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Chasing Stars: The Myth of Talent and the Portability of
Performance; by Boris Groysberg; May 2010; Princeton
University Press; pp. 446; price: Rs 1094.
Boris Groysberg, an Associate Professor at Harvard Business
School, in Chasing Stars: d The Myth of Talent and the
Portability of Performance has tried to determine if star
employees can take their skills along with them when they
move out, either to a competing firm, or to another industry or
to doing something on their own. The findings in this book,
together with well-analysed data dispel some myths and give
us a new view on talent and its portability. The author studied
the performance of 1000 star Wall Street analysts from 78
different firms.
In part one, Groysberg hypothesises that the analyst’s
firm plays a significant part in the performance of the
analyst. These findings can have wide ranging interpreta-
tions from how much firms should invest in human capital to
how much they should invest in technology. The author
further asserts that by determining if Wall Street analyst
skills are indeed portable, it is possible to extrapolate those
results to other knowledge based industries as well.
While there are firms that do not take a clear stand on
portability, not having either an elaborate analyst training
programme or clear cut spending on technologies that help
analysts perform better, most firms that house the best
analysts have a view. They either take enormous pains to
help their analysts gain the skills they need and create
strong networks around them (junior analysts, sales reps,
retail brokers, asset managers, traders etc) or they prefer
to le t them loose and not spend too much money other
than compensation. In the former case the analyst is lik ely
to develop firm specifi c human capital skills that ca n be
used only within the existing system. In the latter case the
analyst is likely to develop general human capital skills,
which are more portable. Groysb erg’s research has shown
that when an analyst leaves a firm, the probabil ity of
attaining a rank in t he Institutional Investor
dips. While
firm specific human capital can be used to explain this
difference ther e are some other factors that merit at ten-
tion. The chances of achieving a rank, though lowered, did
not decre ase as much when the analyst moved to
a comparable firm (firms with similar capabilities). In fa ct
analysts who move d to better firms ‘experien ced no
decline in either short term or long term performance
compared to that of star analysts who stayed’. Moving to
firms that had lower capabilities was the worst ki nd of
Groysberg also establishes that the ori entation of the
analyst’s original firm makes a difference. Analysts who
left firms that pro moted portability such as Credit Suisse
Firs t Boston and Salomon Brothers suffered least decline in
performance. Those from firms su ch as Merrill Lynch and
Gold man Sachs suffered strongest dips as these firms
invested heavily in firm specific human capital, had elab-
orate training programmes and ensured that analysts
always fit the culture. Groysberg’s research also reveals
that when star analysts left along with their teams, they
expe rienced almost no decline in performanc e. Are stars
worth the time and money? Groysbe rg’s research shows
that organisations that acquire stars suffer a small decline
in their share pric e. Investors believed that such acquisi-
tions destroy value.
The second part of the book investigates human
resource (HR) practices in firms that cultivate and hire
stars. While explaining and analysing non portability
Groysberg divides it into soft and hard non portability. Soft
non portability, promoted by firms such as Goldman Sachs
which ‘excelled at integrating its employees into a web of
soft practices and procedures unmatched at other firms’, is
looked at in detail as is hard non portability which includes
proprietary IT systems and products.
Firms hire stars either to explore a sector or to exploit
a sector. In the former case stars need to set up a ‘practice’
while in the latter they need to expand what is an already
established practice perhaps in need of an overhaul. In
either case assimilating a star is not easy. Groysberg’s
investigations reveal that firms that were very good at
integrating stars ‘had deeply thought about both hiring and
assimilation and had drawn up systematic plans to guide
both processes’.
Groysberg then tackles the not well-explored aspect of
whole teams of analysts moving. In his study, the author
found that such team moves, often called ‘liftouts’, are not
uncommon. The successful liftout, seemingly like
a successful acquisition, consists of a courtship stage, fol-
lowed by integration of top management, then integration
of work processes and finally a full cultural integration.
Women who consisted of 18% of Groysberg’s sample did not
experience any significant decline in performance. Since
women can rarely be part of traditionally male bonding
Published since 1972, Institutional Investor (II) tracks the
performance of analysts and ranks them. These rankings are used
to support practices in hiring, bonus rollouts etc. by organisations.
Peer-review under responsibility of Indian Institute of Management
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IIMB Management Review (2012) 24, 116e117
opportunities they strengthen relationships with outsiders,
institutional investors, top management from the companies
they cover, other analysts and the media. This gives them
general skills, which they take with them when they move.
Since these skills can be used elsewhere, star women analysts
were able to ensure that their performance did not dip. This
research has profound implications in the workplace.
In part three of the book, Groysberg begins by studying
culture in organisations. While most organisations preferred
hiring stars to training and developing them, ‘firms with
developmental cultures were far more successful at both
producing and retaining stars’. The author also examines
turnover and factors that cause it. Again Groysberg’s
research shatters some earlier held assumptions. Stars who
were previously assumed to be more mobile and more free
agent like were less likely to leave being surrounded by
a developmental culture. While compensation and firm
performance were important, factors such as department
performance and strength, leadership and quality of
teammates played a part in retention of stars. This goes to
show that even in a profession that is perceived to be
individualistic, soft factors like culture and teams matter.
The penultimate chapter deals with the measurement
and rewarding of performance. Predictably there is no one-
way to monitor analyst performance and thereby no unique
way to reward performance either. Successful firms use
mostly objective criteria and clearly demarcate between
results and activity, choosing to reward the former.
The findings in the book have many applications in the
field of work. The book points out that we often look at the
phenomenon of portability through stereotypical lenses,
and are prone to the first impression error
and the halo
and our mistaken assumptions about ourselves. If
you are a star employee looking for a change, the author’s
advice includesddon’t leave for money, do enough
research, don’t overestimate yourself and lastly, think long
Groysberg’s portability studies also might have implica-
tions in many Indian organisations, particularly conglom-
erates or federations such as Mahindra and Mahindra,
Aditya Birla Group and the Tata Group. All three have
a history of transferring and moving managers from one unit
to another. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to study how
these moves have transpired both for the organisation and
the individual. This could also entail studying how individ-
uals move between cultures (those of each unit or
company) while remaining in a seamless culture (that of the
brand, parent or holding company). The book could give
a strong impetus to research in HR. The reader can take
away a lesson or two from how some of the most profitable
firms in the world view and sustain performance. This is
a book that must not remain only in libraries of business
schools, but in the hands of those who drive performance
either directly or indirectly.
R.V. Anand
IIM Bangalore, India
Tel.: þ91 9900388553.
E-mail address: anand.rv@iimb.ernet.in
Our judgments about people are very often based on what we
see them doing when we first see them and these are wrong in
many instances.
When we assume that a person can be good at everything
based on how good the person is at one activity.
Book Review 117