10336-012-0829-z
mit einem anderen, a
¨hnlichen Duft (b-Ionone sind ein in
vielen Fru
¨chten vorkommendes Abbauprodukt von Karo-
tinoiden und eine der am sta
¨rksten duftenden organischen
Verbindungen u
¨berhaupt). Wir stellten fest, dass die Finken
in den Experimenten keinerlei signifikante Bevorzugung
einer der Nahrungsstoffe zeigten, was darauf hinwies, dass
sie in der Wahl ihrer Nahrung keine mit Karotinoiden zu-
¨ngende Geschmacks- oder Geruchs-Informatio-
nen benutzten. Andererseits schließen unsere Ergebnisse
aber auch nicht die Mo
¨glichkeit aus, dass in der Unter-
scheidung von Nahrungsstoffen ein anderer Geruch oder
Geschmack benutzt wurde, oder dass die Finken die Un-
terscheidung anhand von Geruch oder Geschmack u
einen la
¨ngeren Zeitraum oder zu anderen Jahreszeiten u
¨ckkopplungsmechanismen in der Verdauung lernen.
Most food items in nature offer animals a variety of
nutrient types and concentrations (Pulliam 1975). How-
ever, animals often need particular nutrients to meet
somatic or reproductive demands and in some instances
have developed foraging strategies to pursue food that
contains these specific limiting nutrients (Murphy and King
1987). Detection and discrimination of foods enriched with
calcium, sodium, or amino acids are widespread (e.g.,
Murphy and King 1987; Shulkin 1992; Tordoff 2001).
Carotenoids are valuable nutrients that have attracted
much research attention by behavioral ecologists in recent
years (Svensson and Wong 2011). Carotenoids generate the
yellow, orange, and red color of many animals (McGraw
2006) and are involved in different physiological pro-
cesses, such as immunomodulation, antioxidant activities,
and visual tuning (McGraw 2006). As animals cannot
synthesize these pigments de novo, it has been proposed
that carotenoids constitute a limiting resource for birds
(Blount 2004; Costantini et al. 2007), and have become a
model system for examining the costs and functions of
bright coloration (Blount and McGraw 2008).
Given the diverse benefits of carotenoids, natural
selection may favor the evolution of specific capacities to
detect food containing high levels of carotenoids (McGraw
2006; Senar et al. 2010). Color has been proposed as the
primary means of identifying carotenoid-rich foods
(McGraw 2006), but there are currently conflicting reports
in the literature on this mechanism. First, in a survey of 60
bird-dispersed fruiting tree species, Schaefer et al. (2008)
showed that fruit coloration was not linked with carotenoid
content. In contrast, a recent experimental study with Great
Tits (Parus major) found that birds are able to discriminate
between carotenoid-enriched diets and control diets, even if
both have the same color (Senar et al. 2010). Moreover,
Catoni et al. (2011) found that individual Garden Warblers
(Sylvia borin) did not select food for the maximum amount
of carotenoids, but choose for a highly consistent carot-
enoid intake during the course of different dual-choice
experiments where they had the choice between caroten-
oid-enriched and control diet, both with the same color.
Taken together, these results suggest that there may be
underlying non-visual (e.g., olfactory, taste) mechanisms
for detecting carotenoid presence/enrichment in foods.
To test this idea, we performed two captive experiments
with House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus)—a North
American passerine species with sexually selected carot-
enoid-based male plumage coloration (Hill 2002). We
repeated Senar et al.’s (2010) experiment and offered males
a choice between carotenoid-enriched and plain sunflower
seeds, while controlling for food coloration by dyeing the
seeds green and presenting the food under filtered light.
Thus, this first experiment offered the birds the opportunity
to discriminate carotenoid content of food based on smell
or taste. In the second experiment, we isolated the olfactory
component by presenting the birds with a choice of plain
seeds scented with b-ionone or a sham odorant. b-ionone
was chosen because it is a product of carotenoid degrada-
tion, is common in many fruits, is a known attractant for
invertebrates, and is one of the most powerful flavor-active
organic compounds known (Britton 2008). We predict that
birds may prefer seeds scented with b-ionone if they dis-
criminate between foods using their smell. Finally, to
determine if the ability to detect carotenoids in food is
related to a male’s plumage carotenoid-based coloration,
we examined the link between food preference and plum-
age coloration in both experiments.
Study animals
From 1 September to 3 October 2010, we captured 15 male
House Finches using baited basket traps (McGraw et al.
2006) from each of three sites in the Phoenix metro area:
Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Goodyear, AZ (Site 1);
Arizona State University (ASU) Campus, Tempe, AZ (Site
2); and a private residence in Chandler, AZ (Site 3). Birds
were caught at the different sites as part of a separate
ongoing study of finches in different urban/rural settings.
We housed birds individually in small wire cages
(0.6 90.4 90.3 m) in an environmental chamber on the
ASU campus, at a constant temperature of 20°C and a
photoperiod that mimicked natural conditions. Birds were
fed an ad libitum diet of black oil sunflower seeds and tap
1018 J Ornithol (2012) 153:1017–1023
Plumage coloration
Plumage coloration was quantified using digital photogra-
phy, following standard published methods for this species
(Oh and Badyaev 2006) and others (e.g., McGraw et al.
