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Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing


Abstract and Figures

Social media outlets constitute excellent vehicles for fostering relationships with customers. One specific way to do this is to create brand fan pages on social networking sites. Companies can place brand posts (containing videos, messages, quizzes, information, and other material) on these brand fan pages. Customers can become fans of these brand fan pages, and subsequently indicate that they like the brand post or comment on it. This liking and commenting on brand posts reflects brand post popularity. In this article, we determine possible drivers for brand post popularity. We analyze 355 brand posts from 11 international brands spread across six product categories. Results show that positioning the brand post on top of the brand fan page enhances brand post popularity. But the findings also indicate that different drivers influence the number of likes and the number of comments. Namely, vivid and interactive brand post characteristics enhance the number of likes. Moreover, the share of positive comments on a brand post is positively related to the number of likes. The number of comments can be enhanced by the interactive brand post characteristic, a question. The shares of both positive and negative comments are positively related to the number of comments. Managers of brands that operate brand fan pages can be guided by our research with regards to deciding which characteristics or content to place at brand posts.
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Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the
Effects of Social Media Marketing
Lisette de Vries
& Sonja Gensler
& Peter S.H. Leeang
a, b
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Faculty of Economics and Business, LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32, 00197 Rome, Italy
Available online 1 April 2012
Social media outlets constitute excellent vehicles for fostering relationships with customers. One specic way to do this is to create brand fan
pages on social networking sites. Companies can place brand posts (containing videos, messages, quizzes, information, and other material) on
these brand fan pages. Customers can become fans of these brand fan pages, and subsequently indicate that they like the brand post or comment
on it. This liking and commenting on brand posts reects brand post popularity. In this article, we determine possible drivers for brand post pop-
ularity. We analyze 355 brand posts from 11 international brands spread across six product categories.
Results show that positioning the brand post on top of the brand fan page enhances brand post popularity. But the ndings also indicate that
different drivers inuence the number of likes and the number of comments. Namely, vivid and interactive brand post characteristics enhance
the number of likes. Moreover, the share of positive comments on a brand post is positively related to the number of likes. The number of com-
ments can be enhanced by the interactive brand post characteristic, a question. The shares of both positive and negative comments are positively
related to the number of comments. Managers of brands that operate brand fan pages can be guided by our research with regards to deciding which
characteristics or content to place at brand posts.
© 2012 Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Social media; Social networking sites; Marketing communications; Relationship marketing
In 2011, more than 50% of social media users follow brands
on social media (Van Belleghem, Eenhuizen, and Veris 2011)
and companies are increasingly investing in social media, indi-
cated by worldwide marketing spending on social networking
sites of about $4.3 billion (Williamson 2011). Managers invest
in social media to foster relationships and interact with cus-
tomers (SAS HBR 2010). One way to realize this aim is to create
brand communities in the form of brand fan pages on social net-
working sites where customers can interact with a company by
liking or commenting on brand posts (McAlexander, Schouten,
and Koenig 2002; Muñiz and O'Guinn 2001). Consumers who
become fans of these brand fan pages tend to be loyal and com-
mitted to the company, and are more open to receiving informa-
tion about the brand (Bagozzi and Dholakia 2006). Moreover,
brand fans tend to visit the store more, generate more positive
word-of-mouth, and are more emotionally attached to the brand
than non-brand fans (Dholakia and Durham 2010).
While preliminary research has been conducted on the success
of marketing activities on social media, little is known about fac-
tors that influence brand post popularity, that is, the number of
likes and comments on brand posts at brand fan pages (Ryan and
Zabin 2010; Shankar and Batra 2009). Management-oriented stud-
ies about brand post popularity are mainly descriptive; they pro-
vide no theoretical foundation and do not formally test which
activities actually improve brand post popularity. For example,
these studies suggest that companies should experiment with dif-
ferent brand post characteristics, such as videos, images, text, or
questions (Brookes 2010; Keath et al. 2011). Current insights
are thus limited, which has increased the call for research in the
area of social media, as indicated by the subject of this special
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. de Vries), (S. Gensler), (P.S.H. Leeang).
1094-9968/$ -see front matter © 2012 Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
vailable online at
Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
issue and the 20102012 Marketing Science Institute research
priorities (
The aim of this research is to empirically investigate what
factors drive brand post popularity. We develop a conceptual
model that is based upon findings from the banner and adver-
tising literature, as well as the word-of-mouth communication
literature. We consider brand post characteristics (e.g., vividness,
interactivity), content of the brand post (e.g., information, enter-
tainment), position of the brand post, and the valence of com-
ments on the brand post written by brand fans.
We gathered data from different brand fan pages on a social
networking site to test our hypotheses. The findings indicate
that enhancing either the number of likes or the number of com-
ments requires different instruments. With this research we pro-
vide insights to the social media literature, which are interesting
for academics as well as for practitioners. To the best of our
knowledge, we are the first to empirically investigate which fac-
tors influence the popularity of brand posts at a social networking
site. Our research provides valuable and directly applicable impli-
cations for companiessocial media marketing activities.
The flow of this paper is as follows: first, we describe brand
fan pages and brand post popularity, and then develop the
conceptual framework and hypotheses. That initial section
is followed by a description of the study design. The empirical re-
sults are then described and discussed. We conclude with impli-
cations for managers, and propose some limitations that provide
opportunities for further research.
Brand Fan Pages and Brand Post Popularity
In just a few years, social networking sites have become ex-
tremely popular: Facebook, for example, claims to have attracted
over 800 million active members (as of fall 2011) since starting in
2004 ( Social networking sites can be de-
scribed as networks of friends for social or professional interac-
tions (Trusov, Bucklin, and Pauwels 2009). Members of social
networking sites can become friends with other members, but
they can also become fans of brands on dedicated brand fan
pages. Brand fans can share their enthusiasm about the brand
on these dedicated pages and be united by their common interest
in the brand (Kozinets 1999). Brand fan pages reflect part of the
customersrelationship with the brand (McAlexander, Schouten,
and Koenig 2002), broaden the brandcustomer relationship
(Muñiz and O'Guinn 2001), and provide a source of information
and social benefits to the members (Bagozzi and Dholakia 2002;
Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo 2004). On these brand fan pages,
companies can create brand posts containing anecdotes, photos,
videos, or other material; brand fans can then interact with these
brand posts by liking or commenting on them.
