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Development of process control in sheet metal forming


Abstract and Figures

In sheet metal forming processes, the blank holder force controls the material flow into the die cavity, which is critical to producing a good part. Process control can be used to adjust the blank holder force in-process based on tracking a reference punch force trajectory to improve part quality and consistency. Key issues in process control include process controller and reference punch force trajectory design. The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic approach to the design and implementation of a suitable process controller and an optimal reference punch force trajectory. The approach includes modeling of the sheet metal forming process, design of the process controller, and determination of the optimal punch force trajectory. Experimental results from U-channel forming show that a suitable process controller can be designed through simulation and an optimal reference punch force trajectory can be synthesized through experiments. The proposed development should be useful in designing and implementing process control in sheet metal forming processes.
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Development of process control in sheet metal forming
C.-W. Hsu
, A.G. Ulsoy
, M.Y. Demeri
TAC Automotive Group on Site at Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48121, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Ford Research Laboratories, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48121, USA
Received 8 May 2002; accepted 13 May 2002
In sheet metal forming processes, the blank holder force controls the material ¯ow into the die cavity, which is critical to producing a good
part. Process control can be used to adjust the blank holder force in-process based on tracking a reference punch force trajectory to improve
part quality and consistency. Key issues in process control include process controller and reference punch force trajectory design. The purpose
of this paper is to present a systematic approach to the design and implementation of a suitable process controller and an optimal reference
punch force trajectory. The approach includes modeling of the sheet metal forming process, design of the process controller, and
determination of the optimal punch force trajectory. Experimental results from U-channel forming show that a suitable process controller
can be designed through simulation and an optimal reference punch force trajectory can be synthesized through experiments. The proposed
development should be useful in designing and implementing process control in sheet metal forming processes.
#2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sheet metal forming; Process control; Optimization
1. Introduction
Sheet metal stamping is one of the primary manufacturing
processes because of its high speed and low cost for high
volume production. For example, parts such as body panels,
torque converter impeller blades, and fuel tanks are all
produced by this method. A simpli®ed stamping process
is shown in Fig. 1. The basic components are a punch, and a
set of blank holders which may, or may not, include draw-
beads. The punch draws the blank to form the shape while
the blank holder controls the ¯ow of metal into the die
The quality of stamped parts is critical in avoiding
problems in assembly and in the ®nal product performance.
Two main considerations regarding the quality of stamped
parts are formability (e.g., wrinkling caused by excessive
compression and tearing caused by excessive tension) and
dimensional accuracy (e.g., springback caused by elastic
recovery). Main problems in sheet metal forming are shown
in Fig. 2. In addition, consistency (e.g., dimensional varia-
tions caused by lubrication or thickness variations) in the
stamping process signi®cantly affects subsequent assembly
in mass production.
New challenges emerge from the use of new materials.
For example, to reduce automobile weight (to improve fuel
economy) manufacturing companies must use lighter mate-
rials (e.g., aluminum) or thin gage high strength steel instead
of mild steel. However, such materials are not as formable as
mild steel and produce more springback [1].
The control of material ¯ow into the die cavity is crucial
to good part quality and consistency, and the blank holder is
used to control the material ¯ow. Previous research has
shown that varying the blank holder force during forming
can improve part quality [1±3] and consistency [1].Itis
worth pointing out that mechanical presses are being retro-
®tted with hydraulic multi-point cushion system to provide
more control of the forming process [4]. Such press tech-
nologies will facilitate the implementation of the process
control ideas presented in this paper.
One strategy for controlling sheet metal forming pro-
cesses through the application of variable blank holder force
is process control (see Fig. 3). In this strategy, a measurable
process variable (e.g., punch force) is controlled by
following a predetermined (e.g., punch force±displacement)
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368
Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-313-845-4646.
E-mail addresses: (C.-W. Hsu), (A.G.
Ulsoy), (M.Y. Demeri).
Tel.: 1-734-764-8464; fax: 1-734-647-3170.
Tel.: 1-313-845-6092; fax: 1-313-390-0514.
0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter #2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0924-0136(02)00321-7
reference trajectory through manipulating the blank holder
force [1]. This strategy could produce cups with ``optimal''
height regardless of initial blank holder force and friction
conditions [5]. Other measurable process variables (e.g.,
draw-in and friction force) have also been reported [6±8].