2002). Because House Finch plumage does not signifi-
cantly reflect in the UV (Keyser and Hill 1999; McGraw
and Hill 2000), techniques that rely on visible-light are
sufficient to capture variation in bird-visible and carot-
enoid-relevant coloration. Using a Canon PowerShot
SD1200S, we took two separate photographs of the head,
breast, and rump of each bird against a gray-board, using
identical distances from camera to object, shutter, expo-
sure, and flash settings for each photograph, and including
a color/size standard in each photo to control for any slight
variations in object illumination. Ambient lighting was
kept constant by photographing finches in the shade of
buildings. Digital images (JPEG, 3,648 92,736 pixels)
were imported into Adobe Photoshop to extract plumage
hue of the carotenoid coloration. Values for the two pic-
tures of each bird were averaged for statistical analyses
(repeatability =0.99 calculated using the method of Les-
sells and Boag 1987).
Carotenoid discrimination test
To examine whether House Finches can non-visually dis-
criminate foods on the basis of carotenoid content, we
prepared two types of experimental seed—control and
carotenoid-enriched. Control seed consisted of plain whole
sunflower seed kernels, which contain very low levels of
carotenoids (see below), while carotenoid-enriched seed
consisted of the same seeds coated with zeaxanthin
; DSM, Heerlen, Netherlands). To apply the
carotenoid to the seed, we suspended 4.5 mg of zeaxanthin
in 150 ml of water, spread it over 450 g of seed, then dried
the seeds overnight at 50°C. This supplementation signif-
icantly enhanced the carotenoid content of the seeds
(t=9.62, df =2.45, p=0.0052). The high-carotenoid
seed contained 3.72 ±0.25 lg/g of total carotenoids,
while the regular seeds contained 1.21 ±0.08 lg/g. Both
concentrations are in the range of carotenoid concentra-
tions found in natural House Finch food (Hill et al. 2002).
In an effort to remove possible color-visual cues generated
by the addition of carotenoids (carotenoid-enriched seeds
were more orange), we dyed both seed types with 30 drops
of green food coloring (McCormick, Sparks, MD, USA), a
preferred food color of House Finches (Bascun
´n et al.
2009), and presented the seeds under filtered light. We
placed red filters (Roscolux Fire #19; Rosco Laboratories,
Stamford, CT, USA) over standard fluorescent light bulbs
(Sylvania, 34 W, T12 rapid start Super Saver; Osram-
Sylvania, Danvers, MA, USA) to produce a light envi-
ronment limited to wavelengths [550 nm (Toomey and
McGraw 2011). We measured the spectral properties of
both seed types with a UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Butler
et al. 2011), and assessed the chromatic and achromatic
contrast of the types using an avian visual model (Voro-
byev et al. 1998; supplemental methods). The spectral
sensitivities of the House Finch are not known, so we used
parameters from the Canary (Serinus canaria), the most
closely related species for which these data are available
(Das et al. 1999). We found that the carotenoid-enriched
seeds were visually indistinguishable from the control
seeds when all were dyed green and presented under red-
filtered light; in other words, the avian visual chromatic
and achromatic contrast between plain and carotenoid-
enriched seeds did not differ significantly from the amount
of contrast within each seed type (Table 1). We are con-
fident that the unnatural light environment used in this
experiment did not affect bird behavior, as they ate the
same amount of seed (2–3 g) as did birds in a similar
experiment with non-filtered light (Bascun
´n et al. 2009).
For the food choice tests, we measured out 10 g of each
seed type into separate white dishes and presented them
simultaneously to each bird for 1 h (Bascun
´n et al. 2009).
The dishes were 15 cm apart, and we randomized the
spatial presentation of the carotenoid-enriched and control
food. We carried out two feeding tests per bird on separate
days (11 and 13 November 2010), beginning at 0700 hours
and following an overnight period of food deprivation. At
the conclusion of each test, we quantified food consump-
tion by measuring the mass of the food remaining in each
dish. We did not take into account the spilled seeds because
the number of seed on the floor of the cage were negligible
compared to the amount of seed eaten by the birds.
Table 1 Avian visual model contrast values within a seed type and between plain and carotenoid-enriched seeds under experimental lighting
Contrast within (jnds) Contrast between (jnds) tdfp
Chromatic plain 2.33 ±0.20 2.54 ±0.12 -0.95 328 0.34
Chromatic carotenoid 2.34 ±0.13 -0.93 328 0.35
Achromatic plain 11.78 ±0.88 12.58 ±0.62 -0.74 328 0.46
Achromatic carotenoid 12.52 ±0.83 -0.059 328 0.95
J Ornithol (2012) 153:1017–1023 1019
Odor discrimination test
To test whether or not finches prefer to feed on foods
scented with a carotenoid-derived aroma, we presented two
dishes of the plain seed, as described above, and affixed a
piece of b-ionone-scented or sham-scented filter
paper above the dishes. We did not scent the food directly
with b-ionone because we did not want to change the food
taste. The b-ionone scent consisted of a mixture of 20 ll
b-ionone (96% I12603; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA)
in 980 ll sunflower oil applied to the filter paper. This
mixture yields a b-ionone concentration of 1.89 lgg
which is consistent with the concentrations found in ripe
fruits (Beekwilder et al. 2008). The sham stimulus was
simply 1 ml plain sunflower oil applied to the filter paper.
We carried out a single test per bird on 22 November 2010,
following the same procedure as the carotenoid discrimina-
tion test above.
