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Empirical Evaluation of The Effects of Mixed Project
Data on Learning Defect Predictors
Burak Turhana, Ay¸se Tosun Mısırlıa, Ay¸se Benerb
aDept. of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu, 90014, Oulu, Finland
bTed Rogers School of ITM, Ryerson University, M5B-2K3, Toronto, ON, Canada
Context: Defect prediction research mostly focus on optimizing the per-
formance of models that are constructed for isolated projects (i.e. within
project (WP)) through retrospective analyses. On the other hand, recent
studies try to utilize data across projects (i.e. cross project (CP)) for build-
ing defect prediction models for new projects. There are no cases where the
combination of within and cross (i.e. mixed) project data are used together.
Objective: Our goal is to investigate the merits of using mixed project data
for binary defect prediction. Specifically, we want to check whether it is
feasible, in terms of defect detection performance, to use data from other
projects for the cases (i) when there is an existing within project history, (ii)
and when there are limited within project data.
Method: We use data from 73 versions of 41 projects that are publicly
available. We simulate the two above-mentioned cases, and compare the per-
formances of naive Bayes classifiers by using within project data vs. mixed
project data.
Results: For the first case, we find that the performance of mixed project
predictors significantly improves over full within project predictors (p−
value < 0.001), however the effect size is small (Hedges0g= 0.25). For
the second case, we found that mixed project predictors are comparable to
full within project predictors, using only 10% of available within project data
(p−value = 0.002, g = 0.17).
Conclusion: We conclude that the extra effort associated with collecting
Email addresses: (Burak Turhan), (Ay¸se Tosun Mısırlı), (Ay¸se
Preprint submitted to Information and Software Technology October 25, 2012
data from other projects is not feasible in terms of practical performance im-
provement when there is already an established within project defect predic-
tor using full project history. However, when there is limited project history,
e.g. early phases of development, mixed project predictions are justifiable as
they perform as good as full within project models.
cross project; within project; mixed project; defect prediction; fault
prediction; product metrics
1. Introduction
Defect predictors are decision support systems for prioritizing the list of
software modules to be tested, in order to allocate limited testing resources
effectively, and to detect as many defects as possible with minimum effort.
Other than guiding quality assurance (QA) activities by pointing out the
primary locations to test, defect predictors can also be used for different
purposes, such as planning and management of quality strategies, and moni-
toring the effectiveness of the planned QA activities [1, 2]. In this paper, we
set the scope of defect prediction to the case where models are constructed
with the goal of identifying the most defect-prone parts of the code through
binary classification.
Defect prediction studies usually formulate the problem as a supervised
learning problem, where the outcome of a defect predictor model depends on
historical data. Expected use of such models in practice is to train and cali-
brate them with past project data and then to apply them to new projects.
Though there are many publications on the problem, almost all ignore the
practical aspect that the purpose of a defect predictor is to identify the
defects of new projects, which are different than those used in model con-
struction, and majority of publications focus on the algorithmic aspects and
report simulation results of defect predictors that are trained on a specific
project and tested on the reserved portion of the same project (e.g. refer
to the list in the systematic review by Hall et al. [3]). While this approach
aims at validating the effectiveness of these models, it does not address the
practical purposes. Though there are studies that apply defect predictors
to the consecutive versions of the same project, they are longitudinal case
studies and do not address predictions across different projects, e.g. [4, 5].
We are curios about why defect prediction research fail to utilize data
across projects. Is it because such an approach is useless in defect prediction
context? We are optimistic about the answer. Just consider the problem
of cost estimation, which is technically similar to defect prediction, i.e. a
supervised learning problem utilizing past data1. Though the effectiveness of
resulting models may vary, cost estimation research have made use of cross
project data for a long time. A systematic review comparing within company
vs. cross company cost estimation models concluded that some companies
may benefit from cross company cost estimations, while others may not [6].
Data gathered from different projects are extensively used in cost estimation
studies, i.e. COCOMO models and ISBSG dataset [7, 8]. However, we should
note that the abstraction levels for cost estimation and defect prediction are
different, i.e. project level and module (e.g. method, class, file) level. While a
project corresponds to a single data point for cost estimation, the same level
of abstraction provides many data points for defect prediction. Nevertheless,
it is the idea of using data from other projects, which turned out to be
applicable at least to some extent in cost estimation, that is of interest for
this paper.
Our optimism not only relies on the analogy with cost estimation, but also
on the recent research results in cross-project defect prediction studies (please
see Section 2). Another motivation for pursuing the research on cross project
data for defect prediction is that successful applications will have significant
implications in practice. Companies will be able to employ defect prediction
techniques in their projects, even if they have no or limited historical local
data to build models with. Another scenario is that companies may already
have their defect prediction models in place and making use of external data
may improve the performance of models learned from local project data.
However, there are no studies addressing the latter case, i.e. the effects of
incorporating cross project data in existing within project defect predictors,
which we address in this paper.
Our contribution is to investigate the merits of mixed-project predictions
and exploring if (and when) they may be effective, and we have identified
the following research questions for this purpose:
1. RQ1: How effective is using data from other projects in order to im-
1We should note that there are also studies using unsupervised techniques both for
cost estimation and defect prediction, however this is not the point behind the motivation
explained here.
prove the performance of existing within project defect predictors?
2. RQ2: How much within project data should be enriched with data from
other projects to achieve comparable performance with full within project
data predictions?
Detailed descriptions and rationale of our research questions are provided
in Section 3. This paper is an extension of our previous work published
elsewhere [9]. Specifically, the results presented in Section 4 have partially
appeared in [9] for 10 datasets. In this paper, we increase the number of
datasets and provide additional research questions, experiments and associ-
ated results. This paper is organized as follows: In the next section we pro-
vide a review of existing literature on cross-project defect prediction. Section
3 describes the methodology including research questions, hypotheses, data,
methods, the setup we used in our experiments, and the threats to validity.
We present our results in Section 4 before we conclude our work in Section
2. Related Work
In this section, we provide a discussion of cross-project prediction studies,
which is an emerging area with very limited number of published studies,
based on selected studies representing major research effort on the topic. We
have identified nine empirical studies [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. We
focus our discussions on these studies rather than providing a general review
of defect prediction literature, which is out of the scope of this paper (we
refer the reader to [3] for a systematic review of defect prediction studies
in general). Detailed descriptions and discussions on these studies are given
To the best of our knowledge, the earliest work on cross-project prediction
is by Briand et al.[10]. They use logistic regression and MARS models to learn
a defect predictor from an open-source project (i.e. Xpose), and apply the
same model to another open-source project (Jwriter), which is developed by
an identical team with different design strategies and coding standards. They
observe that cross-project prediction is indeed better than a random and a
simple, class-size based model. Yet, cross-project performance of the model
was lower compared to its performance on the training project. They argue
that cross-project predictions can be more effective in more homogeneous
settings, adding that such an environment may not exist in real life. They
identify the challenge as of high practical interest, and not straightforward
to solve.
