
Monte Carlo Data Envelopment Analysis with Genetic Algorithm for Knowledge Management performance measurement

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The paper targets to devise a genuine Knowledge Management (KM) performance measurement model in a stochastic setting based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Monte Carlo simulation and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The proposed model evaluates KM using a set of proxy measures correlated with the major KM processes. Data Collection Budget Allocation (DCBA) that maximizes the model accuracy is determined using GA. Additional data are generated and analyzed using a Monte-Carlo-enhanced DEA model to obtain the overall KM efficiency and KM processes’ efficiency scores. An application of the model has been carried out to evaluate KM performance in higher educational institutions. It is found that with GA, the accuracy of the model has been greatly improved. Lastly, comparing with a conventional deterministic DEA model, the results from the proposed model would be more useful for managers to determine future strategies to improve their KM.

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... In the last years, KM research and practitioners have explored many different aspects from KM process (S. M. Allameh, Zare, & Davoodi, 2011; Chang Lee, Lee, & Kang, 2005; Ding, Liang, Tang, & van Vliet, 2014; Ho, Hsieh, & Hung, 2014; Kuah, Wong, & Wong, 2012) , systems (Chang Lee et al., 2005; Gourova & Toteva, 2014; Liao, 2003; Ragab & Arisha, 2013; Savvas & Bassiliades, 2009) , enablers (S. M. Alsadhan, Zairi, & Keoy, 2008; C. S. Choy, 2006; Holsapple & Joshi, 2001; Liberona & Ruiz, 2013; Mas-Machuca & Martínez Costa, 2012; Loo Geok Pee & Kankanhalli, 2008; Pinho, Rego, & Cunha, 2012; Kuan Yew Wong & Aspinwall, 2005), benefits (Alsqour & Owoc, 2015; Edvardsson & Durst, 2013; Massingham & Massingham, 2014; Weerakkody, Irani, Lee, Osman, & Hindi, 2013; Yahyapour, Shamizanjani, & Mosakhani, 2015 ), risks (García & Pardo, 2005; Weerakkody et al., 2013; Yang & Maxwell, 2011) , barriers (Akhavan, Reza Zahedi, & Hosein Hosein, 2014; C. Lin, Wu, & Yen, 2012; Marouf & Khalil, 2015; Singh & Kant, 2007), outcomes (Chong Siong Choy, Yew, & Lin, 2006; H.-F. Lin, 2015; Massingham & Massingham, 2014; Migdadi, 2009) and trends (Asrar-ul-Haq et al., 2016; Tsai, 2013; E. Tsui, 2005; K. Y. Wong, Tan, Lee, & Wong, 2015). ...
... RQ3: What are the levels of measurement proposed or implemented? RQ4: What seems to be the benefits related with KM measurement in PSO? QA1: The study is carried out in PSO QA2: There is empirical validation or evidence QA3: The study method is quantitative or qualitative SLR Results: Research questions RQ1: Related to the main approaches for describe, analyse and perform KM measurement in PSO we observed that financial (Abdel-Maksoud, Elbanna, Mahama, & Pollanen, 2015; Chang Lee et al., 2005; Chong & Chong, 2009; Choy Chong et al., 2011; Dehghani & Ramsin, 2015; Hu et al., 2015; R. S. Kaplan & Norton, 2000;; K. Y. Wong et al., 2015), quantitative (Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; Kuah et al., 2012; Powell & Snellman, 2004) or value perspectives (Hu et al., 2015) remains popular among the academic community, and that also a mixture of perspectives, between qualitative and quantitative values (Dalkir et al., 2007; Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; K. Y. Wong et al., 2015) is gaining attention. This could be mainly because researchers and practitioners are trying to assess knowledge and knowledge management value linking approaches in order to validate their proposals and to answer to the unique and specific PSO configuration. ...
... We found that authors from selected SLR papers propose metrics and indicators that are related with the use (Ding et al., 2014) and usability of knowledge (Serrano Cinca et al., 2003) and use of KM systems (Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; Ragab & Arisha, 2013) to produce new and different knowledge (Abdel-Maksoud et al., 2015). Moreover some studies observe indicators linked to knowledge management products (Hu et al., 2015; Powell & Snellman, 2004), and sometimes are related with the outcomes from KM process (Kuah et al., 2012), or the organizational improvements as a result of KM outcomes (Massingham & Massingham, 2014;) or the financial results associated or expected from KM initiatives (Chang Lee et al., 2005; Dalkir et al., 2007), for example into the Balance Scorecard (Choy Chong et al., 2011). We confirmed that regardless that for academic literature measurement is recognized as a crucial step after the implementation of KM initiatives (Lee & Wong, 2015, p. 712), yet the boundaries and classifications of KM in PSO metrics and performances indicators are not clear nor specific. ...
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Knowledge Management (KM) is a relatively new phenomenon that appears in the field of Public Sector Organizations (PSO) bringing new paradigms of organizational management, challenges, risks and opportunities for its implementation, development and evaluation. KM can be seen as a systematic and deliberate effort to coordinate people, technology, organizational structures and its environment through knowledge reuse and innovation. This management approach has been established in parallel with the development and use of information and communications technologies (ICT). Nowadays more PSO are embodying KM practices in their core processes for support them, and as an advanced management strategy to create a new culture based on technology and resources efficiency. In this paper, we observed that KM can support organizational goals in PSO. The aim of this paper is to understand KM factors and its associated components, and propose KM metrics for measure KM programs in PSO. Through a critical literature review we analysed diverse studies related with KM performance indicators in PSO, then based on previous works we summarized the more convenient this purpose. We found that, in academic literature, studies about KM measurement in PSO are uncommon and emerging. As well, in the last section of this paper, we present a proposal of KM metrics for PSO, and some recommendations and practical implications for KM metrics development in PSO. This academic endeavour seeks to contribute to theoretical debate about KM measure development for KM initiatives in PSO.
... 1. La visión débil, o la confusión respecto al propósito de la GC 2. Los cambios políticos y la no continuidad entre administraciones 3. La falta de voluntad política 4. La falta de liderazgos y apoyo a la GC 5. Estatutos de organización que no fomentan la creación de valor, uso y reutilización de activos de conocimiento de la organización AbdelMaksoud, Elbanna, Mahama, & Pollanen, 2015; C. W. Chong & Chong, 2009; Choy Chong et al., 2011; Dehghani & Ramsin, 2015; Hu et al., 2015; R. S. Kaplan & Norton, 2000; Robert S Kaplan & David, 2007; Cheng Sheng Lee & Wong, 2015;), cuantitativa (Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; Kuah et al., 2012; Powell & Snellman, 2004) o perspectiva de valor (Hu et al., 2015) se mantiene como la más popular entre la comunidad académica; y que, además, existe una mezcla de perspectivas, entre elementos cuantitativos y cualitativos (Dalkir et al., 2007; Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010Wong et al., 2015). Encontramos que los autores seleccionados de la RSL proponen métricas e indicadores que están relacionados con el uso (Ding et al., 2014), la usabilidad del conocimiento (Serrano Cinca et al., 2003) y el uso de sistemas de GC (Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010;) para producir conocimiento nuevo y diferente (Abdel-Maksoud et al., 2015). ...
... Encontramos que los autores seleccionados de la RSL proponen métricas e indicadores que están relacionados con el uso (Ding et al., 2014), la usabilidad del conocimiento (Serrano Cinca et al., 2003) y el uso de sistemas de GC (Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010;) para producir conocimiento nuevo y diferente (Abdel-Maksoud et al., 2015). Además, algunos estudios observan indicadores relacionados con los productos de la gestión del conocimiento (Hu et al., 2015; Powell & Snellman, 2004) y algunas veces están relacionados con distintos tipos de resultados del PGC (Kuah et al., 2012), o las mejoras organizacionales derivadas de los resultados de la GC (P. R. ) o los resultados financieros asociados o esperados de la iniciativas de GC ( Dalkir et al., 2007), por ejemplo, dentro del Balance Score Card (Choy Chong et al., 2011). ...
... R. ) o los resultados financieros asociados o esperados de la iniciativas de GC ( Dalkir et al., 2007), por ejemplo, dentro del Balance Score Card (Choy Chong et al., 2011). Choy Chong et al., 2011), el desempeño del proceso de GC ( Dalkir et al., 2007; Dehghani & Ramsin, 2015; Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; Kuah et al., 2012; Cheng Sheng Lee & Wong, 2015;) y los productos de la GC (Abdel-Maksoud et al., 2015; Bose & Ranjit, 2004; Choy Chong et al., 2011; Dalkir et al., 2007; Goldoni & Oliveira, 2010; Hu et al., 2015; P. R. Massingham & Massingham, 2014; Powell & Snellman, 2004; H. Tsui et al., 2009). PI4: Finalmente, se puede estar de acuerdo en que la GC necesita demostrar su valor. ...
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Knowledge Management (KM) is a strategic component that enables development, growth and continuous improvement of Public Sector Organizations (PSO). This thesis is bounded to this specific context. Indeed, we critically and comprehensively study the factors that characterize KM strategies and those that foster its development and success in PSO, then finally we propose metrics to measure and evaluate, in order to continuous and systematically improve KM practices in PSO. Main problems are related to the lack of academic literature that explains the elements that KM address in the given context. In addition, it is identified as a problem the lack of criteria for measuring and evaluating KM in PSO, from a different viewpoint than business perspective. The contribution of this thesis is that it provides valuable elements for an academic debate on the previous factors, strategies and metrics to promote KM initiatives in PSO. To achieve the research objective of this thesis we performed a comprehensive systematic literature review in order to discover what the KM critical success factors are, and also we integrated and proposed some metrics to evaluate and assess the performance of KM in PSO. We conducted an in-depth study among different Public Sector Organizations in order to learn what are the critical success factors that must be first considered before implement KM initiatives. based on this. Finally, based on this methodological proposal and as a result of this research, we were able to analyze and explain the critical success factors, we identified some strategies to encourage the success of KM and integrated a proposal of metrics, from different approaches, for KM in PSO.
... To measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the KMP, it is crucial to consider the organization's type, size, business sector, and other aspects [41,[50][51][52]. For instance, Arora emphasized a balanced scorecard for strategy deployment that can effectively implement KM by developing and deploying a KM index [50]. ...
... Kuah et al. proposed a Monte Carlo data envelopment analysis model to measure the stochastic performance of KM. A genetic algorithm was used to determine the appropriate data collection budget allocation for stochastic variables [52]. The proposed model is better than a deterministic approach in evaluating the efficiency of KM. ...
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Knowledge management (KM) practice is increasingly less considered as a supportive activity, as knowledge management processes (KMP) are inseparable from critical business processes (BP). Even though some scientific studies underlined that KM integration into BP are expensive and slow due to many organizational barriers, their sustainable value to organizations is undeniable. Although KMPs' interactions have been studied in the scientific literature, there is still a lack of comprehensive studies related to knowledge-intensive organizations' practices on the impact of the whole KM cycle-consisting of knowledge creation, sharing, storage, and application-on BP, such as development, production, and sales, for creating value-added (VA) and sustainability. In order to identify interconnections between individual KMP and BP, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of KMP on BP to support the continuous improvement of BP and the creation of VA in knowledge-intensive organizations. A research model was developed to analyze the impact of KMP on BP and VA perspectives. An empirical study was performed in Lithuanian project management companies that used BP in their operations and involved 144 managers from 72 IT organizations. Survey (structured questionnaire) and statistical analysis methods (one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); Pearson's correlation analysis; multiple regression analysis and mediation analysis ; cluster analysis and chi-square analysis) were applied in this study. The research results confirmed that every KMP positively affected individual BP, where knowledge creation had the most significant impact. The hypothesis that every KMP positively affected the VA created in an organization was partially confirmed since knowledge sharing and creation had a strong influence. The study demonstrated that KMP as a whole had a positive effect on the central BP, change (improve-ment) of BP increased VA created in organizations, and BP acted as a mediator of the positive correlation between KMP and the VA. The effectiveness of individual KMP depended on the size of the organization. As a result, the study confirmed that KMP in organizations could not be performed separately and had to be integrated into BP to maximize the VA. The significance of the research model lay not only in its ability to identify the influence of KMP on the VA created in organizations but also in evaluating each KMP individually.