All statistical analyses were carried out with SPSS 13.0
(SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) with aset at 0.05. To test for
food preferences, we used repeated-measures analyses of
variance (rmANOVA), with seed type or odor treatment as
the within-subjects factor and capture location as the
between-subjects factor. In the comparison of carotenoid-
enriched and control foods, one of the samples from a Site 3
bird was lost (spilled), resulting in a final sample sizes of 15
from Site 1, 15 from Site 2, and 14 from Site 3. Plumage
color was not included as a factor in the rmANOVA
because finches trapped at the three sites have significantly
different colors (unpublished data) and color measures were
only available for a subset of the males: 12 from Site 1, 12
from Site 2, and 13 from Site 3. Instead, we ran correlations
between the proportion of carotenoid-enriched seeds eaten
and plumage hue for the three sites. We tested the statistical
power of our tests using the pwr package (Champely 2009)
in R 2.10 (R Development Core Team 2010) and the effect
sizes reported by Senar et al. (2010).
Finches did not consume significantly different amounts of
plain versus carotenoid-enriched seeds in the first experi-
ment (F
=0.725, p=0.40; Fig. 1a), nor did they con-
sume significantly different amounts of seed from the
b-ionone-scented versus control dishes (F
=1.22, p=
0.28; Fig. 1b). There was no significant effect of capture
location on food preference (carotenoid discrimination test:
=2.29, p=0.12; odor discrimination test: F
1.6, p=0.21) or the total amount of food eaten (carotenoid
discrimination test: F
\1.31, p=0.28; odor discrimi-
nation test: F
=2.29, p=0.12) during either experi-
ment. Finally, we did not find any significant regressions
between plumage coloration and food preference during the
carotenoid discrimination test (Site 1: F
=0.63, p=
0.45; Site 2: F
=0.002, p=0.96; Site 3: F
p=0.19) and the odor discrimination test (Site 1:
=0.74, p=0.41; Site 2: F
=0.008, p=0.98;
Site 3: F
=0.26, p=0.62).
With our sample size (n=45), we had sufficient power
(0.973) to detect the magnitude of carotenoid preferences
Fig. 1 a Mean ±SE mass of plain and carotenoid-enriched seeds
eaten by House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). bMean ±SE
mass of plain and b-ionone-scented seeds eaten
1020 J Ornithol (2012) 153:1017–1023
similar to those reported by Senar et al. (2010) (i.e.,
approx. 40% difference in food intake between treatments).
To consume foods that meet nutritional and physiological
requirements, animals may employ foraging preferences for
specific nutrients using different cues like food color, taste,
or smell. For example, in food choice experiments, European
Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) selected food containing
anthocyanins (antioxidant compounds) over food without
anthocyanins (Schaefer et al. 2008). Recently, Senar et al.
(2010) observed that Great Tits discriminate between
carotenoid-rich and -poor foods that were visually indistin-
guishable, and suggested that they may use non-visual cues
such as taste or smell to assess carotenoid content.
Avian olfaction has been seldom considered in behav-
ioral ecology research (i.e., mostly in navigational studies;
Wallraff 2004), and very few studies have examined how
birds use smell in the context of foraging (Nevitt et al.
1995; Roth et al. 2008; Kelly and Marples, 2004). This is
especially the case in passerines, for which olfactory bulb
size is very small compared to other species (Bang and
Cobb 1968). Previously, a study on Blue Tits (Cyanistes
caeruleus) showed that birds are more attracted to feeder
boxes with lavender odor than odorless feeder boxes, after
a period during which birds were trained to associate lav-
ender odor with food (Mennerat et al. 2005). Another study
found an additive effect of novel color and novel odor on
food consumption in Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata;
Kelly and Marples 2004). However, in the same study,
birds did not react to the novel odor alone.
In our study, we tested the possibility that House Fin-
ches detect carotenoids in their food using smell. We did
not find evidence for non-visual carotenoid discrimination.
These negative results obtained are unlikely to have
resulted from experimental limitations for several reasons.
First, we used a greater difference in carotenoid concen-
tration between carotenoid-enriched and plain seed than
did Senar et al. (2010). Second, we used a larger sample
size (n=45), giving us ample power to detect the effects
reported in previous food-choice experiments with birds
(Senar et al. 2010; Schaefer et al. 2008). Finally, our
manipulation of food color and lighting conditions ensured
that visual cues could not influence food preference.
Several hypotheses could explain the absence of food
preference in our experiments. First, natural sources of
carotenoids potentially contain flavors and odorants not
present in our experimental manipulations. Many of the
flavors and aromas of fruits are generated through the
specific enzymatic cleavage of carotenoids during ripening
(Britton 2008), and may have been absent in the purified
carotenoid supplement we used in our study. In addition,
b-ionone is one of the numerous carotenoid-derived aromas
(b-damascenone; for example, Winterhalter and Rouseff
2002; Beekwilder et al. 2008), but it is possible that other
specific aromas or flavors could be used by birds to dis-
criminate carotenoid content. Second, it remains possible
that House Finches use non-visual cues to find carotenoids
in the diet at other times of the year, especially during molt
when House Finches are most likely to be avid carotenoid-
seekers to develop carotenoid-based coloration (Hill et al.
