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The geological evolution of Merapi volcano, Central
Java, Indonesia
Ralf Gertisser &Sylvain J. Charbonnier &Jörg Keller &
Xavier Quidelleur
Received: 22 January 2011 / Accepted: 3 March 2012 / Published online: 26 April 2012
#Springer-Verlag 2012
Abstract Merapi is an almost persistently active basalt to
basaltic andesite volcanic complex in Central Java (Indone-
sia) and often referred to as the type volcano for small-
volume pyroclastic flows generated by gravitational lava
dome failures (Merapi-type nuées ardentes). Stratigraphic
field data, published and new radiocarbon ages in conjunc-
tion with a new set of
Ar and
Ar ages, and
whole-rock geochemical data allow a reassessment of the
geological and geochemical evolution of the volcanic com-
plex. An adapted version of the published geological map of
Merapi [(Wirakusumah et al. 1989), Peta Geologi Gunun-
gapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah (Geologic map of Merapi
volcano, Central Java), 1:50,000] is presented, in which
eight main volcano stratigraphic units are distinguished,
linked to three main evolutionary stages of the volcanic
complex—Proto-Merapi, Old Merapi and New Merapi.
Construction of the Merapi volcanic complex began after
170 ka. The two earliest (Proto-Merapi) volcanic edifices,
Gunung Bibi (109±60 ka), a small basaltic andesite volca-
nic structure on Merapi’s north-east flank, and Gunung
Turgo and Gunung Plawangan (138± 3 ka; 135 ± 3 ka), two
basaltic hills in the southern sector of the volcano, predate
the Merapi cone sensu stricto. Old Merapi started to grow at
~30 ka, building a stratovolcano of basaltic andesite lavas
and intercalated pyroclastic rocks. This older Merapi edifice
was destroyed by one or, possibly, several flank failures, the
latest of which occurred after 4.8 ± 1.5 ka and marks the end
of the Old Merapi stage. The construction of the recent
Merapi cone (New Merapi) began afterwards. Mostly basal-
tic andesite pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits of both Old
and New Merapi (<11,792± 90
C years BP) cover the
lower flanks of the edifice. A shift from medium-K to
high-K character of the eruptive products occurred at
C years BP, with all younger products having
high-K affinity. The radiocarbon record points towards an
almost continuous activity of Merapi since this time, with
periods of high eruption frequency interrupted by shorter
intervals of apparently lower eruption rates, which is reflected
in the geochemical composition of the eruptive products. The
Holocene stratigraphic record reveals that fountain collapse
pyroclastic flows are a common phenomenon at Merapi. The
distribution and run-out distances of these flows have fre-
quently exceeded those of the classic Merapi-type nuées
ardentes of the recent activity. Widespread pumiceous fallout
deposits testify the occurrence of moderate to large (subpli-
nian) eruptions (VEI 3–4) during the mid to late Holocene.
VEI 4 eruptions, as identified in the stratigraphic record, are an
Editorial responsibility: H. Delgado Granados
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s00445-012-0591-3) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
R. Gertisser (*):S. J. Charbonnier
School of Physical and Geographical Sciences, Keele University,
Keele ST5 5BG, UK
S. J. Charbonnier
Department of Geology, University of South Florida,
Tampa, FL 33620-5201, USA
J. Keller
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Mineralogie-Geochemie,
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
X. Quidelleur
Université Paris-Sud, Laboratoire IDES,
UMR 8148,
Orsay 91405, France
X. Quidelleur
Orsay 91405, France
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
DOI 10.1007/s00445-012-0591-3
order of magnitude larger than any recorded historical erup-
tion of Merapi, except for the 1872 AD and, possibly, the
October–November 2010 events. Both types of eruptive and
volcanic phenomena require careful consideration in long-
term hazard assessment at Merapi.
Keywords Merapi .Stratigraphy .Chronology .
Radiocarbon dating .K–Ar dating .Ar–Ar dating .Merapi-
type volcanism
Merapi volcano (110.442° E, 7.542° S) is one of the large
Quaternary central volcanoes of the Sunda arc in Indonesia,
which has been formed by the northward subduction of the
Indo-Australian Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate (Hamilton
1979). The ~3,000-m-high, basalt to basaltic andesite vol-
canic complex lies ~25 km north of the city of Yogyakarta in
Central Java and is surrounded by the geologically young
stratovolcanoes Merbabu, Telomoyo and Ungaran to the
north, and Sumbing, Sundoro and the Dieng complex to
the northwest (Fig. 1). One of Indonesia’s most active and
dangerous volcanoes, Merapi is best known for the genera-
tion of small-volume pyroclastic flows from gravitational
lava dome collapses (commonly referred to as Merapi-type
nuées ardentes). Over the past two centuries or more, the
volcanic activity of Merapi has been dominated by prolonged
periods of lava dome growth at the summit of the steep-sided
volcanic cone and intermittent gravitational or explosive
dome failures to produce pyroclastic flows every few years
[see Voight et al. (2000) for a detailed summary]. These have
posed a persistent threat to life, property and infrastructure
within the densely populated areas on the flanks of the volca-
no, as the catastrophic eruptive events in 2010 have once more
demonstrated (Gertisser et al. 2011).
In contrast to the well-recorded historical activity since
the late eighteenth century, Merapi’s prehistorical eruption
Dieng Ungaran
Sundoro Telo mo yo
7° 0' S
7° 30' S
8° 0' S
25 km
110° 30' E110° 0' E
250 km
Kali Gendol
Kali Woro
Kali Bedok
Kali Pabelan
Kali Krasak
Kali Batang
Kali Putih
Kali Lamat
Kali Senowo
Kali Trising
Kali Boyong
Kali Kuning
Kali Pabelan
Kali Apu
Kali Blongkeng
G. Wungkal
G. Turgo G. Plawangan
G. Bibi
G. Gendol
Kali Bebeng
G. Dengkeng
G. Patukalapalap G. Kendil
G. Gadjah Mungkur
G. Batulawang
G. Pusunglondon
G. Selokopo
110° 20' E 110° 25' E 110° 30' E 110° 35' E
05 km
7° 30' S 7° 35' S 7° 40' S
G. Selokopo
Fig. 1 Topographic sketch map of Merapi volcano, showing major
towns (filled circles) and volcano observation posts (black squares):
Kaliurang (K), Plawangan (P), Ngepos (N), Babadan (B), Jrakah (J),
Selo (S). Dashed lines indicate major drainages leading from the
volcano. The summit of Merapi and a series of hills (Indon. 0Gunung
(G.)) rising from the volcanic complex are shown by black triangles.
Empty triangles denote hills of the surrounding plain. The three-
dimensional inset maps show the location of Merapi north of the city
of Yogyakarta and nearby Quaternary volcanoes in Central Java. The
maps were generated using GeoMapApp
1214 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
record is more fragmentary and it was not until recently that
a more detailed picture of the mid to late Holocene eruptive
history emerged from detailed stratigraphic and geochrono-
logical investigations (Bahar 1984;delMarmol1989;
Berthommier 1990;Andreastuti1999; Andreastuti et al.
2000; Camus et al. 2000; Newhall et al. 2000; Gertisser
2001; Gertisser and Keller 2003a). These studies have
shown that Merapi is a very young volcanic complex, but
age information on the older Merapi units has remained
scarce and many aspects of the overall volcanological and
structural evolution of Merapi continued to be controversial
(Camus et al. 2000; Newhall et al. 2000).
This paper provides a synopsis of research on the geo-
logical evolution of Merapi since the early descriptions in
the eighteenth century. Considerable advances in our knowl-
edge of Merapi and Merapi-style volcanism were made in
the 1990s, when the volcano was designated as 1 of 16
Decade Volcanoes by the International Association of Vol-
canology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior as part of the
United Nations’International Decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction. The research efforts resulted in a collection of
landmark papers published in a special issue “Merapi vol-
cano”(Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
vol. 100; 2000). Since then, new efforts have been under-
taken to refine the Holocene and earlier volcanic history of
Merapi. Here, we present new geochronological (
Ar) and previously unpublished stratigraphic data
obtained by the authors that add to the few published U–Th
and K–Ar ages (Berthommier 1990; Camus et al. 2000)anda
unique set of ~150 radiocarbon ages that are available for the
volcano (Andreastuti et al. 2000; Camus et al. 2000;Newhall
et al. 2000; Gertisser and Keller 2003a; Gertisser et al. 2012).
Building on the pioneering and fundamental works of van
Bemmelen (1949,1956), Bahar (1984), Djumarma et al.
(1986), del Marmol (1989), Berthommier (1990), Andreastuti
(1999),Andreastutietal.(2000), Camus et al. (2000),
Newhall et al. (2000), Gertisser (2001) and Gertisser and
Keller (2003a,b), this paper reassesses the temporal evolution
and past eruptive history of this high-risk volcano in the light
of the new chronological data. A comprehensive set of whole-
rock geochemical data for all volcano stratigraphic units
allows additional insight into the concurrent geochemical
variations of Merapi through time.
Previous work
Merapi has been the focus of geological investigations ever
since the first direct observations of F. Van Boekhold, who
might have been the first European to reach the summit of the
volcano in 1786 (van Boekhold 1792), and the pioneering
descriptions of the volcano and its eruptions by Junghuhn
(1853–1854) and Verbeek and Fennema (1896). Systematic
observations of Merapi’s eruptive activity have existed since
the first half of the twentieth century, with important contri-
butions from Escher (1933a,b), Grandjean (1931), Hartmann
(1934a,b,1935a,b,1936), Kemmerling (1921), Neumann
van Padang (1933,1936), Reck (1931,1935), Taverne (1925,
1933)andvanBemmelen(1949), amongst others, compre-
hensively summarised by Voight et al. (2000).