... They verified the existence of a positive relationship between KMSs and variations in organizational efficiency. Kuah et al. [46] derived a method based on input and output variables to assess the efficacy of a KM. However, almost all research has only focused on suggesting an assessment framework. ...
... Many previous studies that have used DEA to evaluate efficiency under various types of DMUs, and two representative variables have been generally adopted as input variables: a human resource-related variable and a finance-related variable. Since the present KM study is not an exception in KM studies [29,45,46], we have thus selected the number of members in a CoP and the amount of financial investment to support their CoP activities as the input variables. In particular, the number of members in a CoP is the fundamental element of CoP activities mainly because they are the principal agents for creating, consuming, and transferring knowledge. ...
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One of the main objectives of this study is to provide organizational knowledge management teams with a new approach for evaluating the knowledge sharing performance of communities of practice (CoPs) by analyzing the change in the knowledge sharing efficiency. This study uses a cumulative data envelopment analysis/Malmquist index method to analyze the changes in knowledge sharing efficiency in CoPs at the organizational, departmental, and CoP level. Our data analysis of the knowledge sharing activities from 32 CoPs within the largest steel manufacturing company in Korea finds that the favorable organizational climate to knowledge sharing was successfully built in the company, but a few CoPs may need to adopt more strategic approaches to improve their activities. The proposed approach may help management teams diagnose the current state of CoP activities and capture the efficacy of strategic actions by comparing the efficiencies in the past.
... Tone and Tsutsui (2010) proposed a model based on dynamic DEA that measured decision-making units based on auxiliary variables. Kuah, Wong, and Wong (2012) provided a model to measure the performance of knowledge management (KM) in a random environment according to DEA, Monte Carlo simulation, and genetic algorithms. Siriopoulos and Tziogkidis (2010) proposed a DEA approach to describe Greek banking institutions after significant events that were taking place. ...
... tse Kuah et al. (2012) Knowledge Management (KM) performance measurement a stochastic setting based on dea, Monte carlo simulation and genetic algorithm the proposed model evaluates KM using a set of proxy measures correlated with the major KM processes. data collection Budget allocation. ...
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known approach to measuring operations performance of decision-making units (DMUs). Moreover, the balanced scorecard (BSC) is a methodology for strategic planning of organizations and measuring their internal performance. DEA generally uses quantity measures, whereas BSC applies quality measures. In the real world, DMUs usually have complex structures such as multi-level or hierarchical structures. In these structures, there are multiple levels and each level utilizes inputs to produce outputs separately, where the outputs of the previous level are the inputs to the next level. In the present paper, we apply BSC to the design of a multi-level structure. BSC encompasses the four perspectives of finance, customers, internal processes, and learning & growth. Furthermore, we apply DEA to multi-stage or hierarchical structures based on BSC. For this purpose, two different approaches, the cooperative model versus the multi-objective model, are proposed. Cooperative models such as bargaining games are game theoretic approaches to evaluate DMUs. In this paper, the DEA-game model uses the bargaining concept to link perspectives in BSC, while each perspective is considered separately as an objective in the multi-objective DEA model. In addition, two approaches are compared based on the related results. We also employ data on Iranian cement companies to show the different capabilities of each approach. Our findings demonstrate that the DEA-game model is capable of differentiating the cement companies from each other more effectively.
... KM model which is the starting point is still subject to controversy. Consequently, no consensus is reached on what to measure in KM.  Secondly, KM performance understanding is still confusing since most works dealing with KM performance presumes that either it is linked only to financial performance or it can be intrinsically measured by abstraction of the KM objectives [4]. A literature review [2] shows that KM performance is a multidimensional concept. ...
...  Fifthly, assessing KM would involve multiple measures that require validity and dependency check. They also need to be clearly linked to KM objectives [4]. ...
Conference Paper
This theoretical article aims to propose a generic framework for measuring performance of Knowledge Management (KM) projects based on critical literature review. The proposed framework fills the existing gap on KM performance measurement in two points: (i) it provides a generic tool that is able to assess all kinds of KM project as well as the overall organization KM, (ii) it assesses KM projects according to KM objectives in a generic manner. Our framework (GKMPM) relies on a process reference model that provides a KM common understanding in a process based view. It is based on a goal-oriented measurement approach and considers that KM performance dimensions are stakeholder’s objectives. The framework application follows a procedural approach that begins with the KM project modelling, followed by the objectives prioritization. The next step consists of collecting and analysing data for pre-designed measures, and produces a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the KM project processes and in accordance with its objectives.
... The author confirmed a positive correlation between use of a KMS and variations in organisational efficiency. Kuah et al. (2012) derived a method based on input variables and output variables for assessing the success of KM. ...
... Many previous studies that used DEA to evaluate the efficiencies with various types of DMUs adopted two representative variables as input variables: a human resource-related variable and a finance-related variable. This is not an exception in KM studies (Guan and Wang, 2004;Kuah et al., 2013Kuah et al., , 2012; therefore, we selected the number of members in a CoP (human resource-related) and the amount of financial investment to support their CoP activities (finance-related) as input variables. The number of members in a CoP is a fundamental element of CoP activities mainly because the members are the principal agents for creating, consuming, and transferring knowledge; the amount of financial investment is a general indicator of provided supported by organisation. ...
The aim of this paper is to provide organisational knowledge management teams with a new framework for assessing the performance of communities of practice (CoPs) in terms of efficiency by analysing trends of their efficiency changes. This paper uses the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method to analyse the knowledge sharing activities in CoPs, and classify CoPs into five types based on the trend of their efficiency changes. Our data analysis of the knowledge sharing activities of 16 CoPs within one of the largest steel manufacturing companies finds that most CoPs had the increasing trend efficiency (or had maximum possible efficiency). This is mainly because the company has supported and maintained CoPs as an infrastructure for the social network among its employees. The proposed framework can provide information about the time trend inefficiency change of a CoP, and can guide decision-making to select the appropriate strategies for cultivating them.
... Additionally, regression analysis expresses the undeniable relation between intellectual capital and educational systems performance [20]. Kuah et al. (2012) have conducted a research to offer a model for a gauging the performance of knowledge management in random setting. Hence, data envelopment analysis, Mont-carlo stimulation and genetics algorithm have been used. ...
... Suggesting a comprehensive model of knowledge management, they prove the accuracy of model data through genetics algorithm, assess the efficiency of knowledge management and its process through Mont-Carlos data envelopment analysis and at last use the suggested model to evaluate the performance of knowledge management in higher education. The results of their model have been used to determine future strategies of knowledge management by managers [21]. In another research, Amado et al. (2012) have developed a conceptual framework to evaluate decision making units. ...
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During recent years, organizations have been aware of the importance of their assets and have sought to maximize their use. Hence, human capital as one of the assets making a competitive advantage for the company has been highlighted by many organization, and managers who try to surpass their entire rivals. In many cases, managers have regarded human capital as crucial as financial assets and therefore, try to achieve some benefits such as organizational commitment and staffs participations increase through investing in this field. Due to the importance of human capital management, in this paper, performance of Foolad Technic Company was evaluated by human capital management approach and hence, employs PCA/DEA merging method. In this study, first inputs and outputs were determined through DEA model and their values were found by using a questionnaire. Afterward, principle component analysis method helped to remove correlation between input data. Also, data envelopment analysis was used to evaluate the performance of organizational units. At last, unit ranking was done by using TOPSIS.
... Research reports can be categorized as internal reporting, which communicates information internally to an organization, whereas external reporting discloses information to the public domain. The output of knowledge creation is referred to as knowledge assets, which include patents, copyrights and scientific publications (Kuah et al., 2012). Lu et al. (2014) argued that there are three types of output that are generally deemed as the final output of the R&D production process. ...
... Based on the literature reviewed previously, we posit that the following five knowledge resources are the primary achievements from recent major research projects at the case institution: the experience (Nelson and Winter, 1982;Winter, 1987;Boisot, 1998;van den Berg, 2013) of maintenance for a specific type of machine (K1), an invention patent (Wong et al., 2014;WIPO, 2004) (K2), a mathematical model (Batanov et al., 1993;Scarf, 1997) (K3), a research report (Lerro et al., 2012;Li et al., 2011) (K4) and a scientific article (Kuah et al., 2012;Lu et al., 2014) (K5). The current research examines these five types of knowledge resources at the case organization to verify the proposed ANP model (Figure 2). ...
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Purpose – This paper aims to provide insight into how knowledge resources in R & D organizations can be effectively and separately measured for knowledge sharing and transfer. Knowledge is recognized as a durable strategic resource to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach – The paper proposes a theoretical framework integrating an analytic network process (ANP) with a balanced scorecard (BSC) to measure the performance of knowledge resources under value perspective. Four indicators and three knowledge value (KV) components including labor value, technology value and utilization value are discussed. The model construction, problem structuring and calculation procedure for measuring the performance of knowledge resources based on ANP and BSC are demonstrated. Findings – Despite a number of models to assess the performance of knowledge resources being proposed, they highlighted a need for separately measuring under value perspective. With the aim of filling this gap, the main finding of the paper is to clarify relevant issues, providing a better framework for assessment of the performance of knowledge resources. Research limitations/implications – To handle the dynamic nature of knowledge, the research should take into account more advanced methods to measure the performance of knowledge resources. Both qualitative and quantitative methods should be utilized in future research. Practical implications – The consequences of measuring the performance of knowledge resources under value perspective may help managers to organize and arrange the separate knowledge resources, improving the knowledge resources exchange between different institutions in R & D organizations. Originality/value – The main contribution of this paper lies in the development of a comprehensive model, which incorporates diversified issues for conducting the performance of knowledge resources under value perspective.
... The results suggest efficient companies' instructions for progress [9]. Kuah et al. (2012) have conducted a research to offer a model for a gauging the performance of knowledge management in random setting. Hence, data envelopment analysis, Mont-Carlo stimulation and genetics algorithm have been used. ...
... Suggesting a comprehensive model of knowledge management, they prove the accuracy of model data through genetics algorithm, assess the efficiency of knowledge management and its process through Mont-Carlos data envelopment analysis and at last use the suggested model to evaluate the performance of knowledge management in higher education. The results of their model have been used to determine future strategies of knowledge management by managers [10]. Andrejić et al. (2012) have developed and suggested a DEA model for grouping the productivity of distribution centers that can help the managers to decide and increase productivity. ...
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare efficiency of research groups in the Center of Social and Cultural Research. There are several tools for efficiency evaluation. The method used in this study was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in which rate of output is evaluated by input and effective and non-effective units are determined. The first step in DEA is to prepare a list of inputs and outputs. The inputs in this study were personnel and administrative costs, the ratio of group staff to the total staff of the center and person-hours of labor. The outputs of this study contained the number of finished research projects, proportion of allocated budget to the total budget issued and the Percent of the projects’ progress. The survey was carried out in 20 research groups, using DEA method. The analysis indicated that 5 groups were efficient and 3 groups were on border line. To improve non-efficient groups and converting them to efficient ones, we suggest some adjustments in inputs and outputs.
... Nonetheless, KS has been found to have an impact on employee performance (Kang et al., 2008;Muhammad et al., 2011). Knowledge application KA has been described by many scholars to imply the importance given by a company or its employees to exploit existing knowledge (Boateng and Narteh, 2013;Kuah et al., 2012). This process enables an organization to utilize and leverage internal knowledge to improve its operation, generate knowledge assets and invent new products. ...