2002). Third, a species’ foraging ecology may affect the
likelihood and strength of carotenoid detection in food as
well as what detection cues are used. For example, House
Finches eat primarily seeds and fruits (Hill 1993), which
often use color to attract birds (Willson and Whelan 1990).
Thus, finches may rely heavily on these visual cues to
locate and discriminate food. For example, House Finches
have distinct food color preferences, with an aversion to
yellow and a preference for red and green (Bascun
´n et al.
2009; Stockton-Shields 1997). In contrast, tits primarily eat
insects that tend to be camouflaged or display aposematic
coloration with chemical defenses (Royama 1970), such
that coloration may not be a reliable indicator of food
quality, and non-visual cues like taste and smell may be
used instead.
In our experiments, plumage color did not influence
food preference during the carotenoid and odor discrimi-
nation tests. Previously, Bascun
´n et al. (2009) found that
redder birds demonstrated a higher degree of food selec-
tivity, measured as the proportion of their preferred food
color consumed. Thus, it is possible that redder birds may
be more selective, using non-visual cues, on the specific
food with the amount of carotenoids physiologically nee-
ded, but our study does not rule out this hypothesis. Future
experiments may examine this question by giving repeat-
edly different foods (with the same color) with several
levels of carotenoids and assessing the potential link
between food selectivity and coloration.
Birds may also develop preferences for carotenoid-rich
food sources through post-ingestive feedback mechanisms
(Yearsley et al. 2006). Carotenoids may provide a positive
feedback through their antioxidant and immune-enhancing
effects (McGraw 2006), and studies of other bird species
demonstrate the conditioned discrimination of certain
nutrients and by-products through negative or positive post-
ingestive feedback (Clark and Mason 1987; Werner et al.
2008). Our study does not rule out this possibility because
birds had access to carotenoid-enriched food only two times
during 1 h. If such learning is an important part of carot-
enoid foraging, it will be particularly interesting to examine
which cues (e.g., color, aroma, flavor) are the most salient
because such foraging preferences may influence mate
choice and shape sexual selection. For example, the
J Ornithol (2012) 153:1017–1023 1021
evolution of carotenoid-based sexually selected coloration
in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and sticklebacks (Gaster-
osteus aculeatus) has been linked to foraging preferences
for carotenoid-rich foods (Rodd 2002; Smith et al. 2004).
This linkage has typically been discussed as a heritable bias
for particular traits; however, recently, learned biases have
been recognized as important selective forces, with a unique
influence on the evolution of sexual signals (Cate and Rowe
2007). Thus, learning the cues associated with specific
nutrients, like carotenoids, has the potential to influence the
direction and intensity of sexual selection (e.g., Rodd 2002).
Acknowledgments This work was funded by grants from the
National Science Foundation (IOS-0910357 to K.J.M. and 0923694 to
M.B.T. and K.J.M.) and from the Fyssen Foundation to M.G. We
thank DSM Inc., Heerlen, Netherlands, for donating the carotenoid
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... Plumage coloration was quantified using digital photography, following standard published methods for this species (Giraudeau et al. 2012;Lendvai et al. 2013) and others (e.g. McGraw et al. 2002). ...
... Digital images (3648 × 2736 pixels) were imported into Adobe Photoshop to extract the plumage hue data. Values for the 2 pictures of each bird were averaged for statistical analyses given that hue measurement using this method has been shown to be highly repeatable in several studies published by our group (Giraudeau et al. 2012;Lendvai et al. 2013). Within each individual, hue was also averaged across all color patches. ...
... The male finches used in the mate-choice experiments were captured from the same 3 sites as the female birds earlier in the previous year (1 September to 3 October 2010). These birds were part of a separate study of nonvisual cues and food preference and details of their capture, diet, and housing conditions can be found in Giraudeau et al. (2012). ...
Urban environments create a unique suite of conditions, leading to changes in animal behavior, morphology, phenology, and physiology. Condition-dependent traits such as the carotenoid-based coloration offer a unique opportunity to assess the impacts of urbanization on organisms because they reflect the nutrition, health, or other resource-based attributes of their bearers and they play an essential role in intra and intersex interactions. To determine if and how the carotenoid-based coloration of male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) varies along a gradient of urbanization, we quantified the plumage coloration of more than 1000 individuals in urban, suburban , rural, and desert habitats over the course of 17 months. We also examined for the first time the preference of females for male plumage coloration across the urban-rural gradient, to test if and how female preferences varied relative to the plumage coloration displayed by males in their local population. We found that carotenoid-based coloration decreased along the gradient of urbanization, suggesting that the enzyme-driven metabolic conversion of dietary carotenoids into red carotenoids used to color plumage is sensitive to urban stressors. The stronger negative effect of urbanization on carotenoid-based plumage coloration during breeding than during molt and winter suggests that urbanization affects color fading rate, maybe through modifications of feather-degrading bacterial load. Finally, we have shown that urbanization influences female mate-choice behavior, suggesting that female color preferences may track the variation in male coloration across the gradient of urbanization.
... Thirdly, and perhaps most convincingly, great tits have demonstrated a preference for diets that are artificially carotenoid-enriched, both in captive-and fieldbased choice tests (Senar et al. 2010). Equivalent tests with house finches (Giraudeau et al. 2012) and garden warblers (Sylvia borin) (Catoni et al. 2011) failed to replicate this result possibly because these species use modified ketolated carotenoids in their plumage (house finches), or do not pigment their feathers with carotenoids at all (garden warblers). ...