Van Bemmelen (1949,1956) was the first to describe the
structure of the Merapi volcanic complex, distinguishing a
deeply eroded, older part of the volcano (Old Merapi) and
the active Merapi cone, characterised by a youthful morphol-
ogy and the classic shape of a stratovolcano when viewed
from the west (Fig. 2). He proposed that a catastrophic erup-
tion in 1006 AD led to the collapse of the western flank of the
older volcanic edifice along a major fault zone, known as the
Kukusan fault, replacing its summit with a horseshoe-shaped
crater and leaving an avalanche caldera (or Somma) rim high
on the volcano’s northern and eastern flanks. He further pos-
tulated that the eruption forced the shift of the centre of the
Mataram Kingdom from Central Java to East Java. According
to van Bemmelen (1949,1956), the active cone of Merapi has
formed on the remains of the older volcanic edifice after the
inferred flank collapse event, which, in his original definition,
marks the end of the Old Merapi stage.
Subsequent investigations have complemented van
Bemmelen’s early work and added important details on the
overall geological evolution and eruptive history ofMerapi, in
particular over the past few millennia. Bahar (1984)presented
an outline of the lava sequences of Merapi, establishing their
geochemical compositions and stratigraphic relationships.
Djumarma et al. (1986) quoted new archaeological evidence
indicating that the Mataram Kingdom moved to East Java
several decades earlier (i.e. in 928 or 929 AD) than proposed
by van Bemmelen, but found no archaeological indications for
a catastrophic eruption of Merapi in either 928–929 AD or
1006 AD. They identified several moderately large eruptions
of Merapi in the eighth to tenth century AD, speculating that
the Somma of Merapi might have been due to one of these
eruptions, although no direct evidence for a westward directed
landslide from Merapi was found. Wirakusumah et al. (1989)
published a geological map that identifies an Old and a Young
Merapi edifice, as recognised by van Bemmelen (1949,1956),
distinguishing, within the former, older pyroxene andesite
lavas of Gunung (Indon.0hill or mountain) Turgo, Gunung
Plawangan and Gunung Bibi (their Ml 1 lavas) from those that
constitute the Somma-Merapi in the northern and eastern parts
of the volcanic complex (their Ml 2 lavas, Fig. 3).
Del Marmol (1989) and Newhall et al. (2000) established
the terms Old Merapi and New Merapi to refer to the
Somma-Merapi edifice and the active Merapi cone, respec-
tively. Del Marmol (1989) considered the rocks that were
deposited before the aforementioned catastrophic eruption
or large eruptions as part of Old Merapi and those erupted
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1215
afterwards as part of New Merapi. Despite earlier specula-
tion that one (or several) of these eruptions might have
formed the Somma of Merapi (Djumarma et al. 1986),
Newhall et al. (2000) argued that these eruptions were all
from New Merapi and too small to form a large sector
collapse, as suggested by the morphology and structure of
the volcanic complex, although a smaller partial edifice
collapse of New Merapi may have occurred <1,130± 50
C years BP. The eruptions were significant enough though
eastward migration of the Mataram Kingdom in 928 AD.
Subsequent eruptions of New Merapi in the twelfth to
fourteenth century AD might have continued to affect major
temples in the area (Newhall et al. 2000). Using their youn-
gest pyroclastic flow deposit found on the east side of
Merapi, dated at ~1,900
C years BP, Newhall et al.
(2000) proposed that the inferred large avalanche caldera-
forming collapse of Old Merapi occurred at around this
time, assuming that the newly formed Somma rim stopped
all later pyroclastic flows from travelling in an easterly
direction. The subsequent discovery of a dome collapse
pyroclastic flow deposit with an age of 1,590±40
C years
BP on the north-east side of Merapi, new finds of pyroclas-
tic deposits as old as 8,380± 230
C years BP in the western
sector and the apparent lack of any young debris avalanche
deposits (Gertisser 2001; Gertisser and Keller 2003a) cast
doubts on a flank collapse event as young as or even
younger than 1,900
C years BP [see Gertisser (2001) for
a detailed discussion].
Newhall et al. (2000) also suggested that Gunung Turgo
and Gunung Plawangan, two conspicuous, steep-sided hills
rising above the villages of Turgo and Kaliurang on Mer-
api’s south flank (Fig. 2), represent the erosional remnants
of a Proto-Merapi cone (Very Old Merapi; del Marmol
1989), considered to be an older part of the Merapi volcanic
complex, preceding van Bemmelen’s Old Merapi. This in-
terpretation has been supported by an U–Th disequilibrium
age of 40±18–15 ka obtained from a lava flow of Gunung
New Merapi
(Old Merapi)
G. Kendil
G. Batulawang
G. Pusunglondon (post-Somma-Merapi)
Lava dome
(Sept. 1997)
Lava dome
(July 2007)
Kali Gendol
Kukusan fault
New Merapi
Gunung Turgo
Gunung Plawangan
Gunung Bibi
(Old Merapi)
Lava dome
Fig. 2 Field photographs illustrating the main eruptive stages and
volcanic edifices of the Merapi complex. aThe symmetrical stratocone
of New Merapi, as seen from the west (photo taken in Sept. 1997). b
New Merapi (left) and Somma-Merapi, the remnants of Old Merapi
(right), as seen from the south. The Gendol river valley (Kali Gendol),
filled with block-and-ash flow deposits from the 2006 eruption, is in
the foreground (photo taken in July 2007). cGunung Turgo and
Gunung Plawangan, the erosional remnants of a Proto-Merapi edifice,
and the recent Merapi cone (New Merapi), as seen from the village of
Kaliurang on Merapi’s south slope (photo taken in Nov. 1995). d
Gunung Bibi, another ancient (Proto-Merapi) volcanic structure ex-
posed on the volcano’s north-east flank, as seen from Gunung Pusun-
glondon near the summit of Merapi (photo taken in 2006)
1216 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
Plawangan (Berthommier 1990; Camus et al. 2000), which
is significantly older than the oldest age of 9,630 ± 60
years BP obtained by Newhall et al. (2000) for an explosive
eruption of Old Merapi.
Berthommier (1990) and Camus et al. (2000) presented
an alternative history of Merapi divided into four main
periods—Ancient, Middle, Recent and Modern Merapi.
Their Ancient Merapi (40–14 ka) comprises Gunung Turgo
and Gunung Plawangan as well as the oldest deposits of the
Merapi cone sensu stricto. Thus, Ancient Merapi corre-
sponds to the Proto-Merapi and part of the Old Merapi cone
in the sense of van Bemmelen (1949,1956), del Marmol
Ml 1
0 5 km
Young Merapi volcano Surficial deposits
Rocks of Merbabu volcano
Tertiary rocks of the Menoreh Mountains
(incl. the Gendol and Wungkal Hills) and
the Southern Mountains
Merapi Other units and symbols
Old Merapi volcano
Ml 3Ml 4 Mapm
Ml 2
Key: MI 1: Pyroxene andesite lava flows (of Gunung (= hill)
Turgo, Gunung Plawangan and Gunung Bibi); MI 2: Pyroxene
andesite lava flows; Mapt-Mlt: Old pyroclastic flow and lahar
deposits; Mjp: Pyroclastic airfall deposits (of Young and Old
Merapi); Mapm: Young pyroclastic flow and avalanche
deposits; MI 3: Prehistoric pyroxene andesite lava flows; MI 4:
Pyroxene andesite lava flows erupted since 1888 AD
7° 30' S
G. Bibi
G. Turgo
G. Plawangan
110° 20' E 110° 25' E 110° 30' E 110° 35' E
7° 40' S 7° 35' S
Fig. 3 Simplified version of the 1:50,000 geological map of Merapi
volcano published in 1989 (Wirakusumah et al. 1989), using the
original terminology for the two major volcanic edifices distinguished
and the volcanic products of the different geological units. Some of the
original subdivisions were combined for clarity of presentation. Con-
tours are shown in 100 m intervals. Map symbols as in Fig. 1
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1217
(1989) and Newhall et al. (2000). Middle Merapi (14.0–
2.2 ka) consists of two thick andesitic lava sequences,
namely the Batulawang series, dated at ~6.7 ka using U–
Th disequilibria, and the Gadjah Mungkur series. The older
Batulawang series is cut by the Kukusan fault and therefore,
per definition, part of Old Merapi. By contrast, the Gadjah
Mungkur series forms a younger cone inside the presumed
avalanche caldera and consequently belongs to New Mer-
api. Recent Merapi (2.2 ka–1786 AD) and Modern Merapi
(since 1786 AD) overlie the lava sequences of Middle
Merapi and are the main units that constitute the active
Merapi cone or New Merapi. According to Berthommier
(1990) and Camus et al. (2000), the products of Ancient
Merapi overlie an even older (pre-Merapi) volcanic struc-
ture, Gunung Bibi, a prominent hill on the north-east flank
of Merapi (Fig. 2). A K–Ar age of 670± 250 ka for a lava
flow from Gunung Bibi (Berthommier 1990; Camus et al.
2000) has supported this hypothesis, but the reliability of the
age was later questioned by Newhall et al. (2000), who
instead interpreted Gunung Bibi as a younger flank vent of
Old Merapi.