To systematically design a suitable process controller, the
process model in Fig. 3 must be identi®ed ®rst. Most sheet
metal forming models are based on ®nite element analysis,
which are very complex and, therefore, are not suitable for
controller design [9]. A piecewise linear model for controller
design has been developed [9]. However, this model cannot
be used in closed-loop simulation, because it cannot capture
the characteristic nonlinear behavior of a sheet metal form-
ing process. Therefore, issues in modeling for control of
sheet metal forming have not been adequately addressed,
especially from a control point of view, although methods of
system identi®cation have been well developed [10].
The most popular structure for the process controller is a
proportional plus integral controller [5,6,8]. However, con-
troller parameters are typically determined by trial and error
[11]. Although design of process controller has been well
developed [12], its application to sheet metal forming is still
not well investigated.
The reference trajectory in process control is important to
ensure good part quality in sheet metal forming [13]. It has
been determined experimentally or numerically [5,8].How-
ever, optimization of the reference trajectory has not been
well addressed.
Key issues regarding the application of process control to
sheet metal forming include design of an appropriate process
controller and design of an optimal reference trajectory. The
purpose of this paper is to address these two key issues to
systematically design and implement process control in
sheet metal forming.
2. Process control in sheet metal forming
2.1. Experimental facility
Process control experiments were conducted on a double
action hydraulic forming simulator equipped with a PID
digital controller (see Fig. 4). The press load capacity is
680 kN for the punch and 700 kN for the binder. The digital
controller allows the blank holder force to track a prede-
termined trajectory, which is the realization of the ``machine
controller'' block in Fig. 3.
2.2. Implementation of process control
Implementation of process control on this forming simu-
lator is shown in Fig. 5 [13]. The additional component is the
``DAQ'' block that is a data acquisition board. It acquires
data from the digital controller (the realization of the outer
feedback path in Fig. 3) and feeds the calculated blank
holder force command into the digital controller (the reali-
zation of the output of the ``process controller'' block in
Fig. 3). The ``program'' block with the ``DAQ'' block is the
realization of the ``process controller'' block in Fig. 3. The
``WSCI'' block is the original workstation communication
2.3. Influence of process control on sheet metal forming
2.3.1. Part consistency via process control
Recently, a comparison of machine and process control
for U-channel forming demonstrated the superiority of
process control to machine control [13].Fig. 6 shows
relative tracking errors for machine and process control
under dry and lubricated conditions. The results show that
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a stamping process.
Fig. 2. Problems in sheet metal forming.
362 C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368
process control can maintain the same punch force trajec-
tories under different lubrication conditions but machine
control cannot. Table 1 shows average measured channel
heights for the cases shown in Fig. 6. The measurements
show that process control improves consistency in channel
height, despite change in lubrication. Therefore, consistency
in channel height can be related to consistency in punch
force trajectories.
2.3.2. Importance of process reference trajectories
The importance of the reference punch force can be
shown by comparing measured channel heights for different
reference trajectories [13].Fig. 7 shows two experimental
reference punch force trajectories. Table 2 shows measured
channel heights for these two trajectories. Trajectory (b)
produces better parts because the measured channel heights
are closer to the desired channel height (50 mm).
2.4. Design of process control in sheet metal forming
Based on the above experimental results, two important
considerations emerge:
Fig. 3. Process control of sheet metal forming.
Fig. 4. Forming simulator.
Fig. 5. Implementation of process control.
Table 1
Average measured channel heights (mm) for machine and process controls
under different lubrications
Control type Dry MP-404
Machine 47.600 46.211
Process 47.557 47.659
C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368 363
Evaluation of the tracking performance of the process
Selection of the reference punch force trajectory.
These two considerations will be addressed in the follow-
ing sections.
3. Sheet metal forming process modeling
Modeling a sheet metal forming process involving
hydraulically controlled single cylinder binder for process
controller design, which is a single-input±single-output
Fig. 6. Relative tracking errors.
Fig. 7. Experimental reference punch force trajectories.
Table 2
Measured channel heights (mm) for the reference punch force trajectories
in Fig. 7
(a) (b)
Test number
1 47.447 49.251
2 47.396 49.327
3 47.828 49.276
Mean 47.557 49.285
364 C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368
(SISO) system, has been investigated [14]. This is shown in
the block diagram in Fig. 8. The process model is a ®rst-
order nonlinear dynamic model. The disturbance, mainly
due to variations in lubrication, is also shown. This model
has been successfully used in modeling a U-channel forming
process. Fig. 9 shows comparison of simulation and experi-
mental results for different continuously variable blank
holder force trajectories.