Turhan et al. make a thorough analysis of cross project prediction using
10 projects collected from two different data sources (i.e. a subset of the
projects analyzed in this paper) [11]. They identify clear patterns that cross
project predictions dramatically increase the probability of detecting defec-
tive modules (from median value of 75% to 97%), but the false alarm rates
as well (from median value of 29% to 64%). They claim that improvements
in detection rates are due to extra information captured from cross project
data and the increased false alarms can be explained by the irrelevancies in
the data. They propose a nearest-neighbor based data selection technique to
filter the irrelevancies in cross project data and achieve performances that
are close to, but still worse than within project predictions. They conclude
that within company predictions is the best path to follow and cross project
predictions with data filtering can be used as a stop-gap technique before a
local repository is constructed. Turhan et al.’s findings are confirmed in a
replication study by Nelson et al.[15].
Zimmermann et al. consider different factors that may affect the results
of cross project predictions [12]. They categorize projects according to their
domain, process characteristics and code measures. In their initial case study
they run experiments to predict defects in Internet Explorer (IE) using mod-
els trained with Mozilla Firefox and vice versa. These products are in the
same domain and have similar features, but development teams employ dif-
ferent processes. Their results show that Firefox can predict the defects in
IE successfully (i.e. 76.47% precision and 81.25% recall), however the oppo-
site direction does not seem to provide useful outcomes (i.e. 4.12% recall).
Zimmermann et al. then collect data from 10 additional projects and per-
form 622 pairwise predictions across project components. This is a slightly
different approach than Turhan et al.’s, who constructed predictors from a
common pool of cross project data with data filtering in order to satisfy
Briand et al.’s homogeneity argument. Zimmermann et al. classify a predic-
tion as successful if precision, recall and accuracy values are all above 75%,
which results in only 21 successful predictions corresponding to 3.4% success
rate. They do not mention the performance of predictions that are below the
threshold. They derive a decision tree using these prediction results to esti-
mate expected performance from a cross project predictor in order to guide
practitioners. An interesting pattern in their predictions is that open-source
projects are good predictors of close-source projects, however open-source
projects can not be predicted by any other projects.
In a following study, Turhan et al. investigate whether the patterns in
their previous work [11] are also observed in open-source software and ana-
lyzed three additional projects [14]. Similar to Zimmermann et al., they find
that the patterns they observed earlier are not easily detectable in predicting
open-source software defects using proprietary cross project data.
Cruz et al. train a defect prediction model with an open-source project
(Mylyn) and test the performance of the same model on six other projects
[13]. Before training and testing the model, they try to obtain similar dis-
tributions in training and test samples through data transformations (i.e.
power transformation). They also remove outliers in data by trimming the
tails of distributions. They observe that using transformed training and test
data yields better cross-project prediction performances [13].
Jureczko and Madeyski look for clusters of similar projects in a pool of 92
versions from 38 proprietary, open-source and academic projects [16]. Their
idea is to reuse same defect predictor model among the projects that fall in
the same cluster. They use a comprehensive set of code metrics to represent
the projects and compare the performances of prediction models that are
trained on the same project vs. other projects in the same cluster. They
identify three statistically significant clusters (out of 10), where cross project
predictions are better than within project predictions in terms of the number
of classes that must be visited to detect 80% of the defects.
Liu et al. conduct similar experiments to [11], differing in the data se-
lection approach [17]. They employ a search-based strategy, using genetic
algorithms, to select data points from seven NASA MDP projects in order
to build cross-project defect prediction models. They use 17 different ma-
chine learning methods and majority voting to build defect predictors. They
consistently observe lower misclassification errors than trivial cross-project
models (i.e. using all available cross-project data without data selection).
They argue that single project data may fail to represent the overall qual-
ity trends, and recommend development organizations to combine multiple
project repositories using their approach for exploiting the capabilities of
their defect prediction models [17]. However, they do not provide a compar-
ison with baseline within project defect predictors.
3. Methodology
In this section, we describe: the rationale to our research questions, the
data used in the experiments, the analyses and methods along with the ex-
perimental design.
3.1. Research Questions and Hypotheses
1. RQ1: How effective is using data from other projects in order to im-
prove the performance of existing within project defect predictors?
We want to check whether using additional data from other projects
improve the performance of an existing, project specific defect predic-
tion model in terms of defect detection accuracy. In order to check the
performance of mixed project approach, we simulate the cases where
the majority of WP data is available (i.e. 90% in our simulations) for
single version projects and also use multi-version software for predic-
tions across releases, by incrementally adding CP data. We should note
that gathering CP data brings an extra burden to data collection ac-
tivities, therefore mixed-project approach would be feasible in practice
only if there is significant (both statistical and practical) performance
increase. The hypothesis under evaluation for this research question is:
Mixed project (WP+CP) defect prediction improves the performance
(measured by balance value2) of within (WP) project defect prediction.
Formally, we define and evaluate H1 as:
H10:median(bal(W P +CP )) ≤median(bal(W P )) ∨g≤0.50
H1A:median(bal(W P +CP )) > median(bal(W P )) ∧g≥0.50
where gis the corrected Hedges’ gto evaluate the effect size [18]. Please
note that the first term in the quantified hypothesis corresponds to the
evaluation of improvement in balance in terms of statistical significance,
whereas the second term corresponds to the evaluation of practical
significance in terms of effect size measured by Hedges’ g, i.e. at least
a medium effect size.
2. RQ2: How much within project data are needed to be enriched with data
from other projects to achieve comparable performance with full within
project data predictions?