... In contrast, house finches do not display an ability to detect or maximize dietary carotenoids, at least based on a specific olfactory cue (Giraudeau et al. 2012). We suggest that the nature of the carotenoids used for pigmentation may explain the discrepancies between these studies. ...
Nutrition is profoundly important for practically all aspects of life. Getting enough of the right kind of food affects cellular function and energy acquisition, disease avoidance, mate attraction, trophic interactions and hence ecosystem structure. When nutritional needs are inadequately met, fecundity and survival can be adversely affected. However, the severity of these effects, and the importance of the particular life history stage when they were experienced, is incompletely understood. Understanding how and when nutritional conditions affect fitness is particularly important for the conservation of endangered species, especially when food supplementation is a key part of managing the few populations that remain. In this thesis, I explore the importance of nutrition during early- and adult-life for the hihi (Notiomystis cincta), a colourful, sexually dichromatic endangered New Zealand passerine. I begin by investigating the importance of nestling nutritional environment for the expression of colourful plumage in adulthood. By experimentally supplementing nestlings with alternative dietary treatments, I demonstrate that early life nutritional conditions have long-term consequences for the expression of both carotenoid-based and structurally produced plumage features. Next I investigate whether these colourful plumage traits are sexually selected. I show that different components of a male’s colourful plumage, including yellow carotenoid-based, black melanin-based and white structurally-based colour, are relevant for different aspects of reproductive success. Using the dietary supplementation experiment, I also consider the impact of alternative supplementary foods on the growth and subsequent survival of hihi. I show that directly supplementing nestlings with protein has a negligible long-term survival benefit over supplementing carbohydrates, and present evidence that males and females have divergent nutritional needs during development – an important consideration for any supplementary feeding program. Finally, I consider whether moulting male hihi selectively forage for carotenoid-rich foods in the wild, as would be expected in a species that requires these pigments for sexual display. I present evidence that adult male hihi do indeed target carotenoid-rich foods during moult, which is consistent with the suggestion that dietary carotenoid access maintains signal honesty. In short, by addressing evolutionary questions from a nutritional perspective, I discover how and when investment in key life history traits is prioritised, how this differs between the sexes and show how this knowledge might be used in supplementary feeding programs to the benefit of endangered species.
... Plumage color was measured using a digital imagery technique (Badyaev et al., 2001;McGraw et al., 2002;Oh and Badyaev, 2006;Giraudeau et al., 2012Giraudeau et al., , 2016Lendvai et al., 2013;McKay, 2013;Luttrell et al., 2015). We photographed the birds using a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera (EOS 5D Mark II, Canon Inc., Japan) and a flashlight (MR-14EX, Canon Inc., Japan) in a small, shaded chamber (approximately 80 cm  60 cm  50 cm) covered by grey cardboard. ...
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Sex differences in morphology provide key information for understanding a species’ morphological adaptations in relation to the evolution of sexual selection. In migratory birds, morphological traits have adapted to long-distance travel, and sexual dimorphism is typically related to sex-differential migration phenology. Little Buntings (Emberiza pusilla) have one of the longest migrations and are the least dichromatic species among the Emberiza buntings. In this study, we measured sexual size dimorphism and sexual dichromatism of Little Buntings in relation to the spring arrival dates at a stopover site in Korea. Wing length was the most important predictor for identifying sex; the wings of males were longer than those of females. Males also had a significantly stronger chestnut color of the head feathers than females, but this color difference was more prominent in the spring than in the fall. Males arrived earlier than females by four days. Arrival dates correlated with both size and color, but unlike other bunting species previously studied in the same area, there was no clear sex-differential trend in the relationship between arrival date and morphological characteristics. Seasonal differences in the degree of sexual dichromatism suggest that chestnut plumage coloration can be used as a social or sexual signal of males in the breeding season. The correlation of size and color to early arrival regardless of sex may indicate that a preference for assortative mating exists or that a sex-differential migration strategy is not clearly defined in the early stages of northward migration. Our findings on the sexual dimorphism of Little Buntings provide insight into the evolution of the sex-differential migration of buntings in the East Asian Flyway.
... Like many other carotenoid-based displays, the reflectance spectra of colored eye patch skin shows a first peak in the UV followed by a larger peak and plateau at longer wavelengths (Peneaux et al., 2020). Several studies have shown that measuring the visible region of the spectrum via digital photography allow the capture of biologically meaningful variation in carotenoid-based coloration (Giraudeau et al., 2012;Pérez-Rodríguez, 2008;Vergara et al., 2015;Villafuerte and Negro, 1998). This method also allowed us to considerably reduce handling time for each bird, compared with the spectrometer method. ...