... Knowledge has been well recognized as an intangible yet important asset for gaining continuous competitive advantage (Boateng and Narteh, 2013). According to Kuah et al. (2012), knowledge utilization and application measures the capability of the workers in using existing knowledge to solve problems, develop new products and inventions and generate intellectual capital or knowledge assets. Swan et al. (1996) have posited that KA can help address the challenges that firms face in extending individuals' reach beyond their formal communication lines. ...
Abstract This study set out to discover the effects of knowledge sharing (KS) and knowledge application (KA) on service recovery performance (SRP) through survey-based research. The population of the study consisted of front-line employees of hotels in Accra. The study found significant and positive effects of both KS and KA on SRP. Data were analysed using linear and multiple regression.
... Heisig (2009) Knowledge management activities include knowledge transfer, creation, application, storage, identification, and acquisition. Kuah et al. (2012) Knowledge management includes four activities, i.e., knowledge creation and acquisition, knowledge storing and retrieval, knowledge dissemination and sharing, and knowledge utilization and application. Wu and Chen (2014) A process includes knowledge creation, i.e., knowledge generation, acquisition, codification, storage, and knowledge transfer, i.e., knowledge conversion, distribution, integration, and application. ...
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In a rapidly emerging world, knowledge management capabilities, including knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and utilization, become more critical for organizational change, growth, and competitiveness. Therefore, this article argues that organizations should consider implementing effective journal club meetings as an opportunity to acquire external knowledge, evaluate and integrate new knowledge into previous existing knowledge, and disseminate and utilize new knowledge to enhance product or service quality, innovation, and the performance of an organization. The article reviews relevant literature proposes a framework for conducting effective journal club meetings, and aligns those activities with the knowledge management processes. The article proposes a framework for conducting effective journal club meetings and a process that integrates both journal club activities and the knowledge management process. By adopting this framework, the journal club activities would be more effective in developing new knowledge management capabilities among individual members and enhancing organizational performance, i.e., implementing evidence-based practices (EBP), improving service quality, and producing research.
... Such collaborations extend to "benchmarking" of "what-if" behaviors of competitors and include identifying potential (new) competitors that may emerge for consideration in some of the scenarios that might be generated. Genetic Algorithm by Kuah et al. (2012). Leitner et al. (2005, p. 541) proved DEA capability to evaluate intellectual capital and its elements, not only in the higher education sector. ...
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Our research approach is based on the belief that intangible factors (especially intellectual capital) are involved in the processes of territorial development as well as we express our conviction on the need to improve research tools for comprehensive public policy evaluation. The popular concept of intellectual capital (IC) has recently become a common performance measure both for organizations as well as for countries and regions. The authors have used specific approach—Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate intellectual capital in the Polish and Slovak NUTS 2 regions. The analysis aims to present the efficiency of chosen components of regional intellectual capital (IC). To verify the models, data on the Polish and Slovak regions are used for a dynamic comparison of their IC performance in 2011. The efficiency scores obtained show that the regions are significantly diverse in terms of their use of intellectual capital. Even though it is important to point out that the DEA methodology used for this evaluation still needs development, it is nonetheless very promising as a tool for measuring the efficiency of regional intellectual capital. This chapter attempts to contribute to the scientific discussion on methodology development in research on regional development factors. The practical dimension of this text may be to enrich the analytical implications for the paradigm of the public policies evaluation.
... This interaction enables the organisation to develop and strengthen the organisation's expertise and to identify and understand the current market needs, requirements, and trends (Ancona and Caldwell, 1992;Hargadon, 1998). The acquisition of external information (courses, reading, specific consultation, and so on) contributes to the expansion of the organisation knowledge and to the introduction of new ideas (Kuah et al., 2012). These, in turn, lead to the development of expertise in the organisation, to its adaptation to the forces in the environment, and hence to enhanced performance (Hu et al., 2014). ...
... This interaction enables the organisation to develop and strengthen the organisation's expertise and to identify and understand the current market needs, requirements, and trends (Ancona and Caldwell, 1992;Hargadon, 1998). The acquisition of external information (courses, reading, specific consultation, and so on) contributes to the expansion of the organisation knowledge and to the introduction of new ideas (Kuah et al., 2012). These, in turn, lead to the development of expertise in the organisation, to its adaptation to the forces in the environment, and hence to enhanced performance (Hu et al., 2014). ...
... One of the most spread efficiency ideas is the principle of Pareto, according to which a resource allocation A is preferred over a resource allocation B if and only if, with the second, at least one individual improves and nobody worsens (Cook and Seiford 2009). Kuah et al. (2012) in one of their works have as a goal the design of a model of a Knowledge Management (KM) measurement model for the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis based on the Monte Carlo Simulation and a genetic algorithm. The proposed model evaluates KM by using a set of measures correlated with the main KM processes. ...
This book presents different techniques and methodologies that used to help improve the decision-making process and increase the likelihood of success in sector as follows: agriculture, financial services, logistics, energy services, health and others. This book collects and consolidates innovative and high-quality research contributions regarding the implementation techniques and methodologies applied in different industrial sectors. The scope is to disseminate current trends knowledge in the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques and methodologies in different fields as follows: supply chain, business intelligence, e-commerce, social media and others. The book contents are useful for Ph.D., Ph.D. students, master and undergraduate students, and professional and students in industrial engineering, computer science, information systems, data analytics and others.
... One of the most spread efficiency ideas is the principle of Pareto, according to which a resource allocation A is preferred over a resource allocation B if and only if, with the second, at least one individual improves and nobody worsens (Cook and Seiford 2009). Kuah et al. (2012) in one of their works have as a goal the design of a model of a Knowledge Management (KM) measurement model for the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis based on the Monte Carlo Simulation and a genetic algorithm. The proposed model evaluates KM by using a set of measures correlated with the main KM processes. ...
This work presents a preservation model of production engineers’ tacit knowledge of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Their expertise was explicitly coded into a computer system, and the model was developed by applying techniques and procedures from the fields of engineering and knowledge management. Technology transfer enables to solve the problem of selecting criteria and interpreting results with DEA techniques, when the efficiency of similar organizations is compared using an efficient frontier derived from non-parametric approximations of such techniques. Misunderstanding the techniques leads to misinterpretations of DEA results. This model was created by applying Knowledge Engineering, which enables to preserve and extend specific experiences and expertise in time by means of computer solutions. The model had an efficient and positive impact on strategic self-learning processes for the community interested in production engineering, knowledge transfer and management.
... One of the most spread efficiency ideas is the principle of Pareto, according to which a resource allocation A is preferred over a resource allocation B if and only if, with the second, at least one individual improves and nobody worsens (Cook and Seiford 2009). Kuah et al. (2012) in one of their works have as a goal the design of a model of a Knowledge Management (KM) measurement model for the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis based on the Monte Carlo Simulation and a genetic algorithm. The proposed model evaluates KM by using a set of measures correlated with the main KM processes. ...
This work presents a mapping model of indoor work environments in mobile robotics, called Map-Bot. The model integrates hardware and software modules for navigation, data acquisition & transfer and mapping. Additionally, the model incorporates a computer that runs the software responsible for the construction of two-dimensional representations of the environment (Vespucci module), a mobile robot that collects sensory information from the workplace and a wireless communications module for data transfer between the computer and the robot. The results obtained allow the implementation of the reactive behavior “follow walls” located on its right side on paths of 560 cm. The model allowed to reach a safe and stable navigation for indoor work environments, using this distributed approach.
... Entretanto, o BSC não possui diretrizes formais para a mensuração adequada dos indicadores de desempenho, enfatizando uma oportunidade para integrar metodologias quantitativas para avaliação desses indicadores. Nesse caso, é possível analisar a eficiência dos indicadores a partir da integração de metodologias quantitativas, como a abordagem proposta pela Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), conforme apontamKuah et al. (2012), que assume uma análise comparativa sobre a eficiência das diferentes empresas no contexto considerado(EILAT et al., 2005;MIN et al., 2008; CHIA et al., 2009;CHALMETA;PALOMERO, 2011). ...
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Given the constant pursuit of business sustainability and competitive advantage, analyzing the performance of operations is an opportunity to adapt to the increasingly fierce market. In the case of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is no different and methods can be employed to evaluate the performance of this type of organization. At first, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) can provide relevant information from the point of view of performance indicators. However, its isolated application reduces the quality of the results obtained in its structure. That said, the general objective of this research was to evaluate the operational and managerial performance of SMEs operating in the Pernambuco Gypsum APL, in view of the lack of references to support the management processes of these companies. For this, the integration of the approach proposed by BSC with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique can quantify the qualitative concepts incorporated in the BSC approach and offer appropriate guidelines for the studied SMEs. Methodologically, the research was divided into two phases: in the first one, a literature review was performed in search of performance indicators pertinent to the mining sector, adjusting them in the four perspectives of the BSC. In a second phase, the input-oriented DEA BCC model was applied to evaluate the performance of sixteen Pernambucan plaster-casting SMEs. The result generated by the Software for Data Envelopment Analysis (SDEA®) indicated five companies as efficient (A, D, E, J, N), as they obtained a maximum score (θ), that is, equal to one (1.0) in evaluation. In addition, as a way to further the analysis, inverted efficiency was considered, which is a pessimistic approach to DMUs. To calculate this score, the inputs are exchanged with the outputs considered in the original model and the A, B, M, G, O and I companies were perceived as anti-benchmarks. Although it was included in the inverted frontier , DMU A can be cited as the efficient enterprise of this total set of sixteen organizations. This statement is based on the value obtained for compound efficiency (calculated by classical efficiency and inverted efficiency), which indicates the company with the best performance. Therefore, it could be concluded that the DEA model applied in the context of the Gypsum APL calcinating companies in Pernambuco presented itself as a useful and practical tool to evaluate the efficiency of these organizations.
... Entretanto, o BSC não possui diretrizes formais para a mensuração adequada dos indicadores de desempenho, enfatizando uma oportunidade para integrar metodologias quantitativas para avaliação desses indicadores. Nesse caso, é possível analisar a eficiência dos indicadores a partir da integração de metodologias quantitativas, como a abordagem proposta pela Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), conforme apontamKuah et al. (2012), que assume uma análise comparativa sobre a eficiência das diferentes empresas no contexto considerado(EILAT et al., 2005;MIN et al., 2008; CHIA et al., 2009;CHALMETA;PALOMERO, 2011). ...
... Some of the DEA-GA models proposed in the literature focus on stochastic scenarios by complementing the analysis of efficiency with the GA heuristic approach. For example, Kuah, Wong, and Wong (2012) evaluate the knowledge management performance in higher education. The accuracy of the efficiency scores is improved by proposing a framework which com-bines a Monte Carlo DEA version with GA. ...
The aim of this study is to devise a sector restructuring model in which all the decision making units (DMUs) satisfy a predefined global efficiency level. The proposal makes several realistic assumptions regarding the merging of DMUs under specific circumstances. The model computes the global efficiency target by giving preference to merging DMUs over saving inputs, hence considering that the affected stakeholders may be resistant to restructuring, and this resistance may have overall negative effects on the image and reputation of the companies and organizations. In addition, the number of constituents in the new entities can be limited by the decision maker after the restructuring process, so that the model also considers a constraint on cardinality. The proposal combines the inverse data envelopment analysis (InvDEA), which computes the merger's input savings, and the genetic algorithm (GA), which solves the combinatorial problem of identifying the merging units. The proposal is illustrated by two examples from banking and higher education.
... Literature conceptualizes KM and provides distinct processes that enhance organizations' abilities to sustain a competitive advantage (Nonaka & Von Krogh, 2009). Building on Nonaka's work, authors (e.g., Ahn & Chang, 2004;Andone, 2009;Bryant, 2005;González, Giachetti, & Ramirez, 2005;Hsu, Lawson & Liang, 2007;Huang, Chen & Yieh, 2007;Karasneh, 2002;Karasneh & Al-Khalili, 2009;Kuah, Wong & Wong, 2012;Lopez-Nicolas & Soto-Acosta, 2010;Patton, 2001;Uotila, 2017 ) indicate that KM consists of different processes and activities. Karasneh (2002) asserts that KM consists of five main processes (i.e., creation, adoption, adaptation, embodiment and evaluation). ...