2Defined in Section 3.5
While RQ1 deals with the cases where there are already a significant
amount of WP data, RQ2 investigates whether mixed project predic-
tions can achieve comparable performance with full WP models when
there is only limited amount of WP data, i.e. early phases in devel-
opment. A comparable prediction performance in early phases of de-
velopment against retrospective analysis would justify the extra effort
associated with gathering CP data. In order to simulate such cases,
we use only (10%, 20%,...,80%) of the available WP data together with
CP data in order to check the corresponding hypothesis:
Mixed project defect prediction using only a small portion of WP data
(WP(k%)+CP) performs (measured by balance value) better (or same)
than full within (WP) project prediction. Formally, we define and eval-
uate H2 as:
H20:∀k∈[10 : 10 : 80] : median(bal(W P (k%) + C P )) < median(bal(W P ))
H2A:∃k∈[10 : 10 : 80] : median(bal(W P (k%) + C P )) ≥median(bal(W P ))
Please note that we are not including effect size as a part of H2, since
we are looking for (at least) a similar performance between the two
3.2. Data to build and validate the models
We use data collected by three different research groups, which are pub-
licly available in PROMISE repository [19]. Data from systems that include
the label “NASA” in their names come from NASA aerospace projects and
these were collected as part of the metric data programme (MDP). On the
other hand, systems with the label “SOFTLAB” are from a Turkish software
company developing embedded controllers for home appliances and the re-
lated data were collected by the authors for an earlier work [14]. The projects
in these two groups are all single version and the metrics along with the de-
fect information are available at the functional method level. The details
of data collection for NASA projects is available at the MDP website3, and
data for SOFTLAB projects were collected following the same metric defini-
tions. Table 1 provides summary information for these projects. One caveat
of cross project data utilization is that all projects need to have the same set
Table 1: Projects with functional method level metrics, sorted by “# meth-
System Type Language # Versions # methods %Defect
NASA-pc1 proprietary c++ 1 1,109 6.94
NASA-kc1 proprietary c++ 1 845 15.45
NASA-kc2 proprietary c++ 1 522 20.49
NASA-cm1 proprietary c++ 1 498 9.83
NASA-kc3 proprietary java 1 458 9.38
NASA-mw1 proprietary c++ 1 403 7.69
SOFTLAB-ar4 proprietary c 1 107 18.69
SOFTLAB-ar3 proprietary c 1 63 12.70
NASA-mc2 proprietary c++ 1 61 32.29
SOFTLAB-ar5 proprietary c 1 36 22.22
of metrics in order to be able to pool data from different projects. Therefore,
though the projects in Table 1 have more available metrics, we are limited
to use only those that are common in all analyzed projects. The final set of
16 metrics include the following:
•complexity and control flow [20]
–cyclomatic complexity
–design complexity
–branch count
–LOC total
–LOC code and comment
–LOC comments
–LOC executable
•Halstead metrics [21]
–total/ unique operators
–total/ unique operands
–programming time
The third group of data used in this paper contains measurements at the
class level for either single or multiple version projects, and these were col-
lected by Jureczko and Spinellis [22]. There are 63 samples from 31 projects
(six proprietary projects developed by the same company, 46 releases of 14
open-source projects, and 11 student projects) in this group. The details of
the project data are available in [22], nevertheless we provide a summary
Jureczko and Spinellis report that the student projects were developed by
senior undergraduates of computer science, who worked in groups of 3 to 6
for a duration of one year, using a strictly iterative development process with
high level of test coverage. Since their size is small, in our experiments, we
have also used a merged version of these student projects named as student.
Further, the proprietary projects are custom built solutions for customers in
insurance domain, all developed by the same company. Finally, the multi-
version project data were collected from open-source (Apache) projects. [22]
The set of available metrics for all projects are as follows:
•weighted methods per class (WMC)
•depth of inheritance tree (DIT)
•number of children (NOC)
•coupling between objects (CBO)
•response for a class (RFC)
•lack of cohesion in methods (LCOM) [23]; LCOM3 [24]
•number of public methods (NPM)
•data access metric (DAC)
•measure of aggregation (MOA)
•measure of functional abstraction (MFA)
•cohesion among methods of class (CAM) [25]
•inheritance coupling (IC)
•coupling between methods (CBM)
•average method complexity (AMC) [26]
•afferent couplings (Ca)
•efferent couplings (Ce) [27]
•maximum and average McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity (Max(CC) and
Avg (CC)) [20]
•lines of (binary) code (LOC).
These class level code metrics were collected by Jureczko and Spinellis
using the open source ckjm tool4. Then they used another tool named Bug-
Info5to mine the versioning repository logs, matching each commit message
against information from bug tracking systems based on the regular expres-
sion representations of guidelines for each project, in order to classify each
commit as a bug fix (or not) [22]. In this study, we use the bug count in-
formation as a binary variable (i.e. a class is defective or defect-free) in our
classification framework. Table 2 provides a list of all projects with context
Please note that there are many possible groupings of the available data
in different abstraction levels. Possible grouping variables are the (i) type of
available metrics (functional method level, class level), (ii) type of projects
(proprietary, open-source, student), and (iii) version information (multi-
version, single-version). We chose to use the first grouping while presenting
the data descriptions in this section. Also, please note that none of the func-
tional method level projects are multi-version, and all multi-version projects
are open-source systems. Since this paper is an extension of our previous
work, where we used only functional method level data, we use only the
class level data for extending our previous analyses and investigating the
new research questions.
3.3. Methods to build the models
Before using the data, we applied log-transformation (i.e. replaced all
numeric values with their logarithms) as recommended by previous studies
[28, 11] to satisfy the normality assumption of Naive Bayes classifier that we
used as our underlying defect prediction model. There are many justifications
for this choice. For instance, Menzies et al. demonstrated the effectiveness
of this technique in a series of data mining experiments on NASA datasets
[28, 29]. Further, Lessmann et al. compared commonly used classification
techniques on the same datasets and found no significant difference between
the performances of top 15 classifiers, including Naive Bayes. They con-
cluded that the choice of the classifier is not that important for building
defect predictors [30]. Last but not the least, Naive Bayes has been listed
among the top 10 algorithms in data mining by the corresponding commu-
nity [31]. Given the evidence from other modules and the prior probability of
the defective class, a software module is classified as defective, if its posterior
probability of being defective is the higher than the alternative, i.e. defect
In our experiments, we use cross project data after applying the filter-
ing method proposed in [11], i.e. nearest-neighbor (NN)-filtering, due to its
simplicity and documented effectiveness. With this filtering, it is expected
to obtain a subset of available cross project data that shows similar charac-
teristics to that of test project’s data6. Note that the granularity of data is
at the class level, hence NN-filtering identifies the classes with similar char-
acteristics based on their Euclidean distances in the available metric space7
(i.e. does not make project-level comparisons for similarity). In order to im-
plement the NN-filter, we first calculate the pairwise distances between the
reserved test set and the candidate training set samples (i.e. all cross project
6During the selection of additional samples from cross project data with NN-filtering,
only the portion that is reserved for testing (from within/ local project) is used to calculate
the similarities, not the whole available data (from within/ local project). Otherwise, the
simulation would not reflect a real setting for practical application, nor it would allow a
fair comparison with within project prediction.
7Excluding the target variable of defect information
Table 2: Projects with class level metrics, used in this study. Size and defect
rate columns show the average size and defect rates across releases for multi-
version software. A project is multi-version if the value of # Versions column
is greater than one. (Grouped by project type and then sorted by “System”
System Type Language # Versions (Avg) # classes (Avg) %Defect
arc student java 1 234 11.54
berek student java 1 43 37.21
nieruchomosci student java 1 27 37.04
pdftranslator student java 1 33 45.45
redaktor student java 1 176 15.34
serapion student java 1 45 20.00
skarbonka student java 1 45 20.00
sklebagd student java 1 20 60.00
termoproject student java 1 42 30.95
workflow student java 1 39 51.28
wspomaganiepi student java 1 18 66.67
prop-1 proprietary java 1 18,471 14.82
prop-2 proprietary java 1 23,014 10.56
prop-3 proprietary java 1 10,274 11.49
prop-4 proprietary java 1 8,718 9.64
prop-5 proprietary java 1 8,516 15.25
prop-6 proprietary java 1 660 10.00
tomcat open-source java 1 858 8.97
ant open-source java 5 338 19.58
camel open-source java 4 696 18.87
forrest open-source java 3 22 13.39
ivy open-source java 3 235 24.92
jedit open-source java 5 350 19.65
log4j open-source java 3 150 50.44
lucene open-source java 3 261 54.89
pbeans open-source java 2 39 48.27
poi open-source java 4 345 49.82
synapse open-source java 3 212 23.60
velocity open-source java 3 213 58.47
xalan open-source java 4 830 52.16
xerces open-source java 3 494 35.23
data). Let Nbe the test set size. For each test instance, we pick its k= 10
nearest neighbors from the candidate training set. Then we come up with
a total of 10 ×Nsimilar instances. Note that these 10 ×Ninstances may
not be unique (i.e. a single data point can be the nearest neighbor for many
data points in the test set). Using only unique ones, we form the final cross
project training set and use it in our experiments. We should note that this
is a special case of analogy based learning and no class information is used
in the process; hence there is no violation of experiment design principles.