Methods and results
Fieldwork and sampling
Most of the detailed stratigraphic fieldwork at Merapi was
conducted in the late 1990s (Gertisser 2001), with further
information added and samples for K–Ar dating collected
since 2006. During the field campaigns, many stratigraphic
sections were measured primarily in the pyroclastic (at
lower elevations predominantly epiclastic) apron (Cas and
Wright 1987) around the volcano. Much of the fieldwork
concentrated on the relatively thin pyroclastic successions
on the interfluve areas on the middle and lower flanks of the
volcano. These include widespread pumiceous fall deposits
alternating with finer grained ash deposits of plume fall or
ash cloud origin and locally with coarser grained overbank
pyroclastic flow, surge and reworked deposits. Stratigraphic
sections and a first comprehensive set of radiocarbon ages
for these successions were presented by Newhall et al.
(2000), who discussed the explosive eruptive activity of
Merapi over the past 10,000 years. Andreastuti (1999) and
Andreastuti et al. (2000) were able to identify and correlate a
number of widespread fallout and surge layers all around the
volcano and to establish a detailed tephrostratigraphic
framework with a total of 18 informally named tephra for-
mations less than 3,000 years old. Rather than attempting to
present an accurate account of the younger eruption chro-
nology, which was the approach taken by Andreastuti
(1999) and Andreastuti et al. (2000), the stratigraphic sec-
tions (Fig. 4) aim to complement previous work by
providing detailed stratigraphic relationships and age con-
straints for the interfluve pyroclastic successions across the
southern, western and north-western sectors of Merapi,
where the density of observations had been comparatively
low. We were able to identify five distinct pumiceous fallout
layers in these sectors that are widespread enough to serve
as easily recognisable stratigraphic marker horizons in the
field and to correlate sections. The stratigraphic relations are
typically demonstrated by superposition of at least two of
the recognised tephra layers in various stratigraphic sec-
tions. According to their type sections (Fig. 4), these tephras
were informally named, from oldest to youngest, Paten I,
Paten II, Trayem, Jurangjero I and Jurangjero II (Fig. 4). The
two oldest tephra layers (Paten I and II) are older than any of
the widespread tephra layers of Andreastuti (1999)and
Andreastuti et al. (2000) and may therefore represent previ-
ously unidentified units. The Trayem tephra crops out in a
stratigraphic level just above the base of Candi Asu on the
western slope of Merapi and may correlate with a coarse
tephra fall deposit that occurs above the floor level of nearby
Candi Lumbung (Newhall et al. 2000; their unit 15, strati-
graphic section M in Fig. 4). Based on the available radio-
carbon age ranges, the Jurangjero I and II tephras are
tentatively correlated with the Deles and Selokopo tephra
(Andreastuti 1999; Andreastuti et al. 2000), respectively,
although both correlations are considered provisional, as
neither the Jurangjero tephras nor the three older tephra
layers were recognised in the northern and eastern parts of
the volcano. As such, correlations of stratigraphic sections
beyond the area shown in Fig. 4depend heavily on the use
of radiometric age dates. Age ranges for the exposed
sequences are provided by radiocarbon dates of deposits of
flow origin or palaeosols within the successions and the
recognition that deposits of Merapi older and younger than
C years BP are geochemically distinct, having
medium-K (MK) and high-K (HK) character, respectively
(Gertisser 2001; Gertisser and Keller 2003a,b).
In contrast to the interfluve pyroclastic successions, thick
and often exceedingly complex sequences of intercalated
valley-ponded pyroclastic flow deposits, fluvial and laharic
debris and minor fallout deposits are exposed in the incised
river valleys cut deep into the pyroclastic and epiclastic
apron. The stratigraphic information that can be extracted
from these successions is rather fragmented, as reliable
correlations of deposits between drainages and with thinner
and finer grained deposits on the interfluves are difficult.
Still, it is emphasised that each primary pyroclastic deposit
(or sequence of deposits closely associated in time) repre-
sents a single eruptive event or episode. As such, these
snapshots of eruptive activity are crucial for establishing a
complete eruption chronology of Merapi. Charred or
carbonised plant material suitable for radiocarbon dating in
the deposits provides a means for integrating these
1218 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
701 ± 35
0.5 m
1614 ± 36
Jurangjero II
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
1 m
1 m
458 ± 32
525 ± 46
706 ± 22
1426 ± 40
1643 ± 55
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
0.5 m
242 ± 28
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
704 ± 24
Jurangjero II
1 m
1 m
762 ± 26
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
Tra ye m
? Paten I
Tra ye m
Jurangjero I
0.5 m
0.5 m
Tra ye m
Jurangjero I
Paten II
Paten I
344 ± 23
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
0.5 m
Tra ye m
Paten II
1 m
Tra ye m
Jurangjero I
1 m
952 ± 52
989 ± 51
1005 ± 45
Kali Batang
Jurangjero / Kali Putih
Kali Blongkeng
Beruttegal / Keningar
Kajangkoso / Kali Senowo
Kali Senowo
Tra y em
Kali Pabelan
458 ± 28
Tra ye m
Jurangjero I
1 m
Paten II Tephra
Paten I Tephra
14C date
from section F-8, Candi Asu /
Kali Trising (Gertisser 2001)
2264 ± 73
3868 ± 47
4153 ± 37
1865 ± 80
1947 ± 105
2260 ± 30
0.5 m
Jurangjero I
Jurangjero II
(B-3 (2))
Tra ye m
Blocks (predominantly lava dome components)
Scoriaceous components
(cauliflower and breadcrust bombs)
Fine ash
Vesiculated, pumiceous components
Coarse ash
Lapilli (lithics)
Lapilli (vesiculated)
Lithologies / components of pyroclastic deposits
110° 20' E 110° 25' E
05 km
F-3 F-5
F-7 F-9
7° 30' S 7° 35' S
? Trayem
E-1 B-3
Brown, partly weathered
ash/lapilli tuff; soil
Other deposits / units
Fluvial deposit (reworked)
Dark, humic-rich palaeosol Degassing pipes (lapilli pipes)
Other symbols
Cross-bedding / cross-lamination
Conv. 14C age (years BP)242±28
Charred wood; charcoal
Section shortened
MK/HK Geochemical character:
MK = Medium-K; HK = High-K
Fig. 4 Correlation of the mid to late Holocene pyroclastic successions in the southern,
western and north-western sector of Merapi (after Gertisser 2001). Prominent tephra layers,
which can be traced over large areas on the southern and western flanks and serve as
important stratigraphical marker horizons are highlighted using the informal names intro-
duced by Gertisser and Keller (2000) and Gertisser (2001)
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1219
successions into the stratigraphic record (Gertisser 2001;
Gertisser and Keller 2003a). In the western sector, the
deposits in the deep valley sides extend back to at least
C years BP (Supplementary Table 1)and,
thus, expose units that are significantly older than those on
the interfluves. The latter date back to 2,260± 30
C years
BP in the area of Kali Batang and Jurangjero/Kali Putih
(stratigraphic sections E-1 and E-2; Fig. 4), where they form
the base of the “Gumuk ashes”of Camus et al. (2000). The
maximum age for the interfluve deposits in the western
sector may be inferred from a palaeosol at the base of the
Paten I tephra near Candi Asu/Kali Trising dated at 4,153±
C years BP (Gertisser 2001; Fig. 4; Supplementary
Table 1).
Radiocarbon database
In contrast to the few published ages obtained by other
radiometric dating methods, an exceptional set of ~150
radiocarbon ages is now available for Merapi that extends
back to 11,792± 90
C years BP. These data were gathered
over many years by different researchers and research
groups. Larger sets of
C data can be found in the PhD
theses of Berthommier (1990), Andreastuti (1999)and
Gertisser (2001) and published in Andreastuti et al. (2000),
Camus et al. (2000), Newhall et al. (2000), Gertisser and
Keller (2003a) and Gertisser et al. (2012). A compilation of
these data is presented in Supplementary Table 1. Most of
the available radiocarbon ages were determined on charcoal
from carbonised plant material incorporated in pyroclastic
flow and associated ash cloud deposits. Other dated material
includes wood fragments in lahar deposits, charcoal par-
ticles from carbonised rootlets in soil horizons and dark,
organic-rich bulk soil samples. Most dated samples appear
to be from unknown parts of trees, although, where avail-
able, small-diameter twigs and the outer parts of larger
branches and tree trunks were used (Newhall et al. 2000;
Gertisser and Keller 2003a). Still, some samples may have
come from interior (i.e. older) parts of trees and, therefore,
the reported ages should generally be regarded as maximum
eruption ages. Analytical methods used for radiocarbon
dating include both conventional counting techniques and
accelerator mass spectrometry at different laboratories. All
published ages are expressed as conventional radiocarbon
years BP (before 1950 AD, Stuiver and Polach 1977) and,
thus, are directly comparable. However, different calibration
curves were used by different authors to convert the con-
ventional radiocarbon ages to calibrated ages, and different
methods were adapted for reporting calibrated ages and
ranges. In order to compare these data, all conventional
C ages were recalibrated using Calib Rev 5.0.1 (Stuiver
and Reimer 1993; Stuiver et al. 2005). All but the oldest
sample were calibrated with the Southern Hemisphere
calibration curve (SHCal04), which extends back to
11,000 cal years BP (McCormac et al. 2004). For the oldest
sample, the IntCal04 calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2004)
was used. Calibrated age ranges are 1-sigma and given both
in “cal years BP”(before 1950 AD) and in “cal years AD/
BC”. In the (standard) case of two or more intersections
with the
C calibration curve, the entire calibrated age
range is reported (Supplementary Table 1).