4. Process controller design
Because of the empirical process model, systematic study
of process controller design can be conducted analytically
and numerically before implementation [13]. For the SISO
system, a proportional plus integral controller with feedfor-
ward action (PIF) has been investigated and successfully
implemented in the forming simulator [13]. The block
diagram of the controller is shown in Fig. 10. A ®rst-order
linear model can be used to design the controller gains. The
®rst-order linear model can be replaced with the ®rst-order
nonlinear model in Fig. 8 to evaluate the tracking perfor-
mance of the closed-loop system using the designed con-
troller gains.
Fig. 11 shows simulation results using the PIF process
controller and the ®rst-order nonlinear model. Fig. 11(a)
shows the blank holder force automatically generated by the
PIF process controller. Fig. 11(b) shows the reference punch
force trajectory, F
, and the punch force trajectory, F
Good tracking performance is expected based on simulation
Experimental results using the same PIF process con-
troller and the same reference punch force trajectory are
shown in Fig. 12. Although there was variation in the blank
holder force trajectories, the punch force trajectories were
similar. This indicates that the process controller works well.
Fig. 8. Process model of sheet metal forming.
Fig. 9. Experimental and predicted punch force trajectories for different variable blank holder force trajectories.
Fig. 10. Block diagram of the PIF control system.
C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368 365
5. Optimal punch force trajectory design
One method for obtaining an optimal reference punch
force trajectory is to use design optimization methods
[15,16]. With an ideal process controller, Fig. 3 can be
simpli®ed as shown in Fig. 13.
In this case, the stamped part shape, S, will be totally
determined by the reference punch force trajectory or
equivalently by the punch force trajectory, F
A mathematical expression can be used to describe the
relationship in Fig. 13:
The optimal punch force trajectory F
pfor a desired shape S
can be obtained by solving the following equation:
parg min
where F
pis the optimal punch force trajectory, Dthe safe
domain for F
without tearing and wrinkling, and Ethe cost
function to represent the difference between PFpand S
To ®nd F
pthrough optimization is still dif®cult. The
challenges are:
1. To find the operator P, which give a punch force
trajectory, yields the part shape.
2. To find the domain Dwhich defines safe punch force
Since current mathematical modeling of sheet metal forming
uses ®nite element methods [17,18], there is no simple
expression for Por D.
A procedure for solving Eq. (2) through parameterization
and design of experiments is as follows:
1. Parameterize F
and S. Parameters of F
are the design
variables and parameters of Sare the response variables.
2. Identify an empirical relationship between the design
and response variables.
3. Find the optimal design variables based on the empirical
relationship. The optimal punch force trajectory corre-
sponds to the optimal design variables.
Central composite design can be used for design of experi-
ments to ®t a second-order model [16]. Response surface
Fig. 11. Simulation results using the PIF process controller and the first-order nonlinear model.
Fig. 12. Experimental results using the same PIF process controller and reference punch force trajectory.
Fig. 13. Press with ideal process controller.
366 C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368
methodology can also be used to ®nd the optimal design
The in¯uence of the optimal punch force trajectory on
the process controller design is its smoothness. The
smoother the optimal punch force trajectory is, the easier
the process controller design is. Parameterization of F
and Sis realized by series expansion with orthogonal
functions (e.g., Chebyshev polynomials). The desired
smoothness of the optimal punch force trajectory can
be ensured by the smoothness of the orthogonal func-
The above procedure is a sequential one. The following
results are from the second application of the procedure to
U-channel forming. In this case, the response variable is the
channel height error, e
, which is de®ned as the desired
channel height minus the measured one. The punch force is
parameterized through
where a
is the design variable and f
the ith order Cheby-
shev polynomial.
Coded design variables are usually used in design of
experiments. The coded design variable, x
where a
is the center of the design domain and lis a scale
factor. In this case, a10 51:69 and l0:025.
Designed punch force trajectories corresponding to
x14, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, and 4 for the experiments are
shown in Fig. 14(a). Channel height errors are shown in
Fig. 14(b). When tearing occurs, the channel height is
assumed to be the height at failure. The optimal F
Fig. 14(a) corresponds to the minimum (x
10:94) of
the ®tted response surface in Fig. 14(b).
From a physical point of view, the true optimum in this
case is a boundary optimum. Hence, the ®tted response
surface cannot predict the true optimum precisely. However,
the fact that it is a statistically good model and has a
minimum indicates the existence of a true minimum nearby.
Based on engineering judgement of safety and robustness of
the forming process, the optimal punch force trajectory is
determined as the one corresponding to x10.