3.4. Model validation procedure
We provide the pseudocode for the simulation experiments in: a) Figure 1
for comparing full within project (WP) and mixed project (WP+CP) defect
predictors in order to answer RQ1, and; b) Figure 2 for investigating how
much WP data is enough to form mixed project (WP(k%)+CP) defect pre-
dictors comparable to full within project (WP) predictors, in order to answer
We conduct our experiments for RQ1 on two groups of datasets (DATA1
in line 1, and DATA2 in line 2 of Figure 1) individually since each set shares
different set of metrics. Specifically, DATA1 corresponds to the projects with
functional method level metrics, whereas DATA2 corresponds to the projects
with class level metrics. Figure 1 reads as follows:
•We identify common class level code metrics among DATA2 projects;
a pre-processing that is required for using data from other projects.
•Our independent variable is the type of the training sets used for learn-
ing defect predictors, i.e. W P MODEL vs. (W P +C P )MODEL in
the figure, and our dependent variable is the performance (pd, pf, bal)
of the resulting defect predictors.
•Between lines 9-12, we prepare the training and the test sets for the
multi-version projects.
–We reserve a single version of each project as the test set (T E ST
at line 11).
–We use the remaining versions of the project as the (initial) train-
ing set (WP+CP) for WP model (W P T rain at line 10).
1: DATA1 = {pc1,kc1,kc2,cm1,kc3,mw1,mc2,ar3,ar4,ar5}
2: DATA2 = {arc, berek,nieruchomosci,pdftranslator, redaktor, serapion, skarbonka, sklebagd, systemdata, szy-
bkafucha, termoproject, workflow, wspomaganiepi, zuzel, tomcat, student, prop 1, prop 2, prop 3, prop 4, prop
5, prop 6, ant,camel,ivy, jedit, log4j, lucene, pbeans, poi, synapse, velocity, xalan, xerces}
3: LEARNER = {Naive Bayes}
4: {DATA is DATA1 or DATA2}
5: for data ∈DATA do
6: {Use all versions of other datasets as CP training set}
7: CPTrain = DATA - data
9: if data has multiple versions then
10: WPTrain = Add other versions of data
11: TEST = data
12: end if
14: for i= 1 →30 do
15: if data is a single version project then
16: {Shuffle data in each iteration}
17: WPTrain = Select 90% of data
18: TEST = data - WPTrain
19: else
20: {Use previously formed WPTrain and TEST}
21: end if
22: {Apply log filtering on WPTrain, CPTrain, TEST}
24: {Form the training set (WP+CP) of the mixed model}
25: {Step 1:NN filtering: Select 10 nearest neighbours in CPTrain for each test instance}
26: for test ∈TEST do
27: dist = NNAlgorithm(test,CPTrain)
28: NNCP ←Select 10 instances in CPTrain with min(dist)
29: end for
31: {Step 2:Remove duplicate CP instances}
32: NNCPTrain = SelectUnique(NNCP)
34: {Step 3:Incrementally add CP data from NNCPTrain into WP+CP}
35: for j= 10 : size(N N CP T rain)do
36: WP+CP = WPTrain + Select random j instances in NNCPTrain
37: (W P +C P )MODEL = Train LEARNER with (WP+CP)
38: {Report the performance for each j}
39: [pd(j), pf (j), bal(j)] = Apply (WP +CP )M ODEL on TEST
40: end for
42: {Select the best performance among j (different sizes) on NNCPTrain}
43: [wpcp pd(i), wpcp pf(i), w pcp bal(i)] ←Select max(bal) on TEST
45: W P M ODE L = Train LEARNER with WPTrain
46: [wp pd(i), wp pf(i), w p bal(i)] = Apply W P M ODE L on TEST
47: end for
48: end for
Figure 1: Pseudo-code for the experimental setup of RQ1.
1: DATA = {arc, berek,nieruchomosci,pdftranslator, redaktor, serapion, skarbonka, sklebagd, systemdata, szybka-
fucha, termoproject, workflow, wspomaganiepi, zuzel, tomcat, student, prop 1, prop 2, prop 3, prop 4, prop 5,
prop 6, ant,camel,ivy, jedit, log4j, lucene, pbeans, poi, synapse, velocity, xalan, xerces}
2: LEARNER = {Naive Bayes}
3: for data ∈DATA do
4: {Use all versions of other datasets as CP training set}
5: CPTrain = DATA - data
7: for i= 1 →30 do
8: {Shuffle data in each iteration}
9: WPTrain = Select 90% of data
10: TEST = data - WPTrain
11: {Apply log filtering on WPTrain, CPTrain, TEST}
13: {Form the training set (WPSample+CP) of the mixed model}
14: {Step 1:NN filtering: Select 10 nearest neighbours in CPTrain for each test instance}
15: for test ∈TEST do
16: dist = NNAlgorithm(test,CPTrain)
17: NNCP ←Select 10 instances in CPTrain with min(dist)
18: end for
20: {Step 2:Remove duplicate CP instances}
21: NNCPTrain = SelectUnique(NNCP)
23: {Step 3:Incrementally add WP data from WPTrain into WPSample+CP}
24: for k= 10 →80 do
25: WPSample = Select random k% from WPTrain
27: {Step 4:Incrementally add CP data from NNCPTrain into WPSample+CP}
28: for j= 10 : size(N N CP T rain)do
29: WPSample+CP = WPSample + Select random j instances in NNCPTrain
30: (W P (k%) + CP )M ODEL = Train LEARNER with (WPSample+CP)
31: {Report the performance for each j}
32: [pd(j), pf (j), bal(j)] = Apply (WP (k%) + CP )M O DEL on TEST
33: end for
35: {Store the best performance among j (different sizes) on NNCPTrain}
36: [wpcp pd(i, k), wpcp pf (i, k), wpcp bal(i, k)] ←Select max(bal) on TEST
37: k←k+ 10
38: end for
40: W P M ODE L = Train LEARNER with WPTrain
41: [wp pd(i), wp pf(i), w p bal(i)] = Apply W P M ODE L on TEST
42: end for
43: end for
Figure 2: Pseudo-code for the experimental setup of RQ2.
•If the project has a single version, we apply 90-10% division rule on
data to form the training (W P T rain) and the test (T E ST ) sets (lines
•We use all other projects with all available versions to form the CP
training set (CP T rain at line 7).
•We form the training set of the mixed model, W P +CP , in three steps
(lines 26-36).
– Step 1: Between lines 26-29, C P T rain is filtered by selecting top
10 nearest neighbours for each test instance in T ES T .