Producing colored signals often requires consuming dietary carotenoid pigments. Evidence that food deprivation can reduce coloration, however, raises the question of whether other dietary nutrients contribute to signal coloration, and furthermore, whether individuals can voluntarily select food combinations to achieve optimal coloration. We created a 2-way factorial design to manipulate macronutrient and carotenoid access in common mynas ( Acridotheres tristis ) and measured eye patch coloration as a function of the food combinations individuals selected. Mynas had access to either water or carotenoid-supplemented water and could eat either a standard captive diet or choose freely between three nutritionally defined pellets (protein, lipid, carbohydrate). Mynas supplemented with both carotenoids and macronutrient pellets had higher color scores than control birds. Male coloration tended to respond more to nutritional manipulation than females, with color scores improving in macronutrient- and carotenoid-supplemented individuals compared to controls. All mynas consuming carotenoids had higher levels of plasma carotenoids, but only males showed a significant increase by the end of the experiment. Dietary carotenoids and macronutrient intake consumed in combination tended to increase plasma carotenoid concentrations the most. These results demonstrate for the first time that consuming specific combinations of macronutrients along with carotenoids contribute to optimizing a colorful signal and point to sex-specific nutritional strategies. Our findings improve our knowledge of how diet choices affect signal expression and, by extension, how nutritionally impoverished diets, such as those consumed by birds in cities, might affect sexual selection processes and ultimately population dynamics.
... At capture, I will weigh each bird (to nearest 0.1 g), measure tarsus-metatarsus length (mm), wing length (mm), tail length (mm), bill length (to the skull), bill depth (at the proximal edge of the nostrils) and digitally photograph the bill and eye-ring colour in males and their plumage to measure ornamental colouration (Giraudeau et al. 2012;Giraudeau et al. 2013). Also, the pattern of wing moult will be used to age birds as being born either the previous calendar year or at least two years previously ). ...
Research Proposal
Urbanisation is a growing concern challenging the evolutionary potential of wild populations by reducing genetic diversity and imposing new selection regimes affecting many key fitness traits. However, genomic footprints of urbanisation have received little attention so far. Understanding the demographic, ecological, and evolutionary processes resulting from urbanisation is thus becoming an essential goal in conservation and evolutionary biology. The assessment of genetic architecture and selection history in genes for behavioural and morphological traits is fundamental to our understanding of how these traits evolve. Also, exotic species provide numerously unplanned and frequently, but imperfectly, replicated experiments that can be used to better understand the natural world. I believe that it may highlight the utility of using exotic species as ‘model organisms.’ The dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene, serotonin transporter (SERT) and circadian locomotor output cycles kaput protein (CORT) are prime candidates for explaining genetic variation in exploratory and bold behaviours, a commonly assayed personality trait in animals. The identification of functional polymorphisms in genes that underlie behavioural trait variation is a challenging but, intriguing task in evolutionary biology. When a species successfully colonises an urban habitat, it can be expected that its population rapidly adapts to the new environment but also experiences demographic perturbations. Introduced individuals may express integrated phenotypes with distinct physiological, morphological, behavioural and life-history traits. It is, therefore, essential to gain an understanding of the population structure and the genetic variation of the urban and neighbouring rural populations before studying adaptation at the genome level. The research presented will examine population divergence in both a behavioural trait and an associated gene variation and in evaluating plasticity versus genetic variation as possible causes. To our knowledge, most studies have so far focused on a single pair of sites when comparing urban and rural populations of wild birds. My study will highlight the importance of studying multiple populations from all over the urbanisation gradient in order to better assess the influence of the degree of urbanisation on the morphology, behaviour and genetic variation of introduced birds since introduction and urbanisation. Additionally, I will emphasise how the study of invasions can help to inform our understanding of applied problems, such as extinction, ecosystem function and the response of species to climate change.
... Thus, future studies should examine if strong inter-individual differences in foraging preferences exist in Japanese tree frogs, as has been already extensively observed in other taxa (i.e. birds and mammals[75][76][77][78][79] ) and if the different prey items of this frog species vary in their levels of contamination. A third explanation for high SCIEntIfIC REPORts | (2018) 8:7438 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-25495-5 ...
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The nuclear accident in the Fukushima prefecture released a large amount of artificial radionuclides that might have short- and long-term biological effects on wildlife. Ionizing radiation can be a harmful source of reactive oxygen species, and previous studies have already shown reduced fitness effects in exposed animals in Chernobyl. Due to their potential health benefits, carotenoid pigments might be used by animals to limit detrimental effects of ionizing radiation exposure. Here, we examined concentrations of carotenoids in blood (i.e. a snapshot of levels in circulation), liver (endogenous carotenoid reserves), and the vocal sac skin (sexual signal) in relation to the total radiation dose rates absorbed by individual (TDR from 0.2 to 34 µGy/h) Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica). We found high within-site variability of TDRs, but no significant effects of the TDR on tissue carotenoid levels, suggesting that carotenoid distribution in amphibians might be less sensitive to ionizing radiation exposure than in other organisms or that the potential deleterious effects of radiation exposure might be less significant or more difficult to detect in Fukushima than in Chernobyl due to, among other things, differences in the abundance and mixture of each radionuclide.
... A full description of the methods is available as Supporting Information. From 13 to 20 September 2012, we used hanging basket traps and ground Potter traps baited with sunflower seeds (Giraudeau, Toomey & McGraw, 2012) to capture 74 moulting hatch-year house finches (37 females and 37 males) on the Arizona State University campus (Tempe, AZ, USA). At capture, birds were completing their first pre-basic plumage moult. ...