Ar and
Ar dating
For groundmass K–Ar dating, nine lava samples were care-
fully selected on the basis of sample freshness, as deter-
mined by petrographic examination of thin sections
(Table 1). The Cassignol–Gillot technique was chosen for
K–Ar dating, as it allows accurate age determination of both
ancient and young lavas, even with low radiogenic Ar
content (Cassignol and Gillot 1982; Gillot and Cornette
1986; Gillot et al. 2006). In order to remove any possible
gain of argon (excess argon) from fluid circulation or xen-
oliths and any possible loss of potassium due to weathering,
a careful mineralogical separation was performed. Based on
phenocryst size, jaw crushing and sieving was carried out in
the 125–250-μm grain size fraction. Grains were ultrasoni-
cally washed with deionised water and a 10 % nitric acid
solution. Heavy liquids were used to keep the groundmass
in a narrow density range of typically 2.80–2.85 g/cm
basalts, 2.70–2.75 g/cm
for basaltic andesites and 2.60–
2.65 g/cm
for andesites. Finally, residual minerals were
removed from the groundmass with a magnetic separator.
Potassium and Ar were measured in different aliquots of
the same groundmass separate at the Laboratoire de Géo-
chronologie Multi-Techniques (Orsay, France). Potassium
was measured by flame emission spectroscopy and Ar by
mass spectrometry using a 180° multi-collector instrument
similar to that described in Gillot and Cornette (1986). The
relative uncertainty of the K measurement is ~1% over a
range of K contents between 0.1 and 15.0 %. The detection
limit of the radiogenic Ar content is 0.1 % (Quidelleur et al.
2001), which makes the Cassignol–Gillot technique espe-
cially suitable for the dating of very young rocks (e.g. Gillot
et al. 2006). Such a performance can be achieved because of
the stable analytical conditions of the small-volume mass
spectrometer used, which allows an accurate atmospheric
correction by direct comparison of the dated sample with an
air aliquot measured under the exact same Ar pressure
conditions. The calibration of the system is obtained by
systematic measurements of an air pipette, which is routine-
ly compared to the GL-O standard with its recommended
value of 6.679×10
at/g of radiogenic
Ar (
Ar*, Odin et
al. 1982). This calibration introduces an additional relative
uncertainty of 1 %, which leads to a total relative age
uncertainty of ~1.4 % for samples older than ~1 Ma. For
1220 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
younger samples, the relative uncertainty due to the atmo-
spheric correction dominates and can account for up to
100 % for zero-age samples (with
Ar* of 0.1 %). Potassi-
um and Ar were analysed at least twice in order to obtain a
reproducible age within the range of error determined from
periodic, replicate measurements of dating standards, such as
ISH-G, MDO-G (Gillot et al. 1992) and GL-O (Odin et al.
1982). For the age calculations (Table 1), the decay constant
and K isotopic ratios of Steiger and Jäger (1977)wereused.
All uncertainties quoted herein are given at the 1-sigma level.
In addition to the K–Ar age determinations, we also
attempted to date amphibole (hornblende) crystals from a
volcanic breccia near the top of Gunung Bibi using the Ar–
Ar method. For this purpose, amphibole grains were sepa-
rated from the lava clasts by gently crushing the rock sam-
ples followed by sieving and finally hand picking of
amphibole crystals under a binocular microscope. For the
inferred young volcanic mineral separate, “laser step-
heating”experiments were performed, where ~10 mineral
grains were melted with increasing laser power using a
focused infrared laser-automated argon extraction system
connected to a MAP 21550 mass spectrometer at The Open
University’s Argon-Argon and Noble Gas Research Labo-
ratory. Obtaining an accurate and precise age of the Gunung
Bibi amphibole separate was difficult, and the best age we
obtained yielded a large analytical uncertainty (109 ± 60 ka;
Kelley, personal communication 2004). The significance of
this age is discussed below.
Whole-rock geochemistry
Our Merapi whole-rock dataset currently comprises 205
samples that were analysed for major elements by
wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrom-
etry at the Universität Freiburg (Germany) and The Open
University (UK), using a Philips PW 2404 and an Applied
Research Laboratories 8420+ XRF spectrometer, respective-
ly. Most of these samples were also analysed for a number
of trace elements (Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ni, Cr, Co, V) with the
same technique. Before analysis, exposed portions and
weathered surfaces of the samples were carefully removed
and, where possible, fresh interior slabs of lavas and pyro-
clasts were processed. All samples were ground in an agate
mill. Major and trace elements were determined on fused
discs and pressed powder pellets, respectively. Reproduc-
ibility and accuracy for major elements are better than 1 %
relative. The analytical uncertainty for trace elements varies
from 1 to 10 ppm, depending on the specific element.
Accuracy and precision were monitored using several inter-
national rock standards. LOI was determined by weight
difference at heating the samples to 1,050°C for 90 min
and is the total effect of dehydration (loss of weight) and
oxidation (gain of weight). The complete dataset for sam-
ples from the main volcano stratigraphic units (see below) is
listed in Supplementary Table 2. The Merapi rocks range in
composition from 48.3 to 57.3 wt.% SiO
, with most sam-
ples falling into the basaltic andesite range. Merapi may
Table 1 K–Ar ages of Merapi lavas
Sample Sample location Latitude/longitude Map unit
K (%)
Ar* (%)
Ar* (at/g) Age± 1σ(ka) Mean age ± 1σ(ka)
M07-001 G. Pusunglondon
07°32.2326′S/110°27.1669′E 6 2.829 0.17 8.577E+09 2.9±1.7
0.03 1.351E+09 0.5± 1.6 1.7± 1.7
M07-002 E of G. Batulawang 07°32.3742′S/110°27.6094′E 3 2.459 0.39 1.492E+10 5.8± 1.5
0.28 9.743E+09 3.8± 1.4 4.8± 1.5
01ME07 N part of Somma-Merapi 07°30.6412′S/110°26.2661′E 3 2.503 0.54 2.064E+10 7.9±1.5
0.67 2.414E+10 9.2± 1.4 8.6± 1.4
M07-004 N of Deles 07°33.6119′S/110°27.8124′E 3 2.616 1.35 2.993E+10 11.0±0.8
1.49 2.831E+10 10.4±0.7 10.7± 0.8
M06-024 G. Batulawang 07°32.3154′S/110°27.4360′E 3 2.645 3.00 6.906E+10 25.0± 0.9
3.59 6.451E+10 23.4±0.7 24.2± 0.8
M07-005 E of G. Bibi 07°31.7590′S/110°28.6935′E 3 2.834 2.99 9.077E+10 30.7± 1.1
4.26 8.445E+10 28.5±0.8 29.6± 1.0
M06-032 G. Kendil 07°33.5525′S/110°27.1739′E 3 2.305 3.90 7.014E+10 29.1 ± 0.9
3.24 7.580E+10 31.5±1.1 30.3± 1.0
M06-002 G. Turgo 07°35.1401′S/110°25.6093′E 2 2.163 7.96 3.210E+11 142.1± 2.7
4.21 3.019E+11 133.6± 3.7 138± 3
M06-003 G. Plawangan 07°35.1905′S/110°25.6049′E 2 2.058 5.28 2.856E+11 132.9± 3.1
4.26 2.958E+11 137.6± 3.8 135± 3
Keyed to Fig. 5. For sample locations, see Fig. 6
GGunung (Indon.0hill or mountain)
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1221
therefore be regarded as a predominantly basaltic andesite
volcano. The implications of our whole-rock dataset for the
overall geochemical evolution of the volcanic complex are
discussed below.
New Merapi
Old Merapi 3
Proto-Merapi 1 2
Merapi - Volcano-stratigraphic units
Cenozoic rocks of the Menoreh
and Southern Mountains
Other units and symbols
Merapi - Eruptive stages / edifices
Rocks of Merbabu volcano
7° 30' S
7° 40' S 7° 35' S
G. Bibi
G. Turgo
G. Plawangan
Surficial deposits
Pyroclastic-flow and lahar deposits
[< 11,792 ± 90 14C y BP (14C)]
Pyroclastic-fall deposits
[< 11,792 ± 90 14C y BP (14C)]
Lava flows of the Somma-Merapi
[30.3 ± 1.0 ka; 29.4 ± 1.0 ka; 24.2 ± 0.8 ka; 10.7 ± 0.8 ka; 8.6 ± 1.4 ka; 4.8 ± 1.5 ka (K-Ar)]
Lava flows of Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan
[138 ± 3 ka; 135 ± 3 ka (K-Ar)]
Lava flows of Gunung Bibi
[109 ± 60 ka (Ar-Ar)]
Lava domes of the recent episode
[1888 AD - Present (direct observation and historical accounts)]
Recent and mostly historical pyroclastic-flow and lahar deposits
[? ≤ c. 1550 AD - Present (historical accounts and 14C dating)]
Young (post-Somma-Merapi) lava flows
[1.7 ± 1.7 ka (K-Ar)]
* HPS = Holocene Pyroclastic Series
0 5 km
110° 20' E 110° 25' E 110° 30' E 110° 35' E
1222 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
Geological evolution of Merapi
Based on field studies, the volcanic structure and new ra-
diometric age dates, the following eight main volcano strati-
graphic units, linked to three eruptive stages and volcanic
edifices, are distinguished and keyed to the adapted version
of the geological map of Merapi (Wirakusumah et al. 1989)
presented in Fig. 5. The description of the units follows,
where possible, the stratigraphic sequence, although there is
partial overlap in the age ranges of some of the lava and
pyroclastic sequences identified.