In this article, we focus on the determinants of brand post
popularity, i.e., the number of likes and comments. In order to
find these determinants affecting brand post popularity, we
use research on the effectiveness of banner advertising because
similarities exist between banners and brand posts. A banner is
a small advertisement on web pages that advertisers want peo-
ple to click on (Drèze and Hussherr 2003). Similarly, brand
posts occupy only a small part of the brand fan page, with
companies wanting brand fans to like or comment on it. Thus,
the challenges for both banners and brand posts are firstly to at-
tract people's attention and secondly to induce people to click
on and view the content. However, people voluntarily decide
to visit a brand fan page, whereas they are involuntarily con-
fronted with banners and usually pay low attention to them
(Goodrich 2011; Yoo 2009). Despite these differences between
banners and brand posts, factors that compel people to click on a
banner may also be applicable to how people interact with brand
posts. For example, banners and brand posts need special charac-
teristics or features that make them salient from the background
and capture customersattention (Fennis and Stroebe 2010, p. 51).
Brand posts differ from banners on another aspect as well: the
likes and comments on the brand post reflect active statements of
brand fans and are visible to others. By liking or commenting on a
brand post, brand fans state their opinion publicly. Liking and
commenting on a brand post is thus similar to WoM communica-
tion. We therefore also use literature on WoM communication
when discussing the factors that influence brand post popularity.
Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses
The conceptual framework for the determinants of brand post
popularity is presented in Figure 1. We argue that vividness, inter-
activity, the content of the brand post (information, entertainment),
the top position of a brand post, and the valence of comments on a
brand post are related to brand post popularity (i.e., the number of
likes and the number of comments). Additionally, we do control
for the day of the week the brand post is placed, message length
of the brand post, and the product category (see Figure 1).
One way of enhancing the salience of brand posts is to include
vivid brand post characteristics. Vividness reflects the richness of
a brand post's formal features; in other words, it is the extent to
which a brand post stimulates the different senses (Steuer
1992). Vividness can be achieved by the inclusion of dynamic an-
imations, (contrasting) colors, or pictures (Cho 1999; Drèze and
Hussherr 2003; Fortin and Dholakia 2005; Goldfarb and Tucker
Brand post popularity
Control variables:
- Day of the week
- Message length of
brand post
- Product category
Valence of
Number of likes
H6a, 6b, 6c
Number of comments
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework.
84 L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
2011; Goodrich 2011). The degree of vividness can differ in the
way that it stimulates multiple senses (Coyle and Thorson
2001). For example, a video is more vivid than a picture because
the former stimulates not only sight, but also hearing.
Research shows that highly vivid banners are more effective
with respect to intention to click (Cho 1999) and click-through
rates (Lohtia, Donthu, and Hershberger 2003). Moreover,
higher degrees of vividness appear to be most effective at en-
hancing attitudes toward a website (Coyle and Thorson 2001;
Fortin and Dholakia 2005). We propose that more vivid brand
posts lead to a more positive attitude toward the brand post.
This positive attitude should then compel brand fans to like or
comment on a brand post. Therefore, we formulate:
H1. The higher the level of vividness of a brand post, the more
popular the brand post.
Another way of enhancing the salience of a brand post is in-
teractivity. Interactivity is defined as the degree to which two
or more communication parties can act on each other, on the
communication medium, and on the messages and the degree
to which such influences are synchronized(Liu and Shrum
2002, p. 54). Interactivity is characterized by two-way commu-
nication between companies and customers, as well as between
customers themselves; put differently, it characterizes many-to-
many communication (Goldfarb and Tucker 2011; Hoffman
and Novak 1996). Brand post characteristics differ in the degree
of interactivity. For example, a brand post with only text is not
at all interactive, while a link to a website is more interactive
(Fortin and Dholakia 2005) since brand fans can click on that
link. Moreover, a question acts as a highly interactive brand
post characteristic because it begs an answer from brand fans.
Research shows inconclusive findings (no effect versus positive ef-
fect) regarding interactivity on outcome measures, such as attitude
toward an ad, which might be explained by the considered degrees
of interactivity (Liu and Shrum 2002). Some research suggests that
there might exist an optimal level of interactivity (Fortin and
Dholakia 2005), but other research proposes a linear effect of inter-
activity (Coyle and Thorson 2001). Since the objective of brand
posts is to motivate brand fans to react (i.e., liking and/or comment-
ing), we expect that higher degrees of interactivity will generate
more likes and comments. We propose the following hypothesis:
H2. The higher the level of interactivity of a brand post, the
more popular the brand post.
Content of Brand Posts: Information and Entertainment
Information-seeking is an important reason for people to use
social networking sites (Lin and Lu 2011), participate in a vir-
tual community (Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo 2004), and con-
tribute to Facebook groups (Park, Kee, and Valenzuela 2009).
Furthermore, the pursuit of information explains why people
consume brand-related content (Muntinga, Moorman, and
Smit 2011). Hence, if a brand post contains information about
the brand or product, then the brand fansmotivations to
participate or consume the content are met. Additionally, research
shows that people tend to have positive attitudes toward informa-
tive ads on social networks (Taylor, Lewin, and Strutton 2011).
Therefore, brand fans might have more positive attitudes toward
informative brand posts compared to non-informative brand
posts, thus leading to higher popularity. We propose:
H3. Informative brand posts are more popular than non-
informative brand posts.
The entertainment value of a social networking site is also an
important factor for using it (Cheung, Chiu, and Lee 2011;
Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo 2004; Lin and Lu 2011; Park,
Kee, and Valenzuela 2009). Entertainment leads people to con-
sume, create or contribute to brand-related content online
(Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit 2011). Entertaining ads ads
that are perceived to be fun, exciting, cool, and flashy do have
a positive effect on attitude toward the ad (Taylor, Lewin, and
Strutton 2011), attitude toward the brand, and the desire to return
to the website (Raney et al. 2003). Hence, if a brand post is enter-
taining, brand fansmotivations to participate or consume the con-
tent are met. Therefore, brand fans might have more positive
attitudes toward entertaining brand posts compared to non-
entertaining brand posts, thus generating higher popularity. This
leads to the following hypothesis:
H4. Entertaining brand posts are more popular than non-
entertaining brand posts.