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Aim/Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between knowledge management (KM) and organizational innovation (OI). It also enriches our understanding of the mediating effect of organizational learning (OL) in this relationship. Background KM’s relationship with OL and OI has been tackled extensively in developed countries’ literature. Nowadays, the challenges of developing countries lie in the process of knowledge application. This study attempts to develop a new managerial knowledgeable tool and present a theoretical model and empirical analysis of the relationship between KM and innovation in Jordan, a developing country. To the knowledge of the author, no attempt has been taken to investigate this relationship in any Jordanian sector. Methodology The sample of this study consists of 457 managers representing strategic, tactical, and operational levels randomly selected from 56 manufacturing companies in Jordan. A questionnaire-based survey has been developed based on KM, OL and OI literature to collect data. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was applied to investigate the proposed research model. Contribution This study contributes to the literature in different ways. First, it asserts that OL assists in improving OI in manufacturing organization of developing countries. Second, it highlights the substantial benefits of applying KM, OL and OI in manufacturing companies in Jordan. Furthermore, it enhances the relationship between KM and innovativeness’ literature by providing empirical evidence, suggesting that OL is as important as KM to advance organizational innovation. Most importantly, it identifies the problem of a developing economy which is not promoting OL or taking care of it as much as they attended to KM in their organizational practices. Findings Study findings indicate that the relationship between KM and OI is significantly positive. Results also reveal that the relationship between KM and organizational learning is significantly positive. Empirical results emerging from this study indicate that there is partial mediation to support the relationship between OL and OI. Recommendations for Practitioners This study suggests that managers ought to recognize that organizational learning is equally important to KM. This entails that OL should be utilized within organizations to achieve organizational innovation. Moreover, managers ought to comprehend their importance and encourage their employees to adopt knowledge from various sources; which, if implemented correctly, will enhance the OL environment. Recommendation for Researchers The research model can be used or applied in different manufacturing and service sectors across the globe. The findings of the current study can serve as a foundation to perform different studies to understand KM processes and recognize its antecedence. Impact on Society This study presents insights on how to apply KM, OL and OI methodologies in Jordanian manufacturing companies to achieve a competitive advantage; hence, positively influencing society. Future Research Future research may include conducting a similar study in the context of developed countries and developing countries which allows for comparison. Also, future research may examine the impact of KM on organizational performance applying both OL and OI as mediating variables.
... Moreover, a good metaheuristic algorithm must be able to determine a promising local minimum after some attempts of search diversification, and subsequently exploit it for finding the global minimum solution [32]. This feature too has been demonstrated by the µGA [33]. As shown, the µGA identifies a promising local minimal X * as the fourth solution is found, and then starts its search exploitation. ...
The discussions on the development of an electricity market model for accommodating cross-border cooperation remains active in Europe. The main interest is the establishment of market couplings without curtailing the fair use of the scarce transmission capacity. However, it is difficult to gain mutual consensus on this subject because of the absence of convincing simulation results for the entire region. To achieve that, researchers need a common grid model (CGM) which is a simplified representation of the detailed transmission model which comprises aggregated buses and transmission lines. A CGM should sufficiently represent the inter-area power flow characteristics. Generally, it is difficult to establish a standard CGM that represents the actual transmission network with a sufficient degree of exactness because it requires knowledge on the details of the transmission network, which are undisclosed. This paper addresses the issue and reviews the existing approaches in transmission network approximation, and their shortcomings. Then, it proposes a new approach called the adaptive CGM approximation (ACA) for serving the purpose. The ACA is a data-driven approach, developed based on the direct current power flow theory. It is able to construct a CGM based on the published power flow data between the interconnected market areas. This is done by solving the issue as a non-linear model fitting problem. The method is validated using three case studies. Index Terms-Common grid model, flow-based market mechanism, genetic algorithms, linear optimal power flow problems, transmission network approximation.
... In addition to the source and the process of knowledge itself, there are other things which facilitate the application of knowledge management such as culture, and technology infrastructure [21] [22]. Although these factors are external factors, it still has an important contribution in the knowledge management performance measurement [23]. ...
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The EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning) project is a type of construction contract which requires many human resources with a lot of activities in its process. Due to the vast scope of the project, knowledge management holds an important role in the process. It is necessary to measure the adoption rate of knowledge management in organizations who works on an EPC project. There are three main categories of knowledge management elements which can be measured, i.e. knowledge resources, knowledge processes, and knowledge factors. By using factor analysis, major factors of knowledge management implementation could be obtained out of these categories. Furthermore, the knowledge management strategy was formulated using importance-performance analysis to improve the adoption of knowledge management and become competitive advantages for the organizations. Research conducted in one of engineering companies in Jakarta, whose experiences in multiple EPC projects. Result showed that knowledge management is enabled and practiced in the projects. However, it still needs some improvements. The strategies to increase the adoption rate are to build integrated knowledge management information system for the company, to increase the usage of knowledge asset database and to spread the knowledge management strategy and goals to the employees.
... Some of the DEA-GA models proposed in the literature focus on stochastic scenarios by complementing the analysis of efficiency with the GA heuristic approach. For example, Kuah, Wong, and Wong (2012) evaluate the knowledge management performance in higher education. The accuracy of the efficiency scores is improved by proposing a framework which com-bines a Monte Carlo DEA version with GA. ...
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... Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): In research task or studies uses many methods for conducting research operations, "Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)" is one of them. It is a viral analysis tool all over the world, and "it is a data-oriented approach for evaluating the performance" "which converts multiple inputs into multiple outputs" [13][14][15][16] . And it is also inputs and outputs data-oriented approach. ...
... Cardenas-Barron and Taleizadeh (2012) apply hybrid metaheuristic algorithms (HMHAs) to solve difficult problems in different fields of inventory theory. Kuah et al. (2012) evaluates knowledge management (KM) performance using Monte Carlo data envelopment analysis with genetic algorithm. Moreira and Costa (2013) generate a hybrid algorithm and a mixed integer programming model for selecting and balancing, job rotation assembly line workers with heterogeneous workstations protected disabilities. ...
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This research proposes a mathematical model of the problem of job rotation considering ergonomic aspects in repetitive works, lifting tasks and awkward postures in manufacturing environments with high variability. The mathematical model is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem integrating the ergonomic constraints and is solved using improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. The proposed algorithm allows the generation of diversified results and a greater search convergence on the Pareto front. The algorithm avoids the loss of convergence in each border by means of change and replacement of similar solutions. In this strategy, a single similar result is preserved and the best solution of the previous generation is included. If the outcomes are similar, new randomly generated individuals are proposed to encourage diversity. The obtained results improve the conditions of 69% of the workers. The results show that if the worker rotates starting from a high risk, his variation in risk always decreases in his next assignment. Within the job rotation scheme, no worker is exposed simultaneously to high ergonomic risk thresholds. The model and the algorithm provide good results while considering ergonomic risks. The proposed algorithm shows the potentiality to generate a set of quality of response (Pareto Frontier) in a combinatorial optimization problem in an efficient computational time.
... Each approach provides a significant insight toward the understanding of the KM environment. [5][6][7] assume that KM can be evaluated from a process-based view while KM process models proposed to this end are so diverse. [8][9][10] investigate the KM outcomes, the KM enablers and their relationships similar to the success factors studies. ...
Knowledge management (KM) is recognized as contributing significantly to the organizational performance. Researchers have worked hard on KM performance measurement on the enterprise level. They investigate KM performance determinants and provide numerous KM performance models. Meanwhile, little research has been undertaken to assess knowledge management projects performance. In fact, the growing number of KM project confirms the need for a performance measurement model, able to assess, each time a KM project is introduced, the performance of such project in order to rationalize its use, evaluate its effectiveness and justify its consequent financial costs.
... Existing work on performance measurement applied to KM stresses on the importance of KPI and categorize them in different ways (Wong et al. 2013). Indeed, (Kuah et al. 2012) states that KM can be viewed as a system based on KM processes that consumes inputs and produce outputs, and that these variables can be used as a proxy to measure KM performance. Del-Rey-Chamorro (Del-Rey-Chamorro et al. 2003) addresses two kinds of KM measures : core outcomes in the strategic level and performance drivers in the operational level. ...
Conference Paper
Knowledge Management (KM) projects are socio-technical systems that enable knowledge activities and ensure that the right knowledge gets to the right person at the right time. The growing number of KM applications confirms the need for a performance measurement model able to assess the diversity of KM initiatives in order to rationalize their usage. To the best of our knowledge, a generic KM model for performance measurement fitting any kind of KM projects is missing in the literature. Instead, existing approaches are specific to a particular KM project or assess the overall KM of the organization. In this paper, we propose a KM model for performance measurement that is built on existing KM models literature and enhanced with theoretical findings. It also follows the reference modelling design process in view of producing a high quality model. Copyright © 2016 International Business Information Management Association
... Kuah et al. ( [14], 2012) Integration of data envelopment analysis (DEA), Monte Carlo simulation, and genetic algorithm (GA) Yin and Fai ( [8], 2014) Integrated knowledge management (IKM) model Chen and Fong ( [15], 2015) Structural equation modeling (SEM) and system dynamic (SD) simulation Lee and Wong ([16], 2015) Survey instrument in small and medium companies Wang et al. ( [17], 2016) Synthetic evaluation method by using triangular fuzzy numbers Among many approaches for KM performance evaluation, BSC appears to be a promising one as KM naturally fits in the learning and growth category of the BSC framework [19]. Since Kaplan and Norton [20] proposed the concept of BSC as a strategic management system, it has been widely used for studying the performance evaluation of different disciplines, such as customer relationship management (e.g., [21,22]), human resource management (e.g., [23,24]), information and communication technology (e.g., [25,26]), and supply chain management (e.g., [27,28]). ...
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As an important part of knowledge management (KM), the KM performance evaluation tries to find out the key factors restraining the enhancement of the enterprises' performance. This paper investigates the feasibility of the balanced scorecard (BSC) method in enterprise knowledge management and then proposes a simplified and applicable performance evaluation model based on the BSC approach. Finally, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) is used to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed model. The result shows that the model is useful for evaluating the performance of KM in enterprises.
... The term "non-parametric" is not meant to imply that the methods lack parameters, but that the number and nature of the indicators are not fixed in advance. The nonparametric frontier models help to consolidate multiple performance measures into an efficiency score without having to define the complex relationships among the indicators (Kuah et al., 2012). ...
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The nonparametric methods, such as data envelopment analysis, free disposal hull and order-α frontier analysis, have been applied in this study to evaluate the efficient frontier which extends the application of the production function of regions. These mathematical programming methods allow evaluating the effectiveness of the regional spatial aspects. In recent studies, efficient frontier methods are applied to evaluate regional policy issues of the European Union. The purpose of this article is to present a more detailed evaluation of regional disparities by analysing regional infrastructure, human capital efficiency, and linkages among the regions. The application of frontier methods reveals their feasibility for studying regional inputs and outputs to asses a more detailed and more reasonable allocation of funds among Lithuanian regions. A more detailed territorial breakdown is selected in this paper to identify a wider scale of efficiency differences among the regions. From the practical point of view and according to the results, more balanced planning tools are suggested for fund allocation decisions in Lithuanian regions while planning infrastructure and human capital development. As efficient regions are identified, it is recommended to invest in more indirect factors to enhance regional growth. while in inefficient regions more emphasis should be made on more direct interventions to foster economic activity because current investments give insufficient returns. The present type of research is a case study.
... Finally, the alternatives are ranked based on optimistic and pessimistic approach. Kuah et al. (2012) presented a model for measuring knowledge management performance in a random environment. To do so, they used Mont Carlo DEA and genetic algorithm. ...