Volcano stratigraphic units
Lava flows of Gunung Bibi (map unit 1) Gunung Bibi
(Fig. 2) is a morphologically distinct, heavily forested hill
some 3.5 km to the north-east of the summit of Merapi. It
consists of highly weathered, mostly basaltic andesite brec-
cias and lava flows that resemble the surrounding lavas of
the Somma-Merapi. Exposures at Gunung Bibi are rare, and
the hill remains a poorly known part of the Merapi volcanic
complex. It has been interpreted as a residual hill of a pre-
Merapi volcanic structure (Berthommier 1990; Camus et al.
2000) or, alternatively, as a vent or volcanic plug that
erupted through and built itself on the upper flank of the
Merapi Somma volcano (Newhall et al. 2000).
The high degree of weathering of the Gunung Bibi lavas
compared to the surrounding lavas of the Somma-Merapi
suggests that Gunung Bibi could indeed be an older volca-
nic structure. However, providing new radiometric ages to
4.8 ± 1.5
29.6 ± 1.0
24.2 ± 0.8
10.7 ± 0.8
30.3 ± 1.0
1.7 ± 1.7
138 ± 3
135 ± 3
8.6 ± 1.4
2 km
109 ± 60
Lava flows of the Somma-Merapi
Lava flows of Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan
Young (post-Somma-Merapi) lava flows
Lava flows of Gunung Bibi
Fig. 6 Digital elevation model of Merapi showing the locations of
samples dated using the K–Ar (cf. Table 1) and Ar–Ar (shown in
italics) techniques. Used colour codes and map units correspond to
those in Fig. 5. All age dates are reported in kiloannum. Digital
elevation model courtesy of Carl Gerstenecker (TU Darmstadt,
Fig. 5 Adapted version of the geological map of Merapi (Wirakusumah
et al. 1989), distinguishing eight main volcano stratigraphic units linked
to three main evolutionary stages—Proto-Merapi, Old Merapi and New
Merapi. The reported dates for the Gunung Bibi, Gunung Turgo and
Gunung Plawangan, Somma-Merapi and post-Somma-Merapi lavaflows
are from this study. The oldest age for the HPS is from Gertisser (2001),
published in Gertisser and Keller (2003a). Stratigraphic data from Bahar
(1984), del Marmol (1989), Berthommier (1990), Andreastuti (1999),
Andreastuti et al. (2000), Camus et al. (2000), Newhall et al. (2000),
Gertisser (2001) and Gertisser and Keller (2003a) are considered. Map
symbols as in Fig. 1
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1223
test such a hypothesis and help resolve the controversy
above has proved to be difficult. Our attempts to date two
samples from Gunung Bibi using the K–Ar Cassignol–Gil-
lot technique were unsuccessful. Loss of K due to weather-
ing and release of radiogenic Ar due to the scoriaceous
nature of one of the samples are possible reasons for this.
However, amphibole crystals derived from relatively fresh
basaltic andesite blocks from a volcanic breccia exposed in
the late 1990s by a small landslide ~100 m below the
summit of Gunung Bibi yielded an Ar–Ar age of 109±
60 ka (Fig. 6). The value of this new age is somewhat
limited due to the large analytical uncertainty. Still, it sug-
gests that Gunung Bibi is younger than 170 ka and, there-
fore, substantially younger than the only other available date
suggests. The newly obtained age of 109±60 ka (>50 ka)
indicates that Gunung Bibi predates the lava sequences of
the Somma-Merapi (see below). Thus, in accordance with
previous studies by Berthommier (1990) and Camus et al.
(2000), Gunung Bibi is regarded as an ancient (Proto-Mer-
api) volcanic structure older than the Merapi edifice sensu
stricto. A different ancient volcanic structure exists in the
form of Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan, two prom-
inent hills on the south side of Merapi. The age relation of
Gunung Bibi to Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan in
the light of new radiometric age dates for the latter is
discussed in the following section.
Lava flows of Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan (map
unit 2) Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan are two
steep-sided hills on either side of the Boyong valley on
Merapi’s south flank, some 5 km from the summit
(Fig. 2). They mainly consist of basaltic lava flows with
similar petrographic and geochemical characteristics, sug-
gesting that they are the same volcanic edifice that has been
subsequently eroded and incised by the Boyong river. The
basaltic nature of their lavas, with a typical mineral assem-
blage of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine and magnetite
that characteristically lacks amphibole (hornblende), is a
notable feature that distinguishes the two hills from the rest
of Merapi (Gertisser 2001). A first attempt to date a lava flow
from Gunung Plawangan, using a U–Th mineral isochron,
yielded an age of 40±18–15 ka (Berthommier 1990;Camus
et al. 2000), indicating that the two hills might be considerably
older than the main Merapi edifice. They were interpreted as
either basaltic flank vents of Old Merapi (van Bemmelen
1949), slightly tilted megablocks related to a sector collapse
during the Middle Merapi period (Berthommier 1990;Camus
et al. 2000) or, as mentioned above, erosional remnants of a
Proto-Merapi edifice (Newhall et al. 2000). Our field
observations corroborate the interpretation of the two
hills as ruins of an ancient volcano. Both consist mostly
of intact sequences of basaltic lava flows and intercalated soil
horizons, occasionally oxidised by the overlying flow, that dip
slightly towards the north. There is no evidence for a crater or
any near-vent pyroclastic depositsthat would suggest that they
are eccentric vents. In order to constrain the age of Gunung
Turgo and Gunung Plawangan, two lava samples of basaltic
lava flows were taken from the basal successions of either hill
exposed in the Boyong valley. The basaltic flow at the base of
the western slope of Gunung Plawangan yielded a K–Ar age
of 135± 3 ka and is within error of the lava dated at the foot of
the eastern flank of Gunung Turgo, for which an age of 138±
3 ka was obtained (Fig. 6). The lava flows from Gunung
Turgo and Gunung Plawangan are the oldest rocks of Merapi
dated by the K–Ar method in this study. The new ages suggest
that the two hills are considerably older than previously
thought and precede the main edifice of Merapi by ~100 kyr
(see below).
Lava flows of the Somma-Merapi (map unit 3) Thick suc-
cessions of massive, predominantly basaltic andesite lava
flows and minor pyroclastic deposits are exposed in the
deeply incised valleys on the southeastern, eastern and
northern flanks of the volcanic complex (Fig. 2).These
sequences are remnants of a partly destroyed older volcanic
edifice with a horseshoe-shaped crater open to the west that
has been related to one or several sector collapses in the past
history of Merapi (Camus et al. 2000; Newhall et al. 2000).
The lava sequences constitute the main part of van Bemme-
len’s Old Merapi and the Batulawang series of Berthommier
(1990) and Camus et al. (2000), named after Gunung Batu-
lawang, the highest peak of the Somma-Merapi. Chronolog-
ical information on the lava sequences of the Somma-
Merapi has been essentially nonexistent prior to this study,
with only a single available U–Th mineral isochron age of
6.7 ka for a lava flow near the base of the Batulawang series
(Berthommier 1990; Camus et al. 2000). The six new K–Ar
ages obtained for lava flows of the Somma-Merapi yielded
ages between 30.3±1.0 and 4.8 ± 1.5 ka (Table 1). The oldest
ages are from samples collected at the base of Gunung
Kendil (30.3±1.0 ka), a lava flow near the base of the pile
southeast of Gunung Bibi (29.6± 1.0 ka) and from Gunung
Batulawang near the summit of Merapi (24.2±0.8 ka). No-
tably younger ages were obtained for lavas in the upper
parts of the Somma-Merapi above the village of Deles
(10.7±0.8), east of Gunung Batulawang (4.8 ± 1.5 ka) and
on the lower northern slopes of the volcano (8.6 ± 1.4 ka,
Fig. 6). From these new ages, it can be inferred that the
construction of the older Merapi cone (Old Merapi) began at
~30 ka with the emplacement of massive lava flows building
a large central volcano that was subsequently destroyed by
collapse(s) of the western sector of this edifice. The youn-
gest age of 4.8±1.5 ka is interpreted to provide an upper age
limit for the latest inferred flank collapse of the older Merapi
edifice and, as such, marks the end of Old Merapi and the
beginning of the recent cone (New Merapi).
1224 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
Holocene Pyroclastic Series (map units 4 and 5) Merapi is
surrounded by an extensive apron of predominantly Holo-
cene pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits (Andreastuti 1999;
Andreastuti et al. 2000; Camus et al. 2000; Newhall et al.