6. Summary and conclusions
Process control has been shown to improve part quality
and consistency. Key issues such as process controller and
optimal punch force trajectory design have been addressed.
A systematic approach to the application of process control
to U-channel forming has been presented. A process con-
troller with good tracking performance and an optimal
punch force trajectory has been developed. Future work
includes the effect of high punch speed on process controller
design and application of the systematic approach to com-
plex parts where a ¯exible binder with hydraulically con-
trolled multi-cylinders may be involved.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical and
®nancial support provided by the Ford Motor Company.
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368 C.-W. Hsu et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 127 (2002) 361±368
... Several quality issues affect the stamped metal products: the most common problems include wrinkling (due to compression stresses), tearing (due to tensile stresses), and springback (due to elasticity) [6], as illustrated in Fig. 2. During the forming phase, the occurrence of the listed defects can be identified by monitoring specific forming variables, i.e., the punch force, wrinkle height, draw-in, and friction force, which are all influenced by the blank holder force (BHF). ...
... Schematic representation of a typical stamping press configuration. Fig. 2. The most common problems in the cold metal sheet forming [6]. the workpiece quality depends on how much the BHF presses on the blank holder: if it is too high, then the flow of material into the die is restricted and tearing is likely to occur in that region; if the BHF is too low, then excessive material flow can lead to wrinkling. ...
... The ability to sense the occurrence of wrinkles is potentially useful; however, its measure is limited, because wrinkles locations are not known a priori. Differently, the monitoring of the punch force is more viable and various contributions model the deep drawing process relating the BHF to the punch force [6], [12], [14], [15]. Nevertheless, it is proven that the draw-in of the metal sheet can better reveal the correct execution of the deep drawing process [2], [7]. ...
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Deep drawing is a metalworking procedure aimed at getting a cold metal sheet plastically deformed in accordance with a pre-defined mould. Although this procedure is well-established in industry, it is still susceptible to several issues affecting the quality of the stamped metal products. In order to reduce defects of workpieces, process control approaches can be performed. Typically, process control employs simple proportional-integral-derivative (PID) regulators that steer the blank holder force (BHF) based on the error on the punch force. However, a single PID can only control single-input single-output systems and cannot handle constraints on the process variables. Differently from the state of the art, in this paper we propose a process control architecture based on Model Predictive Control (MPC), which considers a multi-variable system model. In particular, we represent the deep drawing process with a single-input multiple-output Hammerstein-Wiener model that relates the BHF with the draw-in of $n$ different critical points around the die. This allows the avoidance of workpiece defects that are due to the abnormal sliding of the metal sheet during the forming phase. The effectiveness of the proposed process controller is shown on a real case study in a digital twin framework, where the performance achieved by the MPC-based system is analyzed in detail and compared against the results obtained through an ad-hoc defined multiple PID-based control architecture. Note to Practitioners —This work is motivated by the emerging need for the effective implementation of the zero-defect manufacturing paradigm in the Industry 4.0 framework. Especially in the deep drawing process, various quality issues in stamped parts can lead to significant product waste and manufacturing inefficiencies. This turns into considerable economic losses for companies, particularly in the automotive sector, where deep drawing is one of the most used cold sheet metal forming techniques. In most applications, only sample inspections are performed on batches of finished-product, with subsequent losses of time and resources. For the sake of improving the workpiece quality, innovative strategies for real-time process control represent a viable and promising solution. In this context, the proposed MPC-based process control approach allows the correct shaping of the metal sheet that is getting deformed during the forming stroke, thanks to the draw-in monitoring at various locations around the die. The draw-in is indeed one of the most effective forming variables to control in order to provide a correct BHF during the forming stroke. A useful and easy-to-implement non-linear metal sheet deep drawing process model is provided by this paper to perform an innovative process control strategy. A comprehensive methodology is applied in detail to an automotive case study, ranging from process modeling (model identification and validation based on experimental data acquisition) to MPC implementation (controller tuning and testing and software-in-the-loop system validation). The presented method can be easily implemented on any real deep drawing press, providing the multivariable constrained process with a suitable control system able to make the stamped parts well formed.
... Force control has also been shown to improve surface roughness in wire saw machining [109]. Punch force control is a key element in sheet metal forming and, thus, requires accurate measurement [110]. This is typically accomplished by employing load cells, which are predominantly strain gauges mounted in structures with different geometries. ...
... Design of model-based multivariable controllers in sheet metal forming was discussed in Refs. [20][21][22]110,201]. ...