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to present a hybrid analytic network process (ANP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) method for ranking organizational units as well as prioritizing organization’s human capital management criteria. Design/methodology/approach – In the proposed DEA model, human capital management criteria are considered as the inputs and organizational commitment considered as the output of DEA model. Afterward, the organizational unit’s efficiency and the weight of human capital management criteria are evaluated through DEA and the data are considered as the basis of ANP model. Findings – The results of prioritizing the drivers of human capital management were showed that leadership practices, human capital management and learning capacity are the most important ones. Also, the findings proved that the proposed integrated DEA/ANP can be helpful in managerial issues. Research limitations/implications – Filling the super-matrix and designing the questionnaire of ANP have always been the challenge of scholars because of the large number of data it requires. One of the main advantages of the proposed hybrid method in this research is that it resolves the above-mentioned problem of ANP. Practical implications – The results of the proposed method may provide managers this opportunity to better analyze the condition of organizational units from human capital management perspective and focus on the most important activities in this context. Moreover, the proposed hybrid method can help scholars to better use both DEA and ANP techniques and obtain more reliable findings. Originality/value – In this study, DEA efficiency measures of units, and the weights of inputs and outputs of DEA model are used to fill the super-matrix of ANP. In addition to having a logical approach, this method provides more reliable results and enjoys the advantages of both ANP and DEA techniques.
... (Lawson, 2003)) (Wiig,1997) ( (Parikh, 2001(.(Horwitch & Armacost, 2002 Empirical background In this regard, several studies have been carried out including: Kuah et al (2012) proposed a model to measure knowledge management performance in a random environment. To this end, they used data envelopment analysis, Monte Carlo simulation and Genetic Algorithm. ...
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Implementation of internal marketing in organizations especially service organizations equips them with competencies and capabilities that will be led to their performance enhancement besides enjoying environmental opportunities. Therefore, it can be stated that successful implementation of internal marketing can pave the way for successful implementation of organizational processes such as processes of knowledge management system. Also organizations can develop, organize and share knowledge through internal marketing in order to achieve competitive advantage. The present study investigates the effect of internal marketing on processes of knowledge management system (knowledge creation, knowledge organization, knowledge formalization, knowledge transfer and knowledge application) in Nasr-e-Esfahan Company. Questionnaire was tool of data collection and the data were analyzed by means of Lisrel and Spss software. The findings revealed that the effect of internal marketing on each process of knowledge management system has been positive and significant and value of fitness indexes (GFI= 0.92, AGFI=0.91) in the model under study shows suitability of the model.
... They considered production and energy unit cost as indicators. A genuine Knowledge Management (KM) performance measurement model was proposed by Tse kuah et al. [6]. They considered stochastic environment and applied Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Monte Carlo simulation and Genetic Algorithm (GA). ...
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This paper presents an approach based on Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis (SDEA) for evaluating of shaping factors for performance assessment of electricity distribution units. This approach is applied to assessment of Iranian distribution units from 2001 to 2011. There are usually incomplete and stochastic data or lack of data with respect to electricity distribution companies. So, in this paper a stochastic DEA approach is used with respect to the set of comprehensive indicators to evaluate electricity distribution units. Due to lack of information about some parameters, theory of uncertainty is imported to model. The best of electricity distribution unit is selected with respect to efficiency score in an uncertainty environment. Also, SDEA model is performed for each input separately to identify the most important shaping factor by comparing the results of efficiency with SDEA model.
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Although the concept of KM has been broadly discussed in the present literature, it is still progressing and a plethora of models as well as concepts exist. This plethora has resulted in KM concept fragmentation. The presented model investigates the relationship between knowledge evaluation and KM factors (i.e., knowledge creation, knowledge adoption, knowledge adaptation, and knowledge embodiment) that organizations are supposed to take to achieve a competitive advantage. A questionnaire was developed to collect data. The population of this study consists of five large global Information and Communication Technology MNCs operating in Jordan, resulting in (93) individual questionnaires for analysis. The questionnaire was shown to be reliable and valid. The results reveal that KM factors (i.e., knowledge creation and knowledge adoption) are significant and have a strong influence on knowledge evaluation, while KM factors (i.e., knowledge adaptation and knowledge embodiment) are insignificant and have a negative influence on knowledge evaluation at the surveyed corporations. Implications, recommendations, and future research are also discussed.
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A análise envoltória de dados é uma metodologia utilizada para avaliar a eficiência entre entidades. No ambiente educacional, essa metodologia é amplamente utilizada em decorrência da complexidade do setor, principalmente, em relação aos custos. Considerando a importância do tema, o objetivo do estudo é identificar o perfil das publicações acadêmicas sobre educação superior que utilizaram a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) no período de 2009 a 2018, na área de avaliação CAPES de Administração Pública e de Empresas, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo. A coleta de dados ocorreu nas bases: Science Direct, Scopus, Emerald e Web of Science. Foram selecionados os artigos que estavam condizentes com as palavras-chaves utilizadas para busca, bem como de acordo com o objetivo do estudo, resultando em uma amostra final de 32 artigos. Como principais resultados, verificou-se que o objetivo mais comum foi Eficiência nas IES e os periódicos com maior publicação foram o Expert Systems With Applications e o Omega. A categoria dos inputs mais utilizada foi Instituição e dos outputs foi Aluno; o modelo mais utilizado foi o BCC e a orientação foi ao output. Esse estudo contribui para literatura e pode proporcionar, por meio dos resultados, identificação de lacunas de pesquisa a serem preenchidas sobre o tema, agrupando em uma única publicação informações sobre os artigos publicados, com o objetivo de colaborar para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisa que apliquem a metodologia DEA na educação superior.
Knowledge Management (KM) is one of the main sources for achieving World-Class Competitive Advantages (WCCAs), and is also an incentive for the development of strategic-oriented projects. Because subsidiaries of the oil industry are always looking for WCCAs to implement their strategic-oriented projects, it is important to measure WCCAs-based KM performance. We offered a WCCAs-based Knowledge Management Performance Measurement (KMPM) instrument to develop strategic-oriented projects and validated it in the Iranian oil industry. Based on an in-depth review of previous studies, the indicators of KMPM that could lead to WCCAs were extracted. Then, an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were used to identify and confirm the criteria of the proposed instrument. Based on the proposed instrument, the KM performance of the subsidiaries of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) was assessed, and finally, strategic-oriented projects were suggested. Our proposed instrument includes four main criteria, namely “knowledge quality”, “knowledge utility”, “knowledge innovation”, and “business results”, all of which are valid in the Iranian oil industry. Our findings also present 17 strategic-oriented projects. The policymakers and the top managers of the surveyed companies could obtain more knowledge regarding measuring the WCCAs-based KM performance, and utilize it to develop their strategic-oriented projects. The present research is one of the first studies of its kind that provides a WCCAs-based KMPM instrument and expands the literature on KMPM and WCCAs.
Purpose Over the past years, many studies have explored the role of knowledge management (KM) in companies. KM is concerned with the measurement of knowledge to manage knowledge efficiently. On the other hand, the intangible nature of knowledge makes its measurement challenging. Furthermore, there is no standardized method to measure knowledge, and it is chiefly measured based on the subjective judgment of researchers. Moreover, New Product Development (NPD) departments in many companies strive to assess their knowledge in terms of company products and knowledge workers. Hence, this study aims to propose a product-based two-phase technique that measures the company knowledge inventory. Design/methodology/approach In the first phase, the value of knowledge is quantified relative to products, knowledge workers and the entire company using two concepts of knowledge width and depth. Then, a three-dimensional knowledge asset map (knowledge, products and knowledge worker dimensions) is designed to assess and audit knowledge workers. Finally, this technique recruits an integer linear programming model with a cost minimization objective function to optimize the supply of NPD knowledge requirements in the second phase. Findings This model enables managers to determine what type of knowledge can be supplied by existing knowledge workers, whether within the company or by other external sources. Originality/value Among existing knowledge measurement methods, only a few use a product-based measuring technique. However, they fail to offer suitable scenarios for managers' decision-making process and consider cost structures in measurement techniques. Hence, this paper attempts to overcome these drawbacks.
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This study addresses to investigate the impact of the knowledge management (KM) performance on the efficiencies of 20 R&D active firms in manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles industry in Turkey. The corresponding analysis is carried out using the traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and DEA with weight restrictions. Shannon's Entropy Weighting is used to determine the weights of the input and output variables. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, the efficiency levels of firm which have low and high performance are compared. According to the results, there is significant difference between the efficiencies of the high-performance and low-performance R&D active firms in terms of the KM dimensions: knowledge creation, information system infrastructure, knowledge culture, and knowledge worker productivity.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a useful tool for efficiency evaluation of decision making units (DMUs). The classical DEA models deal with exact data while in real world problems we concern with uncertain data such as fuzzy, stochastic and etc. In this paper, using input oriented CCR model (ICCR) in the presence of undesirable outputs with specific risk (α), a new stochastic model called Expected Ranking Criterion is proposed. Based on this, the stochastic cross-efficiency evaluation is presented for robust ranking and discrimination of DMUs. Given the non-uniqueness of resulting optimal solutions, a model is introduced for ranking by which stochastic cross-efficiency is performed using aggressive approach. The proposed model provides ranking of all DMUs whereas current stochastic DEA models in literature fail in this regard. Finally, the proposed models are implemented for 32 thermal power plants with stochastic inputs and undesirable outputs. The results show the applicability of proposed models.
In this study using an input-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model with undesirable outputs a new stochastic model called Expected Ranking Criterion is proposed. The proposed model employs statistical techniques to evaluate the efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with stochastic data. Based on the proposed model, a stochastic DEA (SDEA) cross-efficiency model is suggested for ranking and discrimination of DMUs. Then, given the non-uniqueness of resulting optimal solution, a stochastic model is introduced for rating priorities by which cross-efficiency evaluation is performed using aggressive approach. Finally, the proposed models are implemented for evaluating 32 thermal power plants. The results show the applicability of the proposed models.
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The greatest challenge for many organizations today is not the acquisition, organization, and storage of information, but rather the ability to transform such information into useful knowledge as well as the application and measurement of it. This paper discusses effective knowledge transfer in a training environment and the inherent limitations in using only quantitative measures as a tool of knowledge transfer measurement. By examining the measurement tool of a major U.S.-based airline, this study identifies disparity in peer and observer behavior assessment to understand other important factors that impact the measurement of knowledge transfer.
This paper presents a review on Knowledge Management (KM) performance measurement in the past two decades. Various tools and techniques that have been developed are discussed and presented chronologically to show how KM performance measurement has changed during this period. Each tool and technique is evaluated and classified based on the types of measures and approaches used. This paper also proposes six new categories: traditional, advanced, deterministic, stochastic, general result oriented, and specific result oriented, to complement the previous classification schemes. Future research directions for KM performance measurement are identified and presented in a holistic framework to act as a guideline for new researchers who wish to embark on this field.
Business analytics is one of the effective areas that used to examine the business performance, employee skills and condition to examine the planning and gain ratio of the business. From the analysed information, the business research concept uses for making effective results. So, this work uses statistical analysis for deriving the information regarding the insurance to maintaining the performance of the insurance business. The collected customer-related information, services, identity, and other valuable information are stored in block chain and processed by applying the probit linear regression approach (PLR). The analysed information is further examined using the dynamic Monte Carlo statistical analysis technique. This introduces techniques that help to decide the product predictive analysis. The predicted report helps to increase the product market in an environment with minimum time. At last, the excellence of the system is evaluated using experimental analysis in which the Kaggle Sample Insurance Claim Prediction Dataset. The developed PLR system efficiency is examined in terms of using prediction rate, accuracy, error rate, and correlation metrics.