– Step 2: Line 32 performs a cleaning for duplicate instances se-
lected from CP T rain.
– Step 3: Line 35 iterates on the dataset N NC P T rain in order to
find the minimum amount of CP data necessary to build the mixed
model ((W P +C P )MODEL) with maximum performance. This
iteration is done to select only a subset of other projects’ data to
avoid the dominance of CP in the mixed model.
∗WPTrain is included into the training set of the mixed model,
W P +C P , in line 36.
∗Line 37 trains naive Bayes learner with W P +CP data and
forms the mixed model ((W P +C P )MODEL).
∗To find the best subset of CP data in the mixed model, we
record the performance for each j (Line 39).
∗We select the best performing mixed model among different
sizes (j) of CP data (Line 43).
•Lines 45-46 record the performance of WP model on the same test set.
•We randomized the overall process 30 times (i=30 ) to collect the per-
formance statistics on: the probability of detection, the probability
of false alarm, and balance, and to apply significance tests between
the within project (WP) and the mixed (WP+CP) models. We also
shuffled the data (as indicated in line 16) in each iteration, prior to
forming training and test sets for single-version projects, in order to
avoid sampling bias.
In order to address RQ2, we use a smaller ratio (from 10% to 80%) of
within project data against which we use 90 % of within project data, to
observe whether mixed project predictions are practically useful in case of
limited within project data. However, in this experiment setup, we did not
use one version of project X as test and other versions as training data while
conducting experiments on multi-version projects8. This experimental setup
is presented in Figure 2:
•All projects’ first versions are divided into training and test sets using
90-10% division rule (Lines 9-10).
•In addition to Steps 1 to 3 in Figure 1, we add an intermediate step
(Line 23 as Step 3) before sampling from CP data (Line 27 as Step
4). In Step 3, a loop iteratively selects k% of within project data from
WPTrain (lines 24-25)9.
•Line 36 stores the performance of the mixed model ((W P (k%)+C P )MODEL)
for each kand i, i.e., when k% of WP data is added to training set (WP-
Sample+CP) at iteration i. In total, there are 30 performance measures
stored for each k in the mixed model in order to conduct significance
tests for RQ2.
3.5. Evaluation
We use three performance measures to assess the classification (i.e. de-
fective and defect-free) performance of the defect predictors: probability of
detection, probability of false alarm, balance. Since our datasets are unbal-
anced in terms of defects, following the recommendations in [32, 28], we
avoided the use of measures such as accuracy and precision. Using a confu-
sion matrix, we count the number of true positives (tp), true negatives (tn),
false positives (fp), false negatives (fn) and derive the performance measures
described below [28].
8The reason for this design choice is that our goal is to investigate the phenomenon
under the conditions where only limited within project data are available. In multi-version
projects, all versions after the first release has the opportunity to use the previous releases’
data. Hence a simulation using all versions is of no practical interest, and we limit our
simulation with the first available version only.
9For simplicity in the presentation of the setup, kis listed to vary from 10% to 80%.
Indeed, since the simulated full WP model uses 90% of the available data, 10% corresponds
to 10% ×90% = 9% of all available data; 20% corresponds to 18% and so on.
Probability of detection (pd) is a measure of accuracy for correctly iden-
tifying defective classes. It should be as high as possible (ideal case is when
pd = 1):
pd =tp/(tp +fn) (1)
Probability of false alarm (pf) is a measure for false alarms and it is an
error measure for incorrectly flagging the defect free classes. False alarms
causes testing efforts to be spent in vain. Thus, a defect predictor should
lower pf as much as possible (ideal case is when pf = 0):
pf =fp/(f p +tn) (2)
Balance (bal) is a single measure to indicate the tradeoff between pd and
pf rates. It is defined as the normalized Euclidean distance from the desired
point (1,0) to observed (pd, pf) in a ROC curve. Larger bal rates indicate
that the performance is closer to the ideal case.
bal = 1 −q(1 −pd)2+pf 2
We use Mann-Whitney U Test to check for statistical differences between
the performances of different predictors in terms of bal when reporting for
individual projects. Hence, while we report pd and pf values, the main
criteria for comparing performances is the bal values. We also report the
(two-tailed) p−values for each individual comparison. In order to evaluate
our hypotheses H1and H2, we use Wilcoxon signed-rank test with the median
balance results of all projects as our sample for different treatments (e.g.
W P +CP vs. W P ) . In all tests we use the significance level α= 0.05
(two-tailed). For reporting effect size, we use corrected Hedges’ gdefined in
[18]. Experiment scripts are implemented in Matlab R2007a10.
3.6. Threats to Validity
We assess the potential threats to the validity of our study in three cat-
egories: construct, internal and external validity following the guidelines
provided by Wohlin et al. [33].
3.6.1. Construct Validity
The size metrics were collected from the binaries rather than source files,
but for the projects we use, the correlation between the source lines of code
and the size of binary code is near perfect [34]. Other researchers have also
discussed that binary code may be a better representation of size as not all
available code is included in the released products [35]. Further, the defect
matching process has limitations, since it relies on the regular expression
representations of the development guidelines and there is no information as
to what level these guidelines have been followed. Like other researchers who
have used these datasets previously, we had to assume that the level of con-
formance to those guidelines was to the best extent possible. Another threat
to construct validity is the interaction of different treatments, specifically the
confounding effects of the different possible subgroups in the datasets. Fi-
nally, though there are many alternative measures to assess the classification
performance of defect predictors, the ones we have used have been widely
employed and accepted by previous research studies. Further, the reported
performance measures can be used to calculate other performance measures
using the method (and the tool) developed by Bowes et al. [36].
3.6.2. Internal Validity
RQ2 requires a representation of the early stages of a project, where var-
ious properties of the project may be different as the project may not have
achieved a stable setting. Our experiment design does not take any chrono-
logical information into account. This is due to the lack of such information
in our datasets. It can be argued that for multi version projects chronology
can be estimated at least through an ordering of versions. However, this high
level estimation does not fulfill our purposes of answering RQ2, as explained
earlier (i.e. if a project already has a prior version, it is possible to use
that earlier version rather than a combination of data from existing version
and other projects). In order to address this representation problem, we have
taken two measures: (i) using only the first versions of multi version projects;
(ii) repeating the random 10% sample selection strategy many times to avoid
selection bias and to represent different initial characteristics.
3.6.3. External Validity
Problems with external validity are concerned about the generalization of
results. To address this issue at least to some extent, we used a wide range of
projects with varying contexts, i.e. academic student projects, open-source
projects and commercial projects from different data sources. Nevertheless,
it is difficult to draw general conclusions from empirical studies in software
engineering and our results are limited to the analyzed data and context [37].
Further, the improvements may not be practical in real world due to poor
prediction results. For instance, our NASA results are inline with what is
reported in [28], however our results also include lower performance measures
than the average values obtained for NASA projects. These could be related
to data quality issues, selection of models or various other reasons and exact
performance numbers should not be used as a basis for comparison for po-
tential prediction applications for other projects. That is why we included
pd and pf measures along with the bal measure, which is used as the main
comparison criteria in this work.