2000; Gertisser 2001; Gertisser and Keller 2003a). For the
most part, the exposed successions appear stratigraphically
younger than the Somma-Merapi lavas, which is confirmed
by the new K–Ar ages we obtained for these lavas (Table 1;
Fig. 6). On the interfluve areas, these consist of relatively
thin pyroclastic flow, surge and reworked deposits, interbed-
ded with numerous lapilli and ash fall layers. The sides of
the valleys that cut into the pyroclastic and epiclastic apron
are dominated by thick sequences of intercalated valley-
ponded pyroclastic flow deposits, fluvial and laharic debris
and minor fallout deposits. Gertisser and Keller (2003a)
introduced the term Holocene Pyroclastic Series (HPS) to
describe these successions, a term that is adopted in this
study. The age range of the HPS is constrained by ~150
radiocarbon ages (Supplementary Table 1). A palaeosol in
the northern sector of Merapi that underlies a succession of
pyroclastic deposits from, presumably, both Merapi and
Merbabu, the volcano immediately north of Merapi, limits
the HPS to <11,792± 90
C years BP. The oldest age for an
explosive eruption is 9,630± 60
C years BP obtained from
a pyroclastic flow deposit in the eastern sector of Merapi
(Newhall et al. 2000). Important for the younger eruptive
history of Merapi is the recognition of relatively old ages for
the pyroclastic successions on the interfluves on the western
flank which, in the area of Kali Batang (820 m a.s.l.) and
Jurangjero/Kali Putih (970 m a.s.l.), date back to 2,260±30
C years BP and, in other places, back to 3,868 ± 47
years BP (Kajangkoso-Kali Senowo; 690 m a.s.l.) and 4,153
C years BP (Candi Asu/Kali Trising; 700 m a.s.l.),
respectively (Fig. 4; Supplementary Table 1). Comparative-
ly old pyroclastic deposits up to 3,453±33 and 8,380 ± 230
C years BP are also found in the south-west inside the
valleys of the Bedok (980 m a.s.l.) and Bebeng (1,100 m
a.s.l.) rivers, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). The
youngest dome collapse pyroclastic flow deposit east of
Merapi was dated at 1,590 ± 40
C years BP (Supplemen-
tary Table 1), which contrasts with the youngest age for a
pyroclastic flow deposit on the east or southeast side of
Merapi reported by Newhall et al. (2000). In view of an
inferred avalanche caldera-forming event at around (or
somewhat younger than) 4.8± 1.5 ka (see above), the oldest
ages on the west side signify the minimum western
extent of pyroclastic deposits of the pre-collapse (Old
Merapi) edifice and suggest that any young debris ava-
lanche deposit could be exposed and may not necessarily
been buried by rapid sedimentation around the base of
Merapi, as suggested by Newhall et al. (2000). By con-
trast, the (perhaps surprisingly) young ages of pyroclastic
flows on the eastern slopes indicate that ~1,900 years
ago (or even earlier), the post-collapse (New Merapi)
cone was already large enough for dome collapse pyro-
clastic flows to overflow the avalanche caldera scar,
although the predominant pyroclastic flow direction has
continued to be to the west. The younger successions of
the HPS are generally well exposed around the volcano,
and the recognition of a few stratigraphic marker hori-
zons have allowed a relatively detailed reconstruction of
the past 2,000–3,000 years of eruptive activity at Merapi
(Berthommier 1990; Andreastuti 1999; Andreastuti et al.
2000; Camus et al. 2000; Gertisser and Keller 2000,2003a;
Newhall et al. 2000;Gertisser2001).
Young (post-Somma-Merapi) lava flows (map unit 6) Apart
from the thick basaltic andesite lava sequences of the
Somma-Merapi, geologically younger lava flows occur near
the summit of Merapi in the area of the Pasarbubar crater
(Gunung Selokopo Ngisor, Gunung Selokop Duwur,
Gunung Gadjah Mungkur, Gunung Pusunglondon), high
on the south-western and western flanks (Gunung Deng-
keng, Gunung Patukalapalap) and farther downslope in the
Kuning and Gendol river valleys in the south (Fig. 1). These
lavas constitute the Gadjah Mungkur series of Berthommier
(1990) and Camus et al. (2000), a geologically young lava
sequence unaffected by and therefore younger than the
Kukusan fault. A K–Ar age of 1.7±1.7 ka for a lava flow
from Gunung Pusunglondon (Fig. 6) and a “zero”age for
another flow from Gadjah Mungkur (not listed in Table 1)
confirm the young age of these lavas in absolute terms and
in comparison with those of the Somma-Merapi east of the
Kukusan fault, although many of these lavas still remain to
be dated.
Recent and mostly historical pyroclastic flow and lahar
deposits (map unit 7) and lava domes of the recent episode
(map unit 8) Pyroclastic flow deposits from historical to
recent eruptions cover large areas on the south-west flank
of Merapi and fill the deep river valleys in the southern,
western and north-western sectors to distances up to 10 km
from the summit. Farther downstream, lahar deposits dom-
inate, resulting from reworking of the primary pyroclastic
material. At Merapi, historical accounts of scattered eruptive
activity date back as far as the sixteenth century and the
record only becomes more complete since the mid to late
eighteenth century (Fig. 7). Most of these young pyroclastic
flow deposits are associated with lava dome collapse, al-
though some are more likely to be related to fountain or
eruption column collapse during more explosive events (see
below). The present day lava dome complex at the summit
of Merapi constitutes domes extruded since 1888 AD within
the larger Pasarbubar crater (Voight et al. 2000). Eccentric
vents and flank eruptions are unknown for the younger
eruptive episodes of Merapi.
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1225
Eruptive stages and volcanic edifices
In the previous section, we have deliberately not related the
volcano stratigraphic units, as shown on the geological map
(Fig. 5), to distinct evolutionary stages of Merapi, as defined
by previous authors. Taking into account the new radiomet-
ric ages obtained during the course of this study, we distin-
guish three temporal eruptive stages and volcanic edifices in
the evolution of the Merapi complex—Proto-Merapi, Old
Merapi and New Merapi (Figs. 2and 5). The erosional
remnants of two Proto-Merapi edifices are represented by
Gunung Bibi and Gunung Turgo/Gunung Plawangan, re-
spectively. Both edifices are older than the main part of
the volcanic complex, and the ages obtained suggest that
the earliest Merapi edifices started to grow less than 170
thousand years ago. However, the new ages for Gunung
Bibi, and the Turgo and Plawangan hills are within error
of each other (Table 1), so that the exact age relationships
between these two petrographically and geochemically dis-
tinct earliest volcanic edifices cannot be ascertained with the
available data. In fact, it is possible that both edifices were
active contemporaneously. In a recent study, Gomez et al.
(2010) discussed a potential link between volcanic rock
samples from drill cores taken near Candi Borobudur
~30 km west of Merapi and dated at ~119 and 31 ka,
respectively, and possible collapse events of Proto-Merapi
in the sense of Newhall et al. (2000) or the older Ancient
Merapi stage (Camus et al. 2000). With the new ages for
Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan presented in this
study, a Merapi origin for these drill core samples from the
Borobudur basin remains a possibility, although another
volcanic source is equally feasible. A partly destroyed vol-
canic edifice, Old Merapi (van Bemmelen 1949; del Marmol
1989; Newhall et al. 2000), constitutes most of the Merapi
complex. The oldest lavas of Old Merapi (Batulawang
Series; Berthommier 1990; Camus et al. 2000)aredated
at ~30 ka (K–Ar), which shows that Old Merapi is
significantly older than inferred previously (Camus et
al. 2000; Newhall et al. 2000). The oldest of only a
small number of hitherto documented explosive erup-
tions of Old Merapi are younger than 11,792± 90
years BP, and some of these may have left deposits in
the Borobudur basin (Gomez et al. 2010). Our youngest
1.5 ka) indicates that the destruction of Old Merapi
occurred after 4.8± 1.5 ka. With an age of 1.7± 1.7 ka
(i.e. <3.4 ka at 1σconfidence level) obtained for one of the
earlier post-collapse lava flows from Gunung Pusunglondon,
the lower age limit for the end of the Old Merapi eruptive
stage, as inferred from the lava flow chronology in Merapi’s
summit area, remains poorly constrained. Still, an important
implication of these new ages is that pyroclastic deposits of
the HPS older than 4.8±1.5 ka are part of Old Merapi, while
those that are younger erupted from the recent cone and,
therefore, belong to the New Merapi stage.
Geochemical evolution of Merapi
Most of Merapi consists of basaltic andesite lavas and
pyroclastic rocks. Basaltic rocks also occur, but are volu-
metrically less significant (Supplementary Table 2). The
Merapi rocks are typical calc-alkaline basalts and basaltic
andesites of medium-K and high-K affinity (Fig. 8).
MK and HK series were initially defined based on varia-
tions in K
O content observed in lavas of the Somma-
Merapi, pyroclastic rocks of the HPS and the historical
and recent eruptive products (Gertisser and Keller 2003b).
Here, we expand the discussion of the compositional varia-
tions of the Merapi rocks to the earliest eruptive products of
the two Proto-Merapi edifices (Fig. 8). Our data show that
the lava flows of Gunung Bibi and the Turgo and Plawangan
hills are geochemically distinct, consisting of MK basaltic
andesite and HK basalt, respectively. While the HK charac-
ter of the basaltic lavas of Gunung Turgo and Gunung
Plawangan appears to be unusual for the earliest eruptive
stages of Merapi, the Gunung Bibi lavas show geochemical
affinity to the surrounding younger lavas of the Somma-
Merapi, which may suggest that Gunung Bibi is a precursor
to the main Merapi edifice fed by the same magma system.
Detailed stratigraphic fieldwork, whole-rock geochemistry
and radiocarbon dating of the pyroclastic successions of the
HPS have revealed a change from older MK to younger HK
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
Merapi - Historical eruptions (AD)
Fig. 7 Historical eruptions of
Merapi compiled with data
from Venzke et al. (2002) and
Siebert et al. (2011). The two
VEI 4 eruptions are those that
occurred in 1872 and 2010
1226 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
series products at ~1,900
C years BP, a trend that has
continued into the recent episode (Fig. 8; Gertisser and
Keller 2003a). This increase in K
O at a given SiO
of the eruptive products is accompanied by changes in other
element concentrations, such as Rb and Ba, and Sr isotopic
ratios, and has been attributed to variations in the source
characteristics of the primary magmas of the two series
(Gertisser and Keller 2003b). The timing of the MK to HK
transition appears to hold with the new geochemical data
obtained for the lava samples dated by the K–Ar method,
although, as already pointed out, age information for post-
Somma-Merapi lavas is still limited.