The expert knowledge is a very important resource for the development of an enterprise, but due to its unpredictable nature, it also very difficult to manage. Due to the growing phenomenon of frequent employee turnover in companies, it is necessary to keep such knowledge in the company and then to forecast its level in order to determine the type of missing knowledge in the company for the implementation of further projects/orders. In this paper a model for forecasting the level of expert knowledge, which assumes the use of the GMDH (Group Method of Data Handling) has been proposed. The model consists of the following elements: (1) formalised, expert knowledge acquired which is stored in the knowledge base, (2) level of knowledge in the enterprise, as the result of the clustering of acquired expert knowledge using the Bayesian network, (3) the GMDH method. Finally this model is implemented in a real case study from the Research and development department of a manufacturing company.
Purpose This paper aims to propose a model for measuring the performance of knowledge management (KM) projects in enterprises. No such model has been proposed in the literature thus far. The activities, factors and outcomes of KM are the main constructs of the model. Their operationalization and interactions are investigated. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted of 120 respondents from SME firms in Morocco. A structural equation modeling (SEM) technique called partial least squares (PLS) was used to assess the validity of the constructs and verify the hypotheses. A performance index for KM projects was derived from the model constructs. Findings The results support the model designed for KM activities and related interactions. The effects of KM activities on its outcomes are significant as well. The results also confirm that KM factors are predictors of KM activities and that the effects of these are significant. Furthermore, a performance importance analysis (importance performance map analysis [IPMA]) was performed on the data to expand the results of the PLS-SEM by identifying under-performing KM drivers that require managerial action. Originality/value This paper is one of the first to propose a generic performance measurement model for KM projects. Additionally, it is a pioneering study in the use of IPMA for KM performance measurement.
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This study aims to assess the performance of health services in Iraq, by measuring the relative efficiency of hospitals Iraqi using the DEA was using the number of doctors, number of beds and the number of nurses and staffs the health of others as an input to the system and the number of patients have fallen asleep and the reviewers and the number of deaths. As the output of the system. Were taken statistical community hospitals in Iraq's (239) Hospital and the number of public hospitals, 152 hospitals and specialized hospitals (87) Hospital and the number of family college in government hospitals (44470) bed and rate ranges distribution of these family on the population (1.3) beds per 1,000 people of the population and the bed occupancy ratewas57%. . The study found that the average relative efficiency of hospitals in the southern provinces (% 99.522) and the northern provinces are (98.873%), and this means that hospitals southern provinces should be able to provide the same level of output ((number of visits by auditors, a number of laboratory tests, the number of patients beneficiaries of radiography) using (99.5225%) of the input current) (number of doctors, number of nurses, the number of categories of medical assistance in order to be efficient., or in other words, it must reduce the input rate (0.4775%) with the current levels of services to provide the same If hospitals operate efficiently. If the goal is to maximize output while maintaining the same amount of input, it means that the hospitals in the provinces in order to reach the overall efficiency of 100 %. It is clear, according index of production efficiency of the public that the number of provinces with the overall efficiency ratio full terms of the efficiency of hospitals, is (16) conservative (18) province by (88.88%), and these provinces are: bureaucracy Basra, Missan, Diwaniya, Anbar, Babil, Karbala, Wasit, Dhi Qar, Almuthana, Najaf, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salahaddin, Arbil, Dahuk, Sulaymaniya The number of provinces that have not achieved full efficiency in terms of the relative efficiency of the hospitals where, it Reached (2) province by (11.11%), which is on the order of worst to least bad( Baghdad, Diyala).Based on the results of the study the researcher recommends re-distribution of health resources in hospitals in order to optimize the investment of these resources.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a method for performance assessment of organizations based on integrated approach of knowledge management and safety management using data envelopment analysis, and the proposed model is then applied in the car industry in Isfahan province to be checked. Therefore, deficiencies can be highlighted and possible strategies can be evolved to improve the performance. Design/methodology/approach As data envelopment analysis is a robust mathematical tool, it has been used to evaluate organizational performance. For discovering the organizational performance of knowledge management and safety management by data envelopment analysis (DEA), the first step is to specify proper criteria. To this end, in this method, the indices in both approaches of knowledge management and safety management were identified. Then, inputs and outputs were specified. Knowledge management and safety management were determined as input indices, and customer satisfaction and accident indicators were the output indices. It is noteworthy that each output index was used one time. In the next stage, performance of organizations was assessed based on both determined approaches and via data envelopment analysis. Finally, the organizations were ranked. Findings The suggested method was implemented in the car industry in the Isfahan province. The obtained results disclosed that among 12 decision-making units, 4 units are efficient when customer satisfaction is the output and 5 units are efficient when accidents indices are the output. In ranking with customer satisfaction as the output, Sepahan Atlas Pump Company was ranked first via super efficiency method, data envelopment analysis and similarity to ideal solution. In ranking with accidents as the output, Sepahan Atlas Pump Company ranked first via strong efficiency method and Sanatgar Company ranked first via data envelopment analysis and similarity to ideal solution. Originality/value Knowledge has been recognized as one of the valuable resources, and knowledge management would greatly effect improvement of job quality. Knowledge level increase is led by better performance and less errors. Consequently, it can enhance the organizational health and safety. There are some studies which have been conducted on safety management or knowledge management performance analysis. The organizational performance evaluation based on integrated approach of knowledge management and safety management is an important issue which is less considered in theory and practice. Thus, the authors have proposed a method which is able to evaluate the organization based on this integrated approach with functional indices, which resulted in accurate results, and finally, ranking can show the organization status to determine proper strategies.
The objective of this paper is to review the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Supply Chain Management (SCM) research including different perspectives and research topics. In this review, academic databases used were ScienceDirect, Scopus and Google Scholar. The latter database was included to identify unpublished studies, conference proceedings and other types of unpublished studies. Practical review criteria are used for the inclusion or exclusion of the pertinent literature. In total 55 publications were found and analyzed in this paper. We found that even though both DEA and SCM were established as a field of study for a long time but there are only a few that applied the DEA to SCM. Most of studies applying DEA in SCM did not consider the whole supply chain, only some parts of the chain were analyzed. Based on the findings of the review, potential research agendas were developed.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge management (KM) on manufacturing performance and the relationships among three KM measures, namely, knowledge resources, KM processes and KM factors. It also determined a collective set of KM metrics based on these three measures. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected using questionnaires posted to 700 manufacturing companies in Malaysia from which 206 usable responses were obtained. The analysis and hypotheses testing were implemented using structural equation modeling. Findings – The results showed that the constructs of knowledge resources, KM processes and KM factors have significant and direct effects on manufacturing performance. In terms of covariance, the results also indicated that these three constructs were correlated with each other. Research limitations/implications – The sample over-represented large firms and the study was a cross-sectional approach that collected data at a single point in time. Practical implications – The results obtained would help managers to better understand the linkage between KM and manufacturing performance. They could use the results to manipulate their KM practices to improve their manufacturing performance. The proposed set of KM metrics could also act as a common language and provide directions for future research. Originality/value – This paper is one of the first empirical studies that has examined the relationship between KM and manufacturing performance. Furthermore, it has investigated the relationships among knowledge resources, KM processes and KM factors.
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Metrics are essential for the advancement of research and practice in an area. In knowledge management (KM), the process of measurement and development of metrics is made complex by the intangible nature of the knowledge asset. Further, the lack of standards for KM business metrics and the relative infancy of research on KM metrics points to a need for research in this area. This paper reviews KM metrics for research and practice and identifies areas where there is a gap in our understanding. It classifies existing research based on the units of evaluation such as user of KMS, KMS, project, KM process, KM initiative, and organization as a whole. The paper concludes by suggesting avenues for future research on KM and KMS metrics based on the gaps identified.
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Purpose The objective of this paper is to develop a model for planning and establishment of knowledge management (KM) strategy in one of the Iranian Sub‐stream Aerospace Industries Organization to improve company's performance. Design/methodology/approach This research tries to use multi‐method approach by integrating balanced score card, which is a renowned strategic management approach, and Nonaka and colleagues' knowledge creation process (socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization model), which is a well‐known knowledge creation and conversion model, being adopted as the foundations of strategic knowledge management model (SKMM). Findings The analytical approach identifies eight issues as critical success factors of the knowledge strategy map in this case study. The overall results from the case study are positive as well, thus reflecting the appropriateness of the suggested SKMM model. Research limitations/implications SKMM can be used to help forward the plan, establishment and evaluation of KM strategies and initiatives. This helps to ensure that the essential issues are covered during design and implementation phases of KM strategies. Originality/value This paper further provides an integrated perspective of KM metrics in high‐tech industries including the aerospace industry. It gives valuable information and guidelines that hopefully will help leaders to consider important issues during performance measurement of KM strategies in organizations.
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Measuring intellectual capital is a growing area of interest in the knowledge management field. Metrics are being developed and applied by some organizations, but there needs to be more research throughout the international community to better define these measures. One limitation of the current measures is that they do not necessarily address the “knowledge level” and the types of value-added knowledge that individuals obtain. This paper takes a look at the current measures, discusses some possible limitations, and suggests some additional measures that could be used in the intellectual capital area to complement existing measures.
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Purpose Knowledge sharing is the corner‐stone of many organisations’ knowledge‐management (KM) strategy. Despite the growing significance of knowledge sharing's practices for organisations’ competitiveness and market performance, several barriers make it difficult for KM to achieve the goals and deliver a positive return on investment. This paper provides a detailed review of current KM and related literatures on a large number of possible knowledge‐sharing barriers with the purpose of offering a more comprehensive and structured starting‐point for senior managers when auditing their organisation's current knowledge base and knowledge‐sharing requirements. Design/methodology/approach This article reviews and discusses over three dozen potential knowledge‐sharing barriers, categorising them into three main domains of recently published works: individual/personal, organisational, and technological barriers. Findings The extensive list of knowledge sharing barriers provides a helpful starting point and guideline for senior managers auditing their existing practices with a view to identifying any bottle‐necks and improving on the overall effectiveness of knowledge‐sharing activities. Practical implications Managers need to realise, however, that a particular knowledge sharing strategy or specific managerial actions will not suit all companies and that there are differences to be expected between MNCs and SMEs, private, public sector, and not‐for‐profit organisations. As such, the implementation of knowledge‐sharing goals and strategies into an organisation's strategic planning and thinking will vary greatly. Originality/value The main discussion of this paper brings together a large range of knowledge‐ sharing barriers in an attempt to indicate the complexity of knowledge sharing as a value‐creating organisational activity.
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The case shares the turn-around story in leveraging Knowledge Management (KM) at Enterprise Application Services (EAS), a major business unit (BU) in Wipro Technologies. The case depicts the approach taken in enrolling the employees onto the KM systems and practices. The turnaround was the result of a project that ran for 6 months, and the comparisons are drawn based on observation for a period of 18 months. Shared are the metrics and the practices adopted for infusing permeability across organizational silos using IT and change management. Most of these tools, practices and tips would work well beyond the IT industry as well.