Position of Brand Posts
Advertising research shows that the position of a banner ad on a
website has a positive effect on attention paid to the ad (Drèze and
Hussherr 2003; Goodrich 2011). Moreover, recent research on
search advertising shows that position plays an important role for
click-through rates; namely, ads on top of the page generate more
clicks (RutzandTrusov2011). Furthermore, prior exposure to ban-
ners has a positive effect on the clicking probability because an ad-
ditional exposure to a banner increases the probability the banner
will be noticed (Chatterjee, Hoffman, and Novak 2003). Whereas
banners are mainly located on the periphery of websites (i.e., left
or right and bottom or top), brand posts are located in the middle
of the brand fan page. The most recently placed brand posts appear
on top of the brand fan page, shifting older brand posts farther
down on the brand fan page. If companies often create new
brand posts, less recent ones shift down quickly, which means
these are less noticeable and can receive less attention than brand
posts that are located on top of the brand fan page. We therefore
propose that the number of days the brand post is located on top
of the brand fan page is beneficial for the brand post's popularity:
H5. Position of a brand post on top of the brand fan page is
positively related to brand post popularity.
Valence of Comments
Brand fans can comment either positively, neutral, or negative-
ly on brand posts. Research shows that consumersonline discus-
sions about positive product or brand experiences can generate
85L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
empathy and positive feelings among readers (Bickart and
Schindler 2001). This exchange of information and experiences
between consumers has a positive effect on the perceptions of
the value of a product, the likelihood to recommend the product
(Gruen, Osmonbekov, and Czaplewski 2006), and sales (e.g.,
Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Chintagunta, Gopinath, and
Venkataraman 2010). The positive comments on a brand post
might have complementary value to the company's brand post
(Bronner and de Hoog 2010) and thus increase the attractiveness
of the brand post. Also, the positive comments of brand fans can
enhance the value of the brand post and create empathy among
brand fans. All in all, we expect that the share of positive com-
ments on a brand post, compared to the share of neutral comments,
leads to higher popularity of this brand post. We propose:
H6a. The share of positive comments on a brand post is posi-
tively related to brand post popularity.
However, brand fans can also comment negatively on a brand
post. Therefore, we also investigate the effects of negative com-
ments on brand post popularity. Much negative information ap-
pears to produce a negative effect on attitude toward the ad and
the brand (Eisend 2006). Negative consumer reviews have a neg-
ative effect on purchase intentions or sales (e.g., Chevalier and
Mayzlin 2006; Dellarocas, Zhang, and Awad 2007). Moreover,
Smith and Vogt (1995) show that negative WoM communication,
presented directly before or after respondents have seen an ad, re-
duces brand attitudes, cognitive evaluations about the brand, and
purchase intentions. At the brand fan page, the brand post and
the comments are presented closely together (i.e., the comments
are placed below the brand post). All in all, it might be very likely
that negative comments to a brand post also decrease the attrac-
tiveness of the brand post. Consequently, brand fans will have a
lower attitude toward this brand post and hence like it less. Also,
brand fans might follow the mass and do not want to press the
like button if their peer brand fans comment negatively, i.e., dis-
like the brand post. This results in the following hypothesis:
H6b. The share of negative comments on a brand post is neg-
atively related to the number of likes on that brand post.
Moreover, research shows that when opinions on a website are
very negative, consumers will adapt their opinion downwards
(Schlosser 2005). For brand posts this effect may also occur;
when brand fans comment on a brand post they might negatively
adapt their comment if they read negative comments because they
want to conform to othersopinions. This effect may thus lead to a
higher number of negative comments. Next to that, brand fans
who disagree with these negative comments might rebut these
by providing positive comments (e.g., Moe and Trusov 2011).
People tend to differentiate their opinions and hence post multiple
perspectives (e.g., Schlosser 2005). Moreover, the variance in
posted comments seems to generate subsequent comments,
which is an indication that negative comments are not necessarily
bad (Moe and Trusov 2011). So, negative comments might not
only lead to more negative comments (conformation), but also to
more positive comments (differentiation). Therefore, we propose:
H6c. The share of negative comments on a brand post is posi-
tively related to the number of comments on that brand post.
Control Variables
Research on search advertising shows that people perform
less Internet searching during the weekends than on weekdays,
although click-through rates do not differ between weekdays
and weekends (Rutz and Bucklin 2011). It might be that brand
fans visit brand fan pages more during the weekends than on
weekdays, which can results in higher popularity for brand
posts placed during weekends. Hence, we take into account
whether the brand post is placed during weekdays or weekends.
Advertising research further suggests that message length may
affect outcome measures such as click-through rates either posi-
tively or negatively (Baltas 2003; Robinson, Wysocka, and Hand
2007). We therefore include message length as a control variable.
Unobserved characteristics of product categories might lead to
differences in brand post popularity across brands from different
product categories. Therefore we control for the product category.
Study Design
Operationalization of Variables
In this study, we explain brand post popularity, as indicated by
the number of likes and the number of comments on a brand post.
Table 1
Operationalizations of Vivid and Interactive Brand Post Characteristics.
Level Vividness Interactivity
Low Pictorial
(photo or image)
Link to a website
(mainly to news sites or blogs, but never to the company website)
(brand fans are able to vote for alternatives (e.g., which taste or design they think is best))
Medium Event
(application at the brand page and announces
an upcoming (offline) event of the brand)
Call to act
(urges brand fans to do something (e.g., go to certain website, liking, or commenting)
(brand fans are requested to do something (e.g., Tweet or like a website)
for which they can win prizes)
High Video
(mainly videos from YouTube)
Quiz (similar to question, but now brand fans can win prizes)
86 L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
For both vividness and interactivity we have identified four dif-
ferent levels (no, low, medium, and high), which correspond to
previous research (e.g., Coyle and Thorson 2001; Fortin and
Dholakia 2005). The specific brand post characteristics that re-
flect low, medium, and high vividness as well as interactivity of
the brand post are reported in Table 1. No vividness and no inter-
activity are used as base categories in the analyses.