The Holocene eruptive history of Merapi
The radiocarbon record
The radiocarbon record of Merapi comprises presently ~150
published ages that provide important chronological con-
straints on the younger activity of the volcano over the past
nearly 14,000 years (cal. years BP). The majority of the
exposed pyroclastic successions on the volcano’slower
flanks span a period from ~2,000 cal. years BP to the
present. Older deposits are comparatively rare due to burial
by younger material, particularly in the west (Fig. 4). This
means that the stratigraphic record of eruptions that are
older than 2,000 years is less complete and the radiocarbon
record more fragmentary (Fig. 9a). By contrast, the radio-
carbon record provides a more complete and detailed picture
of the past 2,000 years of explosive activity. A total of 126
radiocarbon ages (84 % of all radiocarbon dates available)
indicates that the eruptive activity of Merapi over the past
2,000 years has been almost continuous. Assuming that
each radiocarbon date reflects a single eruptive event, it
can be inferred that Merapi has had, on average, 6.3 erup-
tions per 100 years (1 eruption every 15.9 years) over the
past 2,000 years. The apparent eruption frequency over this
period, based on the radiocarbon record, may have been
lower due to potential multiple dating of single eruptive
events, which cannot be ruled out completely due to the
integration of multiple data sets. An incomplete eruption
record and addition of the numerous historical eruptions
since the mid to late eighteenth century would lead to a
higher eruption frequency over the past 2,000 years
(Fig. 9b). The eruptive frequency estimated from the radio-
carbon record compares to 29 eruptions in the nineteenth
century (1 eruption in every 3.4 years) and 25 episodes of
eruptive activity in the twentieth century (1 eruption every
4 years, Venzke et al. 2002; Siebert et al. 2011). The fre-
quency of eruptions has probably not been constant through
time. The steepening of the trend in Fig. 9b indicates a
decreasing number of radiocarbon ages with increasing
age. This could either reflect an increase in eruptive activity
in more recent time or, more likely, a less complete record of
older eruptive events. Based on a smaller radiocarbon data-
set, Gertisser and Keller (2003a) defined three periods of
increased eruptive frequency over the past 2,000 years inter-
rupted by periods of apparently reduced eruptive frequency
from 1,300 to 1,150 and 700 to 550
C years BP. Each
period of high eruptive frequency started with the most
-rich whole-rock compositions, produced by differenti-
ation processes in the preceding period of apparently re-
duced eruptive activity, and ended with the least evolved
rock compositions. In order to test this model with the larger
radiocarbon dataset presented here (Supplementary Table 1),
the conventional radiocarbon ages younger than 2,000
years BP are shown on an age probability plot commonly
used in K–Ar or Ar–Ar geochronology (Deino and Potts
1992) that takes into account the errors of individual anal-
yses (Fig. 9c). While such an approach is affected by the
smaller number of dates available for older deposits, it
allows the identification of the same successive alternation
of periods of apparently higher and lower eruption frequen-
cy over the past 2,000 years.
50 52 54 56 5848 60
K2O (wt%)
SiO2 (wt%)
Basalt Basaltic Andesite Andesite
Fig. 8 K
O versus SiO
classification diagram (Le Maitre et al. 2002)
for Merapi lavas and pyroclastic rocks. All analyses are recalculated to
100 wt%, free of volatiles. Symbols (keyed to Fig. 5): aLava flows of
Gunung Bibi (map unit 1); blava flows of Gunung Turgo and Gunung
Plawangan (map unit 2); clava flows of the Somma-Merapi (map unit
3); d–epyroclastic deposits of the Holocene Pyroclastic Series (map
units 4 and 5), subdivided into eruptive products older than ~1,900
years BP (d) and younger than ~1,900
C years BP (e). Pre- and post-
C years BP eruptive products have medium-K and high-K
compositions, respectively; fyoung (post-Somma-Merapi) lava flows
(map unit 6); grecent and mostly historical pyroclastic flow and
lahar deposits (map unit 7), and lava domes of the recent episode
(map unit 8)
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1227
Pyroclastic deposits and eruption types
The recent and historical activity of Merapi has been dom-
inated by frequent eruptions generating small-volume pyro-
clastic flows from the gravitational collapse of basaltic
andesite lava domes (Merapi-type nuées ardentes, Voight
et al. 2000). Lahars are frequent during the rainy seasons
in the years following an eruption, transporting farther
downstream the primary pyroclastic material from distances
typically less than 10 km from the volcano (e.g. Lavigne et
al. 2000). Pyroclastic flow and associated ash cloud deposits
(and reworked deposits thereof) also dominate the Holocene
stratigraphic record. Apart from the classic block-and-ash
flow deposits (resulting from Merapi-type nuées ardentes),
the juvenile component of which is dominated by dense to
poorly vesicular dome fragments, we have identified three
other types of pyroclastic flow deposits based on their
principal juvenile component in the larger (lapilli to block
sized) clast range. These include pyroclastic flow deposits
dominated by moderately vesicular bread crust bombs, mod-
erately vesicular clasts with characteristic cauliform surface
textures and moderately to highly vesicular, light grey pu-
miceous clasts (Fig. 10).
Each of these deposits may contain variable proportions
of dense (lithic) blocks and are considered endmembers of a
continuum of small-volume pyroclastic flow types at Mer-
api. The lithic component in these deposits may either be
juvenile by a mechanism of vent clearing or disruption of a
volcanic plug or dome at the summit, older collapsed dome
masses or, as observed during the 2006 eruption, derived
from crater wall or small cone collapses (Charbonnier and
Gertisser 2008). Direct observations or historical accounts
of eruptions generating these different types of deposits at
Merapi are rare. As such, possible generation mechanisms
may best be inferred from observations made at other vol-
canoes, such as Arenal, Costa Rica (Alvarado and Soto
2002;Coleetal.2005); Aso, Japan (Miyabuchi et al. 2006);
Mayon, Philippines (Moore and Melson 1969); Soufrière
Hills, Montserrat (e.g. Cole et al. 2002) and Tungurahua,
Ecuador (Hall et al. 1999; Le Pennec et al. 2008). At Merapi,
pyroclastic flow deposits with bread crust bombs or blocks of
cauliform external morphologies are associated with magmas
that are more basic than the typical dome-forming basaltic
andesite (Gertisser 2001). The most prominent bread crust
bomb-rich pyroclastic flow deposit at Merapi was described
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Conventional 14C a
e (14C
Relative probability (n = 126)
Calibrated 14C age (cal. y BP)
2000 15 10
Samples in chronological order (n = 126)
Samples in chronological order (n = 150)
Calibrated 14C age (cal. y BP)
14000 (a)
Fig. 9 The radiocarbon record of Merapi volcano (Supplementary
Tab le 1). aPublished radiocarbon ages for Merapi plotted in
chronological order (total number of analyses, n0150). All ages
are shown as their maximum 1σrange in calibrated years BP (i.e.
before 1950). bA close-up of figure (a) showing the subset of
samples with calibrated ages <2,000 years BP (total number of
analyses n0126). Illustrated are the median probability and the
maximum calibrated 1σage range. The dashed lines indicate the gra-
dients expected from the number of samples (as indicated) per 100 years.
cCumulative probability plot obtained by summing the probability dis-
tributions of all conventional radiocarbon ages <2,000
C years BP (total
number of analyses, n0126). The thick black bars indicate the two
periods of reduced eruptive activity proposed by Gertisser and Keller
(2003a). See text for discussion. Data sources: Andreastuti et al. (2000),
Camus et al. (2000), Newhall et al. (2000), Gertisser and Keller (2003a)
and Gertisser et al. (2012)
1228 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
by Newhall et al. (2000) and tentatively ascribed to the VEI 4
(Newhall and Self 1982) 1872 AD eruption. As one of the
youngest pyroclastic flow deposits on Merapi’s south flank, it
south of the village of Kaliurang, in the west, to the Woro river
in the east, and to distances of ~11 km from Merapi (Gertisser
et al. 2011,2012). It is widespread across the interfluve areas
on the south slope, but also occurs as young valley fills in the
Gendol and Opak valleys. An even wider distribution may be
indicated by the presence of a similar deposit on the south-
west flank at Jurangjero (Kali Putih) that correlates petro-
graphically and geochemically with the south flank deposit
(Gertisser 2001). While fragments of the exterior surfaces of
the Merapi domes are occasionally bread crusted, our pre-
ferred mechanism for the generation of the bread crust bomb-
rich pyroclastic flow deposits at Merapi is that of fountain
collapse related to Vulcanian-type explosive activity, which,
in some cases, involves solidified lava dome material and
fresh, partially molten material from the dome’sinterioror
conduit. Such a process may also be capable of producing a
similar type of pyroclastic flow rich in blocks characterised by
cauliform external morphologies, well-preserved examples of
which occur in the upper Kali Boyong north of the Turgo and
Plawangan hills and in Kali Apu in the northern sector of
Breadcrust bombs, typically dark-
coloured (mafic), glass-rich, vesicular,
subangular to rounded
Juvenile component characterised by
clasts / bombs with cauliform external
morphology, typically dark-coloured
(mafic), glass-rich, vesicular, subangular
to rounded
50 cm
Essential juvenile component
Eruptive mechanism
Dense to poorly vesicular andesite lava
dome fragments / blocks, highly
crystalline, but may contain glass in
groundmass, angular, occasional with
prismatic cooling joints
Lavadome collapse
Fountain collapse Fountain to eruption column collpase
flow deposit
pyroclastic flow deposit
pyroclastic flow deposit
pyroclastic flow deposit
Type of pyroclastic-flow deposit
Pumiceous juvenile clasts, light
coloured, glass-rich, highly vesicular,
strongly rounded through abrasion
during lateral transport
Vulcanian (Sub-)Plinian
Fig. 10 Different types of small-volume pyroclastic flow deposits identified at Merapi based on the dominant juvenile component they contain.