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Stressful developmental conditions can have both short- and long-term effects on animal physiology and behaviour, but studies on this topic are rarely conducted in the wild and, if so, largely focus on only the first few weeks of life. To fill this gap, we tested developmental links between early-life stress and the physiology of wild-caught juveniles later during development. Specifically, we examined potential associations between feather corticosterone levels of hatchling house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) and several phenotypic and physiological traits measured several months later in juveniles. We assessed four indices of health (oxidative damage to lipids, innate immunity, intestinal parasite infection intensity and plumage colour) and two morphological traits (body mass and tarsus length) in juveniles. Feather corticosterone concentrations were not related to any of the juvenile traits later in development. Our results suggest that physiological variables can change rapidly during ontogeny, such that stress hormone levels in juvenile feathers could be uncoupled from the real stress levels experienced by nestlings. Instead, juvenile physiology might be more dependent on current environmental conditions than on early-life conditions (i.e. environmental matching), and this may limit the effects on fitness of poor early-developmental conditions.
... La visión del color en especies de aves es tetra-cromática (algunas penta-) 81 . Ciertas aves estudiadas han mostrado apetito específico por los carotenoides donde la preferencia pudo haberse basado en el olfato o el gusto, como también, el que no usaron señales de olor o sabor asociadas con carotenoides para discriminar entre alimentos 88,92 . ...
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La alimentación humana está condicionada por factores ideológicos, climáticos, geográficos, tecnológicos y religiosos, entre otros. Esos factores crean patrones de dieta que los humanos eligen por variedad de razones, como preocupaciones éticas, deseo de una mejor salud, creencias religiosas y consideraciones ambientales, entre otras. El condicionamiento en la alimentación es creado en un ambiente sociocultural, que dista en tiempo, de la alimentación originaria en un ambiente natural; la cual por modificaciones conductuales, en la especie humana, evolutivamente, han causado cambios en adaptaciones anatómicas y fisiológicas en humanos. El estudio de esas adaptaciones genera hipótesis enmarcadas dentro de un contexto con validez bajo distintos puntos de vista, lo que dificulta establecer, en parte, la verdad sobre la alimentación humana. Para la elaboración de este libro se consultó literatura puramente científica. Los temas tratados abarcan la adaptación evolutiva de primates humanos, no humanos y algunas otras especies, existentes y extintas, con énfasis en la anatomía comparada; la experiencia multisensorial en la comunicación entre plantas y animales; la evolución de la dieta humana y aspectos nutricionales y de salud asociados al procesamiento de alimentos, al consumo de macronutrientes de origen animal y vegetal, y de compuestos fito y zooquímicos; además, relaciones entre la microbiota intestinal y las dietas. Temática que ofrece al lector diversidad de argumentos que llevan a suponer sobre lo que los humanos modernos, deberían o no, comer.
There is widespread contemporary interest in causes and consequences of blood glucose status in humans (e.g., links to diabetes and cardiovascular disease), but we know comparatively less about what underlies variation in glucose levels of wild animals. Several environmental factors, including diet, disease status, and habitat quality, may regulate glucose circulation, and we are in need of work that assesses many organismal traits simultaneously to understand the plasticity and predictability of glucose levels in ecological and evolutionary contexts. Here, we measured circulating glucose levels in a species of passerine bird (the house finch, Haemorhous mexicanus) that has served as a valuable model for research on sexual selection, disease, and urban behavioral ecology, as these animals display sexually dichromatic ornamental coloration, harbor many infectious diseases (e.g., poxvirus, coccidiosis, mycoplasmal conjunctivitis), and reside in both natural habitats and cities. We tested the effects of sex, habitat type, body condition, coccidiosis and poxvirus infections, and expression of carotenoid plumage coloration on blood glucose concentrations and found that the body condition and poxvirus infection significantly predicted circulating glucose levels. Specifically, birds with higher blood glucose levels had higher body condition scores and were infected with poxvirus. This result is consistent with biomedical, domesticated-animal, and wildlife-rehabilitation findings, and the premise that glucose elevation is a physiological response to or indicator of infection and relative body weight. The fact that we failed to find links between glucose and our other measurements suggests that blood glucose levels can reveal some but not all aspects of organismal or environmental quality.
In vertebrates, exposure to acute stressors stimulates the secretion of adrenal glucocorticoids such as corticosterone, and in some situations this hormone plays an important role in orchestrating the trade-off that exists between reproduction and self-maintenance. Stressful conditions often lead to a decrease in plasma levels of sex steroids such as testosterone in males, and it has been hypothesized that corticosterone contributes to this decrease. Generally supporting this proposition, glucocorticoids can inhibit the reproductive axis activity at multiple levels, including direct effects on testicular endocrine function. Here we tested for the first time the additional hypothesis that stress-induced glucocorticoids are associated with an increased clearance rate of circulating testosterone. To test this hypothesis, we performed two experiments comparing changes in plasma testosterone as a function of time (6–60 min) after a single injection of this hormone into captive male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) that either were intact (controls) or were pharmacologically adrenalectomized by administration of the glucocorticoid synthesis inhibitor mitotane. Control finches rapidly elevated their plasma corticosterone in response to handling, whereas mitotane treatment abolished this response by approximately 95%. Contrary to our prediction, we found no clear evidence that control birds eliminated exogenous testosterone from circulation at a different rate than pharmacologically adrenalectomized finches. These findings do not support the hypothesis that, during acute stress, elevated plasma glucocorticoids stimulate the clearance rate of testosterone. The rapid inhibitory effect of stress on plasma testosterone may rather result from direct actions of glucocorti glucocorticoids on the gonadal production of the androgen or involve a glucocorticoid-independent mechanism.