Brand posts are regarded as informative when the brand post
contains information about the company/brand and/or its prod-
ucts. On the other hand, entertaining brand posts contain content
that is unrelated to the brand, such as funny movies or anecdotes.
Some brand posts are neutral; they are neither entertaining nor in-
formative and are used as base categories in the analyses. An ex-
ample of a non-informative, non-entertaining brand post is asking
a neutral question, such as: What color/taste do you like most?.
Regarding the valence of the comments, we count the number of
positive, neutral, and negative comments on a brand post. Subse-
quently, we compute the shares of positive, neutral, and negative
comments to the total number of comments per brand post. The
share of neutral comments is used as a base category in the
We empirically investigated data of 11 international brands
that were actively posting content at their brand fan pages on
a social networking site from May 24, 2010 to February 18,
2011. The brands are from six different product categories: cos-
metics, alcoholic beverages, mobile phones, leisure wear, ac-
cessories, and food. We gathered the number of likes and
comments on a brand post, as well as the valence of the com-
ments and other brand post characteristics, through a total of
355 brand posts.
The average number (M) of brand fans was 337,500 per brand
(SD= 168,103); the number of brand posts taken into account in
this research was, on average, 32.27 per brand (SD=7.10); the
average number of likes per brand post was 189.26
(SD= 193.10), and the average number of comments per brand
post was 42.26 (SD= 57.96). The data shows quite a degree of
variation across and within product categories for brand post pop-
ularity (i.e., likes and comments), which is shown in Table 2.
Companies use different tools to stimulate brand fans to like
or comment (see Table 3). On average, about 50% of the brand
posts contain vivid characteristics and about 75% of the brand
posts contain interactive characteristics. More specifically, the
most popular are the vivid brand post characteristic pictorial,
and the interactive brand post characteristics link to a website
and question.The medium vivid and high interactive brand
post characteristics eventand quizoccur infrequently at the
posts. Because these characteristics do not show much varia-
tion, we decided to exclude them from further analyses. Brands
provided their brand fans with information regarding the company
and its product(s) in 38.6% of the brand posts. Furthermore, 34.4%
of the brand posts were entertaining. The relative shares of neutral,
positive, and negative comments are 0.3, 0.48, and 0.11 respec-
tively. Brands placed a new post, on average, every two days,
and the day that the most brand posts are placed is Thursday.
The average text length at a brand post is 28 words.
The two dependent variables for brand post popularity are
= number of likes and y
=number of comments, which are
count data with a Poisson distribution (Cameron and Trivedi
2005; Hill, Griffiths, and Judge 2001). The model to explain
the number of likes and the number of comments can be
expressed as:
yij ¼α
βfvividfj þX
βgiagj þβiinfojþβeentertainjþβdpositionjþ
or y
; the number of likes per brand post jor the
number of comments per brand post j, respectively,
dummy variables indicating whether the vivid character-
istic fat brand post jis present or not (baseline category
is no vividness),
dummy variables indicating whether the interactive
characteristic gat brand post jis present or not (baseline
category is no interactivity),
dummy variable indicating whether brand post jis in-
formative (baseline category is no information),
dummy variable indicating whether brand post jis
entertaining (baseline category is no entertainment),
indicating the position of the brand post by the number
of days the brand post jis on top of the brand fan page,
indicating the share of positive comments on brand post j,
indicating the share of negative comments on brand
post j(baseline category for both positive and negative
comments is the share of neutral comments),
dummy variable if the brand post jis placed during
indicating the number of words at the brand post j,
dummy variables for product category b(baseline
category is food),
or ε
; normally distributed error terms for dependent
variable y
and y
We only use posts of the brands, so we do not take into account posts of the
brand fans.
Table 2
Average Number of Likes and Comments per Product Category.
Likes Comments
Product category M SD M SD
Food 145.91 82.22 53.91 41.47
Accessories 143.49 52.33 14.86 28.80
Leisure wear 184.02 73.55 15.61 10.51
Alcoholic beverages 253.48 298.53 46.53 65.09
Cosmetics 200.54 233.56 53.44 91.85
Mobile phones 177.10 155.07 56.90 37.15
87L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
We transformed zeros in the dependent (i.e., the number of
comments) and independent count variables (i.e., position
and text) into 0.00001. We conducted OLS regressions by
taking the natural logarithm of the dependent variables, as
well as of the independent count variables.
The estimation results are presented in Table 4, while
Table 5 summarizes the findings. The effects of the potential
explanatory variables on the components of brand post popularity,
the number of likes and comments, are clearly different.
Number of Likes
The model for the number of likes is significant as a whole
(F-value = 3.074, p-value b0.01) and explains the variance of
the dependent variable reasonably well (R
= 15.0%, adj.
= 10.1%).
The low level of vividness (i.e., pictorial) is not significant-
ly related to the number of likes. But, the high degree of vivid-
ness (i.e., video) is significant and positively related to the
number of likes (β
= 0.304, p-value b0.05), in support of
hypothesis 1. The low-level interactive brand post characteris-
tics (i.e., link websiteand voting) are not significantly related
to the number of likes, which is not in support with hypothesis 2.
The medium-level interactive brand post characteristic (i.e., call
to act) is not significantly related to the number of likes. On the
other hand, the other medium-level interactive brand post char-
acteristic (i.e., contest) is significant and positively related to
the number of likes (β
= 0.393, p-value b0.01), in support
of hypothesis 2. However, the high level of interactivity (i.e.,
question) is significant and negatively related to the number
of likes (β
=0.193, p-value b0.05). All in all, we find
partial support for hypothesis 2.
Providing information at a brand post is not significantly re-
lated to the number of likes, so we cannot support hypothesis 3.
Entertainment is marginally significant and negatively related
to the number of likes (β
=0.188, p-value b0.10), contrary
to hypothesis 4. The top position of a brand post is significant
and positively related to the number of likes (β
= 0.022,
p-value b0.05), in support of hypothesis 5. Compared to neutral
comments, the share of positive comments is significant and
Table 3
Descriptive Statistics Explanatory Variables.