4. Results
4.1. RQ1: Full WP vs. WP+CP
This section presents the results of our WP vs. WP+CP (i.e. within
vs. mixed project) defect prediction experiments in order to address our first
research question. The results are summarized with median performance
values in Tables 3, 4 and 5 for functional method level data, single-version
class level data and multiple-version class level data projects, respectively.
In all tables, the statistically significant results are denoted in bold face and
the projects are ordered by their size in ascending order. We also provide
summary of Mann-Whitney U-test results for all projects in the Appendix.
For single version functional method level predictions, we observe signif-
icant improvement in bal in three out of 10 cases, while in the remaining
seven cases there is no difference. For single version class level predictions,
we observe significant improvement in only five cases and no difference in 14
cases. Finally, for multi-version class level predictions we observe significant
improvement in bal with mixed project predictions in 21 out of 32 cases, no
difference in two cases, and nine significant results in favor of within project
predictions. In total, there are significant improvements in 29 of 61 cases
with mixed project predictions.
Further, single version functional method level predictions yield two cases
where pd is significantly better for mixed project predictions, while there is
no difference in the remaining eight cases. For pf, there is one statistically
significant case in favor of mixed project predictions, and one case in favor
of within project predictions, while there is no difference in the remaining
eight cases. For single version class level predictions, mixed project predic-
tions yield five cases with significantly better pd’s (no difference for the rest).
However, in three of these five cases pf’s are significantly better in favor of
within project predictions. There is only one project, tomcat, where mixed
project predictions produce significantly better pf along with significant bet-
ter pd. Finally, for multi-version class level predictions, there are 26 cases
with significantly better pd’s favoring mixed project predictions, only one
case in favor of within project prediction, and no difference in five cases.
However, there are 25 cases with significantly better pf’s favoring within
project predictions, three cases in favor of within project prediction, and no
difference in four cases. In velocity and xerces projects, both pd and pf are
significantly better with mixed project predictors. In 21 cases pd’s favor
mixed project prediction, while pf ’s favor within project perdiction. This is
consistent with our previous study, where we observed that data from other
projects increase pd at the cost of increased pf [11]. Nevertheless, the net
effect in terms of balance is in favor of mixed project predictions with 21
cases, as stated above.
For the evaluation of H1, comparing the paired median bal performances
across all projects with Wilcoxon signed-rank test yields a statistically sig-
nificant improvement in favor of W P +CP with p−val << 0.001. However,
the effect size is g= 0.25 that is commonly interpreted as a small effect, and
it is less than our target value 0.50 (medium)11. Therefore, we fail to reject
4.2. RQ2: Partial WP vs. WP+CP
This section presents the results of WP vs. WP(k%)+CP experiment,
where we set k= 10 for reporting. Tables 6 and 7 summarize median perfor-
mance values for single-version and multi-version class level data predictions,
respectively. We report the summary of Mann-Whitney U-tests along with
the box plots of all performance measures for all values of k, in the Appendix.
Table 6 shows that using only 10% of WP data, in eight out of 19 projects,
significantly better results are achieved compared to full within project pre-
dictions, in terms of bal. There are two cases where within project predictors
are significantly better, and there is no difference in nine cases. Table 7 sum-
marizes the results of WP vs. WP(k%)+CP only on the first version of
11Non-standardized effect size is 2% increase in median(bal) performance.
Table 3: RQ1: Single-version functional method level results sorted by size
ascending. Statistically significant results are denoted in bold face.
project # Pd Pf Bal Pd Pf Bal p-value for bal
pc1 63 26 68 63 26 68 0.137
kc1 80 31 74 79 28 75 0.342
kc2 77 27 77 77 26 77 0.203
cm1 80 31 70 80 29 74 0.203
kc3 75 26 74 75 22 75 0.083
mw1 67 24 71 67 24 71 0.052
ar4 45 661 75 24 75 <<0.001
ar3 88 40 70 88 40 70 0.342
mc2 80 36 67 80 27 71 <<0.001
ar5 88 29 78 100 29 80 <<0.001
multi-version open-source projects. Half of the projects (i.e. six out of 12)
indicate that using only 10% of WP data is enough to achieve significantly
better bal with the mixed model compared to the full within project model,
and there is no difference in the other six cases. In total, there are significant
improvements or no difference in 29 of 31 cases, when only 10% of within
project data are used for mixed project prediction.
For single version class level predictions, mixed project predictions yield
six cases with significantly better pd, and 10 cases with significantly better
pf. Within project predictions have significantly better pd in three cases, and
significantly better pf in four cases. There is no difference for the remaining
10 cases for pd and five cases for pf . In arc and prop6 projects, both pd and pf
are significantly better with mixed project predictions. For the first versions
of multi-version class level predictions, there are four cases with significantly
better pd’s favoring mixed project predictions, and two cases in favor of
within project prediction, and no difference in six cases. Finally, there are
six cases with significantly better pf’s favoring within project predictions,
and no difference in the remaining six cases.
Table 4: RQ1: Single-version class level results sorted by size ascending.
Statistically significant results are denoted in bold face. The student dataset
is the merged version of all student projects.
project # Pd Pf Bal Pd Pf Bal p-value for bal
wspomaganiepi 0.90 0.60 0.55 0.85 0.40 0.65 0.427
sklebagd 0.70 0.55 0.48 0.75 0.45 0.57 0.519
nieruchomosci 1.00 0.48 0.66 1.00 0.30 0.79 0.107
pdftranslator 0.90 0.13 0.84 0.80 0.03 0.84 0.724
workflow 0.53 0.35 0.53 0.48 0.28 0.53 0.898
termoproject 0.65 0.38 0.54 0.80 0.30 0.68 0.077
berek 0.85 0.07 0.86 0.85 0.02 0.88 0.599
serapion 0.80 0.24 0.72 0.85 0.15 0.82 0.126
skarbonka 0.95 0.29 0.77 1.00 0.31 0.78 0.966
redaktor 0.75 0.28 0.69 0.82 0.28 0.73 0.454
arc 0.53 0.29 0.59 0.78 0.30 0.70 0.024
prop6 0.52 0.26 0.60 0.64 0.26 0.68 0.074
student 0.67 0.27 0.69 0.69 0.25 0.73 0.233
tomcat 0.75 0.23 0.75 0.81 0.18 0.81 << 0.001
prop5 0.35 0.18 0.53 0.36 0.17 0.53 0.598
prop4 0.29 0.14 0.49 0.36 0.17 0.53 << 0.001
prop3 0.39 0.22 0.54 0.40 0.20 0.55 0.262
prop1 0.37 0.17 0.54 0.44 0.20 0.58 << 0.001
prop2 0.21 0.09 0.44 0.23 0.11 0.45 0.009
Table 5: RQ1: Multi-version class level results sorted by size ascending.