... Figure 11 shows a control system with several feedforward actions in addition to a feedback controller. For example, in sheet metal stamping, feedforward action is employed to adjust blank holder forces to achieve the desired punch force trajectory, which is determined to yield a desired shape to avoid wrinkling and tearing [110]. The servomechanism problem appears in many engineering applications including manufacturing systems; the solution to the servomechanism problem often involves determination of two components: feedforward and feedback. ...
Smart Manufacturing concepts are being integrated into all areas of manufacturing industries, from the device level (e.g., intelligent sensors) to the efficient coordination of business units. Vital components of any manufacturing enterprise are the processes that transform raw materials into products. It is the manufacturing process where Smart Manufacturing is poised to make substantial impact, particularly through process control, i.e., the intelligent manipulation of process variables to increase operation productivity and part quality. The paper will discuss three areas of manufacturing process control: control-oriented process modeling, sensing and monitoring techniques, and the design and construction of control algorithms. The discussions will center around the following processes: machining, grinding, forming, joining, and additive. While many other important processes exist, process control has been most commonly applied to these processes and the discussions will provide insights into the modeling, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes more broadly. Conclusions from these discussions will be drawn and future research directions in manufacturing process control will be provided. This paper is dedicated to two of the pioneering researchers in this field, Dr. Yoram Koren and Dr. Galip Ulsoy, who have made some of the first seminal contributions in manufacturing process control and continued to build the body of knowledge over the course of several decades.
... The factor was set equal to 0 since without the derivative term the system response was already stable. Several scientific studies adopted a simple PI controller for controlling stamping processes [37][38][39][40][41][42]. ...
... The factor K d was set equal to 0 since without the derivative term the system response was already stable. Several scientific studies adopted a simple PI controller for controlling stamping processes [37][38][39][40][41][42]. ...
Full-text available
In the deep drawing process, the scatter of the friction coefficient between blank and tool interfaces as well as of the material properties between blank positions in the coil or between different coils significantly influences the part quality. These uncontrollable fluctuations increase the risk of waste. To avoid this problem, currently, the new era of Industry 4.0 aims at developing control algorithms able to in-line adjust process parameters and always meet the part quality requirements. Starting from this context, in this study a method for process control during the punch stroke is proposed. It assumes the blank draw-in in specific points as the control variable, while the blank holder force is adopted as an in-line adjustable process parameter. The approach was implemented for the deep drawing of a T-shaped component, using a blank in DC05 steel with a thickness of 0.75 mm. The results show that the measurement of blank draw-in is a representative index of the component quality, which in this study is evaluated in terms of formability (thinning) and cosmetic (surface deflections) defects. Once the optimal condition and the corresponding blank draw-in were identified, the feedback control algorithm was able to increase or reduce the blank holder force according to whether the recorded draw-in was higher or lower than the optimal one.
... The punch moves in vertical direction while the blank holder presses on the blank into the die cavity. Thus, the sheet material is controlled to flow towards the die cavity (Hsu et al., 2002). ...
... The study of Allen et al is concerned with effect of lubrication in the sheet metal forming process (Allen et al., 2008). In their study, the thickness of the sheet metal has been measured and deep-drawing parameters have been determined on the effects of thickness (Hsu et al., 2002). Singh et al. (2020) is focused to investigate the influence of process parameters in square cup using Taguchi and ANOVA methods. ...