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As organisations become increasingly aware that knowledge is among their most valuable strategic assets, they will be forced to re-evaluate the way in which they engage with the source of that knowledge to underpin their sustainable development. This will create a fundamental change to established practice; a change that results in a paradigm shift from the traditional operational approach to a more strategic involvement in knowledge management. This change is promoted by the knowledge management maturity model (KM 3). KM 3 is founded on the idea that successful knowledge management comprises four forms of integration, namely cultural, organisational, procedural and methodical. Despite an emphasis on one of these forms by many organisations, it is understood that all forms of KM integration should be considered in parallel to implement knowledge management practices in an integrative manner. Key indicators that measure the performance of knowledge management integration are needed. They need to measure both effectiveness and efficiency. In many cases, organisations having, and actively executing, a knowledge management strategy tend to focus on the efficiency dimension because it can be evaluated more easily than the effectiveness dimension. Yet this path is fraught with danger because, as with many other aspects of business, the management of knowledge has to be effective before it may provide efficiency gains. Nevertheless, organisations require appropriate forms of measurement. Those that are unwilling, or unable, to develop effective measuring and reporting systems are likely to suffer from product or service quality decreases, lower productivity growth and a reduced ability to compete because they will be less successful in acquiring and using relevant knowledge resources. Key performance indicators that are developed to assess the progress of organisations in this compelling activity need to be aligned with one or another of the four forms of integration and may be either qualitative or quantitative in nature. The balanced scorecard concept is used to measure performance of the KM 3 where the balance between the four forms of integration is the prime consideration. Each of these is represented by one segment of the knowledge management monitor (KM 2) to facilitate a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships. It does so by providing structured information about an organisation's knowledge resources: how they are nurtured and how they contribute to organisational sustainability. At the same time, use of KM 2 is related to organisational economy. Good economy means good resource management, which for many organisations translates to how they manage individual and accumulated organisational knowledge. This has become so important that they are looking for a more integrated way of managing the three interdependent and complementary pillars of knowledge management, which are organisational learning management, organisational knowledge management and intellectual capital management. Although these three concepts lack a unifying vision, they all relate to each other by informing one another and provide the pathway for a knowledge-based orientation of strategic management.
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The idea of knowledge-creation and knowledge management has become an important area of research in management studies. This preoccupation with the creation and accumulation of knowledge in its written form is underpinned by the epistemological priorities of a literally-based Western culture which takes such prior established knowledge as the only justifiable basis for effective action. Knowledge necessarily precedes action and performance. This metaphysical orientation precludes the possibility of attaining direct unmediated understanding through the ongoing perfecting of action. In predominantly non-literal cultures such as in East Asia, knowing is more often achieved directly through the immediate engagement of tasks rather than through the acquisition of linguistic signs and symbols. Consequently, there is little systematic documenting and accumulation of knowledge in the explicit written form that one finds in abundance in Western cultures. Yet this apparent lack has not prevent these predominantly non-literal cultures from achieving exceptional levels of performance and productivity both in leisure and business. This, in turn, suggests that the presumed route of knowledge creation-application-performance can actually be bypassed if effective action, and not justification, is what is ultimately sought. Performance often depends upon direct sustained application and not on the acquisition of written knowledge. The implication of this for understanding the world of business practice is explored here in some detail.
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The growing internationalization of European Higher Education requires more emphasis on cross-country comparisons. In this paper, an efficiency analysis of Italian and Spanish universities is conducted; as well as from a comparative perspective. The efficiency scores are obtained using data envelopment analysis. The results demonstrate a good average efficiency in both countries relative to each “country-specific” frontier; but when compared together, Italian universities seem relatively more efficient. Malmquist indexes show, in both cases, efficiency improvements in the period considered. In the Italian case, this improvement is due to major “technological changes”; that is, the introduction of some structural reforms in the sector (e.g., Bachelor/Master curricula). In the Spanish case, there is an improvement in “pure” efficiency, which is due to new funding models. Further stages of the study underline the role of “regional effects”, probably due to different socio-economic conditions in Italy, and to the decentralization process in Spain.
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This paper provides a new metric, knowledge management performance index (KMPI), for assessing the performance of a firm in its knowledge management (KM) at a point in time. Firms are assumed to have always been oriented toward accumulating and applying knowledge to create economic value and competitive advantage. We therefore suggest the need for a KMPI which we have defined as a logistic function having five components that can be used to determine the knowledge circulation process (KCP): knowledge creation, knowledge accumulation, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization, and knowledge internalization. When KCP efficiency increases, KMPI will also expand, enabling firms to become knowledge-intensive. To prove KMPI’s contribution, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 101 firms listed in the KOSDAQ market in Korea. We associated KMPI with three financial measures: stock price, price earnings ratio (PER), and R&D expenditure. Statistical results show that the proposed KMPI can represent KCP efficiency, while the three financial performance measures are also useful.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore how national (Chinese) cultural factors influence knowledge sharing behavior in virtual communities of practice at a large U.S.-based multinational organization. The data in this study come from interviews with the company's employees in China, and managers who are involved in managing knowledge-sharing initiatives. The study results suggest that overall the influence of the national culture could be less pronounced in online knowledge sharing than what the literature has suggested. Although Chinese employees’ tendency to draw sharp distinctions between in-groups and out-groups, as well as the modesty requirements were barriers to knowledge sharing online, the issue of saving face was less important than expected, and attention paid to power and hierarchy seemed to be less critical than what the literature indicated. A surprising finding was that in the initially assumed collectivistic Chinese culture, the high degree of competitiveness among employees and job security concerns seem to override the collectivistic tendencies and are the main reasons for knowledge hoarding. The reasons for unexpected findings could be associated with differences between face-to-face and online knowledge sharing environments, the influence of the company's organizational culture, and the recent rapid changes of the overall Chinese cultural patterns.
Conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) requires the data to have crisp values, which can be measured precisely. However, there are cases where data is missing and has to be estimated, or the situation has not occurred yet and the data has to be predicted. There are also cases where the factors are qualitative, and thus the data cannot be measured precisely. In these cases, fuzzy numbers can be used to represent the imprecise values, and this paper discusses the corresponding measurement of efficiency. Based on the extension principle, two approaches are proposed; one views the membership function of the fuzzy data vertically, and the results are represented by membership grades. The other views it horizontally, and the results are represented by α-cuts. The former approach is easier to understand, yet is applicable only to very simple problems. The latter, in contrast, can be applied to all problems, and is easier to implement. An example explains the development and implementation of these two approaches.
There are no universally accepted, across-the-board standards for measuring and managing knowledge-at least, not quite yet. The American Society for Training & Development, in partnership with seven pioneer companies of the knowledge era, has been working on creating sound methods for measuring the value of organizations' investments in their intellectual capital. The partnership is called the ASTD Effective Knowledge Management Working Group. The companies are Charles Schwab, Chevron, Dow Chemical, EDS, Motorola, Polaroid, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. In particular, the group has focused on these areas of measurement: the stocks of intellectual capital, the knowledge management process itself, and the economic value generated by intellectual capital. The article contends that most organizations don't have a full understanding of how much they invest in intellectual capital nor do they know the true return on such investments. A few companies have ventured into measuring and leveraging their knowledge assets and have made their measurement systems available publicly. But to date, none of those systems is widely accepted. The article proposes that there won't be an acknowledged set of standards without collective action. The group identified these categories of intellectual capital: human capital, innovation capital, process capital, and customer capital. Then to winnow the measures in each category to a manageable set, the group ranked the items on the basis of their relevance to a firm's knowledge management objectives strategic importance to top executives the availability of data applicability to a wide variety of organizations. There's a matrix that describes types of knowledge management processes and "enablers," and information on how companies can benchmark their intellectual capital.
The problem and the solution. This article integrates literature on organizational factors that influence knowledge management (KM) effectiveness that have been identified in several bodies of literature: HRD, information technology, and management. A framework has been developed that categorizes the various organizational factors and their paths of influence on KM effectiveness. It advances knowledge in the field of HRD by summarizing existing knowledge, identifying gaps, and providing agenda for future research in KM. It also provides practitioners of KM a holistic understanding of how organizational context influences KM effectiveness. This knowledge may help them to (a) diagnose their organizational environment before launching KM projects, (b) communicate with stakeholders the importance of ensuring a KM-friendly environment, and (c) optimize their resources and strategies to remove organizational barriers and cultivate organizational enablers for KM.
To study the knowledge creation process, we introduce a conceptual framework that captures the major goals and features of research organizations. The knowledge efficiency of research groups is then empirically studied. The budget of the projects and size of the research groups are inputs of the projects. To make the assessment more reasonable, two-dimensional indicators, including a domestic impact factor and an international impact factor, are jointly used to evaluate the research outputs for Chinese research groups through a Data Envelopment Analysis approach with preferences. Through comparisons of groups with the highest and lowest efficiency, we discover the critical factors influencing productivity and efficiency of these research groups based on the proposed framework. Finally, we provide some management suggestions for research groups to improve their knowledge creation efficiency. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This paper, with combined method of theory and empirical analysis, proposed metrics of knowledge management capability and technology innovation performance, built relation model of knowledge management capability and innovation performance, and made basic assumptions. Then the paper conducted a survey of 98 sample companies, carried out factor analysis and correlation analysis against effective data to verify the original assumptions. Finally, the paper gave corresponding explanation about the conclusion and put forward to some appropriate recommendations.
Knowledge Management (KM) has the real staying power and the potential to become the significant and permanent part of management's tool box. However, many organizations failed to realize the potential of marrying Information & Communications Technology (ICT) and KM theory to build Knowledge Management System (KMS). To meet the benefits from KM to expectations and reach KMS to its real potential, it is seriously needed to establish the evaluation and measurement framework for KMS. Based on metrics identified in literature, this paper proposes a holistic evaluation framework and a evaluation matrix, which provide a road map to KM evaluation in organization, and are applicable to plan the assessment of KM and systems holistically and effectively in organization
The use of fuzzy set-theoretic measures is explored here in the context of data envelopment analysis, which utilizes a nonparametric approach to measure efficiency. Three types of fuzzy statics are employed here e.g., fuzzy mathematical programme, fuzzy regression and fuzzy entropy, to illustrate the types of decisions and solutions that are achievable, when the data are vague and prior information is inexact and imprecise.
Urban sustainability assessment is increasingly being seen not just as a technical process to determine the likely sustainability performance of development projects but also as a valuable tool in mediation between many associated stakeholders with differing visions, numerous requirements and variations in expertise. This emerging role presents new and considerable challenges for the management of knowledge - during its generation, flow and capture - to ensure the meaningful engagement of stakeholders in the decision-making process. This paper explores the role of knowledge management in aiding the delivery of urban sustainability assessments within development projects with multiple stakeholders. The paper outlines the requirements identified by the sustainable urban environments - metrics, models and toolkits (SUEMOT) research consortium for developing a knowledge management system (KMS) designed to aid the management of knowledge generated during an assessment, through facilitation of its flow and transfer between those involved in an assessment and those involved in future assessments. The system is developed around integration of two knowledge management strategies - personalisation and codification. A methodology for the development of the system is presented, stressing the need to integrate strategies around a practical understanding of the role of a sustainability assessment within the development project lifecycle and the knowledge requirements associated with its context.
Since the beginning of this decade research has been conducted in order to define a feasible and reliable path to measure the intangible assets of a company, also called its intellectual capital. Several models have been defined, though problems still remain to be solved. In this article a heuristic frame addressing the link between intellectual capital and business strategy is developed, according to the author’s proposed intangible corporate asset taxonomy. This model is then applied to a company within the magnesium industry. The “time-lag trap” issue is presented showing the misconceptions arising from the static rather than the dynamic intangible asset valuing approach. Future trends such as the creation of the IC elasticity concept and some conclusions in this realm are also presented.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment framework for evaluating the success of knowledge management (KM) initiatives in a government setting. Design/methodology/approach The approach used was to first conduct a brief review of the leading thinking on KM and intellectual capital (IC) measurement approaches. The selection process used to recommend the results‐based management assessment framework (RMAF) as the most appropriate measurement framework is then discussed together with the development of logic models for all KM objectives. Finally, the validation methodology used, a survey design and data collection methodology, is described. Findings The study finds that the RMAF framework proved to be a good fit for KM assessment in a government setting. Research limitations/implications The evaluation of KM and IC are necessarily organization‐specific. Further research is needed to report on the generalizability of this evaluation approach. Practical implications The KM evaluation approach proposed here helped the government organization translate its KM strategy into action and enhanced management of the KM program. The proposed evaluation approach will help ensure that each type of stakeholder receives assessment results in a form that is of greatest use to them. Originality/value While there are many KM and IC metrics described in the literature, there have been limited attempts to address the evaluation question from a more holistic perspective. This paper shows how quantitative and qualitative measures can be combined to better assess the success of KM initiatives in a systematic and concrete manner.