Statistically significant results are denoted in bold face.
project version # Pd Pf Bal Pd Pf Bal p-value for bal
forrest 2 0.00 0.46 0.22 0.20 0.17 0.42 << 0.001
forrest 3 1.00 0.17 0.88 1.00 0.47 0.63 << 0.001
pbeans 2 1.00 0.61 0.57 1.00 0.66 0.53 << 0.001
log4j 2 0.68 0.18 0.74 0.73 0.24 0.75 << 0.001
ant 2 0.38 0.33 0.50 0.55 0.45 0.55 << 0.001
log4j 3 0.46 0.25 0.58 0.65 0.31 0.67 << 0.001
velocity 2 0.69 0.63 0.51 0.82 0.58 0.57 << 0.001
synapse 2 0.55 0.10 0.67 0.65 0.23 0.70 << 0.001
velocity 3 0.81 0.54 0.60 0.79 0.46 0.64 << 0.001
ivy 2 0.69 0.44 0.62 0.72 0.54 0.58 << 0.001
lucene 2 0.61 0.44 0.59 0.73 0.49 0.61 << 0.001
synapse 3 0.55 0.25 0.63 0.64 0.34 0.65 << 0.001
ant 3 0.75 0.26 0.74 0.81 0.29 0.75 0.253
jedit 2 0.75 0.31 0.72 0.76 0.34 0.70 << 0.001
jedit 3 0.77 0.31 0.73 0.78 0.33 0.72 << 0.001
poi 2 0.54 0.60 0.47 0.81 0.65 0.52 << 0.001
lucene 3 0.70 0.41 0.64 0.71 0.45 0.63 << 0.001
ant 4 0.73 0.25 0.74 0.77 0.25 0.76 << 0.001
ivy 3 0.70 0.29 0.71 0.75 0.31 0.71 << 0.001
jedit 4 0.90 0.36 0.73 0.90 0.37 0.73 << 0.001
poi 3 0.67 0.23 0.72 0.71 0.25 0.73 << 0.001
poi 4 0.73 0.27 0.73 0.78 0.28 0.75 << 0.001
xerces 2 0.14 0.37 0.34 0.22 0.35 0.39 << 0.001
jedit 5 0.55 0.37 0.58 0.55 0.38 0.58 << 0.001
xerces 3 0.44 0.11 0.60 0.47 0.11 0.62 << 0.001
camel 2 0.28 0.16 0.48 0.28 0.18 0.48 0.775
ant 5 0.77 0.29 0.74 0.77 0.30 0.73 << 0.001
xalan 2 0.40 0.22 0.55 0.52 0.30 0.60 << 0.001
camel 3 0.65 0.34 0.65 0.66 0.35 0.66 0.003
xalan 3 0.59 0.30 0.64 0.66 0.34 0.66 << 0.001
xalan 4 0.50 0.00 0.64 0.55 0.00 0.68 << 0.001
camel 4 0.54 0.38 0.58 0.57 0.40 0.59 << 0.001
For the evaluation of H2, comparing the paired median performances12,
when k= 10, across all projects with Wilcoxon signed-rank test yields a
statistically significant improvement in favor of W P (10%) + CP with p−
val = 0.002. Therefore, we reject H20.
4.3. Answers to research questions
1. RQ1: How effective is using data from other projects in order to im-
prove the performance of existing within project defect predictors?:
We were interested in whether it is feasible to use additional data from
other projects to improve the performance of an existing, project spe-
cific defect prediction model in terms of defect detection performance.
Although, we observed a statistically significant improvement in favor
of mixed project models, the effect size was small. Therefore, the ef-
fectiveness of the mixed project approach in this case is not justifiable
considering the extra effort associated with gathering data from other
projects, since there is no guaranteed practical benefit for performance
2. RQ2: How much within project data (in per cent) should be enriched
with data from other projects to achieve comparable performance with
full within project data predictions?:
We were interested in whether mixed project defect prediction performs
comparable to full within project prediction, using only a small por-
tion of WP data, which would justify the extra effort associated with
gathering CP data. In our experiments, we have observed evidence in
favor, i.e. using only 10% of available WP data, which is also confirmed
by statistical significance test results. Therefore, we strongly suggest
the use of mixed prediction models at the early stages of development
5. Conclusions
Defect prediction is an important area of research with potential appli-
cations in industry for early detection of the problematic parts in software
allowing significant reductions in project costs and schedules. However, most
defect prediction studies focus only on optimizing the performance of the
12The standardized and non-standardized effect sizes are g= 0.17 (small) and 3% in-
crease in median(bal) performance, respectively.
Table 6: RQ2: Single-version class level results sorted by size ascending.
Statistically significant bal values are denoted in bold face. Column WP
represents the full within project predictions, whereas column WP(10%)+CP
represents mixed project predictions using only 10% of within project data.
WP WP(10%)+CP
project pd pf bal pd pf bal p-value for bal
wspomaganiepi 1.00 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.00 0.29 0.630
sklebagd 1.00 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.00 0.29 0.134
nieruchomosci 1.00 0.50 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.010
pdftranslator 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.013
workflow 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.933
termoproject 1.00 0.33 0.53 1.00 0.17 0.65 0.366
berek 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.800
serapion 1.00 0.25 0.82 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.051
skarbonka 1.00 0.50 0.65 1.00 0.25 0.82 0.062
redaktor 0.67 0.27 0.68 0.67 0.27 0.74 0.056
arc 0.67 0.29 0.62 0.67 0.24 0.73 << 0.001
prop6 0.57 0.29 0.63 0.71 0.25 0.74 << 0.001
student 0.67 0.29 0.68 0.67 0.22 0.71 0.036
tomcat 0.75 0.24 0.74 0.75 0.15 0.78 0.011
prop5 0.36 0.17 0.53 0.43 0.21 0.58 0.024
prop4 0.29 0.14 0.49 0.40 0.19 0.55 << 0.001
prop3 0.40 0.22 0.55 0.42 0.24 0.56 0.355
prop1 0.37 0.16 0.54 0.48 0.25 0.59 << 0.001
prop2 0.21 0.09 0.44 0.26 0.13 0.47 << 0.001
Table 7: RQ2: Multi-version class level results sorted by size ascending.
Statistically significant bal values are denoted in bold face. Column WP
represents the full within project predictions, whereas column WP(10%)+CP
represents mixed project predictions using only 10% of within project data.
WP WP(10%)+CP
project pd pf bal pd pf bal p-value for bal
pbeans 0.75 0.00 0.65 0.50 0.00 0.29 0.088
ivy 0.67 0.30 0.63 0.67 0.20 0.69 0.447
ant 1.00 0.20 0.65 1.00 0.20 0.86 0.006
log4j 0.67 0.30 0.68 0.67 0.10 0.75 0.002
synapse 1.00 0.21 0.72 1.00 0.21 0.82 0.116
lucene 0.78 0.30 0.70 0.72 0.20 0.70 0.146
velocity 0.73 0.40 0.66 0.63 0.20 0.66 0.236
poi 0.75 0.40 0.68 0.71 0.25 0.71 0.023
jedit 0.78 0.22 0.74 0.78 0.19 0.80 0.004
camel 1.00 0.17 0.80 1.00 0.15 0.89 0.004
xerces 0.57 0.30 0.60 0.42 0.18 0.58 0.128
xalan 0.73 0.25 0.71 0.82 0.25 0.77 0.004
models that are constructed using data from individual projects, usually in
the form of retrospective analysis. On the other hand, recent studies ap-
proach the problem from a different perspective: looking for ways to utilize
cross project data for building defect predictors. These studies identify cross
project defect prediction as a challenge with cost effective opportunities, such
as using open-source data repositories for building or tuning models for other
projects. We noticed that existing studies focus on the two ends of the spec-
trum, that is using either within or cross project data, which lead to the
motivation behind this paper. We investigated the case where models are
constructed from a mix of within and cross project data, and checked for any
improvements to within project defect predictions after adding data from
other projects.