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Günümüzde, teknolojik gelişmeler ve nüfus artışı sonucunda, ekolojik çevre zarar görmekte ve doğal kaynakların sınırsız ve bilinçsiz bir şekilde tüketilmesi, ekosistem hizmetlerinin sürekliliğini tehlikeye atmaktadır. Bu sorunlar, insanları doğadan ayrı ve ondan üstün gören modern kent planlama ve tasarım paradigmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Son yıllarda, bu sorunların çözümlenmesine yönelik, kentsel planlama ve tasarım sürecinde, sürdürülebilir gelişme kavramı gündeme gelmiştir. Sürdürebilirlik sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel olmak üzere üç önemli bileşenden oluşmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir gelişmenin en önemli boyutu doğal kaynak kullanımı ve çevresel yönetim olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda, ekolojik kent olgusu öne çıkmaktadır. Ekolojik kentlerdeki planlama ve tasarım yaklaşımlarının amacı, sürdürülebilir kalkınma çerçevesinde, doğayı ve doğal varlıkları sömürmeden, insan ekosistemi ile doğal ekosistem arasındaki dengeyi sağlamaktır. Dünyada, ekolojik kentlerde birçok tasarım yaklaşımları önerilmiş ve uygulanmıştır. Kent mobilyaları, ekolojik kent yapısının önemli bir parçasıdır. Bu çalışmada, ekolojik kent mobilyalarının tasarımında, daha dengeli bir insan-çevre ilişkisine dayanan, peyzajın önemini vurgulayan ve kentleri dinamik sosyo-ekolojik sistemler olarak kavrayan yaklaşımlar önerilmektedir. Çalışmada, “Ekolojik kent” kavramı detaylı olarak incelenmiş ve bu kentlerin ilke ve hedefleri açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra, ekolojik anlayışla tasarlanan kent mobilyaları kapsamlı ve ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. İçerik analizi sonucunda uygulanan eko-tasarım örnekleri bir araya getirilmiş ve ekolojik kent mobilyalarının tasarımı için öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, kentsel mobilyaların tasarım ilkeleri ekolojik, işlevsellik, verimlilik, dayanıklılık, sadelik ve esneklik olmak üzere altı ilke üzerinden tanımlanmış ve örnekler ile somutlaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kent mobilyalarının tasarımında ekolojik tasarım ilkelerinin tanımlanması, kentlerin sürdürülebilir gelişmelerine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
... Wang et al., 2016a;Azushima et al., 2012;Ju et al., 2015;Uda et al., 2016;Zheng et al., 2015;Chandrasekharan et al., 2005;Lee et al., 2002;K. Lee et al., 2021b;Seshacharyulu et al., 2018) Plastic deformation (Al-Momani & Rawabdeh, 2008;Chung & Shah, 1992;Control & Points, 2021;Trzepieciński & Gelgele, 2011;Wiedenmann et al., 2009;Lovell et al., 2006;Firat, 2007a;Firat et al., 2008;Van Houtte et al., 2012;Yang et al., 2004;Yoon et al., 1999;Zhang et al., 2019b;Chen et al., 2010;Fu & Chan, 2011;Xu et al., 2015;Yamaguchi et al., 1998) Final part (geometry and defect detection) (Nti et al., 2022;Pham et al., 2022;Lim et al., 2008;Firat, 2007b;Makinouchi & Kawka, 1994;Papeleux & Ponthot, 2002) Control and optimization of process parameters (Brun et al., 2021;Evin et al., 2014;Julsri & Uthaisangsuk, 2022;Mourtzis et al., 2021;Niemietz et al., 2020;North et al., 2020;Nti et al., 2022;Pham et al., 2022;Wagener, 1997;Zoesch et al., 2015;García, 2005;Hsu et al., 2002;Lim et al., 2008;Sun et al., 2006;Wu-rong et al., 2010;Bohn, 1999;Chandra, 1987;Del Prete and Primo, 2020;Lim et al., 2010;Majeske & Hammett, 2003;Wei et al., 2009) Controllers within the DTSS compare these two quantities and employ a feedback control loop to minimize the error between them. This iterative process enables the system to continuously improve and optimize its performance. ...
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In this manuscript, we present a comprehensive overview of true digital twin applications within the manufacturing industry, specifically delving into advancements in sheet metal forming. A true digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical process or production system, enabling bidirectional data exchange between the physical and digital domains and facilitating real-time optimization of performance and decision-making through synchronized data from sensors. Hence, we will highlight the difference between Industry 4.0 and the digital twin concept, which is considered synonymous with Industry 5.0. Additionally, we will be outlining the relationship between the true digital twin and Zero Defect Manufacturing. In manufacturing processes, including sheet metal stamping, the advantages of high production speed, cost-effective tooling, and consistent component production are counterbalanced by the challenge of dimensional variability in finished parts, which is influenced by process parameters. Data collection, storage, and analysis are essential for understanding manufactured parts variability, and leveraging true digital twins ensures high-quality parts production and processes optimization.
... These complex parts often include sharp edges that may cause stamping complications and limited distribution of plasticity leading to localized thickness reduction and undesirable consequences. In addition to this crucial stamping process input in the form of part geometry we can also mention, e.g., technological inputs in the form of stamping speed, temperature, or the amount of lubricant, which are also very important for success (Hsu et al., 2002). Input in the type of used coating is an actual problem as well (Li et al., 2018, Kurz et al., 2015. ...