Brand Post Characteristics and Content
Variable Level Operationalization Relative
Vividness No 48.7% 20.9% 93.3%
Low Pictorial 34.4% 6.7% 65.1%
Medium Event 0.6% 0.0% 3.3%
High Video 16.9% 0.0% 40.0%
Interactivity No 23.1% 2.3% 100.0%
Low Link website 51.5% 0.0% 86.0%
Voting 2.3% 0.0% 10.2%
Medium Call to act 6.8% 0.0% 20.4%
Contest 9.3% 0.0% 33.3%
High Question 35.5% 6.7% 80.0%
Quiz 1.4% 0.0% 6.7%
Information No information 61.4% 6.7% 96.0%
Information 38.6% 4.0% 93.3%
Entertainment No entertainment 65.6% 31.0% 92.9%
Entertainment 34.4% 7.1% 69.0%
Variable Operationalization M SD
Valence of
comments ⁎⁎
Share of neutral comments 0.303 0.275
Share of positive comments 0.482 0.278
Share of negative comments 0.114 0.193
Top position Number of days 2.30 4.086
Message length Number of words 28.44 18.445
Please note that the summations of the columns vividness and interactivity are
more than 100%; some brand posts contain more than one interactive or vivid
⁎⁎ Please note that the shares of neutral, positive, and negative comments do
not sum to one; some of the comments are coded as unknown because of
language issues (following Godes and Mayzlin, 2004).
Table 4
Estimation Results for Brand Post Popularity .
Vividness No (baseline) ——
Low Pictorial 0.080 0.319
High Video 0.304 0.495
Interactivity No (baseline) ——
Low Link website 0.002 0.640
Voting 0.221 0.493
Medium Call to act 0.216 0.674
Contest 0.393 0.217
High Question 0.193 0.968
Information No information
Information 0.018 0.095
Entertainment No entertainment
Entertainment 0.188 0.355
Position Number of days 0.022 0.063
Valence of comments Share of neutral
Share of positive 0.708 2.671
Share of negative 0.062 3.082
Control variables Weekdays 0.106 0.410
Message length 0.027 0.061
Product categories Food (baseline) ——
Accessories 0.066 1.673
Leisure wear 0.137 0.453
Alcoholic beverages 0.149 0.496
Cosmetics 0.041 0.719
Mobile phones 0.123 0.315
Constant 4.760 2.407
N355 355
F-value 3.074 7.473
0.150 0.300
Adj. R
0.101 0.260
Bold figures: p-value b0.05, Italic figures: p-value b0.10.
We report unstandardized coefcients.
Parameter estimates with same superscripts are not signicantly different
from each other.
88 L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
positively related to the number of likes (β
= 0.708,
p-value b0.01), in support of hypothesis 6a. The share of nega-
tive comments is not significantly related to the number of likes
and we cannot confirm hypothesis 6b.
Number of Comments
The model for the number of comments is significant as a
whole (F-value = 7.473, p-value b0.01) and explains the vari-
ance of the dependent variable reasonably well (R
= 30.0%,
adj. R
= 26.0%).
The vivid brand post characteristics are not significantly related
to the number of comments, so we cannot support hypothesis 1
with regard to the number of comments. The low interactive
brand post characteristic (i.e., link website) is marginally sig-
nificant and negatively related to the number of comments
=0.640, p-value b0.10), contrary to hypothesis 2.The
other low and medium levels of interactive brand post charac-
teristics are not significantly related to the number of comments.
But the high level of interactive brand post characteristic (i.e.,
question) is significant and positively related to the number of
comments (β
=0.968, p-valueb0.01), in support of
hypothesis 2.
Whether a brand post is informative or entertaining has no in-
fluence on the number of comments. Hence, we cannot support
hypotheses 3 and 4 with regard to the number of comments. The
top position of a brand post is significant and positively related
to the number of comments (β
=0.063, p-value b0.05), in support
of hypothesis 5. Compared to neutral comments, both shares of
positive and negative comments are positively related to the num-
ber of comments (β
=2.671; β
=3.082, p-valuesb0.01), in sup-
port of hypothesis 6a and hypothesis 6c, respectively.
Managerial Implications
Managers of brands that operate brand fan pages can be
guided by our research with regards to deciding which charac-
teristics or content to place at brand posts. Our research shows
that not all determinants which are beneficial for enhancing the
number of likes do also have an effect on enhancing the number
of comments, and vice versa.
Enhancing the Number of Likes
When managers aim to enhance the number of likes, they
can place a highly vivid or a medium interactive brand post
characteristics such as a video or a contest. Posting a question
(highly interactive) has a negative effect on the number of
likes. A question demands an answer, which cannot be given
by liking the brand post. Also entertainment has a negative ef-
fect on the number of likes. This might be explained by the fact
that entertaining brand posts contain content that is unrelated to
the brand, while brand fans are interested in the brand. Further-
more, the longer a brand post remains at the top of the brand fan
page increases the probability that brand fans are exposed to it,
which indeed has a positive effect on the number of likes. Ad-
ditionally, compared to neutral comments, the share of positive
comments from brand fans are positively related to the number
of likes for the brand post in question. Our results further indi-
cate that brand fans are influenced by each other: the share of
positive comments to a brand post enhances the attractiveness
of the brand post. It seems to raise general interest in a brand
post which may in turn lead to an increasing number of likes.
Enhancing the Number of Comments
Managers who specifically want to enhance the number of
comments should post a highly interactive brand post character-
istic at the brand post, such as a question. This result is intuitive
because answering a question is only possible by placing a com-
ment. The other vivid and interactive brand post characteristics,
as well as the content of the brand post do not have an effect on
the number of comments. Placing the low level interactive brand
post characteristic, a website link, even has a negative effect on
the number of comments. An explanation might be that brand
fans who click on the link do not comment on the brand post
anymore because they navigate away from the brand fan page.
It is beneficial for the number of comments to keep the brand
post longer at the top of the brand fan page. Finally, compared
to neutral comments, both shares of positive and negative com-
ments are positively related to the number of comments. Proba-
bly positive and negative comments enhance a general interest
in the brand post, which leads to more commenting. Namely,
previous research shows that people differentiate their opinions
and the variance in posted comments seems to generate subse-
quent comments (e.g., Moe and Trusov 2011; Schlosser
2005). For managers this is an important finding because it indi-
cates that negative comments are not necessarily bad. Brand
fans may feel to be part of the community because they engage
in a vivid discussion with both positive and negative arguments.