Inferred flow generation mechanisms are also indicated (after Gertisser 2001). The scraper is 25 cm long
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1229
Merapi (Fig. 1). Alternatively, collapse from slugs of magmas
that rise a few hundred metres following an explosion may
also be envisaged (Newhall, personal communication 2011).
As observed during the ongoing Soufrière Hills eruption on
Montserrat (e.g. Cole et al. 2002), pyroclastic flows rich in
pumiceous clasts may also be associated with Vulcanian-type
(or more sustained Plinian-type) fountain or eruption column
collapses. At Merapi, such pyroclastic flows may be associat-
ed with the build-up of gas overpressure in a sealed conduit
due to the relatively fast ascent of volatile-rich basaltic andes-
ite magma.
Widespread pumiceous tephra fall deposits are equally
prominent among the Holocene volcanic products of Mer-
api, but essentially absent during the more recent activity in
the twentieth and at the beginning of the twenty-first centu-
ry, although lapilli-sized pumiceous tephra was produced
during the 2010 eruption. In the stratigraphic record these
tephra fall deposits form distinct strata of coarse ash and
pumiceous lapilli ranging in thickness from more than one
to a few tens of centimetres. They are separated from each
other by finer grained ash deposits of tephra fall or ash cloud
origin and locally by coarser overbank pyroclastic flow,
surge and lahar deposits. A few widespread and distinct
tephra- fall deposits (Paten I, Paten II, Trayem, Jurangjero
I, Jurangjero II) allow the lateral correlation of pyroclastic
successions in the southern, western and north-western sec-
tor of the volcano to distances of 20 km from the source
(Fig. 4). The distribution and thickness variations of each
tephra layer are shown in Fig. 11. The isopach maps give the
minimum extent of each tephra layer based on detailed field
mapping. Although lateral correlation of tephra units at
Merapi is often hindered by poor exposure and low
preservation potential in the tropical climate, we were
able to map these deposits down to the 10- or 5-cm
isopach. The volumes for the five tephra layers were
determined by extrapolating the deposit thicknesses be-
yond the 10- or 5-cm isopachs following the method of
Pyle (1989) and, as such, are considered minimum
estimates. The volumes obtained are 0.13 km
I), 0.23 km
(Paten II), 0.16 km
(Trayem), 0.07 km
(Jurangjero I) and 0.28 km
(Jurangjero II, Gertisser and
Keller 2000; Gertisser 2001).
These deposits record large subplinian-type eruptions of
Merapi [VEI 3 (<0.1 km
) and VEI 4 (>0.1 km
) events]
during mid to late Holocene times (<4,153 ± 37
C years
BP), which differ fundamentally from the dome-forming
eruptions of the twentieth century. VEI 4 eruptions, as
described here and in Andreastuti (1999) and Andreastuti
et al. (2000), are an order of magnitude larger than any
recorded historical eruption of Merapi, except for the
1872 AD eruption and, possibly, the explosive events in
October–November 2010 (Venzke et al. 2002; Siebert et
al. 2011).
Summary and conclusions
A new set of
Ar and
Ar ages suggests that
construction of the basalt to basaltic andesite volcanic com-
plex of Merapi began after 170 ka. The Merapi cone sensu
stricto was preceded by two earlier Proto-Merapi volcanic
edifices. Proto-Merapi, as defined in this paper, constitutes
Gunung Bibi (109±60 ka), a small basaltic andesite volca-
nic structure on the north-east flank, and Gunung Turgo and
Gunung Plawangan (138±3 ka; 135 ± 3 ka), two basaltic
hills in the southern sector of Merapi. Old Merapi started
to grow ~30 thousand years ago, building a stratovolcano of
basaltic andesite lavas and intercalated pyroclastic rocks. A
major sector collapse, which we believe occurred sometime
after 4.8±1.5 ka, marks the end of the Old Merapi stage.
Thus, the recent Merapi cone (New Merapi) is younger than
4.8±1.5 ka. An apron of predominantly basaltic andesite
pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits younger than 11,792 ± 90
C years BP covers the lower flanks of Merapi and, thus,
comprises products of both Old and New Merapi. A shift
from medium-K to high-K character of the eruptive products
occurred at ~1,900
C years BP, with all younger products
having high-K affinity. The radiocarbon record reveals that
Merapi has been almost continuously active since then, with
periods of high apparent eruption frequency interrupted by
periods of apparently lower eruption frequency that are
mirrored in changes in the geochemical composition of the
eruptive products. Merapi’s recent activity has been charac-
terised by the extrusion of viscous lava domes and genera-
tion of small-volume pyroclastic flows by gravitational
dome failure (Merapi-type nuées ardentes) every few years.
These flows are typically characterised by run-out distances
of less than 10 km and usually restricted to the deep drain-
ages radiating from the volcano, where they leave spatially
confined, but thick block-and-ash flow deposits. Associated
with such eruptions may be partial cone collapses that can
lead to sudden shifts in the directions of pyroclastic flows
during prolonged dome-forming eruptive periods, as ob-
served, for example, in 2006 (Charbonnier and Gertisser
2008). While this type of activity poses a considerable
and permanent threat to the population close to the
volcano and has caused fatalities and severe damage in
the past, the Holocene stratigraphic record of Merapi
reveals the occurrence of more mobile fountain collapse
pyroclastic flows with lower aspect ratios, the distribu-
tion and run-out distances of which have now and then
exceeded those of the classic Merapi-type nuées
ardentes. One of the most striking examples of such
flows is a young bread crust bomb-rich pyroclastic flow
deposit that may have inundated all main river valleys
on Merapi’s south (and perhaps south-western) flank
and swept the entire, now heavily populated interfluve
areas between the Boyong and Woro valleys to at least
1230 Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233
11 km from the summit. Plinian-style eruptions and
associated tephra falls (Andreastuti 1999; Andreastuti
et al. 2000; Gertisser and Keller 2000; Gertisser 2001)
Several pumiceous fallout deposits testify the occurrence
of major explosive eruptions during the past ~4,000 years,
4153 ± 37
1047 ± 36
2264 ± 73
361 ± 22
762 ± 26
3868 ± 47
385 ± 65
7˚ 35' S
7˚ 30' S
110˚ 20' E 110˚ 25' E
11 13
13 14
10 712
Jurangjero I
7˚ 35' S
7˚ 30' S
110˚ 20' E 110˚ 25' E
50 52
25 30 32
28 24
26 34
7˚ 35' S
7˚ 30' S
110˚ 20' E 110˚ 25' E
22 23
15 10
Paten II
7˚ 35' S
7˚ 30' S
110˚ 20' E 110˚ 25' E
1315 25
18 15
11 8
Paten I
7˚ 35' S
7˚ 30' S
110˚ 20' E 110˚ 25' E
40 30
22 28
22 28
Jurangjero II
05 km 05 km
05 km
0 5 km
Conventional 14C age (14C y BP)
Paten I
Paten II
Jurangero I
Jurangjero II
Fig. 11 Isopach maps, field photographs and conventional radiocar-
bon ages (obtained from underlying and overlying deposits or palae-
osols) of the five prominent pumiceous tephra layers highlighted in
Fig. 4. Isopach thicknesses are in centimetres (after Gertisser and
Keller 2000; Gertisser 2001). The scraper is 25 cm long
Bull Volcanol (2012) 74:1213–1233 1231
which can be qualitatively described as moderate (VEI 3) to
large (VEI 4) subplinian events, which are an order of mag-
nitude larger than any recorded historical eruption of Merapi,
except for the 1872 AD and, possibly, the October–November
2010 events (Venzke et al. 2002; Siebert et al. 2011). For these
reasons, both lower aspect ratio pyroclastic flows associated
with Vulcanian-type explosions or more sustained eruption
columns, which are more widely distributed than the dome
collapse pyroclastic flows of the recent activity, and larger,
subplinian explosive eruptions generating widespread pumi-
ceous tephra fall deposits should be given careful consider-
ation in long-term eruption forecasting at Merapi.
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge our colleagues at the
Merapi Volcano Observatory (BPPTK) in Yogyakarta for their gener-
osity and support over many years. Sutisna, Dedi, Budi, Sony and
Biyanto are thanked for the logistical support in Indonesia and for
bringing us to the most remote parts of Merapi. Pierre-Yves Gillot
(Université Paris-Sud, Orsay) and Simon Kelley (The Open Universi-
ty) kindly provided access to their K–Ar and Ar–Ar dating facilities,
respectively. We appreciate the stimulating discussions about Merapi
with Supriyati Andreastuti, Sutikno Bronto, Mary-Ann del Marmol,
Alain Gourgaud, Chris Newhall, Lothar Schwarzkopf, Valentin Troll
and Barry Voight, and the insightful reviews by Chris Newhall and
Alain Gourgaud. Funding was provided primarily by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Financial
support from the Natural Environment Research Council (UK), the
Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Research
Institute for the Environment, Physical Sciences and Applied Mathe-
matics (EPSAM) at Keele University is also acknowledged.
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