Current trends in the complex shapes of modern automobiles lead to the need for extremely formable materials for deep drawing applications. In general Interstitial–Free (IF) steels present the solution for this purpose. In addition, the cold stamping process is influenced by a variety of input factors that must be correctly adjusted. An imperfection in one of the inputs may cause stamping defects even with deep drawing materials. Limit states may then appear in the form of cracks or unacceptable thinning in the critically stressed areas of the stamped parts. For this reason, a general focus is placed on the use of non-destructive methods and inspection of stamped parts after stamping for potential subsequent modification of the stamping process. The presented work deals with the material analyses of stamped parts made of Bake-Hardened Interstitial-Free steel, including the local thickness reduction of the material, leading to the occurrence of crack propagation. The focus of the work was placed on the critical influencing factors resulting from the limit states presented. The evaluation of the material flow and the local plastic response was carried out using a cylindrical indentation method. In addition, the SEM analyses showed the importance of the deformation capacity of the surface coating which proved to be one of the decisive parameters for the occurrence of limit states.
... To attain a reproducible and automated adjustment of the process, many authors proposed implementing a feedback-type control systems [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. In this type of control, it is crucial to identify a parameter for in-line monitoring, such as the sliding of the blank. ...
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During the forming process, variations in noise parameters can negatively impact product quality. To prevent waste from these fluctuations, this study suggests a method for the in-line optimisation of the deep drawing process. The noise parameter considered is the friction coefficient, assuming the variability in lubrication conditions at the blank–tool interface. The proposed approach estimates the noise factor variability during the process by tracking the draw-in of the blank at critical points. Using this estimation, the optimal blank holder force (BHF) is calculated and then adjusted in-line to modify blank sliding and prevent critical issues on the component. For this purpose, a Finite Element (FE) model of a deep drawing case study was developed, and numerical simulation results were used to construct surrogate models while estimating both the friction coefficient and optimal BHF. The FE model’s predictive capability was verified through preliminary experimental tests, and the control logic was numerically validated. Results show the effectiveness of this control type. By adjusting the BHF just once, a defect-free component is achieved. This method overcomes the limitations of feedback controls, which often need multiple adjustment steps. The time required to estimate the friction coefficient and the maximum time available for adjusting the BHF without causing defects was identified.
... In the related literature, some studies have proved the performance superiority of process control with respect to machine control. In particular, Hsu et al. in [2]- [4] and Lim et al. in [5] show the application of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) -based cold sheet metal forming process controllers A. Bozza, G. Cavone and model the process as a nonlinear Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) first-order dynamical model. The authors achieve satisfactory results in terms of reference tracking and stamped part quality. ...
Using the potential of nature's phenomena such as free convection phenomenon could help to cooling a piece, such as a moving hot plate in lid-driven problems. Moreover, adding modern nanostructures named nano-encapsulated phase change material (NEPCM) with ability of phase transition could greatly improve the heat transfer processes. In this study, the mixed convection of ethylene glycol (EG) and NEPCM was simulated inside a lid-driven cavity with a rotating cylinder to evaluate the contribution of Grashof number, cylinder speed, and concentration of NEPCM on the heat transfer characteristics. Hence, the findings of current numerical study indicated that the NEPCM with 6% concentration increased the mean Nusselt number by 41.7%. Moreover, the cylinder speed enhanced the mean Nusselt number by 38.7%. Finally, there was an optimum value for concentration occurred in 4% brought for Grashof number of 104.
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Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) is a simulation‐driven design approach that employs multiscale‐multiphysics modeling and is based on the understanding of process–structure–property–performance relationships. The ICME approach has attracted considerable attention in the automotive industry, considering that it significantly reduces development cost and time in optimization of materials and processes through computational advancement. This study presents a comprehensive review of ICME activities in advanced automotive manufacturing technology, which focuses on the life cycle of the automotive body structure such as structural material design, manufacturing process optimization, and reliability improvement in service quality. Results show that the ICME approach has been widely implemented in automotive manufacturing processes, from development of lightweight materials to performance management. However, further advances and technological strategies should be sought to develop more robust methodologies that can replace conventional experiment‐based design approaches.
The last few years have seen an enormous increase in the research, development and, especially, in the application of computer modeling of sheet metal forming operations. This increased industrial use is due to many factors, including: enhanced accuracy and robustness of forming codes, a growing sophistication in their use by engineers, common availability of CAD data for panels, and advances in hardware capability. This paper attempts to describe the current state-of-the art. We begin by offering a brief history of mathematical modeling of sheet forming, and then discuss some of the current formulations of finite element methods. We also speculate on some possible future accomplishments.