Limitations and Further Research
This research is subject to some limitations which may pro-
vide fruitful avenues for future research. We have chosen to use
eleven brands from six product categories. Moreover, we have
included a limited number of brand posts per brand. The
amount of data is sufficient to empirically investigate the fac-
tors that drive brand post popularity. However, brands did not
Table 5
Summary of Results.
Hypotheses Expected Number of
Number of
: vividness + Supported Not supported
: interactivity + Partially supported Partially supported
: information + Not supported Not supported
: entertainment + Not supported Not supported
: position + Supported Supported
: share of positive
+ Supported Supported
: share of negative
Not supported n.a.
: share of negative
+ n.a. Supported
Note: n.a. = not applicable because no hypothesis was formulated.
89L. de Vries et al. / Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2012) 8391
often post a quiz or event at a brand post and therefore we ex-
cluded these two explanatory variables from the analyses. Fu-
ture studies may want to use a more comprehensive dataset.
Additionally, we have gathered data from the brand fan pages
of one social networking site. It would be interesting to repli-
cate this research for other social networking sites, to see
whether the results still hold. Specifically, investigating social
networking sites from other countries sheds light on possible
cultural differences that influence which activities on brand
fan pages are and are not successful.
We have investigated the determinants of brand post popu-
larity. An interesting topic for further research is to examine
the determinants of brand popularity. Brand popularity reflects
the number of brand fans, which gives an indication of the
brand's recognition on social media. Industry market research
shows that consumers become brand fans because they have
had a positive experience with the product (Van Belleghem,
Eenhuizen, and Veris 2011). It would be interesting to know
how companies can influence consumers to become brand fans.
Social contagion (i.e., brand fans influencing each other)
might play a role when brand fans choose to like or comment
on a brand post. We show that the shares of positive and nega-
tive comments, compared to neutral comments, are positively
related to brand post popularity. Other research has shown
that WoM communication of social networking sitesusers sig-
nificantly influences new sign-ups (Trusov, Bucklin, and
Pauwels 2009). Similarly, social contagion might play a role
in brand fansdecisions to adopt(i.e., like or comment on) a
brand post. For example, Aral and Walker (2011) show that
the automated notifications in a social network influence the
adoption of an application. The notifications that appear when
a brand fan likes or comments on a brand post might influence
the brand fan's friends to become a brand fan or like and/or
comment on a brand post. An investigation into how the popu-
larity of brands and brand posts is affected by social contagion
could prove interesting and valuable.
We did not include dynamic aspects in our study. The timing
of the likes and comments to the brand post might be investigat-
ed. For example, when do people react: mostly in the few hours
after the brand post is created or also after a few days? This
kind of information can be used to compute how many days be-
tween two brand posts effectively increases brand post popular-
ity. Moreover, the adoptioncurve of likes and comments can
be modeled if one knows how long it takes before a certain
number of people like or comment on a brand post.
In conclusion, this research responds to the call for research
into social media, and more specifically, how social media can
be used to manage customer relationships, marketing commu-
nications, and branding. Future research may enrich our initial
findings about the factors that determine the popularity of
brand posts as discussed in this paper.
The authors wish to thank the two guest editors, Donna
Hoffman and Tom Novak, and three anonymous reviewers
for their valuable comments and suggestions.
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... Furthermore, it aims to evaluate the effect of personal values across brand industries (service vs. manufacturing). This study draws on the social media marketing strategy framework [2,4,32,33] and existing research that examines brand post popularity [34,35] and personal values in social media engagement [17,18,22]. In contrast with prior research, however [32,34,[36][37][38], this study extends beyond analyzing the linguistic use and content (e.g., informational vs. entertaining content) of messages to examine how personal values affect a consumer's choice to interact with the brand. ...
... This study draws on the social media marketing strategy framework [2,4,32,33] and existing research that examines brand post popularity [34,35] and personal values in social media engagement [17,18,22]. In contrast with prior research, however [32,34,[36][37][38], this study extends beyond analyzing the linguistic use and content (e.g., informational vs. entertaining content) of messages to examine how personal values affect a consumer's choice to interact with the brand. ...
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This study examines the relationship between personal values embedded in brand-owned social media (OSM) messages and customer brand advocacy (CBA) using text mining data of tweets from Fortune 500 companies. We employ an economics approach to examine how personal values influence CBA across service and manufacturing brands. Our findings reveal that self-enhancement and conservation values significantly boost CBA, while self-transcendence and openness to change are less impactful. Furthermore, this study highlights that conservation values are more effective for manufacturing brands, whereas self-enhancement, self-transcendence, and openness to change drive higher CBA in service brands. This study contributes to the literature on social media marketing by providing actionable insights for brand managers, demonstrating that aligning OSM content with personal values can enhance CBA. This study offers a nuanced understanding of how personal values and industry characteristics intersect to influence consumer behavior, helping brands craft more effective and resonant social media strategies.
... A study conducted by De Vries et al. (2012) demonstrates that user participation on social media platforms may greatly influence brand equity. While the level of individual engagement may differ on different social media platforms (De Vries et al., 2012), it is important to assess the overall scope of social media activity outcomes in order to fully comprehend the effectiveness of a company's social media efforts, as engagement is centered around the brand. ...
... A study conducted by De Vries et al. (2012) demonstrates that user participation on social media platforms may greatly influence brand equity. While the level of individual engagement may differ on different social media platforms (De Vries et al., 2012), it is important to assess the overall scope of social media activity outcomes in order to fully comprehend the effectiveness of a company's social media efforts, as engagement is centered around the brand. Certain organizations focus exclusively on a particular social media platform and achieve a significant level of engagement, while other companies distribute their marketing efforts over numerous social media platforms, resulting in average levels of engagement activity. ...