This review summarizes research on sensory and behavioral aspects of calcium homeostasis. These are fragmented fields, with essentially independent lines of research involving gustatory electrophysiology in amphibians, ethological studies in wild birds, nutritional studies in poultry, and experimental behavioral studies focused primarily on characterizing the specificity of the appetite in rats. Recently, investigators have begun to examine potential physiological mechanisms underlying calcium intake and appetite. These include changes in the taste perception of calcium, signals related to blood calcium concentrations, and actions of the primary hormones of calcium homeostasis: parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Other influences on calcium intake include reproductive and adrenal hormones and learning. The possibility that a calcium appetite exists in humans is discussed. The broad range of observations documenting the existence of a behavioral limb of calcium homeostasis provides a strong foundation for future genetic and physiological analyses of this behavior.
I studied female mate preference in relation to male plumage coloration in the House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Males from an introduced eastern U.S. population averaged significantly brighter in plumage coloration, and males from an introduced Hawaiian population significantly drabber, than males from the parent population in California. Males from Guerrero, Mexico displayed a mean coloration similar to that of males from the eastern U.S., but with a much reduced color-patch size. In controlled feeding experiments, I found that male house finches from all populations possess the same potential to display bright or drab plumage and that variation in plumage coloration (but not patch size) reflects the type and quantity of carotenoid pigments ingested by individuals during molt. In the wild, male plumage coloration was correlated with parental investment and viability. In laboratory and field experiments, females from all populations chose the most brightly colored, largest patched males available, regardless of the appearance of males in their population. A phylogenetic analysis indicated that the small patch size displayed by Mexican House Finches is derived from a larger patch size, and indirect evidence suggests that small-patched males may have access to smaller quantities of carotenoids than large-patched males. These results support the hypothesis that plumage coloration evolved via intersexual selection as an indicator of male quality. In addition, the lack of conformity between male appearance and female preference among populations provides evidence against species isolation models and runaway sexual selection models for the evolution of male display traits.
In certain circumstances, wild animals may obtain adequate nutrition merely by random consumption of foods but, in other circumstances, may need to feed selectively for specific nutrients. For instance, it has been argued that requirements for certain amino acids may be so great during periods of production such as egg laying or molt that highly selective feeding is necessary to avert malnutrition. We evaluated the ability of captive molting white-crowned sparrows to choose between two semisynthetic diets (Choice) that were essentially identical, except in sulfur-amino acid (SAA = cyst(e)ine + methionine) concentration. The high-SAA diet was more than nutritionally adequate, and the low-SAA diet was inadequate for molting sparrows. Two parallel experimental groups were fed only the high-SAA diet (Control) or the low-SAA diet (Deficient), respectively. Food was supplied to each bird in two glass food cups, side by side. Choice birds thus had free access to a high-low-SAA-diet pair, while Control (high-high-diet pair) and Deficient (low-low-diet pair) birds had free access to right- or left-hand cups containing identical diets. Daily food intake by Control birds was 50:50 from rightand left-hand cups before, during, and after molt. Their body-mass variation and molt pattern (duration = ca. 54 days) were normal. Daily food intake by Deficient birds was less (25%-30%); body mass was less (ca. 15%); and molt was longer (105 days) than in Control or Choice birds. Many new feathers in Deficient birds were malformed. A subgroup of the Deficient group that was given a high-low-diet choice midway through the experiment quickly regained normal body mass and accelerated molt above the normal rate, so that molt was completed in 75 days. Daily food intake, body mass, and pattern and duration of molt in the Choice birds were indistinguishable from these variables in Control birds. Choice birds consumed a 50:50 ratio of diets before and after molt but during molt preferentially consumed the high-SAA diet in rough proportion to molt intensity, with a mid-molt plateau at about 65% highSAA diet. Tests involving switching of diet (food-cup) locations showed that the birds can sense diet quality and respond to altered diet location within at least 16 h (1 feeding day).
This chapter gives an introduction to the field of carotenoid-derived aroma compounds and illustrates the importance of short-chain carotenoid metabolites as flavor and fragrance substances. Although carotenoid-derived aroma compounds (so-called norterpenoids or norisoprenoids) are ubiquitous constituents in plant derived aromas, very little is known about their biogeneration. Hence, possibilities for an efficient biotechnological production are still limited. After a brief summary of the historical development of norisoprenoid chemistry, this introductory chapter reviews the present knowledge about the occurrence and formation of carotenoid-derived aroma compounds in natural tissues and discusses possibilities for a biotechnological production.
The House Finch is among the most mundane birds, so ubiquitous and familiar across the U.S. and Canada that it does not rate a glance from most bird enthusiasts. But males have carotenoid-based plumage coloration that varies markedly among individuals, making the House Finch a model species for studies of the function and evolution of colorful plumage. In more depth and detail than has been attempted for any species of bird, this book takes a tour of the hows and whys of ornamental plumage coloration. The book begins by reviewing the history of the study of colorful plumage, which began in earnest with the debates of Darwin and Wallace but which was largely forgotten by the middle of the 20th century. Documenting the extensive plumage variation among males both within and between populations of House Finches, the book explores the mechanisms behind plumage variation and looks at the fitness consequences of condition-dependent ornament display for both males and females. The book concludes by examining the processes by which carotenoid-based ornamental coloration may have evolved.