Knowledge management (KM) has become part of common vocabulary in academic circles as well as in the business world. Whilst an increasing number of companies have embarked upon knowledge management initiatives, a large proportion of these initiatives remain technically focussed. The problem with this type of focus is that it excludes and neglects the true potential benefits that can be derived from knowledge management. In this paper we present a holistic model of KM which dynamically incorporates both tactical as well as strategic elements. Secondly in this paper we address a very important gap in the field of KM, namely how to measure KM by developing a framework which systematically allows for screening and evaluation. The measurement framework proposed enables leveraging knowledge assets effectively and efficiently. Without a holistic perspective which captures all the key elements and dimensions, KM initiatives will create marginal gains at best and failure at worst.
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to test empirically the degree of influence of different knowledge‐sharing mechanisms on the innovation capability of firms, as well as to analyse the degree of relevance of each innovation capability dimension to value creation. Additionally, the role of technology intensity as a moderator variable of the aforementioned relationships is examined. Design/methodology/approach – An ad hoc questionnaire was designed and addressed to the CEOs of the companies making up the target population of the research (Spanish manufacturing firms with more than 50 employees and R&D activities). Structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) was then applied in order to test the main hypotheses of the research. Findings – The results obtained show that knowledge sharing is a key issue in order to enhance the innovation capability of firms. Nevertheless, depending on the innovation capability dimension being considered and on the technology intensity of the firm, the type of knowledge sharing which appears to be more fruitful varies. On the other hand, technology intensity also moderates the degree of relevance of each innovation capability in value creation. Originality/value – The main contribution of the paper is to provide empirical evidence about the impact of knowledge sharing on innovation. Moreover, it reveals what the most effective knowledge‐sharing mechanisms are for this purpose, and provides companies with a basic framework in order to shape their knowledge management strategies.
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to obtain measure of the intellectual capital (IC) performance of quoted banks on the Istanbul Stock Exchange Market (ISE) in Turkey for the period 1995-2004 and test the effect of the intellectual capital performance on profitability. Design/methodology/approach – Data required for calculating intellectual capital efficiencies were obtained from the ISE for the period 1995-2004. The authors measured the intellectual capital performance of quoted banks in ISE using the efficiency coefficient, called Value Added Intellectual Coefficiency (VAICTM), and tested the effect of this intellectual capital performance on profitability using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In addition, three different portfolios were constructed based on three different inputs to observe the effect of the intellectual capital on investors' behavior. Findings – The effect of intellectual capital on profitability on the banking sector on the ISE was calculated as 61.3 percent on average and Portfolio-1, which uses the intellectual capital measure as an input, yields the highest returns among the three portfolios constructed. Research limitations/implications – The study was applied only to quoted banks on the ISE for the period 1995-2004. Practical implications – The findings allow the banks to benchmark themselves based on the level of IC efficiency ranking, which is important for the banking sector to develop a strategic plan for their future performance. It may also be deduced that intellectual capital is an important factor for investors. Originality/value – This paper can be considered as one of the most comprehensive studies on testing the effect of intellectual capital performance on profitability in the banking sector using both VAIC and DEA.
Purpose – This is the knowledge age and, to put it in Peter Drucker's language, knowledge workers and their knowledge are a vital component of this economy. Yet, so little is really known about these workers. New research is needed to better understand the issues surrounding the recruitment, productivity, deployment, and retention of these workers. This research aims to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach – The research was conducted through a 35‐part questionnaire administered in mid‐2008 to 125 business and government executives/professionals located in North America, Europe, and South America. Findings – The research delineates two major work groups by age: 25 years old; and 26‐40 years old. The top two preference findings for 25‐year olds include: recruitment – flexi‐work and cultural diversity; retention – education/training and communities and networks; valued skills – team/collaboration and specialized technical; and technologies – collaboration tools and e‐mail, search, portals. The top two preference findings for 26‐40‐year olds include: recruitment – flexi‐work and job security; retention – communities and networks and documentation; valued skills – project management and strategic thinking; and technologies – collaboration tools and e‐mail, search, portals. Finally, measuring performance improvement metrics for these workers were: improved quality of output, task execution speed, and high‐impact innovation (as opposed to cost reduction and work elimination); innovation (25 years); and superior decision‐making/risk assessment capabilities (26‐40 years) Originality/value – This field research provides a management framework for helping organizational leadership to make strategic decisions on how to build a more competitive and attractive workplace over the next ten years.
Making Innovation Work presents a formal innovation process proven to work at HP, Microsoft and Toyota, to help ordinary managers drive top and bottom line growth from innovation. The authors have drawn on their unsurpassed innovation consulting experience -- as well as the most thorough review of innovation research ever performed. They'll showï¾ what works, what doesn't, and how to useï¾ management tools to dramatically increase the payoff fromï¾ innovation investments.ï¾ Learn how to define the right strategy effective innovation; how to structureï¾ an organization to innovate best; how to implement management systems to assess ongoing innovation; how to incentivize teams to deliver, and much more. This book offers the first authoritative guide to using metrics at every step of the innovation process -- from idea creation and selection through prototyping and commercialization.
In this paper stochastic models in data envelopment analysis (DEA) are developed by taking into account the possibility of random variations in input-output data, and dominance structures on the DEA envelopment side are used to incorporate the modelbuilder's preferences and to discriminate efficiencies among decision making units (DMUs). The efficiency measure for a DMU is defined via joint dominantly probabilistic comparisons of inputs and outputs with other DMUs and can be characterized by solving a chance constrained programming problem. Deterministic equivalents are obtained for multivariate symmetric random errors and for a single random factor in the production relationships. The goal programming technique is utilized in deriving linear deterministic equivalents and their dual forms. The relationship between the general stochastic DEA models and the conventional DEA models is also discussed.
This paper attempts to investigate the extent to which the existing internal capabilities of firms and their interaction with external sources of knowledge affect their level of innovativeness. Part of these capabilities result from a prolonged process of investment and knowledge accumulation within firms and form what has been addressed as the "absorptive capacity" of firms (Cohen & Levinthal, Admin. Sci Q., 35 (1990) 128). There are however other efforts that enhance the "original" definition of absorptive capacity and these relate to the way firms interact with their environment. Empirical data from an extensive survey that was carried out in seven European countries, namely Greece, Italy, Denmark, UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands, provides evidence for studying the relative effectiveness of specific mechanisms of knowledge creation and knowledge transfer. The results show that both internal capabilities and openness towards knowledge sharing are important for upgrading innovative performance.
Resource-based theory maintains that intrinsic characteristics of resources and capabilities, such as their tacitness, complexity, and specificity, prevent imitation and thereby prolong exceptional performance. There is little direct evidence to verify these claims, yet a substantial literature encourages firms to formulate competitive strategies around resources with these attributes. Further, work outside the resource-based tradition suggests that these attributes can slow innovation, and it is not clear when this effect outweighs the benefits of inimitability. This paper seeks to clarify whether and how the complexity, tacitness, and specificity of a firm's knowledge affect the persistence of its performance advantages. We find that the complexity and tacitness of technological knowledge are useful for defending a firm's major product improvements from imitation, but not for protecting its minor improvements. The design specificity of technological knowledge delayed imitation of minor improvements in this study. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A working paper in the INSEAD Working Paper Series is intended as a means whereby a faculty researcher's thoughts and findings may be communicated to interested readers. The paper should be considered preliminary in nature and may require revision.
While withstanding a highly competitive environment, an increasing number of firms have recognized that intangible assets rather than tangible ones are vital to achieving competitive advantages. Intellectual capital has replaced physical capital as the primary basis of value creation. Although the importance of intellectual capital in ensuring superior competitive advantages is well accepted, exactly how these two constructs are related has seldom been investigated, particularly for the high-technology industry. Taking a sample of 39 Taiwanese IC design companies, this study adopted data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index to evaluate the impact of intellectual capital on competitive advantage. The analytical results revealed that approximately one third of the companies sampled had excellent efficiency in intellectual capital management, while the others still had considerable room to improve their intellectual capital management. The results of this study provide a valuable reference for future studies in alternative contexts.
The increase of strategic alliance and national or pan-national government collaborative programmes has highlighted the shifting management and policy focus from inducing in-house R&D to promoting a joint partnership between firms and knowledge-generating organisations in the increasingly complex and costly innovation process. Both the ‘dynamic capability’ school and the ‘innovation network’ theorists demonstrate that inter-organisational co-operation has become a crucial mechanism for ‘collective innovation’. However, little attempt has been undertaken to examine the relationship between inter-organisational co-operation and innovative performance at the firm level. The innovative activities and inter-organisational co-operation of integrated circuits and biotechnology sectors across Taiwan and the UK are investigated via a postal questionnaire survey. Multiple logistic regression models are deployed. The result reveals that the types of inter-organisational co-operation enhancing a firm's innovative performance vary across sectors and countries. Despite the variation, this paper argues that a firm's networking ability to co-operate with buyer firms, supplier firms and external organisations is becoming imperative for enhancing innovation in the increasingly distributed innovation process.
The ability to manage knowledge has become increasingly important in today’s knowledge economy. Knowledge is considered a valuable commodity, embedded in products and in the tacit knowledge of highly mobile individual employees. Knowledge management (KM) represents a deliberate and systematic approach to cultivating and sharing an organization’s knowledge base. It is a highly multidisciplinary field that encompasses both information technology and intellectual capital. This textbook and professional reference offers a comprehensive overview of the field of KM, providing both a substantive theoretical grounding and a pragmatic approach to applying key concepts. Drawing on ideas, tools, and techniques from such disciplines as sociology, cognitive science, organizational behavior, and information science, the text describes KM theory and practice at the individual, community, and organizational levels. It offers illuminating case studies and vignettes from companies including IBM, Xerox, British Telecommunications, JP Morgan Chase, and Nokia. This second edition has been updated and revised throughout. New material has been added on the information and library science perspectives, taxonomies and knowledge classification, the media richness of the knowledge-sharing channel, e-learning, social networking in KM contexts, strategy tools, results-based outcome assessments, knowledge continuity and organizational learning models, KM job descriptions, copyleft and Creative Commons, and other topics. New case studies and vignettes have been added; and the references and glossary have been updated and expanded.
This paper provides a bootstrap methodology for constructing confidence intervals for means of DEA and econometrically estimated efficiency scores, Malmquist productivity indices, and other similar measures in small samples. The procedure is nonparametric since no distributional assumptions are required. An empirical example is provided.
This paper presents an empirical analysis on Chinese local government rural eco-environment public expenditure performance in 2003–2006 with the method of non-parametric data envelope analysis-malmquist (DEA-Malmquist). The basic conclusion is: first of all, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hainan, Tibet, Shanxi, Ningxia and Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Gansu are the benchmark units, while Guangdong, Jilin, Liaoning, Guangxi, and Guizhou provinces are far from the frontier and inefficient in fund allocation and management. Secondly, in the entire Chinese local government, the technical efficiency of fiscal support to rural eco-environment investment during 2003/2004 and 2005/2006 was improved and stable, while it degenerated in 2004/2005. Finally, there are 23 provinces in China that have growing and stable technical efficiencies in rural eco-environment public expenditure.
This paper aims to propose a unified framework of data envelopment analysis (DEA) model so as to facilitate legitimate comparisons of performance among the production and service processes as well as overall operations. The fractional measure network DEA (FNDEA) model is constructed by analytically stratifying the structure of an operational network according to the transport service characteristics of air routes. We compare the proposed model with separate multi-stage DEA evaluation results by using an actual data set from the domestic air routes of an airline in Taiwan. The results show that the FNDEA model is significantly different from the separate multi-stage DEA model in magnitude of performance scores. Managerial strategies for the improvement of performance for the airline are also suggested. KeywordsNetwork data envelopment analysis–Air route–Fractional measure–Efficiency and effectiveness