During the stamping of complex three-dimensional sheet metal parts, the in-plane compressive stresses created often lead to failure by buckling. These are typically suppressed by binding the material at the periphery to provide a tensile bias. In practice, these biases are difficult to determine, and must be addressed with a combination of a priori analysis and die-making skill. Even then, in-process variations will cause parts to begin failing by tearing or buckling as friction, material, or geometric changes occur. In this paper two methods are presented for controlling the blankholder force in-process to ensure optimal forming conditions at all times. This is effectively a signature-following method based on replicating either a previously determined optimal forming-punch force trajectory or a normalized average thickness trajectory. The method is implemented using closed-loop control of these quantities, and subjected to experiments where various disturbances are presented. Previously reported results for axisymmetric shapes indicated the ability to eliminate the effect of uncertain initial blankholder force settings, friction variations, and blank placement errors. In this paper, the work is extended to include material property changes and thickness variations, both of which require a scaling of the optimal trajectory based on simple process mechanics. The work is then extended to include nonsymmetric parts, in particular a square dish-shaped part with corners of unequal radii. Results from these experiments are essentially identical to the axisymmetric case, with a virtually complete elimination of common process disturbances on forming stability.
Springback in a forming process is due to the elastic deformation of the part during unloading. This manufacturing defect can be accounted for through proper tooling design or through proper design and control of the magnitude and history of restraining force. Using finite element analyses of the process: (1) the effects of restraining force on the springback phenomena when stamping channels from aluminum sheet are investigated; (2) a strategy to control the binder force during the fanning operation in order to reduce springback and simultaneously avoid tearing failure is described; and (3) a binder force control strategy which provides robustness in the presence of process parameter uncertainty is implemented. The process history and controller designed using finite element analyses is then experimentally verified: excellent agreement between simulation and experiments is obtained. A binder force history, which leads to a significant reduction in the amount of springback incurred by the formed part without reaching critical stretching conditions, was proposed. Although an optimal fanning history was found, in order to ensure that part shape error remained minimized even in the event of variations in processing parameters such as friction, a closed-loop control algorithm was developed whereby the binder farce is altered during the process in order to provide a robust, repeatable stretching history. Experiments were performed using a double-action servo-controlled process and were found to produce the desired results demonstrating both the accuracy of the numerical simulation and the success of the proposed active-binder farce control method to obtain net shape.
Sheet metal forming processes involve the plastic deformation of a sheet of material into a desired shape. In practice, the uncontrolled variation of boundary and material conditions have made the continual reproducibility of a sheet forming process a very difficult operation. Recently, real-time control schemes based on simplified models of "average" in-process stresses and/or strains have provided a repeatability of end product quality in terms of final shape, failure modes, and/or material state. The success of these control schemes have warranted a more detailed investigation into the complete physics of the deformation process. This study takes one such operation, the axisymmetric cup-forming process, and conducts an off-line detailed analysis using the finite element method in order to obtain information on the state of the material during the deformation process. In our analysis, actual closed-loop feedback control laws which have previously been applied in experiments have been numerically simulated with a novel method of modifying the boundary conditions based on current conditions. This has lead to further understanding of the role of the control law in optimizing draw failure height. Our further investigation and analysis directly incorporates the predicted localized nature of failure of this process into the feedback loop and has lead to the construction of an improved control algorithm which has the potential of dramatically increasing the failure height and which can be used in on-line control of the process. The study clearly demonstrates the utility and power of using off-line detailed analyses which incorporate closed-loop feedback laws to obtain a better understanding of the physics of the deformations which occur during processing, and thereby greatly improve upon the algorithms which are used for real time control of forming or other processing.
When drawing non-axisymmetric sheet metal parts it is necessary to control the flow of material between the lower and upper binder so that the drawn part is free of tears and free of wrinkles. The material flow can be determined by the friction force between the sheet metal and the lower and upper binder. It is possible to determine a friction force curve over the stroke which realizes the desired material flow. The friction force in turn is directly influenced by the blank holder force (BHF). With a closed loop control which uses the friction force as control parameter and the BHF as feedback parameter it is possible to realize the predetermined friction force curve over the stroke, even if the tribological conditions between the sheet metal and the upper and the lower binder will change. This can be carried out by automatically changing the BHF in such a way that the desired friction force and in turn the desired material flow is achieved. To built up a closed loop control, a special die with hydraulically supported segmented binders can be used. This system is able to vary the BHF during the forming process, so that a BHF feedback is possible in the closed loop. To measure the actual friction force as control parameter, a special sensor must be integrated in the die. Such a sensor can be realized with piezo electric load cells.