We conclude that the extra effort associated with collecting data from
other projects is not feasible when there is already a within project defect
predictor utilizing full project history. However, when there is limited project
history (e.g. 10% of all development activity), mixed project predictions are
justifiable as they perform as good as full within project models.
We see two potential future directions. In order to address the data
scarcity problem to build defect prediction models in software engineering,
one potential path could be employing complex algorithms that use impu-
tation techniques similar to recommender systems. In order to employ such
algorithms either limited in-house data, cross project data or a combination
can be used to impute the missing data. Another potential path may be to
include other data sources (if they are readily available or relatively easier to
collect) and metrics such as social networks, version control systems or issue
repositories to build the prediction models.
This research is supported in part by (i) TEKES under Cloud-SW project
and the Academy of Finland with Grant Decision No. 260871 (in Finland),
(ii) NSERC Discovery Grant No. 402003-2012 (in Canada), and (iii) Turkish
State Planning Organization (DPT) under the project number 2007K120610
(in Turkey). This work has been initiated when Dr. Ay¸se Tosun Mısırlı
was with the Dept. of Computer Engineering at Bo˘gazi¸ci University and
completed when she moved to her current position. Authors would like to
thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful and constructive com-
ments which have significantly improved the manuscript.
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5.1. Summary of significance test results for RQ1
Mann Whitney U-test results are summarized for single and multi version
projects in Tables 8 and 11 respectively.
Table 8: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for NASA projects when
moving from within project to mixed project predictions (From [9]).
W P →W P +CP
PD PF BAL Data sets
same same same cm1, kc1,
kc2, mw1,
pc1, kc3
same decreased increased mc2
Table 9: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for SOFTLAB projects
when moving from within project to mixed project predictions (From [9]).
W P →W P +CP
PD PF BAL Data sets
same same same ar3
increased increased increased ar4
increased same increased ar5
5.2. Summary of significance test results for RQ2
Mann-Whitney U-tests are summarized in three tables for student (Table
12), open source (Table 13) and proprietary (Table 14) projects respectively.
Each column indicates the results of moving from WP to WP(k%)+CP (k
from 10% to 80%) models when k% WP data is included in the WP(k%)+CP
model. Tables are sorted according to bal fromdecreased, same to increased.
Table 10: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for single version class
level data when moving from within project to mixed project predictions.
W P →W P +CP
PD PF BAL Data sets
increased increased increased prop1, prop2, prop4
same increased increased tomcat
increased same increased arc
same same same berek, nieruchomosci, pdftrans-
lator, redaktor, serapion, skar-
bonka, sklebagd, termoproject,
tomcat, workflow, wspoma-
ganiepi, prop3,prop5,prop6
Table 11: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for multi-version class
level data when moving from within project to mixed project predictions.
Version numbers of datasets are provided after the dataset name with a ’v’.
W P →W P +CP
PD PF BAL Data sets
increased increased decreased forrest v3, ivy v2, jedit
v2 and v3, lucene v3,
ant v5
same increased decreased pbeans v2, jedit v4,
jedit v5
same increased same camel v2
increased increased same ant v3
increased increased increased rest of datasets
increased same increased ant v4, forrest
v2,xalan v4, xerces v3
increased decreased increased velocity v2, xerces v2
5.3. Box plots for RQ2 experiments
Figure 3 to Figure 8 present box plots over 30 iterations of WP, CP,
and WP(k%)+CP models for datasets according to alphabetical order. A
Table 12: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for student projects when moving from within project
to mixed project predictions with varying WP ratio. ‘inc’ and ‘dec’ are the short forms of ‘increased’ and
‘decreased’, respectively.
W P →W P (k%) + CP
PD PF BAL k=10 k=20 k=30 k=40 k=50 k=60 k=70 k=80
dec same dec pdftrans-
dec dec dec nieru-
inc same same sklebagd
dec same same pdftrans-
dec dec same wspoma-
same same same redaktor,
berek, pdf-
berek, pdf-
berek, pdf-
berek, pdf-
berek, pdf-
same inc same berek berek
same dec same serapion,
serapion serapion,
inc same inc sklebagd arc, skle-
arc arc arc
inc dec inc arc arc arc
same same inc sklebagd serapion
same dec inc student arc student student wspoma-
Table 13: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for open-source projects when moving from within
project to mixed project predictions with varying WP ratio. ‘inc’ and ‘dec’ are the short forms of ‘increased’
and ‘decreased’, respectively.
W P →W P (k%) + CP
PD PF BAL k=10 k=20 k=30 k=40 k=50 k=60 k=70 k=80
dec same dec pbeans pbeans
same same dec
dec same same pbeans pbeans pbeans pbeans pbeans pbeans
dec dec same xerces
same same same synapse ivy, poi,
ant, ivy,
lucene, poi
ant, ivy,
lucene, poi
ant, ivy,
lucene, poi
ant, ivy,
lucene, poi
ivy, lucene,
ivy, jedit,
lucene, poi,
same dec same ivy, lucene,
xerces xerces velocity,
inc same inc ant, camel,
jedit, xalan
jedit, xalan
jedit, xalan
jedit, xalan
jedit, xalan xalan
inc dec inc
same same inc ant synapse jedit synapse jedit,
ant, camel
same dec inc tomcat,
log4j, poi
log4j, poi,
Table 14: Summary of Mann Whitney U-test results for proprietary projects when moving from within
project to mixed project predictions with varying WP ratio.
W P →W P (k%) + CP
PD PF BAL k=10 k=20 k=30 k=40 k=50 k=60 k=70 k=80
same same same prop3 prop3,
same decreased same
increased increased increased prop1,
increased same increased prop6
increased decreased increased prop6 prop6 prop6
same same increased prop6 prop6 prop6 prop6
boxplot for a dataset has three sub-figures for pd, pf and bal respectively.
From left to right, WP data is changed from 0% (full CP model) to 90% (full
WP model) in the increments of 10, and the size of WP data used in each
experiment is presented in the X axis.
ant arc
berek camel
ivy jedit
Figure 3: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP.
log4j lucene
nieruchomosci pbeans
pdftranslator poi
Figure 4: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP (Continued).
prop1 prop2
prop3 prop4
prop5 prop6
Figure 5: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP (Continued).
redaktor serapion
skarbonka sklebagd
student synapse
Figure 6: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP (Continued).
termoproject tomcat
velocity workflow
wspomaganiepi xalan
Figure 7: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP (Continued).
Figure 8: Box plots for models from CP, WP(k%)+CP with different sizes
of WP, to WP (Continued).