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This study is to examine the impact of Celebrity Endorsement and Social Media Marketing on the establishment of Brand Equity for Yamaha Motorbikes in the city of Bandung, located in West Java. The use of celebrity endorsers in marketing is very prevalent, particularly due to their potential to enhance brand image. Currently, social media is progressively supplanting traditional media, and an increasing number of consumers are utilizing it as a means of obtaining information regarding products, services, and brands. Consequently, more and more brands are integrating social media marketing into their overall brand marketing strategies to take advantage of the digital revolution. The research methodology used is an explanatory approach. The study approach was conducted to acquire a methodical, objective, and precise depiction of the facts, attributes, and associations among the variables under investigation. The Structural Equation Model-SEM PLS approach was used for research data analysis. The demographic for this study consists of 220 prospective users of Yamaha Motorbikes in West Java. The study findings indicate that both celebrity endorsement and social media marketing have a substantial impact on the development of brand equity. Specifically, both celebrity endorsement and social media marketing contribute to the enhancement of brand equity.
... It's worth noting that fanpages can be seen as a kind of brand's doppelganger, and thus, additional brand-related variables should be considered. For instance, researchers could explore factors like motivation and involvement [5], experiential value [93], brand image [94], brand personality [95], brand attachment [96], relationship marketing [97], satisfaction [98] and brand love [99]to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their impact on post-purchase behavior within the context of social media.. ...
Social media is an emerging Internet-based channel for marketing to customers. One of the most well-liked marketing tools among them is Facebook (FB). Few studies focus on FMCG brands like McDonald's and Starbucks, even though we spend most of our time on Facebook. Based on 806 valid samples from McDonald's and Starbucks fanpage users, this study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships among interactivity (INT), engagement (ENG), trust (TRT), and post-purchase behavior. The findings showed that INT and ENG would both have a direct impact on TRT, influencing brand loyalty (BL), with ENG having a smaller effect than INT. Furthermore, BL impacts purchase intention (PI) through word-of-mouth (WOM). In the context of social media marketing, both INT and ENG positively affect BL via TRT, with INT outpacing ENG on TRT.
... For instance, low striking quality might just effect vision (photo), while high distinctiveness might prompt both hearing and sight (video) (Steuer, 1992). According to what was previously mentioned, de Vries et al. (2012) examined Facebook brand posts from 11 brands in six unique projects. They discovered that clearly bigger amounts of preferences and much more recognisable brand presentations were related to higher customer involvement. ...
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As a medium for social connection, Instagram has developed to sway audience members' purchasing choices. According to a 2017 Facebook survey, 70% of US shoppers use consumer engagement on Instagram to find products and make judgements about what to buy. The beauty sector is thought to be more active than others on Instagram. On Instagram, beauty firms consider customer involvement in the form of likes, comments, and shares to be a more important indicator of consumers' intent to buy. According to studies, beauty firms have a real impact on their followers through their posts, which can be shown through consumer interaction and directly influence their desire to make a purchase. Research has been done on the reasons why consumers interact with beauty products and go on to intend to buy. Our study seeks to determine whether gender differences exist in the characteristics that influence consumer engagement and purchase intention. Content-Type, Post Vividness, and Post Timing have been identified as three independent variables. The content kinds that affect engagement are those that provide entertainment, information, and compensation (Cvijikj and Michahells 2013). Depending on the calibre of the content offered, a post's level of media richness can engage readers. The ideal time to post, which results in more engagement, has been determined by Sprout Social through their study. Research indicates social media usage has an impact on how people decide what to buy. (Hutter K,Hautz J, Dennhardt S, Fuller J, 2013). To ascertain the favourable link between the aforementioned elements, customer engagement, and buy expectation, two distinct analyses were conducted. The examination was led by a quantitative report through a survey, to assemble an outlining point of view in customer engagement on Instagram towards corrective brands. The discoveries of this examination give the feeling that general client commitment is high and all the factors affect customer engagement and purchase intention equally. This shows that the respondents do converse back and forth. The optimal time of day to upload posts on Instagram was determined by an exploratory study. The cosmetic brand names are the most reliable sources of information while researching cosmetic products. 109 responders made up a respectable sample size.
... In a survey of more than 5,000 marketers, 90% cited social media marketing as important (Stelzner, 2016), and market trends show strong growth in social media advertising spending (eMarketer, 2019). Scholarly research also provides evidence of the economic potential of investments in social media marketing (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, & Kannan, 2016;Ma, Sun, & Kekre, 2015;Saboo, Kumar, & Ramani, 2016;Srinivasan, Rutz, & Pauwels, 2016) and the impact of specific social media marketing actions on consumers (Ashley & Tuten, 2015;De Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang, 2012. Business organizations are using social networks to achieve branding goals. ...
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Social media reaches a vast number of people, so it is a mass media tool, which can be used to perpetuate good or evil. Is the state to have reins over what shows up on social media or what does not. To gag is to stop up the mouth of (a person) by putting something in it, thus preventing speech, shouts, etc. to restrain by force or authority from freedom of speech. On June 5, 2021, the social media platform, “twitter” was banned restricting its full operation in the country. The major objective of this paper is to dissect the impact of gagging twitter on our daily lives. This paper is a qualitative study and study participants were sampled through snowballing; method of analysis was through content analysis. Social media has most importantly allowed us to engage with first-hand accounts of those undergoing human rights crises. Social media has been the crux of increased activism, giving depth and humanity to previous impersonal news of human rights violations. It was discovered that societies with an appreciable level of freedom of the internet (there is no such society with totally free internet space); tend to record steadier economic growth, as 3 days after the ban, it was reported that the ban has cost the country over 6 billion Naira and it also contributes to the worsening unemployment in the country. It is recommended that social media can be put to good work, it is a peace agent and can bring people together but can also be a dividing tool, so there should be legal contractual coverage, agreement, restriction and guidance of the use of social media. Keywords: freedom of speech, social media gagging, twitter.
... However, it is important to distinguish that although social media mar-keting is widely used, it is more promotional and intrusive than content marketing. The premise of social media content marketing is to create brand awareness, stimulate interaction, and spread positive word of mouth through viral content dissemination [6]. In Nike, in addition to the basic use of social media platforms to publish promotional and activity information, increase heat, improve sales, expand influence, Nike also actively encourage users to share experience on social media by using specific tags such as #nikewomen, and re-share them to give users brand recognition or corresponding benefits, which is also called user-generated content (UGC). ...
The concept of digital marketing began in the 1990s, experienced the millennial generation, the mobile era, and now, the industry continues to grow, and there are more new developments and changes. This model of communicating information through digital channels to further promote sales is disrupting and gradually replacing traditional marketing as the core strategic framework of enterprises. In order to achieve better growth results, how to effectively integrate different digital marketing channels and maintain a high degree of brand consistency is the focus of this essay. This essay takes the world-famous sports brand NIKE as an example to analyze its most important integrated digital marketing strategy. It mainly includes search engine marketing, video content marketing, social media marketing and influencer marketing. In addition, this article measures the impact of NIKE’s integrated digital marketing strategy on brand growth i.e., brand awareness, customer engagement, sales, and specifically mentions the importance of corporate social responsibility through the disabled-friendly series. Finally, SWOT model is used to summarize the challenges faced by brands under external competitive pressure and complex market environment and suggestions are made for the future development direction of the brand, specifically shown in the article for information consistency and data privacy analysis.
... The number of interactions with the organization demonstrates the engagement tool's effectiveness. A similar study by (de Vries et al., 2012) stated social media platforms are excellent vehicles for fostering consumer relationships. Creating brand fan pages on social networking sites is one method to achieve this objective. ...
... • Contenido preferido por parte de los alumnos para esta red social Para el indicador del nivel de actividad de las universidades en TikTok se ha registrado el número de publicaciones que estas realizaban en esta red social. Como indicadores de la interacción de los usuarios con la actividad de las universidades se ha registrado el número de seguidores en RRSS, que indica el reconocimiento de la marca o entidad en la red social, y el número de me gusta de los usuarios a sus publicaciones (Ashley & Tuten, 2015;De Vries et al., 2012). ...
La influencia de las redes sociales en la sociedad actual parece fuera de toda duda y supone un debate ampliamente superado. El objetivo del artículo es exponer la evolución de la red social TikTok en el ámbito universitario cuando se cumplen 6 años de su lanzamiento, así como analizar la percepción de esta red social por parte de los alumnos universitarios. El estudio parte de la revisión de los perfiles creados en TikTok por las universidades españolas. Además, se ha realizado una encuesta para ver la percepción que los estudiantes tienen de estas cuentas institucionales.
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This experiment examines interactivity and vividness in commercial web sites. We expected increased levels of interactivity and vividness would lead to more positive attitudes toward web sites, stronger feelings of telepresence, and greater attitude—behavior consistency. In addition, we expected increased levels of vividness to lead to the development of more enduring attitudes toward the site. Participants explored four web sites. Increases in interactivity and vividness were associated with increased feelings of telepresence. In addition, increases in vividness were associated with more positive and more enduring attitudes toward the web site. Implications for new media researchers and practitioners are discussed.
The authors address the role of marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments (CMEs). Their approach considers hypermedia CMEs to be large-scale (i.e., national or global) networked environments, of which the World Wide Web on the Internet is the first and current global implementation. They introduce marketers to this revolutionary new medium, propose a structural model of consumer navigation behavior in a CME that incorporates the notion of flow, and examine a series of research issues and marketing implications that follow from the model.
We use data from a large-scale field experiment to explore what influences the effectiveness of online advertising. We find that matching an ad to website content and increasing an ad's obtrusiveness independently increase purchase intent. However, in combination, these two strategies are ineffective. Ads that match both website content and are obtrusive do worse at increasing purchase intent than ads that do only one or the other. This failure appears to be related to privacy concerns: the negative effect of combining targeting with obtrusiveness is strongest for people who refuse to give their income and for categories where privacy matters most. Our results suggest a possible explanation for the growing bifurcation in Internet advertising between highly targeted plain text ads and more visually striking but less targeted ads.
We develop a two-stage consumer-level model of paid search advertising response based on standard aggregated data provided to advertisers by major search engines such as Google or Bing. The proposed model uses behavioral primitives in accord with utility maximization and allows recovering parameters of the heterogeneity distribution in consumer preferences. The model is estimated on a novel paid search data set that includes information on the ad copy. To that end, we develop an original framework to analyze composition and design attributes of paid search ads. Our results allow us to correctly evaluate the effects of specific ad properties on ad performance, taking consumer heterogeneity into account. Another benefit of our approach is allowing recovery of preference correlation across the click-through and conversion stage. Based on the estimated correlation between price- and position-sensitivity, we propose a novel contextual targeting scheme in which a coupon is offered to a consumer depending on the position in which the paid search ad was displayed. Our analysis shows that total revenues from conversion can be increased using this targeting scheme while keeping cost constant.
Social-networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter are growing in both popularity and number of users. For advertisers and the sites themselves, it is crucial that users accept advertising as a component of the SNS. Anecdotal evidence indicates that social-networking advertising (SNA) can be effective when users accept it, but the perception of excessive commercialization may lead to user abandonment. Empirical support for these propositions, however, is lacking. Based on media uses and gratification theory, the authors propose and empirically test a model of content-related, structural, and socialization factors that affect users' attitudes toward SNA.
Online advertising has experienced phenomenal growth since its inception in 1994. This empirical study investigates the impact of seven creative characteristics of banner ads on the effectiveness of online advertising using a multiple regression model. A random sample of 209 banner ads was drawn from a sampling frame of advertisers, provided by an advertising agency specialising in internet advertising for the gaming industry. The findings of this study are broadly consistent with past research into online advertising efficiency, indicating that the creative characteristics of effective banner ads in the online gaming arena include: a larger size, absence of promotional incentives and the presence of information about casino games. In contrast, banner features such as animation, action phrase and presence of company brand or logo were ineffective in generating click-throughs. Contrary to expectations, long messages on banners were associated with higher click-through rates. [ABSTRACT
The article examines the use of social media by Internet users related to advertising and marketing, called "consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRA)." Interviews are conducted with such Internet users through instant messaging as to their motivations for engaging with brands and brand name products through social media. It was found that a desire for information, a desire for entertainment and the possibility of reward were the primary motivations for COBRA activity by Internet users, with entertainment being the primary motivation for the generation of brand-